Bienvenidos a PARAGUAY la Tierra Guaraní | Gajes Del YouTuber

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Paraguay is a little-known country in the world however, it contains within it a lot of beauty traditions and a very particular magic that makes all the people who visit fall in love it is a small and captivating country. Ladies and gentlemen, be all welcome to Paraguay The Republic of Paraguay is a landlocked country located in the center of South America and surrounded by Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia This beautiful country currently has an approximate population of 7,000,000 within a territory of 406,752 km². The capital of Paraguay is Asunción its official currency is Guaraní and it has two Official Languages Spanish and Guaraní. The Guarani were the original inhabitants of this region and there is even a soccer club called Guaraní. like you, my Paraguay, I would not find anywhere else I tell you my Paraguay, I love you more at each sunrise You have already realized that here there are many things with the name Guaraní and that is precisely why Paraguay is known as the Guaraní Land. Its territory has two very different regions separated by the Paraguay River the western region or Chaco, and the eastern region which is the most populated and in which are the main cities of the country. Although it is a state without maritime coast it has coasts, beaches and ports on the rivers Paraguay and Paraná that give maritime exit to the Atlantic Ocean The Tropic of Capricorn, which crosses practically through the middle of Paraguay divides the country into two types of climate the humid subtropical climate, in the eastern region; and the tropical savanna climate, in the western region. Paraguay has the 4 well-marked stations. It is very hot even during the early morning hours and because of the high humidity the heat is usually very stifling. The average maximums exceed 30 °C from November to March and in December and January we can have peaks of up to 35 °C. The Paraguayan winter, is characterized by being soft and irregular because days of intense cold (minimum below 0 °C) as well as hot days (maximum above 30 °C) can occur. The average winter temperature is between 15 and 20°C being cooler towards the south of the country. A typical day in winter starts very cold in the morning then becomes warm or hot at noon and cold again at night. Autumn and spring are transitional and somewhat unstable seasons but usually the climate is usually mild and pleasant. Paraguay is a Unitary, Democratic and Presidential Republic. Political power Is exercised by the three branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Paraguay is a very peaceful country where Social Peace reigns whose inhabitants in General have a very good quality of life. a curious fact is that the Paraguayan flag is the only flag in the world that has two different shields for the front and the back Have you ever wondered why Paraguay has so few inhabitants in a not so small territory? To answer this question we must tell a little of its history. Paraguay was discovered by the Spaniards in 1524, and after nearly 300 years of colonization it gained its independence on May 15, 1811 without spilling a single drop of Blood. After a brief transitional government, José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was appointed permanent dictator in whose government the independence and sovereignty of Paraguay was strengthened. Upon his death Don Carlos Antonio López assumes as the first Constitutional President of Paraguay. His Government made Paraguay prosper by making it one of the largest Powers in the region. His death, his son, Marshal Francisco Solano López, takes office as president, and in his government one of the greatest tragedies of Paraguay the War of Triple Alliance From 1864 to 1870, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay came together to attack Paraguay and literally massacre our country. Paraguay was decimated, without agriculture, without livestock and without industries. The remaining population after the war was mostly made up of women and a few elderly men. From that moment began the repopulation of Paraguay, however, history does not end there. Between 1932 and 1935 Paraguay defends itself from a Bolivian invasion and thus begins the Chaco War. After two wars, and a little less than 100 years after the last Paraguay was reorganized and grew having to be rebuilt practically from scratch. That is why it is even incredible to understand how Paraguay managed to preserve its identity, its culture and its customs over the years and that is precisely what we will talk about now. if there is something that really characterizes Paraguay, it is the terere that long ago stopped being just a drink or a habit to become a true identity of the Paraguayan The Tereré is an infusion of Yerba Mate with cold water. Yerba Mate or Ilex paraguariensis is a yerba native to Paraguay that is also consumed in the countries of the region. he Yerba Mate industry is a very big industry in Paraguay it is sold in all the supermarkets and pantries of the country and it is considered a commodity it is very cheap and in all Paraguayan households there is always yerba mate on its shelves . The necessary elements to take tereré are: La Guampa, the Bombilla, the jug (or a thermos) full of Water with a lot of ice. You can also add to the water the famous Yuyos remedies which are herbs with different flavors, usually very refreshing and with certain properties we would say "medicinal". People selling Yuyos remedies are located in front of almost all the offices and from early on they sell their products to all the fans of Tereré con