Big Stitch Quilting

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hello hello everybody get some light on the scene okay for those that are coming on the replay it is ten minutes to three so if you want to fast forward but today is really just gonna be a bunch of chitter chatter and we're gonna do some big hand stitching here just trying to get all some light on the scene trying to figure out where my head's going to be i don't want to put my head in the way you know oh that's bright sometime in october i'm going to order a new thing to hold my phone to hi cindy to make these videos a little bit you don't want to look at the light to make it a little easier this tripod only gives me certain very limited options hello hello meg boy i feel like a jack in a box cause this thing is gonna blind me i need to start looking into something for lighting too especially for these live streams just sit here and do a little bit of stitching while waiting for three o'clock to hit i can find my head lost my needle again hi pam how's everybody doing so you can see i did decide to work on this one for the tote i do have two identical pieces i went with the pink on the bottom even though it's a lighter color but i was thinking that since it has some dark pink in it that it'll be okay for the bottom of a tote bag hello diane57 just don't put it like in a mud or anything and you're okay and maybe some of the dark pink will help disguise any little bits of dirt that you might get into just i tried the purple and i tried the green and i didn't have the right color green and and my red is not this darker red and i just went robin with an eye is fine once i learned about that growing up when i was probably i don't think i learned about that until i moved down here to florida in eighth grade and i thought oh robin with the y well my parents should have named me that that would have been really cool i'd love to have a robin with a y so while i'm sitting here working on this i'm thinking gee i'm going to have to do how i do it just a little bit different because this has nothing you can't see a thing making your lunch beautiful we're not starting right away yet anyway jackie you're good to go it's uh 2 53 by my clock so i just like to start the live stream just to make sure everything's going to work so that when the exact time of three o'clock comes around i've fixed any problems i've rearranged the lights and got the camera going in the right direction and all that stuff hope you're having something good for lunch i had some leftover tunnel meat that i just kind of turned it into a burrito i like to eat it over like chips and lettuce and something like that but i normally go shopping around the 20th to the 23rd of the month and today's october 1st and i just haven't been to the store yet cats still have food so i don't have to worry there's always something i can eat they don't have they don't have very many options if i don't feed them they're out of luck hi june hi for anyone else that is here and i didn't catch it for those of you that prefer to work or they're doing laundry maybe making dinner whatever 53 central time yeah we're past lunch time here at least my lunch time so i get up about four or five in the morning i tend to eat breakfast not long after i get up i'm usually hungry for lunch by 11. see told you meg everyone said i hear a lot of people do a lot of their laundry while listening because folding your laundry is so tedious that it's nice to have something in the background to listen to that you don't have to actually watch so my videos especially the live streams right now they're just yeah today we're just i didn't want to get into anything too big i definitely didn't want to do like the vinyl pouches the live stream because we're going to have a live sale afterwards so i thought we'd just sit and chat for a little bit and if you guys want to do whatever you say let's do the live sale we'll do that whether it's in 10 minutes or an hour figure as long as we do it around four o'clock or earlier we're okay it's very boring i force myself i do the laundry i usually do the laundry when i'm sitting down like at dinner time and then i do i fold it and put it away the next morning so i do it after i shower before i start my day so that kind of forces me to do it sometimes i do it before bed but most times i'm just too tired oh finding a table runner i have i still have binding i did i have two of the leaf mug rugs done and i still have two more that need to finish the binding i was watching while watching videos today i wanted to double check to see if there was anything special about the large stitch quilting that i didn't already know about there's not but i did see how to do large stitch on your binding so let me get something over here wait stretch so what they do is instead of tacking it down to the back they sew it to the back bring it around to the front and then they do the large stitching right through about an eighth of an inch from the edge of their binding so it's very very visible it becomes a design element and i thought wow i really like that i can see doing that for certain like wall hangings and stuff i don't i mean it would work fine on a big quilt i don't know if i would do it but it would work on one sometimes i like to do machine and hand binding and stuff like that oh yeah it's just me so i do it every four days just because even though i have this large washing machine it gets upset and it has issues with balance if i if i try to do more so i figure i can do two loads once a week or i can do one load every four days and it'll be a smaller amount i only have to run the washer and dryer once and then i only have to put away a half a load of clothes versus you know a small load versus doing two large loads uh once a week so yeah the washer and dryer used to run all the time when it was the five of us but technically i could be i know some people like like my shorts my shorts aren't dirty my jeans i'll wear my jeans twice or three times in the winter if i'm just sitting at home it's not like i'm getting dirty or anything like that nothing's all smelly sweaty but i have enough so i just you know just wash them yeah all four of you yeah you definitely have to be doing it are you living in a camper or are you on a little camping trip oh yeah hubby's clothes have to be washed every day rob used to sweat and i'd have to get certain laundry soap we started out with surf laundry soap because when he was doing construction if i used anything else he's very sensitive skin at the time and also he'd have to have we couldn't use tide or anything so if i use just whatever laundry so the minute he sweated it would smell like he'd been wearing his clothes for three weeks because the original nasty sweaty smell never