Billionaire P.A.: Your Mind is Wealthy

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[Music] it takes energy to actually prove a person wrong that actually don't even care if you make it so I decided to take my energy and prove the people right will believe in me and take less energy into proving the people wrong that don't believe me you are listening to the redefining wealth podcast with Patrice Washington in today's episode I sit down with a young man who goes by billionaire PA listen into why he says your mind must be wealthy first [Music] hey there this is Patrice Washington from Patrice Washington calm where we chase purpose not money welcome back to another episode of redefining well I am still on a high from last week's episode I'm not gonna lie be their walking contradiction has been such a hit with so many of you so thank you so much for the love thank you for allowing me to share my heart and for sharing your heart with me if you are new here to redefine me well then a big welcome to you what you need to know about us is this is not just about money and material possessions here we believe that wealth is about well-being and it's based on six pillars so go back and check out our back catalogue of episodes but in particular those first several episodes where we break it down pillar by pillar because that's going to help you set the foundation so that you can really receive all of these amazing interviews and solo episodes that we have here but welcome to you so glad that you found us into my og listeners thank you as always don't forget I made an announcement last week that we are coming up on our one-year anniversary oh I'm so excited and so I want your voices to be a part of that episode so make sure you go to free call with Patrice and leave me a 90-second memo tell me your name what city and state or country you're from and give me about 86 seconds of what has made an impact on you from redefining wealth if there's any pillar in particular you have really been tackling or if it's a financial thing where this non-conventional route that I take has really helped you change your money mindset then I welcome you sharing and speaking of mindset super excited about the young man who I'm interviewing today for you met him some years ago and I've just watched him via social media but we also continue to run into each other all over Los Angeles and you know I'm really big on mindset the first pillar here at redefining wealth is fit and it's more than physical fitness it also includes mental fitness and so I love just his take on your mind being wealthy like your mind is the first stop so I really want to jump into this episode because it's full of goodies but I'll be back at the end with some more notes for you about different things that are coming up in the future all right make sure you subscribe because this is going to be good and you're ready to take some notes billionaire PA is the CEO and founder of wealthy Minds a company created through the challenges of billionaires personal circumstances which include him being homeless for 36 months as well as spending 63 days living in his car yeah you heard that correctly his mission today is to inspire a billion people to speak their dreams into existence he's the author of my mind as wealthy as well as seven steps to developing a wealthy mindset I love that he says instead of following him in social media he wants you to lead with him at billionaire PA he's been sponsored by such companies as Procter & Gamble as well as Home Depot and get ready ladies and gentlemen you're in for a treat without further ado here's billionaire PA [Music] welcome to the redefining wealth podcast billionaire thank you for having me I definitely appreciate being an honest oh this has been a long time in the making oh we spoke it into existence though now we able to go from speaking to today we executing and living that actual dream and that's exactly what you teach people to do and I love it I am I'm not sure if I met I think you met my husband first a long time ago at the Steve Harvey mentoring weekend back in the day it's been some years now and I know you have wealthy minds your clothing line and I remember him giving me your shirt I don't even know if you remember that I had this shirt but it's I loved it I wore it all the time I don't look for jobs I create them that's one of my favorite quotes right there I don't look for jobs I create them you know I connected with that shirt so much when I was graduating from college I did not look for a job and I didn't apply to grad school I was determined that I was gonna make my own and that's what I did I started a business senior year in college and people would be like why aren't you applying you need to have some backup plans and all this and I'm like they're my backup plan is to focus on my first plan I don't look for jobs and that has been my life my whole adult life is that I wouldn't look for jobs I create them so I loved that shirt I think I had two shirt before I even met you but one of the things that blew me away about that is when I finally had an opportunity to watch your TED talk your TEDx talk which was absolutely phenomenal 400,000 plus views on YouTube and Counting you talked about the fact that you actually couldn't get a job because of what I got two felonies on my record been to jail over 15 times before I was 21 years old but it was the main reason why I couldn't get no job is because you know growing growing up in Alabama my mother taught me the only thing that she knew was to go out and find a job she taught me to rely on other people for a living I didn't even have it built in my head I didn't even have the type of mentality to think that I could actually create my own stuff so I got turned down by 150 over 150 companies because they kept running my background and I had these felonies on my record so I couldn't get a job so I was actually forced into entrepreneurship I'm glad it happened oh right it didn't happen to you happen for you because it forced you to tap into what was already on the inside right yeah so it's amazing and that's how I wrote that quote that was the actual inspiration behind that quote there's a lot of types of people in the world but in this aspect you got your followers and you got your leaders if you see my new billboard that's put up on Slauson and the Braille it says don't follow me leave with me and what I'm doing is encouraging everyone who was created for the purpose of being a follower by all means be a follower but you got some people who are leaders who are working on people's jobs who shouldn't be there they should be out creating their own thing creating a own dreams to help inspire other people to speak their dreams or to existence just imagine if Martin Luther King or Malcolm X would have said you know what I'm gonna go work for somebody I'm not gonna do my hurdles man that's real I identify with that so much too I remember when my husband and I lost everything in the recession and we ended up sleeping on my brother's couch in Atlanta and I was volunteering at all these nonprofits around financial education and one of them offered me a job man as grateful as I was for the job billionaire I realized that I am not employee material I didn't try to be challenging to people but like I could not understand the point in all the meetings and all these different things I'm like what y'all meeting about don't you want to just go out and do the work like why do I need to come in here to do my work can I just go to the people and do the work like my husband was like look you are not a great employee you're a phenomenal entrepreneur but you're not a great employee you need to accept that so I had to accept it and get back out there and do my own thing and I'm glad I did too like I wasn't built for it at all okay I am I'm really glad I did so one of the places or the place where you talk about writing all these quotes is it true that you have over like 4,000 quotes that you wrote yeah technically I wrote 10,000 quotes what yeah I was in my truck is all I do is I write it's obvious this hard for most people to believe because when I was in my truck I wrote