Biden defends reproductive rights in Tampa, new Supreme Court abortion case, more | America Decides

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[Music] I'm not allowed to talk but people are allowed to talk about me millions of women who are enduring unbearable pain and cruelty because of Donald Trump we're going to have Nations believe that they can just attack one another and take over uh neighboring Nations uh by virtue of their military might why it's a very dangerous World Israel did not and does not have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people hello I'm OK Keef CBS News in Washington welcome to America decides it's primary day in Pennsylvania but with the presidential nominations clinched neither of the candidates is in the swing state instead President Biden is on the campaign Trail in Tampa Florida while former president Donald Trump once again sat in a Manhattan courtroom for Testimony from former tabloid executive David pecker and a gag order hearing I'd love to talk to you people I'd love to say everything at saw my mind but I'm restricted President Biden was speaking about abortion access in Tampa ahead of a new six we ban that takes effect in Florida next week and taking aim at his likely Republican challenge there's one person responsible for this nightmare and he's acknowledging he brags about it Donald Trump let's cover the splits screen in what any other way a split screen Robert cost in New York aarin Navaro and Tampa we'll get to Aaron in a moment we begin with Robert who was outside the courthouse in lower Manhattan let's begin with the gag order hearing what exactly Robert did prosecutors and Trump's attorneys argue over today and what kind of penalty could the former president face the prosecution argued that Trump has already violated the gag order in this case with a blizzard of social media post that reference Witnesses like his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen and Trump faces possible contempt of court even some temporary incarceration and some Financial penalties should the judge decide to move in that direction but for now it's TBD unresolved the judge has not yet weighed in exactly on how he's going to handle the gag order and we have no sense of when he'll weigh in right it'll be soon okay much of the day was about testimony from David pecker the former National Inquirer publisher what to you stood out in his testimony today David Becker is someone who has for many years been in the Donald Trump Circle he's someone who's close to the former president going back into the 1980s 1990s when they were in certain circles together but it was really in that 2015 period where he become became someone who was helpful to the Trump presidential campaign and the prosecution zoomed in on that moment in August of 2015 when the Trump campaign Michael Cohen hopix Donald Trump they met with David pecker and offered his services in effect he said he was willing to work with the national inquire to protect Trump's reputation to do so-called catch and kill operations to kill any story that's seen as unfavorable to Trump and I I guess in that instance that relationship that was established between the then businessman and the then publisher to run or publish positive stories and catch any negative stories uh about Trump and then publish negative stories about his Rivals what would be inherently wrong or illegal about that relationship because it fell under the radar of a presidential campaign operating under federal regulations for campaign Finance for anything with a campaign needs to be fully disclosed can't be hidden from public view often needs to be disclosed to voters to Federal authorities so you had in in effect in the in the eyes of the prosecution a catch and kill criminal conspiracy that Donald Trump used to forward his own Poli iCal Ambitions that was never disclosed and that it was not only improper but illegal for Trump ultimately to pay Stormy Daniels through Michael Cohen his lawyer in coordination with the national inquire just days before the 2016 election what we saw today from David Pecker's testimony was the building of an origin story for the prosecution where they had him talk about his longtime relationship with Trump so we understood as listeners but especially those in the jury listening understood that pecker was someone who knew Trump built this relationship with Michael Cohen and ultimately it yielded this payment to Stormy Daniels but Stormy Daniels wasn't the only uh instance where this relationship ended up in a so-called catch and kill payment there were others that were detailed today one to a former doorman in the Trump building another to someone who has alleged to have had an affair with trump it must be said that Trump denies all wrongdoing and he has denied these sorts of encounters and Affairs and it's you know for those that have tracked this over the last several years who think we've heard all this we've heard this they have to establish those facts in court for that jury because it's ultimately in the hands of those 12 people uh Robert Costa there and Laurer Manhattan thank you for joining us we'll hear from you later in the week as the case continues now from the courtroom in New York to a community college in Florida President Biden was in the Sunshine State where next week it set to put in place some of the toughest restrictions on access to abortion services and then this fall voters are set to consider a ballot measure that would reverse that ban and Ensure abortion rights in the state's Constitution if it passes Aaron Navaro is following the president in Tampa Aaron