got out oh you guys move around a lot same with me i don't like to do the i don't like to put away the laundry i don't like to put away the dishes jody made it hello oh it's sunny today oh look it's three o'clock i put my drink too far away but i'm feeling very clumsy today and i know i know me and i don't want to spill it i actually have two drinks i have a soda and a water oh you guys are just trying to find your routine and trying to figure it all out texas was first and now in illinois well i hope you can stay there for a little bit now i i've heard it's not fun moving during the winter time we moved we've been in this house well we it's just me now so we but we've been in this house 19 years but prior to that let's see for 10 years before that i think we moved like eight times no tide oh no i was thinking of the ocean at first no tide yeah tide has a new anti-allergy supposed to be easier on the skin and stuff but i mean i have sensitive skin and i can't use certain like hand soaps and stuff like that but most laundry soaps even like generic and stuff i'm okay with but not tied tight is i tell you i'm gonna stop a lot today i keep hearing noises it's me and the three cats and they must be making a lot of noise because i tell you i hear all kinds of stuff i feel like i'm being invaded i use i use gain i believe yeah that's what i use the kids use gain too mostly because that's what they're used to some things they've changed and got their own stuff but they like gain so that's what they stick with dang yeah we don't have well florida doesn't have a lot i mean there's history in florida yes but you don't have like generations of people living in the same house and stuff like that we don't have houses that well cape coral really only became like a city in 1952 53 something like that so we're not even old enough to have that much history i use gain for my clothes because i use the pods and then i have something in a blue bottle that i use for like towels and sheets and the t-shirts that i lay down for the cat so i don't have fur everywhere soap berries no i'm fine with the gain that doesn't bother me works really well i did try making my own soap and stuff like that and i gotta be honest i like i'm gonna have to start spending i don't want i'm a cheapskate in a lot of things i'm like gain used to have that it used to smell really nice and it used to be your clothes would smell great for a week or two and it was even in the commercials and now you don't you only get that smell like while it's washing it for a little bit afterwards because you have to buy the power boosters and stuff so i really like to have my clothes smell nice for a long time so i might end up having to buy those little sprinkle and stuff i want to say a big welcome to everyone thank you all for hanging out with me we're gonna do a little large stitch quilting while we're sitting here today i am working on a new tote bag so i have two panels that are pretty much identical i'm using embroidery floss for mine we're going to do this and we're going to work on it for a little bit until you guys get bored or four o'clock whichever comes first as soon as you guys say hey let's do the live sale i'll switch over to that otherwise i'll stop at about four o'clock i have to feed the cats take all this stuff out bring in the live sale and then we'll do the live sale i'm really excited for you guys to see some of the stuff that i've made i know it's not nice to brag and all that stuff on yourself but i made some really cute fun stuff and i really hope it finds a new home hello from deland florida oh two in one washer yeah i don't know about that i am going to be getting hooked up to how i'm going to be getting hooked up to city water in january i'll have city water and sewer so then i can make different decisions because right now we used to use i tried downey before i was doing the liquid i know they had like dryer sheets and stuff but with the well water it causes some type of reaction and it left like giant like i had light blue shirts when i was a manager at at wendy's and mcdonald at mcdonald's i think at that time but anyways it would leave it would be a light blue shirt and then it would have like a dark blue almost like a grease stain on it and the only thing we figured out is we stopped using the liquid downy and that went away so it's having some type of reaction at that point with my well water and i thought you know why bother i'm not even gonna try anything i can do well with a lot of sense certain things i i can't tolerate and some bother me a little bit but i like it too much so i don't care i don't do cinnamon like this time of year those cinnamon brooms i walk into stores it'll be great now with a mask on it was great last year too but i walked to a store with my hand over my mouth and my nose because i know that cinnamon is going to give me an asthma attack the smell is just too much but it smells so nice yeah it really made it big of a difference uh certain chemicals would have a reaction and stuff depending on you know how hard your water is and all of that random stuff like that yeah cinnamon they have it right inside the doors as soon as you walk in i'm like whoa yeah it does something to it i don't know i don't know i mean i have really great well water here and it probably wouldn't be a problem we have we've had a couple people come out and they're like oh we want to sell you um water treatments and water softeners and we can do this with this chemical and that with that and rob and i used to just laugh we're like okay come on in we'll let you go ahead and you know do your spiel like okay then they test our water and their little kids and they're like wow your water is better than ours i hope you have a really great day i'm not selling you anything i'm like yeah we have really good water here we have more people now so i don't know chemical wise with all the fertilizer but we do have a fertilizer band right now well it started you can use fertilizer again as of october 1st but yeah good points and bad points about city water coming up we'll see i'm just really worried because you hear these horror stories about people that get hooked up to city water and then because of the well water their pipes would get some type of funk in them so when the pressure of the city water would come in it would like blow the pipes in the house now we've already re-piped up half of our house anyway so a lot of my pipes are outside and under the ground some of them are up in the attic and it's just me now and you know without rob here i really don't want to have the pipes i don't have bursting pipes they're just pvc so yes i can fix them but i'm claustrophobic and i don't want to go in the attic so i'd have to pass through my children and then you're