two books I wrote a negative book before I was positive if I was a very negative person I wrote negative things into existence and I just saw the power that negativity had so some people negative and they don't even know they negative people who are broke they manifest that to them they spoke that in today like you know so I don't use the words no more so when I was in my car I was writing all of the negative stuff and then I just decided you know what I'm gonna transform every one of these negative quotes that I wrote and then I'm gonna write 5,000 positive inspirational affirmations that I'm going to live by I didn't even write the folks for other people are rollin for myself like when I wrote the quote never spend your present time with a person that you don't have a future with I wrote that quote because I was hanging around people that I know I didn't have no future with now some people they hit me up and it's like you know that quote isn't for me it's like any other quote every quote isn't for you that quote and if it happens to inspire other people by all means I understand it means if I cannot see myself with you tomorrow don't call me today I only want to hang out with people that I have a potential future with good wait you gotta say that again say it one more time I only want to hang out with people that I feel that I have a potential future with because you know you as a female y'all have intuition and y'all have wisdom you know who got good energy and who got their energy you know your intuition you know your type your type of thinking of what person you could say from the jump I knew we would be great together and not all the time you would be on point but with me I'm always right about the energy that I cut that come into my space because it's not it it's not even about me making a million or two million dollars with you it's more so about if I actually I have to actually like you to do work with you I have to actually get along with you believe in you you not gonna just be doing this stuff no more like when I was selling drugs and I had got caught up in Texas and stuff none of the people that went to jail with me came and got me out of jail none of them but we'd be so into like when I was in jail my mother she drove 14 hours got off her job and everything in fact almost lost her job coming to get me because I had caught this drug charge coming to get me out of jail Indian as soon as she got me out first thing I say it was I cannot wait to get back to the street so I could prove all these haters wrong that was a immature mindset back then you know everybody wanna prove a haters wrong what I realize is it takes energy to actually prove a person wrong they actually don't even care if you make it so I decided to take my energy and prove the people right who believed in me and take less energy into proving the people wrong that don't believe in me that's good proving my mother right turning my business into a billion-dollar business proving my family right you know how time to put energy into like proving nobody wrong well I don't have time to attempt to impress anyone with what I do I have a very positive message I got two dreams which is to be a billionaire and to inspire billions of people and they're gonna manifest I'm not just talking about it is something that I I have spoken and I'm working towards that every single day to execute that how did you become so passionate though about speaking dreams and really calling other people to speak their dreams because one of the things that I loved from your TED talk is you tell people to stand up for their dreams right and one of the things you said I'm trying to really remember you said something like you want to see who gets tired and sits down like you you're looking at them like it you see that as a metaphor for how they go after their own dreams see I want to let's see it's all that's how everybody just stand up two minutes into standing up it was some people's like I'm tired why would I want to go in business with you you cannot even stand on your own two feet oh you know what it takes to build a business and stuff isn't easy you know how many I sell a book for nine hundred dollars nine hundred and sixty three dollars oh you you getting ahead cuz you know I was I was getting there for that I was blown away by that you had a book for like $99 and then a hundred and sixty three dollars and you said let me go all out I'm going to 963 like how you have to be a big dreamer to even believe that's possible when is people out here trying to do 99-cent book specials so that they can become Amazon bestseller and you're selling books for 99 dollars up to nine hundred and sixty three dollars who told you that you could do that that's what I'm sure people want to know who told you you could do that well you know you asked a very deep question right there when you talk about people who I have nothing against like Amazon I salute them in everything that they doing because a lot of people dreams do come true on them well on that particular website I have always been against putting my book on a third party website because I don't want them making money off of me when they're actually not promoting me I promote the traffic that actually goes to it a third party website to get people to actually purchase the book now they promote me that's all good but I think that's they giving people take they taken like twenty to thirty percent and I just felt like if you're not gonna take twenty or thirty percent of my struggles why should I give you 20% or 30% of my success know if y'all support me take your butt to my website and you buy it on my website so if I put it up on that side if you do see it up on that site I'm not pushing people to that website it's just up there just for people who make randomly going yeah go down pushy guy you got people who promote somebody else dream before they promote they own instead of being a number one Amazon seller how about you be a number one seller for yourself I'm a number one seller I put that book out and it was actually the first book that I put out my first book came out the gate it was nine hundred sixty three dollars thirty six cents it had nothing to do with the money it was all marketing it was all because I knew that if I put a book out for that price everybody would say what is in that book good publicity is all good to me and so when people's like who sells a book for nine hundred Oprah don't even do that what people don't realize is God created Oprah to be live her dream and he created me my dream I'm not open and she's not me I'm not Patrice so we all gotta fulfill our purpose that we was created to actually live she's doing her thing you're doing your thing with your podcasting your business now I gotta come in and add value to what y'all doing not compete and be like you when I started watching people who was reading books and stuff you got people who are coming in Patrice and buy your book and they'll say oh my god I just wanted to support you I actually look at it the opposite way I think you wrote the book to support their dreams yeah that's good I've never thought about it that way but that's good so they come to me like oh I'll support you I'm like no I don't want support I wrote the book for just support your dream you need to know how to run a business you need to know how to do your finances you need to know how to get your stuff in order this isn't like and then if your book is $20 it's like people value it based on what they actually spend if it's valuable to them when you walk in the Gucci store to Louis Vuitton store young people are drop a thousand dollars but some shoes and you know they'll take care of them they'll keep them clean so I said hey if I put a book out for nine hundred and sixty three dollars I guarantee you whoever buys it will read it yeah well whoever by ten dollar book they don't read them they just buy them to support you check back in what six months later a thousand people bought a book you may get a hundred people you may get a hundred people under one hundred people only read that book guarantee you talk from front to back so how did you come up with that number