BG3 Act 1 Build - Insane build to rule the early game. Solo Honor Mode (no stealth) Spore Druid

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hey folks this is genton here and today we're going to be taking a look at an early game build I've been looking around on the inaps and it seems that a lot of people are mostly having trouble with the very first part of the game level three to four specifically before you hit that power bump at level five can offer some hard fights for a lot of people out there so I'm going to be taking a look at a build for that specific level frame level three to4 this one I have been using as a solo build and so far I've been able to go through the game without taking a single point of damage okay so let's get into what the power of this build is f with us man it's been a while good to see we start out with a single level of dro we picking up resistance and guidance guidance because it's amazing and resistance because it's quite okay for certain um uh certain conversations you could take Thorn whip here instead if you prefer a little more tactical availability in combat that could be a thing for my abilities strength eight because strength doesn't matter dexterity 16 because dexterity is our primary ability score it's the one we're going to be basing our attacks off and therefore we want it to be as high as possible Constitution 12 just because that's what we have left of points once we placed whatever else we need intelligence eight doesn't matter we can grab the headband in case we want to do any of the uh of the skill checks at certain points we can just equip that or our wisdom and Charisma you can either go 14 wisdom as you can see I have here and 16 Charisma or you can vers it as you pleasee your spell DC saves is mostly going to going to be based off of wisdom so you could opt that but I prefer having a little more for my persuasion and um intimidation those skills as you can see I have a drw here I take Dr because I want to have access to hand cross po as soon as possible since we're also taking a level of fighter here it doesn't matter too much you can just swap that in whenever you have access to the hand cross post to to get that proficiency so the drw part doesn't matter I'm also the haunted one the dark urge so that sort of dictates my skills here I would suggest taking something else to get access to better skills especially if you're doing a solo because that's not amazing but you do you of course grab whichever skills you want I won't go too much into that and then head on to level two for level two we are taking the second level of D this is to get access to circle of the spores which is um in my opinion very underrated especially early game um build Choice whatever you want to call it you get access to symbiotic entity and let's just read this one out loud gain eight temporary hit points and deal an additional 1 to six necrotic damage while you have them this works for all weapon attacks it doesn't say so but it's only weapon attacks unfortunately it doesn't add on to eldr blast that would have been nice for this kind of build um but it works with any sort of weapon and since we are going to be going dual hand crft BS this means we get this on our bonus actions as well it also allows us to cast Halo borce with double damage the Halo borce is this ability which is a reaction ability it means that you use your reaction to do something on your turn which is a it unlocks the reaction as um as a resource for you to use and that is insanely powerful so taking two levels in sport Droid here is going to give us some very nice um available actions in combat and it's going to up our damage on all of our attacks by one to six necrotic damage just an extra D6 on top of it and it Stacks with everything else hex whatever you want to throw in there uh dipping your weapons you name it for our spells do get couple of nice ritual spells like enhance leap this spell is insanely amazing once again action economy if you can turn your bonus action into a lot more movement that might be a nice thing certain situations I'm also picking up speak with animals because I like to be able to do that you can just get it from potions instead if you prefer something else it doesn't matter you can always uh swap around out in the open world as well uh ice knif I don't really care about Thunder Wave I take and then I take fairy fire I might change out fairy fire once I hit level three because get fairy fire anyway but Thunder Wave I definitely want to have available the push effect on it is amazing when you don't have a high strength and you don't on this build so two levels of sport to it specifically for these abilities here uh symbiotic entity and Halo spce it's important to note with symbiotic entity it only works as long as you have your temporary hit points but you can just recast it if it falls off and also you should not be losing your temporary hit points there's no reason for you to do that you're not a m built and if you have warding Bond on it's basically 16 hit points that they need to do in one F swop I'll get into how we keep replenishing those later because that is what the build is all over good for level three we are not going with another level of Druid we are taking a single level of fighter this is to get archery this is simply too powerful to miss um I've been playing so far without this that was because I thought there was a sweet interaction with some warlock level few Shenanigans but unfortunately it doesn't work exactly how I wanted it to work it sort of works and I'll talk about it in a second but not exactly so I would suggest you do this instead take the one level of fighter get archery for another plus two two arranged weapon attacks and just enjoy that extra plus 10% hit chance it's it's quite strong it also