Bible Study 09.08.21

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greetings greetings pilgrim rest baptist church and our extended family good evening to you and welcome you know me i'm elder elaine penn and my tag partner this evening is minister tanya sibley and you will be hearing from her in just a few seconds but we wanted to first just to welcome you um to this platform tonight um this is typically a platform the pastor uses for bible study and he has been so gracious um to honor the two of us um in extending this invitation we'll say a little bit more about that later but i do want to just say to you pastor terry eugene mackey reverend dr pastor terry eugene mackey thank you so much first lady all of you that are visiting with us this evening for this bible study we want you to know that you're welcome we're going to ask you if you out there in the virtual audience if you are a member of pilgrim rest get in that comment section and welcome all of those who are tuning in with us tonight we believe that this is a god thing we believe that the instruction and the council tonight is going to help somebody set somebody free i just want to remind you that you don't have to wait and come into our sanctuary on sunday morning to join you can join tonight and so if you are visiting with us put a number one in the comment section that will let our new members ministry workers know that you are visiting and that you desire someone to contact you you may have questions about the church in the ministry we would love to do that especially if you feel the leading of the lord to connect with us and you just want somebody to talk to you about our ministries you know pastor tanya's been dealing with us for the past few weeks about losses living with losses and he's been talking to us about the losses due to passion people control and peace and you're going to find tonight that as we deal with this issue of the losses due to aging that that i'm going to go right back as well as tonya into many of the areas that pastors already talked about and indeed i'm going to use the time some of his terminology um just to bring it all together for you but what we want you to do is to uh is to listen and hit that share button share it because i promise you the information that we're going to share tonight is going to bless you it's going to help you so stay with us for the whole thing so here's what we're going to do tonight i'm going to turn it over in just 30 seconds to sister sibley and allow her to introduce herself and the reason i want her to introduce herself is because i know her as friend i know her as a colleague she is a prayer captain you see her on sunday morning she is a part of the team that takes care of the needs of the first family so you see her you know of her you know of her ministry to this church in terms of medical advocacy but she is so much more and i wanted to make sure that i do her honor so the only way to honor her is to allow her to introduce herself and then after she's introduced herself we're going to go right into the word tonight sister tonya sibley introduce yourself for us well you already know my name and i am a native of this valley of the sun i don't know how many of you know that i was born and raised here i am the proud eldest daughter of james leslie and cynthia baines and i have three children and four grandchildren that i am very proud of i've been a registered nurse for 20-plus years and a family nurse practitioner for eight years a total of 28 years of taking care and caring for people i'm fortunate to take care of the whole spectrum from the newborn to the geriatric so that is one of my proudest moments in life and like elder said today's discussion will include losses that one may experience as they grow older so if you want to just come on in there so pilgrim you all ready y'all know me right y'all know me let's begin in ecclesiastes the third chapter we will be reading verses one through eight then we're going to take a hop skip and to jump as pastor says over to genesis 1 and look at verses 9 through 16. and as we're reading i want you to keep in mind this statement all truth is parallel so what is divine and what we find in terms of spiritual application in the word of god it has its manifestation in its parallel even in the natural this is ecclesiastes the third chapter you may have a different translation i love the king james version this is how it reads to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born and a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted a time to kill and a time to heal a time to break down and a time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing a time to get any time to lose a time to keep and a time to cast away a time to rend and a time to sow a time to keep silence and a time to speak a time to love and a time to hate a time of war and a time of peace skip down to that 11th verse he have made everything beautiful in his time now um just flip over those of you who are in hard copy bibles those of you may need a couple seconds if you on that mobile bible look at genesis 1 verse 9 is where we'll begin and god said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it will sow and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he sees and god saw that it was good and god said let the earth bring forth grass the herbs yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself look at the works of the lord this intentionality and deliberateness in this after his kind and god saw that it was good and the evening and the morning were the third day and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so and i could go on and on i want to talk to you today um in terms of this whole issue of the losses that come about as a result of the aging process or the maturation process i want to talk to you about seasons and i wanted to first for you to hear ecclesiastes is uh there's some doubt that solomon um wrote ecclesiastes but when you read the first chapter first verse he identifies himself he says the words of the preacher the son of david king in jerusalem and so we have to surmise that this is solomon who wrote these writings in ecclesiastes but there are theologians that doubt that the authorship of the book but he is known as the preacher and he is a philosopher when you listen to the tone of the text you will notice that the tone of the text is one who is sitting as counselor and sage and he is