Yuyos. Apart from Tereré, Yerba mate is used to drink Mate (which is an infusion with hot water) and to make the Cocido which is a yerba mate tea that is hot and sweet and in some equations accompanied with milk The cocido is the direct substitute for coffee in Paraguay. The terere, the mate and the stew is consumed throughout the year and practically by all Paraguayans Because of this drink, Paraguay is the largest consumer of Tea per capita in the world, surpassing China and England. definitely I do not think there is a better combination than chipa and cocido I prefer the cocido with milk this is very good, very good And since we are talking about this chipa is the second element of identity that we have in Paraguay. When a foreigner steps on Guarani soil the first thing that is invited is a rich hot chipa La Chipa is undoubtedly the typical Paraguayan food par excellence And, what do you eat in Paraguay? Meat, Cassava (this is what Yuca is called) tarch, corn flour, corn (as it is called corn) among others, are indispensable ingredients in Paraguayan cuisine Paraguay is the only country where the soup is solid If you ask for soup in a restaurant, they will bring you Sopa Paraguaya in any case if you want to drink traditional soup you have to ask for a broth. Other very typical meals in Paraguay of permanent consumption are: La Chipa Guazú, mbeju, vori vori tortilla, among others, and always accompanied by a rich hot manioc. But if there is something that we Paraguayans do not feel proud of today, it is the ASADO which by the way, today, the Paraguayan barbecue is the best barbecue in the world. Family and friends always find an excuse to meet and eat a delicious barbecue. All Paraguayan households have a grill yes or yes and preferably in a barbecue. Paraguay is currently one of the main exporters of beef in the world. Paraguay has a robust economy, inflation levels of the lowest in the region, and an extremely stable currency. The Guaraní is the oldest currency in the region that has not undergone any modification since its creation in 1943. Paraguay has clean, renewable and safe energy thanks to the fact that it has three hydroelectric dams the Acaray dams, Itaipú (which it shares with Brazil) and Yacyretá (What it shares with Argentina). The Itauipú Dam is the largest hydroelectric power generating dam in the world. Paraguay is a country of great abundance, its soil is extremely fertile and there is enough space for all it is one of the few countries where 10 times more food is produced than its population needs. he land is so fertile that fruit trees grow up in front of houses in different towns and cities even some fruits become an environmental problem because of their abundance an example of that is mango. Paraguay is also one of the largest producers and exporters of soybeans in the world. also because of this abundance, all-time fruits are sold on the streets at extremely low prices In spite of not having coasts on the sea it counts on an infinity of streams rivers and is on one of the greater reserves of potable water of the world, the aquifer Guaraní. Paraguay is an incredibly unitary country, there is no marked regionalism, food is the same in all regions and we have the same time in the whole country. It is so unitary that there are not even religious gaps. 96% of the population is Christian (89% Catholic and 7% evangelical), only 4% is atheist, agnostic or of other religions. Although more than 80% of the Paraguayan population understands the two official languages (Spanish and Guarani) There is an invented language, which is commonly used by most people Which is called "jopara", and which is a mixture of both languages The most practiced sport and which arouses the passion of crowds is Soccer and there are two main clubs, Olimpia and Cerro Porteño. The most consumed beverage in Paraguay (after the Tereré) is beer. The Paraguayan Polka and the Guarania are the traditional musical styles of the country and most of the groups with greater success make folkloric music Young people in Paraguay consume our traditions a lot, speak Guaraní and listen to Paraguayan music. Today for youth, consume what is ours is COOL. a "chipita"? Paraguay is a country of beautiful women, who apart from beautiful are nice and hardworking, but at the same time brave and Brave. The Paraguayan Woman in general is Feminine and traditional, LOVES the family and is a Great Defender of LIFE Because of that, in Paraguay the ideological lobbies have little or no interference in society. Despite the fact that Paraguay is a developing country All the things that must be done always motivate the people who live in this country to continue working. That is why, among other things, Paraguay has repeatedly emerged as one of the happiest countries in the world. Paraguay has beautiful places to visit, natural beauties, wonderful ruins of impressive Jesuit reductions, Colonial Churches, a rich history from its discovery until our days. But without a doubt, what makes Paraguay great is its people always friendly, always warm and always ready to give you a smile. This was a very quick pass talking about this Great Nation located in the heart of South America. If you come here, they will invite you if or if a rich barbecue with an extremely cold beer. So ... see you friend Byeee
Channel: Gajes del Youtuber
Views: 997,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Viajes, Hoteles, Vacaciones, Playas, Gajes del Youtuber, Jorge Núñez, Restaurantes, Paraguay, Asunción, Encarnación, Villarrica, Tereré, Chipa, Mujer Paraguaya, Nadia Ferreira
Id: tVFP4Qb7S9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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