good to see you what did the president have to say about abortion rights in Florida today Ed good to be with you like he has been doing uh President Biden continued to tie some of the more restrictive State abortion bans to former president Trump and his role in overturning roie Wade but he also talked about and claimed that former president Trump wants a National Abortion ban and that if president pres Biden as president and get something like that from a republican controlled Congress he would veto it but it's especially prevalent here in Florida where in one week a six- week abortion ban will be enacted uh making uh the southeast essentially uh losing another state where people can get abortions up to a certain week and you also heard President Biden kind of give action items to this issue telling people that if they vote they can stop it especially uh interesting here in Florida considering it's a state that the Biden campaign is looking to make a Battleground real quick Aaron one of the litmus tests on this with the president is whether he actually said the word abortion today did he he did he said it twice both uh in reference to Republican efforts uh for either a National Abortion ban or the more restrictive abortion bans for in instance he said Florida has uh is going to enact one of the most anti-abortion rights uh laws in the country so yes notable that he is saying the word in addition to the term woman's reproductive Health right he's been avoiding saying it explicitly which has bothered many in his party or in his Coalition now the president himself is claiming now that this issue puts the state in play for his campaign right right right and it's especially uh an interesting claim to make considering just how Republican Florida has turned and how Republicans here in the state have an over 800,000 uh voter registration Advantage but still I talked to congresswoman Kathy cter who has been representing the Tampa Bay Area since 2013 she's seen a couple Cycles now I asked her about uh what changes this cycle to make Florida winnable for Biden take a listen to what she had to say Florida is a different state every election cycle um it while it was a strong Democratic state it trended to purple uh then it's kind of been more of a red tinge but when you put reproductive freedom on the ballot and you have a very distinct choice between Joe Biden who's working for hardworking Floridians working to lower cost and Donald Trump who only works for himself that's a very stark contrast and I anticipate it's going to be go back to the old days where Florida is neck and neck and earlier in our chat she referred to that ballot initiative that will be on the ballot here uh in Florida to essentially codify abortion up until 26 weeks she said it was a game changer for Democrats in the states so obviously a Florida Democrats someone that's supporting Biden but she believes it does change the the you know Outlook politically for Democrats here and as you said someone who has seen a thing or two in Florida politics so uh an important perspective to get Ain novaro there in Tampa Florida thank you sir I'll talk to you soon in other news today the justice department has reached a massive C civil settlement with more than 100 people who accuse former USA Gymnastics physician Larry Nasser of sexual assault the 138.74503 million dooll agreement will be paid to dozens who've accused the FBI of failing to properly investigate their claims of abuse the 2021 doj report confirmed agents mishandled allegations against Naser of sexual assault back in 2015 the agents were either fired or retired and criminal charges against them were not pursued Naser is now serving decades in prison for assaulting female athletes including medal-winning Olympic gymnasts a Russia attack on Ukraine's second biggest city harke today massive television Tower breaking in half and falling to the ground next on American decide Senator Chris Murphy joins us as the Senate takes up the foreign aid package for Ukraine Israel and [Music] Taiwan after months of delays a 95 billion foreign a package heads towards the vote a final vote in the Senate the legislation includes funding for Ukraine Israel and US allies in the Indo Pacific as well as a force sale or ban on the Tik Tock app the seizure of Frozen Russian assets and stricter sanctions on Russia China and Iran in anticipation of this package passing the Senate CBS News has learned the Biden Administration is already preparing to send the first1 billion dollar in weapons to Ukraine after President Biden signs the bill something expected later this week two US officials tell CBS News the weapons package is expected to include more artillery air defense Munitions and armored vehicles we're joined Now by Democratic senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut Senator thanks for being being with us now given that a first weapons package is ready to go once this legislation is passed I wonder if you know yet how soon work starts on the next Aid package for Ukraine well there's no time to waste what we know is that right now on an average day Ukraine is firing about one the number of artillery shells that the Russians are many of their cities are defenseless because they don't have the interceptors to shoot down the incoming Russian missiles Len I think this is going to be an iterative process in which we are going to get them material ammunition U missile defense systems as quickly as we can muster those systems uh obviously what we often do is transfer to Ukraine items that we have in our own stock and then we use the funding to backfill our own supplies we