Binding the Easy Project Bag February 21, 2021

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hi everybody so we're we're tonight we're going to be making this project bag and i thought um today i would just do a video about binding by machine i've done so a couple of videos or we've done a couple projects that i've shown you the binding by the machine but i thought i'd just show you the binding so i'm going to show you how to make your binding i have some new people that they may never have done really done binding before so i thought well i'll just show you how to make your binding and then i will show you how to put it on by machine because i like to put my binding on by machine and i've got a couple really cool things and i've got a cool new foot to show you for the binding so i thought i'd just do a quick video so i'm going to go ahead and get i've got my strips cut for this project bag they were four widths of the fat quarter so they're like 21 inches wide you know and what two and a quarter inches wide i like two and a quarter inch binding because it fits nice and snug and so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to sew these together so to sew these together i'm going to sew them at a diagonal so that they all are in one piece and this is you can see the selvage on the end here i usually just leave the selvages on because then i can just put the fabric pieces kind of like crisscross them a little bit and then i can tell where i need to start and stop down here okay now i usually turn on my laser light but when with with binding um i can turn that on for you but with binding sometimes i don't just because it's so short i can actually see where i'm going and i don't know i think you can see it okay on the on the screen so i'm just going to go ahead and turn my laser light on my needle is in the center and my laser light is in the center and i'm going to i'm just going to run that laser light to the corner so if you haven't used the laser lights on your machines it's pretty awesome so the first two pieces are together i'm going to flip this one over with the right side together our right side showing and then i'm going to lay the next piece on here do the same thing i've got a selvage on this end too so i'm just going to kind of flip the selvage up over the edge and then i'm going to there's a selvage on this one too so i'm just going to go above it so that i have i don't have any selvage in my seam and i'm going to run that you notice i didn't cut anything off i just i just keep i'm just going to keep going i'm going to use my razor light to help me to help me uh go from corner to corner and i'm doing these at a 45 degree angle and this one has a salvage on it so we'll do this one up here like this and then match up my corners and watch my laser light [Music] and run it down so now all my my fabrics are together i'm just going to snip with my scissors these little strings in between here okay and then i'm going to trim these little dog ears off so i'm just going to trim up and across and if it and make it about a quarter of an inch seam if it's not exactly a quarter inch seam it's fine i usually just use my scissors to do this if you want to you can go to your mat and do a quarter inch with your rotary cutter i'm kind of lazy and don't want to have to get up from the machine so so i'm just going to snip these off at about a quarter of an inch like this now i did there is a pdf file on the dropbox on so along with jan and i put a video up yesterday about how to find that there's a there's a um a pdf file called bind aid and this is how i learned how to do binding and it's very very cool except that they do do it the traditional way that you turn you put the binding on the front and and sew it down by hand on the back i prefer to do the machine version so that i sew i actually sew my binding on the back of the item and then flip it to the front and sew it down with the sewing machine okay so now i'm going to take this over to my ironing board and i'm going to open up these seams like this nice and flat and then i'm going to fold my binding in half and iron it like this with the with the wrong sides together okay so i think everybody can do that so i'm going to go um stop the video for a second and i'm going to go do the pressing on my binding okay so i've got my binding ironed over and it's all in one piece now this is going to be the binding for the bag this evening so i'm going to be using a different binding on this little bag that i've got in front of me that i'm going to put on the binding for you so i'm just going to roll this up around my fingers and just set this aside so this is going to be my binding for my bag tonight so i had some different binding but i wanted to show you how to put it together because i know some people are confused about that all right so this bag is our little project bag and i've got the whole thing assembled but now i'm ready to put the binding on so the first thing i did is i did put this little i put the little strap on i just got it um clipped because i like these little binder clips they work really well for the or the little clover clips they work really well for the um for these because there's some plastics and some vinyl on this so um and then this is my binding for this one okay these little polka dots now the one thing with this with this i am going to be putting this on the back and this project bag has vinyl on it so i was struggling with this vinyl not wanting to move around long my feed dogs very well so what i found that worked well