BFA's MOST DISAPPOINTING Raid - Ny'alotha Tier Review

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hey guys Chris Potter here and I'm going to be doing a tear review for Naya Lofa as usual limits started to tear by putting their head start to good use clearing and impressive seven bosses on their first day when the service came up on EU we were excited to try and catch up as quick as possible Rafi knows the first boss that is a bit more punishing than a typical first place emitting mechanic puts a restraint on your movement resulting in your death if you move too much without clearing the debuff with a freedom or similar effect in general although it was an okay first boss we wiped once to remember something stupid and then we killed it on our second pool we went a sketcher for our second boss as we had seen from the NA streamers that schedule was very under tuned and most likely the easiest boss of instance at some point on PTR this boss was actually insanely hard to Hill and all of the healers were actually really excited for this boss until we saw the nae guilds one shot with ease a live version of this boss had really become a joke I do have to say I like the addition of a new type of mechanic where the players need to communicate to find the correct boss and it's always interesting to see Blizzard introduce new ideas be one-shots cateura and moved on to mount mount was a very fun boss considerably more difficult than skid-row as a healer especially it was an enjoyable boss to have the second phase to really pump HPS and time your cooldowns well the boss is simple enough the main part of the fight being the damage and healing check in phase 2 we killed the boss on our fifth pool but the boss is still one of my favorites from progress despite being quite an easy boss and it will continue to be one of my favorites on farm as the reflecting damaged mechanic means that even as our gear increases and it becomes easier the healing requirement will still stay high we follow limits route and went to Onix again another boss with fairly simple mechanics and mostly focusing on having enough healing and DPS and just not messing up we struggled a bit more on this post and limited spending 12 pools to kill the boss while tofu's is still well our Mountain Pose when you're wiping you know if you only wiping two minutes into the boss 12 fools is about much however knowing that limit had killed it with I think it just over half the amount of pools that we had it did feel pretty bad next we went to hivemind which was not so much a hill slash TBS check but more of a mechanic's check if you didn't stand in the bailing rolling around and you just played the fight the boss would fall over the mythic version his boss was really not much different from heroic at all to be honest and we killed it after seven bulls we went out one of the most unique bosses for this tier doug inquisitors dinesh now being that we are an EU guild and limit are a u.s. skilled I think everyone actually expected that we would be a lot better on this football bus or soccer bus as the Americans would cool it however this was not the case at all due to a mixture of bad play we were experienced some weird character model burg where the ball would just go through people we spent what felt like forever on this bus but in reality was only four hours after 44 Bulls and a lot of frustration we did kill the boss once again I have to say it was cool to see a new mechanic like this on the road though it's a boss that is quite boring for the other people who don't have jobs you have the three people kicking the bulls and then you have some people doing interrupts and if you're not one of them the boss is pretty simple and afk but I guess it's okay I love supposed to kill on the first day was vexy onna another boss that seemed massively weaker compared to how it was originally on PTR after only a few Bulls we were already getting to the last phase and we just had to fix some red cooldowns planar movement a bit better the boss soon flopped the kill vector honor after only 12 full total I have to say that I really didn't like this boss as a healer until we get to the last phase all that really matters is tank healing and in the last phase where there is radiating the fight just ends too quickly for it's already fill foam it was reasonably late in the day at this point but we went to ride them to get some poison before stopping for the day due to wiping quite early on right then we actually managed to get quite a lot of pools in 21 puzan before we finished for the evening when we awoke on our day to limit were already deep into that day - if a decent number of pools and Rodan rather than the boss at first glance seems quite complex with a lot of mechanics going on but rather than is actually fairly simple for each individual player at a certain time we were hoping our weaker that Naga prepared before the tier would help us this Teemo dispersed and really overtake limit here but the problem is the boss is still aboard where one mistake and wipe it really quickly it's not only recovering if one guy makes a mistake it was also one that was quite controversial we reset right then a few times before we pulled it each time so that our war logs could stack up their damage buff from grimmer of supremacy lovers of cool this to be unfair which is quite strange because our guilds that said that did similar things with different glasses just they didn't do it with war logs but they reset other Isis cooldowns for more damage sir find a way the way they draw the line let them let them say what they want I guess regardless using this trick gave us nice extra DPS in the pool which meant we could hold lots for last phase making the last phase considerably easier we killed the boss after 60 free wipes and moved on to dress together which at this point limit had just killed rest the girl maybe a few hours before we could rather breast agaf is a boss that is actually fairly simple although there are lots of different mob types and lots of different stuff to dodge however the simple thing is just kill things however we didn't realize this to begin with and the boss was actually kind of a struggle for us we had different timings due to them having different dps in different comp and the damage really impacts this boss it changes completely how the fireplace and what should have been maybe a 20 pool bus we spent over six hours on and 48 wipes to kill it is crazy how much easier this boss gets with more dps though with current gear on farm the boss just flops over it when off was actually more of a challenge and I personally expected it to be I believe out of the top 10 guilds only ourselves limit and pieces played the fight as intended which is dispelling the debuffs we originally went for as many immunities as possible including three blood decays to immune as many the debuff applications as