BIGGEST Dog Pool Party | DDFT Reunion

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foreign cruise ship coming in I'm ready [Music] hey mate cool [Music] why what you've been up to what you've been up to where do you go for me buddy good morning how are you doing good hey how are you hello mate what'd you go for me huh kind of knows this area hey it's hard to become back home yeah good busy yeah yeah but the dogs are doing well a bit of a issue with back legs but she's come along well yeah hello mate hi hi Rodney hi Rodney foreign [Applause] foreign little puppy hello all right oh look I don't know [Music] Hi Minnie all right hello foreign don't forget you don't worry are you good thank you cookie yeah I'll get it morning and you'll be fine for the day foreign you're ready you ready come on I like my uh hi darling hi are you ready are you ready all right okay okay that's good good to see your enthusiasm indeed well she did a quick checkout hello hey hey hi buddy hi okay so six six o'clock yeah yeah oh good awesome [Music] yeah good thank you guys see you later oh he seems quiet um no no holiday mate just a day trip buddy just a day trip for a pool party oh yeah good boy good boy good job buddy foreign I can't do it hi crazy did we actually leaves this demeanor hold on come on come on here we go okay all right oh my goodness [Music] foreign all right [Music] good boy can you believe it can you believe it good thanks come on buddy good job sorry that was a bit awkward wasn't it good thank you um oh awesome thanks very much g'day guys so we're almost at the farm we've got doggies they've been very quiet in the bath Fusion by this stage and the roads don't get a bit rough they start to get a bit louder looking forward to how excited they're going to get when they get to the farm they're very excited to see me at the parks we're about two minutes away from arriving so cool party here we come [Music] foreign foreign [Music] oh my God foreign come on foreign come on extra foreign oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] laughs foreign thank you all right oh my gosh thank you foreign foreign laughs foreign foreign [Music] [Music] up [Music] laughs [Music] thank you cool so we got some life jackets some toys a couple of uh these are all from um Bagels mum who runs stylish ham and uh we've got a nice new style of life jacket for Miss violet oh wow [Music] gee it's really pretty [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] that I like it here we go down say yeah it's all right all right there you go good morning ouch oh my God that was crazy foreign foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God thank you laughs laughs foreign shut up laughs foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you laughs [Applause] that's cool [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ER [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're both so good [Music] come on foreign all right [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you cheers looking very healthy oh oh yeah [Music] it's a pool party day we got all wow water-loving pups up here for a special day at the farm and we're just cooking up some lunch for everyone we got some chickens uh we got some chicken breasts hey just having some fun in the sun figured a reunion for all our long-time clients they've all been missing the farm very much you should have seen the reaction this morning at the uh at the bus they're all super excited they couldn't believe their eyes Luke we're here is it really happening we're getting on the bus that's really cool Chester ran from the other side of the road there's full Bee Line up like it's about to be good it was hilarious foreign thank you [Music] [Music] laughs foreign [Music] [Music] laughs foreign foreign [Music] foreign new meat goes over on the left has a bit of a steer he wants to see it goes up top to bake a little longer and then open up some more packets Chuck it in [Music] [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Music] come on foreign [Applause] foreign Dash's ideal day is exactly this a pool so just keep coming in and out of whenever she pleases and then a million toys to destroy one after the other and just come back and it's endless supply of more toys the most idealistic Day Ever if you're having a time of a lot oh and chicken oh we're about to have chicken too I just look at her and this is using an element you know said she's had a few bad turns hasn't she she's been getting a bit dizzy losing losing balance and disoriented we're not sure why but who said people look out and she's been pretty good at the moment she's been steady on her feet but they said she just needs to lay down for about 10 or 15 minutes afterwards when she comes good okay because she's quite the senior Dash she is very much so she's very impressive yeah [Music] she's loving today I underestimated how tall Daisy is oh yeah Daisy's already had a piece of chicken they've all been very well behaved waiting patiently for their chicken somebody got here I think it's about 25 kilos