Bible Baptist Church | PM Service | Jeff Stice Concert

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord all you nations praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord all you nations praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the [Music] the lord [Music] we were made to praise the praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] him with [Music] i will thank him with my soul i will sing praise the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i lord thank him with my soul i will say praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord it came loose i tell you judy had a homemade lemon pie today and this thing won't reach quite around me tonight it did this morning she asked me if i wanted seconds and i said yes i do we are we are greatly encouraged that you're here tonight to worship the lord with us if you are visiting bible baptist church you are an honored guest we're thankful that especially that you came this evening if you have never uh been in a service where brother jeff stice was ministering at the piano you are in for a wonderful wonderful treat this evening brother jeff has has been given a boatload of talents you know the scripture talks about those that have have ten talents and five talents and three and one i believe he got about 27. and so but we're glad to have brother jeff with us tonight and everyone let's stand together please and pray because we need the lord to touch our hearts tonight father we thank you for the privilege to assemble this evening we realize that that some people in the world tonight do not have this privilege and so we should not take it lightly we do not take it lightly thank you for the open door to come tonight to to sing your praises to hear the music that reminds us of of our home that awaits in heaven lord we think about the psalmist and how that uh you gave him the the book of psalms and it's all about songs and music and praise and glory to be rendered to you and we asked lord tonight that you would inhabit the praises of your people we asked tonight that that this would be a special time that that you would anoint brother jeff to uh to so use these skills the talents the abilities that you've blessed him with that he'll be a blessing to others tonight most of all we pray tonight that we would see jesus we thank you for the one that loved us so that he died upon the cross at calvary and paid our sin debt who rose again from the dead and who offers us the gift of salvation by grace through faith in him lord we give this service to you this evening in jesus name amen brother stephen all right well let's all sing him number 305 do you look under your chair take a handle tonight and let's sing praise and praise in jesus our blessed redeemer let's sing it together on the first verse now praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemer sing o earth his wonderful love proclaim hail him hail him highest archangels and glory strength and honor give to his holy name like a shepherd jesus will guard his children in his arms he carries them all day long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him ever and joyful song and let's sing that third verse praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemer heavenly portals aloud with hosanna's ring jesus savior reigneth forever and ever crown him crown him prophet and priest and king christ is coming over the world victorious power and glory unto the lord belong praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him ever and joyful song well that is wonderful singing tonight would you please be seated and it is our joy as my dad mentioned to have you with us tonight as our special guest i'm so glad that this worked out and uh was things were able to come together to happen tonight and uh boy you are in for such a treat i first met jeff oh got some feedback guys uh we uh we i first met jeff snice when i was about oh jeff i don't want to tell how old because you won't remember i'm just kidding i i think i first heard jeff when you were with the nelens probably i don't know three or four years ago and uh and i heard jeff and began to admire his uh god-given abilities and then uh it wasn't too many years ago that jeff and i both ended up teaching piano side by side in rooms at the steve hirsch school of music and he and i developed a a quick friendship and we became what we call the sanhedrin up there we began to meet over lunch every day and we solved all the world's problems uh sitting around a not very good lunch on a college campus many summers but the lord has certainly gifted him and he has been a hero of mine for many years from his time with the nelens and from the kingdom mayors and triumphant and then with a perfect heart and then as a solo artist and tonight you are in for a treat if only all of monroe georgia knew what they had here tonight in this building they'd all be here but you are here tonight and you're in for a treat and i want you to make welcome to the big city of monroe my friend and the kentucky wildcat fan mr jeff stice would you give him a big hand tonight and welcome him [Music] is um [Music] so [Music] songs [Music] zombies [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey started again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] just sit sit hang on man i gotta get a breath see if you know this one [Music] go ahead [Music] wow [Music] i know the second verse [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] all right hang on a minute see not only was last year a weird year i got a year older matter of fact i turned 60 last year oh my goodness but god's good amen well when is he good all the time not part of the time all of the time i tell you one of my favorite verses is uh romans 5 1 therefore being justified by faith we are at peace with god through our lord jesus christ how many of you can say you're at peace with our heavenly father me too you know what sometimes i don't live the way i should just being honest but