Bill Maher on The Late Late Show with Tom Snyder (1998)

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foreign [Music] howdy folks and welcome back everybody i'm t.s and the color cast is on the air now from cbs the columbia broadcasting system here at the immense broadcasting facility from monday night september the 14th 1998 we're just talking about the emmy awards last night and how funny rob burnett was in accepting the award for dave and the writing crew for the late show with david letterman and by the way congratulations to all uh bill maher is here tonight himself a four-time emmy nominee and my friend howard rosenberg who is the television writer and critic for the los angeles times and you on the toll-free line now i got all the email today we have been away for three weeks and we're glad to be back and thank you for saying please no more reruns and they are now over for a little while i spent three weeks in san francisco had house guests my family was there for uh an extended visit [Laughter] that was great okay you know my dad god god rest his soul when my father was alive when i was married he would come and visit my then wife and and his granddaughter and he he and my mother would stay for about three days and we'd get up in the morning of the fourth day and they're in the car preparing to leave i would say dad why are you going so quickly you just got here he said tom he said relatives are like dead fish after about three days they begin to smell bad father was correct but anyway my brother and sister-in-law were here for an extended visit and then my agent actually came to the house if you know showbiz and agents it's also stupid agents seldom come to the actor's home but in this case the agent not only came to the house but he bought dinner in the beautiful city of san francisco and all of us had a great time on vacation and i hope you like the reruns and i hope you like the tennis and i hope you like the new fall schedule on cbs and if you don't you don't speaking of the emmys there was a man introduced last night that most of the young people here in the crowd probably do not know uh whose name is pat weaver his given name is sylvester weaver his daughter is sigourney weaver of the movies and if you don't know pat weaver he was an nbc icon back in the late 40s and then through the 1950s he ran the nbc television network and uh on his watch he invented such things or caused to be invented such programs as today the original tonight show the home show which was on the air back in the 50s and was a sensation at nine o'clock in the morning long before regis and kathie lee who have now picked up that format format in some form and i guess on his drawing board he had the old tomorrow show which i noticed was completely ignored in the emmys last night but then again you know there's no light burning for me in the window at nbc you know the bridge is gone the lights are gone everything is gone so anyway weaver came on last night uh to get an honorary award from uh the television academy he was introduced by his daughter and he had a few uh comments about what many people think were the romantic and innocent days of television back in the 50s so for a few minutes kids here is one of television's greats and a guy that all of us are very proud of pat weaver at the emmy awards last night thank you very much thank you thank you very much it was it was lucky for some of us to get into radio and television when it first really got underway and from there to move ahead as we saw what the future could hold and creating the today show the tonight show the home show and the spectaculars and many other things was really fabulous for me as a worker i had no idea that this would happen not only security but also this honor that i'm getting tonight on the 50th anniversary i remember he came to nbc when i was still there on the tomorrow show one night for an interview about the things he did at nbc and how television advanced so quickly after it first came on the air after the war in the late 1940s and the program we did was done in studio number 6a at rockefeller center and i was involved at the time with a show called newscenter 4. i think now it's news 4 new york on wnbc is the anchorman at six o'clock and at the time uh news uh newscenter 4 was i mean it was huge this this uh the the the stage was the old tonight show stage with first steve allen and then jack parr and johnny carson and they built an enormous studio in there to do the news and at the time it cost about eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars if my memory is correct and back in 1972 73 that was and still is an awful lot of money to spend for a set for television news and what they wanted to do was basically make the set of the news the star of the news because at the time the anchors were new and and relatively unknown in new york city including myself and weaver said to me when we finished the tomorrow show in 6a he said by the way he said you know you do that thing the news with marv albert did the sports and frank feel the weather he said can i go look at that set he said i i watch it on the air and i can't figure it out i said fine so we walk across the hall and mr weaver stood for a second he said now you sit up there right i said yeah