BIG WRECKS - Counting down the biggest wrecks in Rodeo Time history

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[Music] hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girls rodeo fans of all ages i'm your host donnie daytona and this show is um it's new we are going to be counting down the top 10 wrecks from our archives throughout rodeo time history anyways let's get started starting out at number 10. let's give it a watch come on oh man at it sitting square riding good controlling that free arm and he's off good qualified ride and uh man's wrinkles get that rascal off of him he did a good job good video good start i think it's got a great place at number 10. and uh we can only go up from here folks so stay tuned coming in at number nine we got db again this comes from a rodeo time from way back rodeo time 35 sneaking up on dollar laying down those are good sneaking skills and then oh they're kind of fired right there comes off the front end fires that's a bucking pony right there i wouldn't want to get on him that was number number nine number nine db's got both spots so far here in the race okay looks like number eight is gonna be yours truly here we go from the top rope takes a seat pops the door here we go ah that hurts i don't know if you guys saw it or not right there oh 180 degrees that was number eight number seven yeah we got this is one of my all-time favorites we got nick anderson on prison mic pretty good match up here let's see what happens he's gonna he's gonna be a little faster drop your feet down stay in the middle drop that elbow down in there pops his free arm elbow down on his face here we go one jump to jump through jump he's still on his neck and airborne there he goes that was pretty impressive i'm not gonna lie the man lost his uh he lost his handle second jump second jump check this out mans opens his hand lost his handle but it's sitting pretty good for about a jump and a half two jumps and then he's riding this thing on his head just kind of gets caught up in his on his horns there and then he really gets tossed right we're moving on number six okay this is my man tristan mize great guy to be around if you ever get the chance to meet trista mize great dude so you can't really see it sorry about this i filmed this um i apologize should have backed up a little bit but if you listen closely you can hear him headbutt this bull and just calmly say ow and then like sarcastically say it and then just like get to his feet and handles himself really well that's a tough dude all right coming in at number five shoot it's me again so we're doing an ad here for something or other i can't really remember exactly what it was but dvd's like yeah just write them in the background and if anything happens west will get you out [Music] [Music] oh man gosh dang so you can't really see it as good but i'll slow it down for you i think he wanted to do something really really bad but i don't i just don't think he knew what to do in his defense um i like i don't i don't blame the guy personally but uh right here i realized i was in pretty big trouble my hand is hung and my foot is slid in between my riding hand and the bull and i'm in an awkward position there's just nowhere to go actually it wasn't that bad walked away uh ripped jeans that's about it that's the worst thing that happens to you in a day it's a pretty good day number four this is a ubf bull fight uh here at the beaches of winnebago anthony morse i guess uh that that's the name on the jersey i i know his first name is anthony but uh we'll give it a play through uh this was the second fight of the day championship round these are lights out fighting bulls all by jb mooney actually owned by quattro and kincaid lot south texas pretty good fight to start off front flips in there and just starts to go making rounds and just uh bull was fast got on him and a heartbeat let's play that back here ground's pretty deep right there and uh anthony kind of loses a foot there bull hooks his shorts gets him up off balance still trying to get away and then he really hooks him he got a hold of him there sent him up gets him down and just keeps hooking him puts him to the fence guys get him off of him and uh he's over could have been a lot worse yeah and uh the next one we'll show you how here we go number three this is another ubf bull fight from the beach this is kade gibson anyways let's watch it mans was having a pretty good fight makes a couple good moves right there kind of just loses his foot and this bull is gaining ground really fast and trying to get to the fence i'm pretty sure here kind of gets caught moving in a straight line changes directions a little too late and this bull gets him down and he camps on him for a long while dang this was a long time let's count this one two three four four seconds that's a long time man for a fighting ball to be on you that's a long time for anything but like for a mexican fighting bull to be on top of you hooking the crap out of you it's no good uh could have been a lot worse i'm pretty sure my man left that day with just a broken arm yeah i mean i think you gotta consider yourself lucky a broken arm after that that was ugly number two this is tyler kips great guy great bull rider this is one that's been going around a lot lately let's just give it a watch so man he nods makes a great ride sitting good the whole time just kind of gets down the pin goes to pull his tail it's right here guy puts both hands up and looking for a spot to get off and is just stuck his foot does not come out his his spur is caught in his bell strap it's not going to break your only hope is to cut it or get it to where it's not twisted up in there anymore this is a bad deal so db goes to dogging that's impressive too man hats off to that guy because like it might have not been the most strategic idea but it was balls out and he if you're gonna make a mistake make a mistake at 100 miles an hour and i think it probably worked out for everyone from beginning to end that whole ordeal is 40 seconds long that's a long wreck most wrecks are pretty pretty uh snappy they don't get drugged out like that ultimately i'm pretty sure pretty much everyone came out of this unscathed i think kipps minor ripped his new shirt but all in all i think that's a pretty good day especially with something like that happening you don't see most time you see something like that go down it's not good for somebody all right so number one here we go looks like wesley jane's on uh what we call 511. all right wesley james from the back 40 crowd in his flank it man 20 20. we're ready slides up drops his feet now he's nodding he's down in front of the ball dang that's a great save that was textbook right there oh man that bull comes out one and just right there in the door around to the left and then turns back the other way to hook west this is oh man lost his feet centrifugal force of those bulls he's pulling g's coming around there so keep your feet and then it's hard and especially a bull like that he's really he's really turning back and kicking and uh gets in a bad spot bull gets his head down getting ready to go to him db throwing the old shake and bake confuses the bull gets wes out of there get randy saving his bull rope that's textbook bullfighting right there and uh that's why this video is number one like it was pretty pretty balls out stuff right there and that was that was some gnarly stuff and great bull fighting all the way around gotta give it to him anyways that's our show i hope you enjoyed it that was the top 10 wrecks throughout rodeo time uh again let us know what you think in the comments uh what's what's something else you want to see me count down for you guys i'm all ears anyways i'm donnie daytona and i'm on to the next one
Channel: Dale Brisby
Views: 88,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodeo time, bull riding, cowboy, dale brisby, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, ranching, wrangler national finals rodeo, professional cowboys rodeo association, Professional bull riders, ranch horse, horses, horseback riding, Horse training, colt breaking, barrel racing, team roping, tie down roping, horse, cow calf operation, feedlot operation, sale barn, rodeo, trucks, cows, farming, JB Mauney, ProRodeo, bull fighting, freestyle bull fighting, rodeo clown, steer roping
Id: QG5r7391IyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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