BIOSHOCK: The Complete Saga All Cutscenes (Lighthouse Edition) Game Movie 1080p HD

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[Music] I'm sorry did you they told me I'll get son you're special you were born to do great things you know what they were right [Music] m m [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] I am Andrew Ryan and I'm here to ask you a question is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow no says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor no says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God no says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone I rejected those answers instead I chose something different I chose the impossible I chose [Music] Rapture city where the artist would not fear the sensor where the scientist would would not be bound by Petty morality where the great would not be constrained by the small and with the sweat of your brow Rapture can become your city as well [Music] is all lit up like Hellfire looks like some kind of plane crash we in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean how could it you best get over there and be quick about it the splicers are coming you got to be kidding how do you know coming we don't Spirit way down that means we've got company [Music] it's just one more minute the spere the Spear's coming up now Johnny security banging off all over get a move [Music] on I didn't need no trespass just don't hurt me just let me go you my a is it someone new [Music] would you kindly pick up that short wave radio I don't know how you survived that plan crash but I've never been one to question Providence I'm Atlas and I ain't to keep you alive now keep on moving we're going to have to get you to Higher Ground take a deep breath and step out of the bath I won't leave you twisting in the wind we're going to need to draw her out of hideen but you're going to have to trust me I'll WRA you in a sheet just a bit further how do you like that sister now would you kindly find a crowbar or something bloody splicer seal Johnny in before godam spicers the ladies will be knocking at my door I got [Music] [Music] I just wanted some company my daddy's smarter than Einstein stronger than Hercules and like the fire with a snap of his finger are you as good as my daddy steady now your genetic code is being Rewritten just hold on and everything will be fine [Music] this little fish looks like he just had his cherry popped wonder if he still got some Adam on him let's fck weak you're a weak Chopper it's little fish ain't worth toing it with No Big Daddy yellow always have been you'll be no better off off with metal daddy little fish see you floating the [Music] mighty look Mr Bubbles it's an angel I can see light coming from his belly wait a minute he's still breathing it's all right I know he'll be an angel soon you all right Bo first time plasma is a real kick from a mule but there's nothing like a fist full of lightning now is there give the combo then whack them onew punch remember the onew punch I'm sorry I will do it again no please please don't listen I've got a family I need to get them out of here but the splicers have cut me off from them if you can reach them in Neptune's Bounty then maybe just maybe I know you must feel like the unluckiest man in the world right now but you're the only hope I'll ever see my wife and child again go to Neptune's Bounty find my family [Music] please you're going to be the when you are the lonely one no will be there to save this [Music] long mom's gone and daddy too wait this is happening before at none why aren you here plasas changed everything they destroyed our bodies Our Minds we couldn't handle it best friends butchering one another babies strangled in cribs the whole city went hell you not some I'll do what I want it's my Adam I earn charie charie where you going charie you killed my charie you killed my Charlie [Music] if you spot a sper in the water hit him with the electr bolt would my prayer begin and end with just your name careful now would you kindly lower that weapon for a minute this is beyond you think that's a child down there don't be fooled she's a little sister now somebody went and turned a sweet baby girl into a monster whatever you thought about right and wrong on the surface well that don't count for much down in Rapture those little sisters they carry Adam the genetic material that keeps the wheels of rapture turnning everybody wants us Everybody Needs Us [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the big daddy she gathers at him he keeps her safe [Music] the [Music] is security Alert in w Roy godam Andrew Roy they should have back us to to there's another way to get there head to Medical what are you waiting for [Music] cool oh Christ you're trapped going have tried to override the exit from here [Applause] so tell me friend which one of the [ __ ] sent you the KGB wolf or the CIA ja here's the news Rapture isn't some sunken ship for you to plunder and and Ryan isn't a giddy socialite to be slapped around by government muscle and with that farewell or [Applause] I got him get out of there get out now now you've met Andrew Ryan the bloody king of rapture Now find your way to emergency access security alert is in progress access is limited to the we apprciate if you want to use the emergency access you'll be need Dr St key he's the one that runs this place but I don't expect him to hand it you of the milk of human kindness stman ain't that kind and frankly I'm not even sure he's still human now you w the here they [Applause] come crawling with days what idiotic you promis me pretty Simon you promis me pretty now look at me look at me you keep an eye peel for sty but that bastard set up shop in the surgery Wing you want to find them just follow the blood with genetic modification beauty is no longer a goal or even a virtue it is a moral obligation do we force the healthy to live the contagious do we mix the criminal with the law of biding then why are the pl allowed to mingle with the f why do we have two eyes there's some law that says we must to not anything you'll have to find some way to get through to surgery and Ste chin up now the Lords a I can hear that splicer sounding off like it's the 4th of July explosives are H to combo down here but if you get your hands on one of them telekinesis plasmids you can catch the damn fire bombs and toss it right back in his gar or anything else that might be standing in your way fine have following me arrange for this one Tak a [Music] light up foes to 1,000° warning fire spreads parasite wand and the Fly spil our 1,000 Adam for the man or woman who pins its we all roads lead to run the security the spers the big daddies the little sisters he pumps some kind of chemical scent in the air feromon they call us makes them all dance to his tune a Rapture of the bottom of the ocean is our home but it can also be a [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] ran asks you a simple question are you a man or he [Music] [Music] don't you disrespect me I godamn doctor typical behavior for someone with your how darean clean it up [Music] [Music] the bear the Stars be long throw objects at foes you can even catch grenades and throw them [Music] back at surgical sa work aable payment plan for any major procedure potentially terminal illness won't wait until payday why you dragging out your [Music] treatment no Gods he'll ruin everything get him have your heart St the B [Music] what can I do with this one Aphrodite she won't stay still I want to make them beautiful but they always turn out wrong that was too fat this one too tall this was too symmetrical and now what's this guy an intruder he's ugly ugly ugly ugly it's my mission look at you hi is a you all right it was time somebody took care of that sick bastard make sure you get the key off stamman and head back to emergency access I'm working my way to the back side of Port NE myself we'll get there soon enough [Music] it's a little one here's your chance to get some Adam it's just you and me and all the tasty ad of [ __ ] stay away from her it is you who will be shot next easy now doctor he's just looking for a wee bit of Adam just enough to get by I'll not have him hurt my little ones it's okay lad that's not a child not anymore things Dr Tenon B saw to that V do not hurt her have you no heart all that's a pretty sermon coming from the Gulu cooked up them creatures in the first place took fine little girls and turn them into that didn't you listen to me bio you won't survive without the ad of those things are caring are you prepared to trade your life the lives of my wife and child for 10 bounds of Frankenstein here there is another use this free them from their torment I will make it to be worth your while somehow [Laughter] no no no [Music] no thank you thank you the path of the righteous is not always easy yes the reward will become clear in time be patient I'm ready for dream time Mr Bubbles 10 and Bounds playing you for a sap those things may look like we little girls but looks don't make it so you need all the atom you can get to survive if you cross paths with another of them gatherer Garden machines make sure you pick up a new plasma or two that's at the price they too de of course you're ready now it's time to take on one of them big daddies it won't be easy but it's the only way to get the little sisters and the Adam they carry [Music] [Music] [Music] get no no no no thank you mister thank you are you almost back to emergency access come through as soon as you get there you got Ryan's eye now you won't hear him coming but be there before you know [Music] us stop why you dragging out your treatment they're running someone get them [Music] security alert deactivated thank you for your patience I don't know how you managed it but you did come through to Port Neptune now I'm looking forward to shaking your half [Music] now you've had the pleasure of of Andrew Ryan's company he's the one who built this place and he's the one who ran it into the ground nobody knows exactly what happened maybe he went mad maybe the power got to him maybe he just decided he didn't like people whichever way you slice it good man died your family's in a submarine hidden in the foundation of Fontaine Fisheries I'll meet you there [Music] what crawls in my [Music] garden what days go by like wind no no no no you have shown kindness to my little one you saved me but are you really a friend to us regardless a little one brings you a gift to demonstrates our appreciation who can blame a lady who craves variety and one day the gentleman stopped calling Atlas radio on ahead say you were looking for an invite to the Fisheries nuts I say but if your heads up to the warp Master's office and find old Peach a research camera maybe I could manage an invite [Music] what was that you my rose I wanted back you [ __ ] I'm sending something F I want your [Music] that me's too tough for you look on the Bel you'll find something to keep you alive now go get that camera and then snap shots of those that crawls on the ceiling then I'll let you into the fues just grown man jumping at ghosts fontaine's dead and everybody knows Us in the ground for months and half the place still jumping at his shadow Christ even Ryan you never mind all that we got work to do you like allach knows where to find a research camera he seems a decent enough sort no doubt he'll wait a after you've done his to s a sh in your a little or in troubled times give your little girl the life that she deserves boarding an education free of charge Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so little wants to him be long they are weak but he now get me some snap snaps on those spider spers and don't come back down here till you cut my rear good for [Music] you his light shineth even down here in the Merc huh Jesus loves me this I'm why do you always I wore it for you [Music] father it's what you like a now are you ever bringing old Peach them snappies why are you just here to visit this scum of the earth W [Applause] [Music] be head on back to F Fisheries when you're ready would you kindly [Music] the warp rat didn't get himself at you got something for me my crew or are you just looking to get criticized you set here a spel my needs to set on some coffee maybe puts on silverware in the like before you head into the Fisheries award to the wives old peachy seems about as straight as the dog's hind leg you keep your eyes open nobody walks into my swampy carry Ang I eat put your weapons in the numo and then I'll let you in if that is price you're going to have to pay us we can't very well take your plasmas away now can he now I bet when the boss waggled Out of Hell he' done told the devil he'd be right back and the devil says sure thing Mr Fontaine I'll hold you a spot Ryan promised Fontaine was dust and now here you are doing his dirty I guess that makes Ryan a bomb and you EAS he was ours ours i s you oh [Music] R Mr car you ain't getting out of my swampy P Mar [Music] numbers the submarine Bay was only used by spers and team more than likely in the entrance will be hit better to keep the cers off the T damn that's just like all you par you can't quit Fontaine will find you hey [ __ ] Fontaine you don't [ __ ] Fontaine Fontaine [ __ ] you [Music] you got it should be smooth sailing from here I'll meet you up [Music] ahead I'm R outside the submarine Bay but I can't get in I need you for that my family can't be more than 100 yd away hit the switch up there in the control booth and let me in I think it's time to shake hands and get acquainted you've had your fun but enough is enough if you press that button you'll learn what it means to truly be my enemy [Music] you blow up fuse up there C be a damn ping in that food give me a pick and I'll get you out of there Moira can you hear me in there darling so dark here if only your friend could look up and see maybe only do something except just stand here appr they're everywhere I can't hold them just a fall back get me family out and we'll regroup as soon as we [Music] can get out if you can get out and we'll regroup why have you you know what you in like an assassin and then you try to sneak out like a thief you're no CIA Spook Who are you why have you come here there's two ways to deal with Myster uncover it or [Music] eliminated get out get out and get to Arcadia Jesus Christ Moira Patrick ain't that just like Ryan Waits until we're almost out and then he pulls the string we'll find the bastard we'll find him and we'll tear his heart out I came to this place to build the impossible you came to Rob what you could never build a h keeping at the gates of Rome even the air you breathe is sponged from my account well breathe deep so later you might remember the taste you get to the pathosphere in the Rolling Hills that'll take you straight to the the Devil Himself and then all debts will be paid in [Music] full hey can you help me man help me out oh Jesus God somebody help hey can you help me man can you help me out hey over here hello beautiful [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] on the surface I once bought a forest the parasites claimed that the land belonged to God and demanded that I establish a public park there why so the rebel could stand slack jaw onto the canopy and pretend that it was Paradise earned when Congress moved to nationalize my Forest I burnt It To The Ground God did not plant the seeds of this Arcadia I did [Music] I'm going to need you to listen to me I'm no sort of Bist but I think Ryan has just killed Arcadia the man's put something foul into the air bottom of the ocean bio all the oxygen comes from the trees no trees no oxygen give me a SP to P Ryan's woman in Arcadia is an old Betty named Lan an okay St but not above doing a dirty job for a dollar if she's still kicking around I'm sure she's going to want to save her trees after all she PL the D [Applause] thing my trees it wasn't you was it no Ryan I think I've got a way to save the trees it's a genetic Vector that oh look who I'm talking to could you find a sample of Rosa Gala for me look in the gro I've got to keep working while there's time you've brought the Rosa Galla what are you waiting for an engraved invitation send it through the newo yes this is perfect perfect come on up to my office I'm letting you in now I think I've got just the thing to put the green back in this Forest I've got the security system in this joint haed so those turrets won't bite come on up to my office [Music] Julie we made a business deal you and I did we not money Chang hands let me read to you from the agreement Section 3 subsection 4 Mr ran ran Industries maintains exclusive rights to Creation use and exploitation of the Lazarus Vector ownership of civilization wait no please about it back in the SW that's all right [Music] [Music] every time we get a yard ahead Ryan goes and moves the goal line down to the other side of the field what's the point of being a damn genius if the only ones around to appreciate it are a bunch of spliced up morons I've cracked the vector or at least I'm 99% certain I have I just need a bud of Rosa Gala to confirm my analysis distilled water a bit of chlorophyll and enzymes extracted from abis mifer that's right sweetheart honey be spit not toep is have all the components for the LA Vector yet if you do best head to a crafting station then head back to lford lab and put the whole witch's brew in the mister that should clear this fog right up it's a BL the to that us I'm guessing you the proud of a brand new Lazer infector now drop the vector into a g called Central missing control then we'll be cooking with [Music] gas she should not have come here [ __ ] Len at the damn p g crank how long is it going to take it seems Julie's death didn't provide a clear enough lesson to you perhaps this will suffice Ryan's got your number no doubt he'll be sending company best to head back to the lab entrance and seal her up might be the only way to keep the sploit there did you get that door closed good that's advice time I sent your we package to the hum it's not much but every little bit counts [Music] well dlad take a deep breath and enjoy us then head over to Roland Hills and get the fatosphere next stop is Ryan's house it's time for [Music] blood why are you so resistant to the traditional methods of separating a man from his soul you're not CIA are are you you belong to Atlas the one roach I can't seem to exterminate don't worry I just need time to find the proper poison [Music] you're almost there the sphere to Ryan is up on ahead Ryan's handed the keys to Fort Frolic over to a guy named sander Cohen Cohen's an artist says some he's a Section 8 says I I've seen all kinds of Cutthroats Freaks and hard cases in my [Applause] life a real lunatic Jo the war psychopath [Music] Ah that's better Atlas Ryan Atlas Ryan time was you could get something decent on the radio the artist has a duty to seduce the ear and Delight the spirit so say goodbye to those two blow hards and hello to an evening with sander [Music] Cohen now I haven't seen a sign of real life down here in months let's see if you're just another Johnny comy maybe something more delici come where I can nicely down where did you st don't run Lord and smell the malt of vinegar in this one I've waited so long for something tasty to come to this little Burg but all that pass are yoks and Rubes where are my manners come in come in sander Cohen awaits you at the fleet Hall welcome to Fort Fric no need to thank me for jamming the Transmissions of those Bo Atlas and Ryan let them have their squabble the artist yes the artist knows there is a richer Earth to til for example I test you little more but for a reason I test all my disciples some shine like galaxies and some some burn like a moth at The Flame come now into my home no no no Mr silence [Music] Alro presto presto no no I'm trying please once again young Fitzpatrick [Music] no oh God you sck [ __ ] let me out of there come down now little more Life Death the burden of the artist is to capture see young Fitzpatrick here on the stage use your camera take him as he is now so I may remember [Applause] him and now you've got Fitzpatrick caught in his moment of Glory it seems you've got the eye of the Shutterbug little moth now head to the atrium and place his photograph in my masterpiece and so our collaboration commences I don't want you to come little youve your own candles one you paint with the blood of a man I once loved yes I'll send you to Ryan But first you you must be part of my masterpiece go to the atrium hurry now my muse is a fle [ __ ] with a very short attention span do you see it when I am dust this is what they'll point to my quad tick my master piece go ahead don't be afraid touch [Music] it yeah and there's f p freed of his own KS and defense and here's the Glorious news this is just the moment of conception out in this place there are three men all former Disciples of mine all connected by a Common Thread betrayal find them little W and immortalize their mortality in my quatic go once they've been sent to their reward you shall go to yours and to R is great Al allow me draw back the curtain I can see your breath [Music] guess the old grae finally sent someone son of a [ __ ] left me to freeze oh oh I've got a pose all picked out for you [Applause] sh that was bracing take a photo of him and place it and feel full like an expectant mama [Applause] yes now put the picture in the frame let's see what we've got here you anyone you little Mr Buble please get up no no no no thank you it's coming together yes but there will always be doubs you go down I could never stomach [Music] [Laughter] doubters wee don't you co messenger boy I got something for that c spend a enough time with my kill sugar not worth my there boy to Brian two old birds pulling on each other's milk Shick my kitten you murdered my kitten he was a nasty one and my favorite but I should but I think I like it better always sent the back take his damn photo chop [Applause] chop you flut all around the fort taking life as you go you're not you're an angel I've never painted an angel maybe I should what's with the three of four what's that look you don't like it do you I don't need to be judged by you by anyone screw you screw all you [ __ ] doubters here's what I say to all of [Music] you fly away little boss fly [Music] [Music] F fire smile I'm sorry for that Outburst you'll have to forgive an old fool his artistic temperament the birth is so close now the labor pains can judgment C of the passions even the finest spirits [Music] well is long lost Andrew Ryan come here [Music] [Music] tiger I thought you had forgotten about your Jasmine but I am so glad you didn't I'm sorry Mr Ryan I didn't know I didn't know Fontaine had something to do with it what what are you doing no no don't please I loveed you too don't please no [Music] I creepy Dr TM bomb promised me it wasn't going to be a real pregnancy they just take the egg out once Mr Ryan and I had oh I needed the money so bad but I know Mr Ryan's going to sus it out going to know I wasn't being careful could to know I sold the Mr Ryan's going to be so mad at me how about some [ __ ] service around here who does he think he is he but he vigorous get the F over before he completely dries up [Music] it is [Music] accomplished let see my God my God my God my God my God it's it's beautiful you'll find your path to Ryan is now clear tell Sanders said hello oh yes you may Avail yourself upon one of my lesser works as a token of our time together if you had become my one and true disciple you might have been worthy of seeing inside the box of my most private news but who knows if that man is yet even born now go what happened to you I've been trying to raise you for a dog's age never mind would you kindly leg it over to the sphere and get on down to hephestus it's time to settle up with Ryan oh vandalism is a serious crime remember vandals are Paras watch yourself Ryan sturing we best keep to our nit it's time to either run the table or go home empty Ryan's got the genetic key to rapture we get that from him and we get out of this hell hole we don't then you and I are ghosts now would you you kindly head to Ryan's office and kill the son of a [ __ ] it's time to finish this I see Cohen's lost his touch if you knew him when he used to believe in the work in the struggle and now he rots in that Neverland waiting for someone to come and tell him he still got it I suppose that's why he let you live you can taste it can't you Andrew Ryan a worm looks up and sees the face of God but look around W it's a regular Convention of worms in here they all had mothers fathers people who loved them they got married from their wies what makes you think you're any different I haven't chosen to spons you on the wall yet let me know you have a [Music] I had to go jungle style that filthy AP for 3 weeks but he finally spilled the beans on how to get to Andrew Ryan generate a sympathetic overload in harmonic cord number three that's simple now all I got to do is figure out what the hell a sympathetic overload is and for that matter a harmonic core number three piece of cake for an electrical engineer too bad I design lady's shoes going to go see the Grease Monkeys Left Alive in heat loss monitoring see what I can shake out of their trees I like all parasites whoever tried to walk in stolen shoes I'd explain the science that renders what you're trying to do impossible but that would be like playing Mozart for a tree frog kill him then string him up like you other Hey listen Rapture is coming back to life even now can't you hear the breath returning to her lungs the shops reopening the schools humming with the thoughts of young minds my city will live my city he will Thrive and when that day comes we'll use your Tombstone for Ping tiles we T you monster that's right [Music] a get don't care imagine the will it took to create a place like this and what have you built nothing you can only Loot and break you're not a man you're just a termite at her side the breakers over there yeah why can't Ryan take care of this crap himself because Mr Ryan's got more important things to do than to enforce loyalty in the ranks say hello to bonang you backstabbing son of a [ __ ] [Music] before the final rat has eaten the last gram of you Rapture will have return I will lead a parade who was that they'll say as they point to the sad shape hanging on my wall who was that I didn't recognize the twist that come into the shop today stacked like Sally and dressed to the nines she's played her cards pretty close to the vest but you ain't got to be no College y see that she's into some bad China she was asking about magnetic locks and some such I played koi but she took wise after she showed me round her backyard I gave her directions to keyboard's tool shop rapture's gone to hell but sometimes the great chain still Cuts you a break a man builds a city at the bottom of the seat that's a Marvel another man happens to be on a plane that cck lands on the same city in the middle of the ocean that sounds more like [Music] a ran spices are dragging the Young woman off right now I'm certain she's one of Ryan's spies sent to fill me out I think she is if I'm wrong and then has some girl will end up on Ryan's bloody trophy wall if I'm right well I best be right the device is almost finished I can't get S now I can't [Music] the basic casing is ready I've got one charge of nitroglycerin in my office that will serve as the Catalyst now I need uh four R34 lead Shield wire stubs to pass the circuit there a half can of ionic gel that's the pretty Betty of the mix should send the core into compensation mode push power down the line and Trigger the circuit breaker on Ryan's gate well that's the theory it'll either work like a charm or blow up half of rapture nothing ventured you shall know oh I am the Lord oh make this harder than it need to sorry does it look like it's a real Bob it better you got to put it on the core past geothermal control and we'll see if these needle noes knew what the hell they were talking about his commandment looks like the ocean's gotten itched to retake this corner of rupture this happened right after the start of the war read about it in the papers head on in I'll see what I can dig off to help I'm no engineer but if I read these plans right you can channel that magma flow using the redirect valve it'll boil off that water right quick and you'll be able to reach the core but Ryan sure to take notice might want to set up a perimeter just to be certain [Music] will these creatures kill you even I as you drag me closer to the abyss you pull yourself right along with me I offer you a quick death parasite it would beess to watch me win are they all dead hope so best be heading on to the core so far away from your family from your friends from everything you ever loved but for some reason you like it here you feel something you can't quite put your finger on think about it for a second record and maybe the word will come to you Nostalgia what did Atlas offer you a piece of my plundered City mark my words your only reward will be a knife in the back Christ what a Rockets are making down there and you SE the core and there's only one more task to be done head on back to Ryan gate and throw the circuit breaker that will let you right into his place C all my physical defense is foror will not defeat me my strength is not in skill and fire but in my