Bill Learns of Nick McGlashan's Passing | Deadliest Catch

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[MUSIC PLAYING] And a lot of guys are starting early. They're-- they're getting a jump on it because the quotas are up 30%, which is a big deal. And for us, we've got a derby cod season coming up, which is huge. We're going to get an extra financial bump before we even start on OPs. So we're going to hit the ground running. [PHONE RINGS] Oh. Hello? LANDON CHENEY: (ON PHONE) Hey, Bill. I've got some really, um-- I've got some really bad news. Are you serious? [SIGHS] I just found out that, um, Nick died. He's dead. Oh my God. I'm really sorry to have to be the one to tell you. Oh. Oh. We're boarding here. I'm getting on the plane here. So I got to go, man. All right, man. I love you. I'll talk to you later. Talk to you soon. Unbelievable. Oh. We lost Nick. Nick's dead. Dude, I just got the weirdest text. Nick McGlashan just passed away. They said Nick passed? Is it true? That's a huge loss for Wild Bill. So sad. Wow. Wow. Just like that. Nick's gone. 36 hours before the winter season, 33-year-old Summer Bay deck boss, Bruce Nicholas McGlashan, died from an apparent drug overdose in Tennessee. A lot of text messages and words going around that Nick McGlashan passed away. Nick was a part of Summer Bay and pretty much every boat Bill has been running lately. Bill, um, you know, treated him as family. Um, I couldn't imagine what he's going through right now. But, hopefully, Bill will make this season happen, assuming he even comes up at all. I don't know the status and where-- where Bill's head is at.
Channel: Discovery
Views: 1,579,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deadliest Catch, reality tv series, crab fishing, bering sea, crab boat, dangerous jobs, sig hansen, time bandit, northwestern, brenna a, sean dwyer, the hillstrands, the northwestern, wild bill, captain keith, the wizard, deadliest catch full episodes, Jake Anderson
Id: 8l_m9_Ps9lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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