Biggest Waves We've Ever Seen β€” DAY 10 / North Atlantic Crossing β€” Sailing Uma [Step 192.10]

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It's comforting because it doesn't actually look that bad. The boat seems to be handling this gracefully.

I skipped through most of it: Did they mention how/which sails were set?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jonathanrdt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw a bird. What’s a bird doing in the middle of the ocean?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vne2000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Like a friend who is 75, you'll be living on the tails from those seas for the rest of your life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zaaxuk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] but do you think all those waves thing yeah I just pulled up some more head sail because it's going like why not I may only need just like a tiny little bit out to maintain steerage we're still doing like six and a half knots with tiny tiny little pencil but I also thank our mainsail because the wind was like starting to push some of the sail out of the bag and tied off for how they actually stopped thank you so much and fell off and went further downwind so that we're not taking those away from the site because we were taking a couple of ways in the side that were like splashing completely over the deck it's a little more comfortable now but it's only supposed to be like this for the next like 12 to 18 hours or so and it's gonna come back down again so do either can't really do a very good job showing how big the waves are that never does how big do you think the waves are 3 meters sure but they're breaking - do you think are the biggest waves we've ever sailed in yeah definitely we've had waves splash in my pocket before who never had waves like come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys I am NOT a big fan of those waves like at all they are big they're not consistent and I feel like they're just getting bigger yeah not a bit fan but it's blowing 35 knots right now gusting to 38 it's supposed to come down by this afternoon and hopefully it means that the waves will start coming down as well or at least lining up better but yeah this is definitely the worst sea state we've ever been in but on the positive side we don't have to be outside because the key point is steaming like professional and surprisingly inside is kind of comfortable a second the halyard banging is not too bad it's just those waves those waves are making me nervous but we'll see if things get worse this afternoon and we might just drop the pole in heath too but so far we just decided to keep running with it because we run a pretty good course and we're making pretty good speed we'll see [Music] [Music] yeah these waves are building up pretty big we just got one in the cockpit that might filled up the cockpit which is kind of why I wanted to seal the cockpit lockers before you went on this trip but never got the chance to hopefully another one the water came in the cockpit mic washed up underneath the lids I think we got quite a bit of water in the bilge the I mean the bill smart works it took care of it but it's more annoying anything else you see like there's all this the red 30 to 40 knots that wind is right above us we're right here and now 30 knots of wind speed which is right about right and then by four or five o'clock it goes down to 24 23 to 20 and it comes in and we need a judge tomorrow morning if you want to really freak out hit guests good yeah 35 not this is what we are we're right here so we have 37 hour gusts which is exactly what we're getting a 36 34 35 the gusts potentially continue until tomorrow morning but the wind is supposed to start dropping down now I believe for a fascinating there's the wave height and two up to three average right now they're like two and a half or so so they're gonna you're gonna build a little bit more but not much hopefully the winds gonna lighten up a little bit the next five to six hours here's here's the rain coming but when the end that wind ship is in the rain so starting around midnight probably till tomorrow morning at noon it's gonna be raining but ideally we would have been further south than this right we're tryna yeah I mean like it's it's just a shitty forty miles south of us as it is here I mean like this [Music] [Music] well it looks like tomorrow morning we're gonna get our wind shift this 30 knots that wind is gonna die it's gonna shift out of the Northwest and it's gonna drop to maybe 15 to 20 knots of wind so sometime tomorrow morning we're gonna be driving in the rain but I think the meantime we're gonna try to get some sleep we're gonna take shorter watch this tonight so we can be well-rested and see you guys tomorrow hello hey knew a Koosh I'm ready to drive in the rain tomorrow morning it's very pouring rain misma o'clock now the North sir you're gonna start to see us like turn we're probably gonna want to drive sooner rather than later when it starts to shift so we can keep maintaining this course that the way is there still from behind us not gonna lie though like earlier today those ways yeah the listen big wave I'm going took a couple in the cockpit and a bunch on the side that were just like waves all over the top of the boat what are you nervous really nervous the Cape Horn was doing really well in from Oceania the reason I wasn't nervous is because we were still only sailing like six six and a half knots now we're doing like eight or nine or something crazy like we were still well under control that makes sense that's why I wasn't nervous like if we have that little tiny scrap that said sellout and we were doing like eight knots then I'd start to be nervous because I'm going to be like sailing faster we should yes sir yeah less big me now that you're gonna see it it's supposed to stay right right about here like between twenty four and thirty nine thirty knots for the next like five or six hours and then and then I think we're gonna start to see a shift and that's gonna be like 15 20 knots for two or three days and it's not like not it's not like it's different like we've been maybe not quite this biggest season we've been in like MOLLE uncomfortable seas before it and we've been in 30 knots I'm going for it it's just like coming this road definitely angle oh no well that's the point of heading up high like this is that we have like we were expecting 25 is there not some way or most of it at least rumpa columns like if we went lower there's a good chance we just being super duper light wind like a sail up to Halifax can we just feel like drifting along this putting onto the spinnaker out you know making 4050 miles a day rather than like 180 190 miles a day like we're doing up here I'm even making really good time good night good night good night good night [Music]
Channel: Sailing Uma
Views: 2,356,318
Rating: 4.807817 out of 5
Keywords: steps, one step at a time, travel vlog, minimalism, tiny house, tiny living, travel, off grid, Sailing Uma, sailing around the world, electric motor, solar powered, delos, how to travel, travel cheap, sailing, dan and kika, sv uma, vagabonde, blue water cruising, sailing vlog, living on a small boat, crossing the atlantic ocean, north atlantic ocean, sailing across the atlantic on a boat, step 192, ocean passage, rogue wave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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