'Bill' Behind the scenes

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you ladies and gentlemen gently to hear kindly to judge we are mortal coil bill is a comedy about what really happened to Shakespeare during what's called his lost years people know that he was a married man with three children living in Stratford and a few years later he was a writer actor working in London but how he got between the two no one's quite sure it's not you it is you it is you we meet him like that's what he's thrown out of a band and he wanted to be a musician and he decides well if I can't do that then maybe I could be a writer I've written a great work for the stage her audience with his schemes and fantasies is running a little bit thin throughout the film he's an immature dreamer really the character bill who is always trying something new every year or week is a new fad the interpretive down no no no no no no no this is different it's it's like the words flow through me like very East and I'm the son we just thought it'd be fun audience to know that Shakespeare is going to appear at some stage the Shakespeare that everyone knows the guy who wrote these amazing works of art but what if he was a bit of a loser before that no just think about it there is no way that you are moving in our entire family dance about your money it's not even he has to leave his wife and family behind for the time being to chase his dream in old London town and that's where he meets me meets my character Christopher Marlowe who's already established himself as a as a writer however his plays aren't on earth at the time where we find him because the plague has closed the theatres and killed the audience Shakespeare bill Shakespeare Christopher Marlowe so what sort of stuff do you write Chris so he's somewhat jaded when we find him and his making kind of ends meet by handing out leaflets in the local square try some vegetables that really good for you and they help people to his majesty king philip ii of spain queen elizabeth king philip ii spain is the film's most confident idiot he's got this long-standing desire to rid England of Protestant rule and return it to Catholic rule under the light of the Pope I told you she would take the bait the rabbit is in the snare we didn't really do a great deal of research on King Philip mainly because in our screenplay he's a he's a panto villain like peanut queen he's hell-bent on killing the Queen taking over England bringing it back into the Catholic Church he's lost in the Armada he has a new scheme and he has a new scheme to blow up the Queen excellent majesty by the grace of God Elizabeth Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith Most Improved monarch knights assume he knows who I am Elizabeth is often played as this beautiful interesting regal virgin and of course we know by the time we're playing her here she was 60 at a time that the average woman lived until it was about 40 so absolutely Haggard at the end of her tether really bored would do the same job again day in day out who is it indeed I am your majesty why having four churches Lord oh I would say Crawley Croydon Your Majesty the Earl of Croydon the Earl of Croydon what can one say he is a much overlooked person in court all of the sort of famous courtiers everyone's heard of like Burleigh and the Earl of Essex and all of these the Olive Oxford for every one of them there will be someone who's just become a kind of footnote in history so to stand in for all these kind of tryhard types of courtiers invented the Earl of Croydon no I don't want to go to Croydon I am Croydon Earl of Croydon we had some notion in the script that bill poison was this peacock he'd be dressed in completely the wrong clothes he'd have those so green doublet and hose with all the trimmings mr. song built like a Christmas dinner but he's kind of a bit that's that's the approach you'd absolutely thrown everything at it Catholics so you don't just let anybody in but you just up Southampton do please tell these idiots Who I am yes Crawley's me he's like the kind of kid who's not in the cruel gang but wants to be in the cool gang but just will never be who you are no better than me I do stuff like what Jack well doesn't really have any skills or talent or charisma or money so he's kind of looking for a shortcut and one night whilst drunk he inadvertently promises the Queen the best play ever written by anyone ever writing a play can't be that hard Kenneth minutes just talking isn't it but written down hello I'm a man in a play no I'm a woman in the play it says easy in hmm you have to fetch me paper and quills I'm going to put Croydon on man map he sniffs an opportunity to join forces with king philip ii of spain really to improve his station in life and to prove all his doubters wrong but he definitely can't pull it off because he's a skill this idiot which is where Will Shakespeare becomes involved oh god I'm dead
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Views: 72,588
Rating: 4.9646711 out of 5
Id: gvwW4aMZCYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2015
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