Bigg Boss 17 Winner Munawar Faruqui - Shayari, Jail, Fame, Rap Aur Zindagi | TRS हिंदी 171

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I like to talk about work, about business. To talk about pain. I like to talk about life I don't want to tell what is my favorite color I don't want to tell which is my favorite movie. Such conversations are healing for bros. Yes, this does not occur in boys. This conversation doesn't happen between boys, friends -Why? -Why doesn't it happen is the biggest question, should happen. But it doesn't happen among boys, friends Between boys it happens that... is it? Nothing will happen, leave, let it go. Do you get it? He already, you just started and he said nothing happens don't get tensed, everything will be fine Hey brother, at least listen. -When journalists interview you. -Yes. Do they spice up the question like this? Why do they spice up? Because people want to see that spice. But do they ask such questions? -Of course. -That there is a-- -Yes, that comes up. -What do they ask? What is your problem with the government? I was like, bro, when did I tell you, I have a problem with the government? I am a comedian. I am a satirist. Our prime minister is so famous so I joked about him bro. Just because he is famous. You become famous, I will joke on you too. Because people will have context. People will know. Friends in today's episode, a very requested guest, Munawar Faruqui bhai. People often think that this man is a stand up comic, but the truth is, he is a multidimensional artist, just like our mentor, Zakir Khan. There are various talents in his mind and heart. Today we talked a lot about music. Because his first music album has now been launched. Definitely, check it out. It has been linked below. But I will definitely say this, that it was a very deep emotional conversation Enjoy it. I will not say much. Just a hug from the heart for Munawar bhai. Lots of love from the heart. Why? Viewers and listeners will know at the end of this episode. It is a very good episode. Enjoy it. 🎶[Music]🎶 🎶[Music]🎶 🎶[Music]🎶 Desi Drake, welcome to TRS. Munawar Faruqui bhai, how are you? Thank you so much brother. I'm fine. And desi Drake... I am fine, how are you brother? You are not desi Drake? No, no, desi Drake. I heard this one for the first time. You now... I want to know, why you felt like that? Because very few rappers can sing. Your voice is very cute. -Thank you brother. -There is lot of love in your voice. Thank you so much bro. Thank you so much. Where does this love come from? Love in voice, I think, you saw love. But I think, there's everything in a voice. I try to use that. I think anything, language is that thing, anything spoken with love reaches people very quickly It is a very easy way to... So try to say it with love. That's why it reached you and you said it's a lovely voice. I am talking nicely with you for the first time. Talking nicely for the first time. Explain this logic. Explain the logic of this sentence. This one? When I first met you. -Yes, yes. I will tell you. -Iftar party. I found it very... When we met at Iftar party. So he is like, Won't talk much because we want to do a podcast And I was like, wow! Because we do this thing, when we stream on YouTube together with two-three guests. So we call, are you ready? Yes, what? No, no, will not talk. All this happens. Some things used to just come out, they would say, should have said this in the stream. So I understood that. If you know less, it will come more naturally, the rest gets a little fake. Not even fake, a little... But it's a good idea to go with. This is my artistic process. No, no. That's great. I can totally understand. But I have something to tell you. Yes, tell me. I wanted to say this even then but didn't. Whatever I've seen of you on the internet, other than the controversial stuff, which is less controversial stuff, it always reflects the love inside you Means all your clips that have gone viral, all of your poetry there, I just heard to your music too, that too has a glimpse of love. There's a little love in every artist there is more love in some artists. I feel there is more love in your heart. There is romance. Yeah I can say that. That there is, there is a lot. Maybe due that people love you so much. Yes, that thing is there. There are many sides to a human being. I feel, as they say, when someone asks You are a mountain person or a beach person? -I Don't know the answer. -Okay. I've never been a person that can only sleep in a bed. I feel, when I feel sleepy, I sleep anywhere. Be it sofa, floor, or a bed. So, I have never been like that for anything. So I feel that when someone says that you are very romantic Then I feel, really? Okay, it may be, if you say so. Same time, I feel, when someone says, there is a lot of pain inside you. So, I was like, yes. So, yes it is, would be. The personality is such that there are many sides. There is a very bright side. There is very fun side. There is a very intense intelligent side. There is a very stupid, nonsensical side. You are the Hardik Pandya of emotions. Kind of, you can say. Tell me about your childhood. Childhood, same as I said, average. A very average child. Never fights with anyone But beat the hell out if ever fought with someone, and got thrashed too. Do you get it? No one will say that he never fights. No one will say, he keeps fighting. It's very balanced, that people are confused, what is this. So such a person, childhood. Childhood was such, that when I came to senses, the things around were very perfect. Dad's got a great business, everything. Things are fine. Things are not good at home but things are fine financially. There is no shortage. But slowly starting to know that everything is going. How, don't know. Going means? Means all things at home, or business is going bad Corruption, we are getting corrupt. Running out of money. Why is it happening? Don't understand. Because had just come to the senses. You are a 7-year-old You can see, okay. Things are gradually going. Those things started to hit, when in school, first you feel when you see things in school. I felt this thing at school Okay some problem is going on, because fees is not getting paid. For fees every time, after the 10th day of every month, a call comes from the staff room, send this kid to the principal's office. Then used to go to the principal's office, then he used to tell the child, I don't know if this system is there now or not but in our school, they used to ask the child, why was the fees not paid Ask your parents to come and pay the fees. So, had to listen to this every month. Sometimes, had to listen so much, it's like... When the announcement on mic used to start, the kids would look at me and say, go they are calling you for fees. Then later the principal used to announce my name that send him to the dock. That's when I realized, that okay, it was the first time I felt a bit ashamed. It was like the 4th standard. -4th or 5th standard. -This was in Surat? Gujarat, Junagadh. Was happening in the 4th and 5th standard. It was the second best school there. Schools are not that expensive there. Education was not that expensive when I was there. How much was the fee? ₹138 for 2 months. I remember ₹138 even now. So, it was ₹138 for 2 months. Every 2 months, you have to pay. So it hit me then. I used to never bring a lunch box. Then, afterwards. Used to get it first and then didn't get it from home. So used to understand a bit that okay. So what do you used to eat? Friend used to feed biscuits sometimes. Mostly it used to happen that ate before leaving home and ate after returning home, used to be like that. What is a recess? And today Irfan Pathan feeds biscuits. It's a big deal. That's what, I just can't compare it with all those things Because even one thing is enough. If even one person comes and asks for your autograph so I can sum my whole life for it. That this whole life and this one autograph that if you wanted to hug me asking for an autograph that brother can I hug you once? I think that becomes a win. Brother I forgot all about what fees I was embarrassed for. I forgot just because you held my hand in front of 4 people, bent down a bit and said brother, I am a big fan of yours. So I think it gets covered there. You learned about people then, or are you learning now? About people as I told, haven't learned yet but learned about the world. How things work. If I find a person, tell me how is this man? So maybe I will give my opinion and I could be wrong. But probably can't be wrong about the world that when I tell people this is how the world thinks, so I'm right in that. -I'd like to break the ice with you now. -Absolutely. I always notice that your guard is very up but this is your self defense and I respect it. I understand what perspective you are coming from. Seems for the first time your guard is completely down Of course. I always think like this, that people say brother we read about you, heard about you, we feel very proud or we feel very bad, all this. So I think in my mind that bro, you know nothing. I had said that, I also write poems. So, I had written that, it's not fair, just to guess for I haven't told the story yet. When the time turns good all will come. Well the times are such, -it's not their fault either. -Wow. I always feel that I want to share things because I have a story to tell. There are people who, I know no one is going into depression after hearing all this stuff People are getting motivated after hearing all these things. Hearing all these things, they come to know the reality. The world is such that you may get kicked, someone will pull you, someone will even come to pick you up, so I want to tell about this world from my experience. So I have to share this. How is the world, bro? The world is mean. Especially in Mumbai? We are talking about the human nature bro. Be it anywhere. Still I have not gone outside India, but I know that people of India are better than all other places. They are far better. I haven't been, but I know. Somehow we come to know, watch any documentary, watch anything, we know. That's correct. I will not say that Mumbai is better, Gujarat is better. But I'll always say that a human, that human nature itself is mean. Relationships are also mean. Nature is also mean. Business is also mean. I am human, I am a part of the world, I am mean. If I am selfish and I know