is i put some um some of this um [Music] kimber bell paper tape along the edge of like where the seam allowance is going to be i'm going to try to move it in so that it's not going to get into the seam but it needs to be like where the feed dogs are because i was really struggling with my with my bag moving over those speed dogs and this this is like paper so i thought i'd just stick some paper tape over this so that the feed dogs would smooth go more smoothly over that vinyl because normally when i when i work with vinyl i i sew from the top but you know i want to put my binding on the back so let's just go ahead and we'll put some some paper tape over this just to let it glide over those feed dogs a little bit i found that this worked fairly well so that it would it was trying to stop on me um all the time and get stuck and it was just because it was because of this vinyl and this stuff comes off really well so it doesn't like you know leave a residue and all that um i'm gonna have to go get another roll here though looks like i'm out a second here i may have to go get another roll pause the video a second and get another roll i am i'm out let me pause the video a second here okay so i got the paper tape reloaded in my dispenser and i've got some paper tape up along here so that should help me um glide this over those feed dogs a little bit because that that vinyl just really catches on everything so um but i wanted to be able to sew this um from the back so that i could flip it over to the front okay so we've got our binding here i'm going to start here at the bottom let me turn off my laser light i don't need that turned on anymore and turn it off and what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my piecing stitch on my machine so it's q on the cue tab most of you have those tabs on your machines and then i'm going to do q02 which moves the needle to the right and then i can run my fabric right along the edge of my j foot so i just have my standard j foot on my machine right now okay just my standard zigzag foot and i want to be able to run this along the edge of my back okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start kind of down here towards the corner here and i'm going to leave and oh maybe a tail of six six eight inches long okay and we're gonna go down here towards the bottom there we go and i want to leave i want to be able to sew a few inches before i have to turn the corner okay so i'm going to go ahead drop my needle and i do have um i'm using polyester thread for this project bag because i wanted to be stronger so there is polyester thread in here and which is fine i'm going to go ahead and tie that let's see if i get the camera a little closer here and then i'm going to i'm using a quarter inch seam and i still have my inverter unit on so if i'm if my bag catches that's why my bag is catching on my machine so i'm going to go down here to the corner and i'm going to stop about a quarter of an inch from the edge okay and i'm going to tie knot so i like to start kind of in the center of the bottom of the bag so i'm going to cut that off now and i'm going to flip this around and this is how you turn these corners so you're going to flip the binding up oops it's got stuck down here i'm going to flip it up at a 45 degree angle i'm going to make sure that that the corners match up right here okay and then i'm going to get a nice corner there and then i'm going to flip it down straight along the bottom edge like that and then the other the raw edges will be together on the side and then i'm going to do my quarter inch seam so i'm going to start i want to start just on the fabric and i'm going to tie a knot here i'm going to get everything lined up and you notice i'm not using pins i don't normally pin binding i just hold it i find that i do better with that and i'm doing a quarter inch seam running the edge of my foot right along the edge of the binding in the bag there now i'm i'm noticing see i'm on that vinyl right now and that paper tape is really helping because it's not um it's not sticking on me it was really sticking really badly the first time i did this and i figured out that if i put a little that tape on there just it just lets it glide over and then the tape comes right off and if you sew through the tape you can get it off real easy so okay so we're gonna get this up and then i'm gonna stop a quarter of an inch from the edge of the bag right here and you can mark it if you want to if you're not sure where that is i kind of i have a good guess now so i just kind of stop at about a quarter of an inch okay and we're going to cut off again and i'm going to turn the bag again and again we're going to do the 45 degree flip and i'm going to flip it back down making the edges even and then i'm going to straighten this out and then we're going to start on this corner it does help if you have your embroidery unit off i just i haven't i'm lazy and don't like to take mine off so my embroidery unit's kind of in the way but this machine is pretty big so it's okay all right so we're going to go up this side now i'm going to get to these straps here now i want to make sure my straps are straight and i just pinned them with one of those clover clips and i'm just going to hold it until i get right up to the point of the handle and then i'm going to take the clip out and you want to make sure you hold them so that they don't move on you and they don't get crooked okay i'm just going to sew over that that's why i wanted to use polyester thread because it's a little stronger than