intellect and will you hear me as Andro Ryan offers you nothing but ashes [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the end all that matters to me is me and all that matters to you is you it is the nature of even in the Book of Lies sometimes you find truth there is indeed a season for all things and now that I see you flesh to Flesh and Blood to blood I know I cannot raise my hand against you but know this you are my greatest disappointment does your master hear me Atlas you can kill me but you will never have my city my strength is not in steel and fire that is what the parasites will never understand a season for all things a time to live and a time to die a time to build and a time to destroy come now my child there is one final thing to discuss what Ryan's at the core to self-destruct this is different than what you did he's got a mind to take down the whole damn City get in there and whack the jump before the whole joint blows a is you D your puppy she's very pretty thank you papa break her neck for me what break that sweet puppy's neck no please break that puppy's neck would you kindly no no pretty good Advanced deployment lot 111 Dr suong client Fontaine futuristics baby is now a year old weighs 58 and possesses gross musculature of a fit 19-year-old the results are disappointing but within expected tolerances [Music] the Assassin has overcome my final defense and now he's come to murder me in the end what separates a man from a slave money power no a man and chooses a slave obeys you think you have memories a farm a family an airplane a crash and then this place was there really a family did that airplane crash or was it hijacked forced down forced down by something less than a man something bred to sleepwalk through life until they are activated by a simple phrase spoken by their kindly master was a man sent to kill or a slave a man chooses a slave obeys come stop would you kindly would you kindly powerful phrase familiar phase would you kindly would you kindly get this would you kindly find that you would youly find get this would you kindly head to Ryan's office and kill the son of a [ __ ] sit would you kindly stand would you kindly Run Stop turn a man chooses a slave obeys kill jues a SL oh face [Music] oby hurry now grab Ryan's genetic key now would you kindly put it in that in that goddamn machine [Music] [Applause] nice work by all it's time to end this little masade there ain't no Atlas kid never was fell my line of work takes on a variety of aliases hell once I was even a chinan for 6 months but you been a swor so I guess I owe you a little honesty the name is Fred F I got to say I had a lot of business partners in my life with you of course the fact that you were ically conditioned to bar like a [ __ ] spaniel when I said would you kindly might have had something to do with it but still now as soon as that machine finishes processing the genetic key you just fish off ran I'm going to run Rapture tits to toes you been a pal you know what they say never mix business with friendship thanks for everything little kid don't forget to say hi to Ryan for me watch out Mis follow me come with me [Music] welcome back child welcome to the city where you were born you are angry at Fang yes now you know the truth you are his tool brought back to Rapture to save [Music] him you have saved many of my little ones I owe you a death while you sleep I undo some of fontaine's mental conditioning his control is no longer complete but he can still pull some very unpleasant strs your designed with many locks and keys Fontaine has most of those keys but not all such designed your mind taught Fon to control you you might find answers in suchong's flap in Mercury [Music] sweets come with me Mom and T bom said he'll help us M but God bless child there he is the one who will save us all I like him who's he he's here to help [Music] us and now you've got h hooked up with Tenon bomb huh kid she's a regular Mother Goose all right Fun's fun kid but now go get stepped on by a big daddy would you kindly huh I says would you kindly go get stepped on by a big daddy ah seems like Mother Goose has been playing around in your ex out if you won't dance to that tune I got others cold yellow I just told your brain to tell your heart to stop beating not right off the bat mind you the heart's a stubborn muscle but it ain't that [Music] [Laughter] stubborn once you are free of front control then you can have your revenge and we can keep my little ones out of his Filthy Hands [Music] don't let [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Adam improved every aspect of man except his character thank for help perhaps there is a plasmid that can grow the spirit perhaps in your DNA the secret life I've sent a little one with some goodies to help ease your [Music] burden I'm ready for dream time that's it kid you're bust though my new friends will catch up with you soon uh I hope they make it quick [Music] your that ton bomb ain't what you think Florence Nightingale huh that'll all come crashing down for you can say and tomatoes I've seen good Bunko and I've seen great Bunko but when you w through Rapture and World War II without even a scratch you got more than leprechaun watching over [Music] you you be hanging I don't like this any more than you do kid but you got to understand where I'm coming from I got 12 years down here big investment man can't walk away from a long like that [Music] fontain become some kind of boogy man in Rapture that myth gives him power but PEB back Flim Flam and a hug is's just another condoman and like old condoman he worri he'll end up on the wrong side of griefed that's why he commissioned a lot of 192 the antidote to the mental control plasm it Fon said I better not tell anybody about the antidote not even ten and such is inclined to listen I knew there was something through that always secret when with suchong always he must have this lot 192 in his labs near Apollo Square I once told do it back to my flat on the second floor but so Apes would have taken it back to something and out stairs I never knew what lot 193 was for but such Chang was doing something in on this I keep my eye kills me to turn my fist to you but business is business get you down won't make a difference with this whole place is call it a little light at surgical P plan for any major procedure potentially terminal illnesses I hear your wings flapping in my home flip flap flip flap flip flap come into the light little mom come [Music] [Music] in I see you're still testing your wings little moth stay and enjoy the dance if you wish but don't dare rattle there with us [Music] nothing when will you ever learn to take instruction I'm coming down there little Mor coming down to teach you to [Applause] [Music] dance and sander [ __ ] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like things a gone Buster between Fontaine and his little German beole why a guy like Fontaine would waste his time with a spooky Crow when he could be getting the gravy from any dish he chooses is beyond the understanding of this power where Ry even reset the door code to 5744 may need to be double sure that peopleo don't spout up any yard again run away the circus of Val [Music] if they to save one life is for Save the World entire I made a place for the children here but it is you who are their savior will you stop here or will you deliver them from this terrible City at long [Music] last and all the flowers are [Music] miss this place Rapture with a with a can store for a guy like me guys who thought they knew it all names who thought they'd seen it all give me a smart Mark over a dum one every [Music] time tell me yes the compound is taking hold the effects of the mental suggestion are now gone but there will certainly be side [Music] effects 192 has reorganized your entire plate structure should have known you would need a larger dosage you'll have to locate another dosage to fully remove the effects good now go find suchong's lab in aramus Suite in there no doubt there will be more of this lck 192 what's with the S what's going on is too dangerous to re-engineer your plasms in this something that's what you you'll just have to make do with what you have [Music] [Music] I don't give it [Music] [ __ ] clinical trial protector system plge made lot 255 Dr suchong client of Ryan Industries very frustrating day I can't seem to get the damn big daddies to imprint on the little brats the protection bond is just not forming kick it away maybe if I modify the genetic sequence uh the sequence to allow for get away youy little what what are you doing get back get [Music] [Music] back now you are having Freedom such Chang's drugs should have no hold on you take the bisphere to point prome it is time for this matter to be settled you think Brian's going to be there for you when you doubt it out no fontain fontaine's the man with the helping [Music] hand you broke the spell but laying all your chips on Mother Goose it's not like you never been double crossed before you know what I'm saying H at the point Prometheus we'll discuss this like men you me a submarine topside and more ad him than you can possibly imagine all right all right you looking to Slug It Out I'm game but I got all the atam in the city pal and I ain't shy about using it now I'm Jak to take her out for a spin what is this you wait for go and get this idiot the M's right behind you I don't even want to see him walking Last Chance kid you pack it in now and I'll leave this Dum to you and prow Prout you keep on coming and Raptors a fish P sh you let him get away I need a moment for thinking ah course this will be no problem find a big daddy on search's body I would suggest you to be finding a dead one you see the suit control system the good get it that is step one of turning you into one of those disgusting Big Deads the only way to get through that door Fon went through is to have a little one opening for you they will only trust you if you look like sound like and even smell like one of those big sing brute the parasite is three things free Mar little ones to Ser terrible but this is not like putting on after shap you will need three industrial applications of this stuff and then the little ones will be drawn to you like you'll have to gather three ferons here so that you smell thisg just like a [Music] daddy push me too far when you're cold and stiff I'm going to go over to Mother Goose's house and I'm going to take it apart Peace by peace and brat by Brat consider it your legacy [Music] please Pap I don't want to go on the table I can only be glad I am nowhere near you and that awful stink why the little ones are drawn to the smell of those ferons is beyond anything I can understand [Music] I know why it has to be children but why just girls this I cannot determine why but I know it is so fontain says a one less bathroom to build in the orphanage it is amazing to watch the effect of Adam on their small bodies their own cells replaced by the new stems the instant they are damaged these children are practically invulnerable it is a shame you could not do the same thing to an adult there would be quite a market for a man you could not kill it's good start now you need only to find the bodysuit and the voice box from the other labs and you will be a prop of fruit get moving after Ryan takes this place here is where they build their filthy gos and fr find the pieces of the guide the shame things turned out this way kid you and me could have run the table in this place now there's nothing left left for you but a long cold nothing here is where you be finding the voice buk to have sound like one of those big daddies this creature [Music] I'll admit Fontaine showed some foresight when he built up the plasmid business but the man really never understood Sals hiding those little girls beneath the bush I've just seen the preliminary design work on the new plasmid machines and they're exactly what I wanted mark my words presented properly those little sisters are marketing gold look around you kid you think to heroic for a b in this P You're staring out the puke s's busted dream you think down here and you deserve to goo was arrested come on you think turning yourself into one of those 10 men is a two-way street the crowd's holding auditions for the Frankenstein parade and you're first in line look at you we will make big daddy out of you yet I think there is only one piece missing the body suit go to fail safe armored escort mother he got hooks into you you can knock Ryan all you want but the old man willo on one point you won't even walk [Music] [Music] you do not t I'll never T [Music] the look around you there's nothing to sa raptures of a goddamn cemetry fun house cure the crow is just just a matter of time till you the boots I was sure the boots would be here [ __ ] God damn it the Big Daddy boots need to be shipped here not the Dam Library what kind of idiot is you Ryan hiring nowadays this kind of [ __ ] never happened on the Fontaine [Applause] this is where you find bodysuits that's is good we will make disgusting strank and St out of you yes there is helmet and pair of boots and we will be how you say in abusiness [Music] I'd turn tail if I were you kid ain't nothing here for you but tears ah look at you you look just the same as those what things we have done what things now the boot Don't Run Away yes now this is a big daddy are you ready now go to the little sister vent by the moving girl I've got R now I've got the atam now you think that pill suits even half enough to put the spear in me where you going to go your life your family they're a fairy tale kid no more real than something you read about in the Saturday evening post poor best a motherless freak whipped up in a half baked science [Music] experiment you need to bring them out of hiding and then they'll let you in the door go on hit the vent with your wrench on the V would mean very much to me if you will be gentle with the girl myclin is B the little ones will lead you to hurry Mr be but you must protect them Angel Dancing in the Sky hurry hurry Mr Bubbles that's it kid it's been a long road you don't even remember most of it put you on a sub when you were just spr [Music] time to go Mr be don't be a slow hop hop Mr time to go Mr I really wound you up with that wife and child bit oh me poor Moira I we baby Patrick maybe one day I'll get me a real family they play well with the suckers hop HP Mr be no time to waste make up don't be a slow [Music] danger I'm on this one even though they are physically free of the ch's mental conditioning still holds them for their terrible task such but never at all look time to go Mr no time to wait time to go Mr be watch out heart draw the attention of this so cool she come hurry Mr be angels are waiting for kiss hurry hurry Mr Bubbles hop hop Mr no time to [Applause] waste don't be a slow kill her kill her [Music] time to go Miss better for the girls to be with you better with you than alone alone in the crawling Darkness hurry hurry Mr BS po up Mr B no time to waste that might be plenty for the work scrubs and a penil pushes but I need more more I want a splice is nearby reaching close now time time for B Mr B hurry hurry Mr Bubbles there you must use the needle of the little sister to drain Fontaine of his Adam it is the only way to defeat him Fain Waits above there will be no going back from here make sure you are ready to face him before moving on I remember when me and the crowd put you in that sub you were no more than two you were my Ace in the Hole but you were also the closest thing I ever had to a son and that's why this hurts betrayal kid life ain't strictly business go go now hit him with the needle K I did it I'm not I have good money for you and this is what I get you think I'm alone in this world I got more than enough mugs to watch my back while I recharge I'll bring you down and I'm going to bury you leg here [Music] there it is then come C you I had you built I sent you topside I called you back showed you what you was what you was capable of even that life you thought you had that was something I dreamed up and a tattooed inside your head you don't call that family I don't know what it is and now yeah come on come on they offered you this city and you refused it and what did you do instead but I've come to expect of you you saved them you gave them the one thing that was stolen from them a chance a chance to learn to find love to live and in the end what was your reward you never said but I think I know a family [Music] [Music] [Music] look daddy it's you let's go out to play Daddy [Music] more Angels daddy this way [Music] me out come with us you want some big guy they they are from [Music] get out of here freak there we are he's perfectly safe now this is not your daughter do you understand her name is Elena and she is mine now kneel please remove your helmet now take the pistol place it against your head [Music] he he [Music] hello can you hear me you're your in the house of upside s's top for inh [Music] dadd Einstein than Hercules and like the fire with AAP of his finger you my daddy m not if you don't visit the gatherer garden vi aren't smart daddies get sliced at the Garden father [Music] Daddy was sleeping for such a long time and Eleanor has missed you find her and you'll be all better Daddy [Music] ah at last a signal you who are bringing this dead City to life listen my name it is Tannon Bal I know who you are and I am in much need of your help please find me in the Atlantic Express train [Applause] [Music] station I am back in rap after so many years the little ones I rescued are grown up won think of me no more after what I once did to them it was a joy to be forgotten but now all around the world children vanish by the Sea kidnapped and so I return in fear of what I already know someone is making new little ones continuing my work my sins even if I am to die for it I I must stop [Music] [Music] them D makes sister doesn't want you playing with me [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] sh in that suit even the ocean cannot harm you this is good but Rapture is the death of many great men alone you will not last long you can still reach the train station find me there [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah her Delta you arrive as the little one said you would come upstairs to the ticket booth once I will offer what I know of you not now most who survive are like this splicers s drug addicts vicious animals [Music] my I I know you that symbol on your hand marks you a dead man 10 years Subject Delta since I watched you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger but take heart out of your pain Paradise was born I don't know how you survived but your suffering is over now these men will ease your burden please understand that like all I have done this is an act of love it is Sophia lamb she has fed you [ __ ] zero [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you know of the enemy we share Sophia lamb the camera in your helmet allows me to watch through your eyes and help you to fight her careful security cameras belong to lamb but if you are clever they can be made to serve you who is that father it's me Elanor I know you're awaken there I can feel it mother won't be able to to toy with you like that ever again this plasmid is for you if I'm right you can use it now please find me Sophia lamb is using the splicers against you most big daddies are like her slaves guarding the little ones but someone has awakened you I know of your bond with Ellena delter to save yourself you will come for her but Ellena has a Destiny one you cannot share there is no place for you in [Applause] Paradise quickly head for the elevator enough a [Music] reason now here is what the children tell me you are a very old big daddy bonded for life to a single little one when you are apart for too long your body begins to shut down like a coma as long as the girl is in Rapture you are trapped here as well the name of your little one is Eleanor lamb daughter of sopia she is kept at Fontaine futuristics on the other side of the city you must go there and save her before it is too late SP you see this is why I must fight Sophia lamb she is using the new little ones for for something and I have returned to rescue them if I do not more children will die for my sins and the Rapture nightmare it will repeat forever now we must talk citizens of rapture this is Subject Delta behind that mask hides an enemy of the people without Soul or sympathy it is a beast apart and as family we must tear out its jaw and drive it back into the sea lamb will take this place apart to find you please hold back the splicers until we escape [Music] thank you now I must leave you and I am sorry for this but there are others I must help before the city drowns this man Sinclair he is an ally and will guide you to Elanor goodbye hair Delta and good luck well look at you a Bonafide Knight in armor complete with Iron Horse the name's Augustus Sinclair sport Esquire old Tannon bomb and I share an interest in the old Fontaine building the very same place you'll find Eleanor lamb I think you and I can do business take the train to Ryan amusements I'll see you shortly [Music] whoa there now better apply the brakes unless you're aiming to dash yourself against that Glacier up ahead as you can see Chief the station here's iced over to reach Eleanor lamb at Fontaine headquarters we'll have to clear the way now in order to melt that ice you'll need a plaset like a handful of Hellfire we used to sell a fine old product called incinerate in the amusement park up yonder go on and find a way in I've already been on all the rides [Music] you're a rare old model son Alpha Series I believe now raptures full of scientific wonderments just like you and if we can sell them to the world at my price well cure in your condition ought to be a cakewalk once we find Eleanor the sky is the limit I him to play again Mr B Jam Dandy that'll get you in the park but buying incinerate is going to cost Adam it's a sort of genetic goo that let let you rewrite whatever God gave you the little sisters carry the stuff as you may recall so you'll need to locate one I heard Whispering near the El Dorado Lounge have a look until you arrive father I'm trapped here smuggling these gifts out is the most I can do to [Music] help in ethical Psychiatry we must [Applause] account Elanor lamb speaking mom says I'm not to play with the other children because they're being raised on a diet of Dog Eat Dog I wanted to see these dog eaters so I waited until mom was gone and went out to find one and guess what the dog eaters wear human skins it makes them look just like us [Music] [Music] now that Big Daddy won't bite until you do but to get to Lil Sis you got to put the old boy down for [Applause] good un him Mr B un him don't let get me get [Music] me take a breath son you did it now just let her ride on your shoulder shoulders and she'll trust you like her own Daddy are we going to be together again [Music] Daddy we're in business now there are corpses all over Rapture and little dimples there can sniff out the atom on them find one [Music] she's got a juicy one but when she starts draining out the atom the splashers will come running be ready before you set her down on that body here it is just put her right down on that corpse that is a child of the family not a toy for you to exploit and discard it is fitting that you expire here one more forgotten curio in Ryan's Shrine to the self here they come keep the splashes offer now till she's finished or they'll never I'll give up the haunt you don't have a chance that's a running out on mey already I'm telling the other that I have now you know the steak son but a plasma costs a bit more Adam yet keep it up this way here's the angel here's the angel I do not hate you Delta indeed I care for you in equal measure to any other sentient creature but I cannot sacrifice a thousand of my children for one rebellious son you monster my hand my machine child I'm ready I'm always safe with Daddy all right Chief we've almost got enough Adam now to get the rest you'll have to take care of that little sister there should be one of the air vents they favor in the workshop bring her down there now tanin bomb would have you turn that sister human again you'll get just enough Adam for our purposes and the girls are likely try to repay you somehow but rapture's a high stakes Town son and she is a jackpot you just have to be willing to take it all you'll Harvest more Adam than the price of one plasmid so the rest is gravy think about it down here it's your survival or [Music] hers thank you well our Tin Man Had a Heart All Along personally I call that a liability but you have enough Adam now barely head to the Hall of the future and splice up with incinerate bastard pile of junk you broke it Everything You Touch turns to [ __ ] me you're mean Roger it was probably your clumsy fat hands that loused it up typical BR stay away from things you don't know nothing about Mother's you [Music] bastard so you would drain the people of their life's blood Rapture is a body Delta I am the voice and big sister is the hand when Rapture speaks of you it says only this sleep now your day is done not if you don't visit the gatherer Garden you aren't sart daddies get flight congratulations on your recent purchase of the incinerate plasmid say Tom here is having a romantic evening with a gal what would impress her more than lighting the fireplace with a snap of your fingers [Music] [Music] outstanding sport you're proven to be quite a windfall now just open the train tunnel from the security booth there and I'll come out and jump on I like to look a man in the eye when I give him my word you and me kid we're going places I had thought you some Gollum of Sinclair's brought here to hold rapture's arms while he rifles through her Pockets but no you you are aware of your plight who I wonder would be so cruel to force a mirror on a man with no face lamb was waiting for us come out shooting and start the train [Music] a66 [Music] attention Subject Delta is now trapped in paa's drop all rail car travel is suspended until he is found remember the enemy is alone we are the family Lamb's trying to box Us in kid this is a goddamn Citywide lockdown to keep the train moving you need the security override key from the local Governor Grace Holloway she kicked me out of my own hotel down here the Sinclair Deluxe find her and get that key I remember you monster you stole Elenor from me Twisted that baby girl into a thing so sick it can't even die and now you come swanning into my neighborhood Looking For Me Wrong Turn tin Daddy when we hang you from from a street light and you choking out your last I want you to remember my face [Music] Gracie says piss off and die [ __ ] well sport I guess graci's home but that big lug just dropped half my damn hotel in your way now to break through that mess I expect you're going to have to work out how he got so Burly find yourself a genetic research camera son you can pick up any number of tricks from must spaser with one of those try the pawn shop downtown that thing's a miracle in Technic Cola kid works like a movie camera start the film rolling before you open fire on a splice so and then anything you hit him with tells you more about his DNA let's give it a dry run shall we you I you [Music] that's it son camera spits out a prize once in a while as you learn what makes a splice a tick Now find one of those big old brutes and take them out on film before long you'll be able to brush aside that mess at the hotel what my that is one of those big goons now start your camera rolling on him and then let him have it makes he's a hard man [Music] look at you sport a regular Junior Shutterbug and it appears you've picked up a new trick from that big galute now get back to the Sinclair Deluxe and just bust through that mess blocking your way here father it's yours you are evolving fast but your heart is getting weaker I can keep you alive but you must find me for Grace the paradise of Andrew Ryan was most unkind she spoke against him in song and he had her blacklisted it left her penniless but in the family she has found Hope a reason to draw breath ask yourself Delta do you deserve to take it from her the tin daddy is not a man it is half dog and half devil made by Andrew Ryan to condemn our children to a walking death just rev up that drill of yours and slam right through that pile of junk blocking your way I inherited all of you [Music] now Gracie was on the top floor get on up there and persuade her to give you that override key how dare you you blood divides us Monster it's blood that makes us strangers but thanks to Dr Lamb we're all family now one people one cause you can stop this hard and bleed this old body but you cannot end the family and as for you t daddy you're dying [Music] alone the baby snatcher headed up into the hotel family he wants me so he can get to Elanor tin daddy feels no guilt tin daddy feels no pain but we are the family and we can teach him out save you filthy ridiculous how dare you you not sh no Talent blood divides Us Monster it's blood that makes us strangers but thanks to Dr Lamb we're all family now one people one cause you can stop this heart and bleed this old body but you cannot end the family and as for you tin daddy you're dying alone Andrew Ryan told me that in Rapture it didn't matter where you came from bunk times got hard and