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what's goody turn up fam today we're going to be watching Interstellar now I hope your fine ass is ready for this because I'm not because this damn movie is three hours long and I mean three hours like I watch some long ass movies so far but godamn what y'all need to cover in that time there's got to be some gold in this movie some gems I better walk away from this with my entire life completely planned out and maybe I will so we'll see we shall see but I've gotten a few requests to watch this movie so wanted to go ahead and jump into this I know that it takes place in space at least for a part of the movie um I know that from the cover of the film and I know that Matthew MCC and an hathway are in this there might be others in the cast but those are the two names that I recognized when I looked at the cast list I can't remember there're probably going to be other actors that I recognize when I watch the movie but I can't remember who they are right now those are the two names that stood out to me so yeah I'm going into this uh pretty blind I am excited because I think that this is a pretty um critically acclaimed film is it critically acclaimed am I making that up I think so I think people like this movie and if not well then I hope I do um so yeah I'm ready to get into this if you are ready with your fine ass go ahead grab a snack turn me up and let's get into Interstellar [Music] I'm excited I haven't watched the space movie like ever computer too tight it all down I need power up oh gosh is he about to crash dad yikes go back to bed B I thought you were the ghost so did that happen to him or was that just a nightmare seems really real and we still had corn we had acres of corn but uh mostly we had dust oh wow this is like a documentary style oh what's happening I wonder if that older one of the older woman that was speaking is his daughter in the future is your ghost it knocked it off my shelf Nelson's torching his whole crop last Harvest for okra ever ever I mean without our Farmers it's a wrap for for all of us so find the gear hit the patch kit I wonder when this takes place like what year is this get in oh did he gain control of it how does he have the tech to do that is there something connected to the work that he does late Co he we had a flat we got Tom scores back he's going to make an excellent farmer what about college the world needs Farmers when does this take place this must be sometime in the future when this happens murf is a great kid she's really bright but she's been having a little trouble lately she brought this in to show the other students it's an old Federal textbook we've replaced them with the corrected versions you don't believe we went to the moon I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda murf got into a fist fight with several of her classmates over this Apollo nonsense damn a fist fight she was out here knocking them out because they disagreed I'm sure he's a proud father something's interfering with the compass magnetism some [Music] such I count the spaces in case the ghost is trying to communicate oh so this this ghost that she keeps mentioning must have some significance popcorn at a ball game is unnatural can you imagine seeing that that would be terrifying I would be thinking that that's the end of the world it's a rap hang it up flat screen what is that I mean I know that they're saying it's the ghost that looks so cool though it's not Morse Murph it's binary coordinates I wonder what he did previously cuz he had to be in a different lot of work before like or he studied science when you went to [Music] school make yourself useful they have a really cute relationship I think this is the end of the roading the Bol Cutters my girl oh my gosh they are such enablers for each [Laughter] other step away from the fence did they just tase him oh is this how he gets into space you had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map where did you get those coordinates where's my daughter don't make me take you down again wait that's what was talking to him yo this is amazing think I'll turn you into an overqualified vacum cleaner no you won't is this Annie it is hey girl I knew Dr Brown once he was a professor what makes you think I'm not your daughter is fine Dad hello Cooper oh he knows them you know my father Professor brand R NASA oh yeah he's going to go to space with them isn't he this is NASA daddy do an underground unit wow wow the corn will die soon damn even Corn's going to be gone the last people to starve will be the first to suffocate and your daughter's Generations that's a terrifying Prospect starvation is the way that we go out we're not meant to save the world we're meant to leave it oh this is awesome so they're going to go to like another planet or something you sent people out there looking for a new home the Lazarus missions that sounds cheerful Lazarus came back from the dead sure but he had to die in the first place I can't tell you anymore unless you agree to Pilot this craft oh oh he used to work for NASA I'm loving this honestly this is so dope this reveal Cinema I've got kids Professor good out there and save them M yeah your children won't survive if you don't do this out near Saturn a disturbance of SpaceTime had a wormhole a wormhole someone placed it there whoever they are they appear to be looking out for us they they've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach you seen probes in that we