Bigeye Tuna Cutting Skill / 大目鮪魚切割技能 - How to Cut a Bigeye Tuna for Sashimi
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Keywords: Bigeye Tuna, Cutting Skill, How to Cut a Bigeye Tuna for Sashimi, 大目鮪魚切割技能
Id: jhGT64uWqDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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I'm not too sure what information I retain from this video, nor do I think I will recall the memory or have any use for the information in this video. All I know is I watched the entire video for some reason.
holy crap that knife is so sharp
Hey folks, I just really hope no one out there is going to use this video as reference on how to break down a tuna for sushi/sashimi. A ton of things done incorrectly here.
I wonder how much of what they throw away is edible. This whole video I kept stressing out because the urge to ask for scraps was so strong.
I've been thinking about what's going to happen in the next year. I don't think anyone is understanding how the fishing industry and Japanese cuisine market is going to be dwindled.
The good sushi joints have fresh flown fish and with aviation and everything closed this small thing we took for granted is no longer available.
I'm not a huge sushi person but I'll eat it here and there. Not one single japanese restaurant is open during this pandemic.
I was with it all the way till the end. Don't put your wasabi in your soy, add as needed to each piece of fish. Some bites you don't want wasabi and some you don't want soy.
I used to cut down big 15kg loins of tuna for use as steaks for searing and sashimi also.
Never cut down a whole fish but I worked with a fish monger who showed me videos of his coworker bizarrely cutting down tuna with a Japanese theme.
Tuna is great fish but often fished unsustainable, has to be flown in and has lots of mercury.
The skin is very tough like rubber and the flesh is very sticky and tacky.
Just imagine all that invisible plastic in that tuna
Anyone know what the value of that fish at the market would have been? Doesn't tuna usually sell for a high price in Japan.