Bill Burr Is Really Into Vaccines | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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now what about when you're doing your sets in a comedy club have you do you have people that get into it with you that say okay you've crossed the line I don't like this or do they mostly um at this point people are coming because they like what I do but like before I got to a certain point yeah I had a lot I had a lot of those I remember some woman I said something about animals and I remember she got so mad at me and she came up you know I was selling my DVDs so long ago this was and uh I don't know she got into it with me about this stupid joke and I remember she was so proud of herself in the end she goes you know just she goes just to let you know she goes I'm a card-carrying member of PETA like she got a degree or something and I was just like what is that like 25 bucks you just sort of picked your way into that and how'd that go over for me it was fun it was like that was one of my favorite things is when people would get mad and then they would like yell at you they would do all kinds of weird am I very pissed off this one guy I think I was in Texas and I said something liberal that he didn't like and he came up afterwards and he shook my hand and I shook his hand and he just goes I just paid he showed you no and I just laughed I didn't give a I also was a really angry guy and uh the I used to say it was just a lot of it was you know I don't know what it was and I remember a lot of times people dragging people out like people didn't give a were dragging somebody out who was yelling at me my favorite thing was the person this guy wanted to beat the out of me during the show and they threw him out in classic Comedy Club security the guy gets back in to beat the out of me but he stood in the line at the DVDs waiting to beat the out of the fact that he's very patient and he's he's a rule he's a rule follower yes so he had to go bounce like that guy third guy down that guy's gonna punch me in the face when it's his turn can you go over there and uh get rid of him yeah that was you know there was a lot of that type of stuff you know I don't know I was I I referenced the Red Rocks special because that's the last one I've seen you do you have another one coming out right do you have another special coming out or that's going to be it for a while yeah that'll be it that'll be it for a while I don't really like where my ACT is right now I'm trying to it's too much of this not enough of this so I always have to have like that balance of annoying people and then sort of also being like all right I'm an idiot you know yeah like yeah but I think and this is worth talking about like I know over covid I I ran into you came by still going Conan place it never existed that's my little pet peeve it's my little pet oh I got the mask on um I got it really into vaccines during covet I can't stop getting them now do they make you got the shingles one I got my second one do they make you do they make you sick the shingles one the first time I felt a little weird and uh and then the second one I I had a little bit of a headache yeah the next day but like to not have like shingles whatever I got those ones I got those years ago when I was first starting out in La I got shoes and slightly were you a ginger with shingles yeah and guess what I got them on my optic nerve oh my eye and so it just half my face literally half because the nerves of your face are symmetrical got swollen and I was in excruciating pain and couldn't drive anything look at you laughing because I just pictured you in like a Batman movie like being that that face off his name's two-faced not face all right Two-Face Two-Face and shingles I had been coming for Gotham laughs half my face was completely mobile was red swollen and I couldn't I couldn't I could like this is like this is killing you my pain uh I'm just thinking of your poor wife you just screaming in agony no I wasn't married I had I was I was living alone is this in L.A 1987. they had shingle Spanish yeah I think it started with me no it was patient zero and uh I walked but you monkey or something that's how shingles came about [Applause] God damn that's goddamn Conan O'Brien catches cracking fingers to himself let's just say I may or may not have finger a bat okay what you doing you're wrong it's what people did first of all it's a bat that's still a mammal yeah right so that's still within the Bible yeah that's fair game man can let can with mammal uh yeah Old Testament uh yeah he's laughing about a man laying with another bat the older New Testament no so yeah I remembered walking because I had no one to drive me and I couldn't I walked to I my favorite thing ever I'm the height I am now but I was so I'm six four but I weighed about 150 pounds and half my face was half my pumpkin head was swollen and deformed and I was staggering down the street to see her side and it hurts so much dragging a foot going I went to Harvard someday they'll put an athletic bottom on a wingtip too just chunks in my face falling off I'm still better than all of you oh that always goes well
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 2,629,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian, bill burr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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