BGP Summarization - In Tamil

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bgb summarization order a routing protocol a summarization when they will all be the market and I poop at the getting in am hot a summarization in a blanket version 2 and the classless routing protocol DUP so multiple subnet sir come over there by default sublimation pan inaudible summarization is turned on by default he idrp I was able to the earrings with the PI version he agent put the version EIGRP layer the cancer container whose version he has yet build a summarization not occurred of the video default an undercover Gabrielle OS v mother is ample diversion eajy rpm OSPF or summarization panel by default summarization for not be GPU summarization / no by default BGP summarization for no he in the router clamp Sunnah redistribute ivara external drops excels out of a door and I read is to divert redistribute I am the Agora routes or EAG are pillars and there are no there but the subnets redistribute banana another summary side somewhere else I would submit a commission in the summarization enabled by default is anything a disabled button no Auto somebody ever simple command the router bgp kilobyte karuta even the redistribute over a route schemata the applicable BGP notice on the roads clear BGP in ODS 1:09 BGP lankey over to the network and put advertise for my subnets the summarization by default under the car yet oh right Eevee protocol others always pay for a job you know taking particular study roads though you know wherever routing source were and then a BGP good lower BGP cool over a redistribution fun moving inner and the subnets clown the summarization by default with the automatic summarization the automatic summarization is enabled by default in even the disable burning like everybody it is same Franklin Irina no to some reading give a command to consume remaining here disable furniture either a book in order per thing in a number on the bgp network skill bgp networks the bgp network command butoh advertise but the BG peace own network and the networking a summary span Avira monena trend of avail upon Allah only redistribution printers the Malema you know no they agree get come a teaspoon of the movie so BG peak here being a summarization BGP Rodya so the network a summary Sparano Marin to vary leopard lock own a static route is funny redistribute for luck static route even as the a core program ended Zilla the corporate the machine will return a curb or another BGP notice one then it will go to achieving may 193 dot one dot one 93.2 dot I mean Maria 193 dot dot dot nari Argos updates / 16 subnet is invisible I never deny 193 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0 or a static route here thee as Avenue or a null interface company it's not a physical interface it is not a loopback interface also interfacing areas are now on the interface marvelous ain't border is it I thought a static route here is a new persona other than the other gateway of a pine point paneer chrome you know now we're exit interface a point paneer open up in a static route syntax of the company down on the syntax completion kaga number null 0 interface support in the ordinator one 92110 92111 oh nothing to risk road interface a korean it imma go to static route is ever easy yeah they where Brina now he left me video static route no the administrative distance on this 0 inner knee directly connected interface alpine paneer green and they on they wear an extra gate where you could Selena study wrote the administered distance one day another directly connected I run which in other than the zero anyway next to Gateway a point bunny reach the corner so static route okay when the administrative distance when the wooden are 0 and I label column bar but everyone else only receiving today modern de azúcar it is up one day a power running in next up participative Nina the interface boiler and extra bit of scrutiny I wonder if they were directly connected address appointed any nonzero in given their non park of the administrative distance 0 over static route in either a or null intervention or a local interface a point money to get the interface Alana interest mothering so the directly connected mother energy a poem 193 network is the BGP advertisement in another pan alone in an advertisement another $1 million the 190 3.11 93.2 already pala submits Gonzalo local autonomous local the router nestled within earth 193 and again near krabi theory oh I wrote Adventist a distance 0 da have been solely China B's if you know a router and then a to put in administrative distance lowered enough HEPA may sound adjusting about static route mm and the sound adjust the routing table active are the router but they're studying rooted in the static router a deafening a redistribute putting on a BGP goona 193 Network a flow net will go in the hollow and then it'll be like the aggregation of marido subnet I'm worried BGP advertised printer every sub data module so for a summarization pond Apertura static router bgp able to distribute punters of Malema the BGP updates some race Panama read and I gave a beach if you know da wather