Biometric attendance system using fingerprint scanner and NodeMCU with a database & 3D printed case

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Hi everyone. A while ago, I made an attendance system using RFID tags, actually two videos, The first one using Excel to store the data, and another one using NodeMCU with a web interface and database to save all the needed data. But the RFID based attendance system uses tags, which can be exchanged between employees, while a biometric attendance system uses organic matter that cannot be exchanged. So, we're going to use the fingerprint instead of using RFID, the process is a bit complicated than the RFID, therefore, I'm going to explain it in this video. And we will build a 3D printed case to combine all the parts together, also it will be pretty easy to use. just place your finger on the scanner then the time that the print was scanned will automatically be entered in a database that is stored in a server. So to build a biometric attendance system based on the fingerprint scanner we need of course a fingerprint scanner with an ESP8266 chip you can also use ESP32 chip and an OLED display. The main component is the fingerprint scanner. the module that I have is JM-101B, I google it and I found the exact datasheet of that module with all the information that I need. So as you can see my module capacity 150 fingerprints but I will use just 127 fingerprints. The baud rate is 57600 you should check it in order to make your module works properly. Be noticed on how much voltages your module needs, Mine can handle up to 3.6v so it works just fine with the NodeMCU. These are the pins that you will use to connect it to NodeMCU. The Vcc Tx Rx GND. As I said it will work with NodeMCU with no problems. On the back of the module, there are the pins that you saw in the datasheets. Now about the OLED 0.96 display, there are two types, one uses I2C protocol and another one uses SPI protocol. So if you want to use this OLED, First you need to download the Adafruit libraries and use this code also there are two options to use it, first one using SPI and the second one using I2C by shorting the points as on the back of the display. Anyway, we're going to use the I2C one to communicate with the NodeMCU because it needs just two wires. You should use I2C_Scanner code to check the correct address of your display The NodeMCU that we're going to use is the one that uses CP2102 USB to UART, you can use the one with CH340 USB to UART, if you want to use it you just need to install the CH34x driver, you can find it in the video description. After downloading it install it and you're ready to go. As I mentioned earlier, I'm going to use this NodeMCU, With I2C OLED display, I added a male header for the Vcc GND Tx and Rx pins of the scanner to make the connections a bit easier. you can download the diagram from the video description. Now we need to add the ESP8266 boards into the Arduino IDE, From file go to preferences and paste these two links from the description into Additional boards Manager, the first link is for the ESP8266 boards and the second one is for ESP32 boards in case you want to use it, then click OK, After that go to tool - boards - boards manger and type ESP8266 into the search field, select it and click install, Wait for it to finish the installing process, In case you want to use the ESP32 board you should install it too. After the process completed, click close. Then, you need to include the Adafruit libraries for the OLED display and the fingerprint scanner as well. Also, you can find these libraries in the video description, After getting the ESP8266 boards installed with the Adafruit libraries, Download NodeMCU_Fingerprint code from the given link in the description. Now we need to select the right board in order to upload the code into our board. As you can see we successfully installed the Boards into our IDE, Scroll down and select nodeMCU board. To upload the code into the NodeMCU, we need a micro USB cable to connect it to the computer. Now select your correct COM port. To make the NodeMCU connect to your WiFi network, you need to put here your WiFi credentials. And here your Computer IP or your server domain, To check the computer IP go to network status, here's the computer IP you can increase the upload speed if you want to, Check the COM port, then click Upload. After finishing the uploading, It will appear the Adafruit logo on the OLED display. Then it will try to connect to your WiFi network. The fingerprint icon means that the scanner is working. Now you need to install a local server on the computer in order to receive the incoming data from the NodeMCU. I'm going to use xampp server, the link in the video description very simple to install. then open the xampp control panel to start Apache and MySQL services. After that, download the website files from the link under below, then copy biometric attendance folder into xampp htdocs folder. then go to biometric attendance folder and open connectDB.php in your editor, and put here your database user name with the password, then redo those steps on the install.php page as well. Now we're ready to go, open your browser and type localhost/biometircattendace/install.php to install the database into the server then go to the index.php page to start. On mange user page you can add, update or remove a user. Now for adding a new user, you have to select a number for the ID to send it to the scanner in order to enroll a new fingerprint, because of the fingerprint image will be saved into the scanner itself, not on the website database, so the ID is the only thing that will be stored into the website database. That's why we're going to use the fingerprint ID instead of the fingerprint itself. Place your finger on the scanner then wait for a second to take a picture then remove your finger and wait a second then replace the same finger on the scanner to take another picture to your finger, after that the scanner will compare the two pictures to check if they match each other or not if so then it should appear a check sign on the display and the enrollment process is completed. Also you can update the user information or remove him. This page uses PHP with AJAX to make the page faster and more dynamic. Each step you might make on this page there an explanation message to show you what just happened. On the user log page, you can select any date for the log, and export it into excel in case you want to send it to someone. let's try it by checking in and out. Here are the fingerprints while checking in and out into the system, Also, the date and time of the record are precise. If the fingerprint had already registered into the scanner, then a check sign will be displayed on the OLED or a fault sign if the fingerprint image was too messy or unregistered. Pretty easy to use, Right? After that, you can export the log as an excel file After checking that everything as it should, I designed a 3D module using freeCAD software. This program is simple to use. you can check it out from the link in the video description. Here where the OLED will be inserted and this part for the scanner. The module has spaces for a switch, a battery charger and for an external relay in case you want to use one. The module will be available to download as well. The 3D module is very simple, you can modify it as you like. then I start printing the 3D module as two pieces separately. After the printing was complete, I get all the needed parts with an old laptop battery and TP4056 Lithium Battery Charger. I made the connections between all the components like this using some wires with a female header and a shrink tube, you can also use a strip-board instead. Then I connected all the components as I did recently on the breadboard, The assembling process is pretty easy and fast. Finally, I connected the battery to the NodeMCU board in order to check if everything still works as it should before putting all the parts inside the 3D printed case. And everything was correct and working perfectly. after checking everything, I put all the part into the case and fixed them using hot glue. Actually, The final result of the printing is pretty good and the project looks very nice. After finishing the assembling process, let's test it for the last time. I've made a few changes on the code to make it a bit nicer. place your finger on the scanner and a welcome message should appear on the display with your name. then a goodbye message as well when you scan your finger for a second time. Now the code part, please consider checking the comments for better understanding on how the system works, I tried to make it as simple as possible. All of these is for the OLED icons. the main loop has just three functions first one to send the fingerprint ID when some scan his registered finger and the second function to check if there any ID to add it into the scanner and the last function to check if there any ID to remove from the scanner. At the end, I hope you find it useful or at least interesting, If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will answer it. As always thanks for watching, see you in next video.
Channel: Electronics Tech
Views: 72,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, Fingerprint, Biometric_attendance, NodeMCU_Database, NodeMCU_PHP, NodeMCU_attendance, Arduino_fingerprint_attendance, NodeMCU, Fingerprint_scanner, Arduino_Fingerprint_scanner, Arduino attendance system, PHP, SQL, Website_NodeMCU, diy, DIY_attendance, Fingerprint_Adfruit
Id: Lo7BQVSx5zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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