cotton thread and then when i'm doing those handles then they'll be nice and firm okay and we're going to be just about down here to the other one here just leave the clip in until i get as close to as i can and then i'm going to take it out and just make sure you hold it so that it doesn't get crooked okay go over that you notice that i'm just going all around the whole bag because i there's no there's not going to be like a the top the the handle is going to be sewn into the binding so right now i'm going to notice that my zipper is a little close to the edge here so i'm going to pull it down a little bit just get it out of my way my zipper pull all right so i'm going to go here and then again i'm just about to the corner so i'm going to go ahead and stop about a quarter of an inch from the corner and tie it off okay and now we're going to be down on that you know that side that has the vinyl again so this this paper tape um really helps to smooth it over so just put some that paper that kimber bell paper tape over there that works just really well okay so i'm going to flip this back at the 45 degree angle and if you if you go download bind aid from the drop box and sew along with jan there's good pictures on there too and and what i'm going to do next and show you how to do the top stitching um that's not on bind aid but this part is so you would do this the same way if you were sewing it on and then stitching it down by hand but that that's how i learned to do binding it was wonderful and it was just a not one piece of paper i think i just have it up there under bind aid and um it really helps so i've got my quarter inch seam i'm going across the zipper there too get everything kind of lined up yeah that paper tip really helps i was really struggling with the first the bag i made the last time and the bag turned out fine but boy i was like i've got to figure out a way to make those speed dogs move over that vinyl better and that tape just takes care of it okay now we're getting down here towards the other corner so remember i'm going to stop about a quarter of an inch away here i'm stuck on my cabinet back here all right we're gonna get go down here to about a quarter of an inch from the edge i'm gonna tie it on and then we're going to turn the last corner now we don't want to sew too far because we need a little bit of space over here to do the flipping to show you how to do the binding um so it's continuous so when we go around we're just going to just turn around the corner maybe a couple of inches okay so we have a little room down here to work all right so i'm going to flip the last corner i'm going to go up a quart go up and fold it up at a 45 degree angle make it nice and straight and then bring it straight down we're going to start on the edge and get our quarter inch seams to set up and i'm gonna tie it off and then this solo will sew up about maybe two or three inches here all right that should be that should be enough and then i'm going to tie it off you just want to get around the corner basically okay so now i'm going to show you how to do this little flip at the end so this this is also on bind aid and this is how i learned to do this because i i actually feel pretty comfortable doing this now now my binding of course you know ended up with a with the seam right here so we're going to have two seams really close together but it's just a bag so it'll be fine i think i'm going to have to yeah leave that in so it'll be all right okay so what we're going to do is i take this is the side that we just turned the corner and i'm going to take this down and i'm going to kind of fold it down a little bit and i'm going to flip this one over this is the this is the one we started with here then what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my little ruler or my hem gauge usually is what i grabbed if i can find it it's always in the bottom of my little drawer here and um i'm going to measure i'm going to set the little measuring thing on two and a quarter inches because that's how wide our binding was and i'm going to measure from the end here two and a quarter inches i'm going to put a pin there so that i know where that is so i'm going to put a pin and i'm not i'm not putting the pin in the top piece of fabric i'm putting it in the bottom one because that's the one i'm going to cut off so i'm going to get my two and a quarter inches i'm just going to put my pin right there like that and there's oh good it's going to cut off that little seam so here's my oh i think i'm going to measure it one more time i think it's just going to cut my seam off so it should be fine and i always try to make the seams end up right but you know they never do so and i usually get a seam in the corner it seems like too all right so here's a two and a quarter inches on my little hem gauge let's put the pin in there again i'm to get in between the layers there and put the pin in there we go there's my two and a quarter inches okay and then i'm going to because i need to overlap these that's what i'm i'm measuring here is the overlap of these two because remember that was two and a quarter inches was the measurement the width of our binding okay so i'm going to turn this back and make sure it's good and straight where that pin was and i'm just going to take my little scissors and i'm going to snip this off so it's nice and flat now this is a little short right here so i might have to pull some stitches back a little bit but we'll see how we do here all right so i'm going to lay this this is how we do this flip but i