though nine hundred and sixty three dollars and thirty-six cents that's very specific oh I flip in my truck for 63 days and I was homeless 36 months that's the royalty edition is 960 336 but you have to see the book to believe it the book is half the size of a human's body the book is personalized so when you get the book like if you bought it come with your family's dream in there you submit your pictures to us it got your your family pictures uh it got your dream in the book throughout the whole book it's personalized when it's your name isn't all gold paper it's a project it'd take me like 30 days so if you bought the book today I'll have it to you in 30 days so this and it's numbered so you would be like 1 out of 63 2 out of 63 it's only 63 other late Wow just a thought process behind that that is incredible it's incredible and I want to go back to this because you jumped into sleeping in the car and stuff and when I was watching a video that I guess Proctor and Gamble highlighted you and produced about you it opens with you brushing your teeth rinsing your mouth out pudding deodorant on I'm literally thinking that you're in your bathroom and then it pans out and you pop out the back of this truck don't even understand you're saying that you we're homeless 36 months and slept in your truck for 63 days yeah so 63 straight days what that means is my first 63 days I was in my truck on the 60 second day I had met this lady named Myra Scott she came and got me on a sixty third day and uh met her on 62 days and on a seat on the 63rd day she said hey you could just you know I'll let you stay at my crib for like a day out of a week and I stated that like a day or two out of the week and then I'll go back to the car for like three days and or with meeting her I would meet other people that would allow me so I would just go from house to house how did that happen so you were raised in Alabama you ended up catching a case out of Texas how did you get to California sleeping in your car my whole process was like this right here I tell you in 63 seconds I had a felony charge and Anahuac Texas for drugs I got five years I was sentenced five years for that one week after I got out of jail there I went back to elexander City Alabama I caught a three-year conspiracy charge I ended up getting three years for that I ended up doing serving the probation and stuff like that and soon in the day I got off probation laughter my five years was up because they ran the two charges in congruently together if that makes sense so the three years ran concurrently with the five or parallel however you see it right after I got off of the probation and you know serving a little time that I had did I ended up moving from I told my mother be due to the environment that I'm in I've been to jail a lot here I don't even think it's beneficial for me to stay here she wasn't really for me moving so I ended up not even telling nobody in my family went to Alyssa went to a look gas station and I asked to do and I was in Birmingham Alabama I said look West Street can you get on and just drive straight now a lot of people you know this ain't you ain't your like this is my life so I was going through a lot I was just willing to do anything to get out of my situation cuz I got tired of feeling like I was a failure all I ever knew was selling dope all I ever knew was hustling I didn't know anything else I didn't know that I wanted I don't want to work for nobody that is I don't like nobody telling me to show up on a job at 8:00 and there's nothing wrong with me not liking that so harm I ended up going to the gas station has to do a West Street can I get on and I could just drive straight he said why would you want to do that I said my life has been so terrible I don't even want to think about turning left or right and the man said you can get on a ten and you can go each to West each to take you to New York West to take you to California I said I don't want to take the ten is it another route he said why you don't want to take the ten I said I want to take the ten because I got arrested in Texas on the 10 freeway that's where I caught the drug charge so he was like you could take the 40 it's gonna be you gonna be in the desert but you can go to West and so I said which one take longer he said if you go to California you're driving by yourself it's gonna take you about three days so I drove to California when I got like the Arkansas called the guy that I was doing not so good things with business-wise if you know what I mean California and I was just like Amen I'm on my way out there set me up me he sold me a dream so milk good dream told me he owned the house and everything when I got out here he didn't own anything when I'm out here you know my little money the little money that I had I don't lie to you went quick California is expensive it's like a special person to actually live out here in California and actually financially make it amongst the people here in this state do not they just financially in debt struggling working for people to pay their bills and that is not why God put us here God ain't putting me here to make no money to pay nobody to do a live a better life than me so I ended up going to my truck I wouldn't even matter but it was a better situation I didn't know nobody who sold drugs I didn't know no thugs I didn't know no no nothing you know just nobody that was around in the south and nothing bad against anybody that still live that lifestyle it's just I wanted to change my life and so I came out here schlepping my truck daddy wanted open the Bible read the book of Genesis had never read a Bible in my life in fact I was atheist for 22 years I did not believe in no God or anything just because of my upbringing I had a mother who got hit by a drunk driver told she was never walk again that's why I went in one of my quotes I saved my mother had screws in a leg like Superman had in his head doctor said she'll never walk again I told the woman close your eyes use your mind I tell my mom I had a cry that's a quote to people that's my mom was real life I had to experience my mother being told watch her do everything she can to walk so when a person talks to me about manifesting a dream into existence I came from seeing a woman so she'll never walk again who are you to tell me I can make a billion dollars that's easy oh that's easy who are you to tell me I cannot sell a book for nine hundred I came from seeing my grandmama have a sawed-off shotgun to her head with my own granddaddy standing right there saying VI tch I kill you mmm so if I can't overcome that who are you deter selling a book for $100 that's easy stuff to me going to jail and being sent as five years I got all day it's easy to sell a book for 199 dollars with some people they just don't have a confidence and that's why I be asking people stand up man speak your dreams and to existence because you gotta believe in it and a lot of times people will push their beliefs on you and what that means is they'll be like why you sell a book for nine hundred you know what they really telling you I could never see myself doing that right I was watching and it escapes me right now i'ma try to remember who it was but they had this video and they were talking about when people grow up with extreme trauma and different circumstances they're usually more apt to run after their dreams to what they want and then you have people who may be born into wealthy families where they've had the examples all along so is nothing to them to think that achieving something in particular is possible but he said who we felt sorry for were the people in the middle because when you're in the middle when it wasn't like quite that bad of a life but you didn't really have too many connections or exposure you get so complacent and there's nothing like in your story you're like if I've already been through this then this is nothing but what do you say to the majority of people who may be in the middle where I didn't have such a traumatic upbringing so I don't really feel like I have anything to run towards or run away from does that make sense yeah I mean you know this stuff is all mindset yeah you know