all our old bigotries bubbled right back up but Dr Lamb showed us that Down Under the Skin Down Under the money down under our very name We Are Family Grace's room is just up ahead now she's been send in all manner of unkindness your way so I'm not particular as to how you take that key away from her but she's old and this grudge against you was based on a misunderstanding this we both died tonight monster I because your kind has killing in its nature and you because there's no way the family will let you stroll out alive with that key [Music] empty house only an echo to my name Eleanor baby where are you I turned my back and someone took you it happened so quick I'm not even a half Mama to you girl I couldn't protect you this poster of Dr Lamb in my room is staring me down like it knows I'm ashamed I've always been loyal to your real mother Elanor always trusted her with my secrets but I lost you what will the doctor think of me now I know what you're here for go on take it I won't have you touching me Dr Lamb trusted me to care for her child and I tried but baby Elanor disappeared and then one day I see her walking with you looking wrong and when I tried to hold her you knocked me down broke my jaw so I'm ready baby snatcher come on in and finish the job your call friend Grace is unarmed for what it's worth [Music] to hell with you then go on you're a bigger man than I am chief maybe next time she'll think twice about pointing fingers before all the facts are in now let's be on our way Elanor is waiting you had me under a gun did you just walk away no monster alive turns the other cheek no monster does that a thinking man does that I know that Dr Lamb is no liar but she's got to be wrong about you doesn't seem right now letting you walk into that bushwack waiting outside I can't call off the family but I can whisper a bit and improve your odds [Music] these worldly birds are custom jobs by an old friend I'm afraid this is all I can do for now well sir I don't know what to call you now you've done more than just spare my life you've opened my eyes I need to put a few questions to Dr Lamb by sparing Grace do you seek to gain my trust a feeble ruse your crocodile tears May poison her with doubt but I am not so easy a mark a [Music] hear me oh ye who would murder the Lamb of God you shall never reach her [Music] G kid come on wake up now there you are I thought you you rode that torpedo into the great Hereafter I'm in dianis park now train cars are shambles leaking air whole Dam place is flooded and sealed but there's a pumping station back there in Siren alley and I believe you could Jerry rig it to drain the park out that' let you stroll right inside get to those pumps and hurry the park is sealed Chief you aren't getting in there just yet but if you get down to that pumping station in Siren alley and drain the place out this airlock will let you in I see father Wales has parted you from your craft and yet you cling to life congratulations today Delta you meet a man who had has no fear of death and for Ellena he would burn with a smile [Music] [Music] I think mother knows I'm helping you like this she's accelerating my treatments don't give up on [Music] me nothing's old [Music] see Adam is looks like the good Fathers kept up with the code loocks time was only way to join with Doc lamb was to beg an audience with him first must be some side of that number lying around see if you can find us a lead Daniel you and I drafted rapture's blueprint together whales and whales Architects do you remember but Andrew Ryan led us astray my brother turned us from the almighty Dr Lamb offers you salvation Danel I ask only for proof that the beest flicker of Faith remains in your I left a gift for you at the pink pearl in your offices find the code on it brother we shall pray together for your sorry [Music] Soul hello see I've got the maddening notion that I owe you my life stranger such as it is I'm sending you a care package to the new more along the way I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Dr [Music] Lamb byebye the Pearl was among the ritziest lodin in Rapture but during the war the residents put themselves up for sale Daniel's office is on the top floor I [Music] [Applause] believe are assim for we'll hear me peace offering welcome to the feet be in Pearl sweethearts that has to be Daniel hunt him down and pin his ears back kid a brother sends you now the metal fing handyman Lam's got your aror TAP I and here the Dozen fing dogs for you [Music] where's my [Music] mark Spectators tonight had a pain to be hit this time it wasn't from the wine under the horse so natural I came up to my office to murder it with a drink but there on me lior rack as a bottle of sacramental wine from my dear brother Simon and of course the Vintage date on the label is the code to enter his territory 1919 I should pass his bleeding wine through me system send it back warm Faith Delta it lives within us yet Beyond us Daniel whale lacked it father Simon Wales does not the faithful do not die in fear as you did we achieve martyrdom ah now through this Junction is the rest of the alley including the very pumping station we are after father Wales has been recruiting Holy Rollers down there for lamb [Music] father Simon whales can you hear me I have trapped a devil at your doorstep and Simon Daniel is dead murdered can you hear him crying out for justice they've cut the power on you you're stuck till the backups kick in I'll help you hold them back check the numo know this Beast Daniel's body may go cold but his soul rests for the child of the Lamb you shall roast and Blacken in the pit and there'll be a grieving brother sent you there your sin itself marches to meet you beast and it's name is Legion Eleanor lamb is our Salvation Dem you shall not Rob us of our final reward out a boy sport I think you're closing in on Simon's underground Temple now get down to pumping station number five and drain out the park here Oxygen's running thin in this train car and I'd sure hate to see our partnership cut [Applause] short ask yourself Delta you who have suffered beyond measure at the hands of men like Ryan what is the cost of paradise to end Pain to End sin what must we pay Elena is my answer [Music] I'm all alone here Mr diary you're my Whispering friend a doctor keeps coming to see me he said says Rapture needs me and tomorrow I'll be leaving with him I ask why and he just Smiles I'm not an orphan mom's alive somewhere and Aunt Gracie is still probably looking for me but I can't wait for them I'm going to escape and find a Mia and we'll steal a submarine before it's tomorrow I'll know what Sunshine feels like once we drown now B Queen you'll be real man only each of you know the child of the Lamb through Adam our soul shall pass into her Holy Blood and will be reborn as a single immaculate bodyle don't be [Music] shy what the Beast is upon us children it wears a hide of iron and its hands are death and change it would seize the child from us and with her Paradise itself be ye soldier of the ground or Angel of the sky he must stand fast and send it howling back to hell I can't [Music] pump control be in the back one thing though once you transfer the suction to dianis park we've got a tiny window of opportunity to get you inside I don't have much air left but I'll hang in there you make sure you're ready before you throw that switch do you think me a tyrant Delta vying for control of a dead man's dream the city is nothing Rapture must die so that Elena may rise from its body allow me to demonstrate Lambs overloading the pumps the place is coming down get to diasis Park Subject Delta I want you to commit this moment to memory for me this howling brutish slog through the dark this is who we [Applause] are get out of there kid look Delta it is the world for which you strive you alone among the Dead dianis Park was owned by Sophia lamb Chief sort of a private retreat for her social experiments one night it flooded killing all her guests paper said it was cult related come on up to the train station let's rendevu I iner to understand attention Subject Delta has drained and infiltrated dionis park his death is our rebirth the life of the people's daughter is in your hands [Music] get back she's my little [Applause] girl well the good news is I've located a new train car but the station's still locked down and we're not alone in here I see a shadow in the security booth I'll lay low while you have a gander well hello boys the name's Stan pool rapture Tribune quality paper before the locals stopped reading and started finding uh other uses for it anyway I'm uh looking to cut a deal fellas come byy the train station I'm here in the booth dionisis Park was my home Delta an experiment in Social Unity cut short by human Folly you dishonor its memory with every step now that see Lamb knows you're here but I'm Incognito thing is since you drained out the park the little sisters are already starting to uh nose around looking for Adam and uh I can't have that who's there hey take this father and hurry mother can't hear this but she's she's looking right at me and her face [Music] okay so dead men tell no Tales right wrong see with Adam involved every stiffs got a story and lamb knows how to read it if that stuff makes it back to her I'm an obituary so I want you to take the story of dionis Park and bury it get rid of the little sisters for me your way do that and I'll unlock the station here Scout's Honor well I'd say he's hiding something but he sort of took the fun out of that one he's locked in the security booth however so we'll have to play along find those sisters [Music] there she is little T wants to be in pictures real cute now get rid of the muscle and deal with her I don't like it I feel better all right stop you mistake my nature Delta I wish no Adam for myself Elena is the dream and she needs neither weapons nor politrix are we going to be together again Daddy I never used the Bel on him we shed him or nothing I do everything [Music] right smart see you put it at work and all that atam ends up in you but you're sort of a silent partner so that's tops with me [Music] father this atom you found contains memories from all the bodies here normally only a little sister can see them but I can show you what Stanley's trying to hide when mother was taken away Stanley was left in charge of dianis Park he spent all her money through these mad parties it was like he was trying to ruin [Music] her you okay there keep your eye on the brass ring brother fine the rest of the sisters [Applause] Subject Delta is just a serial number Amigo I did a lot of digging on you for a feature once they used to call you Johnny topside found the city all on your GR in a diving bell real shame what they did to [Applause] you somebody already went through their pocket come on Mister there she is get her I hope that bodyguard ain't want of you long [Applause] lost be naughty naughty Daddy are you taking me home to [Music] it's dancing daddy dancing Adam is Rapture Delta the finest minds of Paradise in a single Sublime Mosaic Elena consider the genius you deny her with every stolen drop [Music] that's me there I confronted Stanley said I tell mother what he had done he panicked took me away and sold me to an orphanage I tried to fight back I remember biting his hand but father he's the reason I was turned into a little [Music] sister now you were just a deep sea Explorer with iron Kone pal the public gave it a nickname but Ryan was sure you were a spook so his people locked you up erased your damn name goodbye Johnny topside hello Subject [Music] Delta when all this is over and we're divvying up raptures Bounty you and I be holding court on a private island son think of it each world power on banded knee holding a bouquet made of money the girls you've saved from mother want to thank you check the gatherer [Music] Garden all right there's one clob at a big paluca and grab the [Applause] sister out you got to slim out J back it's just a little [Music] naughty naughty [Music] [Music] [Music] thank with me gone father Stanley just let mother's followers turn into animals when word came that she was returning he knew they would blame him so he found a way to silence them all and now he's trying to cover it up that's it now all that old dirt stays underground and lamb will be none the wiser hey come on back I've unlocked the train for you but remember if lamb catches you mom's the [Music] word Delta our conflict of interest seems to be upsetting Ena for her sake I have made it clear to these men that you are not to suffer I accept full responsibility for any anger you may experience before you die doc Lamb's turning up the heat chief head on back to the train station let's hit the trail here [Music] [Music] [Music] night through Adam Elena will become the daughter of the people a true utopian brilliant beyond measure but utterly selfless as she ascends Delta you and I will seem as dogs circling and snarling amid the afterbirth Subject Delta I have known for years of Stanley's betrayal here and had forgiven him but in compromising Elena now he seals his fate you see it was Stanley who turned you into Ryan he is responsible for what you have become the security booth is open now you may have your revenge [Music] sweet Jesus Lamb new and she just let me hang myself out to oh God no no no come on pal the the Train's ready just just let me live oh Christ Almighty [Applause] this is it Chief end of the line if I'm right Eleanor's Mama's use an atom to force all raptures minds and memories into the poor girl lamb reckons it'll make that child a saint now Eleanor's in a deep dark place beneath benath Fontaine headquarters and to keep you alive we need to sneak in and find [Music] [Music] her October 9th 1967 hello my my name is Gilbert Alexander and by the time you hear this I will be clinically insane I am recording these Diaries in advance as a last ditch effort to assist anyone I might threaten in dealing with me my next message awaits you beyond the security checkpoint the bioc scan will ensure that you're San enough to need it H Gil Alexander as I recall he was involved in Big Daddy development from the beginning likely had something to do with you and Eleanor son oh [Applause] he's stealing offices Chey little company from company stuck I saw him ja it into his arm set him Mr a wasted already already ain't none left Mr a am your employer boy what is my name Al great how now it remembers too late my friend too late dismissed fire terminated I hope that was instructive to the rest of you come back to line your pockets with more fondane Ingenuity have you understand sir that I am the body corporate understand sir that I am Alex the great the company is an organism my friend and I can kiss you great back fo into the ocean with just squeeze they'll be back Alex the great oh hell that has to be Gil Alexander same man who left that message we're following he sounds mad as a March hair now [Music] initiating bioc scan identifying clear clearance level I identified clinical trial subject cl cl classification protector Des designation Delta status deceased error updating status please stand by what this my secretary vouchers for you Delta you're one of our old protectors yes you're a fine product Delta fine product built to last say don't look now but I believe one of your old colleagues wants to welcome you back to the office [Applause] h designation Delta status updated States active ACC access granted [Music] [Applause] hello again I I have been exposed to a massive dose of substance adom by the time you hear this I will have armed this facility's defenses on mass you my friend must therefore penetrate them and kill me please believe that if I could have done it myself ah and all that note you may use the diary lying near this screen to bypass the vocal print locks ahead and enter the security office the password is Agnes Day Agnes Day [Music] please see pass password to enter Agnes Day Access granted welcome kill Alexander I heard that my likeness is company Property Delta just like you are don't make me strip you for parts m please password to enter I warned you when you're down in the M Life of pain where the man says Heavy Rain little po is all you need average Jo to Hercules stronger arm and sharper brain that's why the future is montain access denied please speak clearly automatic deactivation for 60 seconds oh he's jamming The Voice print lock with that awful crin see if you can find some way to sabotage his control of building security Dela you're Doling the security offic is well above your pay grade if you're so to help the restrooms need a good scrap here's a clerk or two to help you along I'm [Music] [Music] don't you dare touch that signal relay Delta its value is 10 times your [Applause] own I'm very disappointed in new Delta destruction of a Fontaine asset is punishable by summary dismissal shall I simplify that for you fired fired fired please password to enter window down in the mouth every I know what you're up to you're off to my job aren't you with your background H do you know what class of person we chose for the Alpha Series criminals Delta you'll be laughed out of the boardroom out of the setting I think you're on to something kid some kind of pirate relay doohicky keep in security under his spell find the rest of those and vandalize them directly oh Adam Delta one little jab in the arm and even a hopeless underperformer can be employee of the month or you should know look around is any of this familiar the Rapture consumer is indebted to you my boy we ironed Kink after kink out of our domestic plasmid line on you right here well let's see if you're staying competitive step on up and take the [Applause] spotlight ladies and gentlemen Fontaine futuristics invites you to shed your skepticism evolve your expectations and dissolve your doubt as we unveil the Revolutionary power of our home defense plasmid series may I have a volunteer from the audience come now don't be shy how about you sir no he's positively rigid Yuma at the back come on down let's give her a hand folks only a single volunteer oh come now gentlemen she'll be awfully nervous up here all alone come on down all of you he on [Music] all the round of app all please for Subject Delta and the power of plasmids oh dear Subject Delta it looks like you've upstaged a fellow demonstrator and he's here to steal the show what will Delta do now folks still a winner Delta the tour was never the same without you and to think you are so spliced you couldn't stand when we stuffed you into that get up the Fontaine family retirement plan suits you to our te my boy [Applause] Thomas William J [Music] [Music] every time Ryan turns up the heat I know I'm a little bit closer to beating him at his own game but now the game's changing Ryan's boys are coming in heavy looking to knock down my door and take what's mine like this is the first time I had to dodge a bullet they're coming to my house expecting a show but they're going to get a disappearing act say goodbye to Fontaine and hello to atlas insubordination sance package canel it benefits benefits res sended I I each new Tyrant ventured here in search of Conquest Delta Fontaine Ryan and now you but every aspiring Caesar must learn to fear the knives of his fellows ask yourself what does Sinclair stand to gain in guiding you here Agnes Day Access granted welcome Gil Alexander hello again I must assume by now that you're willing to help end my life in exchange I have prepared a friendly security escort for you ah now there's a switch in here which will allow you access to the real Laboratories where where What's Left of Me awaits you please use it [Applause] [Music] as I recall from my time doing business with the owners that oxy station out there is just a front for a kind of hidden passage leading down below if Lamb's hiding off from you that's where she'll be [Music] I'm afraid the lights in here sting my eyes terribly now until you arrive to deal with me they will remain off please locate the breakers and flip them and then return here to restore [Music] power Sophia and I knew that to create the first true utopian would come at a high cost my friend we needed someone to be host to all that Adam rapture's finest Minds a willing subject that is to say myself whatever you may have seen inside the tank that was indeed me I fear the fate of Elanor lamb will be less physical but no less grotesque this tank for deep sea life is the ideal way to ose of me but first you must retrieve enough Adam infused plant life to lure me out the Slugs feed on the stuff and it's all I seem to want now I have left a sample here so you know what to look for I see you out there Delta you want to be top man you want to sit in the big chair well come and take it [Music] well listen son those override Keys you've been hunting are genetically encoded and to get to Eleanor you're going to need one from Alex the great in there first things first first we got to pin him down find those plants he mentioned and lure him back [Applause] out well that's the end of the Alpha Series the pair bond simply worked too well that Madwoman tanon bomb bit the company hand turning some of the bonded sisters human again others were lost to splices either way the trauma proved too much for the bonded protectors resulting in unreasoning Rage or coma we can harness their suicidal aggression as foot soldiers but no more I'm afraid today I saw one kneeling near a gatherer garden and crying we can't have you running around the Laboratories in your condition you [ __ ] with the Run I'll claw your eyes out poor things what a life marching around playing daddy until some splicer manages to kill off their sister and then if the coma doesn't take them they turn Maniac nothing left to do but scream uh no offense intended son we better get you to Eleanor on the double your body begins to tear itself apart the compulsion to find Elena will drive you to Madness or coma you have no claim on her your design was among rapture's greatest sins and yet you persist why [Music] this is where they bound us together father playing God you were the only good thing that Rapture ever gave me she was not meant to have a father Delta she was to be an heir to my life's work and this is where they changed her bonding her to you the child she was died in this room [Music] mother has destroyed Dr Alexander she tried to splice him into some kind of living Saint who would calculate the common good and adhere to it tirelessly but now he's become something unspeakable mother's philosophy is just as corrupt as ryes by her standard it would be better to have the entire world equally miserable then to allow us to strive in our own behalf I have to get out of here we put our eldest sister through a new regimen of physical and mental conditioning and suited her up with modified protector equipment of my design the younger ones have dubbed her a big sister sadly this is a stop Gap between Rogue splicers and the Aging of the girls will run out of viable little sisters soon after that the surface may be our only source un taking trash for Scrapy all right sport time to feed the fish head on back to Alexander's tank and put those plants in Back to the poor Gilbert it was his will to die Delta to serve the majority by protecting ing them from his lunacy your entire Journey here is based on your refusal to do the same will you grant his request knowing that he served the family rebirth huh sure you live forever but minus your body I like my body kid I don't feature the idea of my memories and personality being stored in the head of some saint child like just one more Dusty old book in the [Music] library deep sea life catchment system online notice to all employees subject Del is hereby dismissed escort them from the premises no I don't [Music] [Music] you everywhere I inherited all of [Music] how dare you try to buy me out with this this bribe this petness this Sublime God damn you DTA perfect son you reel him in now use that console there to take a gene sample it should print up a genetic key automatically [Music] you got the key to Lamb's Hideout sport Eleanor's down there now just head out to the oif station and use it it is done the sample disposal button on the panel in front of you would administer a massive jolt of electricity to the tank more than enough to kill me whatever I may say to dissuade you do not listen the man whose voice you hear now is long gone as my mind Fades I find my thoughts turn to the suffering that Eleanor will be made to endure and I am overcome with pity but I can only offer my feeble prayers perhaps after my death you can do more now please I ask you to grant me peace goodbye my friend and thank you you you don't have to kill me T I'm sorry please I will go outside I will live outside that [Music] this is the oxy station Chief but don't be fooled by the facade this is the way in use that key now [Music] forany we're finally here find Elanor son and fast her mama's got all Rapture dying to keep you two apart father come quickly I I'm trapped in a cage something's wrong I wonder Delta do you know why you are here have you any idea what my daughter has given you as I watch you now I envy your ignorance you still believe that's her son Eleanor lamb no matter what you might be feeling right now this is business get that cage open she's coming with us War seal is engaging please stand by how will she remember us after this moment I have placed my pieces on the board as expected as have you is this what she hoped for mother and father locking eyes yet still we are blind goodbye Subject Delta and take heart for you at least have escaped your legacy [Music] [Music] a [Music] hurry now quarantine Chambers waiting on you get in there your signal break up I see or hear a thing bling [Applause] me look at her Delta 10 years and still she dreams of you 50 seconds remaining do you know why Elena brought you here she wanted a father so she found a way to restore you in body and [Music] mind and she has been watching you ever since exalting your every act as gospel the girl lying on that bed is no longer my child nor my life's work she is a monster shaped by you alone just as she has always wanted 20 seconds remaining but there is one detail of your mutual bond she failed to account for your body was designed to lapse into a coma when her heart ceases to beat Elena forgive me [Music] watch him his body is shutting down now naturally but if he dies of trauma he will return elsewhere full restraints at all times no one enters this room until he expires father it's me Eleanor I'm so sorry mother stopped my heart long enough to sever our bond staying near me won't stop you from dying now or worse but I can still help you escape this little sister's brought you something that will allow you to take control of her I know this feels a bit strange father but now you can see through her eyes and tell her where to go this is how I brought brought you back without mother catching on now first let's get you out of here [Music] [Music] good now inside mother's office there's a way to unlock these Chambers she's holding us in find a way to slip in there [Music] [Music] you're in there should be a lever in here somewhere pull it and it will unlock our cells [Music] attention Augustus Sinclair has been cited within the facility he will attempt to reach Subject Delta all family Duties are hereby suspended until he is [Music] found what mother did to me left me very weak or I would do this part myself to save your life I'm going to have to change to be like you from here you should be able to locate the pieces of a big sister suit please bring them to me [Music] there's a piece of the suit in here father find the rest and bring them back to me [Music] 10 years father stuck in this this fever dream mother kept me sedated in order to perfect my mind with Adam to her the ideal child is a genius serving the common good without questioning it you have saved me from [Music] that I've been quarantined but mother's unaware of the extent of my connections to the new little sisters I don't just empathize with them I can control them directly they are my hands and my eyes now better yet we have found father's body and took a jean sample the girls are hiding the samples inside those doors we used to make it's only a matter of time before I work out a way to rig one of those vter chambers to seek his genetic signature and then I can't wait to see mother's face [Music] the other sisters are made from me in part as they grow up in Rapture I feel it all when you were with the little ones they trusted you as their father because of me [Music] mother was right about one thing I have been watching you father studying the way you have treated others and now I know who I [Music] am I am free after everything mother has done to me I am alive and sane enough to be curious about the son when you rescued my new sisters I felt everyone and it gave me hope for the first time in years [Music] now I will do the same for all the others starting with this [Music] [Applause] one we've done it father I'll be there soon these suits always did make me think of you father I guess I still remember you in shining armor but now it's my turn to fight for you take this plasmid you can use it to call me to your side in a fight I am tell mother I'm coming for her no [ __ ] Subject Delta I know you can hear me you have stolen my life's work and with it my only daughter but Rapture is