Bill: Behind-the-Scenes Part 1 - pitch & cast script read

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I'm taking over here at the BBC oMG very nice to meet you joke so easily good thanks thanks and welcome to BBC so my pitch is all about the sequel of Bill which we all know that you made what would you say that a film Commissioner is what it includes and what you have to do to get it so the job of a film commissioner is to identify the best ideas that come to them and ideally think up some ideas of their own so it is our job to create the films that people want to see but I think it's also really important the audience is in general and young people in particular look at what British films are out there and try and come and see them because the more you watch the more we'll make so what three things would you say are the most vital and important when pitching an idea - first thing remember that a pitch is just a story that's all you're trying to do is tell me a story the second thing is is that you are the person who is in some way going to have to make this film I don't know who you are if you're pitching you might be the writer you might be the director you might be the producer but when I'm listening to a pitch I'm listening to the story but I'm also trying to understand are you the kind of person you can do this and although there are tricks you can do to make yourself look like that person they're only going to undo you in the end you just have to be who you are and that comes to the third thing the most important thing you can do for a pitch is to practice it practice it because it'll tell you whether it's working I guarantee if you sit and try your pitch out on one of your friends and watch them closely as you tell the story you'll know the bits that are good and the bits that aren't so just have a story in a way that is as natural to you as possible but don't do it for the first time when you come in practice so basically everyone in here are the people from Horrible Histories the directors that producers it's gonna be really really cool today we're all gathered in this beautiful place for a retailer script so it's the first time a lot of the crew members will have heard the script read-through open funny thing about witty and snappy is it's the first opportunity for one to have that real taste of how it all sounds combat sort through director Richard let's see it's about to read for the script so I'm gonna go make the car who are paying for the read-through going through the lines make sure thing linear so my role in the film is I'm the director so when we're on set I will choose the shots so we'll decide which way the cameras looking which actors are going to be in the shop what the actors are going to be doing and so you have to coordinate all these really skilled different departments costume and makeup and stunts and you have to make sure that they're all doing the right thing exactly the same time which is that ten seconds when the camera turns over and you get your shot who are all these people here what do they do all these people here are basically idiots hey guys this guy here this is Jim hello I'm really good but do a voice she's one of the yes one of the actors really good that's Sullivan he's really good he's one of the actors still going brilliant this is Ben he was my co-writer on the film and he's also one of the actors and he's really good could you do a voice I should do my live descendent of Spain and lastly and also Leslie we've got Matt who I'm probably not enough to say is playing Bill for years and he's a mentor and he's easy eggs average but advice about to start writing script oh it's a good question I think you start with if you're doing a comedy it's we are you going to start with a little central idea that makes you laugh and you kind of pick expand it from there but it's also it's about just being prepared for changes it sounds like a bit of a dark phrase but they always said say about killing your babies and that's kind of what you do every now and there's a variety you might have something that you love but you kind of you do away with it and no one else will ever know it's gone don't actually kill me and I'm not I'm not saying that that that's something you should look into but writing wise every now and then you have to you're not supposed to be here this is secret that was just I've never done that before and I thought it was just amazing I can't wait for them to film it together I just really want to watch it right now you
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,732
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Keywords: Horrible Histories (TV Program), Mathew Baynton (TV Writer), Bill, Filmmaking (Industry), Behind The Scenes (TV Program), William Shakespeare (Author)
Id: QEGhLPebpi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2015
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