Big Meech Atlanta | Indicted after Wolf Jones incident

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this is probably one of the the best stories to epitomize Meech right and I mean without meat obviously there's no BMF so the day after the night after I'm introduced to meet here in Atlanta which was October of 2013 club chaos my man Vaughn big vision introduced me to it he walks me in I come in the club he's working he says you know something I want you to meet so cool so we walk in we walk in through you know VIP whatever ever and there's the rope and two big security dude was standing there and he walked over and security was standing there they don't they don't say anything to him whatever he lifts up the Rope I walk through he puts it down he walks me over and he goes yo this is me ch he's a meat let me introduce you something he said this is Kubrick of artists a speech now I have no idea who he is I've never heard of him I have no idea what he has never heard of the family yeah I had been hearing from a young lady was like a sister to me he's from home Shanae Shanae was telling me like she was representing the magazine here for me for a while before I was able to actually finally get back here and I lived in my home was in my house I owned is here but I was never able to be here because I was so busy building from that end coming south but she would take the magazine's I would send her magazines here and she would move him around and she was getting like $50 a pop for the magazine so she kept telling about these guys where was she whenever she sees these guys you know they always buy the magazine and let the magazine always give like to get out her dolls with magazine I didn't know these were the guys she was talking about right so when Vaughn says you know this is Kivar EO Kivar this meets whatever the meet reaches over with sunrise I know who he is and walks off with me and from that night for the next 35 days we are together every single day you know that night I had sold my house this is I sold my house like a short time before this soul my house and oh three all right so maybe April of Oh three and so when I come down you know a staying with a guy who is a good friend of mine at the time he looked way way way out in the boondocks some damn with so you hang it out all night with oven then you got to go drive and then you know you got a no brave the highways you know maybe a little tipsy without whatever and then once you get to wiggle is it's like a long dark like someplace to die right so you know the next day we hung out that night tried to go to 112 wouldn't let him in 112 because they just beat the brakes off with some dude like the week before so it's like we we don't care how much money you spin in we don't ya ain't coming to here tonight right so I was with until about four o'clock in the morning and then you know went on back to homey spot and then came back the next day and met him at the crib club that spot music all Club kitchen off of what you call it uh I forget the name of the Habersham off the havisham so I'm in the house talking to him is a older Cuban dude about 50 or so and older Mexican to Mexican of Colombia knew and um so we talking it's just me him and these two guys so we talking and you know he's telling me that you know he wants to be a donkey butt magazine so you know I'm like okay you're the way you want to you know what even do what's the most angle he say you know I want us to be the only ones that that's been in the magazine ballin get money you know we but we ain't dead and we locked up you know you know this money is it we ate we're not robbing nobody we're not stealing we're not scamming it's not fake money it's not checks you know this is real money real street money you know and you know we want to you want to you know we want to be the first ones in the magazine that's not dead and not in jail and you know I'm he's serious but I know he ain't serious so I laughingly say yeah how long you think that's gonna last after you get in my magazine it's the hottest magazine in kundo and I say hi I mean hot hot I mean they all over this market you don't say even though what I'm printing is actually public information that I just put together in a cognitive way in a linear way so it plays out like a story but this is all actual there's no crimes being solved and on deal there's only the information being put into a way that people can read it as a story you know but they read it a cop pulled me over one day in Baltimore in the dawn diva van it was like okay I guess a magazine hello this magazine they use it in my FBI training class so I share that with them you know yeah man just one you know just want to do the [ __ ] man and get it and I'm like yeah nah nah so I asked the guys the Cuban guy and in Colombia love Mexican guy I said you understand what are you saying any go yeah I said you don't think there's anything like what what - while I don't know what the what is he talking about I said brother only way you're gonna get on the cover Don diva magazine as if you sell a million records I get a million years but there's no way in the world I'm going to facilitate the million years by putting you on this magazine as this young criminal organization that's operating right now like I'm not doing that you know whatever you need man I'm saying it's really whatever how much 20,000 30,000 and now mind you now I'm writing everything I'm doing all the distribution I'm taking all the pictures I'm I need money this thing pays for itself barely takes care of me pays for itself so I need this money but I don't need it that bad I don't need it so bad that I would negate my