Big Wall Climbing: How NOT to Poop on El Capitan

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the number one question people have while big walling is how to number two we're gonna go over the logistics of how to poop in a bag on this episode so sometimes it's a little awkward to poop with somebody on a portal edge and so what you can do is help each other out take this bag just press it against that all right we did it and that is how you poop on a portal edge with a partner oh then you want to get all the air out so what you do is you take your mouth and then you go he's vacuum sealed [Music] hi i'm ryan jinx and welcome to el capitan where there are seven or eight of us who need to poop and we thought it'd be helpful to teach you how you try making a powder poop video and not laugh there are two things that we are going to cover in this one and this is the classic wag bag but then i like to use gallon ziploc bags with toilet paper already pre-rolled up in the middle um something you might want to start doing is count how many squares of toilet paper you use on a regular basis average it out over 10 years and that's how much you should bring times two because you might eat mountain house she in the corner yeah oh my god [Music] all right i'll frame you out of it either way you want to fold the edges in we'll cover that you don't want to miss and you want to pack it out in a way that your friends won't hate you and we're going to talk about how to do it free hanging off of a portal edge and just on a normal ledge but you don't want to get everywhere so let's go into uh what's the pun for that let's get deep into it yeah we're going to make a splash there's a lot to cover so let's just plop right into this you don't want to pee into these ideally if you can help it i'm not telling you how to live your life but we will open this up and find out how to use a wag bag so right away we don't want to drop anything this style has some loose toilet paper so most big bags have like a main pouch that doesn't have anything in it this is going to be like your secondary barrier after you use this to take a dump in it it looks like they added some glue in here this is really nice maybe you don't even separate them maybe this stays inside it looks like it does i don't want to rip that yeah this it opens up nice and large you fit your whole booty in there no accidents that's like what's nice about the black bags compared to the ziploc method you can just like get all up in it that would explode everywhere i fit a lot of in there i don't think anyone's gonna fill that up and then you can see the powder i don't know why i'm still talking about this it's pretty straight it's a bag it's a big bag that's how you'll feel when you're big and not eating properly high means pretty important once you have adrenaline in your system your body's not likely to want to relax and so ideally you wake up have breakfast and do it in the morning before you take apart the show so what's nice about the ziploc method is it's pretty small and i have the toilet paper that i roll up there's many ways of doing this but it's kind of tedious to do it manually but i'll put that in my pocket so i have two bags right so one i'm gonna go in and the other one i'm going to put so you want to go in the bag you don't want to get it over the edges because you do have to seal it up which is kind of the worst part so i flip it over once i flip it over twice it actually gives it a rigid uh outer frame so like it kind of stays open you don't have to like hang on to it with both hands uh so here let me show you i put the poop emoji here you go from behind oh i didn't miss it's a lot easier to do it in real life come back out and this is the worst part you want to definitely do this as close to your friends as possible and that is pushing the air out it is really bad actually when you do you get close push it out you really don't want air in there because you're going to end up using a bottle to put all this in and i'm going to add a layer of redundancy now technically i'd be using this so i like to bring wet wipes because i don't get to have a shower at night and having a clean ass makes me feel better uh so you put your used toilet paper and wet wipes in here and you get to push the air out again you can bring kitty litter but that does weigh stuff and i don't want to bring up anything more than i need now this seems kind of gross to have poop in a clear bag let's just call it what it is what's really bad is when you're on a portal edge you can't move around a lot you have to hand this to your friend who has to put it in the bag next to them so let's cover the other wag bag real quick and then we'll cover on uh what to do with these once you have them you can use these sani bags this is the type that i've been using they sell it at the mountain shop so it's convenient right here in yosemite and it's got everything you need it's actually like a lot more sanitary experience than you would think when you open it right away you have like a pretty big bag that zip locks shut right here this is where your final product is going to go when you're done making it so you have toilet paper wet wipes just like ryan's do-it-yourself bag this is not very much toilet paper they definitely give you not too much to work with you have to be accurate you gotta identify the trouble zones and hit those first and then this is clean up later we bring extra too i have extra toilet paper in this bag as well but the nice thing is how big these bags open up it's a lot easier i think than trying