sent people into it other life what 12 possible worlds 12 Ranger launchers carrying the bravest humans ever to live and so they haven't returned that's a little Gary their mission was to assess their world and what if the world didn't show promise they would diey there's a plan A and A Plan B Plan B population bomb over 5,000 fertilized eggs then 30 years we could have a colony of hundreds yeah what about the people here you just that's why plan a is a lot more fun okay I was about to say y just going to leave the current population defend for themselves that would be deep find us a new home and by the time you return I will have solved the problem of gravity oh did he tell her that would be devastating especially given how close they are Tom will be all right but you got to make things right with murf without making promises you don't know you can keep that's the hard part is like you don't know that she'll be back in her lifetime I need to fix this before I go I'll keep it broken so you have to stay oh look at the books look at this it says State no I'm coming back oh this is heartbreaking one for you one for me time's going to change for me and by the time I get back we we might even be the same age that's one way to break it to her that it might be years decades even no idea oh don't make me leave like this merf wow this is oh she's killing me I love you oh guys that's an awful way to leave things he off to save the world oh gosh this is going to break my heart the score in this is so good 3 2 oh wow we're going right up into space everybody good plenty of slaves from my robot Colony I gave him a he settings we fit him better with his unit I love Nars so sarcastic is are we going to see because this looks just like the the spacecraft that we saw in the beginning of movie that he was dreaming about does that mean that he was dreaming about a crash or something that happens in the future Ro modu report 500 M do they have to attach to it feel like something's not going to go right here it's too soon for things to go wrong though right I hope so yes did it wow look at the earth I think space is scary as [ __ ] but it looks really cool in the movie ronley hey you okay yeah okay I think we have some Dramamine in the Hat poot I'm just going to go get that Dramamine isn't that for like I sickness it looks good for your trajectory we've calculated 2 years oh so they're going to be what like an orbit for 2 years before the a reached the Wormhole can cling to while it catches its breaths oh is that how they sleep it's suain human life or that looks terrifying so much of this movie is like a horror movie to me hey guys dad's about to go down for the long nap oh is that like similar to cryosleep do he said the long that all right I gotta go Dad I'm sorry Coupe I asked murf to say hi she's as stubborn as her old man oh that sucks it's a sphar of course it is what you you thought it would just be a hole Wormhole Bend space like this they've turned three dimensional space into two-dimensional what's a circle in three dimensions sphere exactly spherical hole I wish I followed that but I sure didn't I don't know what the hell they talking about I'm sure part of that was for the audience but um yeah y'all can miss me with that wow look at it OMG oh they're going into it the graphics on this are amazing everybody ready to say a by to our solar system omg omg this is so trippy oh [ __ ] it's like a [Music] figure where's handshake ah was it really yo Miller side has kept pinging thumbs up as has Dr mans Miller still looks good though right with one complication the planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought it's what we're calling them the black hole Miller and Dr man's planets both orbited I'm assuming we don't want to go anywhere near a black hole might want to stare clear of that every hour we spend on that planet will be seven years back on Earth seven years okay plan a does not work if the people on Earth are dead by the time we pull it off that's true that's why there's a plan B Cooper is right we need to think about time as rese Source Just Like Oxygen and food going down yeah damn you already going to jump to plan B godamn you don't give a damn about the people that's on Earth what if we we take a wider orbit around gargant will parallel with Miller's planet outside of this time shift to here that'll work tars Factor orbited Gargantua I wouldn't leave you behind Dr bran detach here we go oh my goodness water wow 500 m is it going to land on the water oh it's shallow water that is awesome oh this is such a pretty Movie Everything Is So Exciting it feels so new I feel like I'm there with them Signal's coming from here does that mean that the person that was here is likely dead where's the rest where's the mountains those aren't Mountains they're waves oh my gosh they're waves oh [ __ ] y'all got to go that one's moving away from us so Miller who was here must have died because that's insane we're not leaving without her data we do not have time if you don't don't come [Music] on yo did he die this looks amazing and terrifying let it drain get your ass back here the difference is one of us was thinking about the mission you were thinking about getting home I was trying to do the right thing tell that to Doyle so he is dead what's this going to cost this brand decades oh [ __ ] decades what happened to Miller she was broken up by a wave soon after impacted because of the time bit she just landed hours ago oh my gosh so she just