the house of Monsters the surface will not have us and now we shall be buried as a family Side by [Music] side oh God she's going to drop this building into the trench it's miles deep we have to find Sinclair the girls remember you we this is Sinclair's Lifeboat father out the window here it's our only chance of escape from what I know of Sinclair he wouldn't just abandon it yes Delta what of Sinclair the man who would sell paradise and where is he now warning a security curfew is now in effect all cells and bulkheads are sealed until further notice this facility hangs over an ocean trench Delta the family has activated timed charges within its foundations surrender before detonation or we shall fall and be crushed in the abyss below mother has locked all of pany down including the gangway leading to the Lifeboat we can reverse it from the holding Wing if we hurry come on use the plaset if you need me father I'm going to have a look [Music] around this is an emergency Subject Delta has escaped Ellena lamb has turned on her own people stand and fight or the Rapture family falls together mly have some of [Music] this we have to get you out of rapture father it's the only way I can save you now beginning admission sequence don't you recognize Sinclair Delta now he is what you should have been one final Alpha Series ready to die for the family as Pan's former owner he is the ideal man to put you back in your cage mother's controlling Sinclair father and he's got the master key catch [Music] him kid Lambs in my head I can't help myself have to fight just to talk left me my godamn tongue to torture the bomb codes out of me she wants me to stop you leaving I I'm sorry [Music] Elena I know you can hear me I am inside Sinclair's Lifeboat Now Delta cannot reach me here but you can you need not die with him we we shall return to the surface together if you will only only step inside and accept your duty remember Elena mommy loves you oh yes mother's testing me one last game fortunately by now I'm the world's foremost expert at breaking her rules I've made my choice father and if needs be I'll die for it I want to kid I'm sorry I I've lock you in here Lamb's making me dance on her goddamn strings I can't stop you're going to have to break in here and put me down wish there was another way but I'd rather die a man than live like this God he's right father mother's betting you'll die in here or that I'll abandon you before the bombs detonate we can't save Sinclair now we need that key from him find the code to the Watchtower or work out a way to draw him out I tell you the code to that that keypad if I could it's like Lambs put walls up in my head but but the prisoners here might have worked out the number check the sales oh please hurry it hurts to keeps singing out without say so and I'm starting to forget the words son I built this place and I I did rent you out to those plasma trials up at Fontaine and now now I'm paying for it wish I had time to make amends take the LA booat it's all yours just don't leave me like this G Mr Dodge that's quite a generous offer I hit the code in the community bathroom in the tank of the last toilet on the left I also stash some mother loot there for a rainy day it's all yours good luck using the code [Music] Free Will Delta Elena's gift to you and with each decision you twisted her into your own image Sinclair has no such Choice yet in its absence he serves the world uniring he is now the better man you did it kid now come find me I'm sorry we got to say our our fairly well SL this I'd do it myself if I could Sinclair is moving father track him [Applause] down so long kid thank you Sinclair is dead father I'm so sorry I don't know if you were close when you're ready ready take the key now father I'm afraid that ending the lockdown means releasing all the prisoners so please be ready before you use that key on the override switch override engaged ending security curfew ceiling Security Office temporarily Sinclair died a hero of the Rapture family Delta was he a friend to you or just a tomol can you even grasp the difference and Ellena you have chosen Subject Delta over your mother your people and the duty of your your birth so be it you believe this craft will carry Delta to safety like a spoiled child with a new toy I have no choice but to take it away curfew lifted all cell blocks open all bulkit seals released oh no Mother's turned her attention to the Lifeboat we must go there now every moment tears Elena further from me Delta soon this father obsession will end her you have left me without want before you die I will take all that you hold dear Sinclair is just another body in your way I was afraid of this mother has bombed out the ballast compressor's father the Lifeboat will be too heavy to launch unless let me think I think I can boil away the water and get the Lifeboat to rise but I can't generate that much heat alone it's time to recruit the rest of Mother's Little Sisters we're taking them with us head to the Pediatric Wards I'll wake the children up they're stronger than they know with their help I should be able to boil off the water and get us all out of here go on ahead father I'll free them as quickly as I can just as you showed [Music] me you are not saving them Delta no matter how pure your intent the surface is not Paradise but Perdition I would sooner see them drown look father I know you may not have wanted a daughter but love is just a chemical we give it meaning by choice I will be damned if I let mother take you away from me again Elena was to be a composite of all raptures genius the first living utopian serving The World At Large with no regard for herself to force Consciousness on such a being is to tear its wings away that was your gift to her Delta just as she hoped you must be very proud I think yes we're ready for the ballast tank I can boil off the water and get us out of here we must return to the docking platform father [Music] now you granted Ellena the will to choose and now like a plague she spreads it to those Innocents to be self aware is a cursed Delta you are damning [Music] them Le from the [Applause] light I'm stepping inside the Bas tank father come up to the glass once you're ready for me to begin there's no going back once we start you would rip my only daughter from her home and family and feed her to a world without hope though Utopia may die with her I would sooner see us fall goodbye Ellena mother will be waiting for you here they come father hold them off until I can bring it to a boil I don't like it's boiling I can help you fight back now use the plasmid right St that sh [Music] I'm done it father the ballast water is gone release the docking mechanism the elevator to the Lifeboat is flooded father we have to equalize the pressure in here or the door won't open destroy those glass tubes to flood the room we we've done it father we're launching get to the elevator the bombs father we're falling run you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then father the Rapture dream was over you taught me that evil is just a word Under the Skin it's simple pain for you Mercy was Victory you sacrificed you endured and when given the chance you forgave always mother believed this world was irredeemable but she was wrong father we are Utopia you and I and in forgiving we left the door opened for [Music] her the Rapture dream is over but in waking I am reborn this world is not ready for me yet here I am it would be so easy to misjudge them you are my conscience father and I need you to guide me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will always be with me now father your memories your drives and when I need you you'll be there on my shoulder whispering [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if Utopia is not a place but a people then we must choose carefully for the world is about to change and in our story Rapture was just the beginning [Music] [Music] subject Sigma is approaching manura Den he must not reach the Tiner detonate the tunnel a [Music] [Music] hello Mr Sigma can you hear me the name's Porter Charles Milton Porter doc Tenon bomb tells me you're here to help us get the Thinker out of rapture it's not going to be easy but nothing worth doing ever is you should be able to get inside through an airlock nura's Den has been cut off from the rest of rapture for some time but not cut off from splicing don't let your guard down the Den's gone dark but if you can reset the local power relay I'll be able to get the juice flowing from here [Applause] hello there welcome to manura den the home of raptures high technology what steps into manura Den Porter's newest toy he wants to dinker for himself but you see old friend the machine has chosen me [Music] set it down you won't away why read wall he and I founded Rapture Central Computing together but the greedy bastard pushed me out years ago the splicers the security he pulls the strings in manura Den [Applause] now look at you Sigma you think that Porter is your ally but the Thinker knows better The Thinker knows [Music] what would Rapture be like without automation from self openening to pneumatic deliveries rap Computing keeps life running smoothly the power is routed that should tip things in our favor head up to my office in the executive Wing I've got something you'll need hurry now [Applause] the thinker's perfect equation has predicted your every move Sigma it knew you would be here it knows where you will be next and it knows that you will [Music] fail walls become obs obsessed with perfecting his predictive equation The Thinker can do plenty but tell the future now the splicing drove him mad wall can rot here in Rapture for all I care we'll make a copy of the Thinker and return it to the land of the [Music] living that damn door on the fritz again somebody around here must have had one of those maintenance tools i' check the machine room here in the executive wing that hack tool should come in handy head back up to my office Min nervous Den is mine you think you can hack your way to The Thinker you're welcome to try wall splicers haven't gotten into my office thanks to the thinker's security I'm giving you top level access now all right beginning scan scar designation Sigma please come [Music] in sorry I can't be there to meet you in person you've seen the state of the den these days it's the Thinker that's important now though I need you to get to the computer core and print a hard copy of The Thinker machine code core access is in operations there's an Ops access punch card hidden in the compartment under my desk there grab the card and head for [Applause] Ops H's time is done friend and now you collude with this traitor to steal the Thinker away from me Sigma must be removed from the equation [Music] thinker deploy office [Applause] [Music] [Music] defenses wall he was a brilliant engineer we saw eye to ey once long ago but the SPL ing made him paranoid delusional he'd murder us both to keep the Thinker here the Rapture Central Computing Mainframe performs over 1 million calculations per second couldn't your business benefit from that kind of power contact a corporate accounts representative today Rapture Central Computing in your rapture Direct the Lancer is the most technically Advanced big daddy that Rapture ever produced now it stands between you and the little sisters and if there's anywhere that you'll need atam to get by it's manura den no time to play Mr be or Adam for big sister subject Sigma rises above the pack a futile gesture before the all knowing thinker I'm always safe with Daddy [Music] hell the maglock door is still active it's regulated by the resistors plugged into that relay if you can find a way to yank them out magnets fail doors open there's a plasma that could do the job they called it gravity well according to the thinker's records the airtight archives warehouse supervisor had a shot of gravity well on hand getting into the archives Warehouse that'll be the fun part the door to the archives is shorted out i' check the McLendon robotics workshops for a shot of electr [Applause] Bolt how does it feel to know that your grand purpose is foretold by a machine the numbers know already what will happen as I tell you this will it affect the outcome I am not so much holding my breath hello [Applause] at least this will come as a surprise to you Temple they son of a [ __ ] don't leave me with me Daddy's mad you'll be sorry I program Str input away it's dancing daddy dancing one good zap from that electr bolt plasma should get you into the archives [Music] hey I ought to cross you off my don't talk back to me but I [Music] clear a room of clutter or your enemies watch them try to resist the pull of gravity [Music] well the Thinker knows what you're going to do with that and it isn't [Applause] happy the machines prediction accounts for your Every Act until you reach the thinker's core the equation simply ends I will not let such an error come to pass up and over friend once you toss that gravity well over the divider the suction will do the rest magne Bingo that's the way we're one step closer to getting the thinker's blueprint out of rapture head down the lift to [Music] operations operations you're nearing the heart of the machine visitors to manura den are reminded that the operation 's wing of rapture Central Computing is strictly off limits Sigma you show such loyalty to a proven traitor what is pter to you a convenient excuse to disrupt my work or something more I am curious I must admit but not enough to let you live [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your can't strong unable [Applause] I've got a boser at my lab that should be able to get us the hell out of rapture but we can't launch just yet first we'll need to reprogram a signal Beacon that nutcase Lamb's got the city on lock down but a hacked Beacon should keep her Torpedoes at Bay see what you can find the floor outside mana's Den is a machine graveyard with a little luck you should find the beacon we need out there no one is supposed to be some damn fool stuck his finger in the socket to get out through the air loock you'll have to break the circuit [Music] somehow look for a down pathosphere they each had a signal Beacon we could use make yourself at home Sigma soon you also will be rusting here among the trash used up by poter and tossed on the heat that'll do the trick take the beacon to the master input console in the programming Wing that paranoid bastard wall had it installed in his office I read you now from The Machine's prediction Sigma enters me nervous then encounter hostility Sigma enters Wall's Chambers you see the Thinker has chosen me it does not care what I once did [Music] Adam makes it hard to sleep forgetting things lately so this this is an emergency reminder for the C to my private storage area I won't record the number but remember just look at the four groups of books on the shelf and this sequence is obvious good it's all hooked up I can run the hack sequence from here just one minute that should do it I hope if the hack turned out right you are now the proud owner of one homemade signal jammer Porter worries you with Sophia Lamb's Torpedoes H he fills your head with foolish visions of freedom I can provide you more immediate concerns you [Music] got [Music] fight daddy you you always save me so far so good I can feel the sunlight already now we just print out the machine code from the thinker's central processor so I can take it to the surface and start to rebuild computer core access is at the far end of Ops [Music] it's not your time to enter the core not just yet W you son of a [ __ ] he's cranked the thinker's cooling system into overdrive you're frozen out of the core head to climate control and manually reset the turbine to defrost this mess it's the only way we're going to make it to the Thinker comic control system reset temperature balance normalized give you your core access restored that'll do the chamber leading to main frame access is defrosting as we speak head on back there next stop the thinker's computer core let's fix your face baby the equation is near heing its conclusion Sigma the answers lion the core The Thinker is waiting for you Sigma and so am I not yet Sigma I am still crunching the numbers watch out hell there's one way into the core that wall can't lock off the maintenance access shafts sorry to send you down through the pit it's all we've [Applause] [Music] got what is driving you into the core Sigma what compels you to defy the thinker's equation [Music] is it your deep love for Porter and for tenin bomb ha you hardly know them Sigma you have never even met them Ryan's secret police came for Porter long ago and now he has reappeared and manura den a man sent to prony does not just open his cell door and walk home the I've tried to keep you from the heart of the machine you did not listen when the pangs of familiarity sting you my friend you will have only yourself to [Music] blame well thinker Ryan's secret police are on their way they cooked up some kind of evidence against me treason they say I've heard what happens to folks who get disappeared come back as one of those metal daddies so I'm leaving you with something to cogitate on in my absence inputting Rapture departure protocol figure a way to get yourself out of this city thinker you've got to live on no matter what happens to me you'll find a way you're in the Thinker core the code printer is upstairs in the control Booth top level access only you'll need to confirm your genetic identity to start the printing process Porter you have forced my hand you see the Tiner is shut down that leaves only two variables you and me the equation ends here her Sigma it is Dr tanan bomb with the computer disabled minous Den is falling to pieces no pressure regulation No Air Supply you must defeat V and bring the Tiner back to full power [Applause] [Music] your moment has come old friend I stand before you the trusted partner who put a knife in your back do not disappoint me come now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] quickly take the administrator punch card from V's body and reactivate The Thinker man frame reactivated confirming users genetic identity genetic identity confirmed Alpha Series subject Sigma former identity Charles Milton quter [Music] welcome back ending personality duplication subject Charles Milton [Applause] Porter you see now why I let the machine speak for you Mr Porter we needed a voice that would be familiar comforting your own with that copy of the thinker's programming we may return to this Sur and use it to restore you to the man you once were please collect the print out and meet me at your bisphere dock take your time Mr Porter I will be waiting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] I believe I'm done feeding audio recordings and personal anecdotes to The Thinker I am set to test the personality duplication function Target personality Pearl Porter thinker are you ready yes Milton starting test hello Pearl Hello Milton how how have you been just wonderful Milton I've missed you though it's been so long Pearl I no no this isn't right it isn't her thinker sto the test but what's the matter Milton oh God don't you still love me oh God oh God I said I said end function thinker now it's over [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] The Thinker never gave up on you Mr Porter it could not leave you behind please step up to the console and begin the the bisphere launch sequence they have much work ahead of us [Music] [Music] I lived through the blitz Pearl and the fall of rapture they took my memory my voice everything that made me a man but nothing ever scared me so much as saying goodbye I wanted to save you I couldn't resist trying to bring you back the only way I knew how but you didn't want that I know it now and I think I'm finally ready to let you go your way I stand here with the sun on my face and it's almost like I can feel you smiling goodbye Pearl I love you more than I've got words for Milton [Music] Booker Are You Afraid Of God no but I'm afraid of you are you going to just sit there as compared to a standing not standing rowing rowing hav plan on it so you expect me to shoulder the burden no I do expect you to do all the rowing and why is that coming here was your idea my idea I've made it very clear that I don't believe in the exercise it no imagine that's wonderful exercise then what the entire thought experiment excuse me how much longer one goes into an experiment knowing one could fail if one does not undertake an experiment knowing one has failed can we get back to the rowing I suggest you do we're never going to get there no I mean I'd greatly appreciate it if you would assist perhaps you should ask him I imagine he has a greater interest in getting there than I do I suppose he does but there's no point in asking why not because he doesn't row he doesn't row no he doesn't Ro ah I see what you mean we've arrived shall We Tell him when we'll be returning would that change anything it might give him Comfort at least that's something we can agree on hey somebody meeting me here I'd certainly hope so it does seem like a dreadful place to be stranded well maybe there's someone inside excuse me it's Booker DT I guess you're expecting me [Music] good luck with that pal is anyone here hello [Music] [Music] good when I am dying it's good I [Music] am I am [ __ ] [Music] wait a minute that [Applause] [Music] card what in the world is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right looks like they expect me to sit in their fancy chair so the hell go make yourself ready pilam the bindings are there the safe guard no no God damn it atten in the count of five count of four no three two one asion all right we just stay calm 5,000 ft 10,000 ft 15,000 Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] h am oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am seed of the [Music] Prophet excuse me where am I Heaven friend more as close as we'll see till Judgment [Music] Day this keep such questions to myself unless I want to get [Music] made and every year on this day of days we recommit ourselves to our city and to our Prophet father conel we recommit through sacrifice and the giving of thanks and by submerging ourselves in the Sweet Waters of baptism and lo if the prophet has struck down our enemies ined me and not railed against the Sodom beneath us it would have been enough if the prophet had just railed against the Sodom beneath us but not accept the three golden gifts of the founders it would have been enough if the prophet had just accepted the three golden gifts of the founders and not prayed for our deliverance it would have been enough if the prophet had only prayed for our deliverance and not led us to this new Eden it would have been enough if the prophet had just led us to the new Eden and not purged the Vipers of the Orient it would have been enough if the prophet had just purged the Vipers of the Orient but not suffered the sacrifice of his beloved it would have been enough if the prophet had just suffered the sacrifice of his beloved but not expelled the Marx popul it would have been [Music] enough is it someone new someone from the southern below newly come to Colombia to be washed clean before our Prophet our Founders and our Lord I just need passage into the city passage to the city brother the only way to Colombia is through rebirth in the Sweet Waters of baptism will you be cleansed brother let this or turn around and get back on that rocket might as well get it over with hey I baptize you in the name of our prophet in the name of our Founders and the name of our Lord I don't know brothers and sisters but this one doesn't look clean to me who's there who's there bring us the girl and wipe away the jet what do you want we had a deal to wait open this door right now I told you not going to [Music] do how do we know are we to rely upon our own because know that idiot priest needs to learn the difference between baptizing a man and drowning one granted a sword of gold I need to find a landmark and figure out where the hell I am to Father Franklin a key of gold so that Eden might have industry that set her above all our Prophet fills our lungs with water so they may better love the air just cuz the city flies don't mean it ain't got its fair share of fools all right still got a girl to find [Music] [Music] after the victory at Wounded KN the angel Colombia did present herself to father comto and show him a vision of the future and so our Prophet led the people away from the son below up up into the city where they created an even more perfect union but it was the miracle child the lamb that is the future of our city for the prophet has said that she in the tower will lead the son of below into righteousness all clear good luck at the raffle folks yeah that's where they said I'd find her telegram Mr dit huh telegram for you sir dit stop do not alert comto to your presence stop whatever you do do not pick number 77 stop the test [Music] [Music] of the world he's both he's the amazing handyman only in our Fair City will you see such amazing feats of technological prowess have you ever seen anything like it it looks so sad sad you're that has a p telephone ever refused to connect you with a beloved spouse well it's time to take back control from the men of metal with possession you are the master you will bend any machine to your will give me one of those just a whisper they're all ears [Music] [Music] press to turn machines into [Music] allies what the hell was that well if it isn't assembl in Buford your spot at the raffle awaits don't know why I didn't recognize you before gentlemen of your caliber are fing Fairgrounds heads or tails come on let me through heads or tail Nails heads told you H I never find that as satisfying as I'd imagined CH up there's always next time I suppose there is I will but before that what the I night I ring good night good night I ring good we'll see about that I'm feeling luy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alled and now the 1912 raffle has officially begun Mister sorry no sale silly there's never a charge for the raffle you've been sleeping under a rock 77 77 that's a lucky number I'll be rooting for you bring me the bowl is that not the prettiest young white girl in all of Colombia all right then the winner is number 77 oh what do you know over here over here he's the winner number 77 come and claim your prize first [Applause] throw it was me it was all me please please please what are you doing come on are you going to throw it or are you taking your coffee black these days I'm the one you want oh looks like we've got a shy one here [ __ ] wait it's him now where'd you get that brand don't you know that makes you the back stab and sneak in the grass false Shepherd a false shepher and we ain't letting no false Shepherd bir into our flock show them what we got planned [Music] boys stop him stop him the false Shepherds come to lead our lamb astray disconnect disconnect he's here he'll take care of the son of a [ __ ] it's getting hot what's going [Music] on in the name of yeah let's kiss well you only live once press to throw a fiery grenade hold and release to create an explosive trap that wasn't no SLE we have company we do indeed why are you following me we were already here why are you following us a pair of teeth [Music] what was that surprising surprising that it worked surprising that it didn't kill him but a magnetic repulsive field around one's body can come in handy if it doesn't kill you a fair [Music] point we're sorry to say that Monument Island is our Li you've got to go Workman should proceed to the island by means of the skylines skylines huh those things them coppers came riding in on back by the lottery wa drop the weapon Qui war is Stand Down Down stand the Delaware with flaming Sword and the wings of Angel watch over me and lend strength father Washington hear my prayer [Music] need to head to the roof take that Skyline to Monument Island I know why you have come false shepher I see every sin that blackens your soul wounded KNE the Pinkerton the drink the G and of course Anna and now to repay a debt you've come for my land but not all debts can be repaid Booker you don't know me pal prophecy is my business Mr D as blood as yours you know why these men will die for because I have seen their future in the glory glory and hence they are content what brought you to Colombian looker bring us the girl and wipe away the debt this will end in blood point then again again it always does with you doesn't it it always ends in blood Jesus [Music] [Music] you've come to lead my lamb astray but thy crook is bent and thy path is Twisted Ted go back to the s from which you came come back holy [ __ ] head got to find the controls to take this thing to Monument Island okay I'm sure I can get this thing going the Lord forgives every but I'm just a problem so I don't have to amen amen Jesus hell out of here holy [ __ ] that was [Music] close there it is mim man Island wonder where they got her locked up in this place dressing room that's where we need to [Music] go that's her [Music] is [Music] [Applause] who oh whatever that was it's got nothing to do with a job at hand this job's getting worse all the time what makes the girl different I suspect it has less to do with what she is and rather more with what she is not a small part of her remains from where she came it