Bird Housing with @Timothy | #CraftsandCocktails | That Chick Angel TV

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the following program is ready pg-13 i don't know if your kids should watch or not it depends on your kid but be watching them yeah yeah no no no i'm out here no i'm out here still like you know i'm out here still like uh um trying to see what's up with these hoes you know what i'm saying that's a joke that's a joke that's a joke that's his joke he ain't doing that with the hoes he just wants to see what's up with him because he cares yeah i just want to see i just want to see what what they're down for yeah as a scientific experiment society i'm not trying to like actually do anything and my hypothesis y'all are nasty you nasty my hypothesis is that they down for whatever but is that true no they are they really are i believe it but i'm not doing that though you shouldn't be you had a whole child and i know i know because these hoes need to be in these birdhouses faster that's facts we making these houses for the the hoes that you should not be with i'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to crafts and cocktails season two and let me tell you something i am so excited about this guest that's coming to me in my she shed there's very few people that have been on youtube longer than me okay let me tell you because i got here in 2009 when people were like youtube youtube this man was like i'm already here and i'm about to make millions okay he is not only a creator an actor a rapper a comedian he's also a husband and a father to a beautiful young little baby ladies and gentlemen give it up for 10 channel 2 come on paul stick up with this news again yeah that hi i brought the bottle out and everything he been drinking thank you for coming i know you've been drinking so i'm i wanted to get on your level i hear that you have a high tolerance yeah i'm i'm a little dude but i i feel like um i've kind of built a tolerance over the years was that strategic was that purposeful no what happened was like there was a time in my youtube life right where i was doing a lot of shows right i was doing i was touring yeah yeah yeah like on like i was doing the rapper stuff all of the things i was i was i was i was just all over the country touring right and then so you know when you get to like oshkosh wisconsin oh they're always like we gotta show you how we do it in oshkosh wisconsin and you said uh show me how you doing oh so everybody you know everybody wants to like buy you mad shots they want to show you that like yoda the midwest east whatever they can turn up so everyone wants to buy you mad shots so i feel like i kind of like after doing all these shows people were always trying to get me turned right and so i kind of had to i had to build a tolerance oh yeah yes i would have just been like passed out yeah that's what most people would pass a little bit i'm gonna just i'm gonna just take a swipe take a picture listen that's what we do here on crafts and cocktails actually it's just what tim does nobody else does this because i actually made him a cocktail he ain't even got to keep drinking like that because he said i want to be here with you oh well i'm here if you were looking at the mall map it would say you are here and angel is here she's over here in old navy looking for some fleece yes exactly um so but i did make you a drink okay what's the drink that i would like to call you wild and let me tell you why why did you give me this part oh you don't want that part it's a lot it's a lot okay it's okay no you know what look no no you know what forget the toxic masculinity i'll take it i'll take it that's right crush that toxic masculinity through your teeth i called this drink you wild because tim is an og of youtube and he's also a veteran of wilding out wow this drink let me tell you how i made it though tim while you're over here chomping on the cucumber dick [Music] [Laughter] this drink is made with a few ingredients first we pour a little bit of gin just a tiny bit split splash i was taking a bath all up on it come on you better know it rubbed up i put a little simple syrup in the tub then we added a little bit of triple sec then you want to carefully add a little bit of lime juice a little bit of citrus you don't want it to overpower the liquor so be careful with that okay then we're going to hit a little bit of a basil and cucumber puree because we're bougie as hell over here at crossings is basil cute is basil uh bougie basil and cucumber that's like you in a spa anytime you add cucumber to something burke williams where you at you're gonna put that in there a little bit like a .521 ounce then you're gonna add some ice because we ain't drinking hot liquor over here yeah it's not the juke joint okay with the crap fizzy water in them ice ice trays yeah you know what it's saying then you're gonna shake it up you can put it in shape shake it up shake it up shake it shake it like a salt shaker pour it in that glass add a little more ice cubes right you're gonna garnish it you want to just do a very cute artesian looking cucumber because we here for the art add a little bubble to it a little bit of sparkling water what is it called pierre's charity service what is it called bougie people drinking perrier that's what it is tea drink up well here on crafty cocktails we just don't make cocktails we also make crafts so for today's crafts what are we doing for this man this artiste this just comedic genius renaissance man renaissance man