BIG FAT MEANIE MRS. PUFF! [12am] | Around The Clock At Bikini Bottom (Spongebob Horror Game)

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you dwaddle the more time it'll take me to rip you apart whoa you want to rip me apart wait you better not hey you better not be in it are you in the men's room what are you doing in the bedroom that's illegal hey everyone it's your friend noodles and welcome back once again to around the clock at bikini bottom now i think we're at 12 am which i'm hoping is near the end this game has gone on like this is this has been quite a i don't know though i feel like yeah there's not gonna be because we're gonna get 12 a.m i swear this is gonna go to 6 a.m and this is gonna be like a 30 video series but hey you guys are enjoying it uh but i feel like yeah this is there's definitely going to be some spots here yeah i don't know so we got mrs puffs boating school at 12 a.m and guys if you are new here uh please do consider subscribing i'm trying to get to 8 million subscribers we're getting close and i need your help so thank you to all of you who have subscribed and supported my channel i really do appreciate it uh also like the video if you want to see me continue this series or if you're enjoying this series uh we're gonna play a spongebob within mrs puff's boat in school difficulty is average jumping is enabled do i wish to proceed tell me spongebob tell me i i don't know man we're gonna have to because really there's no other choices all right spongebob recalls that mrs puff runs a night class on tuesdays and fears for the lives of her students oh that's so thoughtful with squidward getting dragged into this mess the do arrive at jelly and infested school grounds will the hardened cloned criminal hardened clone criminal outsmart spongebob or will he be able to save the students of course i want to save the students what are you talking about the goofy goober guitar when acquired deals massive penetration damage when fully charged so be on your guard during the charging phase huh well the what yeah yep you know nap drew now how much mail did patrick cram into this whoopee cushion yep beats me he was at it for an hour before giving me that balloon did he how did he fill it uh-huh right anywho let's find a way inside without puffs staring directly at us okay oh oh well mrs puff is already looking at us no you're right i can't sleep in until we create a distraction have any ideas well i suppose i if i can get into her lighthouse i could damper with the spotlight great idea squidward now i think miss puff has left her keys inside her purse though i forget which mobile we drove today well you better find it i don't want to be caught with my pants down yeah no nobody wants to see that squidward you know if i were oh well i guess we've already seen that think about it right i'll search for her purse i'll meet you at the lighthouse entrance but i find it okay have fun with that you should check to see if the ghost is clear before running out there like a okay so don't run out like a gonna be hard for me uh but we're looking uh oh i expected that rock dude no the student just got jealous at locate mrs puff's purse in one of the boatmobiles so okay so wait why is there a start [Music] um is that is that a boatmobile over there i don't do i wanna do i wanna start i don't think i wanna start i'm gonna go over here all right there's a jelly in there okay yeah we got boatmobiles what just happened i the key is looking one of the few specially marked boatmobile trunks yeah i got it but um i don't even know what what uh was it the lighthouse i don't know where's the lighthouse beam okay let's just go over here what what oh oh i see it i see it oh wait did he see me honestly i don't know what it was that saw me there i don't know what i'm doing let's not go that way let's go this way okay so here's the start okay so here's uh okay yeah i'm probably not supposed to go there okay that that's i don't see whoa this is oh okay i do see oh no no no that's up okay all right all right i got it i got it that is the the the the life from the lighthouse and it is like it moves quickly um i just don't know how do i hide from it because that's a big problem so there it is okay so if i hide here i see it coming nope so it goes counterclockwise it looks like so we want to we'll just go this way then right is that the we'll just oak oh oh hello not again i mean well well it seems like you've got me as your driver instructor i'm gonna whip you into shape before you ever think about touching the mobile bill sponge i saw that whole thing about you backing up and you know what you could have gotten someone killed you're gonna ride in this track against me if you win you get one badge of temporary honor if i win i get to make you do other push-ups do i make myself clear do you accept the man enough challenge you all right let's dance boy okay all right that's what the okay there's literally a course in here okay sure ready set hey you cheater oh my goodness you think you're funny huh all right i'm a little bit quicker than him because he's fat you're the fastest bear yeah are you i don't think so bro [Music] so i mean i have jump enabled so i should be able to like yeah there we go oh hey what did you just did you just oh my goodness did you just grab me dude stop it what are you talking about bro all right stop running bro you can't tell me what to do i can't even see through you dude get out of the way i can't see i can't dude i swear he used like some attack on me and i don't have any attacks i'm gonna be true yo let's go dude first try bam sup dude oh yeah oh so that's how you get those all right give me that [Music] uh that's cool but um okay so it starts us over all right now if i could just like okay let's let's watch this let's see something here okay so that guy okay you're not gonna get me but i wanna see if the uh the lighthouse light comes okay it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming now there it is all right so you can hide from it in the grass here how big does the patch of grass okay the uh or kelp or