means you don't have to play a Dr if you don't want to you can take a a better race because you should get to Lad three quite early on good we are accepting here and that's basically your level three build before we go and take our fourth level I'm just going to take a look at this you should apply your symbiotic entity this will give you eight temporary hit points if you have warng Bond on this means that you have 16 hit points of damage that you can take before this even falls off so as long as you only take 14 15 hit points in one F through you can just replenish this the way you're going to be replenishing it it's by using an Elixir blood lust and getting a lot of kills every time you kill something you get five times temporary head points and since Waring B halfes the damage you take that's basically 10 head Point damage you can you can get from every kill you can see I have some other stuff on it's not as important at the moment our attacks now all give plus6 extra necrotic damage I would suggest always dipping your weapons in the early game and once you get access to it you should be equipping brute mothers revenge for the extra 1 to six poison damage for the fourth level we do have a couple of options first of all and most simple you could just take another level of Druid this would give you access to level two spells like Spike growth enhance ability and a lot of other strong ones alternatively you can take a level of Rogue to get access to some better skills this would um help you show out some some very much needed abilities if you're going solo like persuasion and slide of hands you also get access to sneak attack which is once per round if you are using a summon to activate it like shovel for instance and the third option is taking a single level of light cleric this gives you warding flare Shield yourself with Divine Light use your action to impose disadvantage on an attacker the important part of this is how it's implemented it only triggers if you were getting hit so you can um you can use this when in the situation where it actually counts unfortunately you is you have reaction which you already have a use for in the sport to it ability so it's not as strong on this one as it is on a lot of other classes instead of that you could look at the most interesting I think is warlock it's probably not the strongest but it's very interesting in that it allows you to pick up man illusion which is very great for setting up fights you can Bunch up people get them into the position you want them to be all that stuff and I'd pick up friends as well for social situations for sub class I was rolling with the fiend because of this one dark ones blessing getting extra temporary hit points but unfortunately it doesn't stack with the ones you get from blood lost in that that you only get the five from blood lust when you make a kill and not these on top of it so that doesn't work too well I also had a single extra level so I was going level two Druid level two fiend Warlock and that gave me the ability to cast fend this Vigor for seven temporary hit points on command unfortunately once you've done that you no longer got get the temporary hit points from blood lust so it sort of broke the the main interaction of the builds and I would not suggest you do that that's why we've Incorporated the level one fighter instead to archery instead go for great old one so you have a chance of getting um brightened debuff onto a lot of mops on a critical hit if you've set them up with Mana illusion first that's even more important and for spells you should take expeditious Retreat and hex hex is amazing in onimote in that it allows you an extra source of non-physical damage against the legendary bosses like the AL bear and the spider that gain Grant themselves resistant to physical damage once they go into enrange so it it's good for those sorts of situation also just gring general against anything that has a lot of hit points expeditious Retreat is another strong one in that it allows you to both use Dash as a bonus action basically and it could allow you to activate certain on dash abilities on a bonus action instead of a of a real action so that's another good one to pick up here yeah so basically uh I'd say warlock is probably the the strongest single level dip you could take here but it's it's debatable you could take any of the ones I've chosen and you would still be doing very great if you're setting it up from the beginning you could start with your level in warlock instead of starting with the other ones since you're picking up fighter you should still be getting medium ARA shield and crossbows and all that goodness and it would allow you to have slightly better skill selection than um than you do if you start through it but that's for resp at least good so that is really the gist of the build we now have a lot of options available to us in combat we have our usual attacks that are buffed by our symbiotic entity as I mentioned before and then we have the Halo of SPS I mentioned it was very powerful in that it weaponized your reaction I did not say a lot about why dealing two def4 points of damage this deals double damage as long as you are wearing symbiotic entity temporary hit points and you should be so two default points of damage to an enemy is already great great without using either your bonus or your main action so that's nice but it also can be used to do environmental stuff so you can like use it to break ladders or maybe to to break spider webs to make stuff fall and then of course you can supply your own breakable stuff in this case we could take like a potion of healing place it on the ground next to us use the Halo or SP to break it and now we trigger all of our un heal effects in this case it's going to be the whispering prummer ring here when you