Beyoncé - act ii: COWBOY CARTER (Full Album) FIRST TIME REACTION

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let's go we made it beyhive we're here the  day the time has finally come Beyonce Act 2   Cowboy Carter just dropped a few hours ago well  pretty much not even a few hours ago about an   hour and a half ago I was laying in bed watching  March Madness waiting for it to come out I fell   asleep it is late as hell here and I am just a  little bit tired but I'm ready to go I got the   coffee we're ready baby Beyonce didn't make  us wait that long it was really less than 2   months I mean after the Super Bowl so we're here  it's before April it's time to go so before we   get into it let's get a nice old big country  yee-haw I'm going to give from like I'm going   to countdown from three and we're going to give  a big old ye-haw for Beyonce ready three two one ye all right let's get it first track is  American requium [Music] nothing [Music]   for things to stay the same they have to change   again hello my old friend you change  your name but not the way to play for [Music] American the biger  deals yeah a bar here yeah [Music] woo it sounds like she's taking us to church let's go it's a lot of talking going on while I sing my song can you hear me I said do you hear me I hear you [Music] look this got to be about the CMAs right a lot   all them [ __ ] chatting and  talking [ __ ] let me myself C can you hear me yes do you feel me do you fear [Music] me oh a lot of taking up space saled tears beyond my Gates can you stand me hell [Music] yeah stand with me now is the time to face the wind  now in the time [Music] to now the time a lot of talking going on damn this already  like the production on this sounds beautiful it's   so thick it's so hard like the guitars are on  everything sounds great her voice too I love   that little twang on her voice man that people  forget she's from Houston Texas baby and I like   it sounds like this song is a little shot at  them CMA racist dumb [ __ ] so so far so good sing do you hear me when I say  do you hear me when I say look look [Music] damn now [Music] wind feels  like an Anthem baby now is the time   0:04:29.720,1193:02:47.295 [Music] to let love together can we stand  look at that in my hand the grand   baby gas in Alabama got down rooted  in Louisiana used to say I spoke to Country let's go tell them a country  tell me what is my Fe On Solid Ground   for don't know how hard I had to  fight for this when I sing my [Music] song this is giving me goosebumps this is crazy  goodbye to what has been free house that we met a funeral friend up [Music] father the big de [Music] yeah that's how you start a [ __ ] album let's  go I don't want to skip the [Music] Transitions   okay we're going to stop it there I'm going to  go into it a into the next song into a little   bit that way we hear the transitions but I  need to be able to get the the next lyrics   up too so bear with me all right track number  two Blackbird featuring Tanner Adele Britney   Spencer tiarra Kennedy and Raina Roberts  yes let's go those are all black um African   Americans that sing country do all types of  genres they are not going to be put into a   box Beyonce said listen here country world I  am including these women and I love it I've   heard a little bit of Tanner Adele and I've  heard a little bit of Raina Roberts the other   two I haven't I don't think I've heard any of  them so let's check it out let's [Music] go sing and this is a Paul McCartney written [Music] song just seeing he has a writing  feature only for this moment [Music] it sounds like a beetle song singing  in the dead of night take these sunken   eyes and learn to see to see all  your life you are only waiting for   this moment to be free black bird fly  let bir fly into the light of a dark night that's really [Music] [Music] pretty her voice sounds like so  warm on this and I keep I keep I'm going   to keep saying probably thick like there's  something thick about it it just it has a   heaviness to it it it sounds very matured  and just absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful black bird fly into  the light of a dark black night okay next up is taner it up  singing in the dir of Night Take   These Broken Wings and Learn to  Fly ooh she's a pretty voice all your you only Wai for this moment  to arise you were only waiting   for this moment to arise you are  only waiting for this moment to arise ooo very [Music] pretty wow okay okay that transitioned  into 16 carriages flawlessly so Blackbird I saw   something up here when I clicked on the lyrics  it says Paul McCartney a member of The Beatles   and the writer of the original song Once started  once stated this about the song's lyrics this was   really a song for me to a black woman experiencing  these problems in the states let me encourage you   to keep trying to keep your faith there is hope  further proving Beyonce made this album to bring   a wider freedom to black people and especially  black women to be able to soar within the country   industry again hell yeah that's what I took  from it I I had a feeling it was a Beatles song   originally I I thought I heard it before um I love  to hear that though man I mean come on how how are   you about to gatekeep a certain type of music why  can't we just let everybody feel inspired by what   they want to listen to and what kind of music they  want to make why can't we just let that happen why   is there always these people usually white people  usually European people always trying to gatekeep   something and always trying to steal something  and then when you then they steal it they G keep   it and they try to kick people out or keep people  out from coming in just like they did at the CM I   mean you you saw during her performance like guys  like guys I thought were cool before Kenny Chesney   and uh Allan Jackson whoever else that were just  kind of standing there not clapping not dancing   just looking kind of disgusted I mean that that  showed me all I needed to know about those people   and uh you know when people tell you who they  are make sure you listen y'all know how I do   this with albums I like to appreciate the artist  full artwork I like it I like to hear how they   want the music to come out so we we're going  all the way through the album no skips this is   16 carriages see if it uh makes me Tey again  I absolutely love the tone of the guitar on this away while watch them ride with Dreams  Away to the summer sunet on a Holy Night on   a long black road all the tears I fight 16  cages love when [Music] thats Holy Night on   black Road tears the innoc was gone a stray  had to leave my home at an early age I saw   Mama praying I saw daddy Grind All My tender  problems had to leave behind it's been Summers   and I'm not in my bed on the back of the bus  in a bunk with the B going so hard