would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge holy [ __ ] all right I can do this uh hello hey not get off stop it will you stop it not here to hurt you who are you my name is my name is DT I'm a friend I come to get you out of here get away are you real I'm real enough he's coming you you've got to go why you don't want to be here when he gets here just a minute I'm getting dressed I'll get you out of here there's no way out trust me I've looked stop it you're you're too impatient that's enough what about this what about it this is the way up isn't it what are you give it to [Music] me huh it's a way out on this way it's his job to keep me locked up in here we'll see about that who are you why did you come here this way come on wait hurry call the elevator what the hell press the button what is all this they were watching me all this time why why did they put me in here what am I what am I you're the girl who's getting out of this Tower this way we have to keep moving he's tearing the building apart be careful Elizabeth how do you know my name not [Music] now here out of the way let me try which way h no no he a [Music] is [Music] W bring us the girl and swipe away the de are you in there to witch what do you want with her we had a deal to wait tell me what you want with her open this door right now are you going to hurt her tell me what you want Anna Anna Anna an no it's me Elizabeth are you all right where am I back in the land of the living here let me I'll be fine you're almost drowned you need to I said I'm fine just just give me a [Music] minute did you hear that it's music go on I just seea okay I I won't be long I won't be long Mr dit where is [Music] she you see a young girl a blue skirt no no but I'm without an escort if you're looking to pass the time hey hey I'm looking for a young girl wearing a white blouse brown hair blue eyes hey I'm looking for a young girl who isn't brother an Airship that could be our ticket out of here [Music] hey miss [Music] him Miss Miss Elizabeth hello oh this is wonderful well Come Dance With Me Mr I Don't Dance come on let's go why what could be better than this how about Paris Paris I I don't understand how good we get get there that's where that airships going but if you want to stay and dance we can let's go come on let's go come on let's go right now W I'm out it's hard to believe but it's true isn't it oh can you smell that I've never smelled anything like that before have you beaches I know don't smell much like that yes to the left [Music] Mr detet comto I've read about him they say he can see the future give a man a little power he falls in all kinds of love with himself I don't like his look do you dislike the look of the Prophet or his gaze can we leave now [Music] almost sh it's just a set of elaborate pumps and Rain catchers seems like we're fairly well healed Mr dwit huh that fall into the water did you no favors I'll keep an eye out for something that might ease your pain Mr DT here bird or the cage or perhaps the bird nothing beats the cage these two again how do never [Music] mind look at these they're amazing which one do you like more this one or or this the bird is beautiful and the cage is somber but there's really something special about it I just can't deide the one on the right are you sure I'm sure I love it surprising I expected the cage if you're going to be a sore loser then I sh do this again that's just sophistry oh my God my God it has to be who else do such a thing are you all right why did was my home we should get out of here let's [Applause] go oh frerick where was the song bur in his head make sure you have a piece of photographic identification ready for presentation put those arms up now fingers a look at this one he's suspicious if you ask damn thing's locked all right all right quiet down there Pete just go home and dry yourself what are you doing you're a roguish type what is look like done what did you learn to pick locks trapped in a tower with nothing but books and spare time you would be surprised what I know how to do return When you got some C over here I found these silver eagles there's a vending device over there there might be something to bring you back back to health it's probably a good idea hey hey mister we'd like to help you do I know you back at the lottery you without you we wouldn't have gotten away Daisy always said somebody like you would come along kind sir would you happen to have the time it's about 7:30 oh the Flint loock it's the newest one in the series I read it was delayed three times come and take a photograph with the father of our country he chopped down the cherry tree he crossed the Delaware on Annabelle excuse me Annabelle it's me Esther oh no I'm not Annabelle are you sure my name is Elizabeth do I know you Elizabeth isn't that a lovely name that was odd last customer Park's closing Park's closing [Music] everyone suspect he's carrying hey he's two tickets for passage to the first lady Airship yeah just a minute friend yeah I have it how do you uh want to proceed in a of a rush pal mhm I got it I'll ring you back once the Matter's in hand I don't like this yeah send to the bird we're ready to execute excuse me can I get some help here certainly sir sorry about the wa what are you doing get the girl get off of me we got him get away from me let me out Elizabeth ouch stay away from me if she dies I suspect they will give us to the bird and whatever pieces it leaves behind will bear no names just stay where you are AIG six get away from me hey come back here look at all those people I can't believe he did that they're all dead you killed those people Elizabeth you're a monster what did you think was going to happen H what do you want to stay in the expense the people went through to keep you locked up in that Tower you think people like that are just going to let you walk away you are an investment and you will not be safe until you are far away from here what what do they want from me I don't know that's the last time anyone gets the drop on me let me see your hand what happened back there it's not the last spit is it I don't know [Music] there I must get used to it I've read a thing or two about medicine do my best to keep you supplied with remedies and if your wounds are deeper I'll try to keep you on the side of the Abyss you hold on to [Music] [Music] this the gate shut up tight now how are we going to get to the Airship let me see if I can get that gate open by hand shut jockey who needs the power company some Fool's alternative to electricity doesn't seem to work very well there it is first lady looks like it's heading for the dock that will take us to Paris just stay close yes Mr do call me Booker all right Booker you C candy here do you know why you were hired to come and get me I imagine they were interested in meeting you no doubt for lockpicking lesson why you I never even heard of this place before I got here huh I assumed Columbia was common knowledge below guess I got a bit behind with current events we need to summon the Gonda if we intend to reach that Airship these seem to be the controls that [Music] Summoner looks like this runs exclusively on shock jockey of course it does where in the hell are we going to find that look come see the future of power at the hall of Heroes huh last convenient Hall of Heroes closed until further notice then there won't be a line to get in what the hell is something wrong nothing I can't fix oh s i I hate these things jeez just kill it no it'll sting me Elizabeth I have a better idea wait what are you doing opening a chair oh [ __ ] what is that it's a chair I used to open them all the time in my tower what is a tear it's like a a a window a window to another world most of the time their doll is dishw water a different colored towel or tea instead of coffee but sometimes sometimes I see something amazing and I pull it through there good God I don't suppose you've got an airship in there I don't think so but there is the there is something I oh no close it I I'm trying close it I don't really understand what I just saw back there but it sure as hell looks like a shortcut to getting us killed but I could help I can handle whatever comes along trust me have it your way I suppose listen now shooting [Music] get [Music] him get him out of [Music] there Crow see him [Music] [Music] okay on second thought I think those tears of yours might come in handy next time we're in a scrape well there has to be a tear around for me to use I can't just pull them out of thin air they shut down Gondola access to the hall of Heroes must be because of what's going on with that man's slate well I suppose we could take those skylines above us we just need to find a way to clear up that cargo first this is going to be fantastic think that key of yours can find some ammunition lying around I sure could use it when there's trouble it'll take some scringy the line's clear we can take the skyline to the hall look for supplies in that bar back down the street who's that slate actually know the fell seems he still got a knack from making enemies [Music] Booker sniper [Music] [Applause] rifle just find that shot can get the hell out of here Fitzroy woman and I are comrades of necessity I doubt all the men who Reen Caesar's too would still be father comto commander of the seventh Calvary that man did not lead the seventh hell I don't even remember they got Corporal DeWit proved his worth on the field that day well I'll be slate is that you you've always been different haven't you Booker you grave no glory look I see you're caught up in some kind of jam here if you could see fit to let us through to where they keep this shock jockey then we'll that Tin Soldier comto once my boy's dead we won't die at his hands there going to be trouble all my men have left is a choice die in the hands of a tin soldier or a real one I'm looking catch got it you see you see you're a killer Booker like it or enough just give us the shock jockey if you want the Vigor ler you will give my men a soldier's death they wait for you in wounded KN in B the Tin Soldier has taken credit for the Deeds of the real ones now your companion young lady he wrapped himself in glory on December 29 189 what does he mean you don't want to know [Applause] [Applause] with Hue and cry with Hatchet red they danced amongst our Noble dead but when our soldiers took the field the Savage horde could only [Music] yield you you were there that Wounded Knee I can see it in your face tell her Booker tell her how we strolled that Battlefield like the heroes of Sparta I still hear the screams let's come St this is it man here's the soldier I spoke of the kind of man come me say if I told you true no T Soldier get out of there prove yourself [Music] you see young miss you see the man that kto wishes he was a real sold I don't want to do this slate just give me what I need I will after you do the same for me come and look for me amongst the boxers who are The Boxers the Chinese he means us to head to the other display can you hear comstock's Tin Soldiers coming to silence us but we are the true Patriots the history that does not fit in their [Applause] books what was this it's the box of rebellion what happened there in ping it was my hand that put the city to the torch of course that's not how kto tells it was yellow skin and slanted eyes that did betray us with their lies until they cross the righteous path of our prophet's holy wrath I read about this comto led the Colombian SHO wasn't there the boxers took my eye on 30 of my friends is there even a stroke to mark that sacrifice do not fire and kill me you did them a favor Booker you let them die like men I didn't ask for this I have no quarrel with these men Heroes never ask I never claim to be no hero and what are you if you take away all the parts of bookery wit you tried to erase what's left come back to the Rotunda it's almost over what it's like you what did you try to erase now that you're out of yours you might realize cages have their advantages a choice is better than none Mr do no matter what the outcome yeah what if you woke up one day and realized you didn't like what you chose I've got what you need Booker you will find me past the first ladyes Memorial you've seen what KCK has done to my history now see how he's Rewritten his own the seed of the Prophet lay in the womb of our lady but for a single week Kar had a child my books never mention anything about a child that's quite an Omission can't imagine that was by accident [Music] but the child took ill and our lady prayed for the prophet's Air Day and [Music] Night hello while Daisy Fitzroy has murdered my beloved she shall not have the child she shall not come betwix her and prophecy the seed of the Prophet shall sit the throne and drown in flame the mountains of man you're kck's daughter no I can't be I I can't he wants you to follow his footsteps well I want a puppy but that doesn't mean I'm going to get one think you can crack this one [Music] open to those who love to me I was the most generous of souls there was no pain I would deny them no betrayal I would not gladly give and when I had scorched the hearts of all who loved me the prophet said there is nothing you can do for which I will not forgive you for God has granted me sight and through his eyes even you are loved [Music] [Music] for [Music] I can get through these bars but you're too broad let me Scout ahead see if there's some way to move forward look is that it's a tear something I can bring into this world it's a freight hook well that's convenient as I said it's a form of wish fulfillment do it now sure thing that came from whenever I'd get anxious tears have a way of appearing Booker do you see those tears we can use them against slat's men that tear will get us access to Higher Ground and that one will give us a turret and some cover try that one turret now gto's pet can do some wonderful tricks do you know what you've got there Booker that's enough slate we just need the Vigor to get out of Colombia we're taking it one way or another slate to the sky comto bent his knee and saw with holy prophecy too rare is the man who takes a stand you Fatherland the the heroes of our city Booker that's what kto will turn us into why and to replace heads and hearts Booker Lord judges I actar you see Booker maybe you're the man I remember maybe not it doesn't matter comto took our stories and scrubbed away our soul now he's coming for me and when I'm gone all that will be left is the lie just give us what we came [Applause] for fancy putting those lockpicking skills to work keep a look out done [Music] the whole place is ransacked there ain't no shot jocky here slate must have taken them is that slate he's here [Music] oh deadly stamp captured by man to what is that tomstock ships he's coming for slate it was slate who killed for his country it wounded KN it was slate who stormed the gates at ping slate slate come Stock's coming Booker but our lives won't satisfy him oh no he won't rest until he's turned us into 10 I won't let him he took my past but that's all he's getting from me just give us the Vigor we don't need to do this here you go boys a soldier Decker Waits take this you're not the fcker to it I remember Tin Man K man is that all you can muster Soldier come on now your witch don't disappoint the boys we hold these truths to be self-evident you s ready [Music] go hooker catch thanks come on Wick Show Me What You're Made Of [Music] a [Music] you're not done here Soldier eat everything that's on your plate finish it [Music] they haven't changed you Booker not [Music] one shock jocky now this better be worth it slate [Music] [Music] press to shoot a bolt of electricity hold and release to create a shocking [Music] trap I suppose it was Mercy comstock's men would have taken him I suppose it was do you ever get used to it killing faster than you can imagine don't you know these viggers seem very powerful I'll do what I can to keep you stocked in salts thanks here's some cash over there a c i can tell what slate said bothered you you showed me sometimes you have to do what's necessary to survive there's survival and then there's finding pleasure in the ACT Booker look you seem like a decent enough sort that said less you know about me the better [Music] I don't think I understand how you do what you do these tears I always thought of them as doors God when I was younger I didn't just open the ones I found I remember making them making them I could go wherever I wanted but I always wanted to come back to what I don't know my family huh how do you do that whatever it is you know how I said I had plenty of time to read well I tried to figure it out I Read Literature on physics and other such things yeah and what did that teach you that there's a world of difference between what we see and what is [Music] the Gondola's [Applause] coming he will abandon you my sweet Elizabeth Elizabeth once he has what he needs he will leave you alone what else could you expect from a liar killer of women kto father Prophet whomever you are I'm leaving and there's not you can do to stop me oh sweet child that's where [Music] you're there on [Music] it close on the kill he got Rockets be look out [Music] Patriot Belongs to the [Music] Lord the Lord judges I can you unlock this this won't take long at all all [Music] done when you were unconscious on the beach you kept repeating a woman's name Anna I don't want to talk about that I I'm sorry I I shouldn't have pride where are you from Mr dit it New York what did you do there business much like this something that really caters writing on a resume it was a fine thing you came along when you did how do you think I ended up here I gambled and now I owe money to men you don't want to be in debt to I come here to pay it back me busting you out what do you think that was charity who sent you somebody who was willing to take my marker and ex change for you so looks like they call you the false Shepherd and you the lamb let's not call each other that suits me how do you figure they'd know you'd be coming either they've got a prophet on their side har har or them that hired me also with the signs why got me nice you all right I want to see Paris I want to see everything it's up to you now there's no one wait what is that 40 North by 74 West that's not Paris that's New York I you know that one thing I had in that Tower was time Mr dit it time to study things like geography I owed money and there's a fellow he offered to wipe away my debt in exchange for you come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on everything's going to be okay will you just turn around and talk to me and we can [Music] [Music] take [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this one's awake so you're this false Shepherd we've been hearing so much about caused a mess of trouble after raffle you fit Roy nothing but I got no quarrel with you or your vox populi this is my airship you're hanging me out of and I got perilous need of it really cuz it show look like old comto Airship to me listen I ain't looking for a fight there's already a fight to win only question is which side you on kto is the god of the white man the rich man the pitiless man but if you believe in common folk then join the fox if you believe in the righteous folk then join just want my ship and the Vox shall give her to you but first you must help the Vox down in fton there's a gunsmith who can supply weapons to our cars get our guns from him and you shall have your ship back better to find Elizabeth before she lights up the most Comm get out of here snipe you want to know what we do to pretty little snowway or maybe you don't hey just stop for a minute stay away [Music] I just want to talk to you I said stay away [Applause] Elizabeth get away from me just hold up for a minute I'm not angry with you hey watch out move move it move just stay back God damn it I am not going with you don't go in there I have no need of no no no let me go got her there's got to be another way in requested troops are on their way keep close enough out of you will get your hands off of me let me go wants you and we mean to give you to him won't you be Qui taking cover up [Music] [Music] help you stop already I am not going with you Elizabeth wait [Music] St [Music] [Music] he hey I'm slipping do not attempt to follow me Mr DT Elizabeth I've made an arrangement to get our Airship back you can get us out of here yes I just need to supply enough weapons to arm an entire Uprising and where will we get these weapons from one of our many friends and allies a gunsmith infed should be a walk in the park what do you say Partners you're a liar Mr DT and a thug you're also my only means of reaching Paris don't get too comfortable with my company Mr dit you are a means to an end no more that would be your gunsmith who sent you to find this person Daisy Fitz she's either the great hero or the worst of Scoundrels depending on who's doing the tent she's good for an Airship I don't care if she's the queen of harand they say throw down your tools they say my I tell you the moment you do you will see what those hyenas are made of I ask you where are they going to be when it's cold outside and your boys's got the m and you've got nothing on your table but welcome to F inder's recruitment we are not looking for any help you hear that no help how are we going to illegally let's look for another way in can you open this Elizabeth done over there service elevator should take us s to think to and get ourselves killed in the bargain you got to the C we hold these troths to be self-evident [Music] my it's going to get messy found found [Music] anything ammo take it take this much obliged [Applause] gunsmith Chen Lin wanted for known connections to the outlaw Daisy Fitzroy look like our guy's drawn attention that's not said no it's your home if you don't protect it now will Booker it's Slate's Locker he must have worked here this is my mother's diary why would slate have it my husband claims the child was created from Whole cloth I will I am a believer but I am not a fool his bastard shall not be raised under this roof my mother she had me locked in that Tower Elizabeth I just want to get out of this city please greetings my name is Jeremiah fck and I want to share with you my personal Creed what is the most admirable creature on God's green earth why it's the bee have you ever seen a bee on vacation have you ever seen a bee take a sick day well my friends the answer is no so I say be the be be the be maybe you should get um hello Mr dit uh yes hold for Mr f please what's going on DT think here listen my boy we've had our eye on you and I can tell you right now that you are our top candidate top now uh my associate Mr flambo will help you with anything you need what the hell was that I have no idea he seems oddly pleased to make your [Music] acquaintance wo well the man's got an ego [Music] now some say to me think why is it that we get paid in tokens that are only good at The Company Store well I'll tell you what I'll be dabed at might let any of you more folk get robbed at some shady establishment you see the think Company Store brings you think products at a price designed specifically for the Fink worker [Music] Mr dwit welcome to fton you'll find a variety of supplies here that should see you through your visit what does Mr Frink want with us Excuse Me Miss but Mr Fin's interest is strictly in the gentleman but what so sorry young Miss but any questions regarding the gentleman's application should be taken up with Mr think directly catch Booker does this strike you as good news much obliged doesn't strike me as good [Music] news we need a coal Porter here to half the coal from fake manufacturing starting what do you think head to the gunsmith or scavenge supplies by the clock shop give me 14 10 10 minutes speed not 10 we give me n not n 8 minutes spe now eight 7 and A2 7 and2 here it is Booker Chen ly gunsmith for work [Music] hm I've read about this that's got mauda who the founder of Buddhism spent 49 days under a bod tree until he achieved Enlightenment something tells me comto doesn't cater to Idols getting worship that ain't him hello hello Mr Lynn Chen Lynn is anybody here what happened here someone worked this place over local constabulary no doubt you hear that there's someone downstairs excuse me now I'm sorry to bother you we're looking for Mr Lynn Mr Chen lyer Mr Lynn not here he gone gone they take flying Squad I pray G buha pray give husband back give back to me where did they take him Club everyone takes to Good Time Club where is this club ma'am please where where is this club [ __ ] will find it just leave her be why not Fox bully help Jen Lin why not Daisy Fitzroy help Jen Lin cops kind who probably got their boot on Lynn's throat asking him how well he knows Daisy fitro isn't she the one we're working for as a matter of fact it is all right now let's figure out where this good time Club is handyman stop moving [Music] compl I hear from the working men are I don't much care for you Mr DWI I must admit you know your way around to brawl not become a lion then why would you want to who wants all those responsibilities [Music] and I'm sorry about what I said at the Docks I'm calling you a thought yeah can't see how I might have changed your sense of that you protected me job's a job there is Mr D now we just need to head inside and find Mr Lynn and just call me Booker welcome to the good time class sir or Adam where the Lions Roar the show is about to begin ah do it my boy you know the best kind of interview is one where the applicant doesn't know he's being evaluated but I've watched you since the other day at the lottery you're a brute and in times like this I could use a brute what do you want think I labor unrest is coming to it now fit Roy has got the jungle all riled up a man like me could have use of an old Pinkerton like you let's find Shen Lyn and get the hell out of here now now all I ask is that you finish what you started with wouldn't want to disappoint the other applicants our first candidate is a veteran of pay King now what's that they say about old Soldiers frankly my money is on you he's something of an old hand at handling explosives only man I know who hasn't lost the limb working with them yet I haven't found anything watch out fir young p p surpassing all expectations here my boy keep it up this young goalgetter is a former devotee of lady kstu but without the old gal they don't know quite what to do with themselves again fair you're a you don't Sal fer by that sort of ambition my boy will serve you well at B Industries that's all I have right now no enough of the opening acts your true rival is an expert with the automat wants to replace all our security with machines I'll give the old boy credit though it would be fewer to Booker catch whatch KN in the no yes yes quite the Eager Beaver isn't he [Music] so congratulations to which you know when your name was first passed to me I wasn't quite sure you were the man for the job but now I can say with certainty that I was quite wrong I'm not interested in your job F now now I know all about your little job for Fitzroy but do you really want to take her offer over mine do you know how many people would kill to be head of f security you're a tough nut to crack Mr dit a tough nut but I promise you this I will get what I want okay there's a door over here I think that's the way down come on friend you're a modern woman it's 1912 it's going to be 2012 before I'm interested in one like you [Music] [Music] look CH cell number nine here's some cash hooker here fancy putting those lockpicking skills to work looks easy enough I used to work for folks like thinkink really and it was with the pinkertons they call us in when the workers got restless to do what demonstrate the Folly of men striking throwing down tools you hurt people I'll tell you this sometimes there is precious need for folks like Fitzroy why cuz of folks like me got it what could people have done to deserve to be locked up in a place like this think don't need much of a reason no no he doesn't want take a look at this on it this is it isn't it yep number nine all done do it you're a lion but you can't blame me for looking after my own interests can you now I know Fitzroy has come calling but I think you'll find your business with her has come to an end Lions walk with lions to it not hyenas we're too late God damn it this is what he meant now we need to find someone else to make those guns no dead is dead Elizabeth dead is dead what where the hell did I see heads and I see tals it's all a matter of perspective why are you following us who sent you C dock what do you want what do you see here from this Angle dead listen and that angle alive [ __ ] chenin the body's gone it was never here it's another Columbia a different columia the same coin a different perspective heads Tails Dead Alive we have to go through to this other Columbia but how it's like riding a b one never really forgets one just needs the courage to climb [Music] AB if we go into this tear I don't think he'll be able to bring us back are you sure you're ready okay open it look there's no blood and no body it's another world Booker another Columbia something tells me one dead gunsmith ain't the only thing that's changed Daisy Fitzroy come on you piece of horseshit tell me about Daisy cut him loose what scarfield says cut him loose they're bringing us tools to the lock up keep him clean I