Birth of a Theorem Mathematical Adventure | Cédric Villani| Talks at Google

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ERIN SODERBERG: Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming. My name is Erin Soderberg. And I'm very excited today to welcome Cedric Vallini, professor at Lyon University and the head of the Henri Poincare Institute. Cedric is widely regarded as one of the most talented mathematicians of his generation. In addition to winning the Fermat and Henri Poincare prizes in 2009, he was also awarded the prestigious Fields Medal for his work on optimal transport and kinetic theory in 2010. For those who aren't familiar, the Fields Medal is often referred to as the Nobel Prize of Mathematics and is only awarded once every four years. Today, he is going to speak to us about his latest book, the "Birth of a Theorem," which was released last week. Let's welcome Cedric. [APPLAUSE] CEDRIC VILLANI: Thank you very much. It's a great pleasure to be here and to continue this tour of presentation of the US version of my book. The book appeared three years ago, two years and a half ago, in France, but somehow the English translation took quite some time. And in the end, everything needed to be perfect. In the meantime, has been translated into something like 12 languages. And the book was an opportunity for a lot of outreach about our field and what we do as mathematicians at a time in which many countries consider it the single biggest problem about science is to motivate people to do sciences. Of course, if you are in the United States or in other countries which are extremely good at welcoming people from all the world, you can just import the mathematicians. But in most other countries, it doesn't work this way, and you need to train mathematicians from young age. And people see the numbers of aspiring mathematicians in the universities going down and down and down and wonder how to prevent this from occurring. In spite of these trends, and in spite of the bad reputation of mathematics, the time could hardly be better for mathematicians. A few years ago-- some of you probably have seen this. When "Wall Street Journal" made its ranking of all the jobs in the world, they ranked mathematician as number 1 best job in the world. This was a ranking based on a number of parameters, including salary, freedom, possibility of promotion, possibility of hiring, many, many things. Last year, in 2014, a company named CareerCast, which started as a spin-off of this kind of ranking, also ranked mathematician as number 1 job again. In a time where nobody knows what the future jobs will look like and where a mathematician, by definition, is a job in which you have to adapt to any situation, in the same sense as mathematics is the science of working on anything, and as a computer, by definition, is a machine able to perform any task, any mathematical task. So as computers continue to invade the world in algorithms, mathematical tools have such resonance and are more and more used in every kind of business, and applications of mathematics have never been so large. In this ranking, by the way, the definition which was taken for mathematician is somebody who applies mathematical theories and formulas to teach or solve problems in a business, educational, or industrial climate, which is not bad in the sense that it insists on solving problems, which is what mathematics was invented for. However, it misses a crucial point, that there are also people who not only teach or apply mathematics, but there's also people who do mathematics, who create it, who change it. And mathematics is changing at a very fast pace nowadays. It is often a surprise to audiences when we talk about the numbers. Here probably, in this room, people are more familiar. And if I ask you, what's the number of researchers in mathematics around the world, you will probably get the right order of magnitude. What do you think? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. CEDRIC VILLANI: That's not bad. That's not bad. It's a bit more than that. It's in the hundreds of thousands. But maybe it's somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000, something like that. Increasing rapidly, in particular with India and China producing, if I may say, many more mathematicians. It's exponential growth. If you go around, if you look around at a large time scale, in particular it's as usual. If you take the number of dead mathematicians, it's smaller than the number of living mathematicians, as is always the case when you have fast enough exponential growth. So mathematics is a field that is being renewed constantly. At the same time, it is also, almost by definition, the science in which things last for a very, very long. There is no other subject, of course, in which knowledge can last thousands of years, and the theorems of Euclid are still accurate nowadays. Without going that far, if you look at modern applications of computer and mathematics, you will see every day around the world everywhere people are applying contributions of Laplace, like the law of central limit theorem, the normal errors, contributions by Shannon about sampling, contributions by Fourier about signal analysis processing, and so on. And all this will be mixed with the modern technology. So at the same time, it is very contemporary and very old at the same time. In the past, International Congress of Mathematicians, so this is the big rendezvous of mathematicians every four years. The past one was in Seoul, summer of 2014. And as a sign of the times, one of the plenary talks was from a mathematician expressing the pride of mathematics, and more precisely in big data at large. This was