got to   choose myself underpaid and overwhelmed  I might C clean but still won't [Music] fall talking about the early life  getting up grinding trying to make   something for herself her family oh I love [Music] that still a great thing that we can do  in America you got a dream you can chase [Music] it tears so [Music] pretty SE working all day ain't   got time to waste I got art  to make I got love to create nightm iight it's been 38m I'm R my  back the bus in a with theed going so   hard now miss my kids overed and  overwhelmed my clean still still   working on my life you know only God knows  only God knows only God knows 16 [Music] gets me every time on a night on  a long back roll all the tears I   fight 16 driving while I watch with  my to [Music] the I love this part [Music] I think this song is always going to hit for  me there's something beautiful about people   chasing their dreams waking up and grinding doing  everything they possibly can to be better every   day fighting through the bad times getting through  the good times sharing their memories about the   good time times and it's just I don't know I guess  it just encapsulates life and you could see you   could she paints it so beautifully you can see her  whole life in this song and love that fantastic Storyteller said dads behind for legacy it's  the last thing I do you remember me cuz we   got something to prove in your memory  on a high too still When You Close Your [Music] Eyes [Music] mans away God it gives me time the  by please a okay so we transitioned into the next   song Let's Get the lyrics up here all right  next song is protector featuring her [Music] daughter and there I was Tangled Up In  Maro we were listening to the Reverend   children singing oh [ __ ] low as the river  flows while the a light becomes a golden evening yeah and I will lead you down  that road if you lose your way want   to be a [Music] protector oh  this one's going to get me I   think I know you're going to shine  on your own I will be your [Music] projector an apricot pick right off a given  tree I gave water to the soil and now it feeds   me yeah and they shaded Underneath  It All I feel proud of who I am you need let me go back a little [ __ ] just cuz  I'm I'm caught up in this this is so freaking   beautiful huming low as the garden river flows  while the August light becomes the golden evening   and the way she's singing that that Angelic  tone that she does with those runs and that   will lead you down the that road if you lose your  way born to be a protector mhm even though I know   you're someday you're going to shine on your  own I will be your projector it's so beautiful Beyonce down that road if you  lose your way going to be a protector even though I know somay you're going  to shine on your own I will be a [Music] projector   and even though I know someday you going to  shine on your own I will be your projector   like sounds really pretty on [Music] this  I first saw your face in your father's Cas there's a long line of hands carrying your name lifting you up so you will be  raised even though I know someday   you going to shine on your own I will be  a proor man this is so beautiful I know   someday you're going to shine on your  own I will be a protector born to be a protector this is so beautiful Beyonce I bet  she's probably one of the best Mothers ever   she seems so kind so sweet so warm and just  this song here this is fantastic songw writing   anyone that says that there's not good songw  writing in this album I've seen people try to   downplay like uh Texas hold them or whatever  which is lame I think that's a fantastic song   itself but this right here is just proof of  This Woman's talent and her pen and the love   that comes out of her it just feels like  Love It Feels Like Love bottled up into a   song and it sounds so beautiful that guitar  is so gorgeous too [Music] okay kids [Music] playing wow okay I just wanted to hear we have to  hear the transitions member next song is my Rose get you down my [Music] dear so  many roses but n to be ped with so   be F of your flaws [Music] dear I just  hope you love yourself like that and I   really hope the best for you you're my  love my sweeti pie my baby you're my heart [Music] a that was pretty all right we're getting into  it with a legend right here this is smoke hour   featuring Willie [Music] Nelson in your [Music]  face that's why I'm going to the river to wash my away why can't you be true come on baby it's time let's go okay I dig it welcome to  the Smoke hour on k&t y radio Texas you   know my name no need to know your now  for this next tune I want y'all to sit   back inhale and go to that good place  your mind likes to wander off to and   if you don't want smoke them up if you  got them find yourself a Jukebox thank you oh [ __ ] okay let's go Willie Willie  just held our hands and took us into the   little ho down named Texas hold them let's get it [Music] this ain't Texas ain't no hold them  so lay our cards down down down down a pocket   and throw your keys upy stickle around sck  around and I'll be damned if I can't slow   dance with you come close some sugar on me  honey too it's a real boie in a real life   hold down don't be a [ __ ] come take it  to the floor now there's a tornado tornado   my city basement that [ __ ] ain't pretty  ruged whiskey wh we surviving we red cup   kisses sweet redemption passing time [Music]  yeah one step to the right we headed to the   Dive Bar we all always always [Music] nice run  me to the left then spin me in the middle boy I hold down down down down  your throw your keys up stickle around and I'll be damned if I can't  so dance with you come sug on me honey   too it's a real real hold down don't  be a [ __ ] come take it to the ice hone [ __ ] take to the don't  be a [ __ ] come [Music] onoo woohoo how do you Dan country us cold to panican all of the problems just   feel dramatic feel dramatic now we're  running to the first bar that we find yeah one step to the right head to  the we always nice o you run to the   left just work me in the middle boy  I can read your mind this ain't let's [Music] go youres your keys [Music] up and I'll  be damn if I can I dance with you some sugar on   me honey too it's a Boogie and a real hold  down don't be a [ __ ] come take it to theor   ice honey it's a real life Boogie and a real life  hold down don't be a come take it to the FL now oh take it to the FL now to the FL now shoot come take it to the floor  oh now and if I Cann dance you [Music] baby phoenic shoot what a damn Jam that is  man that's going to get on the tour that's   going to get everybody doing a little hold  down probably square dancing white people   like me off Rhythm and looking goofy but  everybody's be having fun with it cuz who   gives a dam just have fun if you can't  really dance who cares feel it though   that's one