guess why what are you the Columbia Gazette the chink's wife got friends in high places come on we need to S I don't understand how Chen Linn is alive now we're in a world where he was never murdered somewhere we'll find out why I suppose I don't suspect you can change something like that and have everything else remain the [Music] same these men I killed them they were dead not in this world look are their noses I'm disgusting all bleeding sick sick [Music] why am I still here want to me who do I hate I can't tell which one here who is the eye which what's wrong with them they remember remember what being dead what do we do ready what is going on here s my head of security I suspect you want to find out how these two slip past your men and what they were doing got say about that that man just the other world he was the one who Str up on the wall the other world this whole business makes my head [Music] hurt do you hear anything huh no machines no tools let's go find that gunsmith maybe he's upstairs now looker look the shrine it's a figure of commstock now [Music] Mr Lynn Chen Lyn excuse me Chen ly who are you you speak up speak up can't hear you over all these machines very loud I'm Booker dwit stand back these machines very dangerous wait downstairs with Mrs Lynn U Daisy Fitzroy sent us we need to talk to you about getting some weapons machines very dangerous no place for stupid people want to lose pretty head Mr ly downstairs what is wrong with him remember him dead in that cell maybe in in some way he remembers that too kill my husband how would you reconcile that calm his troubled thoughts excuse me ma'am I'm looking for Mrs Lynn Mrs Lynn no I I mean a little Chinese lady she was Booker this is Mrs Lynn they took Chen's tools what's he got without his tools well your husband is a bit out of sorts if he could work again maybe if if he could work he'd Mrs Lynn can you tell me who took your husband's tools godamn police they took them and locked them up up in the impound in shanty town would having his tools back fix his mind who cares we're not getting any guns if Chen Lyn doesn't have his tools let's head to Shanny town did you notice Lynn had a bloody nose seems to be in style this Terra I'm not so sure it was a good idea [Music] you want to ask me ask me about what my finger sorry I didn't it's all right it's as much mystery to me as anyone else maybe Songbird knows but he's not talking I'm sorry what for I get to wear this stylish symbol to cover up my head kous deformity I hear they're all the rage in Paris there they are the tools now we just have to get them back to the Vox and then we get our Airship Elizabeth little help okay all done who are we really helping by getting guns for the box of it's going to help us Daisy can make a change can't she make things better for the people here sure well we sure as hell aren't going to be able to carry all this back to the shop God we didn't think this all the way through what is that it looks like a tear to another version of this room that doesn't have any tools in it well if the tools aren't in there then then they must be back back at the shop Booker if we go into this sarra I don't think there's any turning back back are you sure you want to go [Music] now I'll do it something come on let's head back to the gunsmith and finish our deal I a to be on that Airship and well shut of this place for Longs get their weapons there's going to be a revolution just like lay miserab these people are going to have better lives yeah [Music] you you b a do it the hero of the Box what the hell are they talking about look at that poster in this world you're a herero I remember I led the Vox slate and I burned down the hall of Heroes it Ain me hard to think two memories in the same place come back to me we're going to find Daisy Fitzroy and we're getting out of here on the first lady let's go [Applause] in this world you are a martyr these folk need a better class of hero when it comes down to it the only difference between comto and Fitzroy it's how you spell the name formula Wonder primal well I guess we did it I don't know if I brought us to a world where the Vox had weapons or I created one [Music] this is this is not what I meant to have happen Lizabeth they're deader come on let's leave this place let's go to the factory and get our Airship this isn't our responsibility none of it you just opened a door to this world and we stepped through are you sure bucker did I just bring us to a world where chenlin was alive or or I created I told you I always thought that my little trick was a form of wish fulfillment I got my wish executed you're about to die onward I [Music] would we familiar with they can't get that door open unless someone takes that Airship out are we volunteering we peace you peace with us you've sabotaged the engine and bring this thing down bre what you soul okay now to get off this thing [Music] [Music] away Booker that was amazing Gan Elizabeth let's go find Daisy in the factory the gates are open now let's take their head thanks for Daisy said she was coming here for f need to take that elevator up bet it leads to Fink's office [Music] [Music] they're just right for each other aren't they who it's and [Applause] comto rman mrin my God I I was so set on getting to Paris I didn't really think that you couldn't have known this would happen I had a role in this catastrophe if if you want to pretend that we're purely Innocents in this then that's your prerogative but um hello think I saw you die booger saw with my own eyes Fitzroy listen I got you your guns I'm here for my airship but my Booker dit died for the fox populari you either an impostor or a ghost my Booker dit was a hero to the cause a story to tell your children you you just complicate The Narrative got it no ST kill the imposters burn their bodies when you're done watch out firemen out [Music] no no no no she's going to kill that child buer we have to do something we have to act we have to get in there come on Booker we we've got to get out here boost me up go to the window and distract a go is this it is this your movement Daisy this is what needs to be done you see the founders ain't nothing but weeds cut them down and they just grow back if you want to get rid of the weed we you got to pull it up from the roof it's the only way to [Music] be Elizabeth I guess it runs in the family Elizabeth whoa whoa hey hey easy these holes have shown me yet another Wonder though I've yet to see the application for it they illuminate a merger of machine and man that is somehow the Lesser yet the greater of both parties the process seems to be irreversible perhaps though kto will have some need of this kind of thing to keep watch in that Tower he has building know how this feels listen I I think you should talk to me [Music] Elizabeth this is all I had listen how do you do it how do I do what forget how do you wash away the things that you've done you don't just learn to live with it so the Moment of Truth between us New York or [Music] Paris no no no no no [ __ ] come on we got to find a way to make this s go [Music] faster there got to be some sort of s of throttle or accelerate something you know what that looks like I don't know help me find it Elizabeth something that's not it certainly is is is trying again here you are Booker we've got to stop them no that's the e no it no it's not it is isn't isn't is try it again no you try fine stop it fine stop it you don't know what you're doing ha there it is you've done it now he's he's coming back he's coming back the notes were correct the instrument was not one needs both to get his attention but if you know how to sing to him he will take you where you need to go who are you we are where we are needed and needed where we are so comto uses these songs are there others we can use something to keep the bird off our back perhaps you should ask the Maestro himself so where is he of course well at least they left the piano Booker that's comto house if we're going to find him we should start there the Box are coming we need to leave the duck we need to push off immediately the Box are can you unlock this sure thing what is it about that song that brings in the bird it always has when I was younger I used to be excited when I heard it excited he was all I had he fed me brought me books he was my friend friend until I grew up and I hated him cuz he was my Warden he's just comstock's pet isn't he just like me it's done this fzz is no better than comto was she once people get their blood up it ain't easy to settle it down again this is on our hands isn't it you don't think anyone can really see the future do you I I saw something once when when I first got here dream it was New York but larger than any New York I ever saw it was burning hope none of the prophet's magic is rubbing off on [Applause] you for Daisy on us help me out with this lock sure thing ready I just realized who those two are they well at least she invented the technology that allows the city to float giant balloons Quantum particles suspended in SpaceTime at a fixed height so not giant balloons but the thing is my book said they disappeared several years ago I told you they'd come no you didn't right I was going to tell you they'd come but you didn't but I don't you sure that's right something tells me they're not exactly what they appear I was going to have to you they'd come no the subjunctive that's not the subjunctive I don't think this intax has been invented yet it would have had to me to they seem to want to help they seem to be out of their minds what's OD the fact that we sometimes finish each other's sentences exactly it would be odder if we didn't how do you suppose they managed that I'll get back to you after I figure out the floating city bit come on comto house is up ahead the seed of the prophet shall sit the throne he was grooming me wasn't he kongu yeah I think so won't be able [Music] to more money here you go nice can you open this it's a simple du dial my book said most fools keep the combination lower than 20 ft away let's hope we find one of those fools this might be it why are you so keen on lockpicking and code breaking if you put a person in a cage that develop an interest in such things I suppose so and I won't be locked up again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Elizabeth Elizabeth you promise me I will stop him no that is a oath you cannot keep but promise me that if it comes to it you will not let him take me back it won't come to that all right look foxs are tearing this place apart down don't anywhere now all right do it done back captured by man you today can you unlock this [ __ ] back there at the shop what you asked me to do let's not discuss it no what did that thing do to you if he were to take me back that's death Mr DT or something so like it I cannot tell the difference danger measur protect your women beyond that gate lies Comstock house lady Kar how lovely to see you wonderful of you to make the journey especially considering your painful death 19 years ago lady comto the dress this thing is mistaken me for my mother your fingerprints do not seem to be your own today lady GTO are you unwell this isn't going to work I think it can your mother's dead Elizabeth yes I think it's time I paid my respects let's head to where she's buried there's the graveyard where my mother's where are you going come on what are we looking for there it is that one now there it's your mother's grave they have her preserved in an airtight chamber her fingerprints will get us into comto house she's your mother mother who abandons their child doesn't draw a lot of sympathy in my book take a moment to think about what you're doing there will you open the door or do I have to go in with [Applause] her Elizabeth it's her how are you mother all locked up in there huh looks like you and I have some common ground let me do it no let me do [Music] [Music] it you see child you chose to follow a false Shepherd and he has led you AR stray what I do I do for love what liar does not cringe to see their cing pain but spare the rod spoil the child if you won't listen to me perhaps you will listen to your mother Elizabeth are you all right where where did she go hold on you need to rest for a minute no I'm getting that hand Elizabeth why is your mother a ghost she's not he he used me to power that device he opened up some kind of tear [Music] it would seem your mother is right what is she I don't know what am I my God is she the source of my power but what is she alive or dead why' you ask what when the delicious question is when the only difference between past and present is semantics lives lived we live dies died we'll die if we could perceive time as it truly was what reason would grammar professors have to get out of bed like us all Lady Comstock exists across time she's both alive and dead she perceives being both she finds this condition disagreeable perception without comprehension it's a dangerous combination look footsteps she get used to unfinished business we have to follow her convince her to open the gate to Comstock house it's a shame you have need of her to enter commstock house frankly she doesn't seem all that Cooperative there is a way to bring her to reason three truths you must discover first truths which in this world Comstar has destroyed if only one of you had the power to alter time and space that would be a blessing wouldn't [Music] it well they're sarcastic there's something off about lady ptock yeah I noticed no you don't understand she she doesn't belong here I brought something through I'm just I'm not so sure it was her [Music] you help me out with this lock Child's Play it's done it's a tear there's something in there should I open it [Music] you are that's my mother I assure you madam my sexual interest in your dear Prophet is nonexistent and Madam less furthermore the man is quite sterile only why come get you little bastard I want you out of my [Music] house sterile they weren't my parents then what were you to them the child that they decided to imprison she deserves whatever comto did to her what did you mean before when you said lady kto didn't belong here she's almost it's like she's a reflection of I told the poor woman the truth the child was a product of contraption this place have to do with my mother footsteps saying to go down to the Vault take this I'm not ready sh him down sniper Booker ammo catch move into cover T Booker much obliged and if I do this this sabotage all their patents all them Mr Kink now why does the prophet want these two killed for the same reason lady kto lies buried child and why does he want me to do it because only you can make it seem an accident I don't think that's the real lady comto I think she's I think she's a combination of herself and my feelings towards her what do you mean I'm just so angry at her and at my father I think she's her but she's also partly me I I'm not even sure I understand it myself locked Elizabeth look simple enough got it but you two are dead I took your funeral photo yes I made an absolute hash of it one doesn't expect a picture of one's cuse to come across so lifelessly hello tessis and anyone who knew the truth was better dead than alive I'm not even his daughter I'm just some specimen got it no you are not Elizabeth listen to me what you've been through ain't nobody in the world deserves that [ __ ] we are getting out of here you got it we never going to have to live back [Applause] is not my mother neither are you but he killed you both yes me I know you hate me for not being your daughter and I hated you for not being my mother you not finished yet open it all right straight there do my suffering take this Thor from my heart I owe you an apology come used me to bring you back but I brought back a version of you from the reality that I had built up in my own head he pretended to love you like he pretended to love me I am not your husband's bastard I am his victim my days of victimhood are done we must forgive each other because there's one far worse than you or I the prophet killed me because you wouldn't keep his secret help [Music] me if that's so then why am I alive not not in this world maybe this is you and another world where you never meet him where I saved him I don't know is that possible find out child find [Music] out okay thank you [Music] fer run Elizabeth [Music] bring us the girl and wipe away the de [Music] [Music] stop stop it stop it don't hurt him I'm sorry [Music] I'm sorry I never should have left I never should have left take me back take take me home [Music] please Elizabeth I got to catch up to her come after me if you want I'm not letting you take her you hear me H you f piece of [ __ ] I'm not going to snow it's [Music] July Elizabeth can you hear me get your hands off of me take me back to my tower please please that some men dream of money what the hell some men dream of love my father dreamt of a flood of fire we were given Eden and we turned it into Sodom why how do we deserve salvation the lord gave Noah a fish in the form of a flood but he was not so easy on me he said Propet I want you to train a nation of fishermen what is this place what are you plan to do to me let me go your [Music] damn it I got to find a way [Music] in all right listen I just want to see the [Music] girl what were those doesn't matter just got to get to the warden's office please please what is this place just just send me back to my tower it's too late for that now child your father gave you a lovely home and you chose to destroy it he's not my father like my father I could see all that would be might be not be child would you like to pray with me they're hurting me please just let me go we're going to cure you I'm not sick your spirit is all I ever wanted is to see you you live up to your potential I'm Dr pettifog Elizabeth I'll be taking care of you get away from me defi it even after all this time we just left you here you need to give up on him love he will come the specimen needs to be destroyed we couldn't even hold her in that Tower and now the prophet destroy the lamb his hair if we modify the procedure we could it would be safer for everyone it would seem an accident Eve and her apple Sodom and gamorra Humanity Rose you're not eating something matter and the blood the only way you'll need to eat sooner or later if you hold out for D you'll just starve to death not a different AR in a different time the child is ready it's time Prophet even if we cure her why do you think she'll do what you ask my daughter has two problems doctor one is the condition your science will cure her of the other Affliction is of a spiritual nature what Affliction is that hope your surgery is tomorrow you know you better eat oh you still expect a Wht to burst in and rescue you don't you it's been 6 months 6 months there's the switch what I've done cannot be undone I cannot stop what I have put in motion but perhaps I can keep it from ever starting he was my first hope and now he is my lovest should be able to head downstairs and get to Elizabeth now there he is the reth of the spirit sometimes the mind gets in the way if the mind will not yield tomorrow the leash comes off because all of this has to end but even if I destroy the siphon will I be strong enough to see all the doors and open whichever I choose and if I bring him here who is to say that he would be any match for the monsters I have created Elizabeth hold tight what it's a tear what is it why' you ask what when the delicious question is when lives lived will live dies died will die as you can see Booker the lunatics are running the Asylum they don't even listen to me anymore all I can do is watch is what I set into motion slides into its terminal stage it took all I had left in me just to bring you here Elizabeth I don't understand I heard you screaming I was I was coming to get you are we here take my hand [Music] see of the Prophet shall sit the throne and drown in flame the mountains of man say what you will about comto he was a hell of a fortune teller must wasn't the torture that broke me wasn't the indoctrination was time time rots everything Booker even hope who's coming song bird he always stops you yes but I would find a way no it's too late for me I brought you here for your sake yours and her yeah what is this it's for her she'll know how to read it what does it say it's aice by on what [Music] not how can you tell me that you're going away I'm back in 1912 before she there's still time Elizabeth you two men upstairs if she gets Hing just hit her with the machines [ __ ] stuck what are you doing to her let her be Mr G what's the expression day lay to the dollar short I shut down those machines from upstairs the body out [Applause] she is not your daughter he shut down one of the generators if we don't sedate her he shuts down the other one we're not sedating her the back of our Propet I see him a shut down the other side she's getting up she no wi turn it back up please pleas Elizabeth I'll be right there I got you it's okay okay I'm going to fix this you ready just do it here help me with this I think someone meant for you to have this what is it just read it your dream of New York happens it's me I I'm the one who she's given us a way to get past song we're going to find an Airship and we'll leave Paris Elizabeth remember you wanted to go we're not leaving we are going to find comto why he already turns me into I will not allow that and so what you're going to kill him this is where you start moral liing Booker you forget I know you I'm not going to let you kill him really Booker what are you going to do to stop me not a damn thing because I'm going to do it for you right now to find the profit cono zein is outside the hand of the Prophet when did you learn that been here for a while how long long enough can you open this Elizabeth I'll give it a whirl there you go this doesn't make any sense everything here is a cipher that I understand except for this symbol it's a cage did she say anything about this no [Music] Treasures look it's the hand of the Prophet comu sag ship we got to find a way on board stay here I'll handle this you're doing this together or I'm doing it alone either way I need to know the things done oh do it you struggle against prophecy prophecy like a stone loosed from a slate how thrilling the launch how breathtaking the Apex and how terrifying The Descent as gravity drags you down into the inevitable there [ __ ] just keep on [Music] walking what's that sound look take cover now they must be Duds those aren't Duds they're around you Elizabeth I built all of this for you you are my be and my blood and what has DT ever done for you to him you are now what you always were a means to an end this ship is s and return to the hand of the Propet I am awaiting your order to proceed we to the hand of the prophet do you think it's possible to redeem the kind of things that we've done redeem I don't see much use in that Booker Are You Afraid Of God no but I'm afraid of you over there it's H's men they're coming out to meet us I will kill you There He Is We need to land below and fight our way up to him or we can just fly this thing to Paris just drop me off if you want to this isn't your problem Booker I won't abandon you you wouldn't why you look there's skylines all over the surface of the flagship they're covered with those motorized Patriot pods well that must be where they're deployed from I wouldn't go near those lines while those pods are in place Elizabeth sure comto is at the top of the ship let's head up look at D child there's something about him that you just can't put your finger on soon you'll understand the man I am and the man he isn't Booker those Skyes lead up to the next deck if we clear the line of those pods we could use them to gain access to the upper decks this should clear up I have seen the seeds of fire that will prepare the Sodom below for the coming of but it will not be I who carries that Banner of there that job Falls to you Elizabeth that job Falls to you to you Skyline is clear Booker follow me on one side of our lamb stands the false Shepherd and the other the other the remnants of the heral fox po which one of you men will not gladly go to his re Ward to see her safely to her Destiny Rejoice Rejoice death has no ST there's the launcher let's get those pods off the lines here [Music] something's wrong why are they dropping so slowly I don't know we're going to have to wait it out that's one quarter of the pods ejected that's all the lines are clear I may be the one who strikes you down to it but you've always had a knack for self-destruction Destruction who's to say you won't beat me to the punch the punch one more deck let me take care of this on my own no I'm going with you we can take that Skyline to the prophet's cabin youve come to wipe your slate clean false shph but time will walk backwards before you find Redemption Redemption some sins can't be forgiven [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my tower what's this siphon I saw this there I could hear you singing from above and the Machine came to life in a response and then in my mother's grave there was a smaller one they were draining me maybe that's why I can't can't what when I was little I used to be able not just to open tears but I could create new ones to anywhere I wanted to go but in the tower here something be right with you stand back I'm ending this Booker no this is between me and him you are walking into a trap I need to do this come here child well come on I don't bite my oh my how you have grown tell me what am I look at you child you're a mess hey let go of her Elizabeth everything I've done I've done to keep you safe safe from what seed of the Prophet shall sit the throne and drown in flame the mountains of man but the Archangel revealed something else the where Propet beware the false Shepherd Booker DT for he shall be as a wall between her and Destiny why thewi I'm a Fool I've set Mighty armies to stop you I've rained fire on you from above I did all of that to keep you from her when all I needed was to tell her the truth ask him child ask him what happened to your finger ask the wit let go of him ask him ask the false she's your daughter you son of a [ __ ] and you abandon her was it worth it huh did you get what you wanted tell me tell me it is finished nothing is finished you lock her up for her whole life you cut off her finger and you put it on me [ __ ] stop it you killed him what did he mean huh you tell me what did he mean about my finger I don't know I I just assumed you were born with it I I don't know who knows it's bleeding what Elizabeth I swear to you I have no idea what he was talking about you do you just just can't remember it no I'll prove it to you we'll destroy the siphon the an's behind one of your doors you just have to open it destroy the siphon it's the entire Tower Booker how are we going to do that I don't know but I'll think of something on the [Music] way I think you can pick this cage cage what is it now what what is she trying to tell us cage cage I'm missing something they said they knew what was best for us they said they knew what was coming next did you see this coming old man okay we got to get ready see this coming they mean to board us you ain't going to place your daughter on the throne we're going to place her in our grave what what are you doing we have to S to him s Tove Elizabeth stop it a g e it's not a word Booker it's a [Applause] song shh shh it's okay I'm here will you help me I need you to protect me will you do it will you do this for me just just this one last thing [Music] go go go go go Booker he'll help us we can use him against the Bott Fleet Rockets watch out looker tell them where to go over there the Box we need this thing to make it to Monument Island and you took this take this much obliged over there gunships get ready watch out of the barge ready Booker here ammo join the point bring down that [Music] gunship there's more of them Zeppelin kill it over here got your heart here ammo some's ready take it great this way go for the Zeppelin you die well that didn't work out so bad Booker come here what what is it look you can use the song bird to bring the whole damn thing down destroy the siphon and that's what you want it's the only way we'll find the truth about my finger Cal stock everything tear it down tear it all down [Music] The Whistler Elizabeth the bird Elizabeth I lost control he's coming [Music] no where is he where is he it's okay it's all right I'm here just go there you go there you go Elizabeth I'm sorry [Music] what is this place Elizabeth it's a doorway one of many this way what do you mean it's a doorway where are you going oh come on yes it's this way comto said about your finger is there an answer here do you down here [Music] over here Booker this is where we have to go why what what is going on Elizabeth what do you mean this is a doorway I'll have to show [Music] you probably going to regret this [Music] [Music] City at the bottom of the ocean ridiculous [Music] look at that thousands of doors opening all at once my God they beautiful the [Music] Stars come on come on it's this way come [Music] on did you go to open it it's no good damn it I thought once we were here I could fully control it I I thought what is that it's a key where did it come from it's always been there I just just I just couldn't see [Music] it see that stars they're doors doors too everywhere all