Bike Check | Lachlan Morton | Tour Divide | Cannondale Scalpel HT

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g'day uh my name is Lachlan Morton I just finished   riding the tour divide route last  night and this is my bike setup.   it's a Cannondale scalpel hardtail well I ride  a size medium it's got 100 Mil Lefty on it   um so pretty standard I went with a hardtail  because I could fit this Frame bag in here which   is pretty crucial to be able to store more stuff  my idea behind the bag set up on this was to have   a lot of space because I wanted to be able  to make sure hey I could have everything I   wanted and needed but also extra room for  more food and water and things that you   know are picked up on the way so that's why  I went with the the Aero pack on the back   um and use the the big boy side panniers  um because yeah just like gives you a lot   of space I like the Simplicity of it I can  get to everything I need really quick and   yeah that's kind of my thought process  so I guess I'll start here at the back   um this was kind of always a mixture of  uh clothing and food and stuff so I had my   my rapho explore down jacket that  was absolutely crucial I wore this   for a lot of hours every day also slept in it  when I was sleeping out great bit of Kit folds   down really small so that was very crucial uh I  also stuffed my hydration pack in there I like the   ability to have more water when I needed it but I  don't like the feeling of having a bag on all the   time so there's enough space that when I needed  it I could bring it out the longer stretches and   fill it up I had a one and a half liter bladder  plus uh it's not here but the 500 mil flask   um so that gave me two liters just with this  which was really nice to be able to have what else we got in here this was my kind of  extreme weather jacket it's a raffle one it   has like some down in the middle but it's rain  proof and a hood this was worth its weight in   gold I thought it was Overkill when I was packing  it but actually ended up spending a lot of time in   this so I was very glad to have it um I thought I  was going a bit overboard with clothing but used   everything and could have used more for sure  um I also had a set of rain pants which are   not packed in here but they're also very helpful  uh extra pair of Nicks so I could alternate when   I got a chance to wash the necks when I was  sleeping inside I'd wash swamp hair switch   them out so I always had like a dry fresh pair  which I think was a good call in the end because   one pair of Nicks can get a bit rough if you're  constantly in wet bibs or you know it was a pretty   extreme weather out there uh my first aid kit  packed in the in the bottom thankfully didn't   have to use it but uh all kind of bandages  clotting sponges just regular first aid gear   um just as a precautionary measure more than  anything but yeah as I said didn't need it   um so then this is the main bag uh which was  basically just my sleeping gear I like to have   the sleeping gear separate than everything else  because it's easy when you stop and you're trying   to get out everything quickly they also have  these this side Pats here that were actually super   useful I could stuff extra food I kept my chain  lube in there water filter just little things   that you want to be able to get to easily without  having to open everything up so I really enjoyed   that feature so yeah in here is my sleeping bag  it's a big one um it's good down to minus 15 I   think uh Celsius so definitely a much bigger heavy  heavier sleeping bag takes up a lot of space but   um it was cold the nights I slept out and was  really glad to just be comfortable in this   um and it was also warm enough that I didn't  need a pad and the last night I flipped out   didn't even need the bivvy you could just jump  in this under a tree and it was good to go   um so then comes to my baby just the REI super  light bivvy um has a pole four four pot uh   four plugs pegs Four Pegs it's kind of like a  mini tent it's nice if you want to keep you know   a bit of space between you I don't really like  the feeling of being in a flat bivvy it gets a   bit sticky and wet in there so um Great Piece of  Kit I only needed to use it a couple of times but   it's good to know you have it so you can  sleep anyway even if the the weather's bad the other side I guess more of the  same miscellaneous stuff oh I got given   this uh cowbell when I was going  through just before Silver City   um it's a cowbell from the 2016 tour of healer  which I won and yeah there was a guy there   who was had seen that race and gave us to me um  pretty heavy it didn't really set much function   but uh would have been good in bad territory  if I'd had it but I didn't want to leave it so   carried that along with me um ended  up with these gas station sunnies uh   to paid by 15 bucks for which you get what  you pay for they're not great but I lost my   pox sunnies when uh when I was messing about like  borderline hypothermic one day and didn't realize   for a couple of days till the sun came out and  was like oh no my son needs to pick these up   um probably won't wear them again but they  just did the job um here's my rain shell uh   it's a new explore jacket from rapper again super  helpful uh because it was very wet the hood is   crucial I can't speak enough about the hoods I  could layer up between the down jacket the extreme   one and then this uh it's a lot of protection over  the head keeps the water out and it also dries   very quickly which was um crucial on a few points  not sure what I got in the pocket