of the best things in life  to do is just be able to dance and have   a good time so just get up wiggle that thing  move that ass and have some fun next song is bodyguard so far this album is  crazy good production everything   so sweet ooh I give you kisses in the  back seat IIs secret in the back this   is my style let's go happy happy lip on  cigarette it and you stomp it [Music] out   inhaling whiskey when you kiss my neck  we've been hurting but it's happy out oh oh they couldn't have me ooh and they  never will and sometimes I hold you closer   just to know you're real y'all that know  me know that I love a little piano on a   track that feels so good this is my favorite  song so far I think besides you know like   16 carriages I absolutely love that song  but this is great [Music] grav DAV in my bones sometimes take the day just turn you hey yeah I be your damn oh honey  honey I could be your heav love [Music] o That [Music] [Music] Base best I'm trying to follow along with  the lyrics and everything too but this Jam   just feels so good I'm telling you that  piano that and then that funky bass come   on [Music] be defend you in the goip you know  how people like to [ __ ] sh I don't like the   way she's looking at youone better hold me  back Charing for double and I'm talking I'm   about to lose it turn around and [Music]  ass let's go this so good do my [Music] wiggle problem tell to me baby take how you feel I   show you in it it when your restless  I take the [Music] wheel oh hone you [Music] [Music] be let's go [Music] damn she's [Music] singing I can be your body please let me be  your cab let me be your life would you let   me shot shot this is a [ __ ] hit oh my God that  song was amazing bodyguard I love that that when   she goes into that um honey honey I could be  your body guard oh honey honey I could be your   kevla that is so so [ __ ] dope that guitar  on it the piano on it the funky bass this is   a hit right here this is my favorite song on  the album so far what do you guys think about   bodyguard this is fantastic oh man we're only on  track nine guys let's go we are on Dolly PE it's   a little bit of an intro and it's going to go  into a classic Timeless hit hey Miss honeybee   it's Dolly P you know that huzzy with the good  hair you sing about reminded me of someone I   knew back when except she has flaming locks  of auburn hair bless your heart just a hair   of a different color but it HS just the same a  here we go we going to the Jolene [Music] baby classic I'm warning you don't come for my man Jolene Jolene jol don't take the chance because I'm not even that big of  a country fan but even I know the   song Jolene this is I mean this is a song  that that broke barriers it broke genres   it's not just like I'm sure pop radios  and whatever back in that time probably   played Jolene too because it is that  great of a song it is that iconic of a song [Music] beon Becky the games you play and nothing new so  you don't want no heat with me Joie [Music]   we've been deep in love for 20 years I  raised that man I raised his kids I know   my man better than he knows [Music] himself I  can easily understand why you're attracted to   my man but you don't want this smoke so shoot  your chef with someone else let's go baby get it I'm warning you woman find you your own [Music] man such a hating [Music] song Try Me there's a thousand  girls in every room that act is   desperate as you do you a bird go  on and sing your soon jol you a bird [Music] act are we surprised Beyonce made  this song her own I love her voice so much   it's so strong it's so powerful it just it has  everything you want at the tone she knows how   to sing a word a certain way to make you feel it  this is crazy I like is better than the original   I'm sorry Dolly and Dolly fans Dolly I love you  you're a beautiful wonderful woman but Beyonce's   Queen just like she did on Holy Grail to Justin  Timberlake she made this better and made it her   own on Jo my cross those valys and lo and  everything between good roll like tumbling weeds sleep good have cuz she came up I planted   seeds I know my man's going to Stand By  Me breathing in my gent hey hey hey hey hey everything up and planted [Music]  seed I'm stand by [Music] stand I'm   going stand by him stand by me stand by  stand by stand by him stand by [Music] me yes you did it justice baby you did even  better than Justice you made it your own   that is now a Beyonce song dolly thank you for  getting giving her the permission to redo that   song cuz I know there's a lot of people again  like I was saying before that will gatekeep   stuff like that like legendary tracks like  that now we have Jolene by Beyonce by Dolly   paron and we have uh I Will Always Love You  by Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton and those   both versions I mean you can love them in  different ways but I got to say Whitney   and Beyonce kind of made them better in a  way I like their voices more it's more my   style this was dope her tones are so again so  warm so it was like a haunting it was Haunting   hearing her her voice on this and you know  telling telling her like my man is staying   with me he's not going with you Jolene you  damn bird next track is [Music] daughter come onid outy floors your  blood stains on my custom   cout bathroom attend and let me R in she was a big fan I really try to stay cool but  your arrogance disturb my solitude   now I ripped your dress and you're all  black and blue like what you made me do they keep saying that ain't nothing like my  father but I'm the furthest thing from quiet boys   and Al if you cross me I'm just like my father  I am colder than Titanic water help me Lord from   these fantasies in my head they Ain never been  safe ones I don't fellowship with these f one   so let's travel to White Chap and sing H hold  rosaries and sing and stain glass Symphonies   cleanse me Holy Trinity from this marijuana  smoke smell in my hair I sat shading my dress   did my best impression of a damel in distress  this alcohol and smell of regret I Lord my K outfit too small hide my Skies feeling B up  like battle Ser his Bri how long can he hold   his breath before his [Music] death wow that's  Italian right [Music] opa [Music] I have no idea   what she just said there so someone that's smarter  than me or wants to translate that please comment   that below but I've been waiting to hear a vocal  from Beyonce like that like that Opera that crying   singing sound that she does in a lot of other  songs especially on her live performances like   in between transitioning to another song she'll do  [Music] the type things and I love that that was crazy that kind of sound like  me there right [Music] no [Music] my head ain't never been safe ones I  don't fellowship with these fake ones so let's   travel to White Chapel and sing Hy Rosary sing  and sting