anything that you want Patrice you can manifest it and you know the power of benefit station for you if I wanted if a person told me they wanted to be an author well what do you have to do okay go find you some off the friends to hang out with what you think they're gonna teach so what I say to anybody is like look have you ever seen a police officer riding in the fire truck with a fireman no you never seen a fireman riding in a police car with a police officer you know why because police officers hanging with police officers firemen hang with firemen rich people hang with rich people wealthy people hanging but well the people in the broke hangar broke this is hard though so if I don't want to be broke normally and I go put myself I go eat at Mastro's and I hang out with those calibre of people or I go to high-end restaurants and I spend my time around people that think like me people that want to have dreams like me and that's what I had to do you know that's the things that I recommend for anybody whether you have been through trauma or not but when you talk about someone you can tell someone who went through the same amount of trauma as me it doesn't mean that both people are gonna come out positive it's all about how that person mindset views that you see I don't believe in negativity I take everything as a lesson learned I don't believe that negative people exist because I don't even give them no attention yes I know the people out there I just don't give you the attention even think you exist in my world mmm that's good but even you said right you said you never spend your present time with a person you don't have a future with so I can hear somebody saying well if that's the case if I'm broke and I want to be around wealthier people are they gonna give me the time how do I break into those conversations late we can say go there but what is the practical like our how do you pump yourself up to understand that no matter what you still have to put yourself in the space well that's what a lot of people a lot of people will talk their self right out of what they dream of I don't think about it if I'm a people's person you're gonna give you walked into a restaurant a low-end restaurant food ten dollars you're gonna and you sat down to eat nine times out of ten you're gonna probably talk to someone well if you go to Beverly Hills and you get the mingling with people your friendships are gonna change like how did you get the friends that you got now you had to open your mouth you get to choose who you open your mouth I could show you you could change your zip code you ain't gotta stay tough all your life so with me I told myself right out there in the middle man my dream is to be wealthy so I'm hanging around wealthy minded people I don't care what nobody say about me it ain't cool to be broke I got too many gifts in too many talents and god I don't know he did but God should have made it a sin for you to walk around here with a gift that God gave you and you broke you did nothing with your like I always say it's an insult it's an insult to the Creator who gave you the gift freely because I believe that we're each born with the gift of talent a skill something that God gave us freely to produce wealth and like you said most people have it and many of us know we have it but we talk ourselves out of it and then we want to pray about being broke or not being able to do the things that we say we want to do but we also don't do anything differently there's another thing you talk about so for me that's kind of the people pillar we talk a lot about creating relationships that matter and I always tell people that I know many of the opportunities that I've come that have come to me have not been because I was trying to force them manipulate anything like it's literally happened because I invested in building relationships with people with some people I didn't know and I'm not like a I believe that you should respect everyone from the CEO to the janitor so I don't have this like oh I gotta know who you are and what your title is before I can speak to you type of thing I believe that you value everyone right but it's even those people who you don't know what the titles are and you're not even quite clear who who they are what they do but many times they could be the gatekeepers to the people who could change your life and so we talk about the people pillar a lot here but another thing that we talk about is the space pillar and that's about setting up your life to support you and how be more organized or fishing with your time actually leads to you being able to build wealth and so there's another quote that you talked about broke people show up late wealthy people show up before time I don't want to butcher your quotes because you have so many and I you know I got some of them down packed and in others I think I'm butchering but I got the gist so what's the quote that you do about time and showing up and being on time and why was that so important you want the backstory to that quote yeah it was on a Sunday afternoon I had my mentor named Walter Hill he owns a company called he like 74 75 years though he had invited me to his house in Beverly Hills so come to his house on Sunday to watch a football game at 3:30 and to meet his wife I think it was 3 o'clock I'm gonna meet a beater I didn't get to the house until about 4:30 5 o'clock and I really felt like since it was just a relaxed day it's like we're not meeting I just told you I'll be there at 3:00 but you know I'm just coming just to chill I know I'm gonna meet your wife and you know I'm saying she's a very powerful lady by the name of my bunny hill so I go up there to his house you know I came in like an hour and a half two hours late and then he was like you know I want you to apologize to my wife and I was just I had I didn't say it but I just had the look on my face like I'm not gonna apologize for being late you know and at this time in my life I had like you know I was mentoring over 500,000 kids my little brand my I will said some of the brand was I thought was blowing up ain't his type of money though good you know how when you young you got fame but you ain't got money you know how people got 200,000 followers on Instagram but they don't have no money in the right I thought I had it going on and so he was like no I need you to apologize because you know you got to be a man of your word you got to stop being late to things and then I was like okay okay I went on and apologized and when I apologized you know she came in and she said hey I looked at all your videos it's very commendable at what you're actually out here doing for these young people for these kids she was like who is helping you find this company I say at me she's like how many people work at your company I was like it's only three four people right now and she was like you selling that much product because I looked at your video you're speaking everywhere I was all over LA speaking with my shirts and everything just on the street selling my products and that's how I was uh you know moving my stuff so she was like look I think it's time for you to go corporate I said on the board for uh Home Depot so she was like I'm gonna call Home Depot and see if they'll have you speak man oh no at the time I ain't know who she was but I could tell you this she made a phone call to Home Depot it was less than five minutes they called me the next day and I was booked to go speak at home DD for my first corporate speech ever so I tell you that story because about two weeks after I leave their house Walter but while I'm leaving Walter is you don't really even think he took the time being that serious so he comes to my speech I think I was speaking at a church out here I might be wrong on a church by think it was faithful century was one Church out here in LA and it was 34 kids I go to the speech and so my mentor I see him walk in and I see Bonnie came and with him as well my other mentor they married cup and then they brought they look granddaughter Madison and so I'm sitting there and I see then walk in and sit down and then while I'm on the stage I'm speaking and in the middle of the stage I