think i'm going to have to pull some stitches back a little bit so i can just resale so that it's okay i just need a little bit more play on this side so i sometimes have to do that and what i'm going to do then is i'm going to lay this flat this side this is the side we ended with i'm going to lay it flat like that and i'm going to take this side right here and this is where everybody gets confused so i'm going to take this side this is where we started i'm going to turn it at that 45 degree angle like we did the corners okay and then i'm going to open this up down here let me push this up so you can see i'm going to open this up like this and i'm going to continue on i've got the right side right here i'm going to continue on and put the right sides together okay and then i'm going to pin this at the corner and this is kind of steps so you have to kind of it makes it a little harder to pin because this bag is a little stiff it's easier with a quilt so we're going to put the pin in the corner and i'm going to put a pin down oops got a little piece of extra piece down there i'm going to put a pin down at the end down here and a pin on this end like this now if it helps you and we can do that it makes it easier a little bit more visual i'll take i have a little short ruler in here and at this point what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw from corner to corner or what i often do is just mark my corners with the water soluble pen so i can really see there's the corner on that side and then this one you know is underneath so i want i want to mark whoops i could smart my my machine do i want to mark where that corner is this is usually how i do it i just mark my two corners so i can really see them make it very visual you can't draw a line all the way across if you want i just normally don't okay then i'm going to to switch my needle from the quarter inch piecing stitch to q01 which then places my needle in the center of the machine and i need to so from that those two marks i made i need to sew from corner to corner so i am going to fold the bag kind of in half because you need to get this to lay flat and this is always a little tricky with the stiff stuff to get this to lay really flat because you want your binding to be flat okay and then i'm going to put that under my foot where that mark was on the first corner tie a little knot okay and then i'm going to get this laid flat it's not quite flat yet i'm going to make sure these are all flattened out and then i'm going to sew let's turn the laser light back on because that helps a little bit there we go and we can see where lines are and i can i can aim that laser light over there to the other mark that i made with my water soluble marker okay i'm going to cut it off and so again i have sewn from corner to corner because we need that we need that um 45 degree angle there i'm going to take these pins out and flip this back over and look it's all in one piece now so i'm going to cut out all that bulk in there we don't need all that and i always before i cut anything i always test it to make sure that i've done it correctly okay so and then i'm going to cut this out with my scissors and then we'll just turn we'll just open that little scene we can just finger press this seam open like that and then i'm going to i like to pin this or in this case we could just use the binder the little um you know the little clover clips those are good too so i like to clip this down because i have a tendency to things have a tendency to like wiggle on me when i'm doing the last little bit of binding here so we'll just put a little couple little clips i'm gonna i'm gonna start back a little further because remember i had to rip a little bit on this corner so get it started back a little bit a little bit further so that it is all caught we'll clip these down just to hold it in place and if you did your measurements right everything should be exactly the same size so with any luck at all that's the way it works out okay so now i'm going to go back to q02 again so that i have my quarter inch seam i'm going to turn the laser light off because i need my quarter inch seam again take that first binder clip out and i am going to back up a little bit so that i can you know tie off that little area where i ripped a little bit should be fine okay and then we're going to sew that little section down that we hadn't sewn yet so i'll take the binder clips out as we're going and sometimes i have to ease that in a little bit you know like i might be just a teeny tiny little bit off so my binding is just a teeny tiny bit long but it's not bad there we go it's a little harder with this the bag is a little poofy so i i find it harder to put binding on you know poofy really poofy things um this one's a lot poofier than a quilt would be so i do a lot of binding on quilts so all right so we're just about there and we're at the end we're just going to go ahead and tie off and cut and now the binding is all the way around the little bag so i'm going to pause the video for a second so i have to go iron so the next step when you're doing binding my machine is i'm going to go take my iron and i'm going to very strongly crease this binding out so that it is very sharply creased on the back here and all the way to the corners you know you got these beautiful corners and we're going to make sure that it's very well creased and steamed down with steam iron you do want to be a little careful you're going to get a little bit of fogging on your vinyl which is fine but you're working from the back so