sitting speaking to this group of people and he waxes uh wise in what he's about to share and he begins to say to us there's a time in the season for everything and but the the one of the key things i want us to begin with and then i'm going to take you to the country he says to everything there is a season in other words everything that happens in your life there's a season um in which that thing will happen or which in which things happen and and when we look at the law's governing seasons you're going to find out that in terms of the way what seasons were running your ch in your life the season of your marriage may be and it may be a different season and then there might be in your business those of your business owners and then there might be a third season going on in terms of the rearing of your children and so you might be in wintertime in one season and you might be springtime and another season and you might be in harvest in the other and we'll give you more detailed information about that tanya please stop me if i say something just clarification or if if you anticipate what somebody may be i'm wondering when i use certain terms so let me take you back to the country when i was a little girl we would go on family trips to the penn family homestead in the red clay dirt hills of virginia and um i learned through even through some oral history that that property and that land had been in our family for generations generations of pens lived and died gave birth married on that parcel of land we lost that homestead when i was a little girl but but during the years that that homestead was in the penn family name my daddy would take us together so the suv old school suv was a station wagon daddy would gather us all up with mama and we would go down virginia in that station wagon and when we got down there my grandfather was a farmer we can learn a lot from farmers my grandfather was a farmer who not only raised crop but he raised hogs now some of you may not know but there's a difference between a pig and a hog granddaddy didn't raise pigs he raised hogs and these great big old beasts with these huge snouts and i remember we'd go down and daddy would uh shield us little kids because you know we're curious and we want to extend our hands and pet things but they would push their big old snouts through the uh the barriers that my grandfather my uncles had raised and they would look at us and and we would look at them but back in the day because my grandparents and my uncles and aunts knew that that there was a season coming called winter time right right they knew that the productivity and the fruitfulness of springtime and summertime wasn't gonna last forever i'm talking about losses of the aging at um of the aging process we're talking about the maturation process and how as you move through the seasons of life you lose but you also gain all right you are with me and so since they knew that wintertime was coming they would butcher those hogs and they would cure them and they would um they would smoke them um sibley and and you talking about some ham i know i know some of you all listen then i don't even like ham but whoa this ham you know as a grown woman looking back as a kid i still haven't tasted ham like that ham from them hogs but they would also do what was called canning when they would can they would can fruits and vegetables from the produce of the land and they would store it up and they would call them preserves right and so when daddy would pack up the station wagon and we would leave they would stack into whatever corner was available quilts handmade quilts they would give daddy all of this ham and they would give him mason jars filled with preserves so let's talk about seasons what the philosopher tells us is that everything in life uh go we'll go through a season um right winter time is where i want to begin because if you have not recognized and embraced wintertime when spring comes you will carry wintertime over in the springtime and miss a season where god wanted to break the ground and bring in newness because remember springtime is planting season but let's talk about wintertime every season it is important for you to know what season that you're in again we're talking about the aging process as a matter of fact uh sister sibley said something to me when we first began to prepare you she said to me you know elder from the day we're born the aging process begins and and that process of aging um means that we're going to move through different seasons of our life and each season is distinct from the other each season is marked by signs and and when you miss the signs you you you can you cannot take full advantage of what that season god intended for that season to look like and manifests itself like in your life and that is very important that because our outlook on life is not like the unbeliever those of us that are the beloved of the lord and we believe that the word of god is not only our anchor but it is our map it is our uh our our feet are guided by the word of god the bible says we're cleansed as a result of the word the word means everything it is our food it is the breath that we breathe and so we know that our outlook on life god intends for it to be prosperous and successful in every way and so when we when we consider that there are some seasons sister tanya that can be more painful than others it is important to remember that the word of god says that all things work together for the good of them that love him and that are called according to his purpose and then the bible says that uh it's over in the the i believe the eighth chapter of ecclesias ecclesiastes the end of a thing is better than the beginning and the reason the end of the thing is better than the beginning is because the end of the thing is it is a season of maturity yes that's maturity simply you can't pay me to go back to be to my youth again you couldn't pay me it was a season of such uncertainty and i wasn't comfortable in my own skin and and and just all of these issues related to self-esteem and where do i belong right i got this degree now what do i do with that four years of college and i'm not even doing what i was educated to do so i'll take another degree so all of this uncertainty and and and you think you know you you know a whole lot less than than you really know but but life is coming and life is going to deal you some hard knocks and so even when i look back at the seasons