Emmanuel Candes from Stanford University. He was a member of the French delegation, let's say. By the way, in this International Congress of Mathematicians, the highest number of invited researchers were from French. It was, even in absolute numbers, the most represented country in this conference. And so Emmanuel Candes explained, for instance, to the audience how he had collaborated with people from hospitals, medical doctors and so on, with a combination of old and new mathematics-- Fourier transform analysis, data processing, so- called sparse methods, and so on, to reduce drastically the time that you need to get a scan. This machine, getting to this. Machine makes basically a Fourier transform of your body. And in particular, when you are handling children, it is at stake how long this should last, and you don't want this to last too long. And they managed to reduce by a factor of eight the amount of time which is needed by using the fact that if you want to reconstruct a signal with sufficient mixing from its Fourier transform, you need to know only a very small portion of the Fourier transform. In experiments, they showed that to reconstruct images, sometimes you can do it with the best accuracy that you need having only 2% of the Fourier transform. And so this was very significant of the evolution. At the same time good, old Fourier analysis, and at the same time, very modern methods of big data related-- here in this audience, I guess, for most people it will be familiar if I say Netflix problem of reconstructing the missing information, the same problem reconstructing the preferences of users for movies-- and reconstructed the image. If you have a Fourier transform which has holes in it, there is common mathematical structure. And in all this, again, we see, as usual, the strength of mathematics. The same mathematical structure can be here in many different problems. However, the life of the mathematician is not that full of adventures at first time. This is the typical state-- [LAUGHTER] --you know, not knowing what is going to happen, how you are going to get out of the problem, and waiting for good, old Henri Poincare to whisper some hint in your ear. Most of our time as a researcher is spent in failure. That is objective fact. My colleague from Berkeley University, Craig Evans, who is a world-famous specialist of partial differential equations, likes to say, "Every day is a failure. This is our life." And however, when you look back on the amounts of time everything works and progress over a 10-year period maybe is always enormous, partly because, of course, of the collaborative nature of science, which makes it that many things that you did not understand, through the work, the help of other contributions and so on, you understand little by little. And every year, the number of new theorems in mathematics is also counted in the hundreds of thousands, number of [INAUDIBLE], the number of new theorems per year. So there is this apparent discrepancy. But also, at the individual level, if you look at the process of proving a theorem, it is not what one could believe. And it, on a wider scale, it doesn't look like this, neither like the usual view that we may have. This is a nice drawing I took from the Electron Cafe blog contrasting the public perception of science with the actual science. This is like what we in school, we learn sometimes science is theory, experiment, conclusions, theory, experiment, conclusion. It's not the way it works. And sometimes you may think, OK, when you have a problem, you read hard, you think hard, you do science as told, and then you get a big reward. In practice, it's more like this. So do the science, not quite as expected. Amazing result turn out to be crap. What the hell is going on? Wait, think, no, it doesn't. Funny. This makes sense. And then you figure out somebody did it 50 years ago, and then you go on and on and on. And sometimes in the process, here is something that is worthy of publication. A very chaotic process. This picture, still however we're missing one so important point in our life, which is collaboration. So this is at the scale of one individual. Take this as the unit loop and put this as a string with many, many, many other loops, which are all together, interconnected, and you have a better picture. And that's only one part of the story, of course, which is when you have something that is ready to publish. After you're right in this step of publishing, you still have the task to convince people that your theorem is good, or that your idea is good, or that your theory is good. This can be very tricky, and sometimes it takes long before people recognize it as interesting. There are episodes in science in which this problem of having folks recognize the importance of your discovery was critical or even completely dramatic, as is the case with the sad story of this gentleman, Ignaz Semmelweis. Any of you heard of him? Yes, you did. So Semmelweis, as those who heard about him know, is, in some sense, the discoverer of hygiene, the fact that it's good to wash your hands in certain situations. And in particular, if you're a medical doctor, and you work in a hospital and you train by dissecting corpses, and after that you have babies delivered, it is good in the meantime to wash hands. This he discovered, and this people did not believe. They were thinking he was crazy. Look at my hands. They are clean. What the hell are you talking about soap? What will it change? Of course, in those days, there was no model for microbes and bacteria or whatever, so it looked like nonsense. And he had, with statistics, he had how there were good indications that his discovery was