thank god he loves me and uh thank god he draws me back and uh i just thank god he don't give up on us amen oh my goodness gracious well my name is jeff stice uh i play piana and uh let me tell you something i i talked to stephen last week and uh i it's a little intimidating sitting here playing when i know he plays as well as he does and i mean that from the bottom of my heart he's my friend and uh i love you i respect you so much and your choir is awesome uh i miss that uh matter of fact it's good to see a lot of people in church again uh it just i don't know what to say i know we all went through it last year and uh just curious did anybody go to walmart during all that yeah did you go down the wrong aisle you're laughing you know what i'm talking about let me tell you something i got stared down i mean i when i go into walmart i know exactly what i'm gonna get so i'm looking at the signs you know i don't look on the floor where it says six feet apart you gotta go this way or that way i don't do that and i probably should i guess i'm irresponsible but anyway anyway i walked into walmart and i'm going to tell you something i went down the wrong aisle and there at the other end was a lady and she's there and she started patting her foot you know i feel like i was out of the scene of the western you know i thought we were good you know but uh but so so i backed up real slow like never taken my eye off of her and went around the all the way down the aisle and come in behind her and she was up reaching to get a can and i i couldn't resist i said can i get that for you and she just jumped out of her shoes i reached and got her a can of peaches and handed it to her but uh oh my goodness gracious it's the truth so true walmart wrong aisle never again now i go in and of course everybody's going everywhere seems like now just daring you to say you're going down the wrong aisle you know but uh that's okay too hey i got a picture i want to show you this is my dad yeah he's a good-looking rascal wasn't he yeah uh i lost him three and a half years ago um march 7th he was my hero and uh man i miss him but uh he wouldn't come back here if he could he's uh he'd suffered a stroke the last 11 and a half years of his life and couldn't walk he was uh pretty much confined to his uh recliner and uh but um man he's walking everywhere right now so i'm typically this is my mom yeah yeah and then uh this is their wedding picture yeah looks like james dean and ingrid bergman yeah and then this was the last picture they took together yeah shortly well i think mom said five years after they got married this little guy come along i ain't got no hair and then this is me at the piano well no this is my this is you can't make that stuff up you know what i mean this this is my dog rhythm yeah he's not a puppy anymore but i taught him to do a trick and uh his name is rhythm and uh it just works uh he's so much fun he's a golden retriever and the thing about a golden retriever he's six years old now and he still thinks he's this little yeah so uh and then this is my better half right here it's my wife stacy and man i'm blessed she prays for me she encourages me uh she truly is the epitome of a help mate and uh praise the lord for her every day i really do she's just awesome okay i need everybody to say this with me no wait a minute not yet don't don't just uh i want to do something else i am uh i just completed a new project for day win records and it's a tribute to dolly dottie rambo and i'm pretty excited about it but they've got me working on another one and these are songs that make you smile kind of thing and they somehow found how many of you know who frank sinatra is i know we're talking about frank sinatra in church here we are but somehow they got a hold of his original track and it's got a kid's choir on it and i know every one of you know this song and uh i'm gonna do it for you because i don't have it yet back here and this is the first time i've done it out but uh this this is such a a positive song and it's a happy song and it sounds old but you'll know it as soon as it starts [Music] there's a lot to be learned [Music] so [Music] there's a lot to be learned [Music] do foreign oh gosh i'm having i'm having the best time working on this this particular project it's just so much fun so here's what i need everybody to do i need everybody to say there is no god like jehovah do it again there is no god like jehovah one more time there is no god like the whole see if you know this one [Music] so [Music] please so [Music] oh um [Music] [Applause] guys [Music] so [Music] [Applause] yeah thank you you can be seated thanks for participating okay i gotta talk to you a minute uh what if i told you that i had documented proof but i'm an approval seeker yeah for about seven years ago now my goodness gracious actually it's going on eight years ago i had for a lack of a better way to say it meltdown i just had no idea who i was didn't know where in the world i was didn't know why i was and god placed me in a place right up the road from here in acworth georgia it was a place called hope quest i had to go there to find some answers try to figure out who i was because i didn't know i should have been the happiest guy in the world but i wasn't i was miserable just miserable now never will forget when i got there i thought i've made a mistake i don't need to be here because bottom line i was in this place with drug addicts alcoholics everything you could imagine the more i spent time there the more i realized they were my brothers now i didn't experience any of those things that they went through but i got to know people i never will forget going into my counselor's office sitting down and him giving me this test oh it's humiliating it was just humiliating they would ask me the same question four or five different times and they would word it different they did that so i wouldn't lie it was humiliating the whole time i'm taking it i i'm talking to myself going how did how did