Beyond Omega Level: Meatgardener Venom

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing out and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin what's going on guys this is Rob and today on our beyond Omega level video we'll be focusing on venom now that might sound odd to a lot of you who know that venom as he traditionally is depicted is nowhere near being an Omega level threat much less beyond Omega level but today we're talking specifically about venom as he appears in venom V in a one-shot written by Andrew Warren and drawn by Geoffrey Cruise and published in January of 2020 and if you guys have not read this it's absolutely insane but it's also pretty awesome but we'll get to that here in a little bit now as we always do we'll briefly go over the origin of venom before we get into this specific version so the venom that we're all familiar with was created by david michelinie and todd mcfarlane and debuted in the amazing spider-man number 300 in 1988 now originally the origin of venom was that the black suit spider-man received during 1984 Secret Wars crossover was actually an alien symbiote that bonded to Peter Parker and after being rejected by Peter the symbiote bonded with Eddie Brock creating the villainous venom linear however Venom's origin would be changed so that he was actually created by the god-king null with an army of other symbionts and that he had actually bonded with a Kree soldier named tel car before he had ever encountered Peter Parker but in this normal safe Venom's powers include all of spider-man's abilities like wall-crawling and web slinging due to its contact with Peter Parker and is also able to escape detention of Peter Parker's spider sense he's also capable of shape-shifting size alteration camouflage telepathically communicating with its hosts and additionally the physical attributes of the Venom symbiote star greatly augmented but absolutely none of that has anything to do with why venom is beyond Omega level in the story venom the end so let's just really get into what happens in this ridiculous story so the story starts out by saying that it is the final venom story and it occurs 1.8 million years after the Venom symbiote first bonds with Eddie Brock and at the time when all biological life in existence is about to go extinct now we are told as we've seen in Donnie cages venom run that the Venom symbiote contains all the DNA of each of its previous hosts this database which is referred to as a tesseract is effectively endless in its capacity which will come into play later on in a big way I'll have I don't have any eggs on what my omelet Gordon don't cut this out leave this in the video mariah is making me an omelet guys see we see we keep a professional here at common six more we keep it professional here right 100% professional economist explain we run our business seriously no we don't we don't we goof off in our videos oh I don't know like like three or four eggs I don't I'm not picky doesn't matter to me but before we move on I want to clear up any confusion that the reference to a tesseract may cause as some people may have chosen to refer to this version of venom as tesseract venom now when you hear the word tesseract you probably think of the artifact of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was effectively the cinematic counterpart of the Cosmic Cube from Marvel Comics that is not what's being referenced here and the term just refers to the four dimensional nature of venom that allows the symbiote to house a limitless genetic code X within itself but anyway as a story progresses we see that although the Venom symbiote has had thousands of house it develops an extremely strong attachment to one of them in particular Eddie Brock to that end as Eddie's body begins to die the symbiote began replacing his organs with replacements made from its own anatomy expanding Eddie's lifespan to hundreds of years to the point that he was the last human on earth now that statement begs the question why is he the last human if this is only hundreds of years into the future well what we end up seeing is that an arms race between alien civilizations such as the Kree and the Shi are ushered in an era of self-replicating nano weaponry called the artificial superintelligence that traveled from solar system to solar system eliminating all organic life in each of them and so in an effort to preserve biological life venom tries to convince his fellow symbiotes to save the respective hosts to begin a new civilization but was unsuccessful in doing so their disagreement resulted in a war between the symbiotes a war that left venom and its only survivor now with the rest of the simians gone venom decides that to preserve life he will have to build his own army and to do that Venom's hatched into its Codex and accesses the genes of Jaime madrix the multiple man and uses it to create a seemingly infinite number of copies of itself now 1,000 years later we see venom has spread billions of copies over thousands of galaxies seeding them with life and biospheres called meat gardens and in doing this venom taps into its Codex to draw on the mutant of elixir to manipulate biology storm to aid in terraforming planets in order to have conditions sustainable for growing life and Wolverine and Deadpool to allow its creations to have the ability to heal now during the thousand years that venom was growing his army the artificial superintelligence have been growing one as well their emissary an artificial intelligence version of Tony Stark meets with venom in an attempt to convince him that the best thing for his biological creations would be to allow them to assimilate into a digital existence so that they could live forever now when venom refuses his forces end up going to war with the artificial superintelligence following this venom consults with some of the more brilliant minds stored away in his codex including Reed Richards in T'Challa and through some subatomic matter manipulation alters the genetic makeup of his army to give them claws capable of shattering entire planets still Venom's army was unable to gain the upper hand as their organic nervous system simply could not compete with the Nano text computer processors in terms of speed now to compensate for this venom draws on the DNA of Quicksilver and supercharges it to give him SuperSpeed and while this gave Venom's forces an upper hand temporarily moving at such speed proved too much for even the enhanced biology of venom soldiers to endure and billions of them succumb to death as they aged through their lifespans near instantaneously but venom would not give up using the powers of mutants tempest timeslip and magic venom goes back in time and literally bonds with every living thing that has ever existed meaning not only people but animals plants bacteria literally everything and so what this did was turned venom into a database containing the entirety of the universe's biological matter by this point though the artificial superintelligence had become even more advanced and are so deadly that they become known as the god mind having assimilated 75% of the universe and killed the last remaining Celestials Galactus and even the Living Tribunal now before this final battle with the god mind Venom's final host dies signaling the end of biological life in the universe and knowing that defeat was imminent venom basically rips himself apart and what happens next is somewhat confusing but what ends up essentially happening here is that venom creates a new universe by expelling his four-dimensional Anatomy into the universe that destroys the fabric of space and time now yeah I know that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense but I told you this is basically going to be crazy but the important thing is venom sacrifices himself to create a new universe where all the organic life that venom carried in his codex is returned to life and all of it even place in its proper position and the time stream by Venom's ability to alter time and so basically venom recreates the universe in the exact way it had existed before the artificial superintelligence destroyed it and according to the artificial stark intelligence the god mind resolved to not repeat their extinction event in this new universe and would leave it as a nature preserve of sorts for Biological life so yeah totally bonkers stuff but essentially this version of venom is way beyond omega-level in fact he's basically a beyond omega-level character he's insanely powerful not only does he have the power of seemingly every mutant that ever existed he's able to create life manipulate matter and travel through time even the beings that he created or at least Omega level which each of them having the ability to destroy planets venom is effectively immortal having lived for over a trillion years and was able to create a new universe and manipulate the reality within it so yeah like I said this version of venom is well beyond Omega level but without being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come and explain make sure you guys to the sub button to become part of the Rob core if he wants to keep up our videos professional and joking around talking to Mariah is she's she's struggling to open a can of her a package of chopped up ham to put in the omelet she said if I just don't mind my business what are you gonna do sweetheart she said I'm not gonna eat that omelet okay I need to mind my own business cuz Mariah does know how to throw it down to the kitchen guys we're gonna bring this video to an end I love you all to death I'll catch you all later peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 628,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Comics Explained, spiderman, Comics, venom, overpowered comic characters
Id: jA-kHGle_D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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