a broken of BGP not a valid radio static here out to be recursion Allah BGP no dad have updates on the 193 no on the China the static you have to match funding in the aggregation effect I'll effective Ida so you do a room it in our second rule of Korea in everybody in any a readable pond is the summarization Panama aggregate Piniella aggregation summarization is now or ever once aggregates Linda removal NJ interface when they aggregate Poorna ether channel grow aggregate another knowledge the interface event or interface of Parker Missouri now then G subnet a borisovna topic of the aggregation but the summarization of good summarization of absolutely multiple detail subnets are summarized to imagine network aggregation was the meaning so in the summarization in the aggregation aggregate in the recommend a use for a pendulum monorail upon block and aggregate address into the commander he's putting more he lab more moral imitation slip-on la oh no one there the local routing table local BGP routing table left but a summarized routing up here alga we can on that one ID 3.00 does some reroute what I we kill him now in the command Hispaniola aggregate address 193 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0 so England Oh 193 at 193 dot to subtitle our deposit and the match silk another 193 engraver match better than Allah and update left in there out one thing about routing table huh making the command is for Allah 193 dot 0 dot 0 enter and out on the routing table over so I again need to create an aggregate entry in the BGP routing table and at least one specific route falls into the specified range so this is the rage 193 dot I'm Dean throw degree either while updates the match enough for any order BGP route of the routing table somebody wrote on the coming either Volusia either local routing table oh look at coming here together next one the Elad tributo in the summary route to give Kerrigan another patent attorney who ordered it over summer is politically and the buccinator count on attributes align a single letter a setting River command elasticity mother put a recommend I gotta get a dress on 9300 to fulfill a setting your commander Padma so on the rules and attributes in love me when they either give put on the path attributes Allah may even go inherit item you know when the neighbors scale and cuckoo the curve theorem boola in the summary the summarization the local wrote to him what is now porno in the summarization a cigar in the router card it figure out to plump Oakwood has it local cuz a local routing table home or do not how do you running even able to love sorry abrini Sunnah coming here somewhere you only interval commander useful so how do you get router bottom create printer dilemma suppress Ambani is an advertisement so in the mother a BGP summarization aggregation on there but Angela do in the other civilization is kim sun-ah redistributed routes either by default enable high recording a cancel punter as I even though no auto some BGP no race on the network a yes I'm a by default by referred I GP routes IGP done during a busy people to reduce Rupa near being a burger and the roots and other than the by default any Blair ko Ming a disabled person Amna so when subnet is redistributed from an IG PE say for example over space o SP routes only the network round is ejected into the be gbto meaning the the major network not the subnet by default these automatic summarization is enabled to disable the automatic Network summarization is the following no slider is the automatic summarization aggregation when the BGP notice on the network occur I render gillip unlock aggregate command a useful number under no a bring it over the needle is enough example you in a real world video aggregation to come and use know how they get Aurora summary spawn of BGP notice one then it will care summaries for Navy is funicular or a static route aridity the static route learning you put away Romo in the Murray summarization router thee or null interface scaphoid would open a point penitas and the static route to reduce route burning in Zona are they mother Lisa Marie airco hello access list Li the the study rotate Adama access list the other out my blog called put me on the road map and re everybody the lovin you know I think my pen with machine IP route study rotated easier to grow the hey Rainbow Road my Porsche along how did the aggregation come and useful obtained resident Allegra gate printer this local router car the local rotor Combe either got a circular route to come save that either using you know local turtle Madonna in the aggregation they have a summarization they were a Marine now in a porno you please summarize a shinobi civilization party somebody won't lean poor do so Aubry Bernina goodness a pro sire in a surprise I wrote detailed networks are present to create an aggregate root for 192 193 network aggregate due to the plus the specific notes a the suppress item so he's in the point was running a Leawood thumb out to the poem or a paste in the network suppress algo summarize to route created summarize a summarized should advertise ago but detailed routes advertise