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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome back to our bible study with me series going through the book of titus today's video we're gonna be in titus chapter three which is the final chapter in this book this has gone by so fast like we talked about it's one of the shorter books in the new testament but it's packed full of so much stuff if you haven't already watched the videos for chapters one and two i recommend you going back and doing that before you watch this video but just a little refresher on some of the stuff we've covered and learned so far so titus is a letter that the apostle paul wrote to titus instructing him on how to bring order to the churches in crete because the churches in crete had come under the influence of corrupt creation leaders and false teaching had begun to creep in to the church and so in response to this problem paul is instructing titus on a couple ways that he is going to restore order to the church so first of all in chapter one paul instructs titus to rebuke the false teachers and to appoint elders in the church who are going to have to meet a certain set of criteria as far as their qualifications and their character and so that's what we covered in chapter one and then in chapter two we zoomed in a little bit more where paul is giving practical advice to different demographics within the church on how they are to live and so he speaks directly to the older men the older women the younger men and the younger women giving them each instructions on how they are to live and this has implications for just life in general for life within the church and life within the home and then now today in chapter three we are going to be talking about how we are to live in terms of our interactions with those outside the church and in all of these things when we live this godly way of life that is set apart from how the world lives or different from how the world lives then that godly way of life is going to point others to the truth of who god is and it is going to give an example of the life transformation the gospel brings and so we are just going to jump into it in chapter three i did want to make the quick note that a couple of you commented that for chapters one and two the sound was only coming through on your left earphone and i looked into it and it looks like that's because i accidentally had the microphone for my camera not fully plugged in so i apologize for that unfortunately i'm not able to go back and change it now since the videos are already uploaded and it's already been recorded but i did make sure we're all good to go for this video so hopefully you won't have that issue again and then if you are still going back and watching chapters one and two and it's really annoying if you do take out your earphones and just listen to it out loud you won't have that issue and so i know that's not super convenient but i will make sure that i always have it plugged in from now on but anyways if you have a bible go ahead and pull it out and turn to titus chapter three verse one remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities to be obedient to be ready for every good work to speak evil of no one to avoid quarreling to be gentle and to show perfect courtesy toward all people so i want to stop right there and make a couple notes the first thing we hear in this instruction paul is giving to timothy on how the creation christians are to live and interact with those outside the church which applies to us as well as christians today and how we are to interact with those outside the church the first instruction there is to remind them remind us to be submissive to rulers and authorities now we know from other places in scripture that we are to be submissive to rulers and authorities up until the point that doing so would require us to be disobedient to god so when something that a ruler or an authority is asking us to do goes against the word of god or what we know that he has clearly commanded us to do then that is the one time that we are not to be obedient to the rulers and authorities but we are as a general rule to be submissive to the authorities that god has implemented in our lives whether that is church authority governmental authority and i just think it's so cool to understand and recognize god's order even as we've talked about in this book because we've talked about submission in the context of church leadership submission in the context of marriage and now submission in this general idea of us as citizens in whatever country we're dwelling in to be submissive to the rulers and authorities so i just wanted to make a note on that and then right from there it says to be obedient and to be ready for every good work we talked a lot about this in the book of james if you watched my bible study series through that book but good works do not earn salvation yet they are a byproduct of it they are the fruit that shows us that those roots of salvation are genuine and it talks about this in ephesians 2 as well i'm just going to look at my notes it talks about how we are saved by grace for good works that god prepared for us in advance that we should walk in them that's ephesians 2 8-10 and so good works do not save us yet when we have been saved and there is genuine faith there then good work is going to be a natural byproduct of that and so we are commanded here to be ready for every good work i think this implies an eagerness and almost like a searching out of an opportunity to do good works i believe that there is a verse i want to say it's either in galatians or proverbs i'll put it up on the screen that talks about doing good whenever you have the opportunity then in verse 2 it says to speak evil of no one i talked about this in my taming the tongue video how this is so counter cultural because our culture tells us that if somebody wrongs you or if they did something against you then to just drag their name through the mud or if there's somebody you disagree with or whatever then you can say bad things about them but this verse is commanding us here as christ followers to speak evil of no one not even that person who wronged you not even that person who you strongly disagree with but to speak evil of no one to use your words for life and to build up and remember in obeying this way of life when we do speak evil of no one that