of this one   something in here oh yeah my gloves um  just some cat gas station gloves I had to   load up a bit extra on the gloves because uh  it was particularly cold out there so again   you get what you pay for not great but it's  better than the alternative most of the time   uh what else is down in here what do we got  what do we got uh okay this is my trusty   old Woolen Rafa undershirt I've used this on  every Ultra I've ever done um love it it's   really good just like keeps you warm but also  you can wear it when it's hot dries off quick   doesn't get too stinky it's uh great undershirt  I brought this was debating it but I'm glad I   brought it this was another Rafa undershirt with  the neck gator very warm ended up spending a lot   more time in this than I thought I was going to  um so we're super glad to have it that's like   the key base layer when it was really cold I'd  bet I'd use the the other undershirt under this   and then the three layers which seems extreme  but it was uh particularly cold a few times   um so again worth its weight in gold I used Merino  almond leg warmers I like the feeling of those   um they're like soft again dry  quick very warm and comfortable   this was a dry bag just with the stuff I could  wear off the bike so I just had a pair of shorts   little eye mask which is actually very helpful  I find to fall asleep quickly and I'd also keep   my undershirts in here when I wasn't wearing  them just so you have something dry to get into   which is crucial all right that's all it's in  there so that was everything that was in the back   on top of that I would obviously put extra food  and sometimes extra just like I'd buy a liter of   liquids stick it in there there was plenty of  extra room so it was always topped off I think   the most water I ever carried was about  five and a half liters and yeah there's a   few times I definitely needed all of that  uh this was my little top tube bag mainly   uh food storage and uh rubbish so I'd put my  wrappers in there when I was done with them   and also kept my multi-tool and uh my  knife and scissors in there just there   the probably the tools I used the  most so kept them accessible in there   so then this Frame bag is a custom frame bag  for this bike as you can see fits super nice   the top top bag was all my electronics I like  to keep everything somewhat separately I think   organized is probably too nice of a  term but uh anyway I basically had a   uh I had two power Banks this was the first one  the anchor um it's 26 000 milliamps I think that's   the um the the yeah the amount of parrot hat  I actually never needed the second one I was   able to charge this quite a bit and could run you  know all the batteries in my lights Wahoo phone   everything off this puppy so it was a really  good bit of Kit to have uh my Phoenix headlamp   again headlamps are great not so much I had  enough lights up front I didn't need it that   much during the night but uh it's good when you're  electronic organized things off the bike you know   you get off looking through bags or whatever  setting up a tent uh good to have the headlamp   um what else do we got in here  just cables it's absolutely   [ __ ] show off cables in here um SRAM battery  charger uh you go through a surprising amount   of batteries on a loaded bike because you do a  lot of Shifting because you go from Big to small   big to small quite a bit just because of the  weight so I was generally charging constantly   a battery and would usually go through two every  day and I had three three batteries uh so the only   benefit of my derailleur when it stopped working  was I didn't have to charge batteries anymore so   there was a bonus in here this was my I had  my backup uh backup power bank again as I   said didn't use it twenty thousand milliamp  um stayed charged the whole time uh I had   two spare batteries that I could charge off the  bike um I mean not off the bike not on my lights   these are all light batteries so I had two I could  charge if I needed to while the other ones were   still running again only used one of these but was  just nice to know you're never going to run out of   light um this is the rest of this is more cables  and uh yeah my other derailleur batteries uh   what else have I got down in here it's almost  there oh and obviously pretty crucial the uh   wall charger double double Banger for when  I would stop at a hotel I could plug this in   generally we just charge my phone and the  power bank and then do everything else on bike   spare Wahoo with the root and everything loaded  up just because you you never know I only had   to use that once when I forgot to charge my  Wahoo because I was busy uh trying to get my   derailleur functional there's the other  battery for the derailleur uh down in here   this was uh kind of like hygiene and stuff I  guess you would call it I did take this little uh   small foldable backpack which was super helpful  uh going into gas stations and that I could have   a bag feed everything I needed in here or if I  finished a day and was going to go stay somewhere   I could load up dinner and stuff put it in here  throw it on and not have to worry about sticking   at all back in the bike so again very very  helpful uh uh I got shammy cream in here which   um the container was a little  big so getting it in and out   was annoying but shammy cream obviously  on something that long super super helpful   um and then sunscreen toothpastes uh I don't  know where the toothbrush has gone I think you   used it last night but that was all in  that section um so yeah that's all that   in