can't transfer weapons to Ukraine at a pace that puts our own security at risk but we do have some of the things they need right now in US Stock files so I think you'll see a very steady flow of us Munitions to uh Ukraine in the coming weeks and there's enough money in this bill to make sure that that stays at a steady High rate throughout the rest of 2024 but do you anticipate Congress has to continue passing Aid packages like this big one for the foreseeable future that either later this year or at some point early next year you're going to have to come back to this debate I I I do um but a lot of what happens in Ukraine will be determined by the 2024 election um let's just be frank if Donald Trump wins Vladimir Putin is going to believe that he has won and he will just wait until Trump forces Ukraine to the negotiating table if Joe Biden wins then uh Putin knows that he's got a fight on his hands and he is much more likely to come to the table and sue for peace if he knows Joe Biden's going to be um building a International Coalition against him for the next four years so this amount of money that we're approving today gets us into the beginning of next year and after the election we will have a much better sense of what Putin's strategy will be in Ukraine you know uh you guys are putting the finishing touches on something the house passed after you guys had done it first and it seems only like three or four hours go by in the last few days before yet another glowing profile of house Speaker Mike Johnson lands suggesting that he's done a great Brave thing here by getting this through the house I'm curious if you agree with several Democrats now who are calling him a Statesman and a you know bipartisan leader or if you're one of those that thinks this should have been done months ago why did it take so long I mean he did the right thing I mean he tried every wrong thing before he did the right thing but I think it's okay to um Pat the speaker on the back for delivering Aid to Ukraine before it was too late I mean this is still a guy who is doing Donald Trump's Duty in the house who is undermining democracy who is trying to Rob from women the ability to um access full reproductive healthare but yeah listen politics is not a you know a or b game the speaker did something good and that doesn't mean that he's a good speaker fair enough uh in our remaining moments I'm curious you know initially this whole debate included a bipartisan immigration and border security plan that you helped negotiate in the Senate that was later blocked loed by Republicans do you get any sense There's Hope of Reviving those negotiations over a border security deal before the election nope nope Republicans have 100% made up their mind that they don't want to fix the Border we gave them a very tough border security package negotiated with a Hardline uh Republican senator on immigration James lenford of Oklahoma uh and Republicans walked away from it because they actually want the border to be a mess they want uh Donald Trump to be able to complain about the Border this election so there's no hope for any border immigration reform because Republicans don't uh Want It ultimately you know voters are going to have to decide did they support a Democratic party who supports a proposal to actually bring order to the Southwest border or do they support a Republican party that is interested predominantly in using immigration as a political wedge I'm proud of the bipartisan Bill we did I'm thankful to Senator McConnell and Senator Langford who did the right thing and and came to the table but ultimately Republicans have decided for the time being they don't want to solve this problem all right well we'll uh see how the election goes and then we'll uh take it up from there Senator Chris burphy of Connecticut thank you for taking some time and a busy day there in the Senate we appreciate it thanks one other notable development from Capitol Hill former president Donald Trump defending house Speaker Mike Johnson as he faced his attempts to OU him from his job here's what the former president had to say about Johnson in a radio interview on Monday we have a majority of one okay so it's not like he can go and do whatever he wants to do I think he's a very good person it's a tough situation when you have one I think he's a a very good man I think he's just trying very hard two other House Republicans have joined Georgia congresswoman margerie Taylor green and openly calling for Johnson's removal Green filed a resolution to oust him last month after the house passed that $95 billion foreign aid package green said Johnson will be vacated from the top house job if he doesn't resign it's day six of former president Donald Trump's hush money trial we're going to go beyond the bench to dig deeper into the case and the legal Maneuvers being made on both sides of the courtroom stay with us you're streaming America decides we are now six days into the historic criminal trial of former president Donald Trump and already there is a lot to unpack so to help us do some of that is Daniel Horwitz a former Manhattan District Manhattan assistant district attorney who's prosecuted several complex white collar crimes Daniel thank you for spending some time with us here let's start by talking about Judge Maran who's currently overseeing this case and weighing whether or not Trump has already violated a gag order imposed on him based on your experience in New York courtrooms any sense how the judge might rule well based on the hearing today I don't think it's going in a great direction for the defendant that's for sure um I think he was