possible we then at some point decided to lower the amount of communities we had so that we could gain more dps as we were using some very undecayed characters to have the perfect ability comp it did set us back a bit but the damage gained was probably worth it we also started encountering a problem with our weak aura which we had other guilds also experienced with our weekers in which it would show who should be dispelled incorrectly so you would dispel a player who should not be dispelled and boom you wiped the red smooth over sign our weak or oversight being that people got hit by another circle the weaker would assume it was their own deeper circle it caused a number of frustrating webs and in retrospect the boss might have been easier without playing with the weaker O'Toole obviously there's no way to know this ahead of time you don't know if a week or is gonna have a problem or not so if the week or of worked perfectly from the start would have been amazing but you win some you lose some one thing that didn't make this was easier was having Roger brown outside of the raid and cooling the dispose so that healers could just pay more attention to mechanics and just generally be less stressed this was maybe the first boss where we could see right there the true value of the outside for a leader it is a shame that many other guilds have only killed it with the non-disclosure because I think it is a more fun fight it's more hectic for sure but it's more fun for with the dispelling shirt in the end we killed the boss after 81 pools at this point Limit had actually already killed carapace and were on nosov we had 22 pools on corrosiveness off when we decided to call it for the night the next morning we went and split rhetoric as we knew diet would be very disappointing to wipe multiple low percentages on carapace and we would need to do heroic splits at some point in the week anyway we then actually progressed carapace honors off really quickly in part due to us having limit skill video to watch and the boss was killed only after another 18 pools resulting in a total of 40 pools only to kill the world's Erebus was perhaps my favorite boss its pacing felt quite nice although if a phase one could have had a slightly harder dps check the movement and the kind of order of abilities and how they interact those people really fun to play in the last phase finally on the end boss was off we knew we were quite far behind and we were really eager to catch up to limit once again phase one of missouri's quite boring you just a raid being split into two for large parts of the phase it was very frustrating to wipe due to the other team wiping which you couldn't even see happening you kind of didn't really know it was happening you had no control over it suddenly your side would be doing great the fights going on and then are the other side way getting to phase 2 was fairly straightforward once both teams had figure out their psychic phases but the challenge was getting into Phase two safely while still trying to squeeze an extra boss dps in the phase on nukes a stew itself was a phase with my spacing and required good positional and movement and coordination from the rate its face however sucked family due to paranoia mind grasp and evoke anguish Mele often found themselves out of range at the boss and this is probably my biggest criticism for the boss it's simply too punishing and unfun family especially with the mine grass being orangey you don't know beforehand like you know enough before and if he's gonna pull you to or away from the boss and you can randomly just lose a bunch of DPS due to getting the wrong mind gross figuring out this phase 2 took a long time the movement for each ability and positioning for evoke anguish was something that took multiple pools to work out and while we were figuring this out we could see limit completing the mythic only chamber phase and getting the boss's health lower and lower we were very curious to see what was happening next as the boss kept going immune for limit at 25% this turned out later to be a bug and not intended and they did kind of get trolled hard by procedure after getting phase 2 right the first time around the mythic chamber phase was relatively easy and it was all about getting through a second phase to safely and killing the boss sadly as we were starting to get the boss self lower in this Way's limit did kill the boss obviously this island we took our foot off the pedal a bit despite knowing we were getting close to a killer self instead of pushing back into the night we went to bed the next day knowing that the race against limit was over and really we were just racing against our own frustration since we were considerably ahead of any other guilds we decided to do two more heroic splits since we had seen how close limits kill was and we didn't want to have any low force rain wipes after doing most plates to get our out mages the way it brought in because by the way blink ice book and blazing barrier are pretty good spells on his bus we continued to progress the boss slower and lower getting the boss to around 15% on up Estrella once again not wanting to push the hours too late into the night we went to bed with the mindset we would wake up and kill the boss the next day and very quickly the next day we did in fact kill the boss after a total of according to my bigwigs 242 pools obviously this tear in general was a disappointing result for us as a guild as I aim is always to win one thing I think deserves a mention is just how ridiculous this corruption system is and was for the world first race who can beaten guilds were spending ridiculous amounts of gold for corrupted BOE items because getting the best corrupt EP our item was more impactful than an entire resetting my loaf again I'm very disappointed in blizzards implementation or of corruption and corrupted Beuys in particular limit really played exceptionally this year and they've really changed the matter of well first rating with their support from outside the red or a huge congrats to them we will be doing everything we can in effort to get our crown back in Shadowlands and we hope you guys look forward to watching what did you guys think of this there let us know in the comments below I've been Chris Porter see you next time guys [Music]
Channel: Method
Views: 108,848
Rating: 4.4093637 out of 5
Keywords: nyalotha, method, method nyalotha, mythic nyalotha, mythic, 8.3 mythic, nyalotha boss, nyalotha boss guide, world first, rwf, race to world first, method mythic, method world first, midwinter, aversion, guide, nyalotha guide, nyalotha raid, nyalotha 8.3, N'zoth method, N'zoth mythic, n'zoth ny'alotha, N'zoth rwf, n'zoth race, n'zoth world, n'zoth first, world of warcraft, ny'alotha, battle for azeroth
Id: FZnB91Qbbig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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