Big Fat Quiz of the 90's
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Channel: Rikki Sixx
Views: 1,267,366
Rating: 4.8407407 out of 5
Keywords: Big Fat Quiz, Jimmy Carr, Phill Jupitus, Jack Whitehall, Alan Davies, Claudia Winkleman, Dara O'Briain
Id: qssuCeO4LhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2012
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Dara O'Briain is one of the best comedians out there imo, he might not be the best on panel shows but he's razor sharp when on stage. This clip though was amazing, loved how much Claudia, Jack and Denise were losing their shit too.
"Come up in the lift, you slag!"
aaaand now am watching the whole thing again...
Truly one of the great bits from the Big Fat Quiz. Thanks for posting.
And it only got better in the last question of the show when a certain someone else got involved
This is also the episode with mister blobby. It's at the end and it's fucking hilarious
If only did didn't have that annoying punchline pause where he goes "but ehhhh..."
I just watched this one and it's always hit and miss with the "Say What You See"s but I was really pissed off when SPOILER I got Ahh Gas Sea and couldn't think of any sports person who that could fit to.