talking the energy and the time and the money and i'm like ugh but city water other than having another bill would be really nice because then you don't have to constantly worry about when the power goes out you don't have water and then when when um you know the well systems go down you have to worry about them drying up in the summer and all that stuff oh yeah they're everywhere and they're such a poisonous thing anyways i don't i don't know anyone who buys them i've never seen any of my friends or family here buy him i've never talked to anyone i don't think i've talked to anyone i don't know does anyone else buy poinsettias i know they're they're poisonous to the cats and stuff like that and my cats my cats will when after i mow when i track the grass into the house my cats will eat the grass off the carpet so i don't bring anything into the house because they're going to eat everything i i treat my house like if i had a a two-year-old or a you know a toddler a one month one month old a one year old crawling around or something like that because the cats get into everything all right let's talk big stitch quilting has anyone else done this have you guys tried this out see if you can see it from this side i'm just doing from the bottom here i'm leaving the bottom i'm going to go ahead and use my machine stitching and i'm going to stitch a whole bunch on here just to secure this up and make it it's a little stronger i don't want to put the embroidery floss on the bottom of my tote bag because if it's on the ground and dragging i don't want to wear it out and have it break at all yeah see you just you just don't want to take the chances sorry my nose is itching you've never heard of the big stitching yeah it's it's a way like say you want to you want to hand quilt a project whether it's a quilt or if you're just going to do like a table topper or a christmas stocking but you know you're not good at those little so many like 25 stitches to an inch or whatever they do i can't do that it's it's too hard on i think i have a little bit of arthritis in my hand thank you grace i don't i just don't have you guys know me i'm wonky i do the organic now i've used i've made some marks on here and still my lines aren't straight and that's okay but all when you do hand quilting all your stitches are supposed to be even now this big the big stitch quilting has been out for several years maybe even 10 by now but what you do is like i'm using embroidery floss you can use there's a i wrote it down sulky has a 12 weight embroidery thread that comes on a spool like your regular sewing machine thread but it's thicker and it equals to two strands of embroidery floss so if you're not familiar with it embroidery floss comes with six strands let me pick my next color let me find a fun i am working with you guys can't see but i have my embroidery floss over here this brand here is iris this is the michael's generic brand when you buy those big packs at michaels and you get like 36 colors so embroidery floss has six strands that are connected and depending on what you're going to do you can use various amounts of thread of floss so what i'm doing for this one is i am taking two out now for embroidery floss there's a couple different ways that you can do it but the proper way to the proper way to separate your floss is you find one strand you hold the rest of them and you take just the one strand and you pull it straight out and then you have them just kind of bunched up down there and then you lay it out and now i want two so i'm going to pull a second one and then i would lay them down now if you were doing six you would still pull all six out and it gives you a nice relaxed amount and then the other way to do it is i can just separate out two of them so i have four left so i have two in this hand two in this hand and what i do is i put my finger here and i hold them down here with the other fingers because this is going to get really crazy down there and it gets all the longer you have the more it kinks up and i just kind of keep it and try to untangle it see how these get all kind of twisted and kinky and everything like that that's why you're supposed to pull them out one at a time because then you won't have that big old swirly curly mess these two that you probably can't see here so these have these all these twisted and these are the ones that i pulled out one by one so they light they lay nice and flat which is a really good idea it makes a lot easier there's less chance of them they're gonna possibly get twisted right so when you're working with it things get tangled up it happens but it's less likely if you pull them out one by one and if you're i put lotion on my hands about an hour ago non-greasy kind but they still tend to if you have dry skin the embroidery floss tends to stick to it now when you're doing the big stitching you're going to need a needle with a larger eye to it and the embroidery needle tends to have a larger eye and a longer do you use thread conditioner to keep it from twiddling as you stitch not when i'm doing this when i'm doing embroidery i do don't ask me why but when i'm doing the big stitching i don't when you cut your first length of floss you want to have it to go just an arm's length so you want to pull it so you just this was a leftover piece so i didn't have to measure it but you want to have it just long enough to go from like the tip of your middle finger to your uh your shoulder and it's an easier piece to work with it doesn't tangle as much the more you have of course the more it's going to tangle and also as you're going through the piece that you haven't used yet is constantly going through your fabric over and over and over again and you're going to wear it down you're causing friction on it so it can cause wear and tear on it plus while you're doing this you want this to be a nice fluid motion and if you go with just one arm's length you're going to pull it out and you're just going to pull it out once if it's two arms length as you're stitching you're going to pull it out and then you've got to pull it out again so it's going to take you twice as long twice as many movements and you're going to wear out your thread now a big stitch in you can be organic like i am to where your stitches they don't all match when you're doing hand quilting with just the one piece of thread like a hand quilting thread tell me if my wrist jingles too much with this stupid medical alert thing please you want to have the stitches on top perfectly match the stitches on the bottom of your quilt so i'm treating this as a quilt sandwich even though it's going to be in a tote bag i have a backing i have my batting and i have my top of my quilt here i figured it a lot easier for us to work with just a tote bag