GL Symphonies cleanse me Holy Trinity   from this marijuana smoke smell in my head say  I'm nothing like my father but I'm the furthest   thing from quiet boys and Alters double cross  me I'm just like my father I am colder than tianic woo never let I'll never let you  go Jack that water was cold baby so yeah   I like that say I'm nothing like my father  but I'm the furthest sing from choir boys   and altars double cross me I'm just like my  father I am colder than Titanic Water bars   bars bars Beyonce that that is great and  you know what that's so true a lot of time   we try to run away from the worst qualities  of our parents and whoever else are mentors   but that's in us that's ingrained in us and  when it needs to come out it will come out   next track spaghetti featuring Linda Martel  and shabzi genres are a funny little concept   aren't they yes they are that beyon Virgo  in theory they have a simple definition   that that's easy to understand but in practice  well some may feel confined I God [Music] is wa a but I gotter and I bang bang and I'm on your head corn they call me the captain  the cwalk assin when they know it's slapping the   here come the yapping all of this snitching and  all of this bitching just a fishing Expedition   dumy mission in the kitchen cooking up chicken  extra leg but I ain't even trying to kick it   country petty petty petty all the same to me  PL Jean spaghetti noce noce too soft too soft   it's salty they shooting like hurry one hand  on my Hoster the pass it to H thought it was   sweet when they was walking in the back door  of the kitchen pass the dir dishes now we on   a mission try to turn it to the opposition I'm  a by the proposition by the plagiaristic ain't   going to get no Cloud addiction my attention I  ain't no regular get everything you a but I got   and I bang bang are you kidding me my God she  is a goddess this is insane now she's rapping   she sounds so damn hard Like These Bars here  Cy country petty petty petty all the same to   me Plain Jane spaghetti no sauce no sauce too  soft too soft they salty they shooting like   Curry one hand on my Hoster then pass it to Hova  saying these [ __ ] got no seasoning they got no   flavor she is too dope and I also love like  Beyonce told us this is not a country album   This is a Beyonce album yes there's country  all around it but then look she throws in a   song like this spaghetti featuring Linda  Martel who was doing the opening I think   she's what she's an iconic uh country singer  herself isn't she and then shabzi don't really   know who shaboy is but he sounded cool this  production is crazy I've never heard a beat like [Music] this please your right come get everything  you okay here comes shabzi shabzi and [Music] Beyonce To the Moon to the Moon keep the weide we herein no tell [Music] theing every [Music] my hey that sounded like some Outlaw  country [ __ ] at the end there so there we go   the queen brings rap into country she absolutely  laid the bars down now obviously this is my first   time listening to the song so I'm just reacting  I'm reacting the first time hearing these songs   just like you guys are um and so far I'm just  this one this one definitely goes out to like   people with no seasoning no flavor nothing  about them just kind of hating ass [ __ ]   is kind of what I'm getting from this song on  the first listen and I think she knocked it   out of the park the beat the production on this  entire album is so clean now I have really good   Sony headphones on so that helps a little bit  I don't know what you guys are listening to on   let me know if like if it sounds the same on  speaker or or airpods or whatever it is you're   listening to but for these fantastic the base  is perfect everything next song is alligator [Music] tears sounds like a bad guy is [Music] coming in a city I'm I've heard that fear  what's that from dear [Music] youat   tears Works me over and through you'll  say move the mountain and I'll throw [Music] my you say change religions now I spend  Sundays with you something about tears how does it [ __ ] again the instruments on this album  are [ __ ] great that guitar sounds so like I   don't know if it's scary or what but it just  has this like really dark Sinister type of   tone to it it just sounds so cool to me I  love guitars guitars pianos and horns are   probably my favorite instruments  to hear they they do something to me in your alloc tears you and those all tears you [Music]  you something about those tears of yours   how does it feel to be ad door sunrise in the  morning you're all I need and all I need is   rain all the rules get we we things need  time to grow think about living hell no s   every love my body yeah yeah you say move  mountain and out throw on my boot you say   stop the River from running I build a d too  you say change religion now I spend Su days   with you something about those tears  of yours how does it feel to [Music] again I don't know too much about country I grew  up listening like with my dad like gu Brooks and   chzn and uh uh what's those dudes names I I  forget I forget their names that's how not   so big of country fans I am but this sounds  like Outlaw country where it has that kind of   guitar like that I remember if I'm remembering  correctly it's like Outlaw [Music] country she's feeding she's feeding the country  music though with [Music] this big and   rich is what I was trying to  think of those guys are [Music] cool nice that was cool that was cool all right  looks like we're getting another little uh   segue here by Mr Willie Mr Willie Nelson this  is smoke hour to let's here Mr Nelson's got to   say you turn into k&t radio Texas home with  the real deal mhm if there's one thing you   can take away from my set today let it be  this sometimes you don't know what you like   until someone you trust turns you on to  some real good [ __ ] that's so true and   that ladies and gentlemen is why I'm here  up next on the smoke hour is just for fun   bye Beyonce you're welcome this is so cool all  right let's get just for fun featuring Willie   Jones I'm going all fun I am the man I know it  and everywhere I go they know my [Music] name   so laughing lying coyot crying time moves  quickly and so do I so do I so I'll say my [Music] goodbye [Music] damn I got to say there's not a lot of dancing on  this album so far which is fine I'm okay with that   she gave us Renaissance she's given us plenty of  songs to dance to in the past she is getting her   feelings out on this and I love that for her it  seems like it was probably very [Music] cathartic   but we're also only track number 15 in  we're only halfway there she gave us 27   songs or [Music] something here The Hop I'll fall  fast sleep tonight I'll just need to get through this born in the darkness who brings the light  and I I need to get through this [Music] yeah get us