very unsatisfied with the answers he got from Trump's lawyer Todd planch um and it would certainly seem that he's got something in mind um what that is I I don't know but I I think it's fair to say that know he's not going to come out of the box with the heaviest sanction he could there's going to be a Continuum of of sanctions which start probably on the lower end with perhaps even you know a very strong admonishment or questions directly to the to the president asking him Mr President tell me why I shouldn't hold you in contempt because here's what I'm seeing and making him answer questions that will be uncomfortable for him to to to respond to um and making it quite clear that he is going to he being judge Maran is going to rule that court room um with an Iron Fist and a lace glove well let's put it this way have you ever heard of someone in that New York courthouse being thrown in jail for violating a gag order no but I mean so it's more likely to be a monetary fine of some kind or an admonishment of course of course I mean but but and and let me say this um that there are you know extraordinarily rare circumstances where a judge first of all is going to hold any defendant in contempt let alone putting them in if you would meaning let letting them sit in the jail cell behind the courthouse for a few hours to cool off um it does happen um but it with it you know it's extremely rare I uh I want to play you a piece of something the former president had to say today because he's repeatedly complained about the temperature of the courtroom take a listen and they're keeping me in a courtroom it's freezing by the way in a courtroom all day long all day long you said it's been cold in there he's been sitting straight up I talk to us a little bit about that building and and the extent to which the venue uh can affect a defendant's mood well I let's just say it's it on the positive it's a very interesting building it was designed by the same Architects that designed Rockefeller Center that having been said it's 80 years old and its heating and cooling systems are about that old it can be extremely hot in that courtroom it could be extremely cold and by the way he shouldn't feel singled out because all the lawyers the judges and guest guess what guess who else the jurors are experiencing that as well so it it can it is not ideal in terms of its physical plan but on the other hand you are on trial in a criminal case one would think that you're going to overcome whatever temporary uncomfortableness you're going to have with your environment and you're going to focus and pay attention because your life's on the line here yeah so designed by the same guys that did Rockefeller Center but uh not renovated by the Comcast company that now owns that building up the street uh town all right Daniel Horwitz thank you for your perspective we'll talk to you again as the trial continues in the race for the White House author and activist Cornell West's presidential campaign says it's gained access to the ballot in Colorado campaigns claiming they did so through the unity party of Colorado they also say they've gained ballot access in Alaska Oregon South Carolina and Utah West who originally jumped into the race with the green party is now running as independent 6 months after President Biden requested it 2 months after the Senate passed it I'm just frankly relieved and grateful that we are finally here this Senate finally gets its hands on the forign aid Bill we're live on Capitol Hill as lawmakers get set to send it to the president's desk you're streaming America [Music] decides welcome back we are watching the Senate tonight as lawmakers prepare to give final approval to a $95 billion Aid package that provides assistance to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan are Nicole Killian on Capitol Hill following the latest for us Nicole great to see you how easily is this Aid package now expected to pass and is there any sign of dissent at this point in the Senate well there are some Senators who are opposed to this package but by in large we saw in a procedural vote earlier today that Senators overwhelmingly voted to advance this legislation which uh really kind of puts it on a Glide path to final passage so much so that leader Schumer and leader McConnell were almost taking Victory laps uh you know in terms of patting each other on the back for working in a bipartisan fashion to move this legislation forward and considering the Senate passed a similar measure just a few weeks ago uh there isn't really much different to this package uh that they are now taking up so we do expect it to uh clear final passage uh in the next few hours if not by tomorrow in Congressional reporting speak Glide path is a word we like to use because it means uh things will be button up by dinner time at least tomorrow uh a big part of this bill Nicole as you know has to do with Tik Tock in essence forcing the company to be divested by the Chinese firm bite dance or have it be banned across the United States you talked to a Tik Tok influencer today about that potential B what did she have to tell you yeah that's right I mean keep in mind that this is an added provision beyond what the Senate passed earlier and that the Senate has really had some pretty uh drawn out debate over how to proceed over this issue of Tik Tock although it does seem like some senators are on board with this legislation now as you mentioned I did speak with a Creator who came up to Capitol Hill hoping to try to convince Senators to vote against this package take a listen to what she told me about the potential impact on her small