than try to do something large plus i don't have a big quilt yeah you can the more you do the more you practice and you have your hands underneath and do all of that and i i do do some hand quilting in special projects i do like to combine the machine quilting with the hand quilting i like to have my base of machine quilting and then i do special areas that i want to pop like i might do like all pink down here in my machine quilting but maybe i want to work on my green ones and i want to make sure my green pops so i might go ahead and use my embroidery floss and do some larger stitches versus the the nice calm hand stitching that you do the hand quilting you're going to get this done a lot quicker you're using thicker thread or floss you're making bigger stitches so you have a you know you're going to get more done in a faster amount of time now i've only put very minimum amount of pins in this because it's such a small thing look i'm using an old sheet it's burton ernie these guys are my favorite i just put some pins at corners and then in the centers here just to keep my backing from flipping under again it's going to be a tote bag so whatever happens back there is not going to be important to me but if you were doing an entire table topper or a quilt you would want to either i'm going to say you'd want to either pin or do some type of hand basting spray basting or something like that but if i were hand quilting i wouldn't want to put pins in it i'd want to go with either thread basting it with large chunks of thread where you just take a big stitch and about every four inches or so and you're going to you're going to tack it all the way around a lot of times people either they go out from the center and a lot of them will do either in a circular motion or they'll do lines this way because if you're doing any type of even with this big stitching these pins here so if you have regular pins like you when you're holding your quilt blocks together those are going to stab you these pins trust me if you have them every four inches to keep everything in good shape your thread is going to constantly get hooked on this and you're going to be swearing so you want to either do some type of thread basting i know long armors do machine basting for you you can ask them to do that spray basting the hand stitching or with your machine with long long stitches yeah i really like these colors too as i was looking at it and i could see where other pieces were taken off i'm pretty sure i made a quilt out of this so i think it's going to work out really well as a tote bag now the process of doing this is going to be the same as if your parts of the process are going to be the same as if you were doing your regular hand quilting like you can bury your knots and stuff like that but i think if i were doing a quilt that for the most part if i was doing these big chunky stitches i would probably just go and do like on a i have to think horizon do horizontal ones and just do the stitching straight across anyone who watches kate from the last homely house you'll have seen her do it if you watched a lot of her videos and for that you work from one side of the quilt to the other so you make sure your your floss or your thread is long enough to carry you from one end to the other i love spray basting too i'm just terrible about it i have to do it outside because the the smell of it from in the past i haven't used it forever the smell of it's so strong and i get it everywhere but so yeah that's what i like to do that way i don't have to worry about any of my knots and when i sew when you do that victory lap around your quilt and then you put your binding on it's going to lock all of them on the sides but you can do just as if you're hand quilting you want to do a little motif here a little motif there but for the big stitching it's something that's going to stand out you're you're using it as an element as a design element on your quilt a lot of times with your hand quilting it's not always visible you have to really look at it to see it now i just put a basic knot this is a larger thread you could use your quilters not i just do the knot where you wrap it around your finger and you roll it off and you get that nut and for me i'm just putting my knot just on the other side of my seam allowance or just under here because what i plan on doing afterwards is i'm going to take my machine and i'm going to stitch about a eighth of an inch off of here and i'm going to catch all of that and i'm going to secure it all with my machine and then i'll do all my stitching there so all of my stitching is going to go like this otherwise i would have waited to put this on and then i would have sewed this on and that would have held it on but i knew i was going to do some quilting so what do i got my purple now the basting powder i saw that on the quilt show i haven't tried that you know i'm really into this thing where hey i don't want to spend any money i don't want to go to the store i mean i don't mind ordering these online and i love amazon but i'm like you know i already have it here so i'll put pins in it or i don't mind taking a few minutes what you've already spent so much time making your quilt what's a half hour or an hour and thread basting it in big long i mean you just need to put a big stitch you know take a stitch big long stitch take a stitch just to get it you could do a grid work and make it good before i do a cross stitch project i do the grid lines every 10 stitches i take a thread and i make that so it's easier for me later on and i don't have to worry about anything so if i were to spray baste it i know they say it lasts for a long time but i'm the type of person that tends you guys know you've seen it i start a project set it down and don't get back to it again for a while so if i put the thread basting it i don't have to worry about it now you can mark your quilt and follow the lines so that at least your lines will be straight and this is like if you've done the sashiko this is pretty close to that but again more of a relaxed thing so let me see i have one of these it's say what is it it's an inch i think oh it's a half inch this is one of those like add a quarter from on the grids so instead of bringing out a big giant ruler i thought i would just go ahead and use this i'm lining it up on my seam line here i was doing about a quarter of an inch from my seams so let me see i'll just measure off of that one and this is a hair marker so it just leaves a crease so i don't have to worry about chalk coming off or pens that come back when it gets cold or or the ones that are supposed to come off with water and they never really do so i'm going to put my needle up right there on my line i have two lines there because i did one before so you