go straight to this story and I say you know I had this mentor that probably didn't think I really listened to him at this particular time in my life and I forgot this quote that says rich people show up on time wealthy people show up before time and broke people always show up late but they be the first ones to hold their hands and as soon as I said if I saw him look at his wife and say he actually listened but what I was doing was I was taking a lesson of what he taught me and I was transforming it in the form of a quote of how young people would appreciate it because we don't want to be talked at we like you know I'm saying we'd like stuff to be uh it's kind of like we'll listen to music as long as this in a cadence like when I say it's okay if your pockets broke just make sure your mind makes sense well the fact that it's in a cadence is it's easy for your daughter or your child to receive that because that's how we're used to receiving stuff to hip-hop to music to dancing to arts and so that's what I wanted to do and then the whole audience they went crazy when I said that quote and then like a week after that speech right bunny went to pick up her daughter or a granddaughter she's eight years old when she was sitting there at the speech and I really think the LA eight-year-old was really paying attention her name Madison she said I went to the school I picked up Madison and Madison came out of the school running 100 miles an hour her ponytail was just bouncing bouncing jumping she jumped in the backseat of the car and I was like baby what's going on do I need to go in the school and talk to anybody and she was like grandmama you remember a week ago when we was at the speech and billionaire stood on stage he said broke people be late so I don't want to be no broke person so I got I love that and I love that whole story trait something else that we say a lot here which is there's always someone watching you who has the power to bless you but who are they watching you be who are they watching you be and it's so good that you got that lesson with someone who cared enough not to just like ask you to leave cuz that could have been the outcome they could have been like no we're good thanks but you had someone who was already a mentor who cared enough to help illustrate that lesson for you and so since that time what are the things that you've implemented just to make sure that you are always not on time but before time like is that still something that you incorporate on a daily basis yeah the main thing that and you know I still I'm not a perfect individual so I still do make mistakes because some it's been some time so I've overbooked myself but not very many times I'm actually behind schedule but the thing that I implemented into my life is let's say like you booked me on a speech and you told me to be there at 2:00 if you was dealing with my assistant they don't even tell me the two o'clock sign they tell me one o'clock if it's sunny so all speeches is set one hour before so in my head I think it's 1:00 so if I get there 1:30 I'm still before the time and then they say like if you wanted to meet and do a podcast like my sister if the meeting was that one she would have told me that I had to be there at 12:30 she would have never even told me that you told her one I do the same thing like whatever the call time is my time on my calendar is always hour before always like one thing you're not gonna do especially if you've paid me to come somewhere especially or if I just put my name on it and said that I was coming what you're not gonna do is look for me okay so before I kind of get to the clothes I know that you have a new book out seven steps to developing a wealthy mindset can you kind of give us one or two snippets of what those steps look like and just tell us about what the inspiration for the book was well one of the first up is one of my favorite steps it's called work to create a wealthy mindset and I love this because you'll notice that I will I had to catch myself I will not use the word T ry I will not use the word BR oke unless I'm saying that in the form of my hope I will not use the word CIN apostrophe T if we use any negative words or even if we cuss all the men get down and do ten push-ups and all the women do 10 squats because we believe that if you're gonna have a broke mindset you should at least have a healthy button hmm if you're gonna have a broke mindset you should at least have a healthy body come on I'm not gonna do both though not gonna have a mindset and not unhealthy body that's just one of the things that we implement anytime we it's kind of like some people may pinch theirselves no I don't want to hurt myself I want to get in shape I'm with you we have a fit pillar here too so I'm with you so that's one of the steps one of my most favorite 1 step is to log out of social media sites and log into your dreams I'll give you this story right here right I took a lot of backlash because I started going on Instagram and telling people you know don't like my pictures don't come in on my videos and then just cash out me $1 we live in a society now that's more impressed with somebody liking a picture than the amount of money that you can make but they'll look at me and tell me you know money and everything as if that like of that comment was more no I know money ain't everything but being broke ain't much you so let's stop okay and it to be broke it's not cool no if you want my Instagram and I found out a way to successfully monetize my stuff if you support me cash out me let's see how many people are really friends and that's why when you said something earlier I wanted to get back to it are you talking about the job title and stuff like that people get so caught up into this following this following in this following makes you psychologically start to follow people and be a follower instead of being a leader that stuff is psychologically mentally damaging to the mind to tell yourself I follow this person no I don't follow for trees I lead with Catrice I'm a leader and that's why I wrote the quote if you got less money in the bank then you have followers on Instagram you need to get you a new group of friends we have a point what we learn how to use our resource it's okay to be used I don't mind if I have if you feel or trees you say hey billion I want to use you to help me to get to my dream I don't feel bad by you using me we supposed to be here to be used my grandmother once told me that if you ain't being used on where you are dead we suppose that's why we was put here to be used and a lot of people don't we'll call these people our friends we call people our friends that we have never even met and so that's why I wanted to say when you was talking earlier I wanted to say you know we have to understand the difference between friends and associates because people and I've been a victim of this be setting yourself up for failure you'll be calling people friends way too early and so with me there's expectations when you are a friend of mine there's a high expectations because I don't just call anybody friends so if you set yourself up for failure you calling somebody friends and then they come in they do some stupid or they do something that you consider stupid or something that's not within your standards of what you would think a friend would do your night that they failed you you felt yourself because you put them in that category you should have left them in the associate category so they could do associate stuff come on billionaire so now if I call you a friend I got your phone number I know your mama phone number I know people in your family might know your husband phone number or you could use a friend to me cloud was out on the street and I went homeless right now you should be able to pick up the phone and call your friend and they were inconvenience they stuff to make sure that their friend is not on the streets it's not out here struggling no we're not gonna put you in the house the whole year oh you're not gonna stay out there tonight right oh that was a lot that was a lot back to back to back I feel like you just like want to my mindset is that the point of