business what will this mean for your business business um it would be devastating um for my business I again 98% of my sales come because people find me on Tik Tok uh this past August we sold more um in nine days on Tik Tok shop than we did all of last year combined um I can't replicate that on the other platforms we've tried so she drove all the way from Columbia South Carolina to be here and Tik Tock furthermore is now threatening potential illegal action saying we will move to the courts for a legal challenge uh once at this bill is potentially signed so that is potentially uh the next step on the part of Tik Tok that is according to an internal company memo that CBS News has obtained uh and in terms of this influencer we talked about you know she was very concerned that this was kind of tucked into this foreign aid package she felt it was kind of sneaky on the part of lawmakers and feels that if the concerns are about privacy issues that they should take that issue up separately rather than trying to force a divestiture or ban of Tik Tok outright all right Nicole killy and on Capitol Hill we will watch passage of that bill then we'll watch the legal fight that probably will unfold but we appreciate it for now now here in uh Studio let's bring in Ashley aen and MOA Gillespie Ashley previously served as communications director for vice president Harris MOA was an adviser to house Speaker John Boehner and congressman Adam kininger good to see you both let's start first with this bill I thought rep didn't like this thing more why did they suddenly all come home because it's a better situation for them to have this past one broken up into pieces uh individually for the house that was a smart strategic move by Speaker Johnson but largely this doesn't involve border security so they you know can continue to complain about the lack of border security funding uh and you know kind of do Donald Trump's bidding in that effort in essence the the issue is still there so they everyone can still campaign on security absolutely I mean I like to believe that speaker Johnson got religion you know that he somehow became very fully aware of the implications of not passing these bills is having on our allies around the world and it's really exacerbating the problems from Israel to Ukraine so I mean I like to believe that you know there was a little politics there but mostly putting the interests of the country ahead of the part completely agree I think Johnson absolutely realized he one seeing some of the briefing documents and going getting some of those things that we're not even privy to um intelligence briefings I think he chose to do the right thing for the right reasons and as my old boss say the right things will happen uh and in that effort fantastic but for some of the members especially in the Senate who were kind of touting saying they would never pass Ukraine Aid they also now have come on board because I I think they in part have seen that this is a good strategic messaging effort for them yeah if anything if he didn't get religion he at least got a classified briefing or two that scared him into doing this um absolutely one other thing the speaker is now doing apparently he's going to Columbia University tomorrow to call attention to the concerns about an anti-Semitism on that campus and on campuses Nationwide this continues to be a congressional concern where does this issue go next um and and what are the politics of this this can be a little tricky I agree I mean I think this is going to be a tough one for Johnson and I was surprised by how quickly this was just announced uh given what's happening in colum you know at Columbia but other schools obviously in the area as well I I'm alarmed by it just as a citizen and just watching it from the outside in I'm alarmed by it um I also think in messaging for tomorrow I'll be curious to hear if speaker johnan talks about student loans and forgiveness and talking about privileged students who are out there saying you know death to some not all but saying death to America and then also asking for forgiveness of their student loans it's not going to sit well with the American talk about it yeah and this is a tricky one for Democrats too no I mean this is the the issue that continues to dog the president I mean the challenge here is that it's an issue where he and netanyahu's interests are conflicting and it's a situation where he has absolutely no control over it he lost upwards of 200 th000 votes uncommitted during the primaries in places like Michigan I'm hearing on the ground those people are not going to come back to the party they're not going to vote for Joe Biden so this is an issue that continues to dog the president and it's one in which there's no easy solve for there's no easy fix for this one I mean the good thing is that a is now going um and going to hit the ground so hopefully this that will let some pressure out of the valve but the reality is is this is a an issue that's going to continue to dog the president I want you to take a listen to something the president had to say today in Florida if we can run that please next week one of the nation's most extreme anti-abortion law will take effect here in Florida don't think he's making a deal right now with magga extremists to ban Nationwide abortion every single state because he's making it in fact the magga majority of the House of Representatives has introduced three separate bands three separate banss to Cho to ban Choice Nationwide in every single state based on the state each state these bills are overwhelming have overwhelming support republicans in Congress