to dump and do a ziploc i mean it's like i could i could fit in here dude i could totally just and then you just poop if you don't do that so you just like kind of wrap it around your bum you take your leg loops off all harnesses kind of just unclip i think the misconception is that the bag needs to be big i like the bag being big i mean what if you have some like explosive splatter so we were everywhere we were in the half dome doing a high line and one of the people on our team had to go to the bathroom six times while we were up there in eight hours and this bag came in handy oh you were doubling up the poops no no six tuppling up the poops all in one bag you have to open it back up it's a one-day project why would we have like six poop bags right yeah you could definitely do more than one poop in a bag there's so little kitty litter in here that it doesn't seem like it's not even really like kitty litter that powder just like clumps everything up all right so let's say you're done pooping in this cool you kind of just get your poop at the bottom it's gonna be down there somewhere i don't think anyone's taking something bigger than this what do you think have you had one i've had some good ones in my time but you can just like twist it up if you plan on using it again this bag right here is really awesome at holding the smell in so twist it up you can tie it off throw it into this bag after you wipe yourself and clean up bag inside a bag bag inside a bag is really nice and then it's got a ziploc top boom and then you're ready to use your preferred storage method some people do poop tubes some people do water bottles some people do like mesh bags and you dump into a paper bag and then they'll dry out enough that if you're not in usm you're allowed to have fires you can burn it by the time you get to the top the poop in the bag the poop in the paper bag yeah it can work if you're not here in super busy yosemite with a lot of people below you and above you and on this ledge back in the day they used to poop in paper bags and just throw it off yeah but that didn't hit too many people before that ended people have been hit their stories yeah yeah that's why it stopped yeah so do you use a poop tube or do you do a two-liter bottle um i use the gallon water jugs that we're bringing up anyways um you're always going to be drinking water if you're cooking and drinking during the day you're going to be going through water bottles quicker and you can package it into them you can get literally yeah literally um you can get like two or three in one water bottle um and then you'll do the next gallon and you already have them you just tape them shut after you get the inside and we'll show you how to do that don't bring a five pound roll of duct tape take a toothpick and roll the duct tape you know like this much onto that toothpick until it's a roll looks like a roll of toilet paper at that point and that way it's just the amount of duct tape you need to close back up the bottle you cut so i use two liter bottles for all of my water because i feel like just the more cylindrical that is it's easier to carry lots of reasons i grab soda water two liter bottles so i don't have to take all the syrup out if i buy a coke bottle but i'm going to take off this plastic you have a pocket got it yeah and do not clip to this uh in any situation um because if this falls especially with water in it this is eight something pounds and it'll kill somebody at the ground so i that's one reason i don't like these specific gallons because it has this false sense of security so i'm gonna do a pacman so just enough to open it like that hold on hold on okay so no humidifier if you leave a little water in there keep it nice and humid apart okay that's a massive so there's a lot of air in here you're gonna want to squeeze the air out of the ziploc i've done it so it's like little you just suck it out yeah you stuck it out vacuum seal it i've done four days two guys in one two liter bottle and we went to the bathroom every day but um you could get another one at the bottom and you can get two up in there and then you would duct tape the crap out of this that was a good pun one option you can do if you clove hitch well and you test and make sure like it's not going to come off of the neck of the bottle um you can technically attach this underneath your hall bags do you think that would come off i think it's a good idea to either do a cloth hitch or i'd use a noose that like tightens up and then tape over top of that yeah um you don't want it to fall because that just would be shitty yeah the nice thing is uh no matter how big of a guy you are you're not taking like five pound dumps so like when this thing's like fully packed it's only like a couple pounds so it's not gonna break yeah yeah the force on this is like nothing as long as you don't get you don't want it hanging too far below the bag because if you get the bag over the roof and this gets stuck on the roof that's the problem but it's nice to have this hanging below your entire system because you don't need it until the morning when you're done going to the bathroom even though we seal it up three times two bags and a water bottle duct tape it'll still smell a little bit so i always extend them away from camp yes but once i get to the top i take my grocery bags that i've had my food in and i have some garbage in there naturally from eating and i will put the pine needles in the grocery bag and put the vault we call it inside the grocery bag and you basically just it's it's like 20 pieces of plastic