Bill Pullman Talks Season 3 of "The Sinner" | SWAY’S UNIVERSE

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to do in school Nick you didn't did you that wasn't going away it's getting closer man I love crime thrillers what a lot of suspense a little bit of murder somebody did the dart somebody did the deed back in high school boom boom Paul there was a couple that died only lived wearing underwear how was that was that liberating let me get it back together here that was a trailer from the center season 3 of the TV series the sinners premiere in February 6 Thursday night you made it to season 3 whoa you're climbing USA Network give them bill money Sinan page how you been enjoying I love this show you know what Jessica Biel was in the first installment if you will the EP she cut out on set and just y'all actually if you get the lines wrong but she's such a good person you know she comes on the Senate but it likes to see her you know she's very regular persons and everything so yeah this season she came a bit you know keeps eye on things but she always is a good one I like this and her pictures from time to time you know [Laughter] this season so what season Jessica Biel lost her memory curler she stabbed a guy or something yeah yeah the second season it was the poisoned a couple right this isn't it's mr. boma Matt boom yeah graduate car accident middle of the night seems tragic you know what I go to Depp to pose this guy young husband baby on the way seems normal unfortunately the driver died but he was he live but I need to talk to you and then suddenly it starts saying over wonder and it takes a keppa so it's find out who is this guy Oh episode boom boom I'm not mad look great man you work out what are you doing I'd like to go you know I have right now that I'm well you're doing this series is all fall and now I got little time than January so I'm out there you know and I haven't orchard you have an orchard I have what's called Biophilia okay love of living things I love growing stuff you know and I am in LA wherever we raised kids and a lot of trees and now it's citrus season you pick a warm orange off the tree it's so good Thanks different right then we could get in store yeah okay yeah this is like a sweetness and and I lost my sense of smell and I was young and I think that sense a taste of a tree-ripened fruit is like I was gonna say it's like cocaine to me but I don't know a hunter-gatherer - do you eat meat you know I have come from a tradition of Agriculture so I do we with a friend and Western near stay we raise beef s single source beef we know what's in it you know weed grass-fed beef no animal by-products the feed no antibiotics unnecessarily so you know I do I do eat the carnivore right here baby this is not not to be confused with omnivore herbivore but you got a cattle ranch right yeah my time in Montana yeah that's also you know part with my brother and his wife it's really my sister-in-law is the rancher and take our orders from her and but it's a yeah it's all--it's you know you get to know a lot I live in a small town in the you know it's a you get to know a lot about what the country is like what are you and that's I'm curious about like how many cattle what kind of cattle do you have and in how many days not a huge ok heard it's what we can handle because we don't hire like a ranch managers selling it avoid the work part of the ranch I'm too dumb I get out there irrigation [Music] outside you milk the cows or nor their eggs beef yeah but we got BLM pastures up in the mountain so we're driving with horseback you know that classic no wrong cow's way [Laughter] I don't want to run out of time before we do something cuz last time I was on here I had to do that thing for Will Smith's birthday birthday yeah yeah and today is my son's birthday yeah Lewis James Pullman years old easy actor one he's gonna be out in the Top Gun that's her daughter's a singer-songwriter he makes he's in Top Gun - good - so you know he doesn't know he's still sleeping in LA you know this big things are about to happen to his film it - man this way in the morning do you know is social media what amazing this guy is so happy so elated Louis what's up man it's your brother swag man good to see you man I hope you're doing well I just want to say happy birthday boom boom boom Louis happy birthday congratulations Oh Top Gun - I can't wait to see you on a red carpet man Louis J home and happy birthday hit him up on the social his dad don't know what that is Louis underscore Pullman on Instagram so so you're not you don't sell cattle dough so you're not well do we hit self calves you know that goes to market and everything but we're eating our own beef as well okay really but it's it's you know it's part of the cycle life [Music] everyday and we rarely get farmers here on this show look at you as a farmer yeah politics on this show and you don't have to give you the cool opinion about just curious is there an uncertainty with your colleagues and a farmer market and industry about what is happening in politics so we always hear from this analytical perspective we always hear about polls we always hear about projections and with China in the trade tariffs and how is gonna impact farmers and here we have a real farmer right now for scale just talk about like is there uncertainty are you guys nervous you guys get together at the coffee shop and talk about these type of issues well you know I think in our valley you know we have a lot of big beef producers and things so that there there's quite a bit in that country of trying to avoid signing up for the big government packages as support you know but those farm bills still are really important to sustain the agriculture industry and keep us competitive globally and