of my life i would say to you that while there has been a lot of pain and some sorrow the good far outweighs the pain but i wouldn't want to go back because to go back i'd also have to revisit the pain and the sorrow so i'm good i'm real good so in the winter season of life that is a season of transition that is a season where what you did in the harvest time will make a difference in how you spend winter time let me say that again what you did in harvest if you didn't lay up any preserves right you didn't can nothing you didn't preserve anything some of you really needed to take a hold of that word if you didn't lay up and store not the extra farmers don't just eat up um and save extra they take from the bounty to preserve let me say that again so it's such a clear they don't just just eat what they're going to eat and then whatever's left over preserve it they take from the bounty of the land they take from the bounty of what they have produced and they lay that up in store because wintertime is coming now watch this about winter time they don't know what the severity of wintertime is going to be but they know that it's coming they know that somebody needs to get this i'm talking to somebody they know that wintertime is coming i know that there is a season of my life coming when i will not have the stamina and the energy to do what i do now i know that there's a season coming ladies where i'm not going to be able to try it out with five six inch heels i know that now i'm not there yet until i get there i'm gonna keep on wearing my five to six inch heels but there's a season coming where i can't wait there's a season coming where i won't be able to drive anymore i'm already at the point where i can't stand highway driving too much cutting in front of you and all of this aggression and people don't put their lights on and they throwing up the bird that i can't take that well you know it's a loss now when i was younger i could tolerate all that nonsense and that foolishness and all this moving quick and all that i can't i can't tolerate all of that so i'm beginning to see the changes that the aging process is bringing into not only my emotional health but my perspective on life when you get to wintertime that is not the time to plan we need to stay on winter time for a minute you can't let let me say that again you cannot wait until winter time thank you holy ghost to to correct a broken relationship with your child i i can't tell you how many times i've ministered to people who are young adults and all of a sudden they daddy want to connect with them and you have adult young adults that are like you know what you didn't have time for me when i was a kid you didn't have time for me you weren't at my college graduation you weren't you didn't even come to the wedding now you're old and you need me and you need me because because your health is deteriorating and that you've lived the full life now now you now you want to be my daddy now you want to be my friend now you want to talk to me now you want to get better and so when when when we don't stop and understand that the the the good that i feel right now and the stamina and the get up and going bouncing out of bed i'm not gonna always be dropping out jumping out of bed i'm not gonna always welcome the sunshine um sometime i'm just going we won't just want to lay up under them blankets and do nothing that we're going to talk about that when we talk about the difference between medical care and health care but but because some of that is bad for us some of that you can get lost in that as you're aging and you and you're the deterioration in your health can actually accelerate all right so we're going to talk about that a little bit later but but winter time let let's look at some other things those of you that are in ministry winter time is a time of testing it's a time of chastening but the bible says that whom the lord loves he chastens and and thank god his chastening ain't like mama's chastening you know when mama chase and she would put her foot up her feet up she would say you can run if you want to but but one of these minutes you either gonna have to go to the bathroom or you don't want to eat and so i'm just going to put my feet up and the problem would let mommy put her feet up and now she remembering all the stuff she forgot to beat you for but if you had just gone on got your chase and then got yo you could have watched superman you could have watched batman had your dinner you could have faked like you was real hurt by the way when she beat you with them switches you could have faked all of that crowd a little bit and then then you know what i mean but but you ran and so some of you in in in the season when the lord was dealing with you and striving about you about certain things in your life and the way maybe even sometimes the day the way you deal with your children the way you deal with uh people who um are are not your enemies but they they are actually friends and they're not frenemies they're actually people who want the best for you and who are trying to speak truth to power and you you rejected them now you're over in wintertime and you found out that the people that you should have been listening to you refuse and the people that shouldn't but the people that told you if i was you were they not you how's somebody gonna tell you what they would do if they was you and they ain't you and those were the people that you were listening to because you wanted somebody to affirm you wanted somebody to sign off on a hot mess now you in wintertime because old school tanya old school used to say what goes around comes back around it's coming back around to get the decisions so i want to move people keep on moving because i want to hear from sister sibley springtime is planting time so that's the season where um where uh god will break the ground um god will that soil needs to be turned over because you're coming out of a season of testing where nothing worked so so those of you who may be experiencing a winter time right now in your business and your marriage it's not a time to give up because springtime is coming now the preacher and the philosopher said there's a time to kill and there's a time to embrace and stop embracing so you have to know what time it is and you have to know that god is a god of purpose and god will use a season to bring about the necessary change in our lives because of the purpose of that season and so