it's fine but just make sure that this is all nicely creased and steamed out with the iron okay before we start the next step all right so i'm going to pause the video and i'll go do the ironing okay so i've got my ironing done on the back of the of the bag so as you can see i've got these pressed out so they're nice and flat got the corners ready and now what we're going to do is we're going to turn it to the front so you want it nice and pressed there's a nice nice seam here i'm going to turn this to the front and i have removed the tape i did notice that i had just a little bit of residue on my plastic so i got a little glue i i that goo gone and just just rubbed it off i've still got a little bit right here so i may have to finish that afterwards um but that take we'll take that off that plastic but that paper tape sure helped a lot um the kimber belt paper tape does not leave a residue i have a couple of different kinds and i think i had that that kind that i just put in my little dispenser was a little bit more residue so and i'd had to do a little bit of um i had to do a little bit with the goo gone but it doesn't it takes it right off so it's no big deal um but anyway we're going to go ahead and turn this on the front now and the first thing i want to do is i want to get my my corners all set and i do this on a quilt too so i'm going to go ahead and i'll show you how i do the corners look the first thing i like to do is i like to turn down the binding i'm turning it to the front and i like to clip it you know a little ways from each corner with the clips like this and so i have this this here and i don't clip the whole thing i just kind of do this part but then what i got to do is i got to get this corner so that it's beautiful like the back corner so what i'm going to do is i'm going to run my thumb up the right hand side because remember we're going to be sewing this direction and sewing around this way so i'm going to take my thumb and push it up towards the corner on the right hand side and i'm going to make that corner and i'm going to bring push it up and make that 45 degree corner and you can see the little line where the sewing is that's the sewing line that i sewed on like a little thread stick in here we'll clip that out of there get it out of our way but i'm using my seam line that i sewed on right here to help me and i'm pushing that binding up with my thumb on the right and making the corner and making this beautiful 45 degree corner and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a pin and i'm going to stick it in that inside corner and stick it out to the corner so that i can hold that in place so it doesn't move so i didn't quite catch both layers of fabric so i'm gonna try that again i like to keep this i want to make sure these these these corners don't move on me so i like to pin those and i just leave the pin in until i'm while i'm sewing it okay so there's my corner all right so then i'm going to go down and do another corner so i'm going to do the same thing down here i'm going to pull the binding over to the seam to the seam line and you and i made these reds so you could see them um and you want to use when you're doing this last binding bit with the with the uh zigzag we're going to use a zigzag stitch on this you do want your binding to be your your thread to be very matchy matchy or use monofilament because monofilament is clear and that works really well i think the red that i have should be match matching enough that it shouldn't show so too much so oops i'm going to put another clip over here now these place mats are a little bit on the fuzzy side so they like to shed a little bit on me here all right so then i'm going to take my thumb again up the right hand side put it put the binding edge of the binding right along that line i'm going to push my thumb up in there and i'm going to make that nice quarter inch or that 45 degree angle into the corner and i'm going to pin that in place make sure that it stays put while we're trying to sew this okay so there's that corner all right then i'm going to go over here to this other one and i'm going to put a couple of binder clips or the little clover clips in one of the wycombe binder clips i've always just called them binder clips i guess but they're clover clips those little plastic clover clips love the things they work really great especially if you're using stuff like the plastic you know this vinyl we can't really pin into it because it'll show all the pin marks so i use these little clips a lot when i do pen okay so i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna take my right hand my right hand and i'm gonna push my thumb up into the corner and i'm gonna fold this down like that and make that nice 45 degree angle and i'm going to put a pin in there i'm matching my seam lines and matching those corners up because you want the front and the back to both be beautiful okay so there's the back all right so then we're going to go ahead and do the last corner here and you got to be a little careful because then you know you can stick yourself with the pins but i found that it works better for me to pin from the inside to the outside and just careful not to stab yourself with the pins alright so let's put the clips on here and whoops gonna have my scissors on the floor now i spend most of my life picking up my scissors so put that in there and then looks like i'm gonna need my scissors because i need to clip that little clip that little thread off of there there's little threads you know in the corners because