but know this as long as I have the power of the presidency is never going to happen twice there he said the a word yes he's now saying on this issue right the evolution remind the viewers why this is kind of a big deal well I mean and why he needs to say it in the in the eyes of Democrats yeah I mean Joe Biden's been a lifelong Catholic I mean I think he goes to mass every Sunday as said and so the problem has been and I saw this from the inside where you had you know this young woman former AG you know from California that was further left than her boss on this issue absolutely so how do you reconcile these two positions well it looks like the president's gu and smart uh on the issue and is realizing that this is not just a winner for the Democratic party but is a critical issue for women all over the country not just Democratic women but we've seen moderate women that have flipped Kansas Ohio this is the gift that we'll keep giving for Democrats no doubt going into the election are Republicans sounding alarm Bells yet down in Florida concerned that this thing could pass and potentially lift other Democrats on the ballot probably not in Florida but elsewhere in the country it's absolutely a problem for Republicans we have long struggled on this issue and we will continue to do so if we are encouraging bands like this um and and again I I as a Catholic I don't know who decided you have to be pro-life and pro-choice I believe you can be two things at once you know you can believe in the San of life but also respect half the population's medical freedom and I think Joe Biden's using the term abortion here is an interesting choice for him definitely a winning choice for him as far as Democrats go um I always appreciate him talking about it as far as women's Reproductive Rights I appreciated that but again I think that this is an issue where Republicans aren't looking holistically at how they're going to even help women that they are subjecting this these kind of bands onto there's no protocols in place to say okay well you have to have this this child but here's some support for that child or here's some support for your Healthcare right there's nothing there and Democrats have always said that about Republicans you could be pro-life when the baby's in the stomach but when the baby comes out you split and run you know what I mean you don't you don't provide them any sort of Aid and support to your point so uh but this is I think you know this is again we've seen Gavin Newsome that's now up with ads all over the place he's had billboard in seven states that have so this is an issue that the entirety of the democratic apparatus is going to be leaning in on because it draws this nice contrast between between where Republicans are Donald Trump is and where Democrats are freedoms democracy for all free choice versus Republicans snatch and grab and I option I had a conversation with somebody this morning who points out that because in Florida the passage of that ballot measure requires 60% approval of the voters it's going to have to be a more nonpartisan or bipartisan argument made than in places like Arizona where Democrats can just lean into it and get as many Democrats to vote it and get it over Finish Line a majority vote we'll be talking a lot about this over the next several months morie asle Chan great to see both of you expelled New York Congressman George Santos remember him well he has suspended his campaign to reclaim a seat in the house Santos posted on social media Tuesday that he's dropping out of the race because he said he doesn't want to split the ticket and cause a Democrat to win Santos was running as an independent for New York's First Congressional District after previously serving in the state's third District former Congressman has been indicted on mult multiple charges including wire fraud moneya laundering and identity theft he's pleaded not guilty to all counts plotting his political future could Health and Human Services secretary Javier Basera be ready to go home and run for California Governor we're in the neighboring state of Arizona as he visits that state to promote abortion access stay with us you're streaming America decides welcome back to America decides Health and Human Services secretary Javier verer spoke in Arizona today about Reproductive Rights his comments come however as there's speculation about his political future Politico reports he's had multiple conversations over the past few weeks about mounting a bid for governor of California when that job comes up again in 2026 B previously served as the state's attorney general and a congressman from the Los Angeles area CBS News is shaa Melle joins us now from Phoenix shaa great to see you you asked Basera today about a possible bid for California Governor what do you have to say Ed good evening great to be here with you Basera stopped by a Planned Parenthood here in Phoenix Arizona today but I asked him about those political reports and straight up if he plans or wants to be Governor here's what he had to say do you want to be governor of California so we're in Arizona we just made a a really important announcement about privacy interests uh I'm going to focus on that and simply tell you that it is great to see that the people people of Arizona are taking action so the secretary here today sidest stepping the question when asked directly if he wants to be governor of California he really sought to focus on what he was here in Phoenix to talk about today which was a new HHS policy that was unveiled just this week that seeks to really strengthen privacy protections for patients sha Melle uh