Bible Study on Genesis 21 | Bible Study the Whole Bible with Me

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Bible Study on Genesis 21 | Bible Study the Whole Bible with Me so now we're picking up in Genesis 21 and we're gonna learn a little bit more about Abraham's life um so verses 1 through 2 God kept his promise and Sarah gave birth to a son when he said he'd be born and it said that Sarah was old verses 3 through 5 they named the baby Isaac and they circumcised him when he was 8 years old just as God commanded Abraham was a hundred um so Abraham was a hundred when the baby was born just like God said he would be and all as well Abraham kept his promise to God and circumcise Isaac when he was eight verses 6 through 7 Sarah said that God brought her laughter as she gave birth in her old age and remember that's what Isaac's name means verses 8 through 10 Isaac was weaned and a feast was held celebrate Sarah saw that Ishmael mocked and wanted Abraham to get rid of him and Hagar and not earn any inheritance so I guess Sarah saw the Ishmael was he's probably jealous that you know he Isaac had this huge meal and feast because he was weaned and becoming a boy and Sarah did not like that and she wanted Abraham to pretty much get rid of Ishmael and Hagar and if you remember back this whole situation with Hagar and Ishmael was Sarah's idea in the first place she was the one that told Abraham you know sleep with my maidservant and that's how you will have a son she was impatient with the promise from God and now here she is years later now that she the promise has been fulfilled she wants to get rid of Hagar and Ishmael and so Abraham he was distressed because Abraham was a good man and I think of the day Ishmael was still his son his firstborn son at that and he loved his son God said to listen to Sarah so God could feel that Abraham was upset he told Abraham you know just just listen to Sarah and he will bless both Ishmael and I said so Ishmael happened because of Sarah and now she wants him gone but God can still bless a mess and I said that in the last video I think when Abraham again try to give Sarah to you know the king or not give Sarah to the king but rather he said that she was his sister and God blessed that mess and he can bless this one as well and so Abraham was very nervous for Ishmael but you know God said listen to your wife and I will take care of Ishmael and I guess I could be really nerve-wracking as a parent I can understand you know you have to basically kind of abandon but in a sense abandon your child and you know leave them in the hands of God so Abraham had a lot of faith in God and he did just out he listened so Abraham and I'm sure this was a heart-wrenching move but he gave Hagar food and water and told her to leave wandered in the desert and she cried and us have you ever been to been at a point in your life where you're just walking around wandering in the desert you just ran out of water and food and I'm talking you know hypothetically here and you just feel like life you know the cards are stacked against you because I know I have definitely felt like that and multiple times in my life and that's where Hagar was I imagine that's where Hagar was and that's how she was feeling and verses 17 through 21 God lifted their spirits he opened their eyes and she saw water her eyes were opened that's what the word said I read on the NIV it said that her eyes were opened and sometimes we are at our absolute lowest but God opens our eyes and gives us hope they lived in the doser and he became an archer and hagar found an Egyptian wife for him so just as God promised he provided he provided water and hope for Hagar he provided a wife for Ishmael yes they did wander in the desert and they lived in the desert but God provided for them just as he told Abraham he would and you know God didn't intend for that to happen but he still blessed them anyways verse 22 through 34 Abimelech and Phicol made a treaty with Abraham and Abimelech recognized God's hand on Abraham's life and wanted to be peaceful with him and now I know I said it because a couple videos before or maybe was last video actually in Genesis 20 there was someone named Abimelech and again you know he was a king and Abraham said Sarah is my sister and not my wife and so I did some recheck research and I found out that Abimelech is actually a general title of a ruler among the Canaanites so Abimelech is not someone's name but rather a title and it's a kind of a prosperous title I imagine you know today's words maybe it'll be like a leader but that's what Abimelech was to them so it's not necessarily the same Abimelech from genesis 20 but rather just a general term for someone who is in authority and so this Abimelech recognize that you know abraham was special to god and he wanted to have peace with it which is smart Abraham brought up a well that was taken from him by Abimelech men and I had to look up a lot of research on this part of the Bible because I didn't understand of course I don't have formal training so I really wanted to get a good grasp of why things happen and especially in a historical context and so I did find info and it said the location of the oath was called Bercy ba which means the well of seven and the well of oath abraham gave Abimelech seven lambs as part of the oath as part of the oath Kenan had no rivers so the geographical location of Canaan had no rivers had no water which is imperative so a Wells was vital the seven lambs was given to Abimelech as to offer as compensation for the well and in verses 32 through 34 the tree planted was a tamarisk tree and that tree actually takes a long time to grow kind of similar to Abraham's promise but that land was promised to Abraham's descendants and Abraham continued to call on the name of the Lord regardless of the conflict around him so he continued to call on God and pray and have faith regardless can you imagine Abraham you know how he felt getting approached by this leader and you know all these men and they had to kind of getting on to common ground especially with that well that while the Abimelech smen did take from him but he stood his ground and he knew you know God's got me and we've got to have that kind of faith to that kind of sure faith and we know that God's got us no matter what um so this was kind of a cool chapter we see Abraham he's grown remember the first Abraham pack you know when he first started he's grown a lot in the Lord and I think it's really cool and I think that's what happens to us through life as well so that's it for this chapter next week we'll read Genesis 21 thank you so much each and every one of you and ten you comment or like anything it means the world it truly does and I'm always blown away but thank you for watching and I will talk to you next
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Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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