BIG LEAK: GPT-4.5 Coming This Week!?

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[Music] the AI race just keeps on getting better and better just last week we saw the release of Google's new AI model called Gemini it's quite groundbreaking as its Ultra model was able to outpace GPT 4 in various different benchmarks related to coding reasoning and many other capabilities and just today we have new rumors circulating on the web that is stating that open AI is working on releasing GPT 4.5 fairly soon now some speculators even mention mentioned that it might be released this week which is absolutely insane now it seems like open AI doesn't even seem to want Google to be ahead of them not even for a week and this is obviously just speculation but it would be quite Petty if they actually released this just after Gemini's new release of its models now throughout today's video we're going to be uncovering this new GPT 4.5 Leak with some pricing details as well as the new potential released of it this week so with that thought guys stay tuned and let's get straight into the video I highly recommend that you join our private Discord by checking out the patreon link in the description below we have a lot of different things going down here where you can get investment opportunities you have free subscriptions to AI tools Consulting networking calls you have various different AI news being delivered to you on a daily you have various resources given to you and so much more if you're interested in any of this definitely take a look at this because I'm continuously building this community and I'm also continuously giving the best value on a weekly basis so definitely stay tuned with this so you can get the best out of our Discord by checking out the patreon link in the description below if you would like to book a one-on-one with me where you can access my Consulting Services where I can help you grow your business or basically give you a lot of different types of solutions with AI definitely take a look at the calendar Link in the description below hey what is up guys welcome back to another YouTube video at the RO de Bay ey in today's video we're going to take a look at a potential leak of gpt's new 4.5 model now this was something that surfaced across Twitter as well as Reddit a couple of days ago and just today there was a leak with its new pricing structure now this was shared by a user called Daniel and it was also shared by someone named flower or something I forgot the name but basically there's this user called uh flower or no futurist flower and he was the one who potentially leaked uh Gemini's new model even a month ago now this is something that we'll also verify in terms of the speculation of this model later on in the video but let's just talk a little bit more about this leak but according to this leak we can see that this GPT 4.5 model is able to feature a multimodal capability this includes having encoders for vision video audio language as well as 3D now in certain cases it might seem like these guys are just releasing this model to compare it against Gemini's new multimodel features that they just released with its new Ultra model as well as its medium and small tiny model now this is something to note is that this is not obviously 100% true this is just speculation and it's a leak and a rumor so just keep that in mind it might not be the actual real deal but this leak draft also is suggesting that gbt 4.5 will also Alo offer Advanced features such as complex reasoning and cross medal understanding you can see that with its different types of models that they have basically leaked you have the gbt 4.5 model you have the gbt 4.5 64k token context window and you also have the multimodel model which is the audio and speech for gbt 4.5 now the pricing details in this leak indicate that GPT 4.5 could also cost around 0.06 for a,0 000 tokens for input and 18 cents for 1,000 uh tokens for the output now this spicing structure is higher than that of the current gb4 model but obviously it's going to be a little bit more expensive because of the multimodel capabilities that it's going to feature now this is a comparison to the gbt 4.5 leaked model to gbt 4 Turbo now we can see that the pricing is drastically in clined upwards in comparison to the GPT 4 Turbo model and this seems a little unrealistic in comparison to GPT 4 Turbo I doubt they would even have it structured at the same amount of prices that they have stated over here maybe they're just testing it out maybe this rumor is just fake but in my opinion this seems a little too far-fetched in terms of the pricing range now as mentioned at the start I talked about this being released next week or even this week and this is because of a Speculator who's quite reliable named futurus flower he stated that there's one big thing and one small thing open AI thingy waiting for us the small thing is currently delayed due to company dramas and the big thing seems to be progressing according to plan December remains exciting especially next week now he is quite reliable as he was the one who speculated the rumors for Gemini's new model being released this year or not this year