is going to set us apart or make us look different than the world around us because that is not how the world operates and in that they are going to see the transformation that jesus brings and how we are set apart because he is changing us and so we are to speak evil of no one we are to avoid quarreling i think that conflict is a natural part of life but i think this here really speaks at you know that we are not to be seeking that out we are not to be looking to pick fights with people we are to avoid quarreling we are to be gentle and we are to show perfect courtesy toward all people so i think we all know what courtesy means but as you guys know i like to look up words that are common just to see if that definition can provide any nuance or deeper understanding and essentially perfect courtesy means politeness but then that word in the greek the way that it is translated it actually speaks more to the words meekness or gentleness and i think that sometimes we hear the word meek and we think weak somebody who's a pushover who doesn't stand up for themselves but the meaning of the word meek actually gets at this idea of strength under control and so meek does not equal weak meek actually equals strength but controlled strength and so kind of in the context of everything that we're talking about in these verses it's talking about control right because we're being told to be submissive to rulers and authorities well maybe sometimes we don't agree with those rulers and authorities and we could have these strong opinions and come against them but instead we are commanded to submit and to have that control we could have that strength in the sense of wanting to speak out against the people we disagree with or that we don't like like we were just talking about but we're commanded to control that strength or that passion right and instead choose to channel our words for good so we've just been commanded on all these ways we are to live and now going into verse three paul says four so again like we talked about in chapter two it's essentially saying do this for because he now says in verse 3 for we ourselves were once foolish disobedient led astray slaves to various passions and pleasures passing our days in malice and envy hated by others and hating one another so paul is essentially here reminding the christians saying we ourselves we as christ followers we were once foolish we were once disobedient we were once led astray and controlled by our passions and our pleasures rather than having this self-control and this godly way of life and so essentially live in this godly way and be good to these people around you because we ourselves were once in that same position and but for the grace of god we would be no different and so it's essentially getting at this idea of pride how we could maybe think that we are better than the world because we know better maybe but paul here is saying that the only reason we know better the only reason that we even have the ability to live better is because of jesus because of the grace of god so paul is saying we two were once in that same place but now continuing on in verse four but when the goodness and loving-kindness of god our savior appeared he saved us not because of works done in righteousness but according to his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the holy spirit whom he poured out on us richly through jesus christ our savior so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life this saying is trustworthy and i want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed in god may be careful to devote themselves to good works these things are excellent and profitable for people so paul here is saying we too were once in this place that the world is in we were dead in our sins but the goodness and the loving kindness of god appeared and that is what changed everything he saved us not because of works that we did not because of our own righteousness but because of his mercy and he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the holy spirit i want to read a note from the commentary here i just wrote this down it says that washing refers not to baptism so baptism isn't some action we do to earn salvation but it refers here when it talks about washing in this passage it refers to god's work of spiritually cleansing us and then when we choose to get baptized that is an outward symbol of that inward work that god has done so again it is nothing that we have done but again as it's unpacking in this verse instead it was through jesus who being justified by his grace so when we put our faith in him his perfect righteousness is imparted to us we are justified by his grace not by anything that we have done and then we become heirs according to the hope of eternal life i talked about this in my galatians bible study video that book really digs into what it means to be heirs and to be adopted into the family of god so check that out if you want to dig more into this concept but paul is essentially saying live this godly way of life because we too were once dead in our sins but the grace of god saved us and this saying this is trustworthy he says and because of this i want you to insist on these things to insist on this godly way of life this sound doctrine so that those who have believed in god may be careful to devote themselves to good works to devote is to give of one's time or resources of one's very self to a cause and so paul is saying because of this great mercy that god has given us because of that insist on this so that those who have believed in god may be careful may take great care to devote ourselves to good works these things are excellent and profitable for people i was listening to a sermon on this chapter and it was talking about how paul is essentially saying here that recognizing what god has done for us should essentially produce four things one it should produce gratitude just being thankful for what he has done for the mercy that he has extended to us in saving us two it should produce humility in recognizing that there was nothing we could have ever done to earn it three it should produce kindness when we look at people who have not yet been saved and we look at the ways that they are living that do not align with scripture a kindness there in recognizing that the only difference there between them and us is the grace of god and that should in turn produce