my selfishness does not harm anyone. Sometimes I feel my selfishness may harm someone, even then, I’m selfish. My selfishness stays up a bit. I know that I am self-aware, this is my thing, I can keep it down. That no, this is wrong. You are wrong but at least stop this wrong. At least try. At least hold it a bit. Don't do so much wrong that you become bad with yourself and then you become so comfortable with it that you don't feel that wrong is wrong at all. So I stop myself there. So I know that everyone is like that. Means there's a gray character in all. I won't even say gray. It is only black. No human is like this. Enter into everyone's mind… If you can enter someone's mind, -then you're doomed. -Okay. Because of fame, has all this changed? Have your perspectives changed? I remember, I think, Lock… You got two big boosts. Am I right? For me, it is that, coming for an autograph is also a boast. But I will definitely say, those boosts that happen, be it the Lock Upp win. I know second thing what you are talking about. You want say or… You say say. I want to hear… I want to know what you think about it. When I got arrested. Yes, definitely. Whenever something happens that is very unbelievable, a comedian? Jail? 37 days? What is the proof? The whole industry found this thing very weird. Yeah. So, that is why it became news. Now the thing that happens is, these kinds of things, either breaks you or makes you. When I came out, I saw the support. I can't see the hate. I can see the support. And I was like, okay. What do I have to do with this? I fight for freedom. What freedom? I am free. Or I fight against someone, things went wrong with me. I was like, let's record a great comedy video. My best bet is ghost story. I posted that. Today it is 23 million, 24 million. I came and posted that after 2 months. It worked so good and people were like, I had 1 million subscribers in 3-4 days. That video is going viral. It is trending on number 1, YouTube. So, I was like, now I know the purpose. Now I know, that thing which happened in my life, I will not sit with that. I have moved ahead of that. That it was a part of my life, that it happened, now I have moved ahead. You believe in destiny? I believe only in destiny. There is such a thing as destiny. I only believe in destiny, I don't believe in anything else. -So, this was also in your destiny? -Absolutely. And there was a reason behind this too? A very big reason. I am saying that I always think in life… I feel this every day, maybe if there was mom around? I feel bad and then I think, if mom was there, I wouldn't be here, I would not have been there. I'm really telling the truth. Be it a normal shoe shop, be it a clothing shop, or be it a normal small business, would have been working in it. I would not even say an owner. So I feel that if mom was there, I would not be here. Why are you saying this? The reason I came to Mumbai from Junagadh, because of my mom's death. She passed away in 2007. There was no one to take care of me. I was 13 years old. There was no one there. My aunty who was living here in Mumbai, she'll be like, you come to Mumbai, you stay with me, do any job. So, all right, she brought me here. If mom had not died, then why would I come to Mumbai. I have no reason to leave my house. I have no dreams. I have no place. It is not even a place where I can see the whole world. It's a village very-- There in the village— My village is such that people know each other's bike and car number plate. There is no car, all have rickshaws. So they know the bike and rickshaw number plate. I'll tell, do you know Ranveer? Will say, who? that 1032 one. The red one. 1032 Deluxe red. 1032, your vehicle number. Then will say yes, will say, I do know. So, it is like that. Such a small village and everyone knows everyone So if I hadn’t come to Mumbai, after, 10 years of grinding, which I call it, so after that grind, I would have not felt, I want to do something. What did you do in those 10 years? In those 10 years, a lot. Starting from ₹60 per day. What did you do? As soon as I came to Mumbai, that train comes in morning. I got down at 7:30 in Mumbai Central. I went home, did breakfast at aunty's house. I have a cousin, he took me at 10:00-10:30, to an utensil shop in Null Bazar. Introduced, he is my brother. He is my distant brother-in-law. He has come from the village, he needs work, I’m just silent. I haven't spoken a word yet and I'm just silent and said okay. So said fine, come, come means? Said you are on job, I am standing at the shop. I said, okay. What to do? So this was the foremost task, that after sweeping, when I reached there, there was sweeping happening inside, it was morning time, 10:00-11:00. The first task given to me, was dustpan in which garbage is collected, that was handed to me, and said, yes, throw this. So I knew what I had to do, because I was confused all the time, me in a utensil shop. What will I do? I can't even speak Hindi properly. It's like I was… I am in Gujarat, there we speak in Gujarati. Sometimes there is a conversation in Bawa Hindi at home like ''khana kha le''. You still think in Gujarati? I think in both languages. But I am mostly think in Hindi. I understood, what I was thinking, what will I do here? Would I have to do this, utensils, etc.? Will have to write names on the utensils. No, will have to speak with customers. I was like no bro, you will have to dispose this garbage, okay. So the very first thing, I disposed the garbage, I was just sitting half the day. After that, I realized, now you got to fetch tea. So for the first 10 days, I was just bringing tea. Tea would come 3-4 times a day. Had to buy the tea from a restaurant. So used to buy tea from the restaurant in that Used to get plastic cups and the tea used to come in a plastic bag. The way a knot is put in Mumbai, to the corner, is different. In village, it is fastened like this. Now I'm unable to unfasten the knot. Now I used to look around, opening with mouth is wrong, so I used to look around, no one's paying attention in the shop. So doing like this, breaking with my teeth, Because I don't want to say, I don’t know to unfasten the knot. The knot used to not open, because I didn't knew, how to open it. Plus, as soon as you tried to open it, the hot tea felt hot on your hands. And 13 years old, right? When you are 13 years old, no matter how smart you are, So when my cousin brother saw me twice, So he told it's not done like this, It's opened like this. So now I've learned. So now I've become a pro, in opening a tea bag, in filling tea, in bringing tea. You were also studying? No, I was not studying. My studies stopped when I was in the 6th standard. I told you right. When I was in 5th or 4th, that issue started popping up. The issue at one level went to such an extent, that okay now there is no money to pay the school, so you don't have to go to school now. But were you studying anything on your own. Not when I came to Mumbai. But one year after coming to Mumbai, after 6 or 8 months, this learning, the learning of this bag, the 10 days I took to learn the bag, after that in the next 6 months, after those six months, I would catch hold of people and teach, come here, let me teach you what to do. So, in 6 months I was fired up that much. That market was like that, like a core market, a street market, where you have to stand outside, get hold of the customers and sell the stuff to the customers and so on. ₹60 per day. The very first day I got ₹60 in the night and I was so happy. I was very happy because one year prior to that, when I was 12 years old, when I was working in the village, before my mom's death, In 2006, Then I was working at ₹800 per month, in a gift shop. So due to that, ₹1,800 per month, looked very big to me. That I reached from 8,00 to 1800. I was so happy. I gave the money aunty. I was like, okay, this is life. So every day, this was the only life. Was only doing this. After 6 months, I’m reading a paper, a newspaper, used to get Times of India, I'm reading that. Don't know English at all. But slowly and gradually I'm trying. Fahim, who was the boss' son, who was the owner's son, so he used to visit the shop, Fahim, he used to study, so I used to ask him, what does this mean, what does this mean? When is ''those'' used, when is ''these'' used. So by asking like this, I used to learn a little bit out of fondness. Used to listen to English songs, didn't knew what it meant. We listened to your album before the podcast. -Yes. -And there were different songs. Each song had a very different vibe. -Very different. -The identity of an artist. Multidimensional, Hardik Pandya. -Yes, an all-rounder. -That is done. You are a true artist. I have done a lot of podcasts until now. I understand the character of people in the first half an hour. You genuinely like creativity very much. -This is your purpose of life. -Yes. -Correct? -Yes. I'm sure suppose if your rap phase starts-- This won't last forever, after that you'll do something else, correct? Maybe movie, maybe-- Why are you smiling? There is a line in the album, What do I tell you about talent, fans won't be even shocked, if I become a scientist tomorrow. So that is what the line is about. Because even this line comes from a fan. What else will you do bro, what all are you doing, why are you doing? You do all these things. So that is what I have said in that. They will not be even shocked now. Even if I become a scientist tomorrow, They will be like, yes, he was always a scientist, since childhood. An artist always aspires to create art. That desire, I am sure, always was, is, and will remain in your heart and with that desire, then you were put in jail. So when you entered jail. What did you feel first? I'm an artist, why am I here? First thing, when I was going in, that moment I'll tell you, we say, when a person is mentally disturbed or when a person is in such a situation in his life that he does not know what to do, we only see those things, we are unable to feel. I felt that thing for the first time that I don't know what to do? I don't know what is happening. I'm in that zone that things are just happening, and I'm unable focus on one thing, so that I think what's going on. My thoughts are jumping. Now what will happen on that, what is happening, and why is it happening, it is jumping every single second on all these three things. I can't sit comfortably and think