algas you know somebody wrote model not a diesel engine on a syllabus or Allah polymer Sonoma three children in the returning a punt of the llama in the rendom even this for somebody route entry contouring layer the detailed router lined up ending interesting a number in a payslip detailed summary routine three or routing table aversion summary routing routing table or is it detailed routing table even a filter pond Resig a regular expression into the polymer at every level Illya he is a summary on input of oil how to pour it in him a detailed router no suppressor only somebody wrote down with shouting Kevlar in the Cunha video here in do not report is written by me numerous able a bathroom so is number topology the BGP PDP three-year-old almost r1 laughs configuration Illinois Bella plate router router bgp 12 neighbor 112 dot 0.2 100 a to not zero to we Matthias his stool we're inhaling IGP theory Lilia their bridge in a study but Allah the two logical are not too busy period 12.1 223 0.282 measure of the torrent to the three little too easy to remember so never patina great sewing a neighbor but new to embed dot twenty-three dot 0 dot trick okay so keep denying it tula for this is ro 2 3 or the three line within the interest already that you look and the IPL school no similarity their children away with it right the three or be cheap inputs of mind three the to put easy llama loopback interface trinitarian the test think of these internet works ha correct here they order - okay I thought be cheap American oh you know router bgp three two one the three-letter normal system you choose here give me the inner the memory FFF referred on the channel a very BG b approaches people finite older correct I'm a man 301 every of the right people show ID be cheap in persevered enemies advertise formula a pan and a sailor in the loopback interface Allah pair was routing protocol dad put up our router rip network worship no Auto summary replay the loopback in laminar nitrogen heap way the BG pick you up with a router bgp 3:3 distribute protocol trip tourism it is sweet proto cover it this one up the parent but not show IP BGP route salon theory they detail routes you can I rip letter than the question work redistributed show IP route directly now let's go to next route road to show IP BGP summary he putting in a 223 then the force for precise nature of origin show IP BGP show IP route through ibgp for the for detail networks very little very well at all my sister don't overthink it fine so should I peer out bgp own are you coming but number passes in an outer summarization is enabled by default only the park Allah or Motor Show run people show red section BGP notice on recession potato so Allah show every protocol show IP protocol and busy picking up activate automatic greater it is not in effect no BGP less my enable put in laughs but my name buying the disabled the in aversion in in the bottom the 15 dot version anyways but 12.4 version ladies this it is enabled by default 12.4 version rather than a popular version of the line enabled by default if the iOS for the image 15 is it - washer 15 not to worship for another interval version length 200 440 in the summarization enable cinnamony will for knowing it router bgp three autosomal sure I revision well yeah summary spinach in the summarization enable aerco to hold out version layer Hilda 15 dad version laying in the matrimonial grammar now they have whatever pending generally the wound even yeah ARP do in a minute on a BGP Lumpa thing a BGP OSPF lamp Athena key monitor in the lab between different autonomous system will happen but there is another summarization patna precise route selection path selection remove actual iterative moody in the lab illness embrace but if somebody's putting over whatever my sister's live on there in that tournament system area Pune in the submitting a robust shortest path in Cantabria moody is in our in the source will did summarized of day where is it he's a precise throttle of the China from accurate selection at uni poor ASP were here 10.1 when the short path Arkham in ayes Peoria tended to short path or go above some ways paneer but I let me tell you whether the manner number the path selection level the accurate plan selection problem buddy Oh SPFL Tito BGP a little always fear for our ambassadors day only some respond as a BGP rep reassured be somebody's penitas it specially you behavior they redistribute roads photo monitors is it redistribute partner routes to moto what it does is it upon the Earth's time in ever their and then they look and all of the learner competition a fire cook but II a gerbil empathy Nina summarization the nautical by default not on the children's and under 15 that version when the pinna di was on the Noddy he had year period the bgb magari summarization and to trouble with the redistribute Road screamo tonigh the summer respondent Monsen I burn in the summary spinach bore out to summarize table along with it router to summarize through blunders in an air show IP route BGP weighing in exceptions problem with a replay router bgp 12 neighbor 100 to old of 0.1 mixed up in the ok