my life right now my mindset just don't know on a whole nother level really identifying Who I am as a person yeah and I had to become my own friend I had to be happy with what I'm doing you know I'm saying because you know how I go miss like the more fame you get the more successful you become everybody got an opinion on how you should do your business how much you should speak on and stuff like that I just want to stay true to my mission of inspiring a billion people I never set out to do this just to be making one I set out really to just inspire a billion people the flesh part of me loves to make money but that ain't got nothing to do with my spiritual dream of what God couldn't here to do my purpose is actually to inspire a billion people to speak their dreams into existence and I had to tell the person the other day and whether people take offense to it or not I say look man I have somebody who called me and attempted to give me advice that I listen to who everyday talk about how much they hate their job they hate their job they not living a purpose they want to quit and stuff like that they had the audacity to give me advice and I said look I don't take advice from people who not living in a purpose when I'm living in mine that's right it's hard for me to do that you're not even living your own dream but you want to give advice it's like the broke what I'm basically saying is broke people always want to tell you how you should get rich well if you know then you do hmm I don't need to talk I just let you go there's no gems I'm just trying to be quiet so I don't mess up your audio so you ask me what the steps were so I was giving you some of the steps and everything another stuff in here other stuff that I'm focused on right now in my life these are some of the things that you can get into you're in your foot I mean in this book I talked about learning to give people their flowers when they live in and not when they did because we'll wait to someone died to say we love them or to show our appreciation on Instagram Facebook our IP so I told my mother to other day when I don't come to my finger and bring nothing just don't bring me no flowers don't bring me no roses I'm not being dramatic I'm not being funny I want you to have an enough love for me that you would have told me everything that you needed to tell me while I was living and not when I die uh-huh I agree with that wholeheartedly I don't want you to put nothing on my grave I'm not gonna benefit from there I'm telling you the truth like give me my funeral speech while I'm living and calling to speak dream speech don't give me don't even gotta standing when you stand up for they ask you to say you politely say my son asked that nobody say nothing that his speech cuz he wanted everybody to say everything while he was living learn to appreciate people's existence while they are living like when that rapper died xxx and toss young when he died his music blew up blew up now he put but my friends will cause like man you listen to his music you listen to his music it's amazing it's great I felt like why are y'all sharing the success with me you should have been reaching out to him telling him that he made that music you should have been buying his stuff when he was living he didn't just become amazing when he died he was amazing when he was living Wow so now challenge people with anybody that hears this call right here if you got somebody in your life and you not on good terms with them whatever the situation is and I had to learn this if a person does not have a malicious heart meaning they had an intent to set out to make you feel bad because we all make mistakes pick up the phone man let that small stuff go call your mom and your brother your sister let the people know you appreciate you existence man cuz everybody don't think like you so everybody don't know what you like and what you don't like cuz sometimes we'll be holding on something inside thinking that the person really intentionally attempted to hurt us if you ain't told a person how to love you don't expect them to love you like that if you ain't told a person what they supposed to be on time you know I'm saying don't expect them to show up on time you got to let people know what's important to you and so my communication skills with my friends assistant co-workers it's on point they have a clear understanding of who I am how I want things done and I and I sit with them they have a clear understanding with them so it ain't just one side it's me shutting up sometimes and listening to them and getting a understanding of what they like what they don't like it everything this is good oh my gosh this book sounds phenomenal this sounds phenomenal and I know that there's seven steps and it's full of wisdom so we will definitely make sure we link to it and get people to your site you're incredible I mean of course I already knew that which is why I wanted you to be on the show but you are blowing my mind I think this is definitely gonna be one of those episodes people have to listen to over and over again just so we can catch all the stuff that you were dropping all the goodness you were dropping oops water let you go we do I'm speaking to existed this gonna be one of the when I say big is this gonna be by far one of the most inspirational videos or podcast interviews that you have ever done not knocking no interviews you ever done and the reason why I'm gonna say it is because I want to show people the power of manifestation you will be able to say that I told you this on 8/10 151 p.m. this podcast will inspire one day billions of people to speak their dreams into existence because it's not just about me or Patrice the fact that I can manifest this into existence should give you the courage to go speak your own dream into existence and be very specific with what you speak in and manifesting because those things do come to you I'm just gonna put that out there in the universe and hopefully that will come true I speak into existence that you know one of my dreams is that one day I just started sharing this story of why somebody walked up to me and they said you know every one of your videos why do you say so in this video though I say that in every video every single video every podcast I do I say send a video to Oprah and I never really had the opportunity I never took I had the opportunity ever actually took the time to actually tell people while I was actually saying that and it was one of them times I think I was like 18 19 years old when I got out of jail in Texas my grandmother very spiritual person had asked me to come over to her house and talk to her because I was going to just so much and she's like this is getting out of hand every weekend and I'm like dang how can you go to jail every week it's like you get out of jail going to jail and I would I get out on Friday go to another jail on Saturday and so my momma had told me to go see my grandma said mama you know I ain't really on that Christianity stuff I'm not really with that God stuff my momma pray every day and she live in a house with no lights my momma pray every day why did granddad put a sawed-off shotgun up here my grandmama pray every day why did my love seven year old niece get killed by a drunk driver why did my uncle get shot like why God killing children I always had these questions why is Jesus Jewish but we Christian now I need some answers but you know I know the lights is off but if I go take this $333 downtown and drop it this don't cut the bill cut the light song I feel like you should pray to me that was my mindset as a child and so my grandmama said you know when I finally went over there took me about two weeks I went over there and I saw her and she was like you know nothing to preach to you today I just got one question in case I'll never get to see you I want to know what dream you would live in case you gonna in case you get killed because the way you're going you ain't gonna make it out here so she said the least I could do is know what your dream what would have been if you woulda did some pasta so she said if you had one dream what would your dream be and this was the creation that I didn't