what's happening and I don't like what's happening at all, and it's bothering me so much that my stomach is grumbling, my heart beat is fast, I'm feeling dizzy, I'm thirsty, I'm sweating, my hands are shaking. Feeling scared there? Everything. All the things. That is what I'm saying, all these things, when your hands are shaking, you can focus, my hands are shaking. Your hand is shaking but you're also feeling dizzy, so you are realizing that your hand is shaking, but you are not worried why the hand is shaking, because you’re already feeling dizzy. The heartbeat has become fast, so you are also feeling restless, so in all these moments, all these things are felt, exactly. Would like to ask a very strange question, I’m asking this only for perspective, -all right? -Yes. But can you describe the jail a little, no one knows that-- When someone thinks of a jail, what should be visualized? What happens inside a jail? The one who has been to a jail, he already knows. The one who has not been to a jail, it's only for him. To visualize that, if I give him an example, in good words, in the wisest, the best word I'll use for that, is hell. I'll tell you "narak". No one has seen but we have a visual, "jahannam" or hell, whatever it is, how will it be like. So this is like a very pretty word, to use for that. -I tell you, it is not even one percent. -Why? If I were to use the word for jail, then that would be hell. It is a very bad place. Due to the people or due to the vibe. First thing is that, when I say, it's a hell, then I'll say, I won't even send my enemy. If I get a chance, you can send your enemy to jail, I'll say, no. Why, bro? It's that bad. But why? There is one thing to do there, to serve sentence, means to pass time and the only thing not happening there, is passing of time. You are between a prison term, you are disconnected from the outside world. You will be told to get up, have to get up. You'll be told to sleep, have to sleep. You'll be told to eat, have to eat. You'll be told to bathe, have to bathe. For everything you have to wait for an order or if you want to do something, you cannot do without an order. It's like jail, punishment. I think, now we watch in movies, what is a 10-year imprisonment? Used to feel very normal to hear, I heard such stories there, when some people went home after serving their sentence, they did not have their house there. When they went home after serving 14 years, they were like, there is a mall there. They don’t know the address. The family members who were coming to meet for the first 3-4 years, had now stopped coming to meet. Now used to come once in 6 months. Then after 8 years, coming once in 1 year. Then after 10 years, son comes to meet after 3 years. No one came to meet in the last 5 years. They don’t know, if someone is coming to pick me outside. Used to talk to other inmates? Used to happen. Used to happen with everyone. I used to talk with everyone. Everyone wanted to talk with me. Do you mind we are talking about this thing? We're talking about this thing. Of course. I don't mind. I genuinely want to know, if… Yes, we used to talk, used to of course happen. Okay, tell about a day, what used to be a normal day. My normal day used to be. Prayers happened first thing in the morning. 6:00 in the morning. The time I was there, it was probably 6-7 degrees cold then. At 6-7 in the morning, at 6 o'clock, at 6 o'clock, would hear the sound of a stick, and had to get up, and have to get up instantly. Had only a time of 30 seconds-1 minute. Got up, prayer is on, standing up. As soon as the prayer was over, fold your bed and put it in the corner, that's all. Now it is cold ground, what to do, you are sitting somewhere in the corner, walking, don't know anything. After half an hour the doors will open for washroom. After half an hour the doors open, for 45 minutes, in that you have to take bath, wash clothes, toilet and so on, have to manage all. As soon as you come back in 45 minutes from there, you are packed again, now tea will come in the morning. There is a line for tea, had tea. After that, now directly in the afternoon, the food will arrive. Now, I tell you, from 7:00 am till 12:00 noon, till lunch arrived, you need to kill time, so I used to walk a lot inside the cell. Kept walking, kept walking. Meaning, now my feet, assume, have become completely stone after walking. I have been walking for 4-5 hours and I used to see that now the time, so now when I used to look at the clock like this, it was 7:15. -How big was the cell? -15 minute. -No Cell. -Cell means assume, -I think, I'll tell you 35 feet. -Okay. 35 feet and there were many people in it. I look at the clock, it's only 15 minutes. I'm thinking I've been walking on for hours. I have been walking for at least 4-5 hours. I have thought so many things, that it has to be 4-5 hours. But when I look at the clock, I can see that only 15 minutes have passed. And looking at that clock and seeing those 15 minutes, the feeling I used to get, that how will the day pass? It's been an hour since I woke up and I feel like I've been awake for 10 days. Now I am waiting, line up for the food that has just arrived, at 12:00 the food came, ate that the food, bread and Vegetable. -How was the food? -Bad. It's like one more punishment. So the food is done, I mean, if good food is given, then everyone will go there. Unhygienic? -Do you know, India's Hunger Index, whatever it is, how much is it in India and how many people are there who do not get food. And how many people are there who do not get the food versus the people who are above, what kind of food they get, we all know. So the food is worse than that. Because if there is that much food, then all of them will say, let's go inside after doing a crime, at least there will be a roof, there will be blanket to sleep and that will be there. So they will do just that. So I'm saying it was probably worse than that. Then the same, wait again for 7:00 in the evening. Dinner would come again at 6:00-7:00. At 8:00 the lights will dim and after 8:00 you have to sleep. By 9:00-9:30, means after 8:00-8:30 you have to sleep. You can't sit. What were you doing during that time? Used to think, why did I come? Why is this happening? Just what's wrong? Just think, think. That's what I am saying, your mind gets lost. When you spoke with others, what would they say? Chalk and cheese. Some person used to say that... Used to show the positive side of a jail. That positive side -used to be so negative. -Like? It used to be like... this person has not done anything, will be released in 1-1.5 years. It's like that, so bad. They know that he didn't do anything wrong. He has been trapped. So he will take 1-1.5 to come out. These guys used to say it very happily. Sometimes they used to say that this jail is not good, what a good jail that jail is. So used to listen to all these things and sometimes used to listen to some crimes, how many years is his sentence? He is just a boy. He has committed three murders. He committed one murder, he committed such a brutal murder. So, I was like, committed such a brutal murder. So the person who did this used to tell me that if I had not killed him, he would have killed me. When I used to listen to such things, I was like, yeah bro but… And later on you know what he used to say after a while? He used to say that I wish I had let him kill me. It's like he's been there for 8 years. That I have been here for 8 years and everyday feel like... Means his excuse is this, why I killed him, the reason is that he came to kill me. I killed him to save myself, because if I don't kill him, he will kill me, if not today, he will kill tomorrow. That's wrong, right? Now he is feeling so wrong about that wrong that I should not have killed him, I should have let him kill me -because I had to come here. -In hell. So it is like saying that one goes to hell after death but I came to hell alive. Was there aggression in them? Those who committed the murders. No aggression. -Was there aggression in anyone? -No. No one used to quarrel. There used to be fights but there's an inhibition, if there is a fight in the jail, you will fight in anger, it used to happen. But then both will get bashed. -Have you ever seen this? -Yes. Have you been hit? I didn't fight. But yes, I didn't fight. But something happened. Yes, that is an offering. -Want to talk about that. -Yes. If you don't want to, no problem. No, everyone knows, that is given like an offering. -Why? -For no reason. Just like that when you were brought to jail, you were... It is not allowed inside. But it's happens this way, why are you standing here? Wack. -It's like that. -Okay. Used to write anything in jail? I tell you, I could not write anything, but carried back a lot in mind. I am not able to write but I have brought a lot in my mind that okay I have stories to tell. I have things to say. I have an experience. What I have seen what changes will come in my life by that. But it's very difficult to write something there. Especially for me, for whom things change in mind every 10 seconds, is unable to process, is sitting and crying. So, I think. Because of the jail vibe? Yeah, it's a very depressing vibe. A very different atmosphere. You are between 80-100 criminals. I won't say 80-100 criminals. I'd say 40 criminals and 40 innocent people. Because they know and you will feel that okay yeah, he has been trapped, means he has done something. It's a very heavy experience. -I told you right? Even this nothing. -Why? Because whatever I say or my way of storytelling can describe, how bad it was. I don't know why I want to ask this question -but I will still ask. -Yes. When you were sleeping in the jail, did you get dreams? I tell you, I used to sleep. I used to wait, the moment it was time to sleep, take the blanket and sleep. And I used to sleep. Every 5-10 minutes, the eyes would open. Every 5-10 minutes. I don't remember if I had seen any dream there. Would get some dreams, and they used to be so real dreams, actually, that happened the whole day or supposed to happen tomorrow, that kind of a dream. It was known by seeing that dream that I have not slept properly, due to that they were so… Wasn't getting unreal dream. I'm driving a car somewhere and having an ice-cream, nothing of that sort. How long were you there? 