training in my upbringing as always some square journalist cat from you know fresh heart communication school or something like that oh this guy wants to give me an exclusive this will be hot you know nah I'm of the thing I'm not doing that my my old G's would be like you know after he gets jammed behind this maybe like it's obvious that he didn't know any better but why would you do that why would you help him like your Mannion's the money man dude was waving money from I was like nah man you ate that's not what your fabric you ain't cut from that you know I couldn't do it needed that break I couldn't do it I could not do it so you know that put him into perspective for me it really did you know and at that point to be honest with you I was like I I want to I want to get this guy out of here I want to get him out of this goddamn thing and from that point fourth row it was all about that and we had heated arguments about his behavior about his choices about this you know activities you know just I was just trying to get him to to move on I said brother it is there's nothing more that you can do in this you're gonna have to move away from this in order for you to go to the next level this right here you've reached a point a pinnacle where it's only gonna be redundant from here it's not going there's not gonna be any new experiences just the same you know varying degrees of the same [ __ ] you're spinning wheels now you're spinning luxurious wheels and that might make you think you in a position than you actually are but you're essentially just getting up every day putting your head on a very bedazzled very shiny very glimmery chopping block and you know you got a platinum you know diamond pave axe above your head but head is still on the chopping block you know and that was pretty much what it is like you know what it was we we hung out we kicked it you know we but soon as he you know woke up he's moving around this was the conversation I was having them find supposed to do that's why in the conversation that I shared with the public you know back in 2011 when we talked to me you got his handle in that phone you hear him say yeah I'll give everything he was telling me you know but I couldn't I couldn't just take my millions and disappear somewhere because I was the face and I was in this and I was at that I was telling way back then sell every goddamn thing start the rumor that you fell off you started smoking on kind of just sell everything cheap and take your ass and wear it don't matter where it is and sit your ass down let them wonder what the hell happened to you and come back when you're ready to be the next person to be the next version of you but if you stay here you keep doing this your ass is gonna end up in prison with a bunch of damn time you know and that's what it was man like it every day that was pretty much you know I mean I wasn't droning on it you know but whenever the window of opportunity presented itself it made sense I'd be like yo you see you see I'm talking about you see you see me something wrong I see what's on one you know another story is the night that and he he references this in the conversation the night that the R is and wolf were killed in Buckhead that was day 22 of going out every single night two or three joints every single night now we would start around 7:00 because I would get up I would go out getting a dined in the van and go to home retail locations driving all over the place dropping off magazines and whatever there's any others who meet no neither one of us let you know so we would get we would you know get up around 12:00 we might not come in till 7:00 8:00 right but we get up around 12:00 1:00 you know I start running around leave the house start moving around with my magazines around 7:00 7:30 he would call me say come on to the house I mean you know we start to get ready this is now preparing to go out so you know every day was the trip to the mall get new outfits for not the thing we need to just you know nothing else to do get the outfits and come back and everybody's in the house getting dressed and all that would ever and the music's playing music old house club kitchen because we came into the garage and right into the kitchen and the music's playing we playing Jeezy new shed and we plan the you know blues new shed there's a big bag of smoke and you know most [ __ ] wheels everywhere you know pills and alcohol the machine is running like you know a Swiss watch is this running yeah yeah a lot was going on behind the party bro is that the first time you saw something like that of using the party as no that's normal this old that's all tacky but it was a big speakers it was wake see when I was coming up they were it was a much more close than seen so when cats in the street got together you know to connect as they shoes didn't socialize they were in an environment that was particular to them like particular to us so we're in a club or we're in a after I was aware in a bar social without but it's really just players in there it's really just Street people in it's not really regular people in there you know and you know cats they you know you're pulling up in whatever and you know wearing the beautiful things and all that whatever and they're getting in you know the music's plan and you know they whatever but it's all players [ __ ] you know it's just players in the room this was a mothership this was that but like on a stage cuz everywhere we go we're on on this lift because that's how Atlanta is set up your own this lift you know and everybody's like looking up and you know but it's going on cats are coming through and sitting down and chilling out and whispering