everything but I think there's a little bit of shakiness going on in there which from my political perspective is a good thing is the fact that this tariff Wars and things like that okay making it unstable there's so you know the highest suicide rate isn't far you don't hear this story yeah beyond veterans it's just because it's so you know you put everything on the line and you're still dependent upon Mother Nature to have a consistency and that she isn't often that way and so there's a lot of new things that are happening climate wise that trying to adjust to but you get these micro cells that are blasting out things we got fires I had a 640 acre section that lightning strike two years ago burns up everything burns up the perimeter fence you know you've not covered by insurance these fires are really expensive on ranchers and farmers you know because he don't get insurance for that kind of stuff or anything so yeah I think there's a little bit of jittery a little bit of jittery yeah I don't know if anybody hurt well I think first of all is really this is the first time I heard the first time a first-person account of what would it must be like being a farmer in this country my family on a farm in Louisiana yeah mine well you said a 640 square acre section of your land I realize we don't really own a farm 1/10 of your rainfall that's dry there's like one blade of grass on each acre is that a quadrant no it's so dry you know and moisture is the big thing how do you get water how do you keep water you know on where's you got a good look at rainfall humidity and you're probably up to 40 inches of rain a year and we're about 15 in Montana in our area much different parts of it different things but you know it's 11 in LA so that you know 15 is and it's getting less collectively we get unless we're in a little bit these droughts are incredibly painful you know what okay I yeah I have a buffer I have another job you know support this yeah I'm so involved with the ranch life there and everything that I'm we're very aware of all these things I'm not love these I love these families and you know it's such a rich country for agriculture you know they've always been on the cutting edge of what you know try to produce food for people and everything and the practice is trying to get better and better to keep the land together and and in this whole thing of regenerative agriculture movement which is so important to keep regenerating soil and try to get that carbon sequestration going where it takes the carbon out of the air and you know it's our it's the best way we have to get help be resilient to climate change and things and it's the farmers that are doing a big part of that so I think it's said I'm glad we got to nobody you're underscoring the importance I think but though it doesn't get addressed is how much climate change impacts farming and farmland yeah and that is a big issue that so my favorite committee in the Senate is in agriculture et just for this particular type of reason so which our men should be addressed more but then also to even - what's way you're talking about interns Louisiana and the disparities within like small own family owned farm versus the big beef ranches that bill is talking about and that disparity income inequality gap is associated with it also - farming is one of the biggest entitlement programs that is out there that doesn't get talked about in terms of how much farmers actually receive from the government we are cell to entitlement from Social Security and or welfare believe the insert farming farmer farmers do they get the bag - Oh much bigger bag and there is a you know corporate agriculture is got some serious challenges and some things they got to get right and one of this is overuse of antibiotics and that's something because we got to preserve our antibiotic so you know that's a big movement to try to encourage these big places that feed the antibiotics to animals so they can get bigger production and that D value is the antibiotic and pretty soon we aren't gonna have antibiotics anymore you know if they keep doing that so there's a lot of practice you know we gotta keep getting better yeah absolutely when I when I think of Montana and out that area of the country - I think about the native folks there dizziness people from that that lived for centuries in that area is there inclusion in the farming industry with those folks or are you what do they have reservations around one of the great tribes of North American Plains I plains the Blackfeet and on the western part of Montana there's quite strong reza's for the Blackfeet and they are continuing to you know get connected to a lot of what their traditions are and I think the state itself I've been involved with Montana State University because I very doctorate there I got oh my [Music] [Applause] I taught there when I shouldn't have been teaching but I love I love that land-grant University you know and it gives a lot of opportunity people from all over but they and we all every commencement that I was there you know starts with the native peoples doing the invocation and you know there's a lot more ways and there needs to be a lot more of you know giving them a place at the table at every cultural event you know there's so much of that country that really you know needs to be reminded about what they bring to the game you know respect for the earth and what was taken from them that it doesn't get over farm from these big corporations you know so - that their water is protected because what's happening is a lot of times these big corporation the farmers are taking the water from native land and it's transitioning over to their corporate farms you know a Blackfeet 1830 to 1890 so 60 years they were decimated by yellow fever