37 days. Those 37 days were probably one of the most intense experiences of your life. Yeah. Has there been any more intense experience than this? Not till 37 days. But things have happened. Yeah, a lot of things. It's like intense experience I'll tell about mom, about dad. It's like it wasn't like the first 1 year after mom's arrival was very difficult or the first 10 days were very difficult. I won't say because, when dad's, dad's took place in 2020, dad was paralyzed for 9-10 years. As I told you, when I used to work in a utensil shop, even then I was happy with that life, but that hit when dad got paralyzed and then came to know that there is no money. Now medicines of 2,000 will come, where will 2,000 come from? Then came to know, that well money is needed. Savings or earning money, all these things are very important. Then it was also realized that we are poor. Since then, when dad's took place, and when dad's took place in 2020, there was a time when I recently uploaded a video and it went so viral that I was getting college shows for ₹10,000-15,000. College children used to see that there is a small festival, so let's call him, he will come in 10,000-15,000. And it was February then, and dad died. He had an attack. I posted the video in January end and in February I became a bit famous in Mumbai, so I got two college shows. Dad expired and both of them were 7 days after that. I had already got them. I had even taken half the advance from someone, the other half was yet to come. So there was a lot of money problem at that time because I had quit my job and money from stand-up had not started coming in yet. So, I remember that dad's body was taken in an ambulance from here to the village, for the last rites. So the cost of that ambulance came around 30,000. I had borrowed it from someone. Bro, give this to me, I had taken it. So these two shows, college shows, were after 7 days of dad's death. I was on stage on the 7th day in Mumbai, after his death. On the stage if I'll show you the clip, you will be like... it seems nothing ever went wrong in this guy's life. I'm on stage, I'm that guy. Being funny, making fun of things, like saying things and after getting down from the stage, one second after getting down from the stage, I was like, I'm crying. I have come down, sometimes I have climbed, I have climbed the stage, I am crying behind, I am disturbed, after climbing the stage, hi friends, how are you? Even now that thing has not gone. If we call these 37 days the most intense, then I won't say that, because I think the last 16 years without my mom, I feel that every day that what did this happen? Why did this happen? So, I think that thing has not gone. I can't say a year was difficult for me, or a month was difficult for me. I think the 16 years were difficult for me and every day it is getting more difficult for me. Those vibes. Do you still have that pain in your heart, of those 16 years? Because I don't know if it is. -A lot. -It's still there? It is like, it's everyday increasing. Every day it increased. Whenever something happened good, something bad happens, something good happens, that thing increases. -Pain. -Yes, why not there? Even if it was good, same question. Why not there? What is its solution? Not looking for solution. Let it be. Because there is no solution. You will keep on living with pain. Even that is an emotion. Now it is a part of life. I can't change it. Regarding solution... There is no solution for mother. Maybe your own family. No, it is not a solution. I think that... Respect and love. -You know how much people love you. -Yes. I want to say something deep. But in return, -I will share an Instagram quote with you. -Definitely. I read it in a Reel yesterday. The universe often starves you for a very long time to prepare you for what's coming. Do you also agree? As I said, I believe only in my fate. I feel that what happens, happens for good doesn't seem good at that time. But as I said, had mom not been there, I would've not been here. But sometimes I feel, **** this. I don't want this. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be famous. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to be comedian. I don't want to be loved, want mother. -It is that deep? -Yeah. I would still want to know why? Why haven't you been able to let go of it? Hold on, because I am asking as a bro. I don't mean to cross a line. As a bro and as an artist. Have you ever tried to let go? No? Held on to love. I don't know why I am not able to let go. Have you tried? Maybe I have. But the same, I feel that it is very strong, I think. Like I said, there is no replacement, plus there is no solution. Because when there is no solution for a thing, then there are distractions. When there is no solution for things, distraction-- We say that if you are worried, your friend says, let's go out, I will take you around. So you get ready, you roam around, music in the car You even liked it. You also had dinner out. But you can't run away from it. So I never tried to run away. I never did those things to distract myself. Because I want to distract. I did things to do things. I want to go to work. Want to climb the stage. So I did not climb the stage to forget the death. I climbed to pay the money for the ambulance. I could have cancelled these two shows. A tragedy has taken place in my life. I am in deep sorrow. I can't do the show. Will earn money later. It's human tendency, money isn't big. Money is not big. But I don’t want to wait. I don’t have the option to wait. Has God come closer to you, in this phase? The one above.. Because of all these things. I am sorry, I’m saying this. But a lot of things, I don't want to say snatched, the world has snatched, but some things have left your life. Does the one above come to you, after taking away these things from you. There is a quote, an Islamic quote, "Allah does not trouble his fellow beyond what he can bear". It only means that whatever trouble has befallen you, you could tolerate that's why it has come upon you. And somewhere... We say that have to teach someone a lesson. You are in some wrong place when this thing comes from above, it is either a punishment or your test. We also give difficult questions in exams, why do we give in exam? That if you better it, -there is a good job ready for you. -Test. I think these things work in such a way, and I only take it as it is. Whatever happens in life, that is a plan. He has created the whole world. He has to run the whole world. He will not run according to me. He will run according to him. Now it's the same, do you believe in destiny. So, you take it. I think you get happiness too. Sometimes I feel why is this life so good? Then this thing is felt, that all of this is not there, all these things are taken away. There is a song in the album, Mumtaz. My mom's name was Mumtaz. So, there is a song in the album. I have written a line in it. After writing that line, After writing the whole song, I felt that I hate it, that I can write it. But you have not written it. You understand. I hate the fact that I am able to write it. Because to write it, what I have gone through, for this to come out, this art of mine. For this art of mine to come out, the ordeal that I had to pass, so the whole song is like that. What is the line? In the whole, whole song is like that. All the lines are like that, but when I say one line, I myself feel, why did I write this, and what am I writing? This world wants to meet me, but I want to meet the one, who is not in this world. It is so ungrateful. Like, how much selfish, I feel. I don't think it is ungrateful, bro. No, no. It is like I feel. You have the world. The world wants to meet you. I am saying, I want to meet the one, who is not in this world. I don't want to meet the world. I have not lived your life. But all I can point you towards as a brother is destiny and God's plan. This is not the end of the podcast. But I really liked it that I could know your heart today. And I am understanding now, why is there so much love in your heart. Because your heart somewhere is searching for that love but because you are not getting that love easily, you are giving love to the world. That is a very good feeling. When I am on stage, I have performed music also on stage. I have also done comedy. But I may have even done poetry on stage. The happiness you get while seeing people smile, That is unmatchable. Still I go on the stage without getting paid, still. There are some shows that are done as open mic. There is a comedy shows, dropped in there as a surprise. The last performance is by Munawar Faruqui. They are like, Munawar at ₹200 a ticket. We gave that to watch some other show and Munawar is going to performing here. So, I still go and perform in those shows even today. I also have the advantage that I write my new jokes and try. The happiness that you get looking at them, that is unmatchable. Whenever I've saw you in public, or seen in photos, you keep smiling. Yes, yes, that is because, only when I smile, the photograph comes out good. But this smile, is a real smile. Yes, that is true, that is real. Whenever I am smiling, I am doing it in real. Even if my fake smile will get noticed, it is so fake. That is very fake. I think when a person smiles, -his real face is seen. -Yes. You agree to this? As I said, I can't make out people so fast. But yes, this is very subjective, I think. That is in your smile, there is love. I would also like to say as a bro, there is a bit of **** too. That is needed. Yes, that I exactly remember. The ones who are extremely young, extremely, they used to sometimes tell me, get that feeling from you. Engineering student. -It is there in engineers. -We get that feeling from you. So it happens that way. But yes, people also say, that yes, looking at you gives a positive vibe in some way. I want to say, and because I feel I am also the same, 'positive harami'. 