between you and your so uh it's really not that bad and then you just stand at the top of the hall back how do you get rid of it when you get down so when i'm already at the top i know i only have like 45 minutes to an hour and a half to get down these ledges so i don't bother with like adding extra weight with pine needles yeah i just will throw it kind of on the top of my bag so i can dispose of it right away and not have it sitting in my car for too long that's like the worst you got to open the windows up for sure do you just throw it in the garbage um i think the dumpsters are okay to dispose in i'm not sure i know whitney has a specific spot to put it because everyone who uh hikes or climbs mountain or whatever you want to call it uh has to use swag bags they have so many they have a specific dumpster for it there's like no bathrooms at el cap meadow where so many people spend their time let alone a place to put your poop bags so put it in comments below where you think we're supposed to put them yeah i don't think there's a designated spot dude you've done a lot of big walling here and there okay so on a portal edge in real life what do you do what do i do always take the leg loops off for sure definitely want to swam it um depending on who you are the ledges are pretty flat pretty stable hopefully and i feel like squatting it's just on the ledge right you don't hang your butt over the edge like tommy caldwell and dawn wall definitely not yeah that makes it just a little a little harder than it should be tommy's an advanced model does this method work if you're free hanging as well uh partially hanging onto your personal anchor and partially standard [Music] just like depends how big of a ledge you have how much space you have how bad you need to go how bad you need to go your partner's taking up a whole space and you really gotta go or maybe it's the middle of the night it's nice having one of these that you could clip onto your anchor soda you can use the wall pretty good pretty cozy and you're just a swami right now it's not too bad yeah if you're doing it over your ledge make sure not to miss if you can climb 5 14 15 you can poop like this too it's a very impractical way that dawn wall showed for pooping because you i don't know you're just hanging on the whole time i like to just squatty potty and hold it or hold it or just sit like this and i'd like to stare right into matt stalling's eyes to make it as awkward as possible no the idea is the other person's supposed to look as busy as possible or pretend texting on a phone that has no service so the number two rule is to not number one practice at home i guess is uh try not to pee while you're sitting on the pot to see if you can control the two because it's pretty inconvenient especially if you're centered over a portal edge you don't want to pee on uh to end up leaking or peeing i had a friend that could not pick one or the other so it was very difficult for him to go to the bathroom he had to basically free hang off to the side and get out of the portal edge when he needed to go um i have the magic skills of a set of skill uh just like not peeing at all what really helps with that is dehydration there's nothing to pee then it'll only be a really hard dry poop so i was in a bathroom in india once and i walked out and i asked my friends come on guys just give it to me straight how do you use this toilet and they hold on i'm trying to only do one layer so i don't get flagged on the channel see how far my pants are lowered right now well don't move the camera too much okay you get the point i still have my pants on it's only at my butt your hole's right here you guys if you drop your pants to your ankles you're gonna be in your pants so just drop you you don't have to drop it past your dick if you promise not to pee you can stay stable i can hang off of uh partially hang off of a personal anchor or i could do it on the ledge this way but this is the position and you ideally want to stare at the view because it looks extra pretty when you're going my pants are off on youtube right now go to my only fans page i'm just kidding i do not need to take my leg loops off to do the method i just showed you thousands of feet above the ground and you're not stable on a ledge maybe keep them on my buddy refused to go to the bathroom for three days and on the king swing after getting to eagle ledge he could not hold it anymore what is the only entertaining thing to watch on el capitan from the meadow everyone was watching him with telescopes while he was doing the king swing and uh yeah so make sure you stare directly into the telescopes that are watching you poo speaking of privacy you can flip the ledge sideways and like split a natural ledge in half and have like a little bathroom barrier you can also use the rain fly if you want your own little space thanks [Music]
Channel: HowNOT2
Views: 1,027,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highline, highlining, highlines, slackline, slacklining, slacklines, ryan jenks, how not to highline, hownottohighline, highliner, slackliner, tutorial, how to, rope, webbing, weblocks, rigging, rig, balance community, extreme, SlackSnap, Dynamometer, slow motion, break test, bolt buster, boltbuster, break tests, stunts, world record, slo mo, Slacktivity, climbing, science, mythbusters, carabiner, daredevil, rope swing, rope jump, jackass, alex honnold, big wall, gear, climb, rappel, spacenet, cams, anchors
Id: 73aMK1dTCjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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