he said then frankfuel's just way back there i said yeah and marv is back here in the corner yeah he looked around for 25 seconds he says it'll never work and he walked out the door and as it turned out he was correct because as another friend of mine once said nobody ever left a hit show humming the set uh bill maher is here tonight from politically incorrect humming the set bill thank you uh bill maher is here from politically incorrect and then from the los angeles times critic howard rosenberg and the feeding frenzy of 24-hour a day cable news channels trying to cover the uh the thing back in washington which i don't even want to discuss tonight but i'll touch on it briefly incidentally last wednesday wasn't that the day the star report went to the congress one of the networks showed three hours of boxes being unpacked off of a truck and loaded into a room in congress three hours of boxes tv news man bill maher howard rosen howard rosenberg and you on the toll-free humming the set i'm tom you're watching cbs and thanks for catching our pictures as we fly them through the air [Music] now here is the star of politically incorrect which is seen weeknights at midnight on the abc television network and a man who has not turned us down whenever we say bill would you please come on here's bill maher and thanks for joining us again you mentioned that all of the fellows that you worked with uh at the comedy clubs 20 years ago you're all at the emmys last night up for awards you and yeah we're all sitting within a few feet of each other jay is behind me jerry seinfeld paul ryser yeah it's pretty funny is it nostalgic at all to think back i mean do you guys and gals too sometimes think gee we've we've traveled many many miles to get to this particular point in time yeah i think that the whole fun of it is to look back and go hey we're not in that crappy situation we're at the emmys yeah and uh you know that club owner who stiffed me yeah and i need you 50 bucks now at the comedy barrel in cleveland not that i'm making fun of cleveland that was always good now there there have been events in the news here the past week which i'm sure are fodder for your program and for mrs leno and letterman you're talking about the budget yeah right yeah absolutely some of those figures tom are not going to fly but others are you watch i think they'll get housing and education close what is your view seriously i mean it's been said that mr starr and his staff have spent 45 to 50 million dollars right investigating the president over the past goodness knows how many years now four five or six years and this is what he's come up with right is that all there is as the song goes well it's pretty sordid but i mean we knew that i wasn't i wasn't that shocked although you know some of these things are kinky and i i mean i think it's great that the president does things sexually i wouldn't do that makes me feel a little mature you know i mean i but uh i i i'm at the point now where i just want them to admit it both sides they it's just i have a game i play on the show tell people sometimes just admit it you know just admit it and it's okay just admit you know you want assault rifles could you just like guns you just people like guns they just love guns i mean they could be more reasonable but they just love guns it's not about the second amendment you love guns just admit things i want the democrats the clinton people who i've been you know on their side but admit that it's a lie at this point it's too late to keep with the bs you know come on it's there and i want the republicans to admit it is about sex it's not about perjury it's about sex just admit it because if you accept that a guy is having adultery okay i'm not saying it's admirable but lying is part of adultery i mean you got to do it otherwise it's curtains right because we're learning now by its very nature it's deceiving he's doing what every married guy does when you get caught yeah you're trying to let's say all you try to get her a job the girl yeah you know you try to get her to shut up and most importantly get her out of town right get her out of town i mean and okay i'm not saying it's admiral but if you accept that it's not impeachable then stop with the perjury you know there was a column and i'm i'm i'm not dropping the name the new york times here on you but there's a gal who writes for that paper maureen dowd is here and she had a wonderful column yesterday which she went through the whole thing and she said you know this is not grounds for impeachment right this is grounds for divorce okay i said you know lady you make sense and what about star here is a man who is supposed to be an independent counsel a prosecutor and after reading parts of his report i see him as a persecutor i really think he's trying to nail the president of the united states undoubtedly i mean the whole thing is a trap they knew that look they were going to get him that's the thing you have to understand it starts with the premise it doesn't start i mean it starts with the conclusion get them now what time do we find okay and if you put 40 million dollars and four years on anybody i mean if they looked into you yep or me they got me anybody i mean this guy has his like worst moments now before the whole world