died Cooper is there another wave oh my gosh another one yeah y'all got to get your asses up out of there this planet sucks wow I've waited years 23 years 4 months 8 days it's been 23 years so his daughter would be in her 30s wow this is so so wild um finished second in school Grandpa attended ceremony I met another girl dad Murphy stole grandpa's car look at this oh my God she has a whole child his name's Jessie say byebye grandpa bye bye Grandpa sorry it's been a while like how hard would that be as the children like you would lose hope at some point I gu let you go wherever are dead that did a good job of casting that does look like him when he would be older too oh gosh murf hey Dad you son of a [ __ ] today is my birthday you once told me that when you came back we might be the same age oh wow and today I'm the age you were when you left oh wow we get to see her life I've never seen you in here before I've never been in here before oh she works at Nasa now tars kept the endurance right where we needed her I've 't calling the Machine T Nars and this actually TS my bad my bad TS I put some respect on your name I really believe Edmonds is the better Prospect why cantua you once said the Dr man was the best of us and yet yet here he is he's on the ground and he's sending a very unambiguous message telling us to come to his Planet well if we're going to vote there's something you should know she's in love with wolf Edmonds oh love isn't something we inv ended it's observable powerful it has to mean something love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space maybe we should trust that even if we can't understand it yet that is some novel [ __ ] that she spitting right now I mean I don't know if you go with that over the science but the writing there is so good TS CH a course for Dr man yeah so they're not going to go to 's Planet so how much time will they lose on this one where Dr man is hopefully they find him alive he's been asking for you since he came too I'm here Professor oh he's going to pass I wanted you to forgive me m i Li M wait what there was no need for him to come back there was no way to help us equation did my father know wait can he not it's plan a not possible no wait this is crazy you knew this was all a sham he left us here yo that is some wild [ __ ] and brand probably did know she cuz she has those what's it called the eggs she has the they have the ability to to repopulate once they get there so they probably knew all along that it wouldn't even be possible like it would be no point in coming back there's no point there's no way to save them that is some that is pretty that is messed up that is so messed up that they didn't tell oh my gosh yikes oh is this the planet that's on the cover of the movie I think so right oh he put himself in that leaping chamber thing it's proba proba been so long since he's seen another human I wonder how long it's been for him pray you never learned just how good it can be to see another face what about the others I'm afraid youit are R little chance of rescuing any others that sucks so any of the other ones that are still out there even if they're alive they're going to die alone over the years I've dropped various probes I Ki there really did most of the work Dr brand case is reing a message for you from Tom station oh no is this a message about her father oh gosh Dr brand I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today he was at peace brand did you know he told you right you left us here Dad I just want to know if you left me here to Die My Father dedicated his whole life to plan a I have no idea what she's talking about so she didn't know I do oh [ __ ] you never even HED to get the people off the Earth no all the incredible sacrifices being made by the people on Earth they're going to die he declared their case hopeless their case is hopeless no no we are the future wow so is everybody on Earth just going to die at the end of the movie I mean there's no way that they solved the equation his solution was correct he had it for years it's worthless it's half the answer I'm still trying to solve this do you have an idea a feeling I told you about my ghost I was never scared of it I called it a ghost because it felt felt like a person if there's an answer here on Earth it's back there somehow in that room gargant is an older spinning black hole something crossing the Horizon fast my might survive what to say there isn't some way that the probe can Glimpse the singularity and relay the quantum data just when did this probe become a he tar is the obvious candidate before you get all teary try to remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say oh my gosh tars no I don't want to lose tars I have to tell you Doctor man I'm honored to be a part of this but once we set up base camp my work's done here I'm going home oh that's cool I thought they were about to take off like a goddamn jetpack oh hey I bet you're coup it's bad they cannot stay here oh man the health is at risk that's probably why a lot of people are leaving too because they realize what's happening with the the cost of the polluted error is to the health truth is I never really considered the possibility that my Planet wasn't the one wait what the hell what is he doing what is this I can't let you leave with that [ __ ] oh my gosh are you serious this is too much you have a responsibility are you kidding me why the hell would he hit him like that he faked all the data yeah oh guys he was lying