we started and stopped there so kind of get them out of the way because otherwise they don't always work real well all right i'm going to push my right thumb up into that corner pull it down and make that beautiful 45 degree angle there put my pin in there so it lays all nice now that one's a little crooked so i'm going to have to rearrange it just a little bit there we go get the pin in there like that all right and then the rest of the the um the rest of the binding i'm just going to hold it i find that it just works better for me just to hold it up to the seam line and i'm going to try to use my j foot i think i'm going to be on the fabric enough with the foot that i should be okay with just my regular foot instead of the teflon foot even though we're going to be around this plastic i have a hard time seeing through the teflon foot because you know it's kind of it's kind of um it's not clear so it's a little hard for me to see through it so i'm going to try it with my regular foot i think i got the other binding on with the regular foot so all right so let's start over here on the side and what i'll do is what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring my binding up to the stitching line that i made you know to stitch the binding on and i'm going to be bringing it up to that and i'm actually going to be sewing one stitch off the binding and one so we're going to use a zigzag and one stitch on the binding and we want to we want to line that line up as perfectly as we can because then when we turn it over the zigzags are going to be on the binding on the back as well so that's the goal is that the the stitches are all on the back too so you don't really see um you don't really see the stitching on the back either it'll be on the binding okay and you do like i said you do want this to be pretty matchy uh thread so that doesn't show very much for a bag it doesn't matter as much for a quilt i'm pretty careful about what i choose i like it to be very matchy or i use monofilament and i know my other bag that i made i think i used monofilament on this i just didn't have a red that matched well enough so i don't know if you can see it but i did this one with monofilament and you can you can just you can see the stitch you know the indention of the stitches but you really can't see the stitches on this so this is the other bag i made but i did do this with monofilament okay so this one i think the red this red was a little bit more orangey so this one should work okay all right so we're going to start over here on the side so hopefully my foot will work okay if it doesn't we'll go to the teflon foot but you are going to be basically sewing on the binding so um the vinyl shouldn't be too much of a problem now so it is when you're sewing sewing the seams but okay and then i'm going to go over here well let's do this first let's go over here to the screen and i'm going to go back to my main screen for the zigzag i like number 1-10 and i don't know if you know this or not but you can set settings for like if you have certain settings that you like for certain stitches i like to set my zigzag that i'm going to use for my binding at 2 for the width and 1.4 for the length and i set that up and then i saved it in my machine by hitting memory so you can save up to five a lot of the machines not all like most of the bigger machines you can say five different settings so if i hit retrieve see i have a couple of other settings here also so like this 5.5 and 2 that's the one i use for my jelly roll rugs so i just like to keep the the stitches i like to keep the settings that i use all the time in the machine so i don't have to write them down somewhere and then i lose the note and i can't remember what i use so this is the setting that i use for my jelly roll rugs and this is the setting i use for binding all right so we're going to use that one for the binding the 2 and the length is 1.4 all right so let's go back over here again now this is where i always have to put my glasses on so i make sure that i'm hitting this just the way i want to hit it okay let's see if i can get it fairly close for you and i'm going to put my glasses on and i'm going to pull this binding over to that stitch line all right just to the stitch line i'm going to put my foot down and what i'm going to do there's a notch in the middle of my foot that's why i like using the j foot there's a notch right in the middle of that foot and i'm going to put that notch right on the very edge of my binding and i'm going to drop my needle tie a knot hopefully the split will be okay because this is the foot that's a lot easier for me to put binding on with so yep looks like i still got just a teeny bit of residue down here so i'll get the goo gone out again and just just wipe it off a little bit more alright so i've got my binding held down and i'm going to i am stitching the zigzag one stitch is going off the edge of the binding and one stitch is on the binding yep i think the foot's going to be okay all right so i'm holding this and i'm just holding it right up to that line and one one of the zigs you know the zig on the left is going off just off the binding and the zag on the right is going on the binding okay so now we're up on the fabric so it'll be a little bit a little bit easier okay so now we're approaching the corner so i'm gonna again i'm holding my binding right up to that that seam line i'm going to put my thumb i'm putting my finger kind of in this corner because i want to make sure that my corner stays straight and i'm going to sew right