the things you cringe at that in college oh my i can't believe i you know with the cigar you know things like that if it remember the old line but a good cigar is a smoke right again i mean this guy is kinkier than now there's another word that's come up now that the the the president's you know sexual activities have been in the news and the star report you heard a lot of talk about maybe the president is addicted to sex sexual addiction right that was our subject tonight as well is that right is that right we had the doctor dr levin who's wrote the book uh all right perfect timing for this book to jump off the shelf it's called bill clinton and his sexual addiction or not exactly the title but that's the idea and he believe and i was arguing with him because i think the star report uh counters the idea that he'd be a sex addict because the guy says in the book part of what's a sex addict or any kind of addict is it affects your work interferes with the work well it's in the star report that he was getting his work while he's on the phone the man just a second i'll be right back yeah who is talented enough i'm saying to do business i can't talk when i'm that's if that's going on could you of course i do all the time yeah okay that's the gay community but i'm just saying in the in the heterosexual world when that's going on i i i'm i'm not i can't be of too much isn't being addicted to sex like being addicted to air yes i think you're born at least guys i mean you know right yes guys and he's not every guy that's the important thing i think is that we learned from this ken starr bill clinton same age one a horny friendly man those are his two big problems he's a very friendly man and he's a horny man yeah ken starr not not friendly not horny not horny and you know what horny's a great word it is a great word yeah and i don't use it to you know shock because it's great well american knows the word horny especially the ones who are watching at this hour who are horny right um but what is a guy supposed to do i know wait no i mean if he is have this problem if he has a need i mean if he's not having sex or certain kinds of sex frequently i mean i also was shocked in the report 10 times in 16 months that's not a lot no it's not 10 encounters i thought it was much more and it's sad they were like encounters in a hallway for 10 minutes they're standing it's it's like how people have sex in prisons and camps it's not good sex they were not having good sex no wonder he shut it down huh yeah we're chatting here with bill maher of politically incorrect who by the way will be appearing at the university of rhode island at kingston october 3rd uh and the university of austin october 24th uh so write those dates down and i need to write those dates down i wasn't aware apparently apparently the show pi isn't enough for the man he needs more we'll i want to do some stand-up again we'll be right back with bill and uh yes bill and you on the toll-free after the short conversation flustered [Music] with bill maher here's carrie on the toll-free austin texas hi carrie welcome to cbs late night hello good evening tom hi uh i was calling hello bill hey i was calling to wonder if there was anybody who is just too distracting say if that oj guy called next week and wanted to be on would you have him on or monica in six months who's the oj guy oj oh oj football player i don't know oh yeah i know i thought you meant someone in the case who would come up now um oh i'd certainly i'd have well come on what tv show wouldn't have o.j or monica if you could oh i don't think i don't think i'd interview mr simpson i don't you don't because it's a no-win situation you know if you're really tough on the guy you're anti-black and if you're you're and if you're not tough on the guy you're you're you're uh anti-women i i think it's a lose-lose interview with o.j simpson oh i don't agree i would love to shred his head because he is my guest because he is up for the fight oh jay i've seen him on joe's you know he knows his case better than anybody of course he was there not just there he took a very hands-on approach you know he was in a fight for his life and he's not a stupid guy he no and so he loves to argue it uh i would love to like bone up on the facts and that would be really funny because you know talking about the president as we were before oj is getting i mean got a much better shake you know from a system than clinton is o.j went to a trial where a lot of stuff was dismissed that could have really been bad for him thrown out clinton everything that was just alleged is now out about him there's no there's been no counter-offense there's no cross-examination of these witnesses this is everything in instead of throwing everything out so o.j got a better shake than the president terry would you want to see monica lewinsky interviewed on television would you like to hear her story well sure but that was part of my question was if oj was on pi would you be able to have three other guests and not ignore them completely or would they not feel so i think you'd have to have o.j by himself or miss lewinsky by herself yeah although if they wanted to do the panel i'd love to put him on with carrot top or heaven brown i think governor christie todd whitman and paulie