Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official Video)
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Views: 116,013,694
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Keywords: we didn't start the fire, billy joel we didn't start the fire, billy joel, we didnt start the fire, start the fire, we didn't start the fire lyrics, we didn't start the fire billy joel, started the fire, ryan started the fire song, we didn’t start the fire, billy idol we didn't start the fire, the boys, the boys season 2, the boys soundtrack, the boys season 2 soundtrack, the boys amazon prime, billy joel we didn't start the fire lyrics
Id: eFTLKWw542g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2009
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Of course billy Joel didn’t start the fire, everyone knows it was Ryan
It's Billy Joe-EL.
"I didn't fart, you liar!"
I was born in 86. I feel like this was the my earliest pop song that I loved hearing on the radio.
" bottle of red or a bottle of white..... Whatever gets me laid tonight "