'Positive harami.' -Agreed? -Yes, yes. What is a 'positive harami'? I think a 'positive harami' but not harmful. I will say. When you say 'harami', you think 'harami' means, does he do the wrong things. Loots, what does he do? So, like that. He gets high the wrong way. It sounds something like that. But it is like, this 'positive harami', I will say is not harmful. He is smart, is not harmful, is fun. You know, I saw your Lock Upp clip. Where you are narrating a very painful but romantic poem. It went very viral. You know which thing I am talking about? A lot of clips went viral. But I know that... You are sitting in a room, you are looking at someone. Wrote a poem on visualizing. A poem has been written, will tell you when we meet. Yes, yes, the same. I remember that, because that was the first poem, when everyone was sitting. And I was at the table, at the dining table this way, saying that poem. Some other Munawar had come. A different Munawar was saying the poem. Yes, yes. That poetry is about love. The poem was written in that way, a poem has been written, will tell you when we meet. As the person is no longer in this world. Have only assumed, if this person comes in life, then this will happen. Also aware that, is out of league. Is out of reach. So, that was written, a poem has been written, will tell you when we meet. It was just a comparison, 'Your character is clear as glass, while I carry a thousand stains. You are like a precious stone, while I dwell in the market. Even if I respect your presence, when you are around, I shall be respectful too, but how shall I come after seeing you? how do I hide the feelings and madness inside me? Couldn't hide. You couldn't hide. No, no. It is not possible. It is like express in writing, that you bring along an age and I will bring along the empty books. Bring along your entire life and I will bring along the empty books. No promises of plucking anything, for I shall showcase the stars by my pen. -Aashiqui. -Full on. Aashiqui 1-O-1. Two things struck me when I saw the clip. The first thing that I felt was, there's a romantic in him, like me. The second thing I felt was, this person is definitely going to be a rapper. I really felt that. Genuinely, that's why I'm not surprised, all this is happening now. I'm immensely enjoying talking with you, genuinely. Same bro, same, will tell you the reason for enjoying the talk. It does not feel like an interview. It feels like a conversation. About the world, about things, about own? -This happens very rarely with me. -Why? I sit and meet with very few people. The reason for that is, when you become famous, after that, any new person comes in your life, he has the same questions? The one who is already there in your life, nod to everything respecting you for what you are. Not asking you too many questions. Do you get it? What if he feels bad? Why would he answer me? What if he gets irritated? Many of these things come. Some people have pressure that when they are in front of me, they want to flex about something. they want to say something about themselves. For your validation. Yes, so that he can match and have a conversation with me. But they don't know what is it to have a conversation with me? If you want to have conversation with me, what we are talking today it is that. That I like to talk about art. I like to talk about work, about business. To talk about pain. I like to talk about life I don't want to tell what is my favorite color I don't want to tell which is my favorite movie. Such conversations are healing for bros. Yes, this does not occur in boys. This conversation doesn't happen between boys, friends -Why? -Why doesn't it happen is the biggest question, should happen. But it doesn't happen among boys, friends Between boys it happens that... is it? Nothing will happen, leave, let it go. Do you get it? He has already, you just started and he said nothing happens don't get tensed, everything will be fine Hey brother, at least listen This zone comes in friends. That is the level of comfort. They feel this is healing. Healing happens by talking. Because by talking, you are giving a shape to your thoughts to your pain. By knowing that shape, sometimes you also get to know the solutions. Generally, I feel, talking is like a workout for emotions. I agree, I always believe, Your perspective, what you think about things, and you think it is absolutely right, and just I want it to be that way. When you share that with two people, or you know from two people about that, then you will not be able to notice what those people will notice. I used to work in an advertising company. -Is it? -Yes. -Yeah, yeah. In 2011. -When? From 2011 to 2018. So what used to happen over there? Had to type a lot of English spellings and so on, and after that it used to go for proofing. Used to give proofing to one person and the one who used to work at my place used to give proofing to two people. And the mistake used to emerge from that. The first one missed out the mistake, the second one used to find out. Once the proofing was done, he should have found it. But sometimes it used to happen, that even he used to miss it. I always feel that-- I am just telling about yesterday. I was sitting on an edit, I finalized the edit. I liked it. I shared in the group. The feedback that they gave. The changes that they suggested, after hearing them I felt, makes sense. The thing that I found perfect, that thing, just because I asked people for feedback, Then I realized it could be better. So, sometimes it works in a very good way. That is the seal of a commercial artist. Means there are many artists in the world, but if you want to earn something in life, can be money, can be fame, then it's very important to take feedback. It is a must. I did not make that horse, I am not that painter, that I make the horse like this and sell it to you. That this is a horse. You believe I have made a horse Just because that brush is visible that is the tail of the horse, and it got sold in crores of rupees. So, I don't want to be that artist. Listen to my voice, don't want to be. I want to say my point but I also want to say your point. I also want to say what you want to hear. People who become mainstream artists, who become mainstream culturally relevant, like you, have reached there because of feedback. -Of course. -People don't understand this. People think things just happen. But actually, a lot of weeks have passed, in feedback loops. Brother in my album I think I have played each song 200-300 times in my car. Whenever someone new sitting in my car, I’m playing my album to him. This is my album. Listen to it. -While listening, I'm seeing the reaction. -***. So I know what is going on. When I was listening to your songs, what did you notice? I was just, what are you vibing on it, what are you understanding, so I understood, what you're listening is not listening according to a listener, You are listening now because you want to know something about which you can talk on the podcast. So I know that you are listening to it carefully, that okay, okay, okay, at the same time this is also going on, that he even does all this. No, no. I had expected. Someday you will become a rapper. -So I was not surprised. -Not surprised? I was observing your rhyme schemes. Yes, yes, I understood. That even you write, so I understood, I don't have to give lyrics to this person. He is a listener who knows what is it. Your attention also was towards that. And I was trying to understand the vibe. Wanted to understand the vibe. Whether the person is vibing or not. We don't know what is he saying in Despacito? But listening to it for the first time, -we vibed, that's the end. -***. You are a very deep person. -I like such podcasts. -Thank you, bro. When there are things to talk. You say this in every podcast? -No. -No. Not many podcasts go deep. Sometimes go deep knowledge wise. I got it. I know, I know. Emotions wise not always. Yeah, it occurs to me that there are different questions and it is being discussed today. Today, an interview is not taking place. Friend, going deep emotion wise is not in everyone's capability, it is in the capability of writers. Because that is our job. Your own mind-- You are peeping inside your own heart every day. A lot, a lot. It's like very easy. It happens that our heart and mind, both work together. So sometimes it happens with us that the mind is lying by the side bro, only the heart is working, only the heart. Things are coming only from the heart and only that is going on. Not thinking about the consequences, what will happen? Because the mind is lying by the side. Sometimes the same opposite works, because no matter how much the heart says, the mind… no. Even after listening to the heart so much, you are paying attention to street smarts. I did not pay attention to being street smart, I am saying that. The street smart came in front himself and collided in such a way that you are standing on the street and you have to now sell things, otherwise you will get sold. -Did that Dongri phase help you. -A lot. You can recognize people, you said that you do not recognize. No people ever-- I am saying the same thing that you cannot recognize a person now. Because when the person knows -how can you recognize. -Mask. Now there is not as much knowledge etc. as before, now there is so much knowledge in everything, I will give you the example, there is so much knowledge about everything that people know that they should not do these things. Someone will judge, this will happen. It's good also, it's bad also, that every human has become ready. If after sex he kissed you on the forehead, that means he truly loves you. All ****boys have come to know this. Now everyone has come to know this. Now he doesn't love, but it's like okay wait. Here, come here. No, no, no. So, it's like, it's so difficult, that you just gave it away. That was not to be revealed. Not everyone is 'positive harami'. Some people are 'negative harami'. I can think this bro. That's what I'm saying. I am artist, I am that artist. I am not fond of drinking, I drink to forget my sorrows, you heard this song, right? Very famous song. I am not fond of drinking, I drink to forget my sorrows. He is mentioning sorrow in the whole song. So you drank, so why didn't you forget. You have not forgotten your sorrow, bro. You are mentioning sorrow in the whole song? But you are saying that I drink to forget my sorrows, but a person does not forget sorrows after drinking alcohol. Tell about Dongri. But you told, told a little. Dongri is such that where I used to live, the house where I used to live 8-9 people used to live in that. This room is big. This room is bigger. The room was half of this, where 8-9 of us used to live. Assume in this part, there is kitchen and bathroom. And in this part, used to live in that much. So 10 years here. 10-12 years passed here. Everyone lived together there. And it used to happen that while taking a bath