know at the time which were birth I speak dreams into existence and I said to my grandmom come on come on look around us the only place worth having a dream is in this house you know where I go I live in the streets ain't nobody got no trains out here we sell dope but we still and I'm not a thief I'm never stealing nothing from nobody and so she was like no no no baby just tell me if you had one dream what would your dream be and at the time I told my grandma my said you know just for time I don't really want to stand right here so if I just so I could just say something and I can go I said if I had a dream my dream would be like that little black lady that you always watching on TV and my grandmama started laughing and she said baby you talking about Oprah you don't know who Oprah is and I was like nah grandma I never watched the show that she'll show that's your dream that's not my dream I never seen the show my grandmom will always watch Oh on TV but I will come in and see her watching the same show every day every day and so she was like I know a lot of people why did you pick her and I said the only reason why I picked that lady is because that's the only woman that I ever seen on TV and her hands one behind her back that look like it's the only reason why I said I've never seen her go to jail everybody else you seen black Devils on TV that I seen I cannot speak for everybody else but every black person I've seen on TV they was on the news going to jail Oprah was the only person I ever seen and so at that time my grandmama said you know what baby one day up we're gonna really call you and my response was yeah Ramon for selling dope because I was being sarcastic because I've never seen myself doing that the posse was like now if you can move with this stuff like you're moving if you can move an illegal dream like that you cannot even share that with the world and you successful with that imagine if you put your energy on some pasta imagine if your mind went from broke to wealthy my grandmama been speaking this to me so everything now that I be speaking like even in my clothes most people can see but not everyone has fish a grandmama been telling me stuff like that when I wrote the quote tie yourself to greatness before failure chokes you my grandmama been telling me this is just now I'm the one that's bidding it I'm spending in the weight of young people want to hear I just tested positive with MT demotivated transmitted disease if you touch me look at me email me I hate on me I would infect you all with motivation telling me this stuff and I just decided that when I got out here in California I finished started putting I'm finished started treating my brand like it's dope and hopefully people understand that I don't sell dope no more but I got dope brands now I still got the same mentality I still push the books with the same mentality instead of selling you some some ecstasy we're gonna overdose some motivation we gonna overdose on getting wealthy we gonna overdose on getting healthy we gonna overdose on it being cool to be smart cool to have a wealthy mindset it's cool to keep your pants up and know how to be Street and professional that stuff cool I used to think it was but it's very beneficial not and I want to thank your husband too cuz he helped changed my life really yeah he helped changed my life you know at the time he had gave me some game and really you know pulled me to the side even at the speed Harvey ranch and stuff and talk to me helped me get an interview with Steve Harvey talk to me on a personal level and stuff really wanted to see me be successful so you know to this day I never forget the people who really pull you to the side and really talk to you because they really want to see you be successful you know sound grateful for anybody you know sometimes you got people who give you constructive criticism just because they just want to talk to you they just talking just to talk they don't really care if you make it he gave me some advice and I felt it from his spirit from his heart I knew he want I knew he wanted me to be successful it's not surprising him that now you know I'm saying I'm continuing to grow people know how you look at people when you know they you ain't you know the duties before they did he's ya know the Oprah's before they open this stuff is a new to people they know you know who got driving Jay just need someone to say hey man you driving that car but you need to get sometimes we gotta get some gas in this car right oh man well I speak with you that you will be having this conversation with Oprah it's definitely coming how can it not I'm sure she's been tagged over and over and over again every First Lord Oprah has been Ginty for 10 to 12 years what in the 12 years I have never met her but I sent her a book I was sending her like I said her merchandise to the office over in uh what is in West Hollywood I sent her merchandise I've sent her books you know divine Franklin he wrote the foreword in one of my books my mind is wealthy so I'm grateful for him he'd been a great mentor for me as well then I had one of my other friends she was I had a couple friends that's like give me the book we're gonna get it to her I don't know if I actually made a tour but they said they was gonna give it to her but I'm pretty sure she knows who I am there's no way as much as I tag super soul Sunday I probably tagged him today I'm a tagging when I get off this interview but I wanted to do that because I wanted to imagine Catrice if everything that I spoke on y'all on your show and I was very specific and I spoke this into existence I'm gonna meet oh I'm gonna be a billionaire by this day imagine how powerful this interview becomes that everything that you speak comes true later you know the power that there was this will give to this in him you know Oprah is gonna come to you and say I need that video because it would be more powerful to show he's focused yeah so now you can see like when I sit in front of that audience and I tell them words have power I'm not just telling you this I can prove to you I've spoken many true I got 83 books I recorded myself speaking all of these books into existence when they was dropping when they was coming out eighty-three books I spoke this into existence I knew nothing about being an author I knew nothing about running a clothing line I told you to date like I'm dropping a clothing line on this day and people's like oh I'm dropping a music video on this day you not even a songwriter man I don't care if I'm recording myself saying it I got a hold myself accountable that's right you see to tell yourself at home it's you gonna be you're gonna procrastinate you not gonna do it so I tell all my friends I say oh I'm gonna write my book and put it out I said I dare you to record yourself and put it on Instagram right that's what I do every time I'm working on a book I put it out there cuz that held me accountable cuz you're not gonna ask me how's it going and I gotta stumble and stammer like um I put it out there this is what I'm doing before I had a cover art before I had chapters done before any of that you put it out there didn't mean to go too deep on the UH on your Commerce section I hope I speak it to exist that this is gonna be phenomenal and I know my audience and I knew who they were getting when I invited you and I know exactly where I'm positioning this interview and it is perfect so no apologies needed this is going to be the number one downloaded podcast episode and right now the number one downloaded episode is dr. Dennis Kimbrough they loved him it is the most played episode of the podcast and yeah I can definitely see this doing those numbers if not better so I got to ask you some questions before I let you go we call them redefining wealth rapid wisdom questions and some asks you for quick things and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind okay how do you define success I feel like before a person can define success they have to they have to have an understanding of who they actually are as a person so before I can identify what my dream is I got to know what makes me happy so I can control that happiness or what