too what the hell is going on every this dirty ass Lions these goddamn scientists save your family we go live underground with you pray that Daddy comes to save us dad's not coming back you're going to save everybody his dad couldn't do it dad didn't even try the performances in this movie across the board are so good no there's a 50/50 chance you're going to kill yourself those are the best thoughts I've had in years I mean you let him do that to you you sat there on top of him and let him keep hitting you you feel it AR you a survival Instinct it's what drives all of us and it's what's going to save us yo a villain just the ultimate villain I can't watch help go go we're coming there's so much happening right now tell your sir she's about to burn the [Music] crops oh did she burn it forcing him to leave theya makes no sense so now romaly is going to find out that it was all a lie too man was lying R Ral do you Ry is he going to kill him or something oh my goodness what I just killed ramaley it's all because of that [ __ ] oh my goodness this is ridiculous if he takes control of that ship we're dead Dr man please respond there is no talking to this man he cannot be reasoned with I shouldn't be surprised though I mean all of that time that he spent alone with that does to the human psyche can't even imagine Auto doing sequence withheld override unauthorized unauthorized how you feeling do not attempt docking he's going to mess something up oh my gosh you idiot is it about to explode or something imperfect contact override yeah nut look at you can't even get in it's not going to work whatever he's trying to do he's about to die isn't he and it's going to ruin it for everybody see what you done did you done messed everything up for everybody oh God what are you doing knocking oh [ __ ] he's really about to dock if anybody can do is him go off Cas if I black out you take the stick lined up initiating spin oh my gosh the suspense is killing me they're going to nail it though I Know It please at least I think I know it oh [ __ ] she's knocked out Tus To The mothering rescue let's go tus you can do it baby yes oh [Music] incredible main engine on oh my gosh I love the music in this movie so much this score is just perfect killing main engines let's go and for our next trick we're heading into Gargantua pool oh wow that was awesome that entire sequence oh goodness they are this movie is just amazing me I don't even know what to say half the time I just want to look at it oh goodness look at the damage that was done we don't have enough life support to make it back to Earth but I think we can scratch our way to edon's Planet oh so they're definitely not going back to Earth so is he never going to see his daughter again or his son once we've gathered enough speed around Gargantua we use Lander one and Ranger 2 is rocket boost ERS to push us out of the black holes of gravity what land or one is spent tars will detach and get sucked right into that black hole Newton's third law the only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind oh we have to Lo leave Taurus behind he's a robot see you don't have to ask him to do anything it's what we intended Dr Bren no it's our only chance to save people on Earth why am I about to cry because of ours it's so ridiculous I'm about to cry cuz a tarus I love this robot this looks incredible one prepare to detach 3 two goodbye T goodbye Dr Brent see you on the other side C oh bye tars why do I want to cry right now so hard for tars Ranger 2 prepare to detach no no cooper cooper what are you doing Newton's third law you got to leave something behind wait for both of us oh no [Music] DET wait no they're not together anymore either side dipping beneath it to go through it it's all black Char you read me goodness this movie is going to give me a headache I just feel so emotional and all these [ __ ] all this flashing and [ __ ] this music it's a lot ah computer's going down [Music] oh my go it's about to sit on fire uh what they did with the audio right there was really cool but really scary and very eerie yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh that's so scary oh my gosh this is like a freaking horror movie OMG yo OMG where is he this is trippy as hell whoa this the books this is the books this is a book um shelf right oh my gosh oh my gosh he was the he was the ghost all along I'm about to cry again this is pretty incredible oh he's going to try to do moris cold but he should know that it never works Dash is she going to figure it out out as a when she's older is she going to figure it out somehow what's this Happ what's this oh and what did it say stay yo this is oh my gosh this is insane it says stay before Oh my gosh oh my gosh he was oh my gosh I am oh he was trying to communicate this entire time and it's not going to work make a mistake she's going to know don't let me leave M no no no no I don't know what I have nothing to say but she realizing that she's older it was you is he still there no he's is I don't even know time is it's time cooper cooper come tus you survived somewhere in their Fifth Dimension they saved us they is it the one with the handshake earlier in the movie you've seen that time is represented here as a physical Dimension gravity can cross the dimensions do you have the quantum data I'm transmitting and on all wavelengths but nothing is getting out such complicated data to a child not just any a child oh [ __ ] is she going to remember it as an adult cuz she he