can vary your thread and what you guys can look that up but basically you tie a knot and you come down in this area and you go between your batting and your backing and you bring your needle up to where you want to be and then when you pull it you take it until you pull it just so this knot right here goes pop and it pops underneath there but i've got like a double triple knot on here yes yes diane that's that's what i i would do i i was going to do it on this i try to do it on my machine but this brother doesn't make the stitches my jukey makes really long stitches but i have that set aside right now so i thought i would just do this and this was too too small to worry about doing any hi kathy any really big basting on it but we can we can do that really quick i could show you really quick right here [Music] because this comes out real easy so let's see okay so here i am i came up here right and i would just come down four or five inches wherever you feel comfortable with and then just take a little stitch like that and you leave it kind of loose you don't have to have it super tight you don't want to draw your quilt in and go down another hands width that's how i measure my four inches take another little stitch like this and then you'd have these really big basting stitches and then they're easy to pop out they hold everything together and when you're hand quilting like this especially you're not worrying as much about tux and puckers as you would you know when you have it at the machine and this these stitches pull out really easy because you know i've pulled some out already when i do my floss i definitely do the thing where you fold it over the needle and then you hold it in your hand so that the the floss is barely at the tip of my fingers right there i check and make sure my eye is going down that way and i just wiggle it over and it just threads it so nicely or one of you people sent one of you people one of you amazing people sent me this butterfly threader so you can thread a big needle like for yarn and then it doesn't do a regular needle i have a little other machine for that i do like to wear a thimble this is a leather one from clover it's got the little metal thimble type thing but i put that on the back because it's always in the wrong spot and i don't like it i think it would work much better than pins i would not use pins on a quilt on a small project like this i just wanted to hold my corners down if i was doing this by myself i'm not even sure if i would even put those in but for something i said for something this size to just pin the four corners to make sure the sides and maybe like i said these i put what is that eight pins in and i'm generally not going to get hooked on these because i just move them when i get to that area but if i were doing a big quilt i would definitely lay this all out like i would you know you tape your backing down you put your batting down and then your top and everything's all smoothed out nice even if i spray basted it i would still go back through and do some thread basting just so that it's all secure and i know i'm not going to have to worry about it now if i were doing this sitting in my chair i take it like this and i scoop it up so that when i go and i do it i'll show you what i'm doing in a minute you won't be able to see it but this way i can work right here and i'm concentrating right here and i would keep my quilt bunched up maybe not all of it you definitely want to support yourself so that your quilt just like when you're quilting it with a machine you don't want it to be hanging over so let me come up close see when i get this new tripod thing i don't know if i'll be able to clip it to this table because i bumped the table too much and you guys would have an earthquake all the time but i'll be able to put it like right over where i'm working so you guys will be able to see a lot easier but i'm just going to go down and i'm obviously not following my line but i'm not worried about it so it's it's all in almost like a folding accordion rocking type thing so i bring my needle up and when i bring my needle down my finger my middle finger is underneath and i'm going to bring that fabric up so then i'm going to rock it this way so you're really doing a very similar if not identical to the regular quilting but we're just doing it much larger with larger thread i can also do it just sitting here on the table so i just go down and i have i have my cutting mat underneath because even though this is my craft table i don't want to scratch it up with my needle hitting the wood all the time and also it's almost like nails on a chalkboard you probably wouldn't be able to hear it but it drives me crazy so i just go down and i'm not going to be uniform about it if i was being particular you could make all of your stitches on top the same size but i don't want my spacing and my stitches to be the same size that's not exactly a look that i like i don't mind that i would rather have my stitches be a little bit bigger than my spacing sometimes i forget what i'm doing and my stitches get a little small but you can just scoop up a few stitches on your needle and go or you can take it one at a time you can stab down now if you were working in a hoop you would be able to go down and then you can pull your stitch through and then you can come back up and then you can go back down it's a very forgiving if you want it to be this is one of those things it's again whatever works for you if you want to be very precise you see how i didn't say you know anything else like because some people you know they call like anal and stuff like that and ocd and i don't know i think i like precise better because if you want it to be a certain way and it's your project you should be able to have it any way you want and when i do it flat on the table i just do a couple of stitches making sure that my floss this time i'm hoping it's long enough because it was a short piece i like to make sure it's one and a half times if if you're doing it in a you know from side to side i do go past the hole you should only do one arm length because if you're doing a a twin or a king size quilt and you're going to go all the way across your piece is going to be longer but you can keep you can keep like your spool if you're doing it on out of thread or if you're doing pearl cotton it comes in a ball thanks kathy i really like these too i i like leaning a little towards pastel not always just bright bright it's more about the vibrancy i just love color but if you have like some pearl pearl cotton in a ball and you could put it like i have a little dish here that i'm keeping my my thread pieces as i cut them off you can put it in here and then as you're going you can just kind of pull because really i can pull