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welcome back to Bible quiz today let's test our Biblical knowledge through the Pharisees and Sadducees before entering the challenge with Bible quizzes let's subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss the next videos let's start question one while John was baptizing how did he refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees a Hypocrites B Sly foxes C generation of V ERS D tombs of iniquity time to think C Generation of Vipers question two when the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar what object did he use to answer their question a a penny b a tax collector's bag c a handful of wheat d The Scroll of Isaiah time to think a a penny question three when Jesus told his disciples to beware of 11 of the Pharisees and Sadducees to what was he referring a the preparation of Feasts by the Pharisees and Sadducees B the holy days of the Pharisees and Sadducees C the eating habits of the Pharisees and Sadducees D the doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees time to think [Music] D the doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees question four which Christian doctrine did the Sadducees reject a baptism B Resurrection C restoration of the Kingdom of Israel D forgiveness of sins time to think [Music] B Resurrection question five which apostle was a Pharisee a Peter B James C Paul D Steven time to think [Music] C Paul question six which respected Pharisee advised the Jews to let the apostles alone because if their message was truly from God no man could fight against them AEL B Gabriel C Caiaphas D Anis time to think [Music] AAL question seven Jesus told a story about two men who went to pray in the temple one was a Pharisee what was the other man a a fisherman B A Publican c a sadducee d a Roman Centurion time to think [Music] B A Publican question 8 what question regarding marriage did the Pharisees use to tempt Jesus a is it lawful for a man to put away his wife B is it lawful for a man to take a second wife C is it lawful for a man to marry his brother's daughter D is it lawful for a man to marry following the death of his wife time to think hey is it lawful for a man to put away his wife question question nine what did Jesus say when the Pharisees asked why he ate with publicans and sinners a birds of the air have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head B go though and do likewise see God uses the weak things of the world to bring forth strength do they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick than [Music] do they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick question 10 Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocritically paying tithes on herbs and omitting which weightier matters of the law a purity godliness and humility B judgment mercy and Faith see sacrifice obedience and love DMS giving hospitality and cheerfulness time to think be judgment mercy and Faith question 11 when Jesus forgave the sins of the sick man let down through the roof to him to what did the Pharisees object a they thought only God could forgive sins B they thought Jesus should have healed the man rather than forgive his sins C they objected to the hole in the roof of the house D they objected to the multitudes around coming to be healed time to think a they thought only God could could forgive sins question 12 which Pharisee came to talk to Jesus by Night a gal B Nicodemus C James D Simeon time to think be Nicodemus question 13 what provoked Jesus to say to the Pharisees he that is without sin Let Him First cast a stone a they objected to Jesus associating with harlots B they accused Jesus disciples of doing work on the Sabbath day C they brought him a man caught in the act of stealing a loaf of bread D they brought him a woman taken in the act of adultery time to think the they brought him a woman taken in the act of adultery question 14 many of the chief rulers privately believed in Jesus why did they not confess this belief publicly a they were afraid the Pharisees would publicly denounce them B they were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue C they thought the phes would ridicule them do they thought the Pharisees would tell the Roman soldiers time to think be they were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue question 15 what does the Bible say Judas received from the chief priests and and Pharisees to enable him to help arrest Jesus a a band of men and officers b a legion of Roman soldiers c a multitude of the Common People D the chief leaders of the people time to think a a band of men and officers question 16 which miracle that Jesus performed divided the Pharisees in opinion as to whether Jesus was from God or not a turning water into wine B healing of the dumb man by touching his tongue C healing of the blind man by covering his eyes in clay D healing of the man with the withered hand time to think [Music] D healing of the man with the withered hand 17 when Jesus went to dinner at Simon the Pharisees house what did a woman do for him a washed and anointed his feet with ointment B bring him bread to eat C brought him a new coat she had made D fell down and worshiped him time to think [Music] a washed and anointed his feet with ointment question 18 what is the message of the parable that Jesus told Simon the Pharisee a he who has ears to hear Let Him hear B he who has many debts forgiven loves the one who forgave him more than he who has few few debts forgiven C love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself D it's important to uphold the spirit of the law not just the letter of the law time to think B he who has many debts forgiven loves the one who forgave him more than he who few debts forgiven question 19 which supernatural being or beings does the Bible say the Sadducees did not believe in a god B Angels C Devils D ghosts time to think be Angels question 20 why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said you cannot serve God and Mammon a they were selfish B they disliked it when Jesus told Parables C they wanted to draw attention away from Jesus D they were Covetous time to think [Music] D they were covetous
Channel: Bible Quiz Channel
Views: 416
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Keywords: bible quiz channel, bible quiz, bible trivia, bible question, bible, bible quiz questions and answers, biblical questions, bible knowledge, bible study, holy bible, bible challenge, hard level bible questions, gods word, bible facts, christian bible quiz, ultimate bible quiz, hardest bible quiz ever, hardest ever bible quiz, pharisees and sadducees bible quiz, bible quiz pharisees and sadducees, bible trivia pharisees and sadducees, bible questions pharisees and sadducees
Id: MXYf3aGE9So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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