wintertime doesn't mean that god is angry with me god that is a time when god needs may need to chase in me because there was some instruction that he gave me been talking to me about a long time and i wouldn't hear and there are many different ways that god that god speaks in springtime god will introduce new levels new initiatives that's planting season so you don't plant in wintertime and you can't plant and sow in the same season because you'll have people trying to plant in wintertime well the ground is frozen and springtime is when god will turn over that soil and god will put brand new initiatives and brand new he'll even put a brand new assignment he'll shut you down i'm talking to somebody god will shut down the way you've been always flowing and moving and you mad with everybody you blaming everybody but because of the chastening of the lord because he loves you and because your prayer was god do with me whatever you want to do i love god you know how we do god i love you i i your wishes my command whatever you command me i will follow well god said i i used people to shut you down but since you said that you were my servant and my vessel i want to introduce a new initiative or a new mandate or assignment in your life but i gotta shut you down in order to begin a new season a new season cannot begin until the old one stops and we look at people we get mad at people but god will use a peak people to put the brakes on you i'll just let that simmer right there for a minute there's rain in springtime right but you need the rain for the crop to grow you need rain so don't uh don't look at the rain of springtime um that that's a time when it is important to be careful what kind of seeds you're putting in the ground it's important who are you walking with who are your associations who are you walking in agreement what have you brought yourself in agreement with in springtime you okay so you're the one you recognize god is doing a new thing and he's introduced the new season you see the signs of it so don't forget that every season is marked by a series of signs so you see that the sign is different and let's say you're at a place you're ready to release that's the purpose of time is for you to get to a place mentally and emotionally and spiritually where you're ready to release when you say okay god i'm i've had enough of this i'm ready to move on where we going next god wherever you go wherever you lead i will follow well that means recognizing that springtime can be painful because of the rain and what causes the rain is new it's changed springtime has changed i don't know anybody specifically that likes change change means what was comfortable and ain't comfortable anymore change means what used to fit it don't fit no more change means god wants to break the status quo and he wants to introduce a new thing change means the when the cloud moves you gotta move often you'll find people the cloud is move god ain't even doing that no more he's not even working that way anymore and we see the change and we see the change we can see it in culture we can see it in uh demographics of people and and we will resist something where god has said i'm not even operating that morning you know what the bible said god is the same yesterday and forever but he's also when we look at the genesis account god set an order um the sun the moon to force change so yes god is a god who doesn't change he's the same god yesterday and forever but he says divine laws and order that governs the maturation of our lives the animal kingdom the the the vegetation kingdom these kingdoms are ruled by the divine laws that god put into place for maturation and aging um and then this summer summertime is a season of girl that's growing season so so wintertime was the season where god brought it to an end he shut it down he just shut it down springtime is the season of planting summertime is the season of growing and blossoming now watch this farmers understand that i can't just plant in springtime specifically and walk away and just fold my hands and just cross my feet i got to watch my crop sister siblings absolutely because well well penn but if i watch my crop i can't see what's going on under the soil but farmers know that that that if i'm watching my crop if something's coming up out of the ground that ain't what i planted i some somebody got a revelation right there if something breaks the ground sister sibley that i did not plan you should have a problem with that if if the if what breaks the ground is shriveled and immature something is cutting that that that crop underneath the soil something is cutting it it's called insects choking it out something's choking it so farmers with an experienced eye they're watching that crop and they're making sure that during the growing season when i don't have a full ear on the corn or i don't have a blossom yet that is one of the most critical times that i need to watch that's why i don't understand when y'all gonna get mad at me about this i don't understand why on sunday morning people parents don't make their children come to church you only got them about 17 18 years that's all you got with them once they hit a certain age they graduate from high school they don't think they grown they ain't but they don't think they're grown they're gonna think they know everything and they're gonna think they can live in your your house and and not live by your rules so while you got them in a season of life that's growing good you want to spend that time putting the word of god in them because i promise you if they do like me when i went to college i didn't want to have nothing to do with church i didn't want to have to do nothing to do with church the things that god wasn't trying to live holy was looking for so i was i was looking sign me up for some sin um but guess what i'm a preacher today i am a preacher and a love of god today why because back in the season of my life and the season of my sister and my brother's lives that was growing season for the things of god my parents put the seed of the word in us but do you know what even in my sin i used to find a church i would sit all the way in the back of the church i didn't like to hear no preaching i'd love to hear the choir sing but i said all the way in the back as close to the door as i could get so i could be the first one to run out and but but look at me today i'm a preacher i'm a woman of god i love god with all my heart mind and