important but did not manage to make his point. He ended up in an asylum, by the way. AUDIENCE: Ooh. So this is a dramatic, extreme example of how difficult it may be to make your point, even when you have succeeded in your research. Another thing which is tricky is when people ask you to predict what will occur. And it's becoming more and more so in research institutions, as governmental agencies and so on want to give you money only if you tell them what you will discover. [LAUGHTER] Of course, if you are engaged in a big industrial project and so on, and which we think is kind on trail, on track, then you can set up the lines and so on. Even in that way, it may turn out to be not as planned. But when you are in fundamental research, by definition, the interesting stuff is what you do not predict, and that's a big problem. Here we see in this journal article from 1900 how people in those days, already of course, were trying to have these mathematicians predict the future of their discoveries. And there was this question asked of Henri Poincare, who was, in his day, arguably the most famous mathematician in the world, and people asking him about science of the 20th century. This was 1900. His answer was, "Sir, your letter is coming to me today after having been around. If, in 1800, one had asked any scientist what would science in the 19th century be, how much nonsense he would have said. Good heavens. This thought prevents me from answering. I believe that surprising results shall be obtained. And that's precisely the reason why I cannot tell you anything about them. For if I could predict them, how could they still remain surprising? So please excuse my silence." So this was the answer of Poincare. I used this quote of Poincare a couple of times on television when journalist is asking questions about, can you predict the future of mathematics in 2050 or something like this? If you think about it, Poincare is making an answer which is deeper than it seems. It's not just a joke. "I believe that surprising results shall be obtained" is asserting the belief in the fact that there will be renewed innovation always and always, and that you will never exhaust the amount of discoveries. In those days, 1900s, some physicists believed that physics was essentially complete. Everything was explained, except for a few anomalies. And from the few anomalies, a few years later arose quantum mechanics, relativity, and so on, a bunch of revolutions. And so this is a good example of the fact that new discoveries indeed come. And if you ask people, by the way, now with the theoretical physicists, there are many in sharing the belief that some new revolution is in preparation, and they have no idea which it will be. But somehow, they feel unsatisfied by the present state of fundamental physics and some of the anomalies and things that bother them. Here are a few people with examples of what we said first, the fact that the fundamental ideas that say the new ones are impossible to predict. Also the fact that their impact can be huge. The fact also that when they are improved and relayed by many, many people, the ideas of one individual can make a tremendous difference. And the fact that these new ideas contributed to change, not just the history of ideas, but the history of mankind in general. Of course, we start to the right with Alan Turing, who has now been turned into a Hollywood star with a horrible Hollywood movie. And Alan Turing, as we know, was instrumental in cracking the secret codes used by the German Army during the Second World War. By the way, and this is forgotten by a bunch of people but should be reminded, Turing could never have done anything if it had not been for the preliminary work of three Polish mathematicians who worked in the '30s and who participated in literally saving the world. So Turing anyway had these remarkable ideas, and it was mathematical new ideas, about how to handle this code. And it is generally considered without the contribution of Turing and cracking of the code, the war would have lasted at least two more years. In particular, in 1944, would have been impossible to do the Normandy operation. So this was for Turing. And here we see it's fascinating to think that just one idea in one brain can have such an impact on the whole stuff. Well, these ideas, what motivates them? I'd say in the case of Turing, his main motivation clearly was solving a riddle. He had never strong political ideas. The person on the left of Turing is also one of the symbols of these people whose only goal in life is to solve problems. They just lived for it. This is Paul Erdos, 20th century most productive mathematician. Erdos is part of this extremely important event in the history of ideas. When a bunch of scores of Jews immigrated from Europe, in particular Central Europe and Eastern Europe, to this continent, America, because of the persecutions of the war and so on, and here was Erdos with all the remaining of his life. No home, no car, no bank account, no salary, nothing, with just one suitcase and ideas, ideas, ideas, working for in the theorem, theorem, theorem, theorem. Whole life was like this. Whenever he got some money from some reward or something, he would always use part of it to put a reward on the theorems that he liked best or give part of it to people he thought needed the money more than him. Anyway, here was the most productive mathematician of 20th century. No need to motivate these kind of people particularly. Interesting also to know that he was representing the culture of Hungary, which was, at some point, the most innovative, most productive ecosystem for ideas in mathematics and theoretical physics in the