straight up asking the question and let the record reflect again that the secretary did didn't say no when you asked whether he'd like to be governor of California we appreciate it there in Phoenix Arizona forest ton I thank you the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments tomorrow in a key case that involves abortion rights the disputes over the clash between Idaho's near total ban and a federal law that requires Medicare participating hospitals to provide emergency abortion care to women whose health is at serious risk Health policy reporter for the Associated Press Amanda sites joins us now she wrote an article an incredible article about how emergency rooms across United States are refusing to treat pregnant women one of these this just stuck with me here this woman you spoke with uh uh health law and policy professor says pregnant patients have quote become radioactive to emergency departments unquote in states with extreme abortion restrictions they're so scared of a pregnant patient that the emergency medicine staff won't even look they just want these people gone that's how uh urgent it is for women and how concerned hospitals are in these states about the potential legal risk yeah and and what we found um we were able to get back some federal records complaints pregnancy related complaints against hospitals is that the severity and the number of complaints really went up after states started enacting these abortion bans um and we found cases where medical staff wouldn't look at these pregnant patients when they walked in they were asking for help and they were turned away and told to drive elsewhere in some cases do we get a sense that the doctors the front desk staffs at these places are being told by somebody in the back room just for for the sake of our legal risk avoid these at all costs or are they personally concerned given the changes in law that they could get swept up into something they don't want to be involved in well unfortunately the documents don't tell us the motives necessarily that some of these doctors or medical staff had in turning away the patients but what we do know is that there was a lot of confusion swirling for doctors um once these abortion banss were enacted um and that there continues to be some confusion and difficulties in treating these patients when they do present at ERS um some of the doctors in Idaho have said that they've had to actually airlift patients out of the state to get care because of their a new abortion ban that started in January they've had several instances of that so there's going to be a lot of conversation at the high court tomorrow about something known as mtala EMA what is that and how is it potentially being used by the Biden Administration to penalize these hospitals that aren't treating women so mtala is the federal law that requires that every patient that presents at an emergency room get a medical screening exam and if the hospital is not able to provide uh resources or services to them that they at least stabilize that patient before transferring them out and the Biden Administration has argued that Idaho's state ban which would State abortion ban which does not allow an exemption for the health of the mother is in direct conflict with the federal law that requires these emergency rooms to treat patients in a medical emergencies right they don't have the health exception they have only a life exception uh in Idaho uh and and Idaho is arguing well this same law says we also have to account for the life of the baby therefore that's why we are perhaps seeing hospitals make this weird or not weird decision but this difficult decision to figure out what exactly to do about a situation like that that's correct the the the federal law actually does mention unborn children and that doctors are required to treat them as well so it's a real conundrum that we'll hear in reading your report which I urge our viewers to go find I get a sense that HHS the health and human services department is a little reluctant to really penalize and press these hospitals unless or until the Supreme Court rules on this right is that part of this well it takes a really long time why why that's what I don't understand too I mean if if you're not treating someone and there's a potential Financial penalty it should be pretty cut and dry you asked the hospital why they didn't do it you issue the fine if they didn't right yeah and it still takes years for the federal government to determine these fines and they don't publicly release these complaints either uh you have to fight to get those as well and that could be a fine of what five figures six figures depending on the case it's they're Hefty fines and hospitals also are at risk for losing their Medicare funding if they violate mtala which is you know how a lot of hospitals make a lot of money and so it's it's a real big threat to them um to not follow this law but as we've seen it's also a real big threat to these doctors who might face criminal penalties if they do perform an abortion in some of these states let alone a threat to the life of the women who walk in seeking the help and at least allegedly aren't getting it um Amanda sides incredible reporting an important subject uh and a really important case to watch at the Supreme Court tomorrow we appreciate you being here thank you for having me Ed President Biden and former president Trump may not be in Pennsylvania this primary day but we are we'll take a closer look at what's on the ballot in Keystone State you're streaming America [Music] decides welcome back to America decides it's primary day in the swing