never do I don't know you  don't want to get used down I am everywhere I I my face from the and circus  came here for a reason but I don't know   the [Music] purpose under the surface oh man  sorry I got to stop that I'm going down south   just for fun I am the main I know it everywhere  I go I hide my face from the Cowboys and covers   in the rodeo circus I came here for a reason  but I don't know the purpose It's all under the [Music] surface I pray to I'm just feeling this album  I'm feeling it it's a hop I'll   fall fast asleep tonight and I'll just need to get [Music] through born in the  darkness who brings light   I I need to get through this she's  going to kill this life I just know it Time Heals everything I need hallu if you're going through something  right now I'll tell you she's right time   heals everything my heart goes out to  everybody who's going through [Music] something wow oo that transition damn wow guys  that was so good just for fun Willie Jones I   don't think I don't think I've ever heard Willie  Jones before but he sounds really good his voice   is cool that's just another song I think that  she's going to absolutely kill live I just see   it being like cathartic to everybody people  are going to be crying it's something to you   know get you through tough times and again  just fantastic songw writing next song is   most wanted featur featuring Miley Cyrus let's  go this is going to be crazy I already [Music] know but we starting off with Miley and [Music] Beyonce I love won't be didn't know  what I want till I saw your face say   goodbye to the came out and it  didn't give no P so heavy like a don't know you're doing T Goosebumps  Goosebumps I'll be a shotgun right up   till the day I die smoke out the window flying  down the 405 I'll be a back seat baby driving   you crazy any time you like let's go I'll  be your shot Rider till the day the day I wow their voices melted together so perfect  there who I would not have guessed Miley s is   going to be on this album I know she's one  of the best vocalists we all o have right   now I thought I thought she would have like  a Casey musra for some reason but I am not   mad whatsoever about this Miley Cyrus the just  the way their voices contrast and the way but   they they melt together they can harmonize  as you hear sounds really good and again the instruments my other hand on you been a  while since I haven't tried to pull but   it's time for something new came I of  know it didn't give so heavy like the   two wanted don't know what you're doing  tonight but I'll be a shot Rider the day   I die sing it ladies smoke out the windows  flying down the Flor of I'll be babying crazy W I'll be a shotgun rer till the  day I till the day I [Applause] die the   day I the day I [Applause] die if y'all got  a Shotgun Rider with you watching right now   give them a kiss give them a hug tell them  how much you love him we all are looking for [Applause] [Music] that jump in the gun and  we're both still young but one day we won't   be I'll go ahead and you take me seems kind of  [Music] crazy I'll be a sh Rider till the day   I die we getting high till we don't realize  time is passing by I'll be your back SE baby   I'm driving you crazy any you like I'll be your  shot rer till the day till the day I [Applause] die the day I yeah wow guys guys that oh my goodness just  the way their voices came together on that it   just sounds so beautiful it's two two people of  different eras just come together I mean Miley's   one of the best singers we also have Beyonce is  the best singer we have the best performer we have   and just them coming together together making  a beautiful ballad like that A Love Song like   that I know anyone that's ever felt love anyone  that's lost love anyone that's That's Falling in   Love right now I know you guys felt that I sure  did I'm over here about to tear up like a big old   baby again cuz it's just so beautiful I love in  the instruments again just the instruments that   that are on that track were picked perfectly it's  just pulling out my heartstrings that's going to   be one of those where we're we're at the Cowboy  Carter tour maybe hugging on our girl or man or   maybe not maybe we're thinking about someone and  we're probably going to be swaying back and forth   listening to this song and all the feels are  going to hit cuz I know they just did for me   wow next song Levi jeans featuring post Malone  let's go I love [Music] post I absolutely love   posty his voice is going to slap on this I know  that guitar man you call me pretty little things   and I love to turn them on boy I let you be my  le je so you can hug at ass all day long oh yes   let me be your [Music] Levis it on oh you wish  to wear my leave je way it's popping out your phone down to the ooh this is so tongue and  cheek this is so playful I love it boy I'll   let you be my Levi jean so you can hug that  ass all day long yes let me be your Levi jeans B I'm looking super got the  perect I'm a [ __ ] animal he said where you get that from you need  to meet my M be at church all day come Be   My [Music] [ __ ] hey that's wity want to grab  you then I let you touch it and you can't let it   lose cholic caram I act the fool every hour on the  hour is waiting for you that was so witty she be   at church all day come be my Nick at night so we  can run it back and be Nostalgia like I love that   everyone my generation we were getting down on  Nick and KN every night seeing those reruns it was great let's go says post's coming in Bo I let be  my so you can all day long such a great [Music] Liney girl I wish I was leave the way  you popping out my [Music] phone what   oh he was about to go off I'm sorry sorry  I paused it there but one thing people may   not know is that posty is also from Texas  so I'm sure I'm sure country music is in   his blood just a little bit I went back  a little bit so we don't miss [Music] thiso in your room that Sho breaks Lo with  perfect when you te me in them jeans girl   you don't need to sign that thing on H  youre baby girl you the p I could go on   but I'm going so hop out the phone and  bring this [ __ ] on cuz I'm going and   every time you know what to do no one  ever got me going you baby let me that [Applause] with in jeans my sister on C light  shining through the in between settle his Le   the sea pretty little oh my God this is a sexy  ass song are you kidding me no one ever got me   going quite like you baby let me rattle that  snake with my Venom denim on denim on denim   on denim give you high fashion and a simple white  tea give you these Blues it's in my jeans Beyonce   you're so damn sexy girl is crazy girl I want  to take you home [Music] hosty sounds great on this sex little bring it I wish was way you Levi is about to make  so much money off this song love you go you that's all I see in this crazy world  