world. They literally changed the world, the Hungarians, the Hungarian scientists. And interestingly enough, also the amount of idea production, let's say, from this part of the world collapsed at the same time as communism collapsed. This is one of the big problems that stay contemporary in the ecosystem of ideas. Let's continue with another of these Hungarian Jews. Here, uh uh. Anybody recognize him? AUDIENCE: Pauli? CEDRIC VILLANI: No, not Pauli. This is Leo Szilard, Leo Szilard, the first human to have understood the concept of chain reaction back in 1933. At the time where it was even not known whether uranium was fissile, in those days he had understood the concept. The story is a good one. So this guy also was wandering, going everywhere and so on. So he had read in the newspaper the account of a public lecture by Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics. And in that lecture, Rutherford once had a question, had said that, yes, there is some energy in the atom, but it's so tiny that you would never do anything about it. The exact words was, "It would be moonshine talking if you are willing to extract energy from the atom." And Szilard liked contradiction. And so he was very annoyed with this, and he thought, I will prove that guy wrong. And he thought for days and days. And at some point, aha, while crossing a street in London, he had this illumination of how to do what will be the principle of chain reaction and exponential growth of this energy and so on. This is the patent for the atomic reactor after Fermi and Szilard. And so Szilard is the starter of the Manhattan Project. There is a famous letter which Einstein sent to Roosevelt, which was the start, but the letter actually was written-- the draft was written by Szilard. When Szilard and Teller came to visit Einstein in Princeton, and they told him chain reaction, atomic bomb, his answer was, ah, I had never thought about this. This is ironic because nowadays many people associate Einstein with the atomic bomb. The real guy behind the atomic bomb is this guy that essentially nobody knows. Szilard spent all the final years of his life fighting for pacifism in the world. And also, at some point, was cured for cancer by radiation, and changed himself the protocol of his cure so that he would be cured with higher doses of radiation that he was sure were the correct answer in his case. So fascinating, fascinating character. So with all these, we see we have here examples of people who changed the world with just the right idea who were motivated mainly by their appetite for ideas. And here comes the problem. And here I put a picture of some famous university. Here comes the problem, which this arises naturally. How to make a good research institution, and what is a good research institution? A good research institution, a good university, a great university is not a university in which you are taught the most up-to-date science. It is a university in which students will later do science which is better than the one that they were told. So that's the big problem of master and student. How should the student be taught in such a way that he will do better than the master? Nobody has a real satisfactory answer to this. Still, that's the most important problem that you want to solve. Henri Poincare gives us some hints about how the ideas came to him, were coming to him. Poincare was considered the symbol of the genius type with illuminations, you know, flashes. In one of these famous takes, he gives us some diary, some account, of some of these ideas that made him so famous and revolutionized mathematics in those days. And he tried to analyze this. It's also very unclear what you can get from this. So in one of these most famous passages, he talks about the time when he was working like crazy on some problem and can never make it. And goes and goes, and, pfft, doesn't work, and at some point goes on a trip with his friends. And when as he's coming back from the trip and sets his foot again on the bus-- it was organized trip, whatever-- at this precise moment came the idea about the solution of the problem. Here is a longer passage of the same text. "Disgusted from my failure, I went to spend a few days near the sea thinking anything else. And one day, while walking on the cliff, the idea came to me. And as before, it was very brief, sudden, with immediate certainty, that arithmetic transforms of indefinite ternary quadratic forms are identical to those of non-Euclidean geometry." So this is the comment of Poincare. Let's comment this text. First, under which circumstance does the big idea come? In popular culture, there are these representations of episodes, like Newton sees the apple falling down, and eureka, I get it. In real life, it's not the way it happens. You do have the eureka moment, illumination, but usually there is nothing in the environment that relates to the problem that you are working on. It's like it's a separated, independent event. And here is the same, the [INAUDIBLE], of course, has nothing to do with quadratic forms, even if you forgot what quadratic forms are and even more, arithmetic transforms of blah, blah, blah. The other noticeable comment is the process that Poincare describes is neither hard work continuously, nor just waiting for the flash. It's a combination of both. Our talents work very hard, then there is something of the relaxation, and then the illumination, and then continue work very hard, and then there is something again. And if the brain has not been prepared by the hard work part, the illumination will not come. And it's the same in all these stories I told, no [INAUDIBLE], Szilard, or Turing, or whatever. It's always first