Big Swedes Strawberry Blonde!! #24

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okay wow it went crooked it's just like me golfing guys look at this we should set that up in the yard [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys welcome back welcome back we uh are obviously into the the project that you've seen us do it before but every time it seems to be a little different struggle that side came off nice but if you remember right is underneath when we put this on this side went on very difficult so we'll see how removal goes I think he needs to go that way cuz he's on that piece of metal it's pulling out without even tension on it it's a miracle that was a miracle didn't need to change well that process actually went uh best ever I'm going to give it the best ever it must uh I don't know I don't know we really lubed them up last year with the uh uh never Seas when we put them on so hopefully we're going to have to continue that method so normally we put those tanks on this hay rack but as you can see our tanks that we never used for the 95 are on that so we've got a I think will just be setting them on the ground but we're going to get the Batwing mower because it's time to mow Road ditches and this is about the funnest machine to hook up you need to be straighter I know you're still crooked oh little tractor and a little shed gets big quick oh what you need to be this way an inch this much try driving a this T oh wow so being we uh didn't forward think didn't bring no pallets to set the tanks on we get to go in the lovely Grainery and find some wood which looks like we got lots of bro look at all the woodpeckers just look at their Precision pretty amazing it's unreal the whole wall it smells in there yes it does smell let's play cricket or is this croquet or the same thing I don't know okay it's okay wow you got the Hoops it went crooked it's just like me golfing guys look at this we should set that up in the yard I got to show you guys this this is a this is a blast from the past right here ah spider web what okay so this was uh look at the Ingenuity of my 12-year-old or 10-year-old self here this was what we pulled behind the snowmobile and then we'd hook sleds up off of the board but the ropes I got eight off so we made this fabricated and then I took old pop bottles and milk cartons and put plastic on so the corners wouldn't dig in so bad this this is wow should take that home to go back to those days look at that to pull multiple sleds behind the stone yeah me and my brother couldn't be banging into each other you had to have a a bar to keep you separated worked great this looks like it it could have been a McMaster bottle that was used oh boy gole we never updated them with uh what happened on Sunday night you want to tell them about the flash flood what they were calling for 2/10 and we got 3 in 3 in in what an hour and a half the flooding like the the soil literally is so full it don't even absorb water anymore it all just runs off and when it came at that rate roads were topped that I haven't seen top maybe besides maybe like a spring melt the ponds and the fields got bigger yeah and now we're to the point where I don't think we can replant date wise won't even make a cob the only thing it would do would suppress weeds but you can't even look look at it this Fields just glisten with slimy mud spraying should be fun I can't wait to get the Drone up and watch you spinning sideways squirreling around as long as you come pull me out when I'm stuck sounds good going to be keeping rubber boots in the cab yep like 2019 the rubber boots stayed in the corner for not if but what not yeah not if but when you were stuck we pulled Dogo out so many times granted his tractor was the cat tractor with no tread left so he was screwed right away yeah I had that one buried once yeah I've seen that before also it's it's a year it is a year that I've never it's wetter than I've ever seen it I think and that field of Edibles we just planted at my house guled out 15 ft wide right down all the draws I don't think the seeds were it's supposed to be anymore that's good you want to get out there today it feel fit it's ready that'll be great off think of how soft that Silk at the bottom of the will be should be fine enough that it won't plug the gauge wheels though it's just the way it works you don't do tail it sh in the fall for the very reason of erosion and then the day you work it with the Digger to plan it that night 3 in just can't get ahead how about the field that we worked and didn't get planted that's going to be a mush pit like I'm glad I didn't have to do it actually the first time you'll be back you'll be back and it'll be [Laughter] worse they take up a lot of room we're going to have to get your fork here we can't have this tree growing wow who needs a skid loader wow wow that's a small Lake that that's probably going to kill the corn we need to mow this wow the thistles it looks so naked without the tanks on well would you look at that we got another shipment the boys have been thirsty so we got we got a pallet sale price and uh picked up another pallet of Northern chill so it is substantially uh better cheaper to buy it in the pallet so that's why we always get it by the pallet plus everyone around here drinks it we had like eight guys working this spring and everyone grabs a case and puts in their tractor and just has it with for the season and Grandma actually uh this water actually helps her a lot she gets heartburns so does dad from uh just drinking normal water so uh the northern chill is naturally alkalin Minal Mineral Spring Water so the actual alkaline water does not give neither dad or Grandma any acid reflex so she always out here grabbing a case of water so we go through a lot of this stuff so if you guys have any interest in getting any of this stuff it is uh give it a try give it a try you don't have to buy a pallet at first but uh you will get hooked you will like it and this will be what you'll want to grab every time you go to the fridge say hydrated boys they're the fresh ones yep gra you what what took so long try not to laugh and this is why we have to order it every two months so if you guys want to order it Larson 20 gives you 20% off and uh ship it right to your door you can share it with some neighbors you want to get a pallet save some money anyways let's see what else we can get into well I guess we're in the shop the rest of the day what are you doing getting your clutches fixed up pack you had to blow out huh packing stuff away you had a grow clutch failure rebuilding look at all the parts you got to have I need more too so we are uh we made the decision since this tractor's got to go back that if we do any replant we will be using the Precision planter just cuz it's hooked up to the 9R so we're in the uh process of taking the discs out um I suppose we got a detention the speed belt I don't know if we'll do any maintenance other than that unless we see something critically wrong and then well at some point need to pressure wash it a bit of a spill I don't like this small yeah it's like engineered to the perfect amount oh de vacuum some out of there so on our previous