soul that word would pursue me the training that my parents seeded in my life it pursued me and so so when you forsake the seasons even of your children's lives and you um you decide i make a mandate for them to go to go to school but they don't have to go to church they don't have to become involved in activities and ministries for children and youth what a mistake you make um because there's a devil waiting on them there's some crime waiting on them there's some perverse things on street corners and college rooms and in dorm rooms on saturday nights when when it's jumping when the campus is quiet and somebody somebody lit up a pipe that's waiting so you go on you keep on with that attitude that when my when i was a kid mama made me go to church i don't believe i should do that to my kid you keep on up with that because somebody one day you might have to go visit them in a place where you really um you you might find yourself on your knees day and night because you asking god lord while out there please don't let nobody kill them lord while they're out in that wild living when nobody can reach them god don't don't let them leave here um and and what i put in them is not chasing them down and not pursuing them so then then then what's coming so watch this so during summertime insects may get up under there and cut the ground so you have to be very careful that you're watching and you're nurturing everybody with me you're nurturing of what you've put in the ground then there's autumn time that autumn that season is harvest that is the time for maturity now watch this every season is connected to every other season so if you did not respect and understand the purpose of springtime you will fool around and have nothing um to to harvest in in the fall of the year and and farmers plant according to the to what they want to the bounty of their harvest in other words they don't they don't plant from the harvest they plant to the harvest in other words if i want a bumper crop next year i know i got to put more in the ground you are with me and so so it's very important when you reach that place of maturity that you don't walk out on your marriage or you don't walk out on your child and you just decide i'm throwing in the towel they're going through a season some of you going through seasons right now with your teenagers and it's like you know what i'm through with you i'm finished but they're not going to always be in that season that you don't forgot what the way you were when you were the age that's part of the problem you will get your child back but but but that means understanding that they're going through a season they're going through some changes i'm rushing along let me give you some divine laws and then i'm gonna turn it over to sister sibley seasons are necessary to bring order balance and continuity they are necessary it is necessary that you go through a season the right way um do they run in sequence not always sometimes they don't run in sequence because you over in springtime you still mad at your your baby's daddy and you cussing them out and you fussing out and you blackballing them before in front of your kids and then then now you in springtime where god wanted to break the ground and bring in newness he wanted to bring he wanted your heart free he wanted you to stop crying he wanted to declare that season is over it's done with it is behind but you still over there cussing him out you still over there cussing them be for your kids and one day one day your children are going to rise up and remind you of during that season when there should have been a change in your household should have been a change where god wanted to bring laughter what should have been a change where god wanted to heal your heart and restore you and bring you to a place where you could say you know what it is what it is it was what it was but it's over and i want god to do a new thing in my life your children will stand up in your face and bring back the memory of the anger and the bitterness that you introduced in their lives because you didn't know what season you were in each season has a single purpose so you can't reap and sew in the same purpose in the same season c needs time to mature and time is a qualifier time is a qualifier when it comes we want things to hurry up and rush okay god i know this is testing but time is a qualifier god will make you stay on that potter's wheel until he knows he has broken the thing in you that needs to be broken that will then prepare you for success for the next season all right the signs of a season can be misleading so we already said that there's there's pain in wintertime but there's also pain in springtime so the pain of wintertime is that the ground is frozen and ain't nothing happening everything is shut down things are dying um uh friendships are ending uh pastor talked about all of that we're managing things the wrong way health is failing eyes are failing i can't remember where i left stuff memory is failing uh but there's also pain in the springtime where god in spite of that will bring us into a place where where i can go get a pair of glasses specifically to correct my failing vision god will introduce me to people to help me remember things all kind of apps they'll give you notifications they'll say if you you set your phone so it'll ring a bell and let you know it's time for you to do this they got all kind of stuff you can you can put the pills in the right box for monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday so while you you are lamenting the loss um god wants to bring you to a place where the loss is no longer a loss it's just it's just a different season it's just a different time of life where you have to begin to do things different all right all seasons work together for the fulfillment of purpose they all work together method is also important the god's methods are different that's a whole different teaching but in all of those seasons work together for my good you know a few months ago sister sibley pastor um was i think it was a sunday morning message he talked about i can either see the glass full i can see it empty right if i choose to see it empty everything gonna look bad everything's gonna look like it's going against me everything i'll get up in the morning expecting something wrong to happen look and disappointed if something don't happen to go you know if something happens good waiting for the next shoe to drop yeah