pretty far and keep this going but when i'm doing this and i'm doing it a little bit closer and i'm i'm i'm folding my fabric over my needle and then when i pull this up i put my right hand down here because that's what i've already stitched keeping my needle loose and then i take this part and i give it a tug because you are crinkling up and you don't want to have it all bunched up but as you get going you might notice that i fold i fold my fabric this way really dramatically then i fold it back over so my needle can come through and i bring my needle up maybe 3 8 of an inch then i fold it back over so i'm really piling it on over dramatic compared to the regular hand stitching or you can just stick with doing sorry i was reading the comments to make sure it wasn't anything i needed to look at now for me when i get to the end i'm tying i'm going into i'm going to be trimming this up and making it nice and neat so i'm going just past the tip of my fabric and i'm taking a little bite of it and then i'm bringing up a loop of thread i'm tying a knot just so i don't have to worry about it coming undone so you can trace out a design i think it's like you're combining hand quilting and embroidery and i put my pin into another gift from a while ago i don't think the person that gave this to me she's not commenting so she just might be watching her she'll watch later but she gave me this fun little pin cushion with flowers and puppy love and stuff so i put my pin in there so i don't lose it so if you always remember to put it in one spot because it's really easy to lose and then my thread as i said i collected in this i won this bowl many years ago on a blog it was someone handmade it and it's just so pretty it has a little star so then you can just decide not mine i'll pop it over to the white side let's see if we can see so it's kind of wide here and then it gets kind of narrow up there because you guys know that i don't know i can't follow a line i can't do anything straight yeah i like it it's really pretty it's got the scraps going across this way i don't know if it was the calculator strip ones or not they are an inch and a half oh speaking of the calculator strips i received a comment i think last night or this morning or something that you can buy the calculator strips at walmart you can buy them in just two roll packages bye kathy check out the live stream later even if you're not in the live sale letter later even if you're not interested in anything just come see all my fun things exactly finished is better than perfect as long as it's going to stay together and not fall apart i think it's fine and you could do i could use pink down here if i wanted to hide i thought about just doing the lines and the pink and then doing lines in the green and then in the pink but i really like the way the tote bags look when they have the lines going vertically because yeah this is the way the tote bag would look i like to keep i like to do mine i'm right handed so i'm going to do it right to left this way some people prefer to do it this way but i find look at my wrist that's not very good you know ergonomic thanks kathy it's not really good for your wrist to be doing that i find going this way i'm not putting strain on my shoulders my elbow oh excuse me too much soda you know i'm just i'm being able to move that way so some people like to they go this way or they go that way i don't know and if you're going in a circle you can just go like that it's really not like a lot to it it's not complicated it's a really simple process if you want it to be perfect and you want everything to look exact you can always mark your fabric i wouldn't anytime i'm marking a quilt i would never mark the entire quilt i would just mark what you think you can get done in you know an hour or whatever session you're working on because things can like you're doing with chalk it can wear off the hair marker can get you know when you're moving it like this you can lose your line so it's not i don't i don't like to mark too much even when i'm doing it i mark my i've been marking my tote bags for the the matchstick quilting just to give myself a guideline so that i can kind of space it a little bit nicer a little bit more pleasing to the eye and i use the hair marker for that i do i tend to mark like half of it and then come back and mark the other half so does anyone have any questions or if you have questions in general we have we have several people here today i'm sure if you have a question well i'm not sure but pretty sure that if you have a question someone here will have an answer for you it will take a little longer for me to do these if i want to i don't want to put them too close because i really don't want to be working on this forever i'd like to you know finish the tote and stuff is anyone gearing up for the holidays we are in october so it's official so let's see we're already into autumn so we could decorate for that so we're into october so if anyone's decorating for halloween we have a few blow-up things a giant pirate ship pumpkins that stack on top of each other and some other i think just a giant pumpkin something or another that rob used to put up all the time i don't know if they still work or even we still have them he put them last time we used them was in 2018 that was the last year that's when he really first started let me see yeah i think we did it in 2018 when he just started not feeling well it's it's already windy today we're in what's we call florida fall you're starting the plan for christmas yeah i've been i've gone through i know what my kids are getting and stuff like that but i'm trying to decide i'm at the point where i don't know if i want to decorate for christmas and it's not about thinking about the other day it's not a ba humbug about christmas it's i think i just want i want i want new stuff and not just that i want new stuff but i want a new way to decorate my house isn't set up in a nice way it's it's considered a um a cracker box so it's just a rectangle just like if you took a cracker box and laid it down and the way the the living room is a reasonably sized rectangle it fits a love seat and two recliners so it's like there's not a lot of places i don't have a lot of shelves on the wall or anything like that there's not a lot of flat surfaces to put things so it's like i want to i would like to have you know a mantel i don't need to definitely have like a fireplace but i like to have some places different to decorate i really don't even have a place to put a tree to be honest with you not i usually put it in the i put it in front of the sliding glass door next to the kitchen counter next to the strainer for the dishes and i've been using a table top one for the last few years because a regular one just