BIG jobs on the farm

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[Music] there's always one you SE that Timber Sports got go that starting with a clan let's go nice easy one for a warm up good morning sheep fans Cami the name sheep's the game we're back at it this actually Lizzie's due date today no word of a baby yet this is the 27th I'm not sure what day this will go but here we go here's some of the triplets waiting to get fed it's been incredibly wet here in Scotland the last 2 or 3 days the ground's Mucky again I'm not too upset about that it was incredibly warm flies were shockingly bad this doesn't help the flies that much to be honest with it doesn't stop the Flies but it doesn't make them many worse more than rounds to do let's get going [Music] okay mon rounds were quite successful there're spotty spotty there H next job of the day is this is a silage field here it's going to be cut for silage not for me for a neighbor it's going to cut this field uh going to cut three Fields here actually for pit silage now we did lamb on here so it's not had much time to recover yet but we need get electric fence taken down you see the job it it ran all winter and you can see the job it did keeping the the chi vites out of well basically keeping them out of this wood and out of the neighbors over there but just two strands did those Chi vites all winter and that was a solar Galler system so no batteries to run it just the solar did it all winter which is bloody incredible I my doubts but bloody incredible even just a fact you only need two Wilds brilliant so yeah let's get this gathered up and then we've got sheep to move bad start sheep just broke in got spot to go in chase them back out oh I'm absolutely stoken go done spoty tell you what this is my pledge I need to get back out running oh some of these Young Guns make beat me this this sh season need get to fit this up and of course there's always one there's always one that can't get back through himself come on me l oh who oh that Lo spot oh there is me get running I need to get [Music] running so we actually had this fence running the full 500 M of the Rael so it's actually covering two Fields so all we're going to do is shorten it so it's just cover on this field with the sheep in it and just take it out the silage field so here's a little thing I worked out on my own promise when you're reeling it in just take this is just tied on so like just take this off and then there's no resistance when you reel it in especially usually there's no resistance anyway but because it's obviously just a little thin line but because this is long thick grass now it it's getting a bit of an issue the other thing is it doesn't catch the other line so if you have two lines this won't hook on the other line and Tangle up and make a mess sus that out myself you [Music] [Music] know okay L's here IGN Nora left up I had to saw it yeah she she's leting over but I had to S saw it while we hand saw lizie got me lizie your date today it how are you feeling how good midwife's just been what the Midwife say all good oh good heartbeat strong yes haven't show too many sheep you she lammed a sheep yesterday didn't you yes I think you passed the stage of worrying about lamming sheep I think so now at this stage in the pregnancy I think yeah so job just now it's good this wet weather I see if it wasn't wet I'd be shearing so it's good actually to get tied up with things electric fences lifted and we are sawing this now I actually have I think we've got three chainsaws but in standard cam fashion I use them I leave them at my backside they get rusted and wrecked I don't deserve nice things that's the reality so we we have to buy I just bought this well was he bought this how much was this all is he huh Sid 7even quid why you bother with a chainsaw really like 7even quid basically disposable 10 quid yeah so right we come here to do a hard job and you you buy the cheapest saw but last time I bought B Cuts with 40 quid I know I know I say going and buy a pair of boat cutters there was a chain we need to to 40 quid she spent on the Bool Cutters no I I yeah well I thought was that all say 40 right cut this here some straight bit me hey why you bother with so I could just snap these branches off there's a big one behind me this is going to do that's that that's that this one's a bit bigger actually not a bad soft for 7 quid made in Denmark that's good how can you possibly pay a Danish company to make that for 7 quid shout to the Danes by the way Vikings and saws they're good at Lots things oh the Vikings weren't even that good were they I think the bloody English beat them yes I know the English Beat everybody Cal down well you beat Napoleon makes out Napoleon with this amazing guy could you beat the English you seen that Timber Sports think I got go that no these we arms I've get boded this SM but the opposite way I think my arms are huge but actually they're no and I realized it when I start doing a physical job ready 1 2 3 almost one two three one two three WR with you I'm just holding the same God let me out again I near there to be fair you can almost snap that with your hor going snap it there you go see look at you snap it keep going keep going you're a machine it keep going just keep twisting it maybe yes there we go woo cleenish cut yeah so it's just going to be that over and over again till we've done this job [Music] next job using Lambs to move quite a distance this might not go so well and we only brought spot one in the woods my darling it's been trying to get out through the night you be white fa dark more kept doing this oh he's hungry hang on can you get that b no come on Mom come and get them come and get them mom I know she she there she's got them nice nice fresh set of twins right here in the picture born just yesterday that's a 26 of Me no no no no no no no no no all your fou Fe two through this field and then up into the Big Field lot of young Lambs in here nice and steady one that had fly St that was short the rest of all had cck now thankfully M we LS over the water [Music] I could leave that young one that's caused all the problems at the back but Mom's got a sore foot but the blue head as we Jagged the other day when we dagged them out it is getting better she's putting weight on it that's good to see it's [Music] [Music] healing I just hungry as well I know you went to s in this now you went to read this stuff meet to J dat today no no baby yet is it going to come today [Music] lizie I'm just sitting in the bite my legs are we bit slow you L come on cheapies next job on the list got these guys to she going let them stand and empty out a little bit there is one with a bit of fly strike and it's a it's a rig that I should have sold and i' I've lost about1 by not selling them as a lamb and he's now massive this is this is all the same day by the way Marissa is still here this is our Monday like all the same day we plenty in and that's why I should Vlog more but it's always rush rush rush get the jobs done let's sh a few tops start with a clan go nice easy one for a warm up yeah [Music] boy hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another Ram Tex come on big boy oh muscle Gaz muscle G B [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boie cross brid up hybrid Viger steady boy hybrid bger [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] were you at ner today were you seen your friends yeah yeah Dad's going to share some sheep dad's going to she some Sheep watch no get [Music] Hotes some toes like looking at my feet [Music] [Music] [Music] see that see Dad she done [Music] what about Marissa Angus what about Angus yeah you did [Music] n [Music] Top's done we had one where a touch of fly straight there with some blue over the back of them there the FES had been in them a bit we just put antibiotic spray on them great to get that job done though a couple of them did make a feel off me a little bit that happens every year well not last year Lizzie showed them last year we we about 40 last year that was part of the reason why I had such a strict call this year I didn't want to show them all anyway that's us for this one sheep fans see you for the next one hi she fans see you for the next one I'll have it see see you see you later see you later ah
Channel: The Sheep Game
Views: 37,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheep, the sheep game, scottish sheep, shepherd, this farming life, farm vlog, sheep vlog, sheep farm, sheepishly me, sandi brock, tom pemberton, farm life, the hoof gp, farm scotland, lambing 2021, how to lamb a sheep, sheep 365, a day in the life of a farmer, farming life, one man and his dog, sheepdog, sheepdog trial, shearing sheep, how to shear a sheep
Id: XpoY--qGmiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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