Bible Study on Exodus 23 | Study the Whole Bible with Me

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[Music] so just continuing to learn about the things that god has put into place lovingly for the israelites in the way that they should live and if you haven't checked out the previous videos go ahead and do that exodus 23 verse one do not lie or spread false reports and that kind of just reminds me of gossip um it says don't help don't help a guilty person versus two through three um reminds me to not follow the crowd and so this is so applicable even for today if you're a teenager especially i'm sorry if i sound weird i have my aligners in but if you're a teenager especially you don't have to follow the crowd you can think for yourself do what you know is good and right for you to do according to what god's word says and i think it's it's difficult sometimes right because it makes us seem like the odd man out but at the end of the day it matters it only matters what god thinks of us so um think for yourself and it's just you know think fairly don't just side with the um the party that is that you feel sorry for just be fair versus four through five if you see something that belongs to your enemy return it help your enemies if they need it again so applicable right like that's the last thing that i want to do is help someone who's hurt me but god wants us to operate differently and so we have to put ourselves in that mindset i often talk about forgiveness and mercy because those are things that i struggle with right as a human being i struggle with things like that and so i try to focus on you know if i have a thought in my mind that's negative about myself or someone else i try to change that thought and so maybe it's a little bit off topic from this in particular but if you see something that belongs to your enemy and just in general if you can help someone that has hurt you that is your enemy so to speak help them out verse six um don't charge the innocent um verse eight don't accept bribes so self-explanatory if someone's innocent and they shouldn't be put in prison unfortunately that does happen to this day um verse nine do not oppress a foreigner so you know the word was saying you were foreigners in egypt and look how you felt you know the israelites were foreigners in egypt and so god is saying you know don't do that to someone else and again this can go in so many ways you know if you're at work and you have you know a group of co-workers that you get along with and there's a new co-worker and you know they're people are isolating that co-worker because of i don't know they have something that's different about them don't isolate people like that you know don't have cliques um we should all be welcomed to each other no matter you know what we um what our call of our skin is what the things that we like you know if you think someone is weird well you know what we're all weird right we're all a little bit weird that's okay weird is not a bad thing it's not a negative thing nor should it be um something that will cause you to make someone feel like an outcast so try to welcome everyone and then it goes to talk about the sabbath and so the sabbath is something that's super important um to the lord and he even wanted the sabbath to be upheld by the slaves in the home so even though they were indentured workers or slaves um you know god still wanted them to observe the sabbath and keep it holy so verses 10 through 12. he says for six years sow and harvest but allow the poor animals to eat and gather on the seventh year so it was really cool how um god created kind of like a social system for the people of this time and if you learned about ruth it changed a little bit because with the bible study on ruth i learned that when they were harvesting their crops i'm sure i'm going to get this a little bit wrong but when they were harvesting their crops if anything fell they weren't supposed to pick it up because anything that fell from you know during harvesting was available to people who didn't have a lot of money or a lot of food and so ruth was in boaz's field and she was picking up the the crops that had fell so that was their sort of social system at that time so i thought this was interesting it says work for six days and on the seventh day rest including slaves just like i mentioned and then i wrote in blue because again completely applicable to us today be careful to do everything that god has commanded and have no other gods before him and now you know we're all human we all mess up but as long as you are continuously trying to change and improve and commit your heart to the lord he sees that he sees your heart and put no other gods before him of course to do that would be foolish um verse 14 through 17 just talking about three festivals a year that they were supposed to have the festival of unleavened bread first fruits and in gathering and then this chapter was separated god's angel to prepare the way and this is so cool um verse 20 through 23 it says god's angel that has his name and the thing that kind of made me think that this was a special angel was um the israelites were to follow and to obey the angel and just the the presence that the text was talking about this angel it made me think this angel was jesus and that happens a few times throughout the old testament there will be some foreshadowing of jesus in christ and so i think this is one of them the angel that's being referred to here is actually jesus so it said that the israelites were to follow and obey the angel they were not to bow down to any other gods worship the lord the lord will operate against their enemies little by little and that just thought to me you know the israelites as we can see they were a little impatient and like i've said time and time again i can't judge the israelites because i'm the same right you're the same we're the same as the israelites we can be a little impatient when we feel like god is not operating on our timetable but it's so important to trust the process and if something is for you it'll work out for you if it's not believe me it won't it won't and just trust that trust that the lord has your best interests and he's god he can do anything just trust it trust him when i said trust it i wasn't talking about god i was saying trust the process um and so it was saying that it will take little by little but it was only for their own good so just remember that when you feel like god is taking too long it's for your own good trust the process it's something i need to remind myself of definitely um so saying from the red sea to the sea of the philistines from the desert to the river and i actually went online and israel never fully possessed that land um so i really am not sure why so if you know why and you have studied the word please let us know or let me know because i'm i'm not sure why they never fully possess that land um and the bible god also says make no covenant with them and actually my bible had a footnote and it said that they did end up making a covenant with those people they didn't listen to god and everything and so maybe that's why they never fully possess the land i don't know i'm not sure um but i feel like i rushed through this but i just get so excited sometimes that i talk really fast so i'm so sorry if this felt brushed i was just excited um but please let me know what you learned next week of course is exodus 24. i post a new bible study video every wednesday and friday at 7am eastern with occasional bonus videos on mondays at 7am eastern and i can't wait to study the bible with you again [Music] bye [Music] so you
Channel: Bible Bujo
Views: 1,063
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bible bullet journal, christian bullet journal, bible study with me, study the bible with me, bible study journal, bible study bullet journal, bible study, prayer journal, prayer bullet journal, study the whole bible with me, bible study for beginners 2020, bible study with me genesis, bible study videos, womens bible study videos, bible study on exodus 23, bible study on moses, bible study on moses and the israelites, bible study on the ten commandments
Id: 2we1pSucbMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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