heal a creature it gains a plus one default bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns this is just a permanent bless effect for us as long as we can spend our reaction on it once in a while root mother's Revenge as well whenever the wear is healed their weapon becomes Cod and magic and Deals an additional 1 to six poison damage so this is a stronger version of dipping your weapon in fire it's also better than most of the poisons because the poisons have saves and this doesn't it's just extra poison damage so it's a very strong effect you don't have to use your bonus actions to dip you can just use your reaction to both bless yourself and apply that do that every other turn and then you still have this for half of your turns to do other stuff with you can also use it to destroy any other destroyable item like a bottle of grease to apply grease effect to a surface like Alchemist fire to set stuff a place a potion of speed to apply speed effect to yourself or your party you could use it on some of the bulbs the elth bulbs you find in the early game maybe avoid bulb to pull in stuff maybe activate um a bleed bulb to give people disadvantage of constitution saves there's a lot of very very strong uses for for this Halo of spores for items I've already talked about my necklace and one of my rings the other items I'd like to talk about is another Ring The Ring of protection here Armor class plus one saving throw plus one this is a great item you should probably switch it out with call ring once you get access to that I'm using whatever Shield I have I'm using whatever hand crossbows I can find I'm using whichever melee weapon you can find once you go down into the underdog you should easily be able to pick up fof which would be a huge upgrade for the streak action I'm using the gloves of archery for extra plus two damage on each of my attacks that's awesome whichever armor is the best that I can find medium of course for headpiece at the moment it's the haste Helm but you can find better later into the game you should have the headband of Arcane intellect to swap on in in case you want to do an intellect check of some sort and I don't at the moment because I still have theocr in Waiting for a fight down the line but keep that in mind and then of course for boots you have a couple of options but i' suggest you go with the Speedy light feed when the we dashes attacks a similar action to in combat they gain three lightning charges lightning charges are amazing plus one to attack plus one to damage other items that are worth mentioning shape shift the spoon ring is astonishing it's a really really strong put it on shape shift into something uh either by casting this gu self if you have it or using this helmet if you have that so I'm just going to be changing into a male Dr here at this point you can see I have Mark of the shifter for another plus one default bonus on all checks this is all ability checks and skill checks and stuff like that not actual safes and attacks but at this point I can just swap it back out take the whispering from the ring on and as long as I stay shape shifted I'll keep this effect so keep that in mind I have shovel as you can see you can CL it this would be if you were a Rog to activate your sneak attack other than that he's also just great at setting up surprises and scouting out places due to his natural invisibility lastly let me talk about the elth parts that I think that you should take I think you should go for favorable Beginnings as your first the first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus this is amazing on any character that makes any sort of attack roles in combat or even does ability checks in U in conversations just get it it's great Sonic overload I mostly take this to get to Ability train but it's also great on its own another 1 D4 psychic damage on top of all of the rest of the damage you deal for each of your attacks it's great the psychic damage that it deals to you can probably be handled by your Shield so it should be okay it lasts 10 turns and it works once per short rest so it should be available for when you need it and then the ability drain once per turn when you make an attack roll the attack reduces that Target corresponding ability by one corresponding means that since you're attacking with dexterity based attack it's going to be that dexterity that it lowers and dexterity determines Armor class so once once in a while this means that you get like 5% extra chance to hit on something if you want to play around it you can use your first attack in a round to attack something with a lot of hit points that you suspect will be alive for a couple of turns after this and it might even lower that Armor class in round one already so this is probably what i' take at this point in the game so that should be it for the build I hope you have enjoyed the video and might want to try out this build sometime in the future maybe and then all that's have to do is say thank you for joining if you have been I've been chanlin and you've most definitely been awesome don't forget to do the YouTube stuff and bye-bye
Channel: Shandrens Corner
Views: 23,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3, BG3, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs gate 3 build, BG3 Tav build, Bg3 Main Character build, BG3 Honor Mode Solo Build, BG3 Act 1 Build, BG3 Spore Druid Archer, BG3 Best early game dual hand crossbow, BG3 strongest early game builds, BG3 Weird and powerful builds, BG3 best honor mode solo build, BG3 spore druid archer honor mode build, BG3 dual hand crossbows druid act 1 build, BG3 act 1 honor mode early game archer build, BG3 Best early game archer build honor mode
Id: 0YsAI31yNJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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