you're the best yeah shout out to Renaissance   one of the greatest albums I've ever heard  in my entire life that was an experience   and I about experience where I was just  jamming feeling it the whole time I love   that he just said that need you all night  long you're my Renaissance baby loving you   that's all I see in this crazy world you're  the best of things another beautiful love/   sex song I mean let's be honest there talking  about riding riding them and being the Levi   jean so you can grab that at hug that ass all  day long man they got another another Banger here posty sounded great my mind has been telling me to say next   song [Music] flamco have been  telling me that they won't be around wow won't be around that's [ __ ] up excuse  my language guys I know I've been cussing too much I know you let me wonder I hope that  God know that I'm in need of help right now right about [Music] now my soul is reminding me that we're forever [Music] JZ inhale and exhale my breath  until that it is done right about now hope they no want sit  over and take what you love   so hold me closer realize what you  don't know what you got tell go so true that is way too relevant and relatable to  many of us you really a lot of time you really   don't know what you got until it's gone and I wish  that's something I've been working on myself in   the past few years like trying to be more grateful  for what I have in front of me what who's there in   front of me who's with me and trying to not take  anything for granted cuz she's right you don't   know what you got until it's gone and sometimes  it's a good thing cuz might be something you   didn't want the Linda Martel show thank you  so very much ladies and gentlemen let me know   who Linda Martell is I swear I heard this name  stretches across a range of genres she that's what   makes it a unique listening experience yes indeed  it's called Yaya Yaya let's [Music] go wa hello   girls hello fan hello fellas pretty SW those Petty  ones can't [ __ ] with me why cuz I'm a clever   girl we SN o pretty Place Tom's Place we want to  welcome you to the Beyonce Cowboy Carter Act 2   in a rodeo chilling oh we about to be dancing  huh put them hands together we clapping woo we [Music] Dr this feels like  a 60s kind of song e y i n come on come on that's her  mom's main name [Music] right us be you looking for new America tired time  in half half to P I just pray that we don't   crash keep my Bible on the dash we got to keep  the woo while fire burn his house down insance   ain't going P no [ __ ] so hold please man  got no Mone in Bank turn up the in radio he   can't watch the news nowaday I just pray that  he don't crash his CST on the dash he got to keep Little Beach voice [Music] come on come  on come on this song is crazy it's got tons of   energy I like the little Beach Boys uh lyric  there this is [Music] fun shake it [Music] ladies tou it don't you in the B come it I pop  it I walk it like I I got you first [Music] walking let [Music] lose good God I don't want to  I got put your lips on my lip anding like a keep   moving Got Me O you might know what you're doing  put them bab to bed swe out the she up all night   and now you don't want to leave I can Soo your  pain yeah I'm Call My Name world of wind got you ins it's giving me the me I just got to know I wonder how hard  it was for her to be able to sample that   beach boy line cuz I know those dudes  are just like Again The Gatekeepers we   talked about earlier they love to sue for  everything so it must have been a little   bit to swaying I should say to get that to get  those lyrics approved but this song has energy   the instruments are dope again her voice she  sounds like a rocker in this we going bu it down got that old school VI Man yor On The  Dance Floor daddy so pretty in my mouth take M if you ain't got noit get the [ __ ] about the life is coming every keep my  Bible on the dash in my seat just   in case I blast I just want to shake  my ass o I just want to shake my ass ooting in love boy so fun  [Music] got y'all dancing   come on this is too fun this guitar is [Music] crazy [Music] oh o we just got another Flawless transition  hold up before we go into the next though like   we had to talk about that a little bit Yaya was  crazy the lyrics the the vibe to it it was just   upbeat fast we're dancing to that I was getting  on the on the floor again just you know I love   to dance I don't care how goofy I look whatever  I hope y'all are having so much fun like I am the   Beach Boys little o to the beach boys with the  lyrics in there dope it sound like a straight   up rock song to me like a like um like a 50s 60s  kind of rock song where You' see them be doing   like a dance Aon or whatever next is oh Louisiana  Beyonce chuckberry away from hell yeah chuckberry man Rock [Music] pioner she put me in shame and in sorrow and I come home tomorrow [Music] dope next song Desert Eagle track  number 22 man she served us man she's feeding us whole lot Woman kisses on yeah you are it's  baby you can crash C cash out on a video cash out   to see the rodeo put on a show and make it nasty  Desert Eagle in the back seat everything bigger in   Texas big busted open feed you breakfast catch  me in the bathroom sing baby let me sink into   your arm me till it's done e keep CL let you love  me like a lady yeah doy crey in the middle yeah are you serious she says some crazy [ __ ] Dosey  Do and get it creamy in the middle yeah one bite   in the box is yours jeez and you guys hear  that funky base on here too that sounds so good yes I'm sure I will want some [Music] more [Music] damn the inuendos River  Dance about to be river dancing dance dance   dance dance dance dance dance Bounce on this  [ __ ] dance dance Bounce on this [ __ ] dance   dance Bounce on this [ __ ] d d  bounce on this [ __ ] no P Bounce   on [ __ ] Dan bounce on that [ __ ] Dan bounce on  that [ __ ] Dan bounce on this [ __ ] no [Music] hands through the river river tearing down the barrel of his gun yes see  shut me down I died and someone brought me back   to life but never to my senses bounce on this  [ __ ] Dan dance Bounce on this [ __ ] dancece   on [ __ ] dancece on sharing down Barr my yes I  shut you down he cried the day he realized that   lies were hidden in my kisses bounce on that  [ __ ] bounce on [ __ ] Dan dance Bounce on   that [ __ ] dance dance Bounce on that [ __ ]  no it was Tangled in my arms he was my mess   my ball string I would give him everything my  thunderstorm and Second Chances bounce on that   [ __ ] Dan dance Bounce on [ __ ] dance dance  Bounce on [ __ ] dance dance Bounce on [ __ ] [Music] no make amends arrest me and read me my  right I plan to steal your heart again   on Saturday and suay night bounce on [ __ ]  dance shoun on shce bounce on [ __ ] me around   your little finger me around your wedding  ring your take