that's what the hell you are we are making none other than birdhouses oh fun yeah i'll take it thank you how fun all the paint just fell i feel like that took way too long wow this craft is going to be such a good time tim i feel like with you having a baby girl that this craft has nothing to do with that but no not at all [Music] i still feel like there is a likeness to you that i'm just really excited to jump into you know you know a lot of people don't know this tell me what they don't know before i dropped out of college to fully pursue the youtube california state university long beach cal state long beach how do you know that i was about to cuss i know you please believe i ain't neutered i was an art major really yeah like visual arts are just art in general just it was a general art degree when you want to go into like different stuff you like graphic design and stuff you got to do the general art stuff first i was doing that a little bit that's fire that's why i was excited about this i was like oh i get to turn up i get to leave the wife and baby at home and i get to do some arts and crafts i'm excited that you're here because of this this is what these beautiful birdhouses look like look at these sanctuaries for birds wow okay hummingbirds even pigeons we don't discriminate here across the cocktails all birds eagles the eagle wants to come here and lay its little baby eagle eggs here we are happy for it excuse me you get away so you don't feel left thank you thank you for joining me so here are some of the things that you're going to oh my real hair is are you caught up in my neck lashes yes so some of the things you might need to make this we got some actual birdhouse kits now we got these at the dollar tree from the mitch match store so i'm not sure in the mitch math section so i'm not sure how these will come together but they have birdhouse cutouts we're going to use those we also have little accessories like paint we've got glitter we've got little rhinestone embellishments and of course every craft deserves a hot glue guns we also have acrylic uh white paint and some pipe cleaners have fun we're gonna have a good goddamn time there's gonna be a bird that's been living out here on the streets that's gonna be like i got a home i got a home because of crafts and cocktails that's beautiful and i never thought i was gonna have a home you know what i'm saying when my mama left me she you know she flew into a a truck a 14 18 i don't know how many wheels it was but it killed all of my mama yeah i never thought i was going to have another place again until i crashed the cocktails angel and tim shot a wrong suit they made me a house and now keeping on all the statues i have a full-time job at mcdonald's people in the drive-thru and it's because angel and tim yeah so uh we're gonna put this together um we have half of okay i don't know if somebody's dog ate these kylis uh you don't even need that because we've got an art major so let's jump into it so we're gonna start trying to put together these uh birdhouses birdhouses but as we put them together i love to uh get to know my guests a little bit more yes ma'am so tim what does it look like to live your best life what does it what appointment i love that tim is like i love how you made the cocktail not strong enough what does that look i'm trying to get on your level get on my level cause i'm here come come listen i'm gonna have an alien in my head right now i'm doing a full-blown performance okay i'm talking about i'm there i'm trying to be there with you okay go ahead get there get there i mean it's the only 30-minute show so you ain't got that much time what was the question what does it look like for you to live your best life i feel like to live your best life you specifically though not engineering specifically what does it look like for you living on best life is though then we answer questions and work at the same time though okay okay living my best life is um being able to take care of my family like oh that was always the goal and to be able to provide for my new family i remember when you got you paid for your parents house yeah uh was that like a like goddammit that's right that's what i'm doing over here in this street it really was because after like years of telling my family like yo that sounds crazy i'm gonna do this youtube and to finally to be able to be like yo look this is making money and i can like actually provide and do something actually for you guys was you know i felt like yo this is like you know it's legit yeah yeah yeah what made you even jump into it because you really have been a part of the youtube community longer than most people have because you started when i started uh i literally got on youtube back in 2006. that's like i said i don't know many people that started before 2009 like myself tim was one of the few i remember my homegirl and i were both trying to figure it out she was like this is when he was still known as timothy de la ghetto yeah she was like she had gotten to a thousand subscribers i said girl how'd you do it she said this this youtuber tim gave me a shout out who is that her name is stephanie pearce she ain't got no youtube channel no more you should talk to her yeah is she cute oh wow she's real cute she's real cute this also first time i saw tim i said he gonna end up with somebody that got a little bit blackened ain't no way he's gonna run from it they might be something else too but they're gonna be some black up in there too and i said i like