the hard preparation, and then something has to be arranged by some unconscious process that nobody really knows about. Last comment. One of the reasons why this text by Poincare became famous and known by all people working in committee sciences is that he used the big words without explanations. It seems paradoxical that the fact of not explaining things adds to the success. But indeed, assume that Poincare wanted to share with the reader the science of this. OK, my friends, let's explain to you what the quadratic form is and the ternary quadratic form when it is indefinite and so on. Even if Poincare had been the best pedagogue in the world, it would have taken pages and pages. Most of the audience, if not all, would have been lost while reading. But here he gives the big words with zero explanations, so you don't even try and understand what it's about, and it's just the circumstances which matter. And in this, this is one of the testimonies of, from the inside, what happens when you are working on this idea. So here we are arriving at the book. The book which I did is like an outgrowth of the Poincare testimony. By the way, even though I knew the Poincare text, I was not aware at all that I was here applying the same kind of process than Poincare. But is, as usual everything that is in your mind you don't know. So the book is like the diary of the discovery of the big theorem. I say big because it took more than two years of my life, big because it played a major role in my Fields Medal, and because it was solving a problem of more than 50 years old about the behavior of plasma physics. Let's take just a few moments to explain what it was about. Here you see a picture of Lev Landau, one of the most [INAUDIBLE] physicists of the 20th century. He doesn't look happy, and that's normal. That's the mug shot when he was taken to prison for no good reason. And these are images of plasmas. Plasma is any state of matter in which electrons have been torn apart and separated from the nuclei. And it's an element. It's a state of matter as fluid, or gas, or solid, or crystal. It's a very common. Even though it was discovered quite late, it's very common in the universe. And the main equation describing it is, for the electron motion, is a statistical variant of the Newton equations, which is called [INAUDIBLE] Poisson equation, whatever. This equation tells you about the statistics of the electrons, of the electron distribution, and how it evolves with time. People, by the way, in galactic dynamics use the same equation with the idea that at the scale of a galaxy, a star is something like an electron at the scale of a plasma. Of course, it's not true, but still a star is so tiny compared to the galaxy that may contain hundreds of thousands of billions of stars. So that it's OK to have a statistical treatment of stars in a galaxy. So you have this equation. And it's a problem that people, for instance, working on nuclear fusion, for instance, in working in-- well, there are many applications of plasmas, including screens, as we know. And it's a problem to understand how it reacts to electric stimuli and so on. And Landau suggested that there would be equilibration processes, that is, spontaneous damping of electric perturbations in the plasma, even though the plasma is like a perfect world with no friction, no entropy increase, as the second law of thermodynamics would say. So it's like you would have stability but nothing irreversible, no friction or whatever, which is very paradoxical. At our scale, the main factor of stability, where there are two-- why do things stop thrusting is that we are all attracted by the Earth. And we see in outer space how things are unstable, like when "Philae" wants to land on the asteroid and so on, it's such a big mess, it goes up it's so unstable. So first, we're all attracted by the Earth. Second, there's friction everywhere, otherwise nothing would work. In plasma, there's no friction, and there's no common attractor. However, there's Landau, still it's a stable media. And if you make a small perturbation, it will spontaneously damp. This is the paradoxical Landau damping effect, which, more or less, appears in one paper of plasma physics out of three, so common is it in its use. So what we did, the two of us-- that is me together with Clement Mouhot, a former collaborator-- was establish this Landau damping in the mathematical world under nonlinear equations, so to speak, the true equation of plasma, so to speak, while it had always been treated under approximate linear equation. There was a huge jump in difficulty. The linearized treatment is like three pages. The nonlinear treatment took up a whole paper of 180 pages. And this came at the same time with new insight, in particular to the fact that this problem was connected to the stability problem, which was devised in the '50s for the solar system, and to a paradoxical phenomena of spontaneous response by the plasma of a couple of impulses, known as the plasma echo. So new insights, new theorem, and so on. But in the end, how did it arrive? In many cases, I do lecture about this Landau damping. And I give these lectures around the world to physicists, to mathematicians, and so on, but as if it's something simple because a posteriori. It's always simple when you understand. When you are in the middle of it, it's always a mess, and it's not simple. And in the book, it's precisely the complementary of the usual talk that there would be. I don't explain what the science is about. I only explain about the discovery process. And like in the Poincare, using the big words without any explanation, but that's the way we talk with each other, showing all sorts