in the air and whispering in the air whatever whatever you know [ __ ] like that but you know I mean this it's a great environment for because it's like if you're ever asked well why are you and it's gotta go I'm in the club he's in the club in the club you know and you noted in picking up some in conversation because you can't hear [ __ ] we're this close to one another and we can barely hear each other you know Nate so it was it was a great place to put cover on your [ __ ] you know but we were running ragged though you know I'm saying like you know they popping pillows they they drinking you know we drinking Cuervo we doing we doing shots with credible every you know every 10 mins don't jostle credible but on average it's 30 of us 40 of us sometimes 50 of us sometime and everybody's got a bottle champagne because he walks in the building he buys every bottle of champagne they got you don't care what it is he buys every bottle every time we went to a club he said how many bars champagne you got I won them all so sometimes we stand in each one of us got two bottles of champagne so you're drinking all the champagne you smoke applause we he's 12 blunts going around right it's constant you puff it and [ __ ] passing you one you you and and then you know he he hold up the the cap of the Cuervo imported and you know you had a toast we say and you know down it whatever and back to the the other program smoking drinking and we're gonna be there for about a hour so if it's good we're good hour and a half they were gone but now remember now get called back to the crib around 7:30 8 o'clock would you come in we the pills the alcohol is already flowing all of us getting dressed whatever that was already flowing it's already flowing we don't leave the house until 1:30 in the morning he get his hair freshens braids in you know I'm saying whatever yeah we only lost 131 and do solve one in the club's and it's to three clubs in a single night right um so this particular night we come in this morning and it's like running ragged and and I knew I said I know that this is getting to the point where it's gonna be volatile and dangerous because of the simple fact that I'm feeling volatile and I'm the most mature and responsible person here and I'm getting to the point where you know I'm starting to meander and I'm starting to you know get all aggressive because I'm under rested and you know you know drinking and smoking and you know [ __ ] like that I'm I'm not in my right state - I said I know where I'm at and I'm ready to you know bus I'm uh looking ahead you know for you you're not moving right you're not acting I don't know who [ __ ] you know I mean I'm I'm reverting back to my I'm not the street now I'm retired six years by the time we meet right so I've got a lot of the street [ __ ] under control I was like you'll bro we are about a night away from some fucked-up [ __ ] really happening right now when I wake up this particular afternoon he goes yo yo yo could be home let me show you something we go into the garage and he's got a brand-new white convertible Ferrari black top white star rims red interior white stitching all throughout the interior beautiful we talked about the car timeout you know how he outbid some some white dude whatever does he's very satisfied about that he's more satisfied about having outbid the white dude we've looking at this scruffy head you know bad braids you know you know white t-shirt big baggy pants getting our clothes to a big back and he just looked he said the guy Luthan me like ya ain't got no money and he outbid him you know he few honey you know for that joint so I was like it's beautiful but we gotta chill don't bro I said we got a shield week I said look at Bobo having to walk by that's like a bull bull got the smoother skin of walls I mean it's Bo breaking the [ __ ] out bro look like like on some real [ __ ] we need to chill the [ __ ] out man just stay in don't go nowhere I got to meet with ti tonight you know me I'm going to patch work meet with him we're gonna shoot over to Magic City and when we leave Magic City I'm gonna grab a couple of ladies would ever bring them on over you know hang out kick or whatever don't eat you know don't go out he said I homework and chill out we ain't gonna win one way for you to come back so I'm in Magic City with ti I'm here TI's here Tiny's getting a dance and wolf is standing about four feet away from us wolf gets on his phone looks at the phone goes jetting out the door so about an hour later I finish talking him he introduces me to to me a tune was chopping it up I go to the diner Roswell diner the diner on Roswell I forget the name of it now but there's a landmark go to landmark on Roswell which is right off the tab of sham which the house is right around the corner I stopped there say yo I call as they John Cena somebody want some food before I come in so I'm sitting at the counter waiting for the food and I'm looking up at the televisions they got up there and I see you know the cops the scene we're up and I said to two men are killed and bucket I was like oh kill the people who bucket I said I'm so glad that my family is not out because that would definitely get blade or be a myth cuz I think they're in the house as I get around to the house nobody's there so there's another house another big-ass mansion around the corner so I'm like that's probably everybody is but I'm super tired so I just leave my ass down there's nobody there right I just like to [ __ ] down grizzly right so I get I start getting calls around 8 o'clock in the morning from everywhere yo you all right yo you all right yo you're right I made a big deal increasing