Bicycle Touring South East Asia: WILD CAMPING IN CAMBODIA | Cycling the World 61

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we're now around 500 meters before the cambodian border and uh it's known for its bribes scans so we hope everything goes smoothly we're not really sure what we're going to do yet if they tried to drive us last time we argued from the border from vietnam we had a big discussion almost got into a fight so we really hope this one goes a little smoother but we also don't want to encourage them to drive everyone in the future so yeah let's hope it goes smoothly and we will see we will see you at the other side cambodia would come so behind me you see the pagoda it's a official border of cambodia so we're now here and no bribes at all no scams i don't know what we were worrying about how about corona anything to say about coronavirus were asking me if i wanted like a corona beer or something it's no nothing no we didn't have any health checks we don't have any temperature checks so let's go let's enjoy [Music] welcome to cambodia and wow what a difference compared to vietnam it's really really busy here on the national highway 1. for now we have this beautiful campsite look at it it's amazing it's really tranquil the road is just over there but we are chilling here beside the road waiting for the sun to go down a little bit then we're gonna head out there in the fields we're gonna have a nice camp spot for the night [Music] [Music] so [Music] wow super lucky maybe the mosquitoes also really like this place because of the water maybe yeah but we will see we can dive into the tent before mosquito hour [Music] ah [Music] first night in cambodia wild camping it's just the perfect place so oh man what a refreshment yeah that's one of the best words i could find right now so quiet and empty and yeah nice i'm really looking forward to tomorrow so see you tomorrow have a good night [Music] so we're once again back in the 10th it's been a while a couple of months almost actually it was really difficult to camp in vietnam we tried a couple of times but it didn't feel really relaxed with the people they were kind of fierce but we're in cambodia first night and we're in the tent again feels really good to be out in nature again we're sitting here and i don't know if you can see it but there are thousands and thousands of mosquitoes outside there's this little pond that we're standing besides and it's just mayhem with all these mosquitoes you can even hear that like it's a whole symphony of mosquitoes so glad to be inside time to relax for a bit and see you guys later [Music] so early morning first night in cambodia it was pretty good night actually um there's a party going on already for an hour and a half the sun just came up five minutes ago but already for an hour and a half in a village over there they're having a party with drums and singing and flutes playing so that that was really interesting and the tent was super wet all these droplets hanging here falling down was like it was raining in the tent and uh so we cleaned it up with a with a cloth ready to get out and enjoy the first full day in cambodia [Music] we also bought this fruit and we're not exactly sure what it is it's a like a mix between orange and grapefruit it's super delicious but we're not sure how to open it so we're just gonna try i think i will just cut it from the side now there's still a layer on it so you have to cut this away as well and this is the actual fruit i'm not sure what the name is but it's so pretty it's perfect right now no [Music] so these two gentlemen just came up to the our camping spot and they told us they were going fishing so i think this man is now uh hand fishing in the mud probably for some maybe some crayfish or some some frogs perhaps oh he has one this one yeah wow wow we have this oh never saw that before in my life people are hand fishing i started in documentaries several times but it's really cool these guys are really slow and at ease with their craft and just like that he got a fish and he was like yeah i got one so that was really cool bye bye bye it's a nice ending of our beautiful camp spot here so we're gonna head out the big national highway number one is over there and uh it's gonna be a busy day we try to get ahead of the game a little bit make uh make some kilometers today and then after after this long day it's uh hopefully relaxing and we're gonna check out the back roads [Music] [Music] while going deeper into cambodia the coronavirus suddenly got serious on a global scale we heard thailand began closing up its borders for certain nationalities and the chance of getting stuck became a real possibility everything we hoped and planned suddenly became uncertain [Music] click one of the videos on screen to check out more of our adventures if you like this video don't forget to like subscribe and hit the bell to help with our video creations consider supporting us on patreon you
Channel: Wheels to Wander
Views: 27,832
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Keywords: wheels to wander, wheelstowander, cycling the world, bicycle touring, cycling around the world, bicycle tour, cycling asia, bicycle touring south east asia, cycling south east asia, cycling southeast asia, cambodia bicycle, bicycle touring cambodia, bicycle cambodia, wild camping cambodia, wild camping, camping cambodia, asia wild camping, south east asia wildcamping, wild asia, asia wild, cambodia cycling, cycling cambodia, vietnam to cambodia, cambodia by bike
Id: Ba1EZe9TyV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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