here this is my tool roll so basically any  spares tools or anything I need it's all down here   um lots of space pretty basic stuff uh had two  two spare tubes didn't need any of them uh a spare   strap just in case I needed to strap anything  else or re-strap but didn't need to use that uh   in here this little guy is spare  shifter battery spare headphones   um and brake pads uh so yeah that  was what's in that little guy   this is a spare hanger um what else have I got  in here it's just open it up and have a look spare hanger oh I had three quick links in  here um a Spoke tool that just fell down there   and yeah I also had like five Links  of chain in there in case I had to   length in a chain uh for breaking  out uh what else we got in here extra space CO2 chain tool Tire levers  all self-explanatory I had two co2s   I've have a pump on the other side but sometimes  nice to have co2s in case you've got to do a   change when you're trying to be quick it might be  cold or you're very close to where you want to be   or whatever just nice to have these if you're  in a rush but again didn't need any of this uh one more bag of goodies oh yeah this was all  Tire related spares so extra plugs boots I had   a section of sidewall that I cut out as you can  see here it's super glue basically just in case   there's any catastrophic uh failure with the tire  I could fix it all but yeah that uh all pretty   self-explanatory and didn't need it I had the  plugs uh the muck off where I have like a a bar   end plug so I could just stick that in there the  plug sits in there ready to go had those loaded up   um so yeah that's what was in that bag  uh around this little bag here up front   uh for food basically extra food I'm  not sure if I had much left in here yeah some uh gummy peach rings  but basically I could load up like   16 or 17 candy bars in here  which was basically my go-to   um a little bell on the bars keep the bears away  or at least makes you feel good when you want to   try to make noise at night riding around grizzly  bear country um didn't see too many other bike   riders so it wasn't that necessary for that but  uh good to have uh these Phoenix headlights uh   they're like 1600 lumens I had two of these  again I don't like riding at night when I   can't see very well I like my lesson with that so  uh ran two of these up front um Wahoo mounted up   here and spot tracker in the on the error bars uh  just to keep it in view of the sky and blinking   um yeah The Handlebar set up I run these at  like uh I think these are 68 uh centimeters   and uh these little bar ends were very helpful  because they could get lots of different hand   positions um and then the error bars are nice just  take a load off I did use the blips up here so I   could change gears up there when the gears were  still working uh Victoria Mezcal 2.35 tires um a   lot of people have told me I didn't need that much  tire but I was very glad to have that much Tire   um I think you know the more Tire you have the  more aggressive you can be so I was happy with   that I did have to change the rear halfway along  I think I could have made it on one set but didn't   want to risk it so I had to switch the rear  out when I got to Salida but um that was all   pretty painless uh uh scratch extra padded Ms Pro  logo seat um yeah the extra padding is definitely   a must on something so long like this um did  have a Crank Brothers drop a post on here uh   not really for getting out of the way for  technical reasons more so just so I could adjust   my saddle height a bit as I was going sometimes  it's nice to just be able to move your position a   bit I had a stash of zip ties up here inside the  error bars because zip ties are handy a roll of   tape here on the seat post just to be able to pull  off juice tape when you need have it accessible   on the sleeve here on the other side which I  forgot about I had spokes which I didn't need for   my wheel but ended up using them on the  derailleur once it stopped I worked out   if you jammed a spoke in you could kind of  adjust the tension of the derailleur so when   I moved it I could basically shift I had three  speeds but obviously stopped to do that manually   but was more efficient than running just one  gear uh passport for the border control uh   and then yeah I also picked up uh stickers  where I could and most of them ended up   in that in that little sleeve there um  but yeah that was called kind of the admin   sleeve I guess um just a little thin one  beyond that um yeah I don't know what else is   uh interesting 38 uh chainring which was I think  the perfect gear um and you know 1052 on the back   I was very happy with my setup all in all um  you know I could get everything very easily   um could carry enough stuff and it's  everything with the exception of the   derailleur held up very very well so  yeah that was uh that was my bike and
Channel: Tailfin | Technical Bikepacking Equipment
Views: 147,530
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Keywords: Adventure Cycling, Bike Exploration, Bike Journey, EpicCycling, TwoWheelsAdventure, BikeTravel, Bike Packing, Bikepacking Essentials, CycleCamping, Bikepacking Life, Bikepacking, Solo Bikepacking, Bikepacking gear, Bikepacking equipment, Tailfin Gear, Tailfin bags, Tailfin cycling, Tailfin Cycling Bags, Bike bags, Bike touring setup, Bike review, Gear review, Bike gear reviews, Cycle gear, Bicycle gear, TechnicalBikepackingGear, Technical Gear, Tourdivide, TourDivideRoute
Id: EPnYbp7DMjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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