i get here little do i know i'd find out before long i remember two weeks past and he called me into his office he had a smile on his face you gotta understand i was really bitter at this time and when i walked in and seen that smile on his face i remember going in and i said why are you so happy and he chuckled he said sit down i'm excited because today you get to find out who you are you get to become aware of who you are i never will forget sitting down in the seat i remember just plopping down in it and he's going through through this test you know he takes it and he thumbs through it he says jeff says right here you are off the chain when they say you're off the chain that's you're off the chain when it comes to being an approval seeker well i kind of know what that is kind of knew at the time but i wanted to hear the medical definition now remember him looking at me and saying well you find your value in what people think about you that's a drag he flipped through the test he says it says here you have unrelenting standards i said what is that he said well you're a bit of a perfectionist well see that didn't resonate with me because i ain't never felt like i'm sorry i have never felt like i have gotten there i've always find i'm picking apart everything i do and he kind of chuckled again he said well he said being a perfectionist and an approval seeker is a terrible combination just really making me feel good about myself at this point he said no doubt you get in a room and you practice and you practice and you practice trying to get that song just the way you want it so when you get in front of people you'll get their approval and by the time you get in front of those people you are so stressed out thinking you need their approval you fall way short of perfection man a light bulb came on because i always had this anxiety when i would get in front of people what if they don't stand up at the end of my song what if they don't clap for me at the end of my song i know it's sad stuff you know i said well what am i supposed to do he kind of laughed he said he said you're aware of it now he said now you know how to combat it he said here's what i want you to do he come over and got me by the shirt wasn't you know jerking me but he lifted me up out of the seat he walked me over to the window and he said you see the picnic table down there over the hill and i said yeah he said tomorrow morning i want you to get up and i want you to go there and i want you to sit i don't want you to take a pepsi i don't want you to take a book i just want you to go there and sit and i said you want me knowing i can't sit still you want me to go sit on a picnic table all day he said yeah that's what i want you to do so i left his office just totally aggravated got up the next morning and i remember it was the change of season it was um in march and it was going from winter time into springtime so there were some dead leaves in the trees and i could hear him rustling as i was going down over the hill and i remember i didn't sit at the picnic table i sat on the picnic table because i was going to show him i hope you're looking from up there in your office you know so i sit down on the picnic table and have any of you ever cried so much you just cry yourself out you can't cry no more that's where i got i got to the place where i couldn't cry anymore and i never will forget i started hearing the leaves rustle i started hearing that water smack against that bank it was a little creek and it looked so cold and clean you know it was about to be springtime it just sparkled i knew water made noise but i never listened to it birds i never knew how many different bird songs there were because i never took the time to listen oh my goodness gracious for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that we through him might become the righteousness of god he knew no sin you know when a baby is born how innocent and perfect they are it was more than that he made him to be sin for our sake more and more as i get older this word keeps popping into my head awareness i go to the the mirror now and i look into the mirror and i look into my eyes and i see only what me and god know and it's then that i realize how badly i need a savior in my life i'll tell you something he loves us you don't have to clean your act up to come to him he wants you the way you are and it bothers me to think that i've gotta take a bath before i can come in and pray to my god that ain't the way it works he loves you with an it's unrelenting love it's it's unbelievable it's overwhelming to think he knows me and he still loves me that is amazing so now when i sit down and play it's by the grace of god that i get to do what i do why um i'm sure we all have stories of last year how did we make it through last year through the grace of god if you think that caught him off guard the things that happened last well you're sorely mistaken i want to do a song for you that uh i think this is uh this is [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] it's all right no i um the imitation now um i just give this to you well has jeff blessed your heart tonight amen do this for me let's stand together tonight jeff jeff just his talent blows my mind every time i sit and listen to him play but it's more what jeff said while he was while he was talking to us tonight just real and his story tonight is real and i wonder if there's somebody in the room tonight who feels like jeff was eight years ago when the lord has to get your attention and cause us to first of all recognize who he is so we can see who we it's a hard reality sometimes isn't it because when we get god in the proper place it causes us to see who we are and the first place that we have to see ourselves is as sinners because that's who we all are the bible tells us that romans 3 23 we memorize it as children it says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god you've got to recognize that first and then when you recognize that you