the shape my body Mak that [Music] the No Hands through the river through the river [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the river through the river  through the river the riv come on come on I know y'all can  dance better than me get [Music] up sh dance sh dancece sh Dan woo that was  another one of my favorites on the album so   far I am saving River Dance that was fun  all right next one two hands to [Music] Heaven high heaven wildes wild God Only Knows Why yeah yeah yeah yeah r B   and diamonds both shine in the light  two hands to Heaven my whiskey up high only only knows why in the Arizona heat I'm a fling saw  your best slipp my dreams every night be   the good guy who am I to judge my baby who  am I to love my baby uh uh purple colored   pink sugar cane hitting them 16 switches candy  apple green candy past ring 24 in spin swirl   don't judge me baby you would never judge me  baby in whiskey two hands to Heaven Coy wild   oh only only why why why 10,000 steps towards  the time of your life two hands to Heaven my whiskey only God Only Knows Why why to Heaven I  pray priest for my soul Lely daggers P my heart   many moons of goxy roses checked by wolves  and Carnivor lost virgins with broken wings   that will I'm Aion running no Candle in  the Wind you won't ever see me coming or   going but you know when I'm here Dancing in the  Moonlight catching every Breeze my feet on the dash Noble on my minding I will carry on carry  on carry on carry on carry on sometimes I get so lost in her voice that I'm  even missing the lyrics but they sound they   sound really good I I just need to I need to  break them down better while I'm listening cuz   I just get so caught up in her beautiful  voice of your life two hands to Heaven my whiskey only only know diamonds both shining the  light two hands to Heaven coyotes R Wild God Only God only knows why only God only knowen I pray priest for my soul lovely  daggers piss my heart many moons ago roses   Che by Wes and Carnivor off virgin with  broken wings that will regrow [Music] [Music] H help me out in the comments please break  this song down for me if you guys have already   kind of analyzed it and whatever I'm a little bit  lost but again I think it's just cuz I get lost in   like the production of the song I get lost in her  voice so it's it seems like for me it seems like   she's saying a lot and I'm missing a lot there  again it's like oh it's 2:30 in the morning here [Music] now my whole life for you [Music] and this the real you  this the real me I can't do nothing but eny please me my FIT over these hips you grip I  grind and taste this wine I'm a taste what I'm a so sexy you want to go that's fine with me I'll  never stop you you never stop me from being   whatever we need to be and in these dark times  I'm so glad that this love is blinding cuz all   I see is the best of you and all you see is  the best of me and you bring out the best of   me and all I see is everything your go your  and I'm being and I biger meaning so let's   lose in the sheets yeah and when I get up to  walk I want to feel weak yeah I ain't going   so stay where you are where are you part in  Venus and we woke up in I've been waiting my life I'm going to give you the best years of  your life you and I I've been waai my whole life beautiful what a beautiful song it had that  that length of like Virgo's Groove but it was a   slower obviously song a ballad and it sounds like  to me just a love song at the end here at least   and just I don't know if anyone writes sexier  lyrics than than Beyonce where she says here I   can't do nothing but Envy huh Bliss please your  love run through me like lava pull my FIT over   these hips you grip I grind then taste this  wine I'm going to taste what's mine cuz I'mma   take what's mine damn that's so sexy I Need You  Beyonce Jay-Z you lucky son of a [ __ ] boy Carter   next song time to strike a match and light up  this juke joint t one one by you hang them high   your hands are steady in your sleep at night  how did you your heart stone I can't let hang   man answer me now you owe me a debt you stole him  from me I ha it once I envy you now just tell me   how tell me how [Music] oh [Music] yeah don't me  get up it up back outside I'm on the road get up up let's go da [Music] She's aant Every time I ride it every  time I ride it make it look so good   try to justify it boy you know they  looking for me how we going to hide   it try to like Hy I am such a every time  I ride it every time I ride this I don't   like to sit up in the S boy I got it  just relax I got this I got that exed so da did his thing on this this production  is so damn fire the bass the what that like   a like a violin in the back there and  of course sexy is always [Music] Beyonce   be a fiddle after me seen what a tredy  heying trying to get away we trying to   catch that's so sexy and I know it and  IID show it baby I'm baby I'm [Music] glowing know she talking about there  make it look so good try to jusy it   boy know they looking for me how we going to  hideing like I am such a did you get us Chang missing the Divine H man Teach me how not to cry  how not to cry I'm not to cry she got that [Music] damn if I do damn it if I don't okay every iide good for me how we going to hi like I  am such a every time R it's clearly a   Beyonce album guys we got some country we  got some hip-hop we got some rock back to   the hip-hop here da Got That Dope he surely  does this dude does not miss he produced   an excellent track here again Beyonce just  with the sex so much sex she's so sexy it's crazy this is definitely a [ __ ] [Music] song I am such a ter now you ow me a   you sto him from I hat you I  you now just tell me how tell me next track sweet honey bucking shabo's [Music] back time is all I [Music] secret  so tell me how you ly the BS Che   you can hear when I step the pained  ited money longer can't fit in the   bed it don't matter what no says boy  the day that I'm de you smoke [Music] toming baby stepping that s my on my  feet they in the bag only thing last   and I'm still going up like a l  and I'm still in the FI like on the onbre booty at [Music] the on good on to the I'm coming  home here we go I'm coming home I'm coming home we' come a long way from  the rough rid from the railroad [Music] to this is crazy I I need to find out who  this uh shabzi dude is he's cool I like   that rap that started off in the beginning  talking about how he's country and whatnot is cool so come with me your [Music] put a flow me all [Music] night oh for real tast honey [Music] Hy wow bucking Buck bucking like  a mechanical bu bucking bucking   bucking W Bing bucking a good night  money is full look at that horse look   at that horse look at that horse  pretty as hell natural [Music] oning a good night patience stand is right at  The Rim was just going in it do it again I I   by