takes up so much space so i'm thinking i'm thinking i might just want to put like quilts and stuff up on the walls yeah i i just thinking i'm thinking maybe i just want to like decorate the walls or something and the living room behind me where i sit on the in my chair in the couch this whole length of the living room which is actually right here in front of me it's all floor to ceilings mirror panels and it's been there forever because we were always concerned that first of all taking down floor to ceiling mirrors is going to be messy and dangerous and we have to replace all the drywall because they've been up there even they were put up there so many years ago so i can't hang anything up there because nothing sticks to the mirrors yeah you want to be done with your christmas stuff by thanksgiving if you have a lot to put up with lights and stuff we used to put up lights i have a bunch of i have lights the icicle ones i really like the icicle ones but i'm really i'm not a fan of climbing up onto a ladder when you're home alone and i don't care what age you are because a 22 year old can fall off the ladder and get hurt just as easily as someone in their 50s 60s or 70s you know especially when it's windy down here i just don't want to take any chances plus i don't want to put them up and then have to take them down and too many too many things if you put it out in a yard in the last few years people just steal it and since i'm right here on a main road i am really feeling not ba humbug on the holidays and just like what do i want to do on the decorations i love to decorate for halloween in a yeah the vinyl decor with is it a cricket or i always call it yeah it's a cricket right not a cry cut yeah you have to have someone there to to spot you just to make sure to hold the ladder and stuff like that it's i do take my chances sometimes but i always make sure that i take my phone with me and it's in my pocket and it's not going to fall out and you know you don't want to fall and have your phone land six feet from you and stuff like that we used to put the vinyl clings all over the mirrors but i have to keep them up high now because i have a cat that likes to peel them all off i'm telling you cats darn cats i tell myself all the time why do you have these cats and then they curl up in my lap and they purr and they snuggle against you and then you're like oh yeah this is why i've got cats yeah window clings like yeah they're nice but as i said i have to put them up high on my mirror and then i'm like i did the mini trees from the dollar tree i had a few of them now for halloween i have some really nice ceramic haunted houses and stuff they're actually up year round i have them on top of a bookcase and then in one of those little curio cabinets that hang on the wall i have some special things up in there and stuff yeah i mean rob didn't care he climbed the ladder all the time too but i know that it's perfectly safe and i do it i i i just it's it's one of those things when you can list three or four reasons why not to do something and climbing the ladder by yourself adds on to it i'm like why bother i have to climb on chairs and stuff every month when i change out like the air filters for the ac and stuff like that so i don't know i'm just thinking like i want i want more maybe like i said like more quilts and stuff versus having stuff that you have to dust around and stuff like that i do like some of the little the little things that the dollar tree has like i have a couple little pumpkins and i have these pumpkins that were sent to me that i keep these out year round we need to do a video on how to make these i love these guys these are cute yeah well jackie i think 98 is a good reason not to get on a ladder these are batik fabrics isn't it adorable see i like these guys if i like something i'm going to leave it out year round i don't care what the holiday is no i mean granted i try not to have christmas hi cheryl try not to have yeah right try telling him that you know he can go on the ladder but he has to have someone with him he probably lives alone too right oh yeah as an electrician he has to no choice there with the big stitches you're going to get especially with my cotton batting when you wash your quilts you're going to get that really crinkly look just by having these stitches i can see there's a dimple on each spot where i put it down so even before i wash this it already has that bubbly crinkly feel to it which is really nice i've got to do this did i say you could put this in a hoop if you want most people do it just in hand like this but just because most people do it doesn't mean you have to of course i'm a huge proponent of do what you like oh well oh yeah i think we talked about that before that's really good though that you know everyone's in the house together taking care of i like the the multi-generational i think you know it used to be that way back in the day and stuff where everyone moved in that you know the family moved in with the grandparents the older members you know helped take care of the farm the property and help take care of them and stuff like that i think it's really great for it too if you have like kids because they're going to spend some more time with their grandparents and hopefully they're going to learn some things so after all of these rows that i've done it's just now starting to twist a little which isn't too bad it works for you yeah that's it if maybe hey i say if it works for you then that's perfect because when it comes down to it is you're not hurting anybody you're not doing anything illegal you're not causing a ruckus and disturbing the neighbors or anything so if it works for you great my kids lived at home well my older two were well into their 20s robbie of course he was because he is eight years younger than miranda and 11 years younger than justin so when the older kids moved out he's like okay i'm moving out too so of course he got to move out at 18. but justin was justin was 29 you know and it worked for us yeah and at 98 you know yeah it's really good i think if your if your health allows it and you know your your body's doing good if you're just my grandfather always said that when he worked in uniroyal connecticut a lot of the guys there they retired and then they just stopped and they were just like oh we're retired now you know what are we gonna do we'll just rest we'll go play golf and a lot of them died within a couple years because you know they just stopped but my grandfather kept going and he he worked around the yard he did stuff all the time so he was always in motion and um dementia is what got him so he lived much longer i think 98 is amazing i'd start thinking though i better live too past 100 if i if i make it to 98 and i don't make it to my 