gave her the data she won't understand its significance for years but she will at some point they didn't bring us here to change the past they didn't bring us here at all we brought ourselves yep so what does that mean oh my goodness I'm so hyped for this finale D could be coordinates for NASA and binary oh the dust yes and she was like that's the ghost it's the whatever the lines on the floor were did you get it yet I brought myself here we're the bridge they didn't choose me they chose her they chose her I'm about to cry again every moment it's infinitely complex they have access to infinite time and space but they're not bound by anything at this point I'm just crying cuz I'm going to find a way to tell murf just like I found this moment how Cooper the love tars love it's just like BR said love it is quantif it's the key the watch we code the data into the movement of the second hand oh my gosh I'm really going through it right now y'all she will I'm really going through it he's coming M okay you got it sis you got it you got it you got it it's the [Music] watch does she see [Music] it has it been doing it for oh my gosh this is some of the best [ __ ] I have ever seen in film I'm sorry y'all I can't stop crying she did it she's going to save the world the bulk beings are closing the Tesseract they're not beings they're us is it closing right now oh my gosh that is freaky this is is this who shakes her hand oh my [Music] goodness he's alive Mr Cooper nice and easy Mr Cooper remember you're no spring chicken anymore actually you are 124 years old is he going to be able to see his daughter again oh my gosh I'm going to break down crying what the hell Cooper station Cooper station currently orbiting Saturn coer Station oh my gosh and she's still alive she'll be here in a couple weeks that had to be her in the documentary thing one of them right maybe not I don't know wow this is [Laughter] crazy for me oh my goodness this is like a replica of their home hey is this yeah the uh the machine we found under Saturn it's a power source shop but we could get you another one if you want to TS what about and halfway character ailia humor 75% Auto self-destruct team minus 10 n let's make that 60% yeah they all came out to see her she's been in cryosleep for almost 2 years is it Amelia or is it his daughter it was me m oh she goost people didn't believe me they thought that I was doing it all myself oh my [Laughter] gosh he was in orbit that entire time that's insane I didn't know if they would ever see each other again and the fact that they have this is amazing no parents should have to watch their own child di it took her entire life you go [Music] where brand oh brand so she is here she's out there oh the thought of her being here alone I want to come and save her I'm so tired of crying in the movie in the movie maybe right now she's settling in for the long nap please let us see him make it to her [Music] please no okay I don't feel like moving out of my chair so I'mma tough it through this quick review of that movie I don't think I've ever cried so much watching a movie and I'm not done crying but I just got to say that that was amazing that was incredible it looked amazing that was a beautiful movie I Love The Way It Was Written has some great lines what they way they talked about love wait let me just I need to look up the quote love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of space and time good [ __ ] oh my gosh this was incredible I'm I'm so glad that I watched this oh my goodness film making at is finest Christopher Nolan and whoever wrote this damn movie better go off this was amazing top tier performances Matthew MCC ate this [ __ ] up along with everybody else that ending destroys me and that's why I need to go cry because I didn't be a I wasn't able to let out a good good cry about it but now I'm amped up on um not adrenaline but now I'm feeling more energized by the movie than I am feeling like um depleted all energy I just um I love that movie it was worth the three hours oh my gosh I love that movie so much it was that that swerve that plot twist that has so many of them from the realization that plan a was never really a plan to um Dr man's character betraying them and then the way he ended up dying and then tars and Amilia um Cooper like detaching from them and not like saying anything to Amilia about it to finding out that her dad was the freaking ghost all along and he gave her the key to to New World it stresses me out how good this movie was I loved it I loved it and I love the message about love um that love they said what did they say love aside from that other quote love is I think they said like OB it can be observed it's not something invented H incredible movie 10 out of 10 no notes wow I need to go cry now so let me know what you thought about the movie Down Below in the comments um can't wait to hear if I was the only one balling my eyes out watching this thank you so much for watching um and I will see y'all next time peace
Channel: Turn Up the Mike
Views: 7,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interstellar, interstellar movie reaction, interstellar reaction, interstellar 2014, interstellar 2014 reaction, first time watching, first time watching interstellar, movie commentary, movie reaction, movie review, interstellar review, interstellar movie review, christopher nolan
Id: vhDsrhhI8M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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