him i like him you know you know what's funny is like every once in a while on twitter you know i search my name just to see who's talking who's talking about tim people why they talk about you you don't need your body i'd be trying to leave people alone but people really don't threaten nobody i don't that's the one thing you can say about him he'll bother nobody i really don't but one time uh i saw somebody uh tweeting about me talking some what'd they say about you tim there was just like i'll put them in this goddamn bird house and they'll never get out but it was just like someone was talking and then someone else replied and there was like they were like yo is his wife black well and there was like yeah and someone else was like obviously obviously obviously but that wasn't on purpose it just it just helped him and regardless of whether i was on purpose tonight we knew it was going to happen okay i knew listen as a black woman regardless of whether or not you knew it as a black woman the skill set that the lord gave me when he gave me these curls was to know when somebody was gonna want somebody that looked like somebody that could be related to you your wife is gorgeous she is so is your baby i know she's so cute are you just like oh how make something this cute like you man tim you gotta work you ain't done because look the glue gun wasn't working no there's another there's one right there for you you got if you need more glue just it doesn't work it do work nothing happens there's no glue in it tim look at that look at that you you gave your glue gun a vasectomy i don't know how it works reverse the vasectomy will give it a chance to warm up though okay okay give it two seconds i don't know how these things i've never done this before you've never done it as an art major that should have been a part of y'all's uh toolkit we didn't have glue guns you gotta that well that's stupid that's the long beach that's why people dropping out and doing youtube and saying they're like where's the glue gun shout out to cal state long beach wiggling him y'all he got glue guns at least it doesn't there you go yeah okay okay here we go so now what'd you say what were we saying what did you say i don't know have you seen have you seen um in canto it's really good oh my god oh my god in kanto is a good show did you watch it with your family i've watched it so many times even when the baby goes to sleep okay so look oh oh don't don't stuck to the thing so [Laughter] everybody's laughing because it's not supposed to be a part of it but it but it is now okay that's fine okay so fella oh damn the beach front property that's the beach okay it's so funny i'm gonna just commit then i'm gonna just do it don't even don't worry about it so you got this baby that's super duper cute my child avada she's so adorable so gorgeous yeah yeah has that changed your life at all have you becoming yes it has tell me i'm gonna tell you right now hold on let's drink together hold on oh you're joking just because you poured 15 ounces of gin what is one thing you wish you were we're going to toast to a good at better at yeah cheers cheers what's something you wish you were better at something i wish i'll he wishes he was better at not knocking over wait why did someone put a whole cup of water on one for our acrylics we're about to paint to rinse off your this is what happens on crafts and cocktails he's like we don't need no pain these birds can't see color boom all right was a question what do you wish you were better at sam what do i wish i was better at yeah um nothing i'm so good at everything come on that's what i'm saying your confidence blows through the roof i'm really good at stuff oh let's put this over here what are you good at tim oh stuff you play basketball no oh okay okay so i wish i was gonna basketball okay so you wish you were good at basketball is there something really that you would like damn if i could do it these hoes couldn't stop me no not really my whole life like you know all the homies were good at basketball um when i was in junior high i was the uh the mascot really yeah gardena valley christian school gardena gardena let's go i used to get my hair pressed out there go ahead i was the homie that was like i was just funny uh-huh and uh like all the homies were on the basketball team and uh i was just there like being funny yeah oh okay that's what usually happens with comedians when they're like i can't do this let me just make y'all laugh while y'all doing the thing that i want to do yeah and you said i'm gonna make y'all laugh yeah that's what i did so um gardenia valley christian school i was the i was the i was the viking and the whole mascot god damn are you the only child yeah uh mm-hmm what's that mean yeah i could tell i could tell cause you you created your own past what's your sign i am a cancer word yeah where why i'm a pisces i don't know when that is me neither where's your birthday tim march 6th oh my babies my twins are march 10th yeah did you know i had two babies on one day you had twins that's what that means oh that's crazy i did i birthed two in one day tell she that's what she want to do she want to have that's what she wants she wants to have four kids she wants four that's crazy but that's usually with chicks that are young that don't know what the hell they talk about she's so dumb [Music] [Laughter] she's so dumb cause i'm like why do you want why why would you want to do that to you for what how many you want tim i'm good with the one you're good