whatever this is have to be for us to hide from it okay let's go let's go holy cow i did not expect you to know anglers are dim buying you time to duck into cover if you've been noticed okay now wait do i have to do that again to like win or did i get it i think i got that i don't think i have to do that again no no i think i've got like that that's permanent so that'll give us a better grade can i like oh yeah i wonder if i could do that when the um searchlight comes this way it's coming it's coming no man dude that is it's just really hard to see i know i know all right i need to watch this thing hold on what so the light does it always okay so it's going away so that means that it's not it's not near us okay let's go can we go so i think what i have to do is watch for that okay so now it's coming here so now if i hide behind this okay there's the light i see it can i hide am i able to hide seems like it all right it's going that way all right okay okay so i'm just i'm learning a little bit go go go go all right so where are these uh specially marked boxes of cereal that have the uh i don't see are these like none of these okay so it says they're specially marked so my problem is oh dude then i'm about to die that's my problem is um the the that this like the searchlight it's really hard to see like ah where are they where it's actually searching dude this this angler thing is not like right on top of me man go go go go run run run run come on i need to find a place i need to fly please okay sometimes i wonder if i'd got my license that dave i hadn't said anything what i don't even know where you were all right let's go this way because i feel like okay so i can do this i can hide oh wait no okay um it says specially marked and that's the problem i'm i have not seen a single one i can open dude i gotta get behind here oh no oh that was close dude okay when you hear that if you get like if you block your vision or block its vision to you the um oh here this one this one this one spam great yo i got it alrighty okay the key it's time to beat up the squidward the white hat lighthouse not the white house no go race there dude i see it i see it no no no no no all right get behind us i'm gonna give a hummus come on because i feel like i have to get there with the key all right there's nothing behind me right oh there's something there though i have to get it it's gonna it could be the golden spatula i have to do it i'm gonna take the i'm gonna take the risk it is it well it's a coin or something i don't know what it is it's something golden it's something like something good oh idiot i was right there it was just it was an empty one you dummy i thought i swear i thought that ugh all right let's go i see it i see it there oh man i see one of those too let's go let's go come on no no no no no no no here we go come on get in get it gotta get it hey squidward let's go bro okay no more of that i do not like that lighthouse beam wait is that it that wasn't bad if it is not it is it the lighthouse went out which is good oh no she saw me dude she totally okay did we lock the door place the whoopee cushion oh man the mrs puff's chair wait let's look and see if there's anything else here because that seems way too easy dude i don't need to go here yet well okay but oh look at the good news look at how many i got wow poor sheldon he ain't got no noodles all right and now wait what what am i supposed to oh man oh man that's one down you or the others should make a fine feast for the overlord wait what what what now where's that squid oh no others oh no that means the studio students are here i need to rescue them before i leave okay we're going through here oh boy oh boy all right so what um no no no no what was that where's the students students how many students are spongebob i won't regret what i can't jump i said i could jump big fat meanie find a way to get gain access to the student's holding room well that was oh no no no no no no all right big fat meanie all right well do we follow her is that okay oh my goodness she's so fat and she's so man and i'm stuck don't kill me okay she's definitely a big fat you can't rescue soon until you find the janitor's key all right goodness okay let's check the men's bathroom uh whoa these are humongous stalls you could like live in one of these i mean if if you the more you dwaddle the more time it'll take me to rip you apart whoa you want to rip me apart wait you better not hey you better not be in it are you in the men's room what are you doing in the bedroom that's illegal when caught by the belcher's tongue struggle to release yourself before the puff clone arrives what what are you talking about join the glee club all right sorry ladies i'm entering the women's room here there could be a janitor key that i'm just uh having a little trouble locating sorry sorry sorry did not mean to uh offend or anything okay can't nothing in there uh now let's go here um this is the janitor's closet what what's this do we have we don't have a flashlight i guess we don't really need one all right this looks like the cafeteria oh my look get it off get it off okay she's coming she's coming she's coming she's coming in she oh baby whoo baby all right uh wait there's something back here i see oh we got oh that's great the janitor's kid's massive here's the key right next to mrs bob's happy bills whatever they are come take some please be happy mrs puff i can't ditch all the students okay well okay okay i see where we are here uh gotta be careful not to get in that drippy mess uh i don't know um oh man man man hide wait no get in hide okay rescue the three remaining students so there's three so there are they're not all going to be the same classroom right let's go let's go let's go right here kiddos anybody in here ain't nobody here all right well oh no no no no wait oh she can't get through there can't she what are you are you sniffing weirdo um um um um how about this one this one oh hey hey little ones come on let's go follow me i'm here to help okay we gotta find the exit which uh i think oh my goodness you guys are noisy no see