i've even heard people tell girl i don't want to get happy because minutes you get happy happy something that's seeing that glass half empty but waking up making a choice one of the things i've learned in my life this is simply is i have a choice every day that i wake up i have a choice for how i want to deal with that day there is death in every season because one thing has to end for a new thing to begin and then i think i'm almost finished the chastening of the lord church is set for a specific season if you are in a season where you know it's springtime you shouldn't accept anything from the enemy that's death that's it you should look us up no it's not that time no i know it ain't that time i haven't been through that and god has shifted the season in my life this is a season of growing season that loss that i experienced devil that looks like you i'm talking to somebody tonight you have to know that means you have to know where where you are in that flow in terms of whether it's ministry marriage your relationship with your children that that business that you started you have to know where you are and and that means looking for the signs because remember every season has signs so so if something happens um that is devastating and destructive in the springtime in my life i ought to know wait a minute devil that ain't god you you need to go to god and pray so lord is this you is this part of what and what i'm because if it's not of god you need to rebuke it you need to rebuke that in the name of jesus so we already said the seasons don't always run parallel but see a season is the best time for something to happen sisters uh sibley i want to hear from you now um talk to us from your point of view make sure you talk to us about the difference between um health care and medical care um and and then i got some questions for you after you speak to you speak to us about what god has put on your heart tonight amen thank you again for allowing me to speak and i'm i'm just speaking from a natural and physical perspective on aging the process of aging the maturation in aging and the difference between medical and health care we are like elder said we grow older that is a season many changes occur within both physical and emotional and it can be stressful in coping with the aging process i'm in it right now we start aging at the age of um 30. i told her that at the age of 30 there are things that are beginning to take place in your body that your um being your organs began to decline decrease from when you grew up as a child um 41 to 60. this is a normal change things like your eyesight your hearing begins to go there is a majority of people who suffer cataracts glycoma these are the things that can take place while you are aging indeed even though people generally enjoy longer life expectancies now we're living longer nowadays the aging process can be a painful fact to come in terms with especially if you are without children you know you don't have children you're you might have been an only child and you don't have your mother or your father may have been an only child too so these are painful seasons this is this aging process can be painful but if we expect the losses and we educate ourselves about those things that will decline and we prepare ourselves like you say in the winter right yes and we prepare ourselves for these things that are going to come we're going to get older and yes we could live a long time but the longer we live the the less we'll have in terms of a physical ability so i'll lose my independence you mentioned driver's license i mean i have to take driver's license from so many elderly people and just to take the driver's license sends them into a state of depression a state of anxiety i mean we we we have all of these things and then here we go with our memory right right memory loss well forgetfulness can be normal part of aging as people get older changes occur all parts of the body including the brain it gets older but that doesn't mean that it is what people are afraid of the biggest fear is do i have dementia right or do i have alzheimer's or do i have you know any other neurological disorder so as a result some people may notice that it takes longer to learn a new thing right they don't remember information as well as they did or they lose things like their glasses i'm looking for them all the time and they're on top of my head or you know my keys you know but these are the things that um gives us fear as we get older um aging you know and in the questions that you're going to ask me we're going to kind of break open some things to give some information that will help us not fear this season of our lives give us the resources that we can reach for when we approach or reach this time in our lives we don't have to fear anything because god said we didn't have to there is no fear we don't have to fear he laid it out all the way from genesis to revelation he laid it out for us yes so with the knowledge comes power now i'm in a business where i take care of elderly people and it saddens me you know the things that i have to witness you know as they deteriorate right and maybe we should use other words but i believe there is a system set up if we use it where these things don't have to look so gloom and doom and feel so gloom and doom like get in the church one is it will make you real happy right and keep your heart glad where you're not sad right that you don't have children because you've adopted uh somebody else's children you know so let's get on with the questions so that maybe we can share and enlighten and encourage and inspire somebody you know that first one that you hit and you you are so right about fear because um i have to admit that as i'm moving through the aging process there is the fear um and it's it's not just a fear that people who have um no children may experience but but you may be disconnected from your children or your children may have health issues well then we didn't do that planning like we did we didn't do that planning we didn't do that right right right exactly so i got god daughters i have god daughters and spiritual daughters that i'm dependent on so talk to us about memory loss i think i think for me one of the concerns that i have is if you lose your memory you don't know it you don't know that that memory loss is causing you to make some bad decisions or so so how is that generational um meaning does it run in the family and mom