100th birthday okay if you're 80 that's 20 years away but if you're 98 i want to make it to 100 at that point for halloween i like i like pumpkins and i like i do like scarecrows and stuff i like this funny i love scarecrows where's my scarecrow i was thinking skeletons i like skeletons the funny silly stuff i like the children version of things for halloween this guy he's got a tag on him let's see he is from come on i saw the year on it 1996. he's my favorite isn't he so cute he's like that parachute material and he's all kinds of squishy squishy and he's got all the um the hay coming out of the bottom of his feet he's got patches on his pants and everything he usually sits on the table but you guys are there so i had to move him out of the way he gets in the way for videos my grandfather had a brain aneurysm and then it was just he lived after that for like 10 years but it just it just kept affecting him and then eventually you know everything caught up with him till 93.99999 yeah like it's so close it's nice to be able to have your grandparents my kids were really big into grandparents they really my daughter my daughter loved my father he passed right after she graduated he stuck around long enough to make sure he saw her graduate we're just going to go for a couple minutes more and what i'm going to do as i said is i'm going to turn it off i'll plug my phone in to make sure it's nicely charged sorry whistled there and i'm going to feed the cats so that they don't pester me because they usually eat at four o'clock give me like i don't know it could be 10 minutes it could be 20 minutes however long it takes them to eat as i said i'll clear off the table and i'll bring in all the stuff and anyone who's interested you guys can just hang out and watch and chit chat or you can maybe find something good for a holiday gift i have a couple fun things i just keep thinking about the minnie mouse the minnie mouse crocheted poncho it's just so cute we'll start out with some small things and then we'll work our way up to the afghans it's back when i was some of them are you know a couple years old and some of them things are a little bit older everything is new and it's been stored in the plastic tubs with a towel and a blanket over and everything so nothing has nothing's been we don't smoke in this house the animals haven't gotten anything near it so everything's been stored away nice but i just not a lot of things went into the shop and the shop wasn't always that popular back then and i just had to i had to crochet i just had to be just like you know we all do here when we're sewing and stuff you just you've got to create something and then when you live in florida not many people need yarn things though i did make a lot of crocheted stuffies and stuff at least those found a lot of homes i took all the other stuff the magazines the books and the leftover stuffed animals from the other live sales up to goodwill and i just keep thinking i need to go up there and see if anything made it to the shelves or if they picked it up or took it somewhere else or whatever because i know they do goodwill online so sometimes books and stuff go there my goodwill has a lot of books they do have craft books so i hope they put them there it'd be really nice people pick up some things for christmas coming up at a good price a little handmade love and then whatever doesn't sell here in a couple weeks i'll take that up too i do have some hats and stuff i might just keep the hats and donate them somewhere like the salvation army or something like that 69th anniversary wow my grandparents i know they made it to their golden one my grandmother had a rare form of parkinson's there was only a few people in the united states that had it at that time but i know they made it she was sick during their 50th and i think she lasted you know another year or two after that i can't even imagine i mean here i'm thinking sometimes too it'd be nice to live to 69 and let alone be married to someone that long and nowadays i mean there are people that have been married and will be married for a lifetime and then other people just are on their third fourth and fifth husbands all right let me pick up some of this stuff so i don't like lose my needle and stuff i like it so i'll put it over here on the outside so i remember what it is it's one of the salvage ones that i made fell apart my embroidery floss even reflects so that's all of the michael's ones and then i have my regular ones and i just love i just love color and then these i have all of these nice bright ones these are the dmc's and some of them are in the higher numbers like there's some 3000 dmc 25 and then i've got the ones with sparkly on it those are nice to put in i don't know if i put it in a quilt but they're nice to put in like the tote bag and stuff like that so they have a lot of nice bright colors in there then i was thinking i wanted to do an under underwater scene with you know the the coral and all of that stuff so that's when i started picking up the ones that you saw in the picture that goes for here oh sue we're getting ready to stop for a minute sue i'm going to shut it down and then in like 10 or 15 or 20 minutes we'll come back after the cats have eaten dinner and then we'll start the livestream i hope you can get back in i was wondering what happened to you i thought you must have been out working in the yard or something so i hope you guys all come back i'm going to stand up and press the little button now where's this purple purple purple i said i'm going to feed the cat so i'm going to pick up my mess and then we'll set this back up all right guys thanks for hanging out with me that hour went by really quick i did get a few rows of stitching done if i weren't chatting in like 10 minutes time i did one two three four five six seven eight nine probably about 15 minutes time i did nine of the little runs in just this little bit so this does go really quick it's nice you can try it out on coasters if you want to just or a little mug rug maybe we'll do it and we're cause we're gonna do a bunch of mug rugs maybe we'll do some big stitching in the mud rugs and then i don't know all right give me a little bit of time and we will come back
Channel: RsIslandCrafts - Robin
Views: 875
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: robin lalone, quilting, sewing, tutorials, cape coral, florida, crafting, knitting, scrap fabric, rsislandcrafts, scrap organizing, using your scraps, create with scrapitude, createwithscrapitude, big stitch quilting without a hoop, big stitch quilting with embroidery floss
Id: 3xa5kgvDMdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 3sec (4203 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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