Biggie's daughter T'yanna & her mom Jan speak on their relationship with Faith, Lil Kim & more..

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the 15-year anniversary of the passing of Biggie Smalls a day I know Fox I know you remember where you were that day I know I remember I was where were you Jim when you found out the news that biggie had passed actually was so funny drinks or whatever the case may be so actually I was home I had already had spoken to him like maybe a couple hours before that after the show but before that happened we spoke in between there so it was kind of surreal for me I can't really believe it at that point were you guys just like friends who shared a daughter what was your relationship like at that point I would I would say friends is not a strong enough word we are very great you were very close yeah it was more than just us sharing the door that's like he didn't call at that time and speak to his daughter he called to speak to me there were times when he would call just to speak to his daughter you know that's fine but at that point you know he was calling me joshing back and forth you know did I look sexy that type of thing you know so no we had a good relationship I think the only time that we were able to even see b.i.g in that light as a father and that role was with the movie notorious so um your character was obviously in the movie and then it came out how did you perceive how did you feel that movie portrayed you didn't do you any justice or even the relationship that you guys had it was it true to your story I would say 75% you know they have to tweak it it's a movie it has to flow or whatever the case may be some of the things that were insinuated not in a negative way just weren't true you know I mean to me the movie made it seem as if I was a teen parent and I wasn't no it totally felt that way I sort of assumed you guys were like 17 at the time which I guess if I did the math doesn't make sense but yeah so it wasn't a fly-by-night thing you know we had a relationship we talked about it you know it wasn't something that just happened and we were you know so but as far as my feelings I don't feel any negative negativity towards the moment when he was married to faith and in that part of his life do you guys still have a good relationship and we're you cool with faith at the time etc not cool meaning I hadn't met her we didn't have any interaction it was just strictly I had a relationship with my daughter's father he saw his daughter but I didn't she didn't get integrated into the relationship yet gotcha so what's it like now with you and Faithie meets that was one big happy family she's like my I call her my wife and Laura like everything is cool she's I can't even imagine what the structure would be without her in the kids they're really just so they feel so natural and tiana does it feel the same way to you and to CJ and faith children feel like you're family it's not like you said brothers they're just my brothers and my sister she's just my stepmom it's just natural they've always been there so it's not it's not an awkward thing which is okay so he's younger than you and I remember he was he starting that movie um so did you guys actually go to the premiere and you know do the whole thing and went to the premiere I was on set with him when he was filming his part now mom what I wanted to know was after b.i.g did pass and with a lot of friends that he made during his career what was that like with bad boy and diddy and them taking care of the family because you were a single young mom at the time and did people support you after you passed or I was a single mom but I was always independent I had been working since I was 16 I like I don't know how to lean on people I don't know how to ask for help truly Brooklyn you may still of the Poconos but you're from Brooklyn Brooklyn at the same time you know people did eat off of his meal force even after he passed they still utilize his music and publishing and things like that but you know did they even offer you any help after he passed it's mainly Diddy okay well after after he passed was there any help offer to you in any way Janna has a trust fund in place for her education to make sure that happens the way father wanted I don't want to say yay or nay I want to say that you know the politically correct thing to say is that my daughter's taking care of my father that's not to say that no one else has helped that's just to say you know what's how about this are you have you had any issues getting the royalty is that now you deserve no so that when when Biggie's albums sell which they continue to do you have you're definitely taking care of in that regards but you know you the way you guys worded it was like were we taking care right no no father was taking care absolutely oh yeah well you don't need extra money if you're getting the money you're that you're owed from what biggie made so everything's been good you guys have been so that's another question I don't that's a whole different story for another day exactly Jan I got to ask you one more thing we talked about you relationship with Faith Evans what about is there any relationship with you and Lil Kim not at all did you know we don't you're not out dissing Nicki Minaj we don't have a lot of friends in common it's just no what about from back in the day from Brooklyn you don't have any recollection of her no I don't know how to swim you're perfect you're handling your swimming just right so I guess I can't throw in Charlie Baltimore and there's no animosity there okay question is where would she see Charlie Baltimore I talked to Charlie yeah it's cool where she there's no animosity no you saw her it's cool but it's a different vibe with Kim people ask me that do you have a problem with you know no one has a pops no one sees don't Caeser for you guys if I saw her somewhere I definitely would speak and I'm sure she wouldn't speak back gotcha perfect way to put that
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 3,745,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B.I.G, Cipha Sounds, Kfoxx, Peter Rosenberg, T'yanna, Christopher Wallace, Movie, Notorious, Bad Boy, Biggie, P. Diddy, 15 Years, Death, Rapper, Great, smalls, Hot97, Morning Show, faith Evans
Id: 9rPCNSj1VVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2012
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