league level their next steps of clear another narrow Travolta theory when you're not receiving very showy BGP you next of marla marriage nor it should be hundred or 200 0.2 so you pop Athene able to ferry the engl border out there multiple dot okay Richie so summarized out to that wonder given the either when they where every route source is that the summarization enabled by default but a version to the version de cría the pipe not individual soul opening energy a positive change in position the BGP learn and and the local and community later now children a out of summarization default details of red or na nanika document up with mathematical inner hot a summarization is d4 is enabled by default prior to fifteen door text version iOS version 15 dot takes attendance to unit one or whatever 15 la disabled by default right in the changes people [Music] you notice me consider what is somebody GPL appointed notice been canceled furniture so we pay never detailed networks lompoc detailed I was tearing up another so much right so I design up an opera number ago you should method Pope hitting in the wearer out to wriggle up hearing some respond so Row two three leather more than three hundred to love a thing now they're out still update server them how to do you that Verdi is over the summer I spent some rays put mine up another and open not stati wrote a deliberate IP route point towards null 0 L 0 and alpha is over logical interface rear detail router bgp twirl redistribute static show ibgp or show IP route first show IP route the parent line either a static route let's go he the poor though he bro show IP BGP in the summary route doing it originated a little partner even though he they loved theme you know it's here here plus number somebody root immaturity upper outer one layer buddy Theory him not even saying the theory Sonia somebody spending ring here in and Sola Anna detailed routes on the real advertise algo somebody wrote on Twitter Elena summary wrote advertised for Napa do detailed routes Panna cottas here how many never remember word extra right so Peter Parker una detailed route some theory they plus somebody wrote on the rear advertising no to to learn this somebody wrote on with a circle plus detailed routes on advertiser routing table of the neighbor if I won outer to lasagna summarize for nearly in the network angles over the narrow to three lens words Kevin Sarah wrote three lengths over the router to learning in happened ring here summary sputtering yet how to do in up underneath a already a BGP routing table is not a BGP routing table BGP not a routing table is also relying upon UK and the summary rotor which it is earning a class lapa thing innocent little kid the first plane patina to create an aggregate entry in the BGP routing table when at least one specific out falls into the specific range routing table BGP routing table of a room not either para no open up internal level somebody would connect it every year detailed router somebody to do the same that vert eyes I go now a little Chiron 3 points in a Turk advertiser visit rotunda by path amna in the summarization on a summary root over K + detailed rotor no wonder show i PB Jeep in booting in our Indian very detailed somebody wrote in there is a detailed routes in theory in a guess somebody wrote Umatilla may know are only hovering Sunnah our tool operator and aggregate command pudding Illya sorry first method Bocanegra the redistribute static pani children are ready ready super static penita trailer hippo in gaining in a pond and infinitely surf in your filter but now is another filter pond on a path and so no either way none agree it commander useful enough aggregate address command is foreigner now the in the commander is pretty summary only solace al polar at the aggregate polar aggregated ESPO method to first method I can serve under redistribute static you ever come across a Nia I'll cancel paneer in a cancel button arrow tool everything in our show IB BGP and kind of boyish somebody wrote carnauba SH and the summary row together in static Roland our only other poetry limpo which are only boys from Indiana Bo aggregate command is pimping router bgp 12 aggregate address [Music] give it a blow pop show IP bgp Parana are they adding a chip on evening either a static route let static route later the pre-release opening you know and now under though other way with it even a capital is it as a smaller in or out recursion and the static greater than a lingula other word is a match of it so the study grote ordered Scylla and static route rewritten so now the our pyro which so if the Aprilia Quentin's enough aggregate to you spoonula our wannabe birthing inner no additional line theorem look along with the precise subnets you also have one summary rotor Eleni summary row to Madonna we know a Brina I took put it singing in Urdu recommend admin or diesel router bgp to a summary only in keep adding at the videos they show a visible a per small lesson button on a suppress an ortho suppress they are not they are not advertised number the smallest about either Morton iPod Verizon in your voiding above our own will be