and daddy if i didn't see memory loss for them i can pretty much feel comfortable that i'm not going to lose my memory so remember there is a memory loss is not the same it's not related to dementia okay it's not related it's not the same gotcha that's dementia god it's not the same um the primary difference between age-related memory loss and dementia is that the former doesn't isn't disabling oh okay okay okay so memory loss isn't disabling dementia is gotcha that's okay that's good the memory labs have little impact on your daily performance i mean you know i can find my glasses or i can stand in a room for a few minutes and remember what i went in there for right but dementia takes memory away completely i don't know my name i don't know your name so that's disabling so that's the difference right so what's the difference between dementia and alzheimer's well alzheimer's is a form of dementia so they're in the same family okay they're in the same family but it's not the same they are they are the same type alzheimer's is the same type of dementia there are different dimensions okay and really we can't really tell which one you have until post-mortem when the scientist the mortician or the medical examiner does his autopsy that's an interesting type of dementia wow that you had wow but in life they present themselves mostly the same memory loss i could be violent i could be right right all kinds of other things could come with that signage on that dementia gotcha are there supplements or vitamins i'm watching our time are there vitamins or supplements i can take sisters so going back to season and and again we're not talking about the one that's disabling we're talking about memory loss memory loss is available age-related memory loss yes so is there things that we can do yeah now the pharmaceutical vitamin company is going to they're the biggest money-making industry okay so there are some simple things so someone may say okay take uh geek boca you know that'll help you with your memory the studies are not really promising that show any of that but there are certain things that we can do um that will prepare us um we can be physical exercise activity right stay healthy keep our health intact you know before we get these chronic diseases because they're tied to these other diseases like dementia and alzheimer's so we can exercise we can eat right we can um control whatever um illness that we may have come up on whether it be hypertension diabetes um you know don't let things get to a point of failure like renal failure right right needing dialysis heart failure you know so it it it begins with that preparation in wintertime you know the preservatives yes yes just doing what we can do being good stewards over our good stewards right starting early you know we have our i mean i say this all the time and i've always said it everything we need is in this house yes yes because we have a gym over there yes yes that we can get in right and some of us do confessions yeah we have trainers right so if we start that the moment we get that revelation those are the things that will push back delay um things that you ask me if it's generational is it genetic right well they say that it is diabetes is genetic right right hyperlipidemia high cholesterol janae but i need to do the things that i can to modify what i can modify right and then i trust god to the rest right but if i'm taking care of myself in doing what it is that god is asking me to do and i'm guilty guys because we get busy we get things right right in place all kinds of things that are going on that does not become a priority in our life but those are the things that keep and delay and push away these chronic illnesses right and yes that blood flow working out is going to help preserve my brain right right we are running out of time sister sibling but there are a couple more things i want to um remind younger adults that are listening in that um if you're not taking care of your teeth and your eyes you're not having physical checkups um you you are setting that that kind of preventive kinds of things um that you should be doing as young adults um if you're not doing that there's a season of life coming where they're gonna have to do a surgery on your gums they'll have to go in um and give you medications to correct problems that you did not over in springtime when you were a young adult you just didn't take care of it no matter what anybody said no matter the information that was given to you at college or from your parents you just felt like i'm young i'm you know that's that's something that older people have but but those but when you don't take care of this vessel and this temple which is the temple of the holy spirit when you do not take care of it then there is a price to be paid with the time we have left um tanya give us some more um give us some more counsel um just take a few minutes whatever we we're not going to be able to get through all of the questions talk to us about people that are in a place of sadness right now there are people listening in that have lost their health and they did they failed to prepare let's just be honest about it some of you failed to prepare you knew what to do you were warned about it you didn't do what you were supposed to do and now many of you as a result even if covet are alone um and and loneliness doesn't have to be you have to be a room full of people and be alone you can be alone um with your adult children and grandbabies visiting and they don't want to be bothered with you because they can't deal with your depression and your sadness what give us some parting counsel for people um that are in that stage of life or in that situation tonya right now losses due to the aging process and just wanting to change the traject the trajectory of the sadness and that sense of detachment so we know through studies that the age group most of those 65 and older do isolate themselves even before coronavirus they isolate themselves they begin to shut off unless they do have an active lively family the group is most likely to self-isolate due to fear of infection from the coronavirus or will also potentially have fewer support in place um so i suggest and this is just me trying to do the research what we can get our elderly people is that um [Music] make phone calls to relatives on a regular schedule so that they can check in with you and learn about your needs right be verbal about how you're feeling