sure would round out [Laughter] gary i'm glad you called and thank you for watching sir no further questions your honor all right young man court adjourned for now in austin texas good night sir good night let me ask you here about things that we both see these things in the news like when i was on vacation i read that i believe that southwest airlines is now going to discontinue serving peanuts on their flights because some passengers in the minority are allergic to peanuts not only the smell of them but the the very presence of them come on i i believe uh they're not getting rid of them on every flight but if you call up oh i say see because the rule now is of course this become a government issue because everything does and the era of big government is not over it's just getting started uh if you call up uh the airlines and say i'm allergic to peanuts they take them out of not just your row but the row before you and after you so you are not offended and in any way by peanuts yes you can't sit next to a peanut it's what we've come to in life and southwest has no uh assigned seating so if you're allergic to venus they have to stop it on the whole plane and i thought of this when i seen the movie saving private ryan twice now have you seen it i've not seen the chat it's just such a great film very disturbing obviously puts into perspective you know how just 50 years ago people you know were obsessed with things that deserved being obsessed with like fighting evil saving the world you know little things like those people save the world we're worried about the president's wang and peanuts i can't sit next to a peanut i can't say they don't make me sit next to a peanut what sort of society are we living in well remember there was a school teacher i believe in southern california who was allergic to perfume and deodorant and cologne it caused her to tear up and you know become congested and they they rule that none of the kids in her class could use deodorant or cologne or or perfume but somebody said you know with all due respect to this woman if she's allergic to these things maybe she should work where there are not so many people tom you're upsetting me when you bring these things up about these people who are suffering you start to upset me and then i can't be funny because there are people tom who are sitting next to peanuts and they shouldn't have to be and how about now isn't uh one of the grocery chains is it safeway where they want the the the clerks to smile at the customer or the checkout stand oh yes and and the women are saying well now when they smile at a guy he comes on to her well there's a sexual addiction at its worst we [Laughter] we did that issue recently it was what was it the uh oh i know they had the the store had a policy they went into institute where they friendly yes but they had certain guidelines again you know you can't let people just do anything on their own you have to put out a six-page guideline yes they had to make eye contact and if the person paid by check they knew their name so then they had to use their name in response thank you mr maher right exactly uh so the the female checkout people were doing all these things and of course the horndog guys were interpreting this as oh come on she likes me right hey she's smiling at me make eye contact she called me my name i'm gonna so that was the women who who worked at the store cause they said you were making us be polite but you know it's getting us hit and you know what the moral of the story is people are crazy no no close but no cigar now these messages [Music] with bill maher will be appearing at the university of rhode island at kingston october 3rd and the university of austin texas october the 24th so make your arrangements if you're in those venues here is gary on the toll free in moscow pennsylvania hi gary you're on the air hello how are you doing johnny fine thanks how are you sir i'm fine my questions for bill uh i wanted to know how he thought his show changed when it went from cable to network and has it lost any of its bite no answer to the second question answer the first question uh if i won the emmy last night one of the first things i was going to say was you know to thank the network that you know they let it be the show it was on cable that you know yeah they didn't try to fix it they never did anything they never said anything and that's a pretty hip thing to do for a network and uh i was going to give them their kudos on that if you hadn't lost you know the show or you did not win the emmy but it's not that you you that you lost no but you feel like it when i know when they heard you into the pen and bit you against the other animals on that one day you do it is it's such a you know all these rich guys and it's such a cattle call you know they oh they're prodding you together on that red carpet and then when they announce the winner your picture's there and you it's tough if you're not the prize heifer of that day you don't have a ribbon on your pork loin you feel like the loser and that's okay anyway gary the show has not changed from cable to abc all right well it's a good show and so is yours tom and i hope it never goes off the air well this one's going off in about six months but bills will be around for as long as he