to a quarter of their population that's for a culture that's an apocalypse to a whole culture you know I think the wounds are still there well but I love you speaking on it does make this guy special Lewis Lewis should be proud of you all Bill Pullman is here the center premiering February 6 on the USA Network season 3 that's a Thursday y'all want to talk with I'm eight eight eight seven four two three three four five man you got Robert from DC on the line Rob what up baby that was everyone doing its I independence days one of my very favorite movies I loved the speech I have a coach that football coach I used to say that speech before every game Independence Day you know that day should have a new meaning for us I love that line and I love that movie so thank you very much for that and and secondly um I just have to I just had I called in for one question and I have to know this were you friends with Bill Paxton oh that question he was a friend of mine even though he was my doppelganger who is the shadow we switched on and off but you know Bill Paxton Bill Pullman they're both as we say plosives you know there's something that you know you want to say bill bill bill what yeah and you want to go to the mailbox I'm getting some for bill but we started with a stretched out face like that was always one of those VHS covers you would see at the store and be like I gotta watch this movie dad yeah but my favorite scene is when you know build plays a corporate type who somewhat corrupt and I'm a professor type who's having a brain trip that's unlike any other and at one point I go into the bathroom I have a wrap around my head and I take it off and look in the mirror and I see a suture all around my head and I reach in and I grab the stitches and I pull the top of my head off and black butterflies come out you know we do a movie like that with somebody like Bill Paxton we tend to remember that we started with that kind of stuff Wow and I really liked them as a friend and that we visited him in Ohio where he and his wife lived in it was such a shock to lose him you know these people that just like Oh be it comes out of nowhere yeah but he was ready for it and but thank you for asking that question hey Rob take care man you a citizen Rob great question no that's it Rob all right great Rob is out because I know you have to go but you know we were mentioning Will Smith and Will Smith actually came up to the show two weeks ago just before the release we would have first stop on his US tour promo tour Martin Lawrence for bad boys three and you know he sat up bill you know I'm coming from hip hop culture Willa now known each other for decades now but we've only time we actually had a chance to talk on camera that's when he did Ollie and I did an interview with them an ollie but I remember when he first came out with DJ Jazzy Jeff nobody nobody can see what that future would be you know and then about the time he did an Independence Day that's when that star was really rising and then you know the Hollywood Machine realized what they had in this guy and the critical acclaim start happening and then he's become who he's become working with whom did you first see that did that cross your mind like damn I'm working again I'm working with an enigma you know I turned in some way to and just but he I thinking that yes because I've been doing some promotion for this week and there's nobody no actor I've worked with more that gets more that I get more questions like what was it like to work with Will Smith yeah you know I've worked with a lot of great actors have been very fortunate a lot of different people but that's one that always comes up and it's always good one to answer yeah okay you answered in a way you have an answer [Applause] you tell us something you haven't said no you know I think it's lucky that we have that movie to kind of bring us back together from time to time cuz you know he says a lot going on on his plate and everything but you know the thing I haven't said because it's a little more tricky okay we shot that movie during the OJ trial yeah there's a lot of tension in LA and we're shooting in LA there was a lot of you know people that were angry about different aspects of it you know and when that verdict came down you know there was tension in that city and tension on the set that yes everybody shaky and what's gonna have will came on the set and before we did the blocking rehearsal he said well do we have some angry people you know he talked about a little bit a little moment to go yeah we are under something are we're dealing with something it was just enough didn't divert us got back into the work but you know that's that's a brave person yeah that's a that's a person stepping into something and rather than run it from it yeah thank you that was that was original - yeah thank you it was true it was true more important more important boom boom boom well thank you for coming by Bill Pullman ladies and gentlemen on the center premiering on February 6 USA Network tell Lewis I said what up man Helen formed a the show anytime yeah she worked with dimension rightfully so because that's the veteran over there yeah whenever I see her face I know I got a great guest yeah absolutely bill Thank You Man happy 2020 [Music] [Music]
Views: 2,167
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Sway in the morning, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, Tyler the creator freestyle, childish Gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, Damian lillard rap, Megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, Shia labeouf freestyle, Kevin gates interview, bill pullman, the sinner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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