BIGGEST Ninjago Chen's Island MOC... Part 4

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we have finally done it here we have Chen's Island an epic gigantic Ninjago Mark for perspective just to give you guys a grasp of how massive this mock is we're gonna bring in the Ninjago city now all right so here we have the original Ninjago City compared to this it pales in comparison this would win on Hai Chen's Island weighs 28 and a half pounds like that's almost as much as my brain weighs and this tiny Ninjago City only weighs a mere nine pounds three Ninjago cities like this to even weigh the same amount as this we didn't count every individual part on this Chen's Island though we kind of did some math and this Ninjago city has around 5 000 Parts times that by three you get 15 000 parts so yes this would be a extremely expensive Lego set to buy if Lego was selling this mock for 10 cents a piece this would cost 1 500 dollars let's jump in and focus on this awesome Chens Island mock first things first we have to look at this massive slew of Minifigures we have in this mock I can't I cap earlier and it's 32 Minifigures hopefully I counted right so I'm going to try to name off every single one of them without making one mistake let's go we have Nero then we have Camille then we have talks shade bolobo Ash Karloff Mr invisible Griffin Turner gravis Jacob Zane J Cole Lloyd Kai Skyler Klaus and anacondrai dude two anacondrai guys who play on drums and then two anacondre Warriors and then anacondroid Chen normal Chen Kabuki Nia dareth normal Mia Sensei Garmadon Karloff in prison clothes colon prison clothes and cold totally covered with flour so there we have our 32 Minifigures and I'm very happy we were able to get all these Minifigures but let's get back to the build so we have kind of four big main sections here for this whole Chen's Island the first one we'll start with is the gate going up so we've got kind of a dock area coming around the front with a bunch of water kind of surrounding the whole island and then coming up on the dock we've got some light gray stairs leading up to this massive detailed door and my favorite part about this front ERA this massive snake designs swirling around on the front I also love the little lanterns lining the top with a black window frame doors that looks really nice and the Pagoda shape on the front makes this whole thing really pop going in through these doors you come to this purple carpet leading up to Chen's Palace the corner area has a ton of little details and if you come around back here there are two packs that you can pull and trap doors fall out there are also two main walls protecting this kind of Courtyard area but let's start with Chen's Palace we're gonna take out this big top building this island is literally as big as a table so it's kind of hard to fit South everywhere if we open the door and walk inside we're met with this beautiful snake carpet on the floor there's also Chen's massive throw own and a dragon statue and that's where you could put the J blades once you've recovered them on the other wall there's a bracket board to see which Elemental Masters are fighting the other the next level going up has these two big Serpentine banners hanging down into the throne room and it's basically just a little balcony along the top we've got a massive gong here and two pots and inside are hidden more Jade blades then finally the top roof looks magnificent with all these tile pieces going along the top we come over to this right building it's got a cool facade with a bunch of different balconies where you can set the elemental Masters on and outside of it it's got this cool dragon statue the first floor has a Lobby in it with some stairs going up a nice flower a brick built clock and if you go through this rice paper door Lloyd's sweet this is a really cool bed I love the carpet so the next room we have here is Kai's and Skyler's different dorm rooms on the right side we've got Skyler's dorm room and it's got three different staff pieces it's got a picture of Chan on the other side and then of course we've got Kai's room on the other side which looks extremely fancy and my favorite room to design had to be Jay's sweet it has this awesome super nice reclining gamer chair it also has a nice hot tub and you can just stick J in there and you can just be chilling there all day Cole's room is also really cool it's got a pantry full of food and a bunch of other really cool little details and my favorite part of the roof is along the Sprout we've got some red and gold designs then finally for our last building we've kind of caught the cafeteria so going through the door we've got a tiled off red carpet which looks really nice with some noodles a bowl of cereal and then the cafeteria food is all lined up on this wall over here there's also a little door going out to a trash can outside and the next room we have here is klaus's evil spell room we have a roof right here using really cool next fight Shields and then inside we have a cool bookcase and the book of spells and a super cool picture of this Serpentine General guy and then we have the roof made out of thin Wing pieces moving around back we've got a massive tree right over here so we got this little door right here we find ourselves in the midst of a giant jungle in the jungle there is a really cool scene where Garmadon and Klaus are fighting over this portal to the cursed realm and you can see Klaus about to get sucked in there there's also this massive cool looking tree and some other vegetation and foliage all over the place going up the side of this mountain you can follow this little path where you can see Derek just jamming out in the cave with his guitar over here on the mountain we've got two Elemental Masters Nero and bolobo fighting it out over this rock trying to get the Jade blade and again right up here we have Griffin Turner and gravis fighting over the J blade in the peach tree and I love the colors my brother put into this Peach Tree it looks so vibrant and beautiful now on the other side of the Jungle we just have more foliage some bamboo pieces that look really good some tree pieces we used up basically all the green forage parts we all had my brother was able to build this mountain so good it looks so cool and he was able to use a bunch of techniques where he put on pieces like sideways onto the mountain and then on the very top you've got a volcano with the J blade stuck into a rock and Kai and Ash battling it out on this tiny little rope Bridge which looks like it's gonna break any second now that we've kind of covered the outside and facade of this it's time to turn it around and look at the inside we'll start with this section right over here on the bottom we have this massive snake pit and my brother built this really cool purple snake very vicious he also put a ton of skulls and bones and rib cages the walls are made up of a nougat color and look really good there's also two poles down here where you can entrap Mia and Garmadon underneath this whole section is this dungeon cave system which we gotta get to so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this off thank you this cave section is basically a rock wall around it with tunnels going to different places tunnel over here leads to the snake come over here leads to Noodle Factory but in the center area we kind of have this purple staircase going up to who knows where with some Anaconda Warriors pounding away on some drums and this kind of represents that room where Master Chen takes all the power away from The Elemental Monsters back along this wall we have three different prison doors and they lead into little cells we have one cell full of spiders one cell with Zayn locked up and one cell with pixel or at least some remains of pixel so in the back of this section we have the Noodle Factory probably my favorite underground area tiled off very nicely with light gray tiles and it's got a bunch of parts that they're working on to build the boulder Blaster my favorite part is the noodles coming out of the machine going into little buckets and then getting dropped into this bigger crate and there's also another balcony kind of going up to the second floor talking about the second floor going up even higher we have the Crystal room where Master Chen actually turns into an anacondrai Warrior it's a pretty cool room and we had to add it sometimes the challenges that seem the hardest and most impossible are by far the funnest and that was a case for this one so thank you guys so much for joining me on this journey that we've been taking to build this massive Mock and today I challenge you to get on your Lego and think bigger than ever before what could you build out of your own bricks subscribe [Music] thank you
Channel: Brick Legends
Views: 198,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninjago chen's island moc, how to build lego, lego, ninjago, ninjago season 4, brick legends, big moc, big lego moc, lego ninjago dragons rising, ninjago kai, ninjago chen, ninjago chens islnad, ninjago elemental masters, ninjago building chens island, huge lego MOC, lego Sets, Lego ninjago wu, lego lloyd, brick epic, lego mocs
Id: QQDMIoclo0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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