Planters we've uh I was just left the plates in I know you're supposed to take them out we just never have but but since it's basically a new planter we're going to start out with a new set of uh habits and putting them in the boxes after uh spraying some graphite on them lubing them up so they're ready for next year so basically all this stuff does once it dries makes it slippery again stuff dries pretty quick [Applause] even John Deere's uh boxes are engineered look at this let's see which way does it go on unreal truly truly unreal perfect I better get some of this apparently we ain't cleaning those off not no [Laughter] more uh no typically we just leave our left over seed in there so phase two of tear down is we're taking these all apart because debris it seems likes to carry up the backside of the belt so the seed drops off the plate in here rides down to the seed trench exits and then this sometimes this one was actually in here right up there debris can apparently get sucked up and then get lodged in there so we're taking that apart and then detensioning these belts so they don't stretch or get formed to the curvature as bad and then we also get to pick all the mud out from down in that hole it's it's just a Jolly Jolly of a time isn't it Eric got buzzing in my head again it's always those noises you want this back in there then I suppose I don't really want pressure washing in that connection there we go so another thing I think we're going to take all those uh actual meters off so that we can wash in here as you can see due to the uh conditions that we were dealt this year it is packed all of our electrical components Plum full of dirt which you know that should be fine right not cause corrosion or ripped wires or think what I just stepped on it and I heard a crack but it was that kernel exploding not the plastic why is this not on there are you compacting the seed yeah so we were talking and we've been we're on our last two rows here to do and so there's a purge feature in the screen that purges so if you're in a rain delay you're supposed to hit Purge or maybe even overnight and what the difference between this belt and precisions which there's a a lot of differences but precisions belts run all the time like you're stopped as long as your master switches on the belts are running this belt turns off when the row unit does so seed stays in here but that Purge button should have uh a cycle where it purges your seat out and then runs backwards like I even a half a turn because when the debris gets up in here that gets sucked up if if you run this backwards it just pukes it right out the bottom so there you go dear uh engineer that's watching this if you are please make it Purge reverse Purge reverse Purge the last one so I figured out this trick you know how I figured out to get this to this out the Speed Tube put the uh depth control handle up all the way gives you a lot more room to work here some nice kind fellow sent me an email telling me when we were struggling in the winter working on it he's like put your depth handle all the way out of the ground and then it comes out really nice and it does thank you it's always nicer when people see us struggle and tell us how to do it better instead of just waiting till the next video to watch us struggle some cuz I'm sure it's humorous struggling there we go wow oh what is there 24 I think I did about 20 of them so or or wait you jumped me about four times I was noticing I was doing maybe a sloppier job maybe that's how I was be doing it more it's the soft fingers I have I just can't look quick does the T burn your face no I'm immune from it that's all I'm ever around cuz it's I uh kind of been letting myself go lately it should be fine though in which way have you let yourself go well it's hard to see unless it's perfect lighting but I noticed this morning it's maybe time to clean sh off the four hairs I got growing on my face yeah it's hard to tell against your tan skin that little uh strawberry blonde beard you uhoh uhoh why don't even show nobody don't cuz I don't like feet and those that know I don't send me foot pictures so you should start screenshotting selling those on the internet all I got to say is why why why that one's upset he's mad he says he can tell whenever it's going to rain his big toe says and he sent this to me and says you already know what's going on how you look sound sick I should go home so hot in here no it really isn't it's cuz you're all fevered up no I am not you know who's driving don't you what's going on oh the hor yeah yeah yeah know if you had her on in time for that oh gosh we we fuel we're going to hook this the Silver Bullet is getting hooked up to the Demco trailer I was really hoping we could use Kenny for an autot transmission and hopefully like that setb axle for better steering around corners and stuff but I made this truck work last year so I'll use it again and I know that the air conditioner works just wow great in this what tractor was that [Music] 600 number two AC ain't working so well oh nice is that what Jordan said I don't know Jordan runs it so he'll be fine so naturally the Land roller parked in front of it which is fine but look at look at this view here water the neighbors water and ours every low spot flooding this is not ever something you want your land roller to look like that means you've been in mud grain oh look at this look at the gravel where it was parked and it's washing the drums off so the thing's got mud scrapers this is not good not good and dad said when he was out and he had just a couple passes left in the field it's started raining pretty good and he kept going and he said he barely could pull the Land roller which typically the thing walks with it uh because the mud scrapers were causing so much friction wow you're terribly crooking you got to get that way yeah so that's never something that you want to do or have have to do but you know what are you going to do when you got two rounds left send it with your dugle I love new stuff cranks that actually crank like they're supposed to it's raining more than yeah I noticed it's just not a good idea what are we going to do now I'm not working in the rain Shop's full it's a Tuesday 4:00 call it I'll set up a tea time yeah in the rain yuck my goal was to get uh this loaded up but what are you going to do now I'm soaking wet soaked did it reach I'm soaked yeah you got close enough and you're not going to make this corn you can't make it through here she so with the other one you can't reach it if you're trying to make I don't know it's just I'm not a water boy trying to make it easier for you but all I do is screw it up we leave you alone for 5 minutes and you break the legs off huh no not me the leg is split too oh man get a new 4x4 yeah well that's wrap that's it's 4:30 it's a wrap I got to go pump the water out of my basement again flooding in all areas yeah yeah well is what it is it's the end of the video thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 200,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b_uvBgDxfj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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