with that that's the most men they're like this is she turned out real cute well i'm an only child yeah you like it i did great yeah why would we want to make it i'm amazing you are goddess where the is the rest of this roof of course he hasn't i've been touching my what i don't think everything's fair but you can make you can make whatever you're missing is this a trap house what do you mean where are the rest of the walls in the roof oh relax well kylis is fired because ice for the rest of the roof and he gave me a whole box you is that gonna help you finish what you haven't thought of [Applause] oh tim but it won't turn off oh it's the crafts okay it's done now tim yeah yeah yeah when do you feel like you are living your most authentic moment cheers cheers cheers when are those moments where you're like i'm authentically tim fully a man look moments like this one is you and me chillin talking about our family you know because you said you had you got four i got four boys tim my my my wife chia she wants four right we just have one she's what she's 20 what [Laughter] [Music] she's 30 something no no that she said she's still in her 20s in her mind that's when you have those dreams but she but she wants four total like yeah it's a lot of glitter a lot better because i want them to see the house they ain't gonna see the world yeah no the world is up right yeah but she wants she wants four she wants four um we got one so far are you willing to uh to to shoot up the club enough times they have four i'm i'm i'm always down to shoot at the club he's like caution do the win how many eight no i literally do it right now no i believe it i don't leave the club right now but i mean if that's what she wants to do and that's what we're doing that's beautiful that's beautiful tim do you feel like ever when you're on stage performing that you get to be your authentic self or do you have to be perfect do you have to be a different version of yourself i need for yours to come together today i haven't done it might as well live homeless [Music] perfect i just need for something to show up eat first i forgot i forgot where i forgot we were doing stuff okay you know i was i was an art major i got to say long beach did i tell you that you did and i'm sorry i'm not sure if you dropped out if they kicked you out this looks like [Music] i don't think tim dropped out hey chill chill that's what wikipedia says but i don't think he dropped out i think they said hey we are so glad that you decided to join us oh i thought you were about to pour it on the laptop i mean the ipad i don't make as much money as tim let's put this over here all right if you had a boy what would you name him uh angel because that's a good name for a boy yeah i named one of my boys angel did you he's been on him you got four of them i did is i named one of my i named my last baby ammar angel because i didn't get the girl that i wanted so you got lucky you got a girl the first try [Music] so tim show this camera your birdhouse your completed project i didn't do anything this is a beach french free beach front pop property for seagulls yes boom boom gee i'm sorry chia gia chia i'm sorry i knew that was it it is cloven tim he's in timeout okay so here is my birdhouse look at this this is a birdhouse it's stupid [Music] this is a birdhouse for a bird that knows you don't you dare touch it tim i weigh more than you i can shove you through the ground this is a birdhouse for a bird that truly knows who or she he or she is that's what this is sparkles color it's for this birdhouse living in this man's chest right now so you guys this has been another episode of crafts and cocktails with my special guest the cal state university long beach student and drop out tim chaturang sue the uh father husband actor rapper creator youtuber influencer as always you can watch all these episodes on camera no not all of them you can watch half of them on camp on stage studio streaming services as well as on that's your game tv on youtube uh if you make this this birdhouse because we're here to save the environment [Music] like tim send us pictures and if you make this cocktail like tim send us all right until next time girl you see she know i don't like public affection it's called pda public displays of it's disgusting go kiss at home it's nasty don't nobody want to see it punch your face and do it at home don't nobody want to see that crap what did you say what is one thing you wish you were better at baby execution of my thoughts and plans um i suffer from what a most people and i ain't gonna say most a lot of people suffer from is procrastination and i'd be procrastinating so i have this show or had this show called sipping with tank it's tasting with tanks tasting with tank and that was an idea for a long time to the point and would typically i need a napkin i need something to wipe my hands i ain't going to be licking and then touching everything and licking that's that's why we're in this predicament now you and everybody in florida and kylis he was for he was probably in florida spreading covey [Music]
Channel: That Chick Angel TV
Views: 38,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That Chick Angel, Angel Moore, Funny, Mother, Mom, ThatChickAngelTV, ThatChickAngel, Twins, Cute, Family, Babies, cute babies, black, family, mother of twins, twin boys, raising boys, raising twins, Black family vloggers
Id: nU63E25BnvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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