in the morning, one has to go to the bathroom to bathe and put on the light in the bathroom. Can't turn on the room lights because people are sleeping. So you have to get out of the room every day without trampling. So this was life and this life was a comfortable life. What just this life, there was no problem in it. Had a comfortable life. Plus job in Dongri, and after that where I had joined an advertising company as an office boy and I worked there for 8-9 years. So after 1 year I used to sit on a computer. There used to be a creative department, after 2-3 years I was heading that creative department. Means right there a lowest post and highest post of that office, the one below the boss. So, in these 2.5 years, I was here. -From the lowest post. -How? Same, smartness. Break down a bit. I just mail and so on. I take approval by calling the publication. Got the material? Got it. Now after some time I am seeing making design on computer. Know a little bit of designing. I have learned a little Now I am going and making design. Making faster than that guy, shortcuts. I am making it fast, I am doing the work fast. Now sometimes no one is there, when the client called, took the call, I spoke with the client. So slowly the boss saw, and he is like sit here, on the side. Working more than needed. Working more than needed, doing it fast, doing smartly, and you make sure that the work you have done, you were told to make this. You made that and you even added a cherry on top. -Do you still do this? -Yes. Yeah definitely, if I'll work for you. You'll get happy. Means I'll make sure that if you told me this is to be done, I'll give you that in a very bad sha-- Means in a very short time, I will give you that instantly. And what you have thought, you will definitely get it, will get better than that. Want to ask you a raw question, and I am asking this because a Special Forces veteran had come on this show, who has now become a politician. He criticized you without taking your name and then I had to stand up for you on the show. No, means you were called anti-national, I said, I don't think he is anti-national. Because I have a generational connect with you. Means we are of same age. 94 roughly. -93. - Yes 93, even me 93. I understand you from a very, I feel like you are my brother, and I understand your art as an artist. I have never even felt, a little bit that you have something anti-national in you, -did not feel and wrong vibe from you. -Yes. I know that people found that one joke controversial. I don't personally find that controversial. This is just because I said, I am also going to get criticism. I know the nature of internet audiences. I often feel that as a Hindu guy and I am a practicing Hindu. Many people reject me. I am sure you also feel that as a Muslim. That people reject you just because you are a Muslim. Is it reality? Yes, yes all. It is in front of everyone. How do you process that. I feel a little bad sometimes. Because I am making art. I am making art for everyone. I told you that I felt bad when I went inside. It was not my intention. I know my intention, and anti-national, calling anti-national is like… This is very, I think the one who can say this thing, That person-- I didn't even ask you the name, who was he and I might not even go and check. Because I am saying focus on love, I focus on love, that is my energy. So if he has said this, then I'll say that, it's okay. I will not come in your comments section to say anything. I will not come to say anything about you. Because If I accept freedom of speech, then I will accept yours too. That you want to speak, you have spoken. A person has disagreed in front of you on your face, it is my win. Because, that person who said this thing to you, that person believes, that he is coming to you and talking, doing a podcast with you, that means your credibility in the eyes of that person is good and a person of that level, at the same time, disagreed with him that I don't agree with you and I am sure that he must have taken this disagreement very well. So, this disagreement, what you have done is a win for me. Because you don't feel it, right? So when everybody doesn't feel the same thing, right? Not all of us feel cold. Not everyone feels hot. But this is a very bad and big allegation. To say anti-national, you don't know the extent of country inside me, you understand? It's like… It's very bad to say, you will find in the comments section of a Muslim, it is 15th August, why didn't you post the photo with the flag? But you will not see that comment, in any other, non-Muslim. You will not see it in his comment section, you will not even notice it. We have to prove this, bro, that I also sing Vande Mataram. I do not eat things which are banned. Means why is it banned? Because it is you have faith, If it is your faith then I don't want to eat it. I don't even want to eat secretly. Because that is faith. And that is Faith, therefore there is law. Loyalty to the country is half faith. Loyalty to the country is half faith. This is in Islam. Half faith means you believe in your God, and you do, you read namaz or pray, That's 'Aadha Imaan', that you believe in your God, and the 'Aadha Imaan', loyalty to your country. But to prove that, I have to put a DP. I have to give some slogans on 15th August. I have to sing Vande Mataram. Whenever there is a national anthem, then this question comes that you will have to stand, although I have to stand. I know the law. I know the respect that I am going to stand. But why you feel I don't want to stand. How? Why? You don't even know me. You don't know millions like me, what is in their heart. To prove how much of a nationalist I am, I will have to do all those things. What about you? You just have to say, I have Muslim friends. That's so easy. That's so easy for you to prove that, you are secular, you just have to say, we also have Muslim friends. They come to my place, eat. I go to their place, eat. In just this you have been proved that you are secular and I have to do all this to prove it. I don't have any problem doing it. Trust me I do that. But I don't want that pressure to be there that, I am doing this on your saying. I am going to do it from my heart. I do it from my heart, I have been doing it even before becoming famous. I feel the country is going through a very weird phase. But I also feel that our generation is a generation with a little right thinking. That's what I want, that's what I want, and that's what I believe, that this generation understands. So I know some people will disagree with you, some will agree. Some people will believe in narration. Bro anti-national, by way of what bro? I **** like, I can dive-- I can die for the country, you will send me to the border, I'll go and happily. I have respect for the military, which is our army. I have a **** respect, What are these people? Why is this? How is their heart? and what kind of child has their mother given birth to? The one who is standing there for the country, there to fight. But those people are seeing that people are fighting behind. Perhaps you haven't got a chance to say these things yet. Opportunity, that's what I am saying, you are not coming to ask this. What is my heart, what do I think? You are not even coming to ask. You just feel that oh well, he does not agree with the government, so he is anti-national. -When journalists interview you. -Yes. Do they spice up the question, like this? Why do they spice up? Because people want to see that spice. But do they ask such questions? -Of course. -That there is a-- -Yes, that comes up. -What do they ask? What is your problem with the government? I was like, bro, when did I tell you, I have a problem with the government? I am a comedian. I am a satirist. Our prime minister is so famous so I joked about him bro. Just because he is famous. You become famous, I will joke on you too. Because people will have context. People will know. I'd like to give you a little grandpa perspective. I think I have become a bit of a grandpa because of the podcast. That I meet monks, this, that, etc. So, I met a Buddhist monk, means I learn one thing from every podcast. From him I learned altruistic thoughts that means before praying for myself one should pray for the world. These are the basis of Buddhist thought. Tibetan Buddhism. They always start it for the world. So even I started this. Every day when I sit for meditation, I pray for the world first. Because of this at least I felt that my empathy increased a lot. Now what people think in their heart, it can be anyone. Cab be my own enemies too. The people who have troubled me, can also be them. But I do look at them a bit empathetically. As we are talking, I was thinking of this person. First thing, I have a lot of respect for him too, because he is a former soldier, a very high-level soldier. Means have taken bullets and so on, have done anti-terrorism missions. He has done a lot. So, there is a lot of response. After his military career, a political career has started and I have come to know that whoever comes close to politics, very sharp opinions start forming inside their heart and mind. Often it is for political marketing. This is the marketing strategy of that party. Means Congress has a marketing strategy, BJP also has a marketing strategy. And you for some people... Well, I felt, and you, -your marketing strategy, I was like... No, no. No, no, I'm not a journalist, bro. But you are involved in the marketing strategy of some people. Honestly, targeting you has become a bit cool. I tell you, the first thing, as you said, such a veteran and he... The people around him are probably influencing his thoughts. Every person gets influenced. I get by you, and you by me, by listening to something. It is always that, when you are in such a position and like this, now what politics has turned into is, politics is about, it's not about the parties, that I will do better work than you. I'll do better work than you, I want to stay, pow-- Look, the first thing is that being high on power is a different thing. No one works hard to serve. You have to give food to your watchman, you will see, bro, just give food to the watchman while leaving. Okay, when I get down in the car parking, then I will give food to the watchman. You won't be like cook the food quickly, I want to go give the food to the watchman, hot. I will come after giving