faith in knowing that the same god who saved us and brought us from also once being in that place like paul says that same grace can also save them and that should give us faith to pray for that to share the gospel to live in this way that is going to draw others to him verse 9 but avoid foolish controversies genealogies dissensions and quarrels about the law for they are unprofitable and worthless as for a person who stirs up division after warning him once and then twice have nothing more to do with him knowing that such a person is warped and sinful he is self-condemned and so this first part of the verse verse 9 is talking about avoiding foolish controversies i was looking into the commentary and part of what this is referring to are those false teachings that we already addressed in chapter one so avoid false teachings but then it also gets into genealogies dissensions quarrels about the law within the christian faith there are certain things that are gospel issues or salvation issues that we all need to be on the same page with but there are other theological issues that we sometimes get into debates about and it's not to say that those things aren't important or that we shouldn't have conversations about them but at the end of the day there are certain things that don't ultimately impact salvation or the gospel and so paul here is getting at telling us not to be so divided on those issues again not saying that there's not a time and a place to have healthy discussions or conversations on some of these dissensions but it should not ultimately be driving this sense of division and then as for verse 10 i want to read a note from the commentary there that's really unpacking what this is saying about church discipline it says here that when it says have nothing more to do with it so basically you have talked to that person once and then talked to that person twice this person who is stirring up division then after that have nothing more to do with him and so this note from the commentary says that this phrase have nothing more to do with him describes the final stage of church discipline a divisive person who refuses to repent and change after being confronted shows himself to be twisted by sin which is the word paul uses theirs warped and thus he is self-condemned the new testament is clear about seeking the repentance of such people but it is equally clear that refusal to receive rebuke eventually shows that one is not in christ and must be excluded from the christian community and so again here basically it is saying that the goal is always repentance the goal is restoration of those relationships but if somebody is continually bringing division into the church false teachings into the church and they have been rebuked once and twice and they refuse to repent in that then it is saying here that the instruction to the church is to have nothing to do with that person and this again really gets to this idea that we've been talking about all throughout titus of how important it is to have pure and sound doctrine and i think it's interesting how it says here in this commentary note that a refusal to receive rebuke eventually shows that one is not in christ and i really just think that speaks to the truth that such a core component of having a relationship with jesus means having a willingness and a softness in our heart to repent to receive rebuke and to be able to be changed by the holy spirit allowing him to transform us so that we are able to recognize when we are wrong and also in that same sermon i referenced that i was listening to it said that this is interesting here this idea of talking about rebuke because it implies two things it implies that when we are in a body of believers that one at certain times we need to be willing to give rebuke when it is necessary and then we also need to be willing to receive it because we could fall on either end of that so the section we just read was under the subheading be ready for every good work and we are now moving into the final portion of this chapter and of this book and that falls under the subheading final instructions and greetings so here's what it says when i send artemis or tycus to you do your best to come to me at necopolis for i have decided to spend the winter there do your best to send zenas the lawyer and apollos on their way see that they lack nothing and let our people learn to devote themselves to good works so as to help cases of urgent need and not be unfruitful all who are with me send greetings to you greet those who love us in the faith grace be with you all so this is four verses and i want to actually read through the commentary notes on all of them because i found them all really helpful so first they're on verse 12 as paul is instructing titus to you know send these other people on and then telling titus to try to come to himself to paul so a note on that it says although paul had left titus in crete in order to get the churches there properly established he was not expected to stay there indefinitely so titus was not necessarily expected to stay in crete indefinitely and i think this just gets at the basic principle that you know sometimes when god calls us to a place or calls us to a ministry or really calls us to anything that there are times that call is for a season and there are times that call is for a life and so sometimes you see somebody doing ministry in one place or in one ministry or in one church over the span of their lifetime and other times you see god call people from place to place and he has a different purpose for them in each place continuing on with the note from the commentary it says artemis is not mentioned anywhere else in the new testament tychius is mentioned as having accompanied paul on his third journey and he is referred to as a beloved brother and faithful minister and then necopolis was a port city in appearance on the west coast of the greek peninsula and about 200 miles northwest of athens and so this just kind of gives some contextual points to these instructions that paul is giving to titus and then i want to read some commentary notes for verses 13 through 15 as well so it says send them on their way when paul is telling titus to send these people on their way it says that this shows paul's concern for the support of fellow missionaries and thus speaks to the church's role in supporting missions and then also to addressing