of chicken breast chicken thighs it's been on the cool down we can just taste test a little crumb oh lucky boy I said to Chester before I said um sorry mate um I'm pretty sure your dad told me that you're on a diet and you can't eat chicken you see if they're going no it wasn't me it wasn't me someone else not me dad didn't say that no no I was just teasing him he's like no no it wasn't me it wasn't my dad yeah you got the wrong dog here how funny was that Toby and he's like no I'll take that back in my mouth full of tubs is heading for you buddy [Music] yes foreign the unit books you got it too [Music] [Music] good boy little boy running all right sorry I can't do that all the time ends out oh there we go mate yeah Minnie Minnie behind us he ate a I think she's cleaned up two pieces it's just amazing glass Nevaeh bagel that means this is gonna be a hard one quick Cleo Hera [Music] Frankie oh almost took your tongue through it [Music] she wasn't let go of that was he Rosie Rosie Philly Freddy yeah Hugo through this post there good boy here we go darling Dish Go Again Annie okay okay Chopper good boy mate what did he lose it he only got what was in his mouth and two bits on either side got taken by the other dog he got bill over there [Music] boy [Music] what else goes trying to make his way in oh he made his way in all right look at him look at him [Music] okay Enzo that's cheeky mate Bailey Bailey good job Miss red [Music] where's tank tank little boy oh boy man yeah good job study Rodney sorry I do that all the time okay there we go Minnie Minnie Minnie he wasn't let go of that was he oh boy yeah good boy um and what about now oh okay [Music] foreign [Music] oh Vinny that's a good bit mate [Music] [Music] good boy oh shadow [Applause] [Music] oh do you shut up [Music] but I'm gonna see that almost break my tongues in half who's getting this one honestly he's sitting nicely with Elms like hell he's like that's got mine on it so nicely thank you for that oh boy they don't eat this fast when you feed them but with that much competition around she's trying to get it down really Donald there you go oh boy give me another one that was very cool oh Minnie every time I give it to a dog Chester just puts the whole song [Music] she really went for it good job good job come on [Music] Maggie cool Bailey you've got to give one to Hope again oh good yeah it's good so usually she showers away she does she struggles to eat a dinner doesn't she like yeah this is really good oh good boy [Music] oh yeah I think he puts it away hey buddy [Music] [Music] hi Chancey boy foreign just because this is a little bit intense as far as how many dogs are here all in a confined space all really excited um and he's just not ready for that at this point he's probably 90 there where the 10 buffer is a very dangerous buffer so we're going to take proportion and just put him on a mobile I'm not expecting to see any issues with it a lot of dogs here that we haven't seen in a long time we've already noticed with some of them there's some behaviors that you know could provoke reactions from other dogs and so we just don't want to risk anything so we want chance to join in we don't want him to be excluded and so this is the way he can join in he uh he just has to wear a mother so um you know you can see through the fence a lot of the dogs are giving him a cold shoulder letting him know that they're not happy with his presence but um he's done very well and just happy come on in no issues um so I'm gonna let him off lead now to have a bit of a run around and uh hopefully just as Daisy's happy excited self and runs around exploring chance what are we [Music] running no no no no no God damn this is one of them yeah all right a little trouble maker just for everyone at home do you want to just explain some of the little behaviors that um you know this is the reason why Chance has his muzzle line like that we've already seen this morning it's not it's not certain uh but it is the reason why you know for everyone's safety um that chance has the muzzle on so what are some of the little things the body language not from here but from other dogs there's a lot of you know testing behavior from younger dogs that are reaching maturity and you know they're testing out behaviors such as staunch body language Standing Tall tackles up and sort of sort of you know identifying who's bigger me or you when really there's no intent in it they're just literally exploring the different responses that you get from a reaction of that a fully mature experienced dog like this seeing that kind of response knows exactly what that means and um you know that has been his Achilles heel in the past not being able to back down from a challenge of that um you know Enzo came up and back at his face like a little half um yeah and air snap and so something like that again is a test you know Enzo definitely is aggressive dog however that would risk provoke her reaction from a dog like chance in his his car so you know for those small innocent intentions like like this he doesn't know what's