but this month and it end up becoming true now this is something that he stated and there was another thing that was added and this was by Jimmy apples which is another Speculator and he added to the speculation by stating that watch for a potential release of gbt 4.5 by the end of December along with new multimodal features from anthropic now this is something that he stated and he deleted the Tweet right after now if this turns out to be true it could be quite significant in terms of the advancements that are being made in open ai's development of generative AI it's similar to the jump that we saw from gbd3 to gbt 3.5 now the mention of Gemini is possibly a competitor which suddenly seems less impressive as this is something that seems to be a little bit more capable of doing various other tasks now obviously this is all speculation so just keep that in mind as this is something that could be false and it could just blow up our dreams now just to go back on on flowers from future which is the guy who reported on the Gemini release as well as this new GPC 4.5 model he states that it sounds like it's coming out next week and he states that there might be a self-learning and reasoning System Incorporated within this new GPT 4.5 model now he states that there's no there's not going to be a GPT 6 model he also states that some of you can look forward to a little something coming next week he states that just out of interest do yall think rag or ever increasing context windows are the solutions for long-term memory he states that there's going to be a big announcement in December open AI uh x.5 models are going to have a sole purpose for testing things in the wild to get feedback before showing the real gym in AI the present moment can be linked to 2006 in context of the internet GPT 3.5 turbo is a Vibe we need to let go seriously qar unveils truth within illusions and the last tweet we can see is that ai's new text or not STS but new Step prediction is cute but our high friction World demands more think multiple steps ahead acknowledge wrong turns and master the art of Lane switching now all of these tweets seem to be kind of like hinting that there is a bigger push that is coming from open ai's team and it seems like this new GPT 4.5 model is building up for the new GPT 5 model which is is going to be quite revolutionary it could possibly showcase that we're getting to a closer step to AGI now I just want to share my own thoughts guys and I just want to state that I know this futurist uh flower guy hinted at this big development and it seems like he is the reliable source but in my opinion why would a developer just leak an image on the pricing structure just of an HTML uh link of their pricing structure it could be edited it could look looks pretty fake to me in my opinion with the pricing structure that they have so there might be a release of a gbt 4.5 model this month cuz there are reliable sources hinting at that but in my opinion I don't think that it's particularly a gbt 4.5 model that has a pricing structure like this it might be a model that will be released in relation to something that we see right now but I highly doubt it has a pricing structure like this obviously I could be wrong but this is just my thoughts I definitely do see that open AI will be releasing something before the year end as they want to hit this year off with the bang and it would be a great start to see something like a GPD 4.5 model being released so it sets us to The Next Step which would be gptv 5 model but this is all speculation guys I'll leave all these links in the description below that's just my two cents if you're interested in this take a look at all these links if you want to share some of your comments you can definitely do in the description below but with that thought guys thank you guys so much for watching definitely follow us on definitely follow us on Twitter if you guys haven't already I post the latest AI news over here so you can stay up to date with everything on the AI world over here if you guys want to follow us and join our private Discord you can definitely do so by taking a look at the patreon page Link in the description below and if you guys haven't followed us on YouTube definitely do so so you can stay up to date with the latest aan definitely check out our previous videos so you can stay up to date with the latest AI content but with that thought guys thank you guys so much for watching have an amazing day spread positivity and I'll see you guys fairly shortly peace out fell
Channel: WorldofAI
Views: 3,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, gpt 5, sam altman, Q*, Chatgpt, gpt-4.5, gpt 4.5, chatgpt 4.5, #openai, #gpt, #llms, #autogpt, #chatbot, chatgpt, gpt-4, midjourney, stable diffusion, ai agents, large language models, dall-e, autogpt, ai, ai podcast, ai explainers, ai tutorial, ai 101, ai news, ai news today, ai news this week, rumor, openai, gpt4.5, gpt4, gpt 4, openai gpt 4.5, GPT-4.5, AI innovation, Technology Breakthrough, Multi-modal AI, Advanced Reasoning, Pricing Details, GPT-4.5 Breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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