cases of urgent need today and so this is part of the role of the church is to support missions and to address these cases of urgent need for people within the church and then just some notes on zenith and apollos it says that zenus is not mentioned elsewhere in the new testament and then apollos is undoubtedly the popular speaker mentioned in acts and first corinthians so i don't know if you've heard that verse i think it says i planted apollos watered and then god gave the growth that is the apollos that is being referred to here and then continuing on with the notes so it says that having stressed good works throughout the letter and having just called for assistance of fellow laborers or fellow missionaries paul addresses this theme of good works once more to again give the instruction of how christians can be involved in good works relieving needs of fellow laborers in the gospel and then furthering the gospel through that and then the final verse in this chapter it says grace be with you all and just a note here on that says that paul's letter though written primarily to titus will be read to the entire congregation which is why he ends by saying not just grace to you titus but grace be with you all so for further study i want to unpack verse three so this is where paul is giving the reminder of saying we ourselves were once in this place that the world is in i really want to dig deeper into and be reminded of what it is that god has brought us from so i'm going to pull out my journal and we will dig in okay so here is verse three i wrote it out and i'll go ahead and read it it says for we ourselves were once foolish disobedient led astray slaves to various passions and pleasures passing our days in malice and envy hated by others and hating one another and so i just want to break apart some of these words and write out definitions first i'm going to look up the definition of the word foolish okay so it says lacking good sense or judgment unwise [Music] next it says lead astray and so i just looked up the definition of a stray and it says away from the correct path or direction or into morally questionable behavior [Music] next it's saying slaves to various passions and pleasures so basically being ruled by our passions and pleasures and then passing our days in malice and envy i want to look up those two definitions as well so malice says the intention or desire to do evil or having an ill will and then envy says feeling discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions quality or luck okay so that's envy and then finally we have hated by others and hating one another so again the context of this is paul is instructing us on how we are to live these godly lives and how we are to interact in this good way with those who are outside of the church those who are not saved because we ourselves were once in this place as well we ourselves were once lacking good sense and judgment we were unwise we ourselves were once walking away from the right path into error or into questionable behavior we ourselves once had the intention or desire to do evil or an ill will we ourselves once had a discontented or resentful longing brought about by other people's possessions qualities or luck and so paul is reminding us that but for the grace of god we would be no different than these people [Music] so i wrote a note of that and just saying but for the grace of god we would be no different than the world and once again i just want to write down those four things that this fuels so i'm just going to put this fuels one gratitude for what he has done [Music] to humility knowing that we could have never earned it [Music] three kindness toward those still lost and four faith for their salvation [Music] and i just want to read one more note from the commentary actually the commentary that i use for my daily bible reading plan so i wrote this out the last time i read through this book it says before salvation every life is characterized by such sins that sobering truth should make believers humble in dealing with the unsaved even those who are grossly immoral and ungodly if it weren't for god's grace we would all be wicked and so even those sins we look at and we just think that they are so crazy and so horrible apart from the grace of god we are no different and so i'm just going to spend some time here in this little brief application section i have left and in prayer responding to god and just thanking him for this that is all for titus chapter three leave a comment down below letting me know what verse stood out to you most and then just any takeaways from the book of titus as a whole that you want to remember i truly hope that this study was encouraging to you that it helped you to understand this book and know god better through it i have loved studying through this book with you guys if you did go through all these videos with me in real time comment down below a gold star emoji just because i love getting to see who you are and then also let me know any ideas you have for what book you would like to see me go through for our next bible study with me series at this point i'm probably thinking that we're gonna start that in the beginning of february just because i have some other content and standalone bible studies planned for the meantime in between then but i'm definitely excited to start the next one so give me some ideas down below if you enjoyed this video and just this study please be sure to give this video a thumbs up because that is a huge way that you can help to support my channel so that i can continue to do these and then also hit the subscribe button if you haven't already but thank you so much for watching and for studying along and i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 3,950
Rating: 4.9709091 out of 5
Keywords: titus 3, titus 3 bible study, bible study with me titus 3, bible study video titus 3, titus 3 sermon, sermons on titus 3, titus 3 commentary, titus 3 study, bible video, titus overview bible project, bible project titus, titus chapter 3, study the bible with me titus 3, bible study, faith video, christian youtuber, speak evil of no one, be ready for every good work, show perfect courtesy toward all people, titus 3 sermons, titus sermon series, sermon series on titus, titus
Id: 4SbroXtn2II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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