Bill Cook - Penn & Teller Fool Us

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from the Penn and Teller theater in Las Vegas Nevada here's our host Jonathan hello and welcome to Penn & Teller for us the premise here is simple illusionists tried to fool the two men who have been performing invaders for so long that even Elvis might call on the kings here they are ladies gentlemen go crazy for we remember all of our acts have flown here to Vegas hoping to get lucky and by lucky I mean to fool Penn and Teller and we're an all expense paid trip to return here to Vegas and perform for them in their long-running magic extravaganza okay let's get started let's meet our first magician I'm from Chicago Illinois in school I studied Foley which is you make sound effects it's so cool walking down the streets with my favorite things to do because when you start to focus on sound effects and noise you listen to everything and it all depends on what you focus on my dad had lots of quotes for people to live by and three of them really stuck out to me to be early is to be on time be at the right place at the right time and aim high and shoot for the moon because even if you miss you'll land among the stars so for this show I'll be waiting for my performance with my equipment ready to perform for Penn & Teller Chicago guy now traditionally the phrase Chicago magic trick refers to making someone disappear for the mob but tonight we're all safe as a more literal translation is on display when you please welcome mr. bill cook Wow Wow hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Bill cook I come all the way from Chicago and it is a supreme honor to be here folks I do need the assistance of someone in the audience there's a lovely lady about halfway up in the pink shirt hi my dear what's your name Barbara Barbara would you join me on stage everyone give Barbara huge round of applause she comes up that be on stage thank you so much welcome welcome welcome Barba I have one of these do you know what this is it's totally okay to say you do not oh that's the class from a little clutch bag thing the top of the chain yeah like a little change change holder okay I don't carry your purse okay inside of the holder Barbara is something very special and unique to my job I have an invisible deck of playing cards not what other magicians may have been using in the past do you see them no sobriety tests good job it's Vegas you never know Barbara hold out your hand perfect now Barbara in a deck of cards there are four suits the spades the Diamonds the clubs and the hearts and we need to whittle the deck down to one suit I need you to name a suit spades diamonds clubs or hearts I will get rid of everything but the hearts touch souvenirs thank you put your hand up Barbara pick a heart show it to everyone it's a backwards turn around thank you so much yes you know it's the lights which one isn't which heart isn't seven of hearts shorter when the seven fold the seven into four pieces quarters half and half perfect perfect and place it inside of the holder you're so good at this now Barbara I have to ask you a question a question you will never be asked anywhere else in the world are you ready for this yeah it's impolite to ask a lady her age so how much do you weigh it's a joke it's a joke it's totally a joke I'm kidding I'm kidding Barbara the cool things about these holders is that whatever goes inside of the holder as invisible comes out of the holder as visible now that would be cool because it's any playing card but you said which playing card seven of hearts and that's amazing that was just right now panatela of course they're gonna deliberate they're gonna talk to each other and see if they can figure out how it was done let me ask you a bit about yourself I believe when you were younger you were a keen chess player is that why I love chess now does that help you in the practice of magic that kind of focus and that kind of a skill man chess and magic kind of go hand-in-hand because you have to be thinking so much further ahead whether it's one move three moves twelve moves you really have to be thinking very far ahead and that's how the chess player is measured and they they call it if you're twelve moves ahead you're twelve deep which I was never any good I've never been 12 deep in anything so congratulations to you on that sir let's go to pain first and we're here from teller in a minute wonderful routine first of all people I love people that come out here and do one trick that's the idea you do a trick and it's also great that you use the phrase invisible deck which we all know is a is a warhorse of magic that we don't want to see right and your version was beautiful I think we have a little bit of an idea of how you how you do something and if you were writing this up in a book and I want to figure out how you did it I would go to the back that would go through where all the things are in alphabetical order and that would help me I'll also say that this the suit jacket on it you're wearing looks beautiful especially especially the stage left side is gorgeous a beautiful looking simple say and I'm not sure about this so please don't bust our bustopher way off but the woman you picked from the audience the card that she selected you come to Vegas to get lucky and you kind of did get lucky that was a there was a good choice okay can I be honest yeah you do get lucky but you get lucky a lot more often than you may think Yeah right now yeah of course yeah breakin say something we can hold wonderful wonderful job I don't believe you fooled us but it was beautiful and so clean I'm gonna tell you that what we love about someone like you is when we know how the trick is done but did not see anything and what you want to do in magic is not only have it fool you conceptually but also fool you in the actual moves and you had an important move to do and just done so clean and there were no Telegraph's there was no nothing and if we were anybody else he would have fooled us they know exactly what you were doing and they you didn't follow them oh yeah Wow where we went back after the bike and we'll see more breathtaking tricks including one coming up from Penn & Teller so you don't want to miss that
Channel: Bill Cook
Views: 738,113
Rating: 4.7943106 out of 5
Keywords: Penn & Teller (TV Personality), Teller (TV Writer), Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TV Program), Bill, Cook, Magician, Magic, Magician Bill Cook, Bill Cook, Penn, Card, Trick, Tricks, Jonathan Ross, Jonathan Ross (TV Personality), Fool, Us, Fool Us, Penn Jillette (TV Writer)
Id: j13rXiNnpME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015
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