recognize there's no way to get to a holy god except for the way that he provided through jesus christ we come to know him as our personal savior maybe you're here tonight and you've never come to that realization what better place what better time than tonight maybe you're a believer maybe you know the lord as your savior but you're like jeff you don't really know who you are maybe you don't realize that who you are first of all is that you're created in the image of an almighty god who created you in a special way to do something special for his honor and his glory and for his purpose through your life and maybe tonight you need to come to a realization let's do this tonight i'm going to ask my dad to come to the front jeff is playing let's just put me in e4 [Music] i think we all know this together just sing this again if you need to come tonight maybe you need to find a place here at the altar and pray maybe you need to come and find yourself tonight and find the lord here at this altar sing this justice one just as i am [Music] thee [Music] second verse just as [Music] to [Music] love you [Music] we're going to have prayer here at the altar in just a moment if you'd like to join these others this invitation is open you come this this altar is open we're going to pray together and share these burdens the scripture said we're as believers called upon to bear one another's burdens if you do not know christ is your savior you may know about him but friend the difference the difference between knowing about the lord and knowing the lord is the difference between heaven and hell there are a lot of people in this world that know about the lord but there's never been a time in their life when they personally called upon him to receive him i told you when i was an 11 year old boy i grew up in church i had i had heard all the bible stories we went every sunday morning sunday night wednesday night every revival meeting we did all that i knew about the lord but i didn't know the lord my pastor came by that evening and he said greg do you believe that jesus is the son of god yes sir i do do you believe he died on the cross for your sin yes i do do you believe he rose yet yes yesterday he said that but would you do something about it see i've never done anything about it i said yes sir i will [Music] i know you don't have to be on your knees to accept christ but at that moment that's what i sense that i needed to do and i knelt down at 201 brian road i knelt down lord jesus i do believe that you are god's son and i believe you died on the cross for my sin i believe you rose from the dead for me lord jesus i do now ask you to forgive my sin i receive you as my savior and it not only changed my life it changed my eternal destiny i found out what it was to become a new creature and i mean 11 year old boy i knew what it was to become a new creature in christ i want to invite you this evening if you do not know the lord jesus take him at his word him that cometh unto me he said i will in no wise cast out he never turned away anyone who in a sincere heart said lord i need to be saved and i receive you as my savior let's pray together father you have heard the petitions at this altar this evening you've heard the petitions of hearts that have gone up but people still standing in their places here in this sanctuary lord you know those that have heavy hearts this evening [Music] you know about problems that are so big that we can't solve them ourselves lord you know about people that we're burdened for people in our family that are lost unprepared to meet you unprepared for eternity lord we ask tonight for your mercy and your grace to intervene in those situations that we are powerless to change help us lord to be wise enough to realize when we can change something and give us grace to make that change but lord in those circumstances we're weak circumstances we ask you to intervene lord for those members of families that do not know the lord jesus as their personal savior we ask tonight that the holy spirit would move in their hearts to make them to see themselves as you see us you see us lord trying to to work out our own salvation and and become righteous and you said all of our righteousness is filthy rags in your sight help us lord that we would humble ourselves before you lord i pray that that you would draw souls to the lord jesus to trust him and be saved thank you lord for the testimony of your grace that we've heard again this evening reminding us lord that your mercies and your grace are new every morning no matter how far we've gone you tell us there's more of your grace than there is of our sin thank you lord i pray that you'll use us as a testimony of who you are and the gift of salvation that you desire to give to every individual in jesus name amen please be seated have you enjoyed jeff tonight hey did you bring the william tell overture and he'll pilot me i can i know i you asked me if i wanted you to play the offering and you said you wanted dad to pick one and we can pick one but i'd really love for you to play the william tale overture okay the lone ranger now if you had gone anywhere else in the world tonight how much would you have paid for a concert to hear this guy play uh we we jeff did this tonight he didn't charge me a penny to come to the church tonight to do this he just called and he said i just like to come and be a blessing but we need to bless him uh this is jeff's full-time ministry he's traveling and playing the piano and uh i'd like to keep him on the road going other places to do what he did tonight to be a blessing to others amen i'm going to ask you to do something i'll ask you to give ushers would you come tonight and we didn't charge it listen we're not going to come and and take anything from you not not a penny if you if you feel led to give but i want to ask you to help people like jeff who have done this full time 2020 was a hard year you think about churches not having uh services there's no concert halls open and