one roti, then I will come to take another, I will make him sit and serve it hot. No one becomes sweet to serve. You can do service even without motive. The intoxication of power is fun. So, they want to remain in power, they want to do service, but want remain in power. So now it comes to fight. You are bad, you are bad, you are dirty, you are dirty, you are dirty. No one is trying to call each other better here. It doesn't matter to me that you are in the government, you are in the government. In India the problem is… Not India, maybe problem of the whole world, but I'll say that, we have had such a bad experience of things, that now we appreciate people for doing their duty. Saw how the roads have shaped. Hey, did you bring the road from home? It is a road, it was your job to build the road, bro. I also voted for you to make the road. You make another road on top of the road and from there you directly release fountains, do lighting, design peacocks, plant flowers, then it will feel, what a good job you have done. You had to build the roads. You have got the money for that, you have not made it, by bringing it from home, bro, I brought the stone and so on from home. We paid the money as tax. Till now I did not earn enough to pay tax, now I have started earning. But the ones who must be paying, those roads were being built with their tax for so many years. Whether being made for 70 years or it being made for 10 years. So, the problem is that we are appreciating-- It is good to appreciate, but to make someone a hero to do his duty, it seems to me that-- The problem that happens then, is you ask less questions to a hero. You follow politics, actively? Good enough, good enough, I just feel that when the most powerful person is saying that I am your servant then why are you making him a hero? He himself wants to do service, you ask questions. Question why is it like this? Why is it like that? Appreciate if done something good, Don't appreciate what's wrong. So that is my perspective. That is my idea. That bro things will get better when we work for it, or the people who work are right. It doesn't matter be it BJP or Congress. There is someone contesting in your locality, you know that this man is right, vote for him, no matter which party he is representing. You know that this person wants the betterment of his area. He is a social worker, he gets medicinal work done, gets this done, now he is representing the BJP, so I won't say, well he choose BJP. I will not vote for him now. No bro, it is good for you. Let him choose Congress, choose BJP, do whatever. Your vote should go to him. So if people start giving votes on merit, then the country is in a good state. Do you think it will happen? Maybe, it is happening. Maybe happening. The present party could be good for the country. Because now if I say that I have some areas, if you look, if you'll go to some places you'll feel like wow, what a development. I never play one side, because I have nothing to do. Neither does he come and give me money, nor does he come and give me money. I have nothing to do with anyone. I pay my own ration bill. But when I, I had just been to Gujarat. I keep going many times, in 6-8 months. In it, I was also traveling in some villages. I saw schools. Where vehicles are not reaching, I have seen small schools there. They are made by the government. I have an elder uncle. He got a medical condition, and they are in no position to even buy medicines worth ₹10,000. My cousin told don't get tensed, it has been dealt with. I was like, how? So, he said, he has his card, issued by the government. A treatment up to 5 lakh is done in that. Here I am talking about BJP. I am talking about Gujarat government. You are a Gujarati since many years. So that person is getting this benefit because of the government. Now we know this, did you know that any government is giving medical up to 5 lakh? And elder uncle's gets a low light bill. Because in Gujarat there is a BPL card, it is given to some people who do not have work or who are retired, or who come below a certain level of income. They have all these facilities, there are schools there are street lights, the road is good. So, when I see these things, I feel that if I look from this perspective and pay attention, then these people are also working. Where does the problem happen? Humiliating the other person and these are some decisions to remain in power. I feel that any religion in the world has two aspects. One aspect is personal. And religion is a very good thing for personal life. Because you remember the one above, through your religion. Another aspect is how people in power use religion. People who-- People who have power, can influence a lot of people with religious sentiment and because you are a youth icon, because you are a Muslim, because you are a Muslim youth icon, I feel you are the face of young India in some ways. Bro I am saying the same thing that it should be on merit. Vote should not be on religion, it should be on merit, and again on merit it happens that, if there is a blame against him, then he can contest an election. But if there is a blame against him, he cannot do a comedy show. -I feel that you are very… It is the thrill of power, you getting it? There is power, I have 38 cases, 50 cases, 60 cases, but I can contest elections. But if I have one case, I can't do a comedy show. Because the power that exists, I am the scapegoat of that power. I am their scapegoat, he is an easy target, grab him. Are you unfairly targeted? I feel many people because of that joke are still angry with you. -That's the thing. -Yeah. Would you like to say anything about that joke? People who especially-- I am exactly saying that, if you'll see the entire life, if you'll see the entire content, that 6 hours you-- If I have put 6 hours of my stand-up comedy on YouTube, then 20 seconds out of that, is the problem that you have, am I that person? Is this what I want to do? No. Everyone makes mistakes. Every person can be taken out of context. Tell me five names on whom there is no allegation and who are not in problem and who is not facing serious allegation and today he is not in power, or in a good status or at a celebrity status. Everyone. Something or the other has happened to everyone. Such jokes must be happening from all sides. But that was not my intention, it came out in a wrong way. It went in a wrong way. I will defend it, that my intention was not wrong. But now I'll feel, I had no intention, yet I should not have done it. I know that okay, if it seems wrong to someone, then obviously it is wrong. I can't say, why did you find it wrong, bro? It is not wrong, I cannot impose on him, it is your faith. You'll decide what you find offensive. That is your faith. You say that you do not like such things, So, everyone has different perspective, so what I want is, I want people to see my other things. That I am not this person who is being shown to you. I am much more than that. Which is not harmful for anyone and is not a problem for anyone. I would like to say a selfish thing, which is that, maybe that's why people are listening to podcasts nowadays because they get a chance to know the perspectives of people. Which probably does not come from journalism. Don't get… Which maybe is not got from social media either. Gets very restricted. What you want to show on social media, it is very restricted for celebrities. I tell you that, I used to say many things. Not about religion only. About people, celebrities, comedians, actors, Bollywood, used to say a lot of things which I cannot speak now. Then there were 100 people listening to me. No one was there, no one knew, So, you understand? Then it doesn't matter. It makes a difference when you become famous and many people listen to you. After a point, fewer things have to be said. Bro, but why should only we care? The people who make these laws. Those who boast about it, -there is no control on their say. -Fair. But maybe when you have that much power, you do anything. Or power or money. One of the two. -Mostly Power. -Power, bro. Power will pull the money. The amount of targeting that is done on you, I find it unfair, all in all. I feel that every person… Thank you. Thank you bro, for saying this, for thinking this, thank you. and I meet a lot of people like that. -It's unfair. -It is like they meet me, I know, people are so right. This is today's generation, we say that they are making Reels, doing this, wasting time. But they are smart. I would also like to say, why it is unfair. I would like to break down a bit more. I hope I can break it down properly, what my heart feels. I feel that you cracked a joke, because the culture of comedians is a little bit inspired by the West. And the comedy culture of West is built for the social science there. The social science there is satire, are conversations like these. In our culture, in the culture of India, social science is very much respect oriented and ego oriented. And some people just don't want that you should enter the domain of religion with your jokes and I have also learned it through podcasts. No matter how many opinions you have, You don't have to express everything on the internet. Because even if you are expressing on podcast, some people will take that snippet and make a reel. This is the reality of our internet today. Also, things from this podcast… That's the clip, isn't it? If you'll see the entire video, you won't realize it. But if you see that 15-second joke, you'll be like what did he just say? Hey, that is out of context. But in such situations you have to completely… break down the intention. If someone talks to you, knows you, knows your heart, -Your reality is revealed. -Absolutely. Which to some extent is revealed to people through podcast. -To some extent. -Yeah, that has happened to me. When people were supporting me. People still love me. Come for my shows. On Internet if you will see. So why? Because they know. They know me, his intention is not that. He is not that person. We will not hate Amrish Puri that he said, 'Bol Hindustan ****' to Sunny Deol. -Fair. -Right. If Gadar Movie, 20 Years? 