you're making too much noise all right she's coming i'll see if she can see me back here cuz like you've got to like i got the key but you've gotta like she just runs the same pattern i don't know what that is though that she does but she keeps running the same pattern and you just will they hide with me also once i get them all right here she comes i hear her on the door she did she reminds me of mrs t getting a permanent detention all right she's getting close oh okay that's weird okay so yeah she cannot see me here so i've gotta like she runs this little route here all right well she shuts the doors as she goes through them whatever all right let's do this let's okay we'll leave that open all right we're going to go rescue the kids come on you little weirdos let's go let's go remember okay gotta find a place to hide though let's go here come on in and in oh wait nope okay in in all you get in come here stop the farting man wait oh dude you gotta do one at a time sheila oh my goodness all right well i'm hoping that progress is saved oh no no no no no oh my goodness what is that oh that's your ear i thought that was something wait is that something else oh that's your nose okay i thought i thought that might be the back of you let's just not let's just let's pretend that i didn't yeah all right let's go please be please have gone the other way and not this way thank you thank you okay the vent is clear this vent might have something in it yeah it does but there you go bam yeah stay off the road and hide until all this blows over wait what where am i okay okay all right cool okay that thing moved can i hide here no you still find me oh i know so says rescue the tune of remaining students please tell me that that's what will that that's where to leave me or oh you got to do them all without getting caught oh that okay so that's horrible because she always starts here right yeah she does yeah okay oh man why you got it this is see this is the thing like so when it says that like the level is like medium difficulty like it's this is definitely harder than medium like compared to the one that it says was intense this is a lot harder i don't hear her yeah i do yeah wait what happened what happened ah stupid fat baby all right that was close let's go let's go let's go let's go students bam let's go all right yeah yeah yeah okay stay up the road and hit it yeah hide until all those over okay oh man that was lucky that was lucky lucky like a lucky fly my friend fly let's go let's go who are we getting next who we getting next are we getting next who we getting next you all right we got uh wait what hold on i i did i oh all right all right here we go frankie billy let's go frankie billy yo yo come on come on in here in here let's go oh wait i need to shut that door i need to shut that door nope shut that door just stay in here oh my goodness get out of the way i can't see that hey this is family friendly don't be calling me dirty barnacle no no no no no we in here frankie billy don't you say a word yes yes yes yes come on i have not had a chance to leave here yet i don't think she opens the stalls yeah she doesn't which way i can't i don't know all right so okay i you know what i don't like is that my footsteps sound just like hers yeah that's what i figured i was following her okay okay okay cool so now we know where she is now we will just hide here we know a hundred percent she's there we'll just be well we don't have to be that patient all right let's go let's go okay here we go do it make a break for it before the jelly would spot you and me let's go all right rescue the final remaining student all right we got this we got this it's just a patience thing and um unfortunately i am very impatient all right she's testing my patience she ain't come through here yet i really really want to just go all right i'm too impatient told you guys this is how sh all right nope i swear she's gonna beat me because of my impatience please go through that door don't stop and sniff yes thank you no why oh my goodness i hate you oh wait oh okay nope she won't go through okay she's going to the woman's restroom based on my ears yeah you know what i'm going go all right all right we got it bro stop the chattering i think that should be all over you come on let's go all right she's here i swear if she comes in here i'm done but she wouldn't right might elvis don't make a sound all right okay that door is not being nice to me oh there she goes it ain't gonna be me melvin melvis sorry melvis let's go bro i don't even care you can yeah cause i thought she could see me over the lockers but just keep writing it don't look back come on melvins let's go hey we're gonna get out i think it i i think i got a b i think i got a b because i got the barnacles particles dirty particles they got away yes right mrs puff oh yes this is such a mrs t thing those delicious come back i'll be ready to catch them next round what oh man come on give me a b yeah there we go i didn't get the golden spatula or anything okay but still i'll take it what does it go it goes b then probably a a plus and then s i don't know yeah all right all right all right that was good that was good that then again i say like i think it was the the difficulty was more than medium all right what what 1am all right ah dude this is going to 6 a.m there's gonna be 1 a.m like 2 a.m 3 a.m 4 a.m i don't know i don't know but uh yeah so we've got goofy goobers at 1am this game is awesome if you guys enjoyed it you want to see me continue playing it and uh appreciate the effort the developers put into this click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new to line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 450,650
Rating: 4.9178028 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, app game, app store, mobile game, fan choice friday, thinknoodles fan choice, thinknoodles fan choice friday, spongebob, horror, horror game, scary spongebob, bikini bottom, patrick, around the clock
Id: yGaByqBQBT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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