of formulas. And by the way, this is the first [INAUDIBLE] book that I know of which has been entirely typeset with the word processor that we use for mathematical formulas. That is the TeX software from Newton Stanford. Also showing the moments where you work, like Poincare, the moments of hard work, like when you are at 3:00 AM in your apartment working like crazy to make the computation work, the moments of illumination, like, ah, that's the way it has to do, the moments of interaction, and so on. The book is like a pregnancy. "Birth of the Theorem" is like-- in fact, it's the last chapter is the birth because that's publication for a paper. Publication is when the idea is out and going in the world. And all the what comes before is like the pregnancy. The first chapter is the fecundation. There is a discussion between Clement and myself. And we are discussing, and this is interaction. And like, we wanted to work on something completely different. We discuss on the blackboard, tak, tak, tak, tak. And oh, this reminds me of a conversation that they had two years ago in Princeton with a postdoc, and that was the question he had, et cetera, and then we think of it. And then said but it also rings a bell with some other conversation three months ago in Providence with some other guy, and we put together. And then, ah, but then this should have to do with the Landau damping. What? It was not the intention to work on this. But from the interaction started the project. And then took two years to-- first took several months to understand what we wanted to prove. And then took more than one year to put the proof together with many mistakes, with false announcements. Now we know we can do it. Now we cannot do it, et cetera. With conversations, discussions, and also a lot of environment, like listening to this music, doing this, whatever, and that keeps you going, keeps you going. So by the way, a word about the title. Original French title was, [FRENCH], "Birth of a Theorem." And that's really what it is. Then the French editor was not so happy about the title. Why can't you make it a bit more ambiguous, more romantic maybe? And I thought, OK, we give various tries. And then "Theoreme vivant," "Living Theorem," yes, that's more ambiguous. What does it mean, "Theoreme vivant"? Well, maybe that's a guy who's a living theorem. Maybe it's about the fact that mathematics is living, et cetera. Also it rang a bell with a book which I read as a child, Disney photograph book named "Desert Leafs," [FRENCH]. Maybe some of you saw it. No? Maybe. And you know the desert, when you are not there, you think it's some boring, dry, dead place. But you look at the pictures. You see when you know where to look and when to look, it's full of color, full of life, fascinating. It's the same with mathematics. For people out there, it's this desert, dry, dead subject. And when you know where to look, it's this fascinating, colorful, living subject. So the analogy was good for me. So "Theoreme vivant" it was. But then the English translators, the publisher, OK, you know, "Theoreme vivant" is a bit too ambiguous. Why don't we use something more to the point? Why not "Birth of a Theorem"? And I said, OK, good. OK, if you wish. That's one of the great things when you publish a book and it's being translated, you have all the variants. And by the way, all the cliches are true. That's what you learn with this kind of process. To finish, what do you find in the book? You find all the ingredients which you need to make your idea stand up on its feet. We don't know how the idea occurs, how the theorem occurs in the end. But we know what you need, all the ingredients. Then the chemical reaction is a mystery. The first ingredient is documentation, because you never do research out of the blue. It always builds on previous research and insights. Documentation can be things several centuries ago, can be things very recent and so on. Of course, it was transformed by computers and by internet. In one example that I quote in the book, at some point I need to have a certain formula, like whatever, iterated derivatives or compositions of functions. Eh, I have no idea what it is. But I remember, it seems to me that 15 years ago as I was a student, our professor was telling of something that looks like this. Ah, never mind if you don't remember the formula. Just a few keywords, and you get the formula. You get the history. You get the conditions application. You get everything you want to know about it. So the problem becomes not, what is the formula, but just, ah, that's the formula. I need a formula of that type. And still, of course, it's quite a big deal, but it helps you a lot to have all this knowledge which is dispersed and accessible. Second ingredient is motivation. Motivation is maybe the most important of the ingredients, but it's the most mysterious. Nobody knows what motivates people. And it's not rational. Sometimes you lose the motivation, and there's nothing one can do about it. It's like when you are going into a nervous breakdown. There's no rational thing taking you back in business, and there's no rational argument keeping you motivated again. Actually, when you read the book, you have the impression it's completely insane, the amount of motivation and faith in the final result that we display. Like, you think, we already worked for one year on this 100 pages. We still don't know if it works. Do you really think it will work? Yes, yes, we'll do it. We have to do it and so on. It's just a gut feeling. So why do people become motivated? Why do people become researchers? By the way, a creative process. Some people say childhood is so important for this. By the