that's left is the choosing [Music] what are all these lighthouses why are we who are there are a million million worlds all different and all similar constants and variables what there's always a lighthouse there's always a man there's always a city how do you know this I can see them through the doors you me col IIA song bird but sometimes something's different we yet the same constant and variables yes [Music] look it's us not exactly we swim in different oceans but land on the same Shore it always starts with a lighthouse I I don't understand we don't need to it'll happen all the same why because it does because it has because it will there's so many choices they all lead us to the same place where it started no one tells me where to go [ __ ] you've already been [Music] wait a minute I know this place I was here must been 20 years ago right right after wounded KN I was looking for come on on now time's a wasted why were you here are you ready to have your past erased are you ready to have your sins cleansed are you ready to be born again take my hand no no I don't want to you already did didn't you are you ready to be born again I am do you hate your sins to do you hate your wickedness yes do you want to clean the Slate leave behind all you were before and be born again in the blood of the Lamb Jesus wash this man clean father make him born again stop it get off me get off son you didn't go through with it you think a dunk in the river is going to change the things I've done let's get out of here he these doors of yours they're they're tears right we'll open one up open one up to Paris I want to be shut of all this not until we find comto comstock's dead no he was here this way and what of my DS bring us the G I'm and wipe away the debt this is the man who hired me to find you really yes the girl for the [Music] debt wait wait no this is wrong what is this there was no there was no baby I remember there was no baby and if there was I sure as hell wouldn't give it over to this guy Booker you don't leave this room until you do to it time is running short bring us the girl and wipe away the [Music] debt go ahead no you can wait as long as you want eventually you'll give him what he wants how do you know all this I can see all the doors and what's behind all the doors and behind one of them I see him [Music] stuck what choice do I have the debts paid Mr Comstock washes you of all [Music] s bring us the girl and wipe away the debt there was no baby the deal was I go to Colombia to get you Booker they're bleeding oh I remember but I remember now we've upset him I don't expect this next do much for his mood come [Applause] [Music] on what are we doing here comstock's dead we can just go on with our lives you don't need dead you mean like chenlin like lady commstock no he is alive in a million million worlds it's not over because the prophet is dead it will only only be over when he never even lived in the first [Music] place hey hey the deal is off you hear me unable the deal is off give her back give her back fine are you mad give her back you son of a [ __ ] it's ready go no shut down the machine shut it down shut down now do it give me back my daughter no [Music] Anna Anna no no I'm sorry I'm so sorry an I'm sorry she's gone look her Anna's gone you shared this room with your regret for almost 20 years until one day a man came to you and offered you a chance a Redemption a chance for us to be [Music] together I told you [Music] sorry he suppose he branded himself as some sort of penance don't see the point St is done but St will be done I suppose the brand is his hair shirt as he is ours away the dead mes the girl wipe away the death he's starting to put his story together of this he's manufacturing new memories from the brain adapt I should knower wake up fcker wake up this is where it started I so him I sold you to your credit you did try to weasel out of the deal this is all Tom's fault what if I went back killed him before he did any of this things get set in motion how would one know how far back to go that's the only way to do it go back to when he was born and I'll smother this son of a [ __ ] in his crib [Music] [Music] fcker are you sure this is what you want I have to it's the only way to undo what I've done to you Booker wit are you ready to be born again why are we back here this isn't the same place Booker of course it is I remember wait you're not you're who are you you chose to walk away but in other oceans you didn't you took the baptism you were born again as a different man St it all has to end to have never started not just in this world but in all of ours smother him in the crab smother smother mother mother before the choice is made before you are reborn he's Zachary kto he spook her to away no I'm both m [Music] [Music] Anna Anna Anna is that you [Music] [Music] it's give my we're closed you don't look the sort who can afford to turn down legitimate work what do you want how about we start with a [Music] light well you got a name Miss [Music] Elizabeth you can call me Elizabeth what can I do for you there's a girl who needs to be found maybe you've seen her this girl this girl's dead you know her you'll see dozens of her tied down by the docks or the slums in Apollo Square orphans with fontaine's Charity shut no place for him but her you know as I said girl's dead lost look I don't know where you get lost isn't dead name your rad will pay you for this work but you do this one gratus wouldn't you I don't follow something tells me you will [Music] seems my instincts were correct where's Sally I don't know but I know someone who does follow [Music] me a kiss in your eyes and my heart what's this girl to you what I need from her is my business but I know where to start looking something tells me a man with your particular talents could be useful what happened to these children what are they Where Have You Been cabin and Arcadia little sisters Adam factories that's grotesque red means stop green means go this is the rule [Music] compromise what do they even look like under those suits what you mean they just some kind of machine [Music] but I say you should have to prove you're properly versed on a topic before you're allowed to vote on it funny what you're not knowing about the little sisters how long have you been in Rapture let's just say I don't get out much you've got eyes and ears don't you if I wanted to share my life's story Mr D I would write my Memoirs if I learned anything about Rapture thought it was a place where people understood to to mind their own business where are we headed the man we need to see is in the garden of the music how do you know my sources are my own Mr dwick if you have better information as to the whereabouts of your girl I suggest you Avail yourself of it ande where are you taking me when's the last time you saw Sally what she was taken from you wasn't she how do you know this she was taken down at surprise you were playing the tables and she disappeared and cop friend of mine Sullivan says they found her floating in the docks you see the body look did you see the body this world values children not childhood there's a profit to be made and men who make it I'm taking you to one of them Mr Dade you all right I'm fine just get these spells sometimes it'll pass refreshment sir madam we're fine thanks Mr D we'll find my source inside of that club Cohen what does that lunatic have to do with Sally private party no entry without invitation we'll see about [Music] that which business do you represent sir uh business yes which business dit investigations Mr Cohen does not truck with private detectives masks of invitation went to artists and Craftsmen alone I'm with the artist struggle we're expected no mask no entry stuffed shirt these invitation masks he spoke of they must have gone out to local Artisans well I guess we'll have to persuade someone to loness one the business of rapture is business says it's sponsored by the artist struggle the Golden Rule and Rapture records I guess those stores would be as good a place to start as any [Music] what bring you to Rapture a man really you don't strike me as the romantic type wasn't that kind of man then what there's a debt that needs repaying I've known my Sheriff shylock's you're no [ __ ] wasn't that kind of dad get all gone the new invitations to Cohen shows are highly coveted nobody's going to just hand us one you think you can figure out a way to distract the store owner while I take a look around you just find the mask leave the distractions to me good day to you sir [Music] excuse me lady has some questions for you yes of course I'm interested in this piece ah excellent you an eye haven't you miss it's a natural sapphire and diamond 18 karat gold ring fully harmark for Paris 1887 that's a lot of fine talk about a stolen ring I beg your pardon right out of her coffin in Twilight fields did you think we wouldn't notice Cohen sends those masks of a grave robber are of no interest if you hand the ring back the matter will remain between you and me damn must be somewhere else I don't think so hit the Bri you tra I'll see to a for you get your hands off me H might be best if we were gone when he wakes up any luck nothing let's find another shop where should we look next upstairs at the artist struggle or Rapture record straight ahead it's temporary temporary Simon told me he uses my picture to [Music] judge you see that dish I walked in with will you give her the Star Treatment P then I'll make it worth your while of course right away [Music] what is this piece it's by TR but of course covered by Mr R it's lovely is it lovely got to find that box music does something to me nothing only one place left Primal part of us that exists before thought before logic purely sensual I must go I must go even one more note shall prove my undoing a Rapture reminder the bottom of the oce nothing no got one place left though and if that proves to be fruitless we'll cross that bridge when we get to it hey pal you want to to help out the little lady yes of course interesting isn't it original sander Coen he calls it my asthma I'm sorry but I know precious little about art how does it make you feel where is he hide in that box fear of what foolishness might tumble out would you like me to there you are you little son of a [ __ ] this P tell intend the great man condemned to breathe the swampy air of the paraside you see all that in that little picture yes in you've given me so much to think about I I feel a trial swoony would you mind if if I return tomorrow for further education I shall be here at your service until tomorrow [Music] wet a little light at savings happily work out an AFF payment for any good we've located The Mask third time the charm all right it's best we head back to cooh [Music] ah very well Mr Cohen awaits your participation at his performance so who is this fellow Cohen some sort of Underworld figure worse he's an artist an artist who kidnaps children Cohen's Muse is a bit more diverse I've seen his type gets an idea in his head and a conversation don't matter who gets hurt [Music] [Music] dance dance [Music] move be the conduit open yourselves to the music to the spirit of the Eternal no why do you fail in this fashion to embarrass me in front of my muse my muse shall not be mocked prin Patrick please the sck her for God's sake My Views shall not be mocked get them out of here there shall be no failure on my canvas there's no room in Rapture anymore for the artist who are you name's dwit is that right my this one's a real biscuit isn't he a biscuit lady I need to ask you a few questions questions yes yes yes it is the work of man to ask it is the work of the artist to answer you've seen the girl haven't you we artists see more than most you more than you claim to be little sber are you not watch this one dit she'll take you where you don't want to go but I know the child in that photo is important to you so many children flit flit flit away I know where the girl is and I will send you to her in exchange all I ask is a dance dance what Dan a dance I see something in you too art strips away artifice show me who you are and I will show you where you need to go you son of a [ __ ] Mr D What dance I shudder to think what greater price he might care to extract F Patrick Beauty and pain they can be no more separated than birth and blood what do you think Cohen's customers do with the children do they sometimes but those types lack the capital of people like Ryan and suchong that's a blessing you saw those little sisters you so sure but if suchong had Sally I'd know it how cuz I tied him to a chair and asked him so for 15 hours I don't know what to make of you Mr dit no no no listen we're not going to keep fit Patrick I see suffering men you I know how to shine the light on your pain a Mor will become a butter Mr DT Mr DT are you all right I'm fine you were dreaming you you kept saying your daughter's name Sally she's not my daughter I thought pain and Beauty to an artist they are parent and child Cohen I am send you to find your young one no need to thank me I'm not so sure you'll like what you find [Music] look fontains Ryan sent the whole thing to the bottom but it's a prison now why would Cohen have sent Sally there I don't know everyone has needs I merely provide a service for those who have the means to pay you'll find your little bird in the housewares Department how many people do you see suppose Ryan's got locked up in that place enough Fontaine had aass something near an army now they're down there spliced up and wild all right there's a dog up ahead takes a cold son of a [ __ ] to do that to a living person no what's that bar let's see you read your residency contract with Ryan Industries in perpetuity we're all buried at Sea keep your eyes open seem to be some supplies this way Mr dit it's Booker what just call me Booker if it's all the same to you let's leave it at Mr dit let's have another look around perhaps we'll be able to find something to get us up and over could be handy Skyhook Skyhook you mean the air Grabber kids use them to ride around up on the numo lines air Grabber huh constants and variables constants and what never mind God damn Grabber stuck I want the Frosty one get me Frost Mr dit someone's coming come back I want the frost it you want it all right I got the Grabber unjammed leave me Mr DT look housewares that's where Cohen said we'd find Sally the store ran trams between the three buildings we we need to Avail ourselves of that assuming it still works optimism Mr dit it helps in situations like this when did you come to Rapture oh it was uh jeez I guess around 51 no 48 that's a rather large gap time life I had before sort of becomes a blur 49 49 for sure damn you look a mess Mr do it just keep your eyes open for splicers they can do us a whole lot worse here little birdies eat it up it it's good for you you know Mr do it look well there's the tram that splicer had no problem freezing a path for himself before I'm sure he'll be happy to do the same for us I have no doubt you'll prove persuasive Mr dit look an ice rink be good at places any to look for our new friend says it's on the top floor so we go up God damn thing's locked let me see that have matters progressed so little I could turn this with a rake pick done where'd you learn that oh it's something I picked up a long time our Frozen friend leaves a hell of a trail what's happened to these people they don't even seem San nothing beats your first splice from there it's all downhill the Frozen frosties the jockeys who will hand you a th000 volts as soon as look at you you sound sympathetic it would be the first sons of [ __ ] who found an answer at the bottom of a bottle once you see them go out weak at the knees is at the sight of a little sister and all are atam they cut a less sympathetic figure it's freezing in here something tells me all that cold isn't just coming from the ice rink short circuited probably be able to pop it open with the a jolt of shock jockey you familiar with shock jockey more than you could know let's look around maybe there's a story ain't been ransacked by splicers yet what is the greatest life ever created what is the most nobody gets even a [ __ ] B us I say so you got it anyone conr that bottle without permission is a dead man [Music] can you get this open let me see got it damn it that son of a [ __ ] drank every last bottle of old man winter I think I can [Music] what was that it's a uh new plasmid lets me lets me bring in things that might exist but uh don't not sure I understand what's it called Tear where'd you find that you don't expect a girl to share all her Secrets do you Mr [Music] dit freeze your enemies shatter them into a thousand [Music] pieces all right I know you're the client and all but I've gone about far enough without a few answers my purpose here is none of your concern consider me a means to an end and why do I get the feeling I'm being set up I told you I'm in collection and account is in a rears my clients simply want to see matters set to right don't make any sense that's all if you don't like the arrangement the bath isphere is back that way put that away looks like the plasma department is back back I'm sure we'd find something useful there need a lock picked the government sure does like to tell people what to do exactly done what because I make my own decisions never Time cigarettes rapture's Choice your choice spers [Music] go ahead the r why did Ryan lock up all of fontaine's followers in the department store he needed somewhere to put fontaine's buttton in why not shut down the competition in the bargain but I thought Andrew Ryan was all about free markets and open competition all those ideas lose their luster when the quarterly earnings come in and you find the other guys eating your lunch either way fontaine's dead no return if Sally's not your daughter what she to you why risk life in limb this part of the job you owe me no explanation she's just another orphan after Fontaine went down city was lousy with him and I don't know you have a reason for every stupid thing you've ever done he started showing up looking py W for me to feed the Brad should have known she would have never leave ped you lose her it's none of your business [Music] [Music] something about you doesn't said right yes wouldn't pegu is the rapture type not even a little if you mean I have no interest in joining the Andrew Ryan book club you'd be right just another set of Fanatics with a different set of [Music] books I gamble what you asked me how I lost Sally I gamble took her somewhere a kids got no business being I was winning in a place like that you don't let a kid out of your sight but you did yeah and here we are but the million-dollar question is what's she to you I have an interest in reuniting you with her isn't that reison enough let's hope Cohen was on the level when he said this is where we'd find Sally can only imagine what they would do with a child in a place like this Cohen's halfway to splic town probably thought putting a child in prison would be high art the sooner we find her the [Music] better come on out Sally come out of there I can't see her what are you doing this is a schematic for the venting system it shows there are more vents like this one in electronics the beastro returns the book department and the appliance show Force so if she's in there there are only six vents she can come out of now there are five all the these vents are connected to the central heating unit if we close them off and turn the heat up she'll be forced out through the central exhaust it's the only exit you want to burn her alive no we just make it hot enough to flush her out you can't do that look either we find her or one of those splicers will all right where are the other vents up ahead halfway there okay next one it's not enough that giant son of a [ __ ] will walk right through that what if there's still a a service door or a fire exit see lock him away forever what exactly were they trying to keep out something worse than them what could that be you'll know what is hear that Sally Sally it's me Booker now you come out now Sally dear do you hear me it's it's me Booker listen dear you come out right now which she's not coming now let's get the rest of these vents sealed it's the only way that's the last one where's the exhaust in the toy department [Music] [Music] all right let me go check the exhaust vent no sign of her looks like we'll need to turn up the thermostatic we're going to flush her out it's over that way we need to head for that thermostat it's our only option thermostat's right there turn theat up I'm not going to burn her it's the only way to bring her to us if you won't do it I will just give me the word turn it up what turn the goddamn thermostat up that we need to get back to use the Girl [Music] Again Sally Sally come out it isn't working it isn't working turn it off turn it off it's not going to work we have to turn it off we are hurting her Sally Sally Sally it's Booker it's me Sally come on I'm going to get you out of here Sally come out here right now no no no s no Mr [Music] Bubbles Elizabeth come e here here that'll do Mr dit the girl s [Music] it's okay s look at she she's come to see you we're going home do you want to go home don't fight please don't I'm here I just want to take you home I just want off get her back get her back you're hurting her she's about to come with me she's not your child she is mine Let Her Go Let Her Go She's mine is closing shut it down shut down the machine you got to pull her through shut down the machine she's not through shut it [Music] down I remember all of it that poor child she wasn't yours comto no no I wasn't no no no no yet you had to have you didn't you no this isn't right and the guilt no was too much you turned to us to solve your problem to provide a place to go where you might forget where there never was an Anna in the first place comto was never one to own up to his errors was he brother never comfortable with the choices he made always seeking someone else's life to claim as his own Elizabeth child I am so sorry no you're not but you're about to [Music] be Sally Sally come out she wasn't yours Comstock Elizabeth I am so sorry no you're not but you're about to be [Music] yes Elizabeth Elizabeth oh no no I I I couldn't I I can't accept thank [Music] you forour [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it fore foreign foreign spee forch [Music] Sally Sally come back [Music] Sally wait come back come back wait Sally stop come back Sally where are you going come back Sally hold on come back come back stop stop where did she go go away it wasn't my fault I didn't do anything no no it wasn't my fault leave me alone can't you just leave me alone I'm sorry I'm sorry I never should have left I never should have left you there [Music] empty empty again what are the ODS what's the hold of just having a bit of a laugh at this this ain't a sporting event put a bullet in her no need to torture the poor girl we're not animals you know all right all right let her go cry down here in a minute all your problems will be over Elizabeth tell him you can get him back [ __ ] her [ __ ] her I don't understand say I can get you back to Rapture what just say it I can get you back to Rapture Put the gun down now what was that you said about Rapture I can get you back to Rapture and how you plan on doing that sister you some kind of magician suchong what tell him suchong suchong and how do you know that slant oid wonder you're his lab assistant I'm his lab assistant if it escaped your notice Andrew Ryan sunk us 5,000 fathoms below his shining City how does suchong propose to get us back that's between me that's between me and the slant and the slant but if I do this the girl goes with me little sisters are worth their weight in gold she's not open for NE last time I checked back in the city they were making little sisters by the Dozen that's a right fairy tale you've dreamed up sister but if you're lying we can just as well kill you tomorrow down here we got nothing but time in case I need to get hold of you if you see suchong tell him Atlas says he hasn't forgotten them [Music] Elizabeth come on it's time to get moving fer what over here on the radio you're not Booker of course I ain't what have I gotten myself into I didn't orphan that girl I didn't kidnap her but she made for some exceptional bait didn't [Applause] she had to be done did I felt everything that every version of me felt all of that knowledge I lost a pinky but that version of me she lost everything and commstock that final comto he thought he could avoid his guilt by coming here you educated him proper then why am I back here huh I don't remember opening a tear to come back and who are you huh I think you'll figure that out soon enough [Music] I was in Paris I I was happy and now I'm here dealing with this Atlas this this psychopath what was I thinking I wasn't Paris anym than I'm Booker now I have to find this this suchong and I don't even know who that is not yet but you know he's the key don't you to what you're asking me Elizabeth I ain't even here [Music] what are you huh and how did you know exactly what to tell Atlas let me ask you a question you feeling like yourself Elizabeth I feel I feel strange and smaller I I can't see the doors what's behind the doors I I can't see the future I can't even see any tears oh my God just stay away from me fcker no no no please please don't I died here I was killed by that stay away from me but then how am I here how can I be dead in this world and yet my finger what am I huh I don't understand I I if we're going to end up in the same place toide are you being cute I've come around to your way of thinking have you yes I do believe one can change things but after all the bother one often wishes that one had not you're a fatalist a physicist a fatalist so was Newton especially when it came to Apples falling from trees they always contrived to land with a Splat she left the child to rot are you implying she's the apple I'm implying that she did not fall far from the tree and now she wants to go back I need to go back to fix what I broke back to where she has no right to be back to where she doesn't belong doesn't belong wait what do you mean do you want to tell her brother or shall I I guess I died There Are Rules even for one such as you she'll forget all the doors and what's behind all the doors all close to her now she'll be just like the rest of us forgetting the past the present the future I'd wager she won't even remember this conversation we've arrived you're trading omniscience and croissance for death and milu I left Sally to rot for what so I could punish kto he was trying to help her to save her and I if I don't make that right we all have our crosses to bear but there is a thin line between a martyr and a fool blest has warned me that if I came back here I would collapse collapse from a a Quantum super positioned to just me a Quantum what I've changed Booker no tears no Cosmic knowledge just a normal girl the normal pinky he it I if I can't open tears I'm never leaving here am I I I'm never going back to Paris you're and you you're just you're you're just what you're you're just the fragments of my memory telling me what my future holds you decided to come here Elizabeth you knew what that meant only option as I see it is to trust yourself find suchong I'm not trying to sell you a I'm not I am a piece of my business you can't talk to me like that showed me some respect CU on the shes me you you you you think you can talk to me like that I think I'm going to have to use this air Grabber it's going to be messy I don't know if well a blow to the back of his head will serve just as well be a hell of a lot quieter too that's not what you would have done I'm not Booker just because your father did something one way doesn't I mean you have to come on lady let's work something out we're not finished T from the paper spine on me again you'll want to get the drop on him and quiet he can't hear what's only in your head well he's not getting up any anytime soon and what with his head all attached to his body from here on it's only going to get worse and how much worse is up to [Music] you children a clay Bradburn it's up to us to see they become PRS don't return to the mud get them young enough yeah you can mold them for Life Henry fetch that Black Label lacus that 12-year-old single malt let's discuss this like men [Music] Henry now let's get his Lockpick [Music] simple enough just a six pin tumbler but there's an alarm huh that could come in handy [Music] though hello children I'm Ryan and the lion I'm here to tell you about Peter the parasite if I be the parasite we what was that you know don't you the doors they're they're cracking open my memories of the future and somewhere I'm going to go you sure it's your future you're looking at if not mine then and who hello you sure you're ready to use that it's a crossbow looks like the bolt delivers some kind of sleep agent probably Fen cycline or sodium thop pentol they had all kinds of books in my tower how do you think I always knew what ammo to toss you no one ain't the same as being ready why don't you ask CTO how ready I was your father's blood runs in your veins but it doesn't have to be on your hands it's up to you War us those who cannot create will always steal from those who do where is your empathy asks Peter the parasite while he picks your pocket