up to that corner with the pin in there i'm not taking that pin out and i want to sew into the corner about a stitch or two okay and i've still got the pin in there and now i'm going to turn the corner and i'm going to check this side to make sure we're okay now the one thing that i do when i get to the corners i found that like i'm i'm a little too far in i took an extra stitch so i'm going to raise my needle that's why i leave the pin in and i'm going to move my binding i'm going to move my bag out and put that notch right back on the edge of my fabric again and i'm going to take this clip out make sure everything's tucked in here right up to the sewing line and then i'm going to start sewing because now i know so i'm going to be a little caught here because i got to take this but i'm going to take the pin out to get it to go this is pretty thick this bag you know it's it's a placemat so it's a little bit thick there we go but that's how i get my my corners really straight because they if i i often have to lift my foot and just bring my needle down slightly in or out just to get it lined up again so we're going to go down this side i'm doing the same thing the left hand side of the zigzag is going just off the binding and the right side is on the binding [Music] okay this is a little bit stiff so you have to kind of hold it in it's poofy at the bottom here so so hopefully you can see what i'm doing here i've done a lot of binding so i can do this fairly quickly now it took me a while to learn how to do this and my binding is starting to look better i do even a lot of my quilts this way now i didn't for years i didn't i always put it on the front and flipped it and judy likes to hand stitch so she would help me hand stitch it on i don't like to hand stitch but after i found this method of putting binding on i've done pretty well so yeah this is looking good okay so let's just keep going here get it turned right to the seam line [Music] we're approaching another corner here so i'm going to take the leave that in just for a second because i got to get this little section having trouble getting it to lay down for me there must be a little bit of a thick spot right underneath there there we go that's better okay take this clip out and we're approaching this other corner so i'm going to match up my seam line and i know some people do this with a narrower zigzag but i can't hit it if i get any narrower than two so i've been using a two millimeter zigzag and that seems to work for me okay so we're approaching this set next corner i'm just going to kind of pull back so i can make sure that corner is nice and straight and i'm going to go right up to the corner i'm leaving that pin in and i know you just have to be careful with the pins okay so i'm going to stop about right there and i didn't i need to take one more stitch just i'm just going to tap my foot controller take one more stitch i think it'll be okay there yeah it looks better all right and then again i can look at it i'm going to look at where my foot is now my my little notch is over to the right a little bit so i'm just going to raise my needle and i'm going to readjust the foot and drop my needle again and that seems to work well it doesn't make you don't notice it you know it doesn't really take a stitch until it goes out of the corner and then once i get out of the corner then i can pull that pin out of there all right so take this clip off and we'll go up the other side now we're approaching that vinyl again but this foot is on the fabric for the most part so it seems to work okay i just really have a hard time with the teflon foot putting binding on i can't see well enough where the stitches are going this has a bigger opening at the top all right so i'm just approaching this vinyl now pretty good oops looks like i've got a bunch of little hairs back here so we'll get some of this trimmed out of here so it doesn't get caught okay whoops looks like i actually have a little bit of tape right there didn't get all the tape off there we go okay oops i got a piece of tape in there too so we'll get that out of there okay okay going up the side here like i said i can feel just a little residue right there from the tape so but that sure did make it easier to get that that binding on so it's worth just doing a little bit of cleanup at the end so i will go get my little bottle of glue gone again and just just clean that little edge up right there just about up to the zipper again this clip out of the way yeah i know i've done this several times on other classes but i know i have a bunch of new people and i thought maybe it'd be helpful if i just did the whole binding and i thought i could just tape it today while i did my practice bag for today i hadn't made one of these for a few weeks so i thought i'd better make one today so that i remembered how i did it and that i could make this video for you for the binding because i don't know if you're going to want to sit and watch me make binding tonight so we can if if i won't put this up if if we do it in class so all right so then i've got i've got to the corner and i also move this zipper pull out of the way so now the one thing i want to do is this we've got the handle up here you want to leave the handle back so that this that this binding will lay flat here because you're going to sew through that but you want to make sure that that those handles are flat back there and not you know don't get uh curved under or something all right so let's see how i am on the corner see i'm a little over shot the corner