your okay I heard about that [ __ ] I said what he said you ain't not sure that boys I'm like holy [ __ ] the only thing I'm thinking about that says no man that did not happen so um a homie boss pulls up school board he pulls up and he's like yo yo you gotta help me help me clean up clean house up so he starts gathering up all the you know paraffin it weapons you know mostly just just you know guns a [ __ ] right I start picking up all the discarded cell phones you know cuz you know I put this [ __ ] in Don diva magazine with all these little things are that are done that people don't think about that get them jammed up I'm gonna get all the phones and it's phones everywhere phones that that aren't being used or more they burnt out whatever but they're still there right so I grab all the phones grab the joints we roll out blue calls me yo homey they call me what to do what to do I said well since there's no telling what's happened I saw already got the call these [ __ ] on highway on it we here okay and so from your yeah right so don't I said definitely don't go out until we find out what the [ __ ] is going on you know now meat still got grabbed because he got hit and he's in he went to the hospital and they find out who he was and they they had they had them arrest him and briefly for those who don't know explain how all right Wolf Wolf was puffs bodyguard and you know security personal security whatever and you know wolf was a guy that was known and regarded revered by a lot of people and that reverence he leveraged that reverence to help him get access to the opportunity we working with pup and also leveraged it to help puff to circumvent certain situations you know that would have been impediments for him you know had he not had somebody strong with him right and of course you know all the things that happened you know with shug's friend and you know supposedly wolf having to have something do with Shooks friend dying and all that whatever that's what gave birth to that whole thing about shield having issues with what you call it so arm you know now this has happened this has happened you know and he's he's locked up or whatever it ever there's no evidence that you know there's there's no evidence he shot they tested him you know there's no evidence he shot a gun or anything that kind of [ __ ] whatever that they just locked him up because he was him you know and that's when he knew that he you know was on Front Street when they put his name in the paper and all that would ever do and he knew he's on Front Street then after that the Boland went to the next level he was on house arrest for like six weeks or something like that and when he got out he bought itself the first Bentley GT to hit the street and and the first phantom hit the street the same time black annex PMS story I'm going to share the story about how we were in Miami at Jackie Gleason's house raining he had rented Jackie Gleason's house and we're down there and we will go to source of wars another Widow it of and you know the cars used to move from one place to another like a car carrier so out out front of this house the Phantom GT 6:15 Lamborghini Ferrari 600 SL you know and these two military attired guys with m16s one on on this corner and another one on this corner in this this is in Miami in this high level you know wealthy neighborhood Brickell now we weren't weren't in Brickell we we were off of uh off of all was it Alston all Alton what is the name yeah we were we were right we were in the by the beach like you know maybe 15 minutes from or 10 minutes from South Beach right and Alton or something I think this the industry is Alton I feel arena that comes to mind but yeah you know so it's all these crazy calls outside a bunch of young black dudes wearing big t-shirts and big ass you know pants and [ __ ] like that big chains and braids I don't kind of [ __ ] and reds and you know and these two military-style security guards on either end of the block their neighborhood so people are jogging by it looks like Manuel Noriega is in they're not for you yes I mean yeah so and it soon comes this big meets raised by worlds as a must-read and you need to read it twice to understand and fully grasp welcome where I was coming from raised by wolves inside the life and mind of a gorilla hustler in trouble as a child in the constant presence of gangsters I overheard a lot I remember hearing it said that it's better to be feared than to be loved I remember gangsters who tried to live on love and I remember that it almost always ended badly for them but then many of you feared didn't fare too well either I remember an afternoon in a Harlem classroom long ago after collecting a writing assignment from me my first-grade teacher whose name I no longer recall said you write well kobbari oh you could be a writer I remember sneering and remarking a writer I'm gonna be a gangster meet your edge on the dead zone baseheads and happy books is terrified I love hustlers to shop his [ __ ] camera the whole way Broadway one light out way to shake up the slide to the hideout again spin blow up it we got older give living that time and think that time the average [ __ ] before us that let going strike runner pellets in your face chuckling [ __ ] [ __ ] but that ain't me oh I'm a super [ __ ]
Channel: undefined
Views: 561,980
Rating: 4.6147828 out of 5
Keywords: Big Meech, Black Mafia Family, kingpin, organized crime, The Mind Plug, bmf big meech, wolf jones puffy, puff daddy bodyguard, gene deal documentary, cavario al profit, don diva magazine
Id: tOHqdtjCJxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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