Big & Deadly ELECTRIC EELS - Amazon River Monsters

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hey guys bill here you know in this year as we've covered all sorts of epic Amazon River Monsters like those being black Khurana dangerous-looking vampire fish freshwater sharks even those gigantic arapaima that you guys like today we're heading deep deep into the Amazon to a place you could only reach by floatplane and that's because this time Steve Townsend and I are looking for something really special today I'm going to take you to find one of the most dangerous River Monsters there is the electric eel now I'm a little bit nervous about this and to be honest with you I'm a little bit scared to you because they're known to kill people you wait till you see this electric eels as it turns out aren't actually eels they really come from the knife fish family which are closer to carp and Captain there are air breathers that like to inhabit the swamps and creeks around here and that's where Steve starts his hunt I know they're coming down by the boat these eels we're looking for it can grow up to eight point two feet or about two and a half meters they can weigh up to 44 pounds or 20 kilos according to some sources they can put out an electric jolt up to 900 volts which is more than enough to stop a human heart in this case a caiman thought it might go for an an electric eel dinner but the eel used a full jolt to show the caimen its fatal mistake it's a big eel this is unbelievable dammit he just got off job they're my special kill no no no he said no there's no more fishing it looks like we scared them off a little bit so we're gonna make our way out ah I've got another place to show you so let's go there now some of them somewhat of a little go we've got a few more surprises let's go look at that there there's one there there's one there is one here there's another one there look at lambing could be 6-foot that one there now there's a whole bunch of different ways to actually catch an electric eel for example this Indian tribe likes to lure the eel into a small pool of water that they poisoned with a special vine the famous fisherman Jeremy Wade likes to use a lasso and Steve has still yet another way to do it that's it just a little bit of hook one way not to catch him is like this in this video the fisherman learns the hard way that it's not a good idea to stand in the water while you try to catch an electric eel luckily his friends pulled him out of the water before he drowned he survived unhurt Ronon which should we catch is about 10 to 15 heels here and they just pop up and they come back down again Oh a Luger and don't fella look at the friggin size of these things girlfriend girlfriend he's gonna oh I missed it big gulp of air then there's got to be four or five June again y'all have a ball baby can sing in what would it could jump in a book no one jump in the boat will shock the boat so make sure you got your rubber shoes on we do okay good and the next one to pops up I'm gonna carve spoon one boy that's a big tick hey can you check the heartbeat yeah it'll be a one-fingered response I'm afraid now that we see it up close look how small those eyes are that's because electric eels don't use their eyes very much instead they use electrical impulses as radar to move around and even hunt prey now the trick will be getting them off the hook without getting shocked I guess we should have brought rubber gloves but then again why spend money on that when a twig will do the job in order three laughs any gone Go Go Go gone gone gone there with my book Amazon River monster and that killer on the way home we stopped to get some underwater footage of electric eels at this Creek we found we wanted to see better how they move themselves around so well without a big tail fin now look on the bottom of this guy here you see these fan tails that run along the bottom of the eel these are actually very long anal fins used to propel the fish now depending on how they're used they can propel the fish forward in Reverse up and down very efficient and very cool okay well that's all the time I have for this video I want to thank Steve for taking so much time to show us those amazing creatures and I want to pop a little quiz on you guys you ready okay now here's the question when it comes to electric eels which part of the electric eels body and put out a bigger jolt of electricity and it do it from the head or from the tail because one of them stronger let me know what your answer is in the comment section below and then email me for the official answer okay just send your emails to Bill's channel and and in the subject put electric eel okay that's all you got to do and now here's a little sneak peek at what's coming up next in this series you sick and tired incoming they're coming up the beach every time I'm trying to do my teeth you
Channel: billschannel
Views: 10,983,961
Rating: 4.5284171 out of 5
Keywords: River Monsters, electrric eels, Eels, World's Deadliest, Amazon RIver Monsters, Steve Townson, Fishing, Angling, Jeremy Wade, fishing videos, Brazil fishing, Amazon, Brazil, billschannel, wildlife, rivers
Id: GomeIaCmQPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2016
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