Bill Gates Created Coronavirus According to Conspiracy Theorists... Sorry What? - TLDR News

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it goes without saying that the coronavirus is a huge Global issue and whenever big worrying events like this one happen it inevitably leads to mass speculation and ultimately disinformation we recently did a video on the myths surrounding the coronavirus and dedicated one to why Brits are burning down 5G masks but that's far from the only conspiracy theory lurking online another theory that's emerged recently questions the role of Bill Gates in this crisis so in this video we'll take a look at whether Bill Gates is really lucky in the shadows trying to capitalize from this crisis as well as discussing what Gates's relationship is with this outbreak before we dive in I wanted to highlight that we have a few new items on the tldr store including a whole bunch of new button badges new magnets and the reintroduction of the mystery pin badge where we'll send you over a random design for nearly half the standard price check out these items and a bunch of other stuff over in the tldr store first things first for those who are unaware who is Bill Gates well Gates is a co-founder of computing giant Microsoft and is now the second richest person on Earth according to Forbes with a net worth in excess of 103 billion dollars and he's now become the target of a number of stories surrounding this crisis all of which apparently stemmed from a Reddit ask me anything where he was asked what changes are going to be necessary to allow businesses to operate in this coronavirus environment his reply was what kicks all of this off eventually we're gonna have some digital certificate to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it some took digital certificates to mean some sort of microchip allowing gates to track everyone who's had the vaccine leading to a thunderstorm of speculation and disinformation claiming that Gates had engineered a virus in order to microchip everyone a recent Instagram post from Gates became a fountain of allegations with many saying no to his vaccine as well as claims that Gates is achieving population reduction through the virus with people suggesting that Gates may have ulterior motives in his further defense of the World Health Organization for the avoidance of any doubt Gates has never proposed a microchip strategy nor is it even possible in the way that some theorists suggest Dr Benjamin executive director of the American Public Health Association told BuzzFeed news that he was not aware of a microchip small enough to be injected in a vaccine and that the whole idea of immunization certificates is not really the idea of a nanoparticle back in reality Matt Hancock announced at the end of 2018 that the personal child health record more commonly known as the red book which records all vaccinations of children in the UK would become digital and in effect become a digital certificate of vaccinations so this is clearly what Gates meant rather than some form of microchip some have also suggested that Gates owns the patent for the virus in a series of Facebook posts people claimed that per bright Institute in Surrey which received some funding from The Gates Foundation holds the patient for the virus specifically patent us-101 30701 to their credit The Institute does hold a patent on a coronavirus issue being the patents actually for an avian coronavirus a virus affecting the likes of chickens and pigs not humans and the patent also has nothing to do with this instance of the coronavirus the virus explored in the patent being ibv and not we repeat not SARS Cove 2. nonetheless this has all gained traction for two main reasons gate status was one of the richest people alive and his history with vaccination programs and existing disinformation through his foundation and together with his wife Melinda Gates Bill has been a major advocate for vaccination programs globally for a number of years in 1998 they first established a 100 million dollar program The Bill and Melinda Gates children's vaccine program to accelerate access to new vaccines for children in developing countries this long-term support for vaccinations made him somewhat of a target for all types of disinformation a Facebook post shared thousands of times went further with claims that the foundation Gates heads up tested a polio vaccine in India between 2000 and 2017 which went on to paralyze 496 000 children politifacts dug down in this post and found it to originate with the nephew a former president John F Kennedy and was subsequently covered by a pro-trump website that's been known to publish misinformation PolitiFact was also unable to find any credible reports of these alleged nearly half a million paralyzed children due to a Gates vaccination so instead what has Bill Gates actually been up to on the vaccine front well Gates has actually been pushing for greater preparation for viruses and diseases for a long time as we already touched on in 1998 he started his work through the children's vaccination program then in 2015 Bill Gates did a Ted Talk on the very topic of a possible outbreak of disease simply titled the next outbreak we're not ready everything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war now part of the reason for this is that we have invested a huge amount in nuclear deterrence but we've actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic tolki and the optimalth of the Ebola outbreak Gates highlights a number of key missing pieces a lack of data a lack of medical personnel and no one to figure out what tools should be used for treatment in 2017 he warned the Munich security conference that whether it occurs by Quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist epidemiologists say that a fast-moving Airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year and they say that there is a reasonable probability that the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10 to 15 years in another interview with the times conducted in February 2019 and published on Friday Gates says that the only thing that keeps me up at night is the thought of a pandemic it's been nearly a hundred years since we had a huge flu pandemic people travel more today so the speed of spread would be faster if you had a respiratory transmitted disease the numbers could be horrific and since then and since its prediction has come true the bill of Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged some 250 million dollars to fighting the virus in a 13-page article titled pandemic 1 the first modern pandemic he sets out the issues we've had with this current coronavirus crisis ranging from the exponential growth and whether we've overreacted to certain other questions need to be answered in a response effort the questions he raises include whether the disease is seasonal What proportion of people are asymptomatic the fundamental symptoms that indicate that you should get tested which activities cause the most risk and who is the most susceptible when it comes to vaccines he stresses short of a miracle treatment which we can't count on the only way to return the world to where it was before covid showed up is a highly effective vaccine that prevents the disease unfortunately the typical development time for a vaccine against a new disease is over five years including making the candidate vaccine testing in animals the three phases of safety testing and the final regulatory approval so far from being the virus's origin or some shady figure during the crisis Gates is focusing on how he can put his knowledge and wealth to good use to get a grip on the crisis Gates's sobering analysis has been useful for many with the billionaire repeatedly reiterating the developing and distributing a vaccine may be far harder than some people think gaze even suggests that we should be strategizing for vaccine distribution ahead of time in order to get the most effective results saying that when a vaccine is being manufactured ideally there'll be a global agreement about who should get the vaccine first but given how many competing interests there are this is unlikely to happen the governments that provide the funding the governments where the trials are run and the places where the pandemic are worst will all make the case that they should get priority the long and short of it is that Gates and his foundation have been a positive force for Global medicine and he's already thinking about the next stages of this outbreak as the times puts it unlike billionaires such as Jeff Bezos who have benefited from Amazon's role in the world's lockdown also Richard Branson who has demanded a bailout for his business Mr Gates's sole mission is to take on the virus and win anything else is a distraction I don't like to multitask he doesn't want gratitude he wants annihilation in the moment since recording this audio Gates has announced that his entire Foundation which has endowments totaling over 40 billion dollars we focusing its full attention on the Coronavirus what do you think about this whole situation do you think that Gates is doing a good job in handling the crisis do you think that it's the role of billionaires to step up at times like these or should it be left to the government be sure to comment your thoughts below and of course you can also get involved in the conversation over on Discord make sure to subscribe the channel and hit the Bell icon to be notified every time we release a video and if you want more from us you can find us across all social networks simply by searching for tldr News special thanks to our patreon backers who make videos like this one possible
Channel: TLDR News
Views: 878,429
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Id: b-nYEOp7BRA
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Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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