makes me sad so I can control that so when you say how do you define success I cannot even define success without defining myself first I gotta know who I am I gotta spend some time with me and get to know me so then I can confidently sit here and say that what how I define success is inspiring 1 billion people to speak their dreams and to existence now that's personally that success definition is directly correlated with who I am because that's what I like to do and then from that I try on that tangible helping a billion people speak their dreams into existence I turned that intangible into a tangible so that I can be successful selling books selling music doing speeches if that makes sense yeah that makes sense absolutely ok how do you define wealth in three words or less we all wealthy that's what wealthy spells we all wealthy look at it w/e we al oh well we're all wealthy yeah yeah you're right yeah the way I define wealth though your greatest wealth is your health understanding the value of relationships money does not make money people do on the floor people say all the time I put two five dollars on the floor I let me when they make another fire it ain't gonna go to work into somebody our human being gets to work for that money we got to put that money where it needs to be so we can make money so our relationships over money yes yes all right what's one book that has redefined how you see wealth seven steps to develop a wealthy mindset my mind is wealthy and the Bible in the only three books well I only read my books in the Bible you only read your books in the Bible yep like I listen to somebody's audiobook like I'll listen to your audiobook first off if you read my books that are written from the perspective of a person that hates to read I don't like reader so I took that in consideration when writing my book because I wrote it in the perspective of a person that hates to read so that's why they'll be there they will speak in the form of inspirational folks so I get you hooked on the quote and then I give you the inspiration behind the quote then I give you the plan of execution so the book is actually broken down into three easy-to-read parts and one of the reasons why I don't if I'm in the process of writing a book I won't read another person's book because I don't want your thoughts going into my head yeah into writing my book so you could say some phenomenal stuff and I have been a victim of like listening to Lauryn Hill which is amazing artist and then you'll find yourself rewriting what she said just saying it in a different way so I was like no I don't want to do that because now I'm consuming my her thoughts I'm consumer her emotions from that the energy that she put in there I want to make sure that I'm 100% giving you the creation of who God created me to be and I'm billionaire PA oh I love that I love that that's good you're the first person I've ever heard say that and I love it all right fill in the blank my name is and for me the truth about wealth is my name is billionaire PA and the truth about wealth is it's not okay to be broke speak your dreams in two weeks this isn't get wealthy that's it that's it thank you so much this has been incredible and I know I started out by saying it was a long time in the making but honestly I you know I think everything happens in divine time and I'm so glad that I have this platform where I get to share what I saw in you with so many people you not I mean like it's it'd be cool to be like oh let me just do a quick you know something for Instagram or something here but I'm glad that I had an opportunity and we finally connected at a point where the podcast audience has been built to a point where obviously we're growing but a point to where I know that the people who follow now will just eat up every word that you said and you dropped major nuggets major wisdom and what I love about my audience is they're action takers so you encouraged people to reach out to folks where the relationship might be strained and nip things in the bud you know stop sweating small stuff and stuff and I know that they're gonna reach out to you and say I did it because you said it and that's the that's one of your one of your steps give people their roses while they're here give me my flowers while I'm here and so I really pray that the audience reaches out and lets you know how you've been an impact to them via this podcast because you were absolutely incredible so I thank you so much so sincerely and I know this is one of the MEP Asotin - over and over again myself cuz I also I listen to my my podcast over and over and over again cuz I'm continuously inspired by the guests but even for some of my solo episodes I listen to over and over again so man thank you so much for taking time out I appreciate you so much oh no problem we gotta get you a new shirt now and I want to bless you with a new shirt I'll probably get mine I'm gonna get my assistant at the senior thank you I appreciate that [Music] alright didn't I tell you was it not a good one thank you so much billionaire PA if you like what you heard if you were inspired if you weren't encouraged please go leave this young man a message you can find him on instagram at billionaire PA leave him a message I know personally when I hear stories like his in particular and we all have a story I slept on my brother's couch guys but I've never slept in a car I've never been quote-unquote homeless and so to see what he's doing now to see his TEDx talk and how powerful he is and how many children he's been inspiring especially all over the world like man I am so just encouraged and inspired by someone who could take such circumstances and take a story like this until he flip it on its head and that's why I just love as I said in episodes past I love a good plot twist I love that he is being there walking contradiction yes I'm going back to that I'll probably be on that episode too for the rest of the year I love that he as being the contradiction of what people thought he should be or could be or would be and it's a blessing so billionaire P a shout-out to you and thank you for your example now I have been told that I do not tell you guys enough when I'm coming to your city so I want you to know that I am still on my tour with my friends at the Paul Mitchell schools I'm still coming to schools all over the country and if you or someone you know and love are in the following area send them to my website so that they can get registration information and come see me live I'm coming to Cleveland Columbus San Diego Chicago and Detroit yes those are all the Paul Mitchell schools I will be at in the next several weeks so again Cleveland Columbus San Diego Chicago Detroit if you know someone in those areas if you're in those areas come and see me live it's really a good time I promise - it is it's going to be a great time what I love about partnering with Paul Mitchell is that they allow me to open these sessions up to my audience as well so you can come and see me for free and I'll be in some other cities throughout the next several weeks I'll be in Phoenix Arizona and Myrtle Beach South Carolina so go to the website for therese washington comm backslash calendar patrice washington comm backslash calendar and get more information and again make sure you go hit billionaire PA up in social media he's at billionaire PA let him know what you learned which are aha moments were what your takeaways were what you got out of listening to his interview and until next time I want you to I want you to really do it not only speak your dreams into existence yes I want you to go live your life's purpose find fulfillment and earn more without ever chasing money talk to you later [Music]
Channel: Patrice Washington
Views: 72,728
Rating: 4.9357076 out of 5
Keywords: create, wealth, energy, mindset, dreams, manifest, leaders, Billionaire PA, Billionaire PA Interview, Your Mind is Wealthy, Wealthy Mind Clothing, Speak Dreams Into Existence, TedX Speaker, patrice washington, redefining wealth, podcast, work, money, faith
Id: x2sus8Wl_9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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