uh jeff has played his tuesday night right was was tuesday night on two on your on jeff's facebook page if you've not done it at home with jeff he wears a kentucky wildcat t-shirt every tuesday night i told him as long as it didn't say georgia bulldogs i was good with it so no anyway uh jeff and i'm well not really uh jeff jeff and stacy open their home every tuesday night on facebook and take requests it's awesome you ought to watch i watch just about every week i say hey jeff and justice hey steven but uh anyway we uh we want to bless jeff tonight i want to ask you to be generous in your offering he drove all the way from kentucky to be here tonight this is the only place he's going to be in georgia and uh we want to take care of him and we want to be a blessing now uh i i just i mean i put you on the spot you might not have played this in a month i don't know well i didn't play it at all last year there you go so jessica i wanted him if you listened to the bible baptist radio program this morning this was the first song out of the gate this morning and i want to see you do it live and uh jason i'm sure you can put that on the screen we'll see jeff's hands when he plays this but we're going to pray tonight and then we're going to give as the lord has blessed us and we want to bless jeff tonight and be be a blessing to his ministry let's pray together lord we love you and we thank you for the gift of music you've given to jeff lord i pray you'd help us now to be a blessing back to him to allow him to continue to be a blessing to congregations and audiences around the world telling of your great love and lord your redemption i thank you for that bless this offering continue to watch over jeff and protect him and use him lord for your honor and glory in jesus name amen so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] wasn't that good [Applause] man [Applause] you're my hero jeff i love it that was great hey real quick jeff tell us what you got out there on your table sorry no you're good bro tell us what you got out there on the table okay i won't make a long drawn out think about this but last year people said what did you do because you didn't travel i stayed home and made cds so when i could but uh this is songs that make me smile oh happy day chariots of fire days of elijah greater is he uh sinners plea i needed it with the piano man mom wanted it on there and then this one right here i did this um i did two pianos on every song just piano and so i'm i'm talking to uh my daughter and my wife stacy and i'm like i don't i don't want to call it just jeff plays the piano i i need a fun name you know so maddie and i my daughter we were in walmart there we were we were going down the right aisle and uh and we went to the toy section just cutting through there to get to the automotive thing anyway she's going by all these different monopoly games and she grabs it and she went held it up and she said piano opoli and i stood there a minute and i looked and i looked and i loved it so i did a monopoly board and uh the little monopoly man's got a beethoven wig on and uh but it's you know he's my king honey in the rock heaven came down and glory filled my soul come and dying highway to heaven just good old court just good old convention style songs that's back there i have a burden to keep the hymns alive of the church these are 19 of my favorite hymns and i tried to play them with the reverence and respect that i think they deserved that's back there three cds my wife has a a cookbook she also has a christmas edition so you can get all three of these cds and the cookbook for only forty dollars i have a limited supply of these and as quick as that limited supply has gone i'll go to my van and get another limited supply that's funny i don't care who you are a lot of the cars that are being made today don't have cd players in them i have a flash drive right here that uh has five different projects on it you can get all five of those this is only 50 there's room for about 35 more projects on this flash drive got a guy here he's like a brother to me uh in fact we call each other he's my little brother i'm his big brother this is robbie novelle a lot of you know who charles nobel is uh he was a bit of a mentor to me and like a second father and uh he passed away last year back at the first year robbie has kept his school alive the charles novell school of music this year it is going to be in fort mountain georgia and it's july 25th through july 31st robby raise your hand so if you want to talk to robbie about learning to play the piano singing in a choir stephen can tell you about these schools they're they're wonderful he has one every year north georgia they're wonderful i believe in cultivating your talent and encouraging kids who are talented so uh please come talk to him pick up one of these if you don't buy anything come by and shake my hand you've made me feel so much at home and uh um i appreciate you keep me in your prayers i would appreciate that amen good night jeff dice everybody wasn't he a blessing amen and i want to thank my friend i want to thank my friend rick bazemore down here on the front row rick at piano's in tune came over and did a complimentary tuning and tweaking of the piano to get it ready for jeff tonight and i sure appreciate that rick thank you and my friend [Applause] i think i'll probably need to see you wednesday afternoon to get it back but uh wow if you if you have a piano you need tuned rick is your man and i appreciate rick doing that to get it ready tonight and uh jeff probably played it out of tune i'll check it here in just a little bit let's pray together and we'll be dismissed tonight brother mark duncan would you dismiss us tonight
Channel: Bible Baptist Monroe
Views: 167
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mf7G3tYbcUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 20sec (5240 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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