ask your ask for help ask ask for help i mean call the church ask for help right because we have a plethora of resources here that that we can get to you in some way form a fashion um and then your acting may prompt us to take care of that issue and make that an uh a ministry that we can we can help with check to see if your community others uh specific shopping we have that adult um homes over there apartments you know go shopping with one another you know you don't have to isolate yourselves so if you find yourself with poor mental health and we have um face solutions yes to if you can just hold that up that that's that's start there you know if you find yourself sad depressed you've lost interest in doing the things that you used to like you're crying all the time you're isolated because of covet i mean we've opened back up hopefully you're able to come to church because i'm telling you that when we forsake not to assemble ourselves together there is a reason why we come together we get strengthened by one another that connection yes we get strengthened by one another so what i need everybody to know is that there is help so get vaccinated that's number one so that you can feel comfortable to come back out right even with the mask on when you're in an indoors place get vaccinated and even though you're vaccinated put on your mask when you're indoors okay put your mask on when you're indoors and keep continuing social distancing until we know what we don't know right until god reveals but we are not of people as if we don't have hope i'm telling you there's some other have hope yeah there's some other resources there's a handout that we have posted download that resource sheet sister sibley talked about family solutions to mental health they provide solutions to mental health integrated care for counseling deliverance healing and recovery i'm not going to go through that information on the handout that is available to you but i was surprised at all of the resources that are available even for caregivers that what is not on your handout will be resources that are available for uh through the veterans of veterans affairs just a bundle of resources aarp when i go up to a hotel or to rent a car or wherever i am uh i will tell i will ask them in a minute uh do you give discounts for aarp proud of seniors those senior discounts um i i have decided that this is the season of life that i am in i want to take care of myself mentally and emotionally but i'm still active i still have hope i understand that there's some things that so what i know for sure is that no season of life was designed by god to take away from you it was to bring you into a place of fulfillment we do have some announcements but before we get to the announcements um on behalf of um reverend dr terry eugene mackey who is our pastor as well as the congregation we want you to know that god loves you if you are listening in and you don't know jesus as your personal savior um the word of god says he would leave 99 found sheep just for you it is not a mistake that you tuned in tonight god intended for you to to tune in tonight because he wanted you to know that he is the creator of the universe you are his beloved and he loves you so much that he gave his son to die while you were yet in your sins all you have to do is repent ask the lord to forgive you for everything you've ever done wrong and just confess with your mouth that you believe the word of god you want to you want to come to a place where you are abiding and living by the word of god you can do that now make that known in the comments section let our workers who are there our ministry leaders know that you have given your life to the lord or you want prayer if you want prayer just get right in that comment section and do that we're going to hear announcements from um sister sibley and then i'll come back with final words and have been addiction okay so we have coming up september 15th at 6 30 p.m our covet 19 variance information form that myself will be mediating dr edmund baker and dr angela allen will be our panelist we also have coming up women's day yay so september 19th we'll have dr yolanda barrels from fountain of praise church in houston and our guest psalmist is none other than the kiara kiki shared shard is our guest thomas in our colors we don't want to forget our colors uh is green and yellow and then we have um our grease share you can go and click on the outreach tab and register for griefshare it's a 13-week course from september 23rd to december 16th and you can get help even in your grief i mean to tell you everything we need is in this house it has been such a pleasure pilgrim remember to pray for all of the needs nationally and internationally so many people are in pain and without tonight so much death and sorrow in the land there's still fires burning out of control but we know that that we serve a god who is a prayer hearing prayer answering god so father god we just thank you for tonight we believe that you have spoken we believe that uh the holy spirit you're the spirit of comfort and you are the mighty counselor and we trust you with all things we pray god that this teaching has changed some lives tonight you've reminded us that there's a season for everything and no season stays the same but that you were the one that put divine laws in order that governs life every form and sphere of life teach us god to know your word yes teach us to hear your voice god give us listening ears and receiving hearts to hear you um and so father we do thank you for this night we do pray for the nation we pray for this church um let your perfect will be done in the land we ask you to heal the land we ask you god um to rule and super rule in every sphere of our lives and father we thank you for all of these that have given their lives to christ tonight we thank you for the souls that have entered into the kingdom nobody can do it but you and after all of these things father we are so so we want to be so very careful to make sure that we pray in the name of your son jesus we believe that it is done in jesus name amen farewell pilgrim it's been our pleasure good night you
Channel: Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Views: 181
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Id: r6sopBQbhRQ
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Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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