wants it to i'm sure well good luck to both of you all right thanks for calling gary thank you i read in the paper i didn't see it but somebody came up out of your audience one night they thought it was a gun god i thought were you terrified you know what yeah i was uh you know my set is like sort of in the round right and uh they're bleachers and uh we're in the middle we're taping we're in the middle of a segment and i see a guy jump and you gotta jump from the even from the first row and then he rushes to the we have the coffee table there and he stood in front of the coffee table and reached in like this and i thought for sure it was a gun it was it was a letter but dear bill i which i never read because i do not want to condone the method of delivery but uh you know i thought it was god's way of saying you know uh it's not your time but it could be okay if i wanted to right now i could get you that is true in almost any situation where there is a studio audience i don't know what the size of your crowd is i would guess 175 to 200 225 people yeah so if there are you and four panelists against 250 if they decide they want to take over the room they're going to take over the room because we don't have any security i mean we have security here but yeah but they'll hold right in the room with us i'm not really worried about the whole audience as a group getting together to kill me but one nut is uh yes and you know i know they say they have metal detectors and stuff but come on they get stuff on airplanes and you can't tell me that if somebody was really doggedly determined i mean they've killed presidents if they want to kill us it would be really easy i know you talk to your mom on the phone every day does your mom uh give you suggestions about your work this is a particularly great time to be talking to my mother every day because uh i talk to her more and more about what's going on and to get the perspective of someone of her generation which is the private ryan generation about what's going on now because she really she remembers what it was like under fdr right and my mother always says when we talk about this it's the people who have changed not the presidents and that is one of the wisest things i've heard about this and i truly believe that it's the people who have changed not the presidents were doing this you know i did a sketch one night about this which was the apology speech kennedy would have had to give and it went something like that [Laughter] no but uh you know she appreciated that because you know in that day they didn't tell you what kennedy did but can you imagine the whoppers he would have had to doug oh yeah and fdr i mean they talk about clinton's marriage fdr had much more of a ridiculous marriage i think from what i've read his wife was a lesbian well from what you've read that she was with uh uh lorena hickok well better known as wild bill okay an alleged lesbian yes yes all right well whatever was going on you know people back then they wouldn't and my mother said you know they wouldn't presume in a million years he was the leader of the world you wouldn't question whatever he's doing he's they had humility about it they didn't feel they had a right to know they'd have a right to know fdr was in a wheelchair he wasn't whatever you know that that was just his legs forget about other parts of his body he was like hey whatever's going on with his legs that's he's the president we don't want to know is that our right to know we're not looking in we're not digging do do your thing man you're the man we elected you the whole public go back lead us through all you lead us through the war yeah and help us save the world it's always good to see you my friend um i'm so sad it's the last time well it may not be the last okay but you're leaving soon and i need a therapist thank you thank you sir bill maher from politically incorrect on the air at about midnight on a different television network that's called abc next howard rosenberg the pulitzer prize winning television critic for the los angeles times after this short break i guess it went okay huh we haven't been here for three weeks and i didn't make too many mistakes and i got all the guests names right tonight so that was good tomorrow from cnn we have mark shields here and then john dean who's been here before and more on the yada yada yada and then the actor donald sutherland as opposed to the florist donald sutherland don't forget the ark was built by amateurs and the titanic was built by professionals back tomorrow night same time same station good night everybody [Music] you
Channel: AD Vids
Views: 18,772
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Keywords: bill clinton monica lewinsky, bill maher, bill maher 1998, bill maher 1998 interview, bill maher tom snyder, ken starr, late late show tom snyder, late late show with tom snyder, late night tom snyder, late show tom snyder, maher snyder, snyder maher, the late late show with tom snyder, tom snyder, tom snyder 1998, tom snyder funny, tom snyder guests, tom snyder interviews, tom snyder intro, tom snyder late late show, tom snyder late late show theme, tom snyder opening
Id: M7CSkOVmrJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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