bubble burn are only coming some precise Kerala what a filter we say that Melissa prosperity right people you know who recommended tagcommander yes it autonomous system sit he's end up on of the baccala show IP BGP again that auto my sister till the were they assuming you were notification Korea it we're own somebody that is it and I are too luminol awake video easy is rhodium marina in the autonomous system three length of our subnets couldn't under submarine Tippi yes it but an autonomous system number is ruling ela yes but settle a summary key you know in their out early they were generated our Marines is it our own a Porto Rico the antenna at the neighborhood in erisa Anna yes had pent-up energy it tell us will injure them attribute so a liar cause I don't so now every three people slides for Olivia read it in the command in Urbano summaries from all other in the government upon or some responders motor dilemma attribute do summarize doubtless a to true anger the attribute occur people know the subnet level the submit updates Linda you notices subnet update summary stubble summarize summarized update we say through it is somebody holding good thing in a their own summarized updates modern our neighbor Pogo detailed update spoke as detailed summary today updates over in the morning on another guest that is doing long lo capo he don't look Bridget alia either learning it um I can get a dress yet summary only the redistribution method using static route and I'm getting a suppressed phenomena suppress medically as somebody would need another command Longoria it and you in a point but isn't enough into list another input I'm a little surprised anymore under the key being a naughty naughty ever agree to put a lock or access list utility much money Allah but Allah class my player Impala you know aggregation when the BGP BGP were a BGP very be typical BGP you will update wherever PGP Elizabeth number number example a birthing I'm an example an example of Athena even the NATO command usefulness upgrade riripon there's really super yeah haha how to to get over Morris as a BGP updated on where is it another redistributed updated along and the BCP updated on where the router to the apricot meeting in their column building my easel a canvas for eating here they're no Auto submarine given the after order somebody know what to somebody either that one this redistributed Network Moulton important with it Auto summary by default enable paneer consult on earlier as a BGP later quicker yeah they're sick buddy domain so able to check button Romero to three Laputa Auto summarization enable paneer butter the redistribute come on editor really stupid static editor that it's a really sweet Reaper etc you pop aluminum the roof of our Camry and he wrote roller which clear like the BGP say people order summarization enable I come in on a theory sorry enable polygraph summarization on enable Benita great auto summarization or come and put it in a ponytail if you enable print US naval operation on the by default in a Blacko in the version left over cancel another tell anybody - network ten dot 1.0.0 mask ask to four five zero zero Emma be the big locker room show IP BGP when you're damn good it announcer oh sorry master mask on the 32-bit and a 16 right show ibgp when you tangles over aha mother would interpret any 32 my spoon another courtesy bit again another complete matchup Keibler what did he didn't make Austin market pattern summarization puddle Aparna show run section BGP summarization enable area horn alone Pitino show IP v GP clear out sub worker he's a local around summary spawn another name Pagani aggregation I mean yeah but no the aggregation command photos and eleazar theory which so in other summarization enable eyes no no summary savvy of the left Vienna and the auto somebody you recommend when the BGP so then it will be clear redistribute network schemata no Auto some regular command bgp hama it's every parent of the uh apparently bgp node associated with another he is a if you notice ozonator clear your question mark given the chin upon knowing given the in the scenery level with available real world scenario life real will generate hama electorate a source when they may internet love networks over there prioritization / no no no boot on the inner 11 the BGP notice one generator guy here in the but rather clear out how to play mata Zilla here isn't was it and I somebody has it was room boy Adam particular my routing table in love updates lever per se you spoon or adapt some relational is a summarization but it was a brilliant driver no catalyst by default enabled pornography but in the version and I'm a part of the disabled pony took a number they enable putting you know they wonder what more in the video name 3p partner a chili oil cooler and a even though you would more 3p partner burn it confusion biggest
Channel: Jayachandran
Views: 1,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BGP Summarization, Tamil, aggrigation, jayachandran, sathiyan, online, training
Id: aehfpg4wNTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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