again so i'm just going to take my foot and i'm going to move it back out and drop my needle again take this clip off and then match my seams up here okay so that where that handle is here i'm getting close to that handle i want to make sure it's good and flat there we go pull this over and you can start and stop your your binding wherever you want i just happen to start kind of on the side but you can start it on the bottom you can start it on the top just wherever it works for you [Music] okay so i'm going over that handle now i just went over that handle and again that left side of the zigzag is off the binding and the right one is on the binding [Music] gone getting ready for this other handle here so i'll have to be careful sure it's good and flat pull the binding up to the seam line once you do binding this way a few times it it took me some some tries you know i had to i had to try several times to do it this way and i'm and i started doing this like on my settee pillows and stuff so of course now i'm going to wind that run out of bobbin threads so i'm just going to tie a knot here and then i will stop the video for a second and wind the bobbin i didn't realize i was going to run out of bobbin thread but you know i always do okay so i'm just going to go ahead and stop the video for a second i'll wind my bobbin and then we'll do the last corner and finish the edge over here okay so i got the bobbin wound so now i'm going to start right where i left off i went ahead and dropped my needle and tied the tied the thread off there where i stopped and then we're going to continue on to this corner make sure you get your seam the binding right up to that seam line okay now i'm going to have to pull back on this corner a little bit and where that pen is so i'm lining it up here and i'm going to just sew right up to the corner leave the pin in [Music] stop but yeah about right here i think take one more stitch then we'll go across around the corner and then i'm going to adjust my foot if i need to actually this one i did pretty well i got the the little that little notch in the center is right right on the edge of my binding in the corner and i'm just going to continue around the corner here take this clip off looks like we've got a couple little strings we need to get out of here oops keep hitting the camera sorry guys all right get this one out of the way too and we're getting just about done so i'm gonna go over the zipper now that's one thing about you know doing the binding like this then the zippers are well you know that are secure in the bag and everything too all right so now we're approaching that vinyl again so just kind of watch yourself with the vinyl it seems to be working pretty well though and oops got some more little strings let's get that little these placemats were a little ravely on the edges so got these little strings sticking out all over the place all right just about done here get around to the end i'm gonna put a pin where i ended just because my thread's so matchy i can barely see it okay get that over that seam line there looking down we just got a couple inches left to go and get that pulled over i'm just having a little trouble getting this pulled over right now so just being contrary there we go all right so we're just about down to the end where the pin is i'm going to try to stop about where i started so that it doesn't really show and we're going to tie it off and cut and we're going to be done with the binding and the binding always looks so nice when it's all sewn down and everything it really makes the bag so take these two pins out trim a couple of these little threads off where i had to start and stop a couple times whoops just stab myself with the pin all right so there's our binding and that is machine binding you do the same thing with the quilt it is a little easier to bind the quilts because it's softer than the bag is but um and there's the handle so it makes a really nice bag for your pop rollers so the one thing that i like to do is i always like to put a little like a little zipper pull on here and i've got a little zipper full so we'll do this too got this little zipper pull here like a little tassel and we'll put this through the zipper here hopefully see if i can get it through there and we'll just tie it up put it on there oops i almost made it let's try it again i thought just added a little bit if i can get it in there these zippers are pretty small i think i might have had to use a needle one time i did it oh there we got it okay put it through there do a little half hitch on there and then we have a little tassel on our bag so there's the little finished zipper bag with the binding and there's the back of it so i use the other side of the placemat so it looks different on either side so there's the project bag so if you have any questions about binding go get that bind aid it's up on the up on the dropbox on sew along with jan and get binded and it will really help you um the only difference is that they do do it they tell you to put it on the front of the quilt and flip it to the back so if you want to do the machine binding you put it on the back and flip it to the front so you can be working on the front instead so okay so if you have any questions message me through facebook call me at the store and we just got our binding on our bag thanks everybody
Channel: Sew Along With Jan
Views: 596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pqQOSkMi5jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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