way, both Szilard and Turing all their life were influenced, strongly influenced, by a book they read when they were 10 years old. In the case of Turing, it's a book called "Natural Wonders Every Child Should Know." And all his work on artificial intelligence, whatever, you can find it in German in this book he read when he was 10. I don't know what I read when I was 10, but I was watching this movie, "Donald in Mathmagic Land." I don't tell you it's high mathematics, but I thought it was fascinating. Maybe this played a role in me becoming a mathematician. Who knows? Here is an interesting experiment about motivation, by the way. It was made in the UK. It was all these [INAUDIBLE] here as school children, and there's one researcher there. So they all worked on the experiment and so on, kids from 8 to 10-year-old. And they worked on how do bees get where to forage from and whether they are sensitive to patterns, and it was published in a scientific journal. "We discovered that bumblebees can use a combination of color and spatial relationships in deciding which color of flower to forage from. We also discovered that science is cool and fun because you get to do stuff that no one has ever done before." So this is one example of experiment devised to trigger strong motivation. OK. Third ingredient is ecosystem. The innovation never arrives on its own. The inventor is never alone, and there's always a whole ecosystem which is around. Often it comes in cities, for instance, or regions of the world. There was one point in history in which Persepolis was the most innovative city in the world, one point in history in which was Paris, one point in which it was Budapest. Of course, everybody is aware of Silicon Valley innovation. And as an ecosystem, it [INAUDIBLE] and so on. If you are a director of a laboratory, as is my case with Poincare, your work is to make in the lab an atmosphere so that people could be creative and profit, meet each other, whatever. So that the fact that there are many people together will make them, as a whole, more productive, more efficient, more creative than if it's just individual, and this other, and this other, and so on. In this case, in the case of the book, the fact that it originated in Lyon was so important. My colleagues in Lyon, in particular, [INAUDIBLE] meet the colleagues at some point. Put me in the right direction for wrong reasons, by the way. But it was in discussion and so on that the project started. And later, at some point in the book, I moved to Princeton. And half of the hard work, or more than that, is done while I am in Princeton, and my collaborator is in Paris. And in fact, at some point, I am in this very particular atmosphere of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, in which you can concentrate like crazy for days and days on a certain problem with no obligations and so on, also was enormously important part of the work. The next ingredient is the communication. I told you when I was in Princeton and Clement was in Paris, how we would communicate? Well, email, lots of emails. Every day emails, hundred of emails to work on this. And of course, it makes like your kind of delocalized brain with this. In all my experience of researcher, all the time, projects were originated by face-to-face contact and deepened by email collaboration. And these are very different phases of the project. The start, the initiation of the project, and the deepening of the project requires different environment, different skills, and so on. Tim Gowers in the UK, by the way, who got Fields Medal in the late '90s, made experiments of massive collaboration in mathematics, like hundreds of mathematicians working together on a single theorem. A bit like, of course, is done in free software industry, but at a very theoretical level. The next ingredient that you need for the ideas are the constraints. If you have no constraints, then you have no creativity. And this is not particular to science. In mathematics, we do feel the constraints so strongly because it needs to be all rigorous. It's crazy constraint. You know, famous problem in mathematics is the Riemann hypothesis. It was checked on thousands of billions of experiments. But that is not the proof for mathematicians. The proof will only be a set of logical rules at such a crazy constraint. And so it's no wonder that mathematics can lose lots of creativity because you have to overcome the constraint. It's the same in every field of human culture and so on. For instance, poetry, at the same time, the most constrained and the most creative of literary genres. Here I put as illustration of the power of constraint two of my favorite, very innovative pieces of art. One is the study by Gyorgy Ligeti consisting of only A's. You know, like A, B, C, D. It's a [INAUDIBLE]. Here there's only A. And still it's not boring. That's the surprising stuff, because you have to work on all the rest. And the other is the famous thick novel by Georges Perec, which doesn't use the single letter e. So in each case, you have the impression it's kind of a new kind of art because of the constraint. The constraint in itself puts the creativity. In mathematics, one example, depending on whether you are imposing yourself to be constructive or non-constructive. Being constructive is an the additional constraint, and it requires much more creativity to find how to estimate and construct the things. I belong to this strain in some sense. For instance, I always want theorems to come with a kind of recipe, algorithm. The next ingredient is the intuition. Intuition is this thing that we don't understand, which comes together with the hard work, the illumination, and so on. One