Big Update! What's NEW in Lightroom (Oct 2023 Update)

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it's October it's Adobe Max week and that means we get updates for the app so in this video we're going to go over what's new inside of latro classic uh Photoshop was actually updated last month they did their big update a little bit early this year so you're not going to see a new update for Photoshop this week of course you want to check out my video from last month on that one but uh for the time being when it comes to updating latro classic you want to go in your Creative Cloud updater app click the check for updates button if you don't see it uh we're on Lightroom classic version 13 um some times restarting that Creative Cloud updator app can help I've even heard people say restarting their computer helps just keep in mind I do believe they roll these out um of course all questions around all of that should always go to Adobe but what I can do is I can teach you what's new inside a latro classic so let's take a look uh the first thing we'll take a look at is this lens blur panel that we have here which is going to allow you to create some fake blur to your photo it's something people ask about a lot uh Photoshop recently got the one of the neural filters which is depth blur it's been pretty popular a lot of people want to try to do this in Lightroom there's really no way you've had texture and Clarity and dehaze that you could um you know you could try to take those to the negative side of things I never thought they looked good for blurring a background um and that was always a job for Photoshop but we can now try to do it here I'd say go at this with with mild expectations you know you're not going to take a really cluttered background and a photo like this or a photo like this and really have much success with it it's going to work best when you have a photo that's already got some blur to the background and you want to maybe simplify it a little bit so the way it works turn on hit apply you're going to get a first of all Lightroom has to analyze the photo and we'll talk about what it's analyzing just a second here but working our way down you get blur amount which zero is nothing it's as if you've done nothing to the photo 100 is the maximum that'll go to so again moderation I think is always key here I got this boka section or bouquet depending on how you like to pronounce it please don't send me a message or an email and how you do like to pronounce it feel free to go through here this is more of a creative setting there's no right answer the default for me is typically the best this isn't something I'm going to change but again creatively if you like different shapes uh you can go in there and click on those we come down here to focal range this probably the most important part so Lightroom is analyzing the photo when you turn this panel on um what it's also doing is finding a subject just like the select subject masking feature would would select the subject so it's finding a subject here okay and they've got two choices you've got the subject focus and then you've got this point Focus so the subject focus is what we have turned on or you can tell it hey I want to do this myself I want to click on the point focus and I want you to focus you know here instead and click up there or I want you to focus there typically even if you do get the focus point right um subject focus in my opinion is usually going to look better all right in my opinion it usually always looks better there's very few times where that point Focus tends to to work for this but again give them a try see what your your mileage is for that now we come down here to focal range so what's happening is a depth map is being built automatically behind the scenes you don't really get too much control over this so you're going to see that we do have a brush in this refined section we can modify things in just a bit but we don't get much control over this best thing I can do is tell you turn on visualize depth to understand what's going on and what you're going to see are colors and you'll see those colors relate to this little bar that you see here so the whites yellows are going to be things that are close as you get into the oranges and some some pink colors now you have midrange in the photo as you get into some of the Reds and then the dark purples now you've got the back of the photo so from front to back that's the way that this depth map works it's creating a depth um or Sim ulating what the depth of the photo would look like so just so you know what that is doing and what's going on behind the scenes so you can read this a little better you don't have to keep that on you can turn it off but it does help to visualize what's going on so the way that this adjustment works is it's got a little bar and you can move this bar around if I take the left side pin it to the left and I take the right side and pin it all the way to the right this is if we have done nothing to this image cuz we are saying keep the default focal range intact for this photo without artificially blurring anything okay you're getting the full focal range from front to back almost like shooting you know F22 or whatever okay now the way that this works is if you start to close this down number one the moment you touch this adjustment you lose your subject Focus you're going off off automatically into the point Focus area okay so if I bring this all the way to the left what I'm doing now is I'm saying keep the front of the photo in focus and try to blur everything else as I move it over and now I'm saying okay let that front of the the photo start to fall out of focus keep the middle of the photo in Focus which we don't have too much middle ground in this photo as I start moving it to the right now really blur the front and try to keep the background of the photo in Focus now it's never going to make anything in focus for you because the background of this photo was already out of focus so it's not going to pull things into Focus if you had a photo that didn't have any depth to it you'd see this and I'll show you an example in just a second here but that's essentially how this is working and we've created a very small focal range a very small sliver of focus as we start to move this okay now as we open that up a little bit we're opening up a little bit bigger of an area Focus again I'm going to go back to the subject Focus but you can see how moving this starts to adjust things and the best thing I always tell people play around with it test the extremes of it cuz you'll really you'll get a much better idea for how it starts to work there now the last section of this is the refin section but first very very quick word from our sponsor I promise I'll keep it around 30 seconds uh swing by my Learning Center it'll help you navigate all the new updates to Lightroom and Photoshop as well as some FAQs and other links you might want to check out I also have a real world Photoshop AI course which shows you how to use all this new AI stuff in Photoshop in the real world not all the fake stuff that you see um real world examples that I think will help also my Photoshop how-to course has been updated to take advantage of some of the new stuff in there and that's a great course for intermediate people that you know you kind of know the basics and you just want a good how-to course without searching all over the place for all these different ways to do things and then finally My Capstone Photoshop system Lightroom system courses those are courses meant for beginners to get you from a beginner to a solid intermediate level those courses have been updated as well so yeah can find all the free videos as well as some of the courses that are on sale over on the website all right back over to our tutorial here we were looking at the lens blur refine section so this is where you can refine if you want to blur something that that Lightroom didn't blur or maybe make something bring something back into Focus that Lightroom did blur you can open up the refine section and you've got focus and blur options this is essentially a brush