20-25 years. Imagine Gadar movie releasing now and there is a trailer and in that trailer, Amrish Puri is saying to Sunny Deol, 'Bol Hindustan ****', 'Bol Pakistan Zindabad'. Fictional character, Pakistani character, but still Amrish Puri, there is trend running on Twitter. Go, die, whatever trend, but that will run. There will be a protest against the movie. How did you say 'Hindustan ****'? It is out of context. You don't even know who is he. Is a Pakistani, is this, that. Well, how did he play the role of a Pakistani? So it can happen today. It didn't happen then. Now the chances are, the clip of the trailer, will be taken out of context and people will start protesting. Talking to you, it seems that you are also a bit centrist. You are not on any side at all. Though people will assume, you are on one side fully. But I have also spoken to the actual extreme left and extreme right. Extreme left and right, both don't listen to you, live in their own world. Some extreme right people, whom I have met on podcasts, who actually listen to things. Understand your perspectives. I am yet to meet maybe I have spoken very less with extreme left, maybe because of that. And I'm waiting to talk to extreme left also. But with extreme right, I have-- I feel I've asked some intense questions, that why are you doing this? Why is there so much extremeness? They go back to history. They start saying, you know, what happened 500 years ago? Which I don't completely agree with. Because we are in 2023. Now let's see what is the situation now and what is the situation of the world. Our country has been constantly manipulated due to divide and rule. When there will be unity in the country, all kinds of unity, not just religious unity. Means unity of right and left also. And all other types of unities. The country will progress a lot. Whoever is talking against this unity, is actually talking against the country, but it is not known. Many people are talking against unity because it is a political agenda. Because if you put something extreme in your political marketing campaign, you get votes. That is the truth. Just for saying this, I am going to get in a lot of trouble, I know. But, I think it is important to have it. In saying all this, I feel that you, same what I was saying, are a Muslim youth icon. You get targeted again because of political agendas. Muslim youth icon, then the problem is that, I am never become a poster boy. Like I am a Muslim youth icon. I don't become that. You are for the extreme right. Yes, I am for them. Because I know how is my audience. When I go to the show, I know who's come to watch the show. Even the ratio here is the same, of the show. The ratio of who purchases a ticket and come is the same as India. Even the audience there, that is India is sitting in front of me. Everyone mixed, sitting side by side, having a laugh. Don't care. The unity that you are talking about, the change that you are talking about that change is impossible. It is very sad to say to say. -It is a very bad thing to say. -In our lifetime. Those who have, who are sensible, is there in them. I will not say that the one who is extreme is not sensible, he is sensible. But the way he thinks, it has been built in that way. -I will tell you. -Fair. Very recently, Mumbai won the match, RCB went out. If you will see the internet, If you will see the comment section about Shubman Gill. It is so bad. He are not fans of Virat. If they are fans of Virat, they will think like Virat. Dedication. How hard that person has worked? What has that person turned into? What a person he is, people are scared, bowlers are scared. You being a fan of such a person, you are abusing Shubman Gill, giving death threats. The comment section is telling, how is the competition. In a sport like cricket too, they see the competition so toxically, that they are abusing his family. The poor guy has hit a century. He has done his job. Even such a great deed, people will not appreciate, because it does not fit their convenience. -Fair. -He has done a good job. He has won the match. He has become a hero. But, so many people do not like because, they want Bangalore to win. I felt bad that RCB went out. But, I liked that this boy is the future of India. How good he plays man? So by seeing this thing I will not abuse that. I felt bad for Kohli. I love him. But this is me as a human being. Now see, ones like me are just not commenting. Why are they not doing? They don't want to get trapped. If I comment, people will say something behind me. Then argue with him, I have better things to do. So, the ones who are sensible, calm, good people, they just don't comment their numbers are more. But the ones with less number want to make comments. So it feels, this hate is so big. The hate is not big. The same fool is making 10 comments. He has no other work -because he has no respect at home. -Agreed. See, people who love, they have a lot of work, and they are sensible so they even love you, understand you, so they will not fall in this mess, will not fall in this dirt. And they have things to do. So it feels that the situation has turned very fiery. The situation has not heated. Only the kettle is hot. Wow, will the kettle cool down, with time? No, the same, the kettle will remain hot. Because the fire keeps burning. But it's also a worldwide situation. This is with everyone. This is happening everywhere. This is with everyone. That is what I'm saying, the change that you are saying, that is an impossible change. Because of those few Twitter accounts, the world thinks that... And, it is going on getting bigger. It is going on getting bigger. Hate economy. Hate sells. So it is going on increasing. So I said, the change is difficult, because it is very sad, bro. The direction in which it is going, that is very sad. It is a life of depression. It is a life of worries. With your friend or with your brother, or with one you know or the one you don't even know, you are defending someone from him for hours and hours. And the one you are defending doesn't even know you? As an artist, I want to change this thing, about the country. I don't know if I'll be able to change. Exactly, the same thing, my focus is not on changing that thing. My focus is on this thing, when you come back after creating all this mess on the Internet, watch my video and laugh for a while. That's right. Take out some time and listen to music. That's why I actually have a lot of hopes from the music as well. As music travels a lot. It does travel. That is what it is, people keep doing something somewhere. During the pandemic people became so free, bro, that they made this thing their home. Had it not been for COVID, the situation would have not been that bad. What people had to do in COVID? Had nothing to do. Feeling bored, what to do? Let me abuse Karan Johar. That's a... That hangover too is going on now, there is momentum. Had you ever felt like abusing Karan Johar, 4 years, 5 years ago? Want to abuse someone, man. Do you get it? Had you felt so? No you did not. You did not have a reason. When you had the reason, you did not have the time, Now you have reason as well as time. Now the hate that you receive in 2023, do you think about that? I say that I don’t think about hatred, bro. Because I told you, the amount of love that matters. I always just say this, my job is to entertain people. Even my intention is that. There is nothing more than that nor anything less than that. If I wanted to hurt people, I'm very smart. By doing a lot, by earning money, by earning name, don't give a zero about anyone. I am that smart. But what I chose, making songs, music, making comedy, making content, I chose this. I used that mind so that I could win people. You should go to Aap Ki Adalat. Have you ever watched Aap Ki Adalat? Yes, have watched a lot. You are accused of… There are many, many. It is a good show. Feels very right, Aap Ki Adalat. Have you ever been invited to Aap Ki Adalat. -No, I haven't been. -Should do. -Will not come to me. -Strongly feel you should be. No one has given you the chance to speak, fully. People expect you to only speak something in your act. No, I have spoken. Many times, I have tried to speak my stuff. But what happens, you know? People don't want to listen. Those who have made their opinion strong. Who is watching him? Bro, at least see what is he saying. What does he want to say, at least see that. You judged him after listening to something, so listen to something else and judge further. I hope, out of this audience, all the people who have watched this podcast, if anyone had a wrong opinion about you, -I hope it has changed. -One person, one person is enough. That is what I'm saying, You don't change, you don't do anything. Every day, I want to become a little better person than yesterday. That's it. I feel that your story has just started. Many people will know your heart. -In some time. -Yes, absolutely. All the best, brother. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Okay forget, I'm going to give you a hug. Sit, sit, sit, sit. Sit, sit. You are very nice, man. -And hoping all the best. -Same. Anyways see you soon, bro. -Thank you, bro. -Wish you all the best. Good bye. So, friends, this was today's podcast. I know that Munawar bhai will return back. In such people, who have seen so many perspectives, have seen so many stories, have written so many stories. With such people, you should do 10-20 podcasts. I liked talking to him very much. Learned, as an artist, I gained a lot. Just through what he had to say. This is his specialty. Here's wishing all the best to Munawar bhai and his music career. Definitely check out his music album. As I said, rap is the poem of our generation. So, support rap also friends. Support Munawar bhai. Munawar bhai, please come back, there's a lot to talk to you on TRS. Lots of love, bro. See you soon. 🎶[Music]🎶 🎶[Music]🎶 🎶[Music]🎶
Channel: Ranveer Allahbadia
Views: 3,511,508
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Keywords: hindi, beerbiceps, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps hindi, the ranveer show, trs, the ranveer show hindi, podcast, hindi podcast, podcast hindi, indian podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, the ranveer show podcast, munawar faruqui, munawar faruqui song, stand up comedy, munawar faruqui stand up comedy, munawar faruqui madari, munawar faruqui beerbiceps, munwar faruqui ranveer allahbadia, munawar controversy, munawar shayari, big boss 17 winner, bigg boss 17, munawar ayesha khan
Id: orNJshrISn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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