Bible Study on Exodus 12 | Study the Whole Bible with Me

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[Music] today we're going to be looking at exodus 12 verses 1 through 11 it says the first month on the 10th day israel needed to take a lamb one for each household if the household is too small for a whole lamb share it with the neighbor the amount of lamb should be in accordance with what people will eat they must be a year old male year only all animals and on the 14th day of the month all of israel must slaughter the animals by twilight at twilight i don't know why i put by it says at twilight and they must eat the meat that night roasting it over a fire it must um all be eaten by morning or burnt or burn the leftovers eat with a cloak touching your belt sandals on your feet staff and hand eat quickly and one thing i wanted to note about these instructions were that they were very specific instructions from the lord and i thought immediately of pharaoh and aaron going back i'm sorry moses and aaron going back and forth to pharaoh and the israelites saw for themselves okay you know moses would say god said let us go or you will have locus you know god said let us go or you'll have blood in the nile the israelites saw that you know pharaoh saw that but the israelites saw that too and so i think that it allowed them to um have that that trust that okay moses and aaron really is hearing from the lord and so when moses and aaron had these very specific instructions it said that they spoke to the elders and they immediately responded and listened um the same god that brought blood to the niles the same god that's telling them to do all these specific instructions and god is so purposeful there was something that happened in my life this year and every time i think about it it bothers me and i i kind of think okay well did maybe i made a mistake and you know god didn't want that to happen um but one thing that i've learned is especially when you're walking with god things don't just happen by chance you know he places things in our life sometimes to teach us something and maybe even if we don't realize why he's doing it now one day whether it's you know in this life or the next we will find out why you know there's a reason why god does things he's purposeful for things and so i say all that to say he's telling them very specific things and um you know they listen and one the most important thing is there to put blood on the doorposts that way the death of all firstborn males will pass over those homes the israelite home to people of god and so verses 12-16 goes on the lord will strike all firstborn even the livestock i was surprised i didn't realize it was livestock as well of the egyptians for seven days the israelites were to abstain from east otherwise they'd be cut off from israel and i was like wow that's kind of intense god i had to look it up i looked it up in the enduring world and it said that yeast is a representation of sin a little yeast influenced an entire lump of dough it also is puffs up you know yeast makes dough rise and that can be a representation of pride it puffs up and so because of that yeast that representation of sin it was not allowed and so if anyone said if anyone had yeast in their home they would be cut off very serious so god was telling the israelites you know to turn your hearts towards him he wanted them to be uh to turn their hearts towards him and their ways towards him verses 17 through 20 the israelites were instructed to celebrate as they will be taken out of egypt eat bread without yeast from the 14th to 21st and uh this is still celebrated today the passover is still celebrated today by the jews verses 20 through 28 moses instructed the elders to act immediately put blood on the doorframe to be spared and the israelites worshiped and obeyed so god didn't come and do anything yet he just told them what would happen and they worshipped and they obeyed before they knew what the outcome would be and sometimes we need to do that you know all the time we need to do that all the time we need to worship and obey 2020 has been a rough year it's everyone has gone through this pandemic certainly in different degrees i saw something on the line that says you know we are all in the same storm but we're not all in the same boat some people are in canoes some people are in lifeboats some people are in yachts you know it and it's true this pandemic has affected us all differently but we still must all worship and obey before we see you know the good things that god is going to bring about and i do believe that you know good days are had brighter days are ahead verse 29 through 30 there was not a house without someone dead in egypt and it says that there was a loud cry at midnight and a lot of times in the bible things happen at midnight and at dawn or at dawn i think that's just the significance of something new midnight is a new day you know the dawn is a new day new morning same thing with twilight so when they were supposed to eat the lamb by or at twilight that was something coming to an end the day is coming to an end twilight is when the sun is setting and no darkness is going to approach and that day is coming to an end just like their time in egypt was coming to an end verses 31-32 pharaoh allowed them to go and you know he also said and bless me so you know he knew the power of god he just didn't believe it for himself or his own life which is sad uh verses 33 through i think 36 the israelites left and they also took silver and gold with them because god gave them favor with the egyptians so god even you know their firstborn had all passed you know because of the the israelites um god if you will and god gave them favor so that they were able to take gold and silver you know someone hurt me i don't want them to take my gold and silver um you know figuratively speaking but god gave them that favor and so not only did you know god seek vengeance and that's one thing we have to remember too when someone hurts you and someone wrongs you leave it to god he will take care of it and he writes every wrong um and so they plundered the egyptians and then they were encouraged to leave quickly verses 37 through 39. six hundred thousand men were on foot besides women and children so it was just six hundred thousand men and then there was women and children on top of that so it's probably double this number easily um and it says many other people went also with livestock so it was a lot of people that were leaving egypt which is ironic because um israel the israelites started off with you know the jacob and his sons and look at how many how much they multiply it's really incredible the israelites lived in egypt for 430 years to the day so 430 years of the day that's when god provided a way for them to go so that's a long time and that's why it was such a large crowd of people versus 43-50 passover restrictions so no more no foreigner may eat of it it has to be eaten inside the house do not break the bones of the animals the whole community must celebrate a foreigner residing among the israelites must have all males in this household circumcised so if a foreigner you know not anyone can just eat of the passover meal this is just kind of god's way of seeing and circumcision if you think about it is the cutting of flesh that is um not like today back then you know they didn't have anesthesia and it was painful it hurt and so if someone was really wanting to be a person of god circumcision was back then now we don't do that any longer you know we have jesus who died for us but circumcision was one way that they showed their dedication to god and so you know it's saying that a foreigner residing among the israelites must have all males in his household circumcised the israelites did as moses and aaron were commanded by the lord they were very strict um rules that god wanted the israelites to obey and to adhere during the passover and god spared the israelites and he spared their sons and like i mentioned passover is still celebrated today by jews and so um what did you learn from this chapter i thought it was really interesting to learn about this and i knew about it but not into this much detail and so i'm really excited to learn and read more about the party of the red sea which is probably coming up pretty soon but um if you haven't already please consider subscribing i would love to have you join our little community here of christians it's so nice talking with you in the comments um please share this video like it if you liked it it helps for youtube to pick up my videos and the algorithm i post a new bible study video every monday wednesday friday at 10 a.m eastern standard time and i can't wait to study the bible with you again [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Bible Bujo
Views: 2,054
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Keywords: bible bullet journal, christian bullet journal, bible study with me, study the bible with me, bible study journal, bible study bullet journal, bible study, prayer bullet journal, study the whole bible with me, bible study for beginners 2020, bible study with me genesis, bible study videos, womens bible study videos, bible study on exodus 12, bible study on moses, bible study on moses and the israelites, bible study on exodus, bible study on moses and the red sea
Id: KTVi9GHmeBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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