it's an adjustment brush so you click on blur let's say I want to blur that leaf over here you click on blur the amount is obviously the blur amount and then you've got your size feather flow options for your brush and even autom mask if you need to paint around edges so I'm going to crank up my blur amount and I'm going to go over here and paint over on that leaf maybe even down here I think that should be blurred in fact let's just blur it all down there all right so that's where you can add some blur you can even continue to click on the low plus button to add more then you can go over here to the focus section if you wanted to bring something back into Focus that it blurred for you so you know if it blurred too much of maybe these little flowers up front here in fact let's increase that amount so if it blurred you know maybe too much of the flowers that we have here up front you can paint on those or uh if it went and maybe blurred back here you can see I start bringing that back a little bit or even the background I can start painting back there again you're never going to bring that whole background back into Focus because it was blurred to begin with but you can see how it's going in there and bringing back uh a little bit of what was in focus in the the back there so if you need to step in and modify things you do have a section down there under the refine area couple things about this filter I'd say you know it it can be really useful for I think for just minimizing distractions is it always going to be perfect I don't think so um it didn't do perfect around the hair on this photo but for who I was creating it for and they gave me this photo to work on for them I I think they would consider that's the before that's the after they'd probably be pretty happy that you can't see the leftover plates and everything that's going on in the background there and I don't think they would be as critical but it depends on your audience you got to look at this I'd say you know always always error on the side of being tasteful with it and then there's certain photos it's just not going to work on you know if you look at something like this um as we start to add some blur to this you can see it's just not going to it's not going to create it the right way and there's nothing you can do with a brush to make what it just did to the legs there look really realistic as you start to change this depth you can even see it even it it miscreated the depth map of what it's doing there as you start to look at that you know what's in Focus this should be the same Focus but it's not and again even with the brush I don't think you're going to be very successful at it and then please please please don't don't do something like this um I see this all too often where where you know we we try to take a photo and blur the background and you know that's before that's after it's it's not going to look realistic the world needs many many less versions of fake blurred photos than it needs more so so use it use it sparingly use it where it really makes a difference and and try to avoid actually making the photo look worse and more fake than better for this one all right let's move on to the color mixer here and I thought that was actually a pretty colorful photo so this is a good one to demonstrate it on now the color mixer panel actually the mixer part of this because this panel used to be called hsl the mixer part of this exactly the same no changes we're not going to go over it but the point color has been added to work on very very specific colors in the photo where the mixer was a little bit more General in the colors that you're working on so if this one doesn't sit well with you it doesn't have to it's really meant for people that want to work very very closely with color and very specific colors so you take the eye dropper and then you just click on a color in the photo shows the little Swatch there you can click on the eye dropper and add more color points to this you can right click on a color point and delete the Swatch or delete all of them to adjust that color you can move these little dots around okay and all those little dots do are move the Hue saturation and luminance shift sliders below so however you want to do it it doesn't matter it's two different ways to do the same exact thing here now we come down to the range section um I'm going to turn on visualize range because it gives you a more more of a visualization of what's going on here everything else is black and white except the color we're working on and you bring that range all the way down to zero and what it's telling you is I'm just going to work as closely as I can to the very specific color you clicked on that can be accurate okay it's not going to bleed over into other colors the problem is sometimes those transitions can look a little bit harsh or as you increase the range now it starts to bleed and feather over into some similar colors that are close to the color you you were working on to make those transitions look a little bit more smooth and natural so everybody's photo is going to be a little bit different as far as what you need there but just understand there is a range and then there's range on steroids uh you got that little the flippy arrow that Lightroom has in a bunch of places you roll that down not only can you control range overall but you can control the Hue saturation and luminance range and shift those specifically if you want to get uh deeper into working with that now the followup question is to this one well this is obviously affecting this color in the entire photo because everything we're doing here is global but if you go to your masking panel I already have a mask on here if you go to your masking panel we're not going to go down the color mixer we're not going to go down to the panels below there go above basic and you see all of your other masking panels these are the ones that will affect the mask these are still going to always affect the global photo but there's a point color panel inside of here too so you can make a very specific mask and then you you can also control a very specific color that's within that mask so that you're not affecting the entire photo a tiny little feature but could be helpful for some people is on the left hand side your presets panel you will see that there's a little search box up at the top so if you got hundreds or thousands of them and you can't find them that's a quick way to go in there and search and then the last thing is going to be in the edit panels at the top with the basic panel you're going to see that there's a little HDR button um that might be available for you so this is essentially editing in HDR mode which is different from HDR photo merge where you're merging together multiple exposures um it's not something I'm going to I'm going to talk a lot about here um mainly because most people don't have a screen that's capable of seeing this I can I can see it on my screen and I can record it but you're not going to see it through the video because it just doesn't work like that um and then most people don't have anything capable of actually viewing these images and the apps and the social media and things that you share it with aren't going to show it to so what I I will do check out the Learning Center that I mentioned in the links there are two articles in there one's from Adobe that talks more about it another one is a video from Greg Benz who another wonderful photographer great photo educator he talks more about it as well so if you want to learn more about that feature I'll refer you over to there and as I mentioned that Learning Center contains a lot of videos to help you navigate the new updates to photoshop contains some uh updated courses that I have on sale right now as well as a what's new in Photoshop video I mentioned a generative Phil EB in there that's free you can grab that over on the Learning Center as well
Channel: Matt Kloskowski
Views: 84,796
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Id: uPCWplOX0I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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