going on if he knew just what chance was you would absolutely not be having that having that response back because it's new interaction chance you're sitting here completely plastered and calm they're all just testing out you know who's this new dog what's going on um but you know dogs have been doing it to each other all morning but they're all well socialized they you know don't take offense to it all but just for all the dog's safety and the complexity of just how many dogs we've got in a small environment here while they're all shoulder to the shoulder a good for safety's sake we put a muzzle on it I do think he would do well without it but there's no point risking it and we are sad to put the muzzle on you he was there too I had to whisper Museum sorry mate yeah but otherwise um he would not have um been able to join yeah and we really want him to look at him he's here and all he wants to do yeah all he wants to do is this and he's just seeing him he was such a good boy for the chicken I put it down in front of him he's sitting there is he looking at it you know and then as soon as I said free just gobbled it down like it was a breath of fresh air thank you foreign foreign bingo it looks amazing retro 80's really suits him you look amazing you look so good buddy thank you you look so good he looks so good that's way bad so good you look so good come on who's up here thank you thank you very much don't know [Music] [Music] how do you escape you don't want to go for a swim okay welcome back buddy you don't want to go listening oh okay foreign very very good so we got both brothers here today it's been and Sheamus thank you so Freddy's mum Chris has come to get Freddy a little bit early how do you feel about it Freddy you want to go home or do you want to keep having a pool party you gotta go buddy thank you now Freddy your time time buddy ready come on mate [Music] yeah he's gonna have to be physically removed okay good job good job good boy Freddy God damn it man [Music] thanks Chris is there anything I need to do to come inside with the dogs like as in so you're safe yeah yeah you do so as you come in just hot three times on your left leg let's put your right arm on top of your head and then say please don't bite me please don't bite me all right please don't bite me please don't bite me please don't oh God now they definitely think you're weird thank you I purposely bought these I looked at him just for the farm [Music] oh my God everybody yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign laughs laughs laughs foreign thank you foreign get up laughs well we've had an absolutely fantastic day today the dogs have all had an awesome time they've been so excited and playful all day it's been a huge success and I think we should do this again through the summer invite everyone back they just loves it so much that uh we should definitely plan another one well good job guys [Music] there's a Kill Ziggy all right guys so we got some robes here from Bagels mum and they are cool as you can see I'm wearing one myself so let's pick a few dogs he's able to fit that one that one could even be Miss Violet actually you can take your life jacket off and put a robe on Miss violet she's like who are you this is Robin Hood yeah okay we put this on now oh save it save it I banned it hello there you go hey after your swim perfect boy you got a fruity 2D Jessica this looks like it's for you mate look at that hey good job big fella okay large I'll be there everywhere oh boy yeah good job buddy oh small medium um yeah medium foreign he's good what do you think Bandit foreign ouch good job Bandit I don't think clear understood what the road meant like it was time to chill out get dry he's gone swimming in hers shouldn't have put one on you anyway should we go all right good though the material soaks up the water oh you look amazing Jessica exactly what I needed foreign foreign [Music] always got a kettle left over but it's always flat and good boy yeah come on mate I got everyone helping me get this guy look at him he's even being put through the gate he's still not coming the gate opens another he's like let me back in come on Frankie Bandit come on mate hello Frankie you look amazing in your robe buddy yeah good boy good boy mate good boy come on man good job these do the job these things good boy Bandit how are you under yours mate yours is still dry you must have got too wet eh you feeling good come on mate let's go in it boy banded I know mate I know buddy oh yeah two three four eight eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 20. save numbers that was a successful day had a good time remember why I loved daycare so much that awesome time didn't they we'll have to get it back up again in the summer guys enjoy I'm gonna get this rock out of my shoe
Channel: The Farm
Views: 174,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oVZ3PFHD8yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 44sec (6284 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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