that [ __ ] on the chin come back and  [ __ ] up the P the hey yes she finally   finally uh came at it like album of the year  I ain't win I ain't stunting about them take   that [ __ ] on the chin come back and [ __ ] up  the pen so true man she keeps getting she keeps   getting screwed by the Grammys man they're  that's why like not even a real award show anymore no top feel Wi on my skin  snakes on the they don't listen   to them they bite every once and  again but it get stumped down when wecking like a mechanical bu [ __ ]  [ __ ] [ __ ] wo [ __ ] yeah a good   night the money is full look at that  horse look at that look at that Prett as [Music] H yank your chaining things they at the  is you is you hit the runway I'm late pictur my DNA on [Music] my like a mechanical bull yeah  Sweet Honey Bucket oo you hear them horses woo so we got farel in there we  had we had shabzi in there who I don't   know but you guys are going to let me know  in the comments cuz I know my beehive I love   y'all for always giving me the info always  giving me the details just another badass   song we're on the final track we're almost  hitting 2 hours here let's go we are on Amen it is almost 3 in the morning here I'm fading   but she's keeping me awake let's go  can see you hurting badly Hur Hur hey oo piano Mery on bab Merc mercy on me I see you hard  and see you please have mercy on [Music] me this House was built with Blood and  Bone and a crumbled yes a crumbled come on the   statues they made were beautiful but they were  lies of stone they were lies of stone trumpets BL with Silent Sound I need to  make you proud tell me can you   hear me nowo mercy on me mercy have mercy on me yeah I can see you Hur and see you Hur [Music] for it's crazy she's  taking us you know on a journey   this album it's been country it's been  Rock it's been hip-hop rap um we got   some uh gospel here like this feels like  she's taking us to church I love [Music] it came back around full circle God she's the goat she's the [Music] goat she is the goat greatest of all time the  way she just brought that around full circle   like that and I just know if you had this on  Loop I bet you it goes back into song number one perfectly wow nothing I just had to hear if it if it actually does  like loop back around like that wow guys holy   [ __ ] we made it through it is just about 3:00  a.m. here where I'm at I am tired I don't know if   I gave you guys the exact reaction I always want  to with the energy I always have but I had a lot   of fun there was some absolute bangers of songs  Beyonce has broken down the door to country music   she's telling them that she's here she here to  stay she can she's telling she can do whatever   she wants to do because she is the goat songs  I really truly enjoyed 16 carriages just hits   a hits hits my heartstrings every single time  I hear it I love that song it means so much I   feel like it has um very very very very much  meaning to the American dream and just kind   of the precipice of that and how she was able to  you know come up through it all Blackbird which   is originally a beatle song I guess and written  by Paul McCartney I thought that was beautiful I   like that uh they kind of broke down the barriers  quick and um gave love to the black women in our   country because you know they've been through  so much and they're still going through so much   every single day it's it's it's messed up the way  we treat them protector was extremely beautiful   obviously that one almost made me cry just cuz  it just the way the way she was oozing out her   love for her daughters and everybody that was  fantastic I like Willie Nelson On on the uh the   little um Segways those are really cool Texas  hold them obviously bodygard I think bodyguard   was my favorite on the track that's the one  with the honey honey something I saved that   uh her rendition of Jolene I mean what else can  we say that was incredible she made it her own   she she sounded Flawless on that uh spaghetti I  thought was cool basically telling those girls   that they have no sauce no FL Flor um what else  Yaya Yaya was extremely unique I've never heard   a track like that before in my life I got up  I was dancing I was feeling it there was like   different textures and tones to it I thought that  was really dope River Dance was sick um and then   Tyrant Tyrant with DA got that dope da went nuts  on that he produced a fantastic track I thought it   was extremely sexy hot that's a probably a [ __ ]  song same with um was it River Dance that seemed   like it was a [ __ ] song too but fantastic album  guys I mean she didn't make us wait that long it   was only from you know the Super Bowl to now  it's not even April yet so not even two months   we had to wait but it felt like an eternity cuz we  were just waiting with anticipation for this album   and she did not disappoint mother Queen Beyonce  the queen bee fed us with this album it's going   to be on Loop I'm going to be playing it a lot  just kind of trying to break down more of the   lyrics too it sucks that Spotify didn't have the  lyrics I was trying to kind of distract it going   back and forth but that's okay cuz I love to  see what story an artist is trying to tell I   think that's very very very important but let  me know what you guys think what you what you   think of the album did you love it did it give  you everything you desired did you did you like   all the different elements that she Incorporated  in this album it really wasn't a country album it   really was a Beyonce album like she said um but  there's definitely songs in there that should get   her those fake ass Grammys you know his Grammys  are lame they're I don't even know what they're   even based on anymore um but what's your favorite  song let me know in the comments give me a thumbs   up if you like this video I hope you guys had fun  with me it is 3 in the morning I am tired it's   time for your boy Juke to get some sleep I'll see  you guys tomorrow hopefully we'll see when this   gets uploaded but thanks for being here I love  you guys as always and I'll catch you next time yeah yeah yeah
Channel: JUKE JAMS
Views: 70,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music Reaction, Song Review, Music Critique, Album Reaction, New Music Reaction, Artist Reaction, Rock Music Reaction, Hip Hop Reaction, Live Performance Reaction, Viral Song Reaction, Music Video Reaction, First-Time Reaction, Cover Song Reaction, International Music Reaction, Music Reaction and Analysis, 2023 Music Reaction, Fan Requests Reaction, Music Discovery, Classic Hits Reaction, Music Commentary, Celebrity Music Reaction, R&B Reaction, doja cat, billie eilish
Id: 9zEpnPM8Ang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 29sec (6329 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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