you know this word you'll find it in the dictionary under l i e all right boys and girls what does Ryan the lion [Music] tell criminal Dire from those Afra of Market Tak of course look suchong that's the name you had me tell Atlas huh I don't follow looks like this character suchong has taken over the silverfin restaurant that's that's where the tear was that I used when I first came to Rapture looking for comto before this place was turned into a prison but the first time you came to Rapture was in 1960 with Booker when you drowned s over a year from now yeah that that that's right I when I could see all the doors it it all made sense and now now it's it's just a jumble Elizabeth you're bleeding now I know what it feels like all right if we're going to find suchong the silverin is the place to start I know the way [Music] disappear from sight see through walls and sneak up on your foes you can't talk to me like that shows me some respect splicers I could use this plasmid and see them through the walls or worse comes to worse turn complet completely invisible and get the drop on them hey there you are they're real person [Music] my you take a lady to dinner you take a client on don't skip on the [ __ ] you hear me Phil don't skip [Music] big comeback just need a new agent you know W you didn't have these books in what did you mean before when you said you were in Paris it wasn't really Paris it was more it was more the world as I want to see it I suppose I wasn't really happy there we'd all be better off Awards if we could leave well enough alone [Music] once I could see everything every possible moment and now you're just like everyone else why why because I died here if I'm just like everyone else I can't help Sally I can't even get back to where I was if you don't mind me asking love why are you talking to nobody if I had pegged you for a loon I might have had second thought on our Arrangement I'll hold up my end but I better find the girl the way I left her you're in no position to make demands but I must confess I do like a bit of sass in [Applause] a kill your Cravings at the circus of value wow work hard for on goodar then I got to ask why why don't I have a slice of that P why why I that can't hand [Music] it's him it's the big daddy the one that killed me you can't trade blows with him comto put him down and he got right back up I can't hurt him I could keep my distance but if I watched myself he could come in handy enemy of my enemy did you ask to be brought into this world if your parents expect anything from you tell them to get it in [Music] writing the fin this used to be a restaurant when I first came through now it belongs to this suchong looks like I'm not the first one who tried to get in here at least he left a trail to give and not demand anything in return why who benefit someone who wants what you have free from effort a president a premier a a parasite somebody must have shot him when he tried to break into suchong's huh what's this H seems like central heating came from this room so it would stand a reason that the duct work should go to suchong's wait a [Music] minute such Chong wasn't exactly a master of subterfuge [Music] that I saw where you went [Music] [Music] that [Music] so here I am 100% blue test device suong was opening tears look the tear still leads back to Colombia plasms vigors he and Frink must have been in communication sharing Secrets like the liutas before they were physically together why did I need to come here what does this have to do with Sally you remember don't you it hasn't happened yet I told you I can't do that concentrate Elizabeth no the doors are shut they lest particle I use the lest particle if if it can make a city float it can make a prison rise I can't open tears but we could use this device to go to Columbia and find a particle but it's been vandalized you'll fix it sure you know my tower didn't comes stock with the liest device repair manual you will fix it yeah Elizabeth you will fix it okay okay there must be some information around here [Music] these are elements sodium titanium why would these be on schematics for it's code a visionaire cipher if if we assume hydrogen is a and iron the 26 element is C you always used to need a code key it's right here never underestimate the fallibility of the egomaniac looks like a punch list for things such Chong needs to fix the machine a cold cathod tube a carbon dioxide scrubber and a heat sink any of the vending machine should have the cathode tube and we can look for a CO2 scrubber in the bisphere showroom a lot of models should have them a heat sink that's we're in a department store we can to find keep your coal with old man win that'll work time to find those parts and then I just have to repair the most sophisticated piece of technology ever created Elizabeth you saw yourself make this repair you can do this whatever you say guess we better find our way out of here Atlas you there I need a favor a favor I don't suppose you've ConEd up the miracle you promised you I'm working on it I'm going to need some old man winter you might try where they Haw them new bispheres as I hear it old man winter is the only thing keeps their batteries from bursting into flames after 5 minutes thanks think nothing ofice but it's the last favor you'll be [Applause] getting penalty for vandalism of suchong device is a death even for pretty lady I suppose you'd be suchong save your ammunition your device doesn't work device work Vandal sabotage you are Vandal actually I intend to fix your device that is unless you plan on coming down here and doing it yourself it's not prudent for suang to return to lab and you say you can fix I broke your code didn't I now just give me the one to open that door and we'll see what your creation can do 1 2 1 six your birthday inov fix [Applause] machine how'd you know that never underestimate the fallibility of the egomaniac [Music] three of course I need to find first just [Music] Qui there that machine it'll have the cathode [Music] too got it how we need to find Old Man winter a CO2 scrubber Shar welcome to the Circuit of value hey I've got a family to Fe if you're going to disappear before my diagnosis find did you C in a first place I always come first there's bispheres there's bound to be CO2 scrubbers and why is that if you don't remove the carbon dioxide from the Air Supply in a submersible suffocate one thing I did like about Rapture lots of new books to read that will need a long haul bathos spere something where the CO2 buildup would limit the submersible period [Music] got anyone else [Music] you okay I've seen all this happen before I've seen everything that will happen and now now I only see Darkness you sent yourself here for a reason a debt that's what you want to call it this Atlas I'm going to have to kill him either that or he'll kill me maybe so I'm not you Booker some war hero I'm not even me anymore no tears no omnicient or whatever you want to call it just a whole lot of book learning and a handful of lockpicks the humpback whale thing's as old as the hills strictly Bargain Basement you got to wear an O2 tank in a mask we won't find a scrubber on that so I used to do there time to time what it oh the 52 moo classic but it's a death trap 28 known fatalities related to its use carbon dioxide poisoning and they're still on the market that's steeply discounted though here you may fulfill your potential and get all that is your duty to do less isal OBC there are no excuses in rapture there sting submersible time of 90 minutes that's our girl all the way up there the Grease Monkeys had to get it up there somehow just got to find the controls is that what you are a spiff rabit you spit bre and you leave me one you think I don't out a family you keep your eye on a ball it's how you stay on top I on the ball what's that now we're not finished who hides from the light of R come back let's see this through together I want these this is going to be noisy have my permission to leave show me what's up here don't leave me out here with my heart in my hand just don't you're heart [Music] h what was that you know don't you the doors they're they're cracking open my memories of the future and and somewhere I'm going to go you sure it's your future you're looking at if not mine then then who just a few Palms here there time to time what up it I've been told this town was friendly to free enterprise [Music] got it just need to find Old Man winter and we're done any progress love I must confess I'm becoming a wee bit skeptical remind me why am I supposed to care you see me Lads have taken a keen thirst for Adam and there's a vintage right in front of me that'll do nicely if you kill her I truly hope you are happy living down here put down Roots raise a family or maybe you think Andrew Ryan is going to ride to your rescue fair enough but remember there are fast ways to harvest little sisters and some very slow ones [Music] a cognitive PR is that got [Music] you come here hun got a sweet idea for you old man winter that's how a k Su jong's machine straight to the top ints think they know [Music] better yeah Atlas sent me here for some old man winter you haven't been around here long have you what makes you say that huh cuz you're the only one of us who don't smell like the reptile house at the zoo now be quick about it and just take the winner this ain't the Goodwill [Music] freeze your enemies shatter them into a thousand [Music] pieces just what we need now you think you can manage the repair sure I've been fixing Quantum fuel generators since kindergarten you saying that you hell are you like something I just got compl once she SE I could change you that dead people before you can spit need some St sh my I see what you've done here you ain't going to do it again you should be [Music] [Applause] ashamed and we won't immediately die of CO2 poisoning the moment we turn the thing on well not the perfect phosph for frequency but it'll do okay that should stop it from overheating there everything's fixed they're ready let's fire it up and see what did I tell [Music] you [ __ ] look you're on the first lady you can't be this easy the first lady Mark 2 was built around a particle lift system just like all the buildings in the city I read all about it in the Colombian scientific the particle seated at the top of the structure must be up that lift perfect seems like a lot of Technology just a float an Airship comto never heard of hydrogen the first lady Mar Mark 1 did run on hydrogen and it was destroyed by a single bullet from a Vox sniper unfortunately the profet wasn't on board at the time if I take the active particle then the first lady is just a 40 ton paper weight best to take the spare here we go now let's head back through that tear you honestly expect Atlas to honor his side of the deal no but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it how you plan on handling Atlas he ain't just some spliced up Maniac he'll make a mistake I just have to be ready to take advantage of it when it happens all for a girl you barely know how well did you know me when you came to Colombia pretty lady not finished yet what open the tear power for device very expensive teach for that just tell me what you want so want something simple lock of hair oh you're not serious not your hair stupid think has a secret life mbal forgotten in there hair sample in J can you get for such then everybody friends where is his lab Clos off past things quarters um you smart lady you fine should have seen that one coming box populi we must have arrived right in the middle of the siege that means the other you and I are probably inside the factory on our way up to the first lady and what happened if we run into ourselves we won't how do you know that because we didn't press to generate a bullet snatching Shield that places Arrow into your gun I've taken your counsel and you done me good service but I will not hurt the boy I will see thinkink and comto burn but I will not hold the son to account for the Deeds of his father you've misunderstood us we neither asked you to harm the child nor did we promise that yours would be the hand that would set comstock's world of fire a famous man once said and a famous man shall say I may reach the Mountaintop but I fear I shall never visit the valley below but you mean I won't live to see the no it's up to you what matters more your part in the play or the play itself someone is coming she'll arrive a girl she must leave a woman and what makes the difference between a girl and a woman blood your part in the play or the play itself turn her into a killer how give the girl no choice and she will be forc to make one work as written in the people's Force such is the fate of all hoers and exploiters those who had all will have those who idled shall talk say it Long Live Daisy boy long live the Box the cies alls against to the pig [Applause] is [Music] think what's that thing you just picked up my guess is that it has something to do with that giant clock out there and that clock has something to do with opening the door to Fink's lab a giant clock sort of looks like the mechanism unlocks certain activities when think gives us blessing so what we're stuck waiting for the cuckoo to go off no we've already found the clock key we can manually wind it open whatever door we please sure seems like a lot of work to lock down a few doors now if there's one thing thinkink loves it's a lot of [Music] work good how to get that idiot his lock of hair [Music] I got you you're done here for my AG but my Booker di for the [ __ ] popular you either an impostor or a ghost my of the wick was a hero to the cause a story to tell your children you look are you there I miss you you the only one whoever you're my only friend hooker I'm not even here I'm a projection of your own could you humor me then please I think Booker would miss you Daisy sacrificed herself set me up to kill her to to turn me in to turn me into what a killer yeah well mission accomplished I'm no martyr how did you do it Booker how did you Elizabeth I'm not Booker and neither am I get [Music] ah seems like thinkink and suchong were sharing their research like the lesses cross reality collaboration it all makes a kind of sense the little sisters and the big daddies song birded me constants and variables what is all this imprinting that's a wire mother if you separate a gorilla from its real mother it will imprint in almost anything even that why would think care about that song bird he wanted him to imprint on me well if I recall that was a problem he solved these poor things think couldn't get them to imprint so I left them to die imprinting failed I can't be right clearly they formed a connection between Songbird and me oh I was so young I I always remember him just being there there must be a prototype or something is a human doesn't matter I tried hypnotherapy on the song bird how'd that go about as well as you'd expect Booker the little girl in the film it's me my God I I remember he he was he crashed into the tower I I guess he was in some sort of fight I waited there thinking thinking I I don't know that something would happen but but he just lay there moaning I couldn't just the line with the thorn in his paw so much for science I should have just left him there to die I should have just I will never Escape it exploited exploiting me commstock you Sally it's like a wheel of blood spinning round and round well this must be the genetic sample such Chong wanted he sent you all the way back here for sample of your own hair he doesn't know I was once the child that imprinted on Songbird but to him all the answers lie in DNA men like suchong mistake an ounce of empathy for a pound of science it's open see if anything's worth reappropriation check for stragglers spread out [Music] your time I heard you who did this someone's sneaking [Music] around go down come out out you can't hide forever long who done this someone do you think Daisy you really even had a choice what do you mean right about now I'm planting a pair of scissors in her back to protect a child she was never going to harm she chose to die for her Revolution what about me for all the endless worlds all the infinite possibilities did I ever even have a choice did you yeah Booker thought he did look where it got us right back where we started all these infinite universes and yet we end up just going down the same paths no don't take your meaning my father sold me to settle a marker commstock locked me up in a tower and I sold Sally for what Revenge to prove a point yes here you are settling the debt and say we find her the old pass there damaged to the young isn't it too late for her now well I'd say that's up to her to decide just as coming back here was up to you rure runs on children little girls with gold growing in their bellies I'm not going to break any cycle if I'm lucky maybe I can Dent it just a little pretty L has the hair deal is deal bring it to [Music] suang pretty lady put hair sample in Tu then business is finished what's going on out there Bloodshed violent but not relevant to to our arrangement suchong suchong we had a deal now open do you know what they call someone who enters a man's home Uninvited a thief and I do not remember inviting you into my city I had a deal with suchong isong is my employee it was not a deal he was authorized to make what do you want I granted atas and his thugs ay you serve those same men in a desire to escape from my generosity if they shall not have Asylum then they shall have liquidation give a parasite an ounce of Charity you'll demand a pound I'm just looking for a girl that was taken from me a little sister I don't claim to understand what you are but I know that you are special there is business we can do together and so I give you a choice work for me or die with happy I'm not going anywhere without that girl if it's a little sister you walk that shouldn't stand in the way of Congress I've got dozens of I won't leave without her my men stand ready to take down the door in 60 seconds they will enter the room they will either treat you as a valued employee of Ryan Industries or as a thief in the night 60 Seconds there must be half a dozen of them or more I've got to get ready traps I can use the plasmids as traps and and Seed the room with them I got to find somewhere to hide and and surprise them take them down one by one Booker I'm scared they'll underestimate you Elizabeth people always do 40 seconds you know what I see on your face uncertainty who is this girl to you 30 seconds do you know the value of the shark without them she would be littered with the detrus of the weak The Men Who come for you have much in common with animals what sharks do for the ocean these men do for R 20 seconds I will tell you something you already sense Atlas does not honor agreements and Ryan does I cannot save your Sally but I can save you T you're not a hero you're not even a parasite you're just a R and Andre ryion has no time for rules they mean to make an example out of you I beat your sharks Ryan the better man won isn't that the only thing you respect now let me the hell out of here sounds like all hell's breaking loose out there what's your plan I can't just place the particle on the ceiling it would just tear right through it but every building in Rapture was submerged into the ocean on a Lunette ring connected to the junction of its load bearing supports that's fascinating and all but if you haven't noticed Ryan sent its goons to murder us if you're going to pull a rabbit out of a hat Now's the Time to do it looks like the structural Junction is in Frank fontaine's office if I can get there I can float the building it so happens I've taken that bastard's office for my own use I'll make sure you've access to the private elevator now hurry won't steal my leads supposed to be a brunette anyone seen her look around kill the twist the rest of atlas's crew are barricaded up that Elevator Shaft when the backup arrives go in and take them out easy sence built up considerable cache with me he says you go go nothing personal sweethearts [Music] [Music] Elizabeth you know Atlas is going to I know and I'm ready are you sure I sent myself here for a reason didn't I and who exactly are you speaking to miss cck if I were less acquainted with the vicisitudes of Genius I suspect I would question your sanity I know so little of you but I imagine the more I learned the more exceptional I would find you you know Atlas will betray you and what are you my best friend you're one of a kind in this world or others and now your misguided sense of altruism sends you to your doom it's like watching Isaac Newton die in a house fire a vain attempt to save his cat [Music] [Music] there there there all the loadbearing colums come into this room and they meet they meet there I just need to place the particle in that Junction activate it and the whole structure should rise [Laughter] here goes [Music] nothing it's working Atlas you feel that you have your prison break now bring me the girl oh mom ever teach you not to put your fate in strange foreign man just give me the girl she means nothing to you you've got that right the girl means nothing but you love you mean the world [Music] [Music] no cause for alarm she's well sedated so it's begun the cashmir is all blown down if Ryan didn't know we were back before I'm sure now he's got the message what do you want with this if anybody's got the line on the ace it's her find out what she knows but no quackery she's no good to us with a Halo and a set of wings I can started this soon as the CH for where off don't see her as too tough not [Music] ah where's the Ace and Theo what what there's Ace in the Hole I don't I don't know what you're talking about look we had a deal where is the Ace in the Hole I told you I S fentol are you familiar no truth serum unpredictable stuff to little nothing I have nothing to tell you I don't even know what an Ace in the Hole is I'm still playing with adult this world World values children not childhood there's a profit to be made and men who make it all kind scared about but only a fool counts out the right fol Ran's rap push out point they're on the run and one folks say it's only a matter of time until atos's entire mon comes out waving the White Flag two weeks what you've been down 2 weeks love [ __ ] doctors better off hiring a million monkeys our deal was to get you out of PR what did you expect me to win your War for you too I tend to your own nitting if I were you now darling being that you were such Chong's lab assistant and all why not tell me where me acce in the whole winter I don't know as I said I'm no doctor but that doesn't mean I don't find the feel fascinating I keep up on all the medical journals and the like I hope you have someone to help you with all the big words you know what part of the brain Free Will comes from stubbornness the prefontal lobe now I think it's fair to say you're a bit of a stubborn one are you not man named styman taught me this he's a bit of a lunatic but a fine surgeon he calls this little trick a transorbital labotomy take hold of her lad you're wasting your time if you won't remain still I can't be held responsible for what next here we go you feel that I'm moving the pick across your eyeball still now and resting it on your skull there's about a bit over A4 of an inch of bone between the pick and your prefrontal lobe and that's where this little fell comes in I don't it was just a we tap but I don't expect it'll take more than a few of those to reach the meat then we might find you a bit less than mu where's m in the hole I don't no you know what else rests in the lobe creativity individuality personality in short what makes you you I'm just about through now Last Chance pet where is the Ace in the home or what why you put a hole in my head and take away my memories you want to make me forget all this you want to make me not care anymore go ahead you'll be doing me a favor bring in the monster you're a regular hero ain't you can't risk ripping the only part of you that's worth the damn well there's more than one way to fry an egg now little one are you familiar with the term transorbital labotomy please let her go it's a simple matter all I need do is insert this pig your please I don't know anything few taps with me I don't know anything to show by example please please don't I I don't know anything I don't know please it's okay it's okay listen it's okay I can't tell him what I don't know where are we you saw all the doors and what's behind all the doors the in the hole it's here yes but I don't I don't remember this place you've never been here then how would it the memories you lost they weren't just of the past you saw behind all the doors even the ones into the future this is where I'm going if you want I I don't like it here it's a bad place he's never going to let me go is he even if I bring him the ace then why am I here how if I was so smart if I saw so much why just send myself to the slaughter for Sally no one day he will just rip her open and tear out her atam all of this for nothing why did I do it why you have to decide decide what to take a leap of faith I can't tell you what you were thinking because you don't remember but you chose to come there in that room the I don't know what to do Booker Booker Booker please please just don't leave me here Booker [Music] Mr ch's Clinic it's at Su Chong's Clinic that's a bit convenient now Ryan's got every turret in the place tuned to me and me man's genetic code we'd be torn to shreds before we got 10 ft that's right which is why I'm going to do it for you you okay with that get me the ace I'll wrap the brat in a silk ribbon bag her and bring her to my pathosphere [Music] one of the lads will show you how to get inside we'll be waiting for you where you come out Shake A Leg now the Lord hates a leg oh [Music] [Music] with I bet we never anymore [Music] [Music] all right let's see here what we could do scary stay away from him he's scary look it's it's okay he he can't hurt anyone scary shh sh can you [Music] move can can you just move a little bit for me don't I don't know how to help you I I don't no he's he's just hurt he he just needs somebody to to to figure out how to fix him I maybe there's some I don't know is there some documentation for him around here or something right look who I'm asking [Music] huh encoded big Daddy will not imper if not imper what good is he to little sister she know like him he know like her situation is impass not acceptable if stupid beasts had half brain they would realize they need little sister to live sister secrete only kind of atom that is genetic match for them no little sister no big daddy [Music] scary scary scary scary I've got to do something big monster sick big monster it's okay it's it's okay please I don't know how to help him he needs Adam I I don't have any of that I don't know what to do going to die not fair we can help d [Music] [Music] the lion with the thorn in its paw [Music] [Music] suchong of all the things I know I know this it is in your power to be a different man what can Ryan take from us that we have not already sacrificed at the altar of Discovery they are children little sisters and yes they will forget but you and I won't the memories of what we have done fade only with the dimming of all lights tenant [Music] bomb clinical trial protector system PL Bel 255 Dr switch on client Ryan indust very frustrating day I can't seem to get the damn big daddies to imprint on the little brats the protection bondage is just another for me get away maybe if I modify the genetic sequence to sequence to allow Pap Pap get away you fitty little [ __ ] what what are you doing get back get it back [Applause] [Music] there's the ace this is it this is the Ace in the Hole all the pain and all of the death for this Hey sister over here do you have it I have it give it over then I'm Keen to get this brat off me hands you know what Andrew Ryan said I was a Rube but he was [Music] wrong I'm not the rube Atlas you are we both know what happens next just get it over with well love if you insist d [Music] what is this it's just a bunch of gibberish what does this say you little [ __ ] hey hey hey what does this [Applause] say it says would you kindly we've got the activation phrase now all we've got to do is get that genetic freak of nature on an airplane and raptures ours I chose rure look at [Music] there soon Mr Bubbles and search the place uses a slave or the way to save one life is to save the world entire it is you who are very SA you you little nothing I can see all the doors and what's behind all the doors and behind one of them incredibly I see him [Music] [Music] him you [Music] foree [Music] for for [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 96,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, bioshock infinite, bioshock 1, minerva's den, bioshock 2, burial at sea episode 1, burial at sea episode 2, bioshock game movie, bioshock movie, elizabeth, booker, comstock, colombia, rapture, the bioshock movie, bioshock full movie, elizabeth bioshock, special edition bioshock, BioShock (Video Game), BIOSHOCK: The Complete Saga All Cutscenes (Lighthouse Edition) Game Movie 1080p HD, gamers little playground
Id: Ag5gG6kEZ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 679min 31sec (40771 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 17 2014
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