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We'll now announce the winner of the Olympia please take the Olympia gold medal and the Sandow Ronnie Coleman! The greatest bodybuilder of all time! No one ever even came close to this beast till now! Do you think there is ever gonna be another Ronnie Coleman? I think it's gonna be Ramy because he got that physique that some of you guys ain't gonna be able to attain He's so far ahead But does Big Ramy have that same determination and work ethic like Ronnie had?  Will Ramy be able to repeat or even break a record of the G.O.A.T? I'm working for that Mr.Olympia is my dream To a winner! and New Mr.Olympia! The new Mr. Olympia! Light weight! People talk about Big Ramy If you put any physique next to Ronnie There's no one that could have stood next to that Ronnie's 290 lbs weight was much different than Ramy's 290 lbs Two different monsters! Two different eras! Yeah Buddy! LIGHT WEIGHT BABY! Anybody want to be a bodybuilder but don't nobody want to lift no heavy as* weight Light weight! Defending champion Mr.Olympia - Ronnie Coleman! Give it up for Big Ramy! How much you weigh now? 290 lbs Hell I'm 300 pounds too! What you wanna do? Winter is coming Ramy has the size, Ramy has the genetics   Now try to imagine Big Ramy in a condition of Ronnie Coleman INSANE! For best results you have to eat right you have to diet really hard!   And you trying to work harder  diet harder sacrifice more   You're got to be dedicated and you're gonna have to be focused Ramy was the best Ramy he's ever been but we still have room to get even better! How scary is that?   Just when you thought you have seen enough here comes Ronnie! Ladies and gentlemen! Who's it gonna be?! The people's choice for the Olympia NEW MR.OLYMPIA! I hope that we will keep that 16th for a long time.
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Keywords: raiden motivation, ronnie coleman, big ramy, ronnie coleman motivation, big ramy motivation, ronnie coleman vs big ramy, ronnie coleman mr olympia, ronnie coleman yeah buddy, ronnie coleman light weight baby, ronnie coleman now, ronnie coleman training, ronnie coleman posing, ronnie coleman 2021, big ramy 2021, big ramy mr olympia, ronnie coleman the g.o.a.t, mr olympia, motivation 2021, ronnie coleman workout, big ramy posing, big ramy 2020, big ramy training, champion
Id: vrcoZwFvU4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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