story, which I tell in the book. At some point in the process, after months and months of work, I am here in my apartment working late at night trying to fix a proof. You have to imagine the situation. I already announced that I can prove the theorem in public. And I discover there's a big gap here, still there. Well, it should not be so big, but still there is a gap. And so it's a big problem, and so I'm working hard to fix the gap, trying all my tricks, years of experience. And 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, 4:00 AM, go to bed. And doesn't work, doesn't work. And then I wake up in the morning, order the kids to take to school, or what. And then there is this voice in my head-- take the second term on the other side and Fourier transform. And that was the start of the solution indeed. And I tell you, having this sensation of the voice in your head is something-- it's an experience that-- it's exhilarating. I don't know. And showing how much the brain is still working and working after this preparation phase, and so that there can be something like a light. The last ingredient you need is chance, is luck. Because you will try and try and try, and it will always be a failure, except from sometime where, by luck, you have some good feeling. And the most important is recognize when you are lucky. So this is so tremendously important in the research. So that's it, seven ingredients that are there. And mix together a reaction, whatever, luck, whatever, after some time get the idea. In this case, get the theorem. And after, it's another process. You will go and publishing it and share it and so on. While we are there, let us put a nice quote of Thomas Jefferson about ideas here for sharing. "If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at the mine, receives light without darkening me." In those days, politicians did speak quite well, you know. And this is from Poincare. "Thought is like lightning of striking the long night. But it is that lightning which is everything." Because, of course, it may be a big idea, difficulty, years of work, and whatever. Whatever you have as an idea, it will only be a tiny, tiny, tiny part of what you would like to prove and to know in the general nature. So if you ask, for instance, mathematicians what we understand about the world around us, they will tell you, pah, so little. It's like tiny islands in ocean of unknown. And it's exactly like Poincare said. It's like this lightning strikes, so thin in the long night. So we know almost nothing, but the almost nothing is so precious because that something really came out of the culture and the richness of the thought of many, many people and the efforts. OK. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] ERIN SODERBERG: Thank you, Cedric. I think we have time for one question, maybe two. AUDIENCE: So some of us here are software engineers, not quite the number 1 profession. But we're OK on the list. And when we write 180-page program, we're pretty sure there's some problems in it, and we have some tools for fixing that. How does that compare to the tours you have to make sure your 180 pages are right? CEDRIC VILLANI: It's pretty much the same. We know there are always mistakes. And big problem is to understand it sufficiently well that you are confident it will work, even if there are these small mistakes. From time to time, you fail. And there are famous cases in which a famous theorem, for instance, becomes a conjecture when the big mistake is discovered. And there are some-- in the history of 20th-century mathematics, there are some famous cases like this, in particular, for some reason, in the field of dynamical systems. And so we are never really sure if some important criteria is later, when someone simplifies a proof, when someone gets a different proof of the same result, when the theorem is taught, when you get lectures, et cetera and so forth. But it's so difficult to take the mistakes out. So right now, there is all this trend about automatic checking of proofs, with, in particular, research institutions like [INAUDIBLE] in France. And for instance, one of the leaders in this, Georges recently worked out this challenge. He took a famous proof in group theory, I think like a 200-page proof, a big thing, and-or translated it in this Coq language, which supports automatic verification. And showed, indeed, that even though in the proof there were some minor mistakes, the whole thing was correct. Certainly this will develop and develop. In the same group-- because, of course, it's a mixture of logic, computer science, mathematics, and so on-- in the same group there is Xavier Leroy.. Some of you may know him. Yes. So he worked on the certified C compiler, and he explains every single of the C compilers which are out there has some bugs. A bug meaning that sometimes you do the program, and the executive file resulting from it is not the one that you would want and in some locations gives the wrong answer. Except his one, which he developed specifically using this machinery of automatic checking. So I think it's quite the same problem. With long computer softwares and long mathematical proofs, there are always bugs in there, except if you can, as you said, check them specifically and systematically. ERIN SODERBERG: I thank you all for coming. And let's thank Cedric one more time. [APPLAUSE] CEDRIC VILLANI: Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Birth of a Theorem Mathematical Adventure, Cédric Villani, business, how does mathmatics shape our world, mathmatics, mathematical design
Id: nD6UvYrNoXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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