state of Pennsylvania we have reporters across the Keystone State covering the races to watch I'm Zack Hudak I'm in Camp Hill Pennsylvania covering the primary race for the state's 10th congressional district that's a seat that's currently held by Scott Perry a close Ally of President Trump and someone who was involved intimately in some of the efforts to overturn the 2020 election results there are five Democrats here in this District running just for the chance to take on Perry Come November I'm also keeping a close watch on Pennsylvania's 12th District that's the area around Pittsburgh a seat currently held by summer Lee She's the first member of the squad to come up for a primary we're watching that in large part to see the effect of her opposition to some of the Israel Aid packages that have been passed how that affects her in this race hi I'm John Delano KDK TV we're outside the Renaissance Hotel here in Pittsburgh where congresswoman summer Lee hopes to celebrate a victory later tonight in today's Pennsylvania primary who is summer Lee well she's the first African-American woman elected to the US House from Pennsylvania and she clearly identifies with the progressive wing of the democratic party she frequently votes with the squad and Alexandria Casio Cortez and she is somebody who has makes no apologies for being quite liberal in this community she's being opposed by bavy Patel a 30-year-old daughter of Indian immigrants to America who is bony Patel well again she's someone who's more moderate she says she says she supports President Biden and Israel which has become one of the issues in this campaign because Summer Lee has been a strong supporter of Palestinians in this election and throughout the past year who's going to win well it looks like it looks like summer Lee has the most support certainly from political action committees there are eight of them that have spent money in this camp campaign there's been one political action committee helping Patel largely funded frankly by a republican billionaire in Pennsylvania so we'll see later tonight who's the winner odds still favor Congressman summer Lee winning renomination here in Pennsylvania at the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh I'm John Delano KD Ka TV news Zack Hudak and John Delano Thank you new federal election Comm commission filings are giving insight into how much money the Biden and Trump campaigns have on hand we're also learning how much money is being spent on the former president's legal bills the CBS News analysis finds that two packs have spent more than $65 million on Trump's legal defense since January 2023 CBS News political reporter Hunter Woodall is here to look at the numbers Hunter good to see you how much exactly did each campaign bring in last month well it's fascinating you know former president Donald Trump may be up in the the polls in so many states but he's facing a struggle when it comes to campaign fundraising when you look at former President Joe Biden checking the numbers here President Joe Biden's main campaign brought in $ 43.8 Million last month according to campaign Finance records Donald Trump 15.3 that's it that's it and that's a large golf now these are just the two main campaign accounts but when you look at the you know the struggles the former president's having this is a major one because not only is uh President Biden you know fundraising far more than former president Trump right now he's also spending more and it looks like in in March these record show Biden's campaign spent more than 25 million more than Trump uh last month that's a large Gulf and it's on advertising on Staffing on traveling the president across the country at a time when the former president's worried primarily about his legal future talk to us about what his legal bills look like absolutely you know my colleague Jay Rosen did great work breaking down that number of that you know more than 65 million spent by these two political action committees about you know on the former president's legal defense that's a large golf of money now that's separate from the uh figures we just talked about but that's a big drain on campaign money that could be used to help Trump's chances in the election and you know these legal challenges are not going away they're still growing obviously we see the former president in court this week these challenges are ongoing you know there's several different cases and they're not going away anytime soon it is incredible to think 65 million so far and only this week did he start sitting in a courtroom for actual proceedings let's see Hunter Woodall great to be with you and and have you share that information thank you you and before we go it turns out George Washington may have indeed cut down that cherry tree after all archaeologists working at the Mount Vernon estate Unearthed two intact bottles of cherries in the basement of the former president's Mansion experts say the bottles were buried more than 250 years ago and have been preserved ever since one of the archaeologists even said it smelled like cherry blossoms when they